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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6592502 No.6592502 [Reply] [Original]

>mangoes 33 cents each
>avocados 25 cents each
>common produce items (onions, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.) 3 pounds for 99 cents
>countless types of fresh and dried chilies, all very cheap
>week's worth of freshly baked bread $2
>freshly baked pastries 40 cents each
>huge selection in top tier butcher dept.
>huge selection of cheeses
>huge selection of seafood
>could feed a mid sized family very well for a week with less than $50

You have 10 seconds to justify not having a Mexican supermarket in your town.

>> No.6592514

I live in the midwest so white people supermarkets are not much more expensive.

>> No.6592518

>Dirt Rockets
trolling me softly

>> No.6592521

I live in Australia and Mexicans don't often emigrate here. Lots of Colombians, though.

>> No.6592520

Same thing at the Asian supermarket I go to..

>> No.6592567

All stores are parts of big chains in my country.
Also we don't have mexicans here, we have a bunch of kebab and niggers but they don't really do anything other than sit in the ghetto. Some of them have stores but i live in the good part of town so it would take a very long time to get to the immigrants stores.

>> No.6592623

Because it comes with Mexicans and they wouldn't be good for the culture around here.

>> No.6592637

Unless you're a minimum wage ditch digger/crop picker you have nothing to fear from Mexicans.

>> No.6592642

I live in a very nice area. There are no crop pickers or ditch-diggers who live in the vicinity. Ergo it would not be a good thing to have that cultural friction.

>> No.6592643


How do they do it, man?

>> No.6592647

Those demographics still actually cook their own food, so the stores can afford to lower prices since they move larger volumes of raw ingredients. You'll notice ethnic stores usually have much less in the way of instant meals than American supermarkets.

>> No.6592649


>tfw no salty pals

>> No.6592661

Indian stores are practically wall to wall premixed stuff.

>> No.6592664

Is it spice mixes, or frozen meals?

>> No.6592742
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These fucking things. Every damn time.

>> No.6592755

Sorta true. Expanding on that below. Japanese stores, though, definitely.

Both. To be fair, it should be said that it's "wall to wall packaged items" and not necessarily "premixed stuff" as >>6592661 says. The way I sees it, nyamean, the phrase "premixed stuff" conjures pictures of meal kits and things like that. While Indians of a certain class do indeed use them, it's not all that common. The reason that a lot of the stuff sold in grocery stores catering to South Asians is because a lot of what they eat is based on rice, pulses and beans of various sorts, flours of various sorts, and dried spices. Things that generally arrive to the store packaged already.
That's not to say there aren't things like... whatever a samosa, bhajji, pakora, idli and so on equivalents for Bisquick sold in there. There are a fucktonne of them and more, but there's also a fairly huge variety of dried grains, pulses, flours and spices, too.

The frozen section, however, is almost exclusively ready meals. Indians haven't really jumped on the frozen veg bandwagon it seems, which is quite the pity, really.

True. I bring this up all the time. The quality of produce and fish is higher and the price lower at the local Korean supermarket compared to standard chain supermarkets around me. Same with meat from the Pakistani and Palestinian butchers a few neighbourhoods west of me and the Tunisian butcher around the corner as well as the Mexican wetmarket to the north.

The only 'ethnic' supermarkets in my area that are always shitty are Italian and Russian places, Italian because they cater more to the fifth generation American great great grandchildren of the Italians who used to shop there and they therefore don't sell things Italians actually use often and the Russian ones because Russians are fucking cheap and the Russian supermarkets just sell half-rotten produce so that Slavshits can haggle over the price.

>> No.6592760


>> No.6592773

Nig where do you live? When I lived in Philly/Jersey the Italian markets were stellar.

>> No.6592787

Lulz, I live in Philly. I am from Italy. The Italian stores here sell no fresh produce. It's all cold cuts and prepackaged ready meals.
Fresh stuff, particularly Italian veg, is entirely non-existent in this area. It's even difficult to find in NYC, where I lived before here, because younger Italians are a rarity in the US, the older people are dying off and their American children and grandchildren couldn't tell levistico from parsley, no joke. I was at an Italian grocery store once that made the mistake of trying to sell fresh produce, so the owner ordered a bunch of Italian veg and herbs. His customers kept complaining that the parsley tasted funny and asking for refunds.
There are very few actual Italians in the US because the old ones are all dying off and there are very few of us young'uns to take their place.

>> No.6592989

My Mexican supermarket isn't that cheap, and I don't trust any of their seafood that isn't still alive. But they're still really good.

>> No.6593053

I live in Canada. We actually don't have very many spics.

The only ethnic supermarkets we have are Chinese, Korean, and Indian.

>> No.6593055

If a Mexican can swim all the way to Australia without getting killed or arrested, I would say that they've earned their right to live in that country.

>> No.6594399

Why the fuck would I give money to invading people that hate this nation and the people that live in it?

>> No.6594411

vallarta actually costs the same or more depending on the item.

>> No.6594448

>upstate NY
>95% white

It's an unfortunate reality, OP

>> No.6595274
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latest one

>> No.6595280


These things fuckin kill me every time

>> No.6595283

Liartownusa is a national treasure

>> No.6595294

For the same reason you shop at Walmart.

>> No.6595297

none of it is organic

>> No.6595300
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>> No.6595303

That's because Mexicans still look down on faggotry.

>> No.6595304

I thought there would never be new ones of these

>> No.6595306

>You have 10 seconds to justify not having a Mexican supermarket in your town.
>cockroaches near salt (seriously, why would they be near the salt)
>high person comes up to me and starts rambling
>they all get shut down after a few months for health reasons
the best market i've been to is owned by a turk

>> No.6595309
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>chicken whispers

>> No.6596184

The mangoes and avocados are tiny and all pit.
The onions and potatoes are no cheaper than you could get anywhere else. The tomatoes are practically red-painted rocks (not that 95% of other stores' tomatoes are any better).
Cheap fresh bread and pastries are everywhere. Are you retarded?
The meat isn't inspected, has huge lips of untrimmed fat and zero marbling, but at least you'll get totally shredded from all the added trenbolone.
That shitty cheese? Enjoy you're bovine tuberculosis.
That shitty seafood? Better not poke yourself unless you want flesh eating bacteria colonizing your hands.

>> No.6596206
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I would love to shop at Apple Cabin Foods.

>> No.6596215
File: 7 KB, 224x171, Orange juice spraying out of a beanbag chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh christ there's a new one?

>> No.6596230

I live in Europe.

>> No.6596323

And what's the fucking difference really?

>> No.6596378
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>> No.6596387

I would totally buy chicken in a cup.

>> No.6596388

>nature's mistakes
>prechewed yes
>silent party beefs
I'm doubled over

>> No.6596391

don't forgot chicken for 79 cents a pound. fuck its glorious.

>> No.6596476

don't tell me you're a dirty fascist commie pig-dog

>> No.6596565

You would be wrong

>> No.6596567

Nothing you can do to stop it nerd.

>> No.6596568

>who even is based tone

>> No.6597872
File: 667 KB, 1200x1467, applecabin9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the one before that.

>> No.6597884

100% pulled from your anus.

>> No.6597950

This. Chinese supermarkets are great for some things.

>> No.6599857

I have an El Super near me that always has the best sales on meat and poultry. Everything else they sell is a bunch of processed crap though

>> No.6600367


these pics are awesome.