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6570842 No.6570842 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Americans eat this

>> No.6570845
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>> No.6570856

How is this aloud? This is why americans are so fat, your government does not put policies in place that prevent fast food companies to sell this poison

>> No.6570864

Because we don't need the government telling us what to do all the time. It's called freedom. You should try it.

>> No.6570869

my god, this euroshop

>> No.6570870

We value freedom. That includes the freedom to eat like a cow and become a fat sack of shit. Thankfully we don't have to collectively pay to treat these fat bastards when they get sick.

We have the perfect system for non retards

>> No.6570875
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>Having so little self-control that you need you government to place restrictions on business.

I mean it's pretty ridiculous, but for non-fats it's neat to have around if you want to try it every once in a blue moon.

People that eat >>6570845 all the time though, that is a problem.

>> No.6570877

that place is fucking brilliant, it literally is the cure to the obesity pandemic.

The owner is a doctor who gave up on trying, and the restaurant is an obscene way of saying "get your shit together or die", but fatsos are too stupid to understand and they kill themselves. Its hilarious.

>> No.6570878
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>> No.6570883

Speaking of American food, anyone want to buy this poor college kid a pizza? :(

>> No.6570887

>Cash only
>"Rules" on how to eat your food

Two red flags of a shit restaurant.

>> No.6570901

>europoors too dumb to know about the based Heart Attack Grill

I don't see your shitholes having their own fatty elimination centers.

>> No.6570907


This. John Basso is a hero.


(Start at 2:32 for the interview with him)

>> No.6570909

Jesus christ stop spreading this retarded rumor.

The guy worked at a Jenny Craig Weight Loss Center as a personal trainer, he's not a doctor.

People actually think because he dresses up as a doctor in a theme restaurant he's a doctor.

>> No.6570929

Sounds like a typical evil capitalist pig to me.

>> No.6570937

he literally seems like a cartoon villain.

potential sociopath for sure by the way he talks.

>> No.6570942
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>How is this aloud?

>> No.6571022

it's not eating that garbage.
It's acting like eating it makes you a heroic champion of freedom.
As if mean liberals have outlawed burgers and jamming this mediocre slop down your craw is a subversive act.

>> No.6571040

Patrician here:

lol no fu

>> No.6571058

Where do you live?

>> No.6571101

That's the joke. It's meant to appeal to the "Michelle Obama's trying to take away my feedom by telling me I shouldn't feed muh children deep fried sticks of butter" crowd while simultaneously mocking them.

>> No.6571105

Amerifat here. I love the free market and our country but our government is NOWHERE near perfect.

>> No.6571140

Sent ;)

>> No.6571146
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>mfw americans are stupid enough to think their government isn't killing them with food

>> No.6571174

Fat Bastard Chardonnay is pretty tasty. It isn't going to win any prestigious awards, but I like to cook with it and have a glass every now and then since it's around and open.

>FAT bastard is a French wine produced and distributed by a British and French partnership.

Huh, never bothered to look it up.

>> No.6571203

i live in freedumb land and you're so right. i keep trying to tell people this but they tell me "lol shut up hippie..tinfoil hat, etc"

>> No.6571209
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>> No.6571239

>24oz of malt liquor at that price
That's like the opposite of ghetto. I'll pick up a glass bottle 40oz of Colt 45 for $1.79 thanks

>> No.6571244

It is video related:

>> No.6571295

most of us don't eat this shit, at least not daily.

>> No.6571304
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Daily reminder that britbongs eat this.

>> No.6571317

Daily reminder diabetes was invented in amerifat

>> No.6571345

Diabetes was one of the first diseases described, with an Egyptian manuscript from c. 1500 BCE mentioning "too great emptying of the urine". The first described cases are believed to be of type 1 diabetes. Indian physicians around the same time identified the disease and classified it as madhumeha or "honey urine", noting the urine would attract ants. The term "diabetes" or "to pass through" was first used in 230 BCE by the Greek Appollonius of Memphis. The earliest surviving work with a detailed reference to diabetes is that of Aretaeus of Cappadocia (2nd or early 3rd century CE).

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes were identified as separate conditions for the first time by the Indian physicians Sushruta and Charaka in 400-500 CE with type 1 associated with youth and type 2 with being overweight. The term "mellitus" or "from honey" was added by the Briton John Rolle in the late 1700s to separate the condition from diabetes insipidus, which is also associated with frequent urination. Effective treatment was not developed until the early part of the 20th century, when Canadians Frederick Banting and Charles Herbert Best isolated and purified insulin in 1921 and 1922.

>brit and canuck. btfo.

>> No.6571356


oh you guize

>> No.6571360

>People put vegetables and shit on their bypass burgers.
I know it's disgusting. I don't want that hippy shit diluting my meat.

>> No.6571367

FINALLY, a voice of reason.

Image CAPTCHA was burgers. I clapped and I clapped hard.

>> No.6571583

What are you, a cunt?

>> No.6571702

>mfw Australian food sizes are like 1/4 American food sizes
>tfw even four small waffles can fill me up
Thanks based Australia, you're keeping an eye out on my waistline.

>> No.6571714

Yes, some of them do. And they are served at one of the most famous vacation spots in the world. But its all satire purposely created to be as unhealthy as possible, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.6571979 [DELETED] 

>Wasteful 8.1% tax

The fuck does a Eurocuck get off bitching about TAXES? You motherfucker have orgasm over paying taxes on shit.

>> No.6571984
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Daily reminder that Europenises eat this.

>> No.6572002

I did get really baked and had the exploding cheesy chicken. I was still somehow disappointed.

>> No.6572007

Michelle Obama plz go.

>> No.6572013

The most unhealthy thing on that menu is the coke.

>> No.6572018

The multi-billion dollar food industry's lobbyists and campaign contributions are why America is fat. Not one redneck slop hole.

>> No.6572022
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I've lived in the midwestern US my whole life and I've never eaten shit like this. Be more mad over cartoonish stereotypes.

>> No.6572231


>> No.6572240
File: 87 KB, 480x320, Cheesewhiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder Septos eat this

>> No.6572244

The food here isn't even that bad for you, honestly. Actual lard, real cream, etc. No trans fats to clog your arteries, and not much sugar. Obviously the quantity you're encouraged to eat is a problem, but normal fast food is much nastier.

>> No.6572246

To put it another way, this is what fast food was back when it was first invented, in the 50's. Keep the portions reasonable and it's decent nutrition. Burgers and fries made the old-fashioned way get a bad rap.

>> No.6572450
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>Having so little self-control that you need you government to place restrictions on HEROIN business
>"just stop shooting heroin, you loser, learn some self control"
>"Free country, so let's sell heroin to kids... oh but they haven no self-control, so it's THEIR fault."


>> No.6572456

Do you want your government to wipe your ass as well?

>> No.6572622
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>Comparing the amount of self-control needed to not eat those french fries to one of the most addictive substances available to the masses.
>A substance that actually alters your brain chemistry and makes you dependent upon it to even feel happiness after a while is equivalent to the dependency that you have towards some shitty fried food.

That's some real self-control you have there.

>> No.6572632

Not him, but...


>> No.6572764
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Why would the government want to kill the very people who subsidize it you mongoloid?

>> No.6573044

LOL I love how defensive ameritards get when you put their "freedoms" in question. Lmao what a bunch of patriotic sheep.

>> No.6573062

The owner of this restaurant made it to show up how fucked up is the fast food industry.

>> No.6573075

As an Italian I do NOT give a single fuck about what you pretentions fake fags say. I know good cooking and I'm an excellent cook. But I would eat in both the places listed at the beginning.

>> No.6573360
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