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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 202x115, Screenshot - 5_24_2015 , 9_48_11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6560471 No.6560471 [Reply] [Original]

I am trying to come up with bulk meals I can make since I suffered a concussion recently and it's hard to do anything, much less cook.

Dietary limitations:
No more than a small amount of cheese, tomatoes, and oil due to stomach issues.
Meat should not be the main focus of the dish due to cost.
No spicy food.
No canned vegetables. Everything should be made from scratch when possible. Premade breads/bread mixes are alright since I'm in no shape to fuck with bread.
I would prefer to be able to make these in bulk and then freeze them.

>> No.6560475

This is a SFW board.

>> No.6560480
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You can cook them.

>> No.6560482

Why would you? It doesn't serve much of a purpose like cooking a cow or sheep head would, does it?

>> No.6560484

It's better than just throwing it out, isn't it? I'm sure it makes for a nice appetizer.

>> No.6560490

Oh, and to answer your question OP, stick with most Asian dishes. Fried rice is a great bulking meal, as are most noodle dishes. You can keep the meat the centerpiece pretty easily in those. Plus you can freeze/refrigerate those meals for later. Get friendly with oats.

>> No.6560493
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Bulk was meant as in, I can make a lot of it at once and freeze leftovers for future meals. Not bulk as in /fit/.

>> No.6560497

My fault. I guess you can just slow cook stews and chilis. Make bulk salads and store them.

>> No.6560500

Chili doesn't work because of dietary restrictions. Stew is a good suggestion, but my husband is autistic and won't eat things with too much liquid in them, so most stews and soups are out. He also will only eat arugula salads and I haven't been able to get him on any other leafy green, so that's out due to cost.

>> No.6560507

Nice Fazoli's.

Lasagnas and casseroles are good choices that aren't full of liquid, as are various pasta dishes and bakes. Bolognese works very well. You can create meat pies and freeze those.

>> No.6560510

Did you even read my OP? I can only do a little cheese due to lactose intolerance, and tomatoes are too acidic to use as more than a garnish. I don't have my gallbladder and it's difficult to digest these foods.

>> No.6560511

>dead by dawn

>> No.6560516
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>> No.6560524

You don't need to use cheese and tomatoes for those dishes you insufferable shitposter. Use your imagination.

>> No.6560528

you're really retarded aren't you

>> No.6560529

I'm not shitposting. It's actually really hard to use your imagination when you have a concussion, hence the reason I made this thread.

>> No.6560531
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At the moment? Pretty much.

>> No.6560532
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Everyone look at the poster and their behavior. Engrave in your mind the visage and manner of a true shitposter.

It is not their tripcode.
It is not their tendency towards blogging.
It is the base manner with which they behave and communicate, the very nature of their thought.

Their faculties are broken relative to the ideal of their ecology. They are a shitposter.

>> No.6560537


>> No.6560541
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>> No.6560542

Just kill yourself. Your life sounds fucked up enough to end it.

>> No.6560546

Can you both take your stupid circlejerk elsewhere?

It's just a fucking concussion, it'll be better within a month. Does it make you feel better about your life to bully the infirm?

>> No.6560548
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>he says while shitposting with a chen image

>> No.6560549

it looks like this thing from evil dead


you can skip the black/red pepper, meat and bacon grease, though you might want to add a little sausage or ham for flavor.


this is good too, add more stock instead of tomatoes.

>> No.6560553
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[Chenposting intensifies]

>> No.6560554

Cry harder, cuntwaffle. Get off of /ck/ if you're going to be a little bitch about everything.

>> No.6560558

Make curry with canned beans and chicken. Quick and cheap with a little kick.

>> No.6560559

Thank you so much anon. The first looks like it'll be very good on tortillas.

Do you even know how to cook?

>> No.6560562
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Our hearts don't change from pups to dust. Couldn't always see clearly but I had a sense of what right and wrong was.

>> No.6560564

hahahahahaha you don't need have to put cheese on lasagna ameripleb
>being this retarded

>> No.6560565

I had been making Japanese curry but I burned the last batch due to attention issues and I had a lot of trouble cutting the vegetables. Feels bad man, it usually comes out really good.

>> No.6560568

>burning curry
How do you fuck that up? Kill yourself.

>> No.6560571

Don't be rude. OP has a concussion and is obviously delusional.

>> No.6560572

Can you give me a good lasagna recipe with minimal cheese? I saw a mushroom one that looked nice here, http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/mushroom-lasagna

but it's a little too complex for me at the moment.

Concussion. I'm usually a really good cook.

>> No.6560575
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>those limitations
>"give me recipes that can't have food in them"

>> No.6560577

Posters have already established that OP should kill him or herself, and defined a framework of reasons why this can be argued to be the most viable approach. We should now transition towards attempting to help OP figure bulk meals that are simple to prepare and store / reheat well.

>> No.6560579

People already spoonfed OP. I recommend bulk cyanide.

