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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 168 KB, 425x225, 157_feature1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6590175 No.6590175 [Reply] [Original]

They should be more popular overseas than they are here in Ausfailia.

>> No.6590202

I had one from a place called Sultan's Market in Chicago, it was full of delicious lamb. I need more.

>> No.6590214

An Aussie transplant sells meat pies near here and I've had them. They're pretty damn delicious. I think they're beef, lamb, and mutton.

>> No.6590216

We actually have an Australian meat pie place here in Montreal, pretty good tbh

>> No.6590219

Well that goes without saying.

t. where you got it from.

>> No.6590233

There used to be an Aussie-style pie shop in my neighborhood, but they moved. I make do with empanadas and kolaches.

>> No.6590236


God I love Sausage rolls.

Are they actually easy to make at home? Anyone have any simple recipes?

>> No.6590253

Minced meat and pastry and bake it for a while

Same with the Meat Pie

Us Aussies aren't very technical we just slap meat into bread and bake it.

I read that Pieface was kinda popular in the US for a little while but that trend fell off.

>> No.6590327

Do pasties count as meat pies?

>> No.6590333

Well, saw them at an international market and I shoulda bought em cause the price shot up from 9.00 USD a box to 21.00 USD a box.

>> No.6590338

UK sausage rolls are god-tier. I have never tried Aussie style but they sound delicious

>> No.6590344


>> No.6590349
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>> No.6590359

these things are usually shit unless you make them yourself

>> No.6590419

M8, you can make simple ones by skinning some sausages and baking the meat in puff pastry with eggwash and a bit of S&P.

>> No.6590422

>an Aussie-style pie shop
Now what does that entail exactly? I'm curious to know how it was Australian and not British, where the Australians got them from.

>> No.6590437

Kangaroo and Koala meat m8

>> No.6590439

And chunder

>> No.6590443


We have an australian cafe in Georgia in the US, in Marietta Square...

They make these things and sell them to unsuspecting customers. The square is sort of a tourist trap so it's a constant stream of new people that don't know better...

It's pretty shitty.

I can see why it's not catching on.

>> No.6590451

Well that was an informative post.

>> No.6590539

Ausfags, how does Garlo's rate when it comes to pies? Their first location outside of Australia opened here in Los Angeles. I wasn't all that impressed.

It also seems like they don't operate just as a restaurant/take-out type outfit in Oz, so maybe that's the issue?

>> No.6590542

Ive lived in Sydney all my life and never heard of them until just now.

A pie is a pie is a pie. There's shit ones but there's no AMAZING 11/10 BETTER THAN THE REST pie.

So long as it has good filling and good crust it's a good pie. Also doesn't fall apart.

In high school we used to put a meat pie in a bread roll and smash it to pieces and add tomatoe sauce. MMM carbs.

>> No.6590554

> live in America
> don't even know meat pies are a thing until /ck/ tells me

I would like to post a sad frog, but I'm not sure if you can on mobile, so forgive the emoticon because it is necessary.


Seriously meat pies sound delicious, all we have are shitty frozen pot pies here. Think I'll try to make some this weekend.

>> No.6590572

Makes me wanna move to America and open up a meat pie truck and see how much I can make.

Aussie Banter from an Aussie larrikin bringing the people to the truck. Good food keeping them there. Might even sell Ginger Beer and Lambingtons.

Do you know what ginger beer and lambingtons are in the US?

>> No.6590579

>They should be more popular overseas than they are here in Ausfailia.
The food police kind of killed the double-crust pie idea in the USA in the 80s. All that vegetable shortening, or evil hydrogenated fat containing storebought lard.

That's about it. People have no problem pouring butter on popcorn, eating bags of potato chips, eating a ton of sweets, but pies fell out of fashion like in England and Australia. It's that whole double-starch kind of problem as well, Four food groups, food pyramid education, teaches us that 2 veggies on the dinner plate, only one grain/starch, and then the protein 25%. You guys serve mashed potatoes with pie, and mushy peas, and gravy! It's not unique in the world, like it's alright in eastern europe where they stuff pasta with potatoes, but in the US? Nah.

