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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6568517 No.6568517 [Reply] [Original]

It's official. /Seekay/ is getting a sticky. What is going to be on it is anybody's guess but there are anons and mods RIGHT NOW collaborating on this. No sense in fighting it. We just need to embrace it. What do you think belongs on our sticky, co/ck/s?

>> No.6568519 [DELETED] 

I doubt it.

>> No.6568520

Pantry staples

But who am i kidding? No one will read it anyways. Have you ever been to /fit/ and seen how many retards ask how to lose weight?

>> No.6568543
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the sticky on /pol/ clearly says "no threads asking if X is degenerate, redpill me on X"

the threads never get deleted though

how about we just not have a sticky and ignore the "guys i'm broke til the end of the month what's cheap" threads

if anything the sticky should just be a permanent joey/ken shit thread........

>> No.6568550

I think...that if that's true......you can all go fuck yourselves because that will be the cursed nail in the coffin of /ck/.

>> No.6568557

That's what they said last week too.
And probably next week.
And the week after.
ad infinitum.

>> No.6568571


>> No.6569125

It'll obviously be a Ken-Men sticky

>> No.6569150

I don't want a sticky. I just want people to lurk more.

>> No.6569152

The Fazoli's menu.

>> No.6569154

The sticky should only be recipes.

>> No.6569155

Cheap nutritious foods to buy
Various, general cooking methods. (roasting, pan frying, steaming, baking etc.)

Other than that, what else is there? Maybe some of the stuff from /fit/'s about diet?

>> No.6569168

A note telling /d/ that yes, pineapple juice will make their spunk taste better. A note to /a/ informing them of what char siu bao are. A note to /fit/ informing them of the existence of seasoning. A note to /int/ agreeing with them that people from X are all fat, stupid, ugly, and eat garbage.

>> No.6569174

>A note telling /d/ that yes, pineapple juice will make their spunk taste better.

but that's not actually true

>> No.6569175

It should be a useful sticky, kinda like the stickies on /g/, /mu/ and /lit/, for example.

So basically, a link to ck.booru.org

>> No.6569176

but almost everything is on ck.booru.org already.

I post the link to the booru when its relevant and i don't think its much of a hassle.

>> No.6569189

didn't someone try to get people to rally for this months ago, but people didn't care?

>> No.6569195

It's been years some ask for a sticky...

>> No.6569219

As long as it makes them leave, who cares? If they're all drinking pineapple juice it leaves more superior lime-aid for us

>> No.6569253

A basic budget guide varying in price from poor to wealthy.
basics of food safety.

>> No.6569271

You are what you eat.
And you post what you eat.
So if you shit post.
Then you must eat shit.

>> No.6569273

I'm going to take great pleasure in hiding it.

>> No.6569278 [DELETED] 

An actual set of rules for the board.

We've seen that there's at least on janitor who will delete any post with a certain word in it no matter how on-topic the post actually is.
If "cuck" is officially a banned word on /ck/ I'd like to know about it.

Maybe also establish some rules for threads about youtubers. I enjoy the threads about Jack's terrible cooking and I don't mind having a single Joey thread going at a time, but there should maybe be a limit to them.

A few words encouraging people to make a thread and/or a vertical if they've cooked something nice would be good too. This place could use more actual cooking.

>> No.6569289

/ck/ has been gone for so long.
i keep asking myself why i come back, i dont know

the posts are so fast and the opinions so unidimensional that the old /ck/ can never exist again

Farewall all of you.
I hate you all.
I love you all.

>> No.6569294


Needs a giant infograph of staple foods and a place to find not-shit slow cooker recipes.

>> No.6569310

Fucking pleb piece of shit, I can't believe I share a board with people with such bad taste.

>> No.6569312

Can we get flags in /ck/ please?

>> No.6569313

We don't need a fucking sticky, and you can fight me about it or lay there as I punch you in the face.

>> No.6569314

They did. I said that 4chan as a whole is a broken sinking ship.

>> No.6569336

fuck you no sticku

>> No.6569343
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>> No.6569399

There'S rally every month or two. Butane s ck never agrees on anything (hence there being 4 ck wikis by my count) it always fails.

>> No.6569561

There was a guy who tried to get a cooking competition going on a a few weeks back, winner chose what dish would be cooked the next day. Saw it for about 3 days and it disappeared. Wonder what happened to that shit

>> No.6569565

Guess what, there's a Wikipedia page for staple foods
No such thing as non shit slow cooker recipes

>> No.6569573

What knife to buy, how to spice up ramen, top tier salt/ chocolate bars/ soda pop charts, how to survive on $20 for a week.

>> No.6569589

just make the sticky a link to alcoholics anonymous

>> No.6569598

Nothing so murica specific will ever make it into the sticky.

>> No.6569601

>turning /ck/ into mindless clickbait

fuck it i'm out of here.

>> No.6569606


But telling faggots to read the sticky is also a favorite pasttime of mine

>> No.6570044
File: 89 KB, 642x1083, 9pzup7wf6m83qb32i1lr copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st: I don't beleive you
2nd: nobody would read it anyway
3rd: stickies invite idiots
4th: a sticky can't provide the detailed, preferably in-person, instruction required to teach someone how to cook for himself

If we must, I think we should have
>a link to a YT channel that shows basic cooking skills
>that ramen infograph
>link to the booru
>infograph or text post about cooking on a budget
>infograph or text post on what /fit/fags can put on their skinlesss oil-free chicken breats and dry tuna patties to make them taste better
>infograph or text post about what someone who just moved out of home needs to start basic cooking

Those would curtail most of our questions IF ANYONE FUCKING READ STICKIES

>> No.6570057

tbh the sticky should just be a picture of a milksteak served with a side of jelly beans.

>> No.6570080

>3rd: stickies invite idiots
as opposed to.................... ?

>> No.6570084

because this is such a top tier cooking forum to begin with. butthurt faggot take a look at all the quality cooking threads up right now

literally right below this thread
>Am I the only one who wishes there were spider chickens?

>> No.6570090

I eat my cum every time I masturbate, which has been nearly every day for over 15 years, and have observed a strong correlation between pineapple consumption and sweeter ejaculate. It is also more bitter during periods in which I have been consuming too much alcohol or refined sugar.

I enjoy both styles of flavour, however, so do agree with you in the sense that tasting "better" is a purely subjective notion.

>> No.6570112
File: 11 KB, 350x350, supertrim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vote this for the sticky image

>> No.6570115

>maybe people are friendly, i'll stick around

No sticky:
>Why don't you guys have a sticky??? /fit/ has a sticky, not that i read it. I'm going back to /r9k/.

>> No.6570361
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>> No.6570576


>skinless boneless chicken breast

Yeah that's not /ck/.

>> No.6570610

There was a sticky maybe 2 years ago you dumbfuck

>> No.6570773

I don't recall it.

Maybe >>6569589 has a point...

>> No.6570786

FUCK YOU. this board is not having a sticky. having a sticky will only attract stupid fucks and underagers. look at /fa/, /fit/ and /ic/

>> No.6570790

Just sticky that image and this place will be fucking dead in a week.

>> No.6570827

>/Seekay/ is getting a sticky. What is going to be on it is anybody's guess
If nobody knows what to put in the sticky, maybe we don't need a sticky in the first place.