>> No.6560587

Yeah, I'm having a lot of trouble actually. Normally I make Japanese, Chinese, and Korean food, but everything I usually make takes a ton of prep time and effort.

Here's some of the stuff that I usually cook:

The salmon would be easy enough but unfortunately salmon isn't available right now at the bulk store I buy at.

>> No.6560589

OP has suffered head trauma and has come to /ck/ for help, whatever that help might actually be. Information should be conveyed to reconcile OP's desire, as not everyone is rigidly incapable of asking for assistance.

>> No.6560590


>> No.6560592

I don't care. OP needs to stop being a fuck and try to use Google.

>> No.6560595

Most Ethiopian food fits the bill. It's super cheap to make in bulk, usually pretty easy, and freezes well. And it never highlights meat, cheese, tomato, or oil because those poor fucks are too poverty.

>> No.6560596

Go away, OP. I don't want you here.

>> No.6560600

Thanks anon, I do appreciate it. Here's one of my favorite mac and cheese recipes that I liked before I got my gallbladder out. https://web.archive.org/web/20130306014755/http://iamsimplytia.com/2011/12/17/macaronipie

It's nicer with added mushrooms, broccoli, and chicken.

It's actually really hard to find the focus to read through the results. I did try Google and found a couple recipes for slow cooker fajitas but I thought this might be a little easier for me.

Thank you for the suggestion, I'll look into it.

>> No.6560601

Using Google requires faculties and mental energy to parse, compare, extrapolate, interpolate, and compile a mass of information you might not realize. It can be very exhausting.

Sometimes it is more effective to pull and weigh data direct from other people.

>> No.6560602
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>> No.6560604

You're just as bad as OP, whiteknight.

>> No.6560605

it seems odd that this thread attracted so many ignorant and spastic assholes.

hope you feel better soon op.

>> No.6560607

It's because OP is a grill. It brings out the /r9k/ of /ck/.

>> No.6560608

It's probably because of the dietary restrictions, I've seen a lot of people get mad about those in other threads.

I guess this is also a factor.

>> No.6560616

"Adorable" is a new one.
Philosophically we likely wouldn't see through remotely the same lens, no.
People tend to despise their own reflection.
I am very selfish.
I am talking to a child.

I've never had experience with concussions or actual head trauma myself, but I have had experience with health problems that pretty well stripped my mind and made even the most basic exchange exhausting if not impossible. i also took care of my mother when she had a concussion.

Your mindset stems from myopia and a lack of experience. It isn't like the movies, people don't just get smacked over the head and wake up a few hours later fine and completely functional.

>> No.6560620

In my case I was in a car going at 45 through an intersection when someone thought it'd be a cool idea to turn in front of me. In the ambulance ride I got to enjoy with her I found out she was sitting Indian style, driving with her left foot, with a coffee in her hand. She would not stop bitching about her fucking iPhone being broken while I was bleeding everywhere and going into shock. It was awful.

At least the accident was judged 100% her fault so she gets to buy me a new car and pay all my medical bills.

>> No.6560626


>> No.6560628
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>> No.6560631
File: 7 KB, 388x86, Screenshot - 6_2_2015 , 4_06_31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I am capable of writing something as complex as >>6560616 at the moment.

The captcha took me seven tries.

>> No.6560633

OP proves once again that it doesn't matter what sex, gender, beliefs, or creed. OP is, and always will be, a faggot.

>> No.6560637

Unsure of how I'm a faggot based on the posts in this thread.

This is tasty but makes entirely too much, so if you make it probably reduce it by 3/4ths since I'm pretty sure you're eating alone: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/daddys-shrimp-toast/

>> No.6560657

>driving with her left foot
Must be tough switching back and forth from the clutch to the throttle with only one foot
>medical bills
Never mind

Out of interest, what happens if the guilty party is not able to pay the medical bills?

>> No.6560662

I'll actually be eating with my wife and colleagues tonight, but thanks for the thought.

>> No.6560666

Her insurance covers it, pretty sure. Or she can declare bankruptcy and the bills will be cleared and her credit will be destroyed. Either way, not my problem.

She was the one who said she was sitting that way when the EMT interviewed her. I don't really understand what the fuck she was doing sitting like that, but it probably contributed to the accident.

Then just half it. This isn't something to cook for guests.

>> No.6560771

Don't listen to the shit posters you are one funny anon

Also op
>mentioning you are a George foreman certified grill

>> No.6560791

What the actual fuck? This thread is one of the worst things I've read on 4chan.

>> No.6561519

It was started by a woman clearly brain damaged. What did you expect?

She's too stupid to figure out her own meals for her mainly self imposed diet restrictions (meat, spicy, canned veggies) and has never heard of a crockpot or Google. Oh and her husband is a man-child as well.

OP is being a little bitch (more than just figuratively) I've had concussions before and that shit did not have me laid up for a month unable to do anything. A week at best.