Places in latin america/caribbean and in the US with those immigrants...we like empanadas and pasteles/pastelitos, or versions of jamaican meat patties, all kinds of meat stuffed pies. It's ethnic food. That influence also changes the type of sausages we have in the US...quite spicier or heavily spiced with cumin, argentinean, dominican, puerto rican, you name it. The "american" style of sausage is not English, but more a german or polish origin, hot dogs and keilbasa are the predominant forms outside of fennel-delicious italian sausage. Breakfast sausage is sage-and red pepper flake flavors. If I want to make Scotch Eggs, I have to blend my own sausage. There's no english source butchers or brands here. Plus we don't like mad cow English imports and leave it alone from abroad.

>> No.6590580
File: 18 KB, 400x300, Pie butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to fucking claim our cultural achievements, cunt.

>> No.6590587
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>but pies fell out of fashion like in England and Australia.

Now I know that's not true for either of those countries, or for the rest of the UK. Not sure about the spuds or the kiwis.

>> No.6590597

That's not a roll. And it's not crushed to pieces. I've eaten that plenty of times though as a poorfag. Microwaved meatpie + bread + sauce.

You a UKcuck?

>> No.6590603
File: 495 KB, 687x521, BeefPotato_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way non carb fucking shits

>> No.6590607
File: 137 KB, 500x362, beef-curry-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way non spicy flavoured shits

>> No.6590612

Well naturally I am, Bruce. I would have posted the pie barm but I can;t for the life find it. Good to see you use the correct term and not a cob or roll like some southern ponce.

>> No.6590619
File: 29 KB, 472x310, Steak and ale pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer chicken tikka if we are going for a curry pie.

The best all around pie is a good old steak and ale however.

>> No.6590627
File: 490 KB, 1280x709, 1433807077399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry lad the best is the standard meat and gravy. Then probably shepherds/chicken/curry.

>mfw no meat pie delivery service in sydney afaik

why live

>> No.6590646


People often fail to understand that the number of different ingredients with carbs is absolutely irrelevant as long as the total nutritional value of the meal is balanced.
You can stack potatoe wedges, rice, cereal and pasta on a piece of baguette and end up with a perfectly healthy meal.

Italians also combine potatoes with pasta btw.
Gnocchi is quite good.

>> No.6590652

>meat and gravy
What, you mean steak and gravy? Steak and ale is essentially that but the gravy is made using ale, you wacky Strayan.

>> No.6590668

>They make these things and sell them to unsuspecting customers

Buying a meat pie is pretty fucking straight-forward. Unsuspecting of what, exactly?

>> No.6590677

Garlo's are shit.
Most store-brand Aussie meat pies are shit.
Better off going to a decent bakery or making them yourself at home.

>> No.6590679

I'm an Aussie and I don't even know what the fuck a lambington is.
Is it a lamb pie?

>> No.6590684
File: 1.16 MB, 1708x2071, lamby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been designed in NZ

>> No.6590686

I tried to make puff pastry sausage rolls for the Superbowl this year. I screwed up the pastry and the butter melted before it puffed, but there are worse things that can happen to food than sitting in a pool of sizzling butter.

>> No.6590811

>actually eating mutton

Holy shit I thought that was sold for pets

>> No.6590962

Kangaroo meat is actually quite nice.

>> No.6590964

>The food police kind of killed the double-crust pie idea in the USA

You've phrased your theory so plausibly, but it's still wrong. We eat meat pies in the United States. They have a different form factor than Old World meat pies, that's all.

>> No.6590967

Whenever I got ahold of a meat pie like this first thing I would do would be to make it into a pie floater. No regrets. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6591012

me rn:
>what the fuck is a pie floater?
>google "pie floater"
>that looks awesome!
Meat, pies, and pea-soup are three of my favorite things.

>> No.6591328

... even though there should really be no difference, I always preferred the meat pies/sausage rolls in NZ.

Steak and cheese and potato-top pies are godly.

>> No.6591332

I agree dutch fad here but the NZ stuff is better, also the kiwi hot, the kiwi hot sauce

>> No.6591335

Lamingtons are a dessert treat that became popular under a guy named lord Lamington, who hated the stuff. Naturally, we named it after him.

I actually can't believe you're australian if you don't know what a lamington is.

>> No.6591338

No way in hell would an Australian misspell that. Are you a New Zealander? Or, even worse, a first generation immigrant?

>> No.6591346
File: 1.88 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150507_170320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to cooking, but a while back I made something similar, really easy and delishious as fuck.
Premade puff pastry, cut some strips from it using a pizza cutter, and fold em over a minced meat mixture of you choice.
I did
>baked onion
>minced meat
>seasoned with a lot of curry & thyme, and some worcester sauce + pepper & salt
>bake, add some beef or chicken stock
>thick it out with some breadcrumbs or similar

>> No.6591348

Mutton is pretty good, I made some mutton stew the other day and have been eating it for 3 days.

Stop being so closed minded and try some unusual foods, you'll either like it or you won't .

>> No.6591349

They have a gorgeous sheen to them, would try

>> No.6591361


>> No.6591371
File: 287 KB, 1000x1500, pasties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6591375

Yes, pasties. Why are you posting a woman?

>> No.6591380

The nipple thingies are also known as pasties.

>> No.6591385

I care not for American nonsense.

>> No.6591390

It's a term used in Australia too. There's an Aunty Jack bit that play on the pun.

>> No.6591524

>Being this autistic


But honestly do Americans know about Lambingtons? Sponge cake with chocolate and or raspberry filling coated in coconut?

It's my favourite insulin spiking desert with chocolate cake

>> No.6591534

I can understand making the mistake in the first place, but why continue spelling it that way, man?

The last American (Texas) I bothered to ask didn't know what it was, but the last Canadian (Manitoba) that came over knew what they were.

>> No.6591541


1: Why were you posting on 4chan about pies at 9 in the morning?

2: Why did you choose to post the most unappealing looking pie and sausage roll I've seen outside of a servo?

>> No.6591542


The best ones are usually made by Hungarian/Eastern Yuros or Vietnamese bakeries.

>> No.6591579

love meat pies, but I can only get them at "english"/"irish" pubs around here

usa btw

>> No.6591601

Hey now friend, Mrs Mac pies are amazing, as well as Four N' Twenty. Surely you can agree?

>> No.6591851
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>eating brit "food"

>> No.6591886

Why the fuck wouldn't it

>> No.6592279

>It's pretty shitty.

Go back to your McDonald's. I've been to the Australian Bakery, and their pies and sausage rolls are fantastic.

>> No.6592290

south african here, we eat meat pies and sausage rolls all the time
in fact, if someone says pie they mean meat pie
if they're talking about sweet pies like in america they'll propbably call it a tart or something

>> No.6593375

NZ Pies> Aus Pies
Aussie pastry is all wrong, Should go with flaky on top like NZ

>> No.6593383

I can't speak about New Zealand, but Australian pies come in all shapes and sizes. Some have flaky pastry, some don't. Some have lots of gravy. Some have large chunks of meat. Some fall apart as soon as you bite into them. Some hold their shape down to the last bite.

Are all pies in New Zealand just made in a factory and shipped out to the rest of the country or something?

>> No.6593388

There's only 1 factory in NZ and they share duties exporting wool and meat pies

>> No.6593389

we have chicken pot pies in america

>> No.6593396

Not much talk of sausage rolls

Only Ukcucks eat them?

>> No.6593398

We get them old man.


>> No.6593419
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>le 2008 best pie tshirt


>> No.6593425
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>That disgusting picture
>Aussies in charge of pies and sausage rolls
Kiwi master race

>> No.6593426

They're what you eat when you don't have enough change for a pie, or are afraid of spilling gravy on your good clothes.

>> No.6593427

How did the meat get so dry?

>> No.6593428

Always feel slightly like a faggot for shoveling a 6 inch meat stick into your mouth though

>> No.6593435


Mrs Mac is my main bitch when it comes to gas station/Diary pies

>> No.6593474
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>not getting the joke

>> No.6593481

It comes naturally to you doesn't it?

>> No.6593490

How does it feel anon to be so objectively wrong?

>> No.6593492

A pasty isn't a pie m8.

>> No.6593503

Sometimes one has to say let's do it.


>> No.6593504


when you find a place that makes it with gravy on top, instead of sauce, it's the best.

>> No.6593527

break it into chunks like you would a banana you raging closeted faggot

>> No.6593529

"A herring is just a herring, but a good cigar is a cuban."

>> No.6593551
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So much hostility mate did I tap into that latent homosexuality youve been bottling up all your life

>> No.6593561
File: 75 KB, 600x450, piewarmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well Vili's is Hungarian, and 95% of local bakeries around here are run by Vietnamese.

In short, I feel fine: Your subjective opinions that you tried to frame as fact brought me some small cheer.

>> No.6593569

>Your subjective opinions that you tried to frame as fact brought me some small cheer.

The irony of your anecdotal evidence combined with that statement is delicious.

But let us relent and think about the great pie making countries of Hungary and Vietnam, their world famous pies are a thing of beauty.

>> No.6593573

He meant expatriates, obviously, and as such was simply being a horrible RACIST because they have become true and authentic Australian citizens helping build the nation.

>> No.6593586

do you even plov? expand your culinary horizons anon

>> No.6593589


>what did you do on your Sunday anon?

>Oh, I waited around for hours for anonymous people to reply to my comments so I could reply with indignation that someone's live experience is different to mine.

>That's nice dear...


>anecdotal evidence


Is a gold medal (among many others) at a famous international pie festival enough 'anecdotal evidence' for you?

You are not intelligent.

>> No.6593590


I would say that a Vili's pie is probably one of the better mass-produced pie makers out there. However there are definitely small bakeries out there that do a better pie overall in quality of ingredients used along with taste.

All the vietnamese bakeries I have been to have had miserable pies but excellent vietnamese meat rolls.

Also I am probably slightly biased for Vili's because I do live in Adelaide and go to the Vili's cafe regularly.

>> No.6593609

When you're eating a pie, counting carbs is kind of secondary. Do you have a faggot iApp to calculate for you?

>> No.6593612

Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa aren't "old world."
Our nation is older. We're not the UK but then we still speak English here.

>> No.6593631

He never said those countries were old world. Learn to read.

>> No.6593632

I used to eat meat pies when my grocery store used to sell them for a buck. They don't anymore, and boy, do I miss eating them. :c

>> No.6593635

Boy you sure are booty blasted that you got proven wrong.

Oh well, what's your favourite Vietnamese pie lad? I like the world famous coconut one, but you can't beat a good seawater pie.

Dumb fucking convict.

>> No.6593751
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Amerifat detected

>> No.6593753

Guess again, you silly ad hominem throwing cunt.

>> No.6594229


Who's butthurt? Are you trying to get Master Trole on your CV?

For the record, water and salt are found in all pies, and cocoanut chicken curry pies exist.

>> No.6594255

I love me a gud Pukka Pie with chips and gravy washed down with a few cans of Stella.

>> No.6594260

There is an Australian pie shop in Portland, Oregon.
Thought it was kinda meh, honestly.
Got a floater, comes on yellow, chunky "pea soup". Not thin, more like a stew than anything.
Ask waitress, say I was expecting it to be green, she says that's the owner's own recipe he does different. Heavy and spiced, no real pea flavor.
5/10 would not frequent again.

>> No.6594265


>> No.6594268

This is the place:

Pie itself was fairly good. But that "soup".
I expect soup to be at least somewhat watery, not a congealed refried-bean type glop. And I definitely expect pea soup to be green and taste of peas.

>> No.6594320

unsuspecting of how shitty it is, because they are a tourist and don't eat there often and aren't aware of how bad it will be.

you may want to visit a doctor and have your taste buds checked out. they are not working.

not only are their pies dry and under flavored, their pastry isn't flaky, and they give you a whole .5 ounce of meat in each pie at best. it's a fucking travesty.

McDonalds actually is better.

>> No.6594340
File: 61 KB, 500x351, Pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you ever had a meat pie or sasuage roll?

>> No.6594350

>.5 ounce of meat
those are party pies, ya fuck knuckle.

>> No.6594353

>We eat meat pies in the United States.
They are not at all popular in the US, but once were. They are still an essential part of popular food culture in the UK and AU, however.

>> No.6594369
File: 76 KB, 800x600, banquet_chicken_pot_pie_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are not at all popular in the US

Nonsense, at $1.00 (or less) each, these are bought my the bazillions by Americans.

>> No.6594401

My grandma is australian and she buys marks and spencer sauasages, takes the skins off and adds a little sage, then puts that in pastry.

>> No.6594404

Why do people think pies are australian? They were made and eaten all over europe before australia even existed.

>> No.6594405

When most Americans hear 'pie' they think of something sweet not savory.

>> No.6594445
File: 92 KB, 406x401, mariecallendar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've eaten a few of those when I'm supa poor. They're tiny, though.
pic related, these are 100 times better, though they are more around $2.50 each. They also have beef pot pie variety.

>> No.6594500

For Euros who don't know, "Banquet" is the cheapest shit-brand in American supermarkets.
Their pot pies have the worst gristly chunks of "is-this-chicken?" and watery gravy.
I've had cheap pies in England. They are miles ahead of Banquet.

>> No.6595107
File: 381 KB, 530x422, auspie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt azn girl tries aussie pie


>> No.6595161

why are the HIPS

>> No.6595169

They're fucking LOADED with sodium, too. I always want to eat 2 but the idea of downing a couple gallons of water afterward is not appetizing.

>> No.6595184
File: 1.99 MB, 375x375, 1387137576322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those things are fucking delicious
>that bottom layer of crust that's half soaked in broth and half crispy as fuck

>> No.6595221


>> No.6595226

Americans are morons that lack any form of historical or geographical knowledge.

>> No.6595257
File: 31 KB, 615x409, Grim_Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6595260

Fuck off eurofag.

>> No.6595846

Nothing better than a macleods meat pie though I've only had them in Broken hill

>> No.6595856

Why American websites that have different language options put an American flag next to the English option?
Don't they know that people were speaking English long before America even existed?

>> No.6595875

the chicken pot pies at kfc are decent

>> No.6595887

How do people like to eat their pies?

I like to peel the top off and eat that first and then pour some sauce into the meat and gravy and eat that with a spoon before devouring the pastry bowl.

>> No.6595892

They're served without indignance and butthurt. But in all seriousness, the pies in England are terrible compared to Australia, if Pie Minister is anything to go by.

>> No.6595897

Just fuck off and never go overseas. You're an embarrassment.

>> No.6595908


probably used yellow peas, but that doesn't sound like he made it very well.

>> No.6595913

Suk dees nuts
>tfw first gen immigrant from NZ

>> No.6595959

>Pie Minister
What's that?

>> No.6596008

Joe Hockey is the Minister for Pies. Google it.

>> No.6596013


It's close enough as far as I'm concerned. Shepherds pie doesn't even have pastry a lot of the time and that's still considered a meat pie.

>> No.6596017


Eh, I smoke so most of what I eat is over saturated in sodium since my taste buds are crap.

>> No.6596018

Some chain place in the UK. I hit up the one in Oxford's Undercover market, super duper mediocre

>> No.6596047

Nah m8, pasties are their own sub-species. It's like comparing a birthday cake to a fairy cake, they are pretty much the exact same thing but the only difference is size and shape. A bit autistic admittedly, but it is what it is.

>> No.6596049

>Some chain place in the UK
Well that's funny because I live in the UK and have never even heard of them, thus my question.

>> No.6596090

I doubt there's anyone within 500 miles of me selling a decent meat pie. I'm going to have to do some research and make my own.

>> No.6596094

had a chance to hit up K.O Pies while I was in Boston but I passed. Kinda regret it now

>> No.6596107


I feel that it still belongs in the discussion.

>> No.6596746
File: 75 KB, 960x360, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love meat pies
these are pretty good
apparently they make other flavours but they dont sell them here in aus

>> No.6596747
File: 187 KB, 1200x900, 4446218181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also really like harry's cafe de wheels pies
but i dont care much for mushy peas

>> No.6598145


>> No.6598971

They are at all the festivals in Ireland but they suck. Go to Pieman instead
>dat chili beef and chorizo

>> No.6599204

Australian style meat pies never caught on the US because they can be somewhat difficult to eat by hand by an inexperienced eater. Americans at large do not like things that are introduced from other cultures that they are not immediately good at. Same goes for rugby and soccer.

>> No.6599218

and motorsport involving corners and chicains.

>> No.6599264

Is his name Sweeney? ;^)

>> No.6599273

>Australian style meat pies
Stop doing this.

>> No.6599398
File: 203 KB, 1000x1000, traditional-game-pie_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proper meat pie >>>>>>>>>>>>>> pasties

prove me wrong, faggots.

>> No.6599453

Too dry. Needs more gravy to lubricate the throat.

2/10. would not tip.

>> No.6599459

It has a layer of gravy aspic around the meat you retard.

>> No.6599461


>> No.6599467

Nut nowhere near enough you spastic muppet. Plus the pastry is over cooked and dry.

New score: -1/8

>> No.6599479

That's gelatin you feminist whore.

>> No.6599482


Yeah M8, that looks like some super low quality meat, I don't really think the punters would throw in for that.

>> No.6599490


The trouble with a pasty for example is that the use of potatoes tends to dry them out. It's why you'll almost never see them without some amount of gravy on or around the outside. It wasn't always however that way. Pasties were originally something that British and Irish miners invented with inspiration from their original country. It was something they could pack into the mines and eat quickly and easily.

>> No.6599492

I'd eat the fuck out of this but tbh it does look a little dry, like it'd need a good slosh of sauce or chutney.

If the meat was really tender and not too chewy it'd probably be alright as it is, cold or hot.

Fuck wouldn't mind a pie...

>> No.6599504

Are the potatoes in them enough to dry it out? Would've thought that there'd either not be enough added or you'd account for it and some some extra water/gravy/whatever before cooking?

>> No.6599513


If the filling was wet then they'd get soggy before it was time to eat lunch.

>> No.6599528

So they intentionally dry it out? Cos you can add just enough liquid of choice to try to make sure the vege is steamed enough and not too dry.

>> No.6599584

They were dry and thus created the lifelong friendship of aussie meat pie and tomatoe sauce.

>> No.6601222

I'll give you a cream pie, huney, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6602204
File: 79 KB, 547x230, theydoitforhotpocketsandiwouldtooprobably.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're called hot pockets.

>> No.6602221
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>> No.6602631

I made the food wishes cornish pasty recipe and it turned out good. Give it a try, anon.

>> No.6604410
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>> No.6605149
File: 21 KB, 462x367, shepherds-pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could die for a good'ol fashioned, home made Shepards pie once in a while, my mother is a Brit, but she completely lost all her cooking skill somewhere down the line living here in America. She used to make a nice and tasty Shepards pie,. <\3

>> No.6605180

They should be more popular overseas than they are here in Ausfailia.

>> No.6605226

>not popping into Greggs at lunchtime for 3 sausage rolls

>> No.6605227
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No fucking Tiger Pies? Are any of you even from Australia?


>> No.6605233

I retract my statement. But the rest of you suck.

>> No.6605370

>They should be more popular overseas than they are here in Ausfailia.

Hot Pockets are disgusting. These cheese has the consistency of plastic, the meat is the cheapest formed scraps, the "pastry" is hard and unpleasant. 100% vile.

>> No.6605792

I'm Northern and I swear that the correct term is "bun"

"Roll" sounds Southern, and "cob" puts me in mind of a Southerner who went to University in Manchester

>> No.6605825


>mfw Australians think they're the Meat Pie Kingdom

Don't step to Britain

>> No.6605841
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>> No.6605863

I have. Both inferior and less available, except pork pies which are everywhere.

>> No.6605933


Pfft, the only thing Aussies do better than us is Cultural Cringe

(And uh, Cricket and Rugby)

>> No.6606187

Mushy peas is a British thing

>> No.6606522

Attention Americans:

If you're eating your meat pie anything but scalding hot and using anything but cold tomato sauce (ketchup) to top it you're a cunt.


>> No.6606531


What I do is sometimes get a tin of soup, heat it up, poach an egg in it, serve that with a pork pie sausage roll.