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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6556732 No.6556732 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this for once and for all:

What is THE best way to make coffee ? I want specifics.

>> No.6556736

French press. There's a vacuum method that's supposed to be superior but it seems impractical for home use.

>> No.6556738

Casting my vote for press

>> No.6556740
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>french press meme
this needs to stop, hipsters need not apply.

>> No.6556743

with hot water

>> No.6556746

>vacuum method
what method exactly?

such clever, much witty

>> No.6556774


grind the beans into dust and just boil that shit for like an hour

>> No.6556781
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you mean one of these ?
>boil for an hour
hwhat ?

>> No.6556796

>What is THE best way to make coffee ?
The way you prefer the most.

I like french press, but I haven't tried a whole lot of different styles of brewing coffee.

>> No.6556832

Cold brew. Less acidic and easier on the stomach. Takes about 8-10 hours to brew though.

>> No.6556838

fresh roasted and ground coffee, pure water

if you have these the method of extraction is almost irrelevant, short of boiling the grounds

>> No.6556842
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>Cold brew
>8-10 hours to brew
wait what ? How? plz explain

>> No.6556851

>Grind coffee
>Add cool water to coffee
>Put in fridge before you go to bed
>Ready when you get up


>> No.6556853

...and then.. drink it cold ?

>> No.6556858

No. You then boil it for 30 minutes to ensure it's sterilized.

>> No.6556863
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>making with the funny stuff
You really drink cold coffee ?

>> No.6556868


Are you from a state not on a coast?

>> No.6556894

OP- you're not getting a lot of love here.

This guy has the roots. Beans you like, ground fresh (with a burr grinder), water the right temp. Pour over or french press.

There are other methods that are amalgamations of above, and then there are other methids that are totally different, but make good (but different) coffee, like the stovetop espresso, or the cold brew.

btw, I hate the captcha thinks ribs are steak.

>> No.6556905
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>implying everyone on 4chan is from the US
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Part of what I like about drinking coffee, is that it's warm.

I have tried regular classic coffee maker (with the filter and stuff) and it's okay, not great. I tried stovetop espresso and it's not great either, and when I tried french press I was shocked at how mediocre it was, very watery. I am now prepared to invest in come more expensive stuff if need be, but I don't want to be disappointed and buy something else later, so I would like to invest in the best of the best now and never think of it again.

>> No.6556908

>invest in come more
in some more*

I must add, I think this whole cold brew stuff is a hipster fad. My true opinion, not trying to offend anyone who enjoys it. I think it's in right now just because it's different, not because it's better coffee.

>> No.6556921
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>the newfangled cold brew fad
nigger cold brew has been popular since the 90s, are you the guy who made the thread about 'the new specialty coffee'? I want flyover land to leave

>> No.6556934

>are you the guy who
wtf are you talking about ?

Cold brew is suddenly popular, it was dead for a while

>> No.6556937

No one is saying it makes "better coffee". Their opinion might be that they like it more than other styles, but don't go putting words in our mouths and then shouting "hipster".

>> No.6556940

>is suddenly popular


and check the catalog

>> No.6556944

sure whatever, it's just that I have only heard about cold brew quite recently, and only from hipsters. I'm not here to argue about cold brew, I would like to know the best way to brew warm coffee.

>> No.6556948

>I'm not here to argue about cold brew, I would like to know the best way to brew warm coffee.

>> No.6556955
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is there really any noticeable difference between a regular electric coffee grinder and a burr grinder ?

>> No.6556961

More consistent grind size, and typically, the option to choose between coarse and fine grinds on the grinder itself.

>> No.6556971

what is the best (warm) brew method for the least acidic coffee ? because it ain't the french press

>> No.6556973
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what's inarguably the best: espresso brewing.

that is, forcing pressurized water through coffee grounds.

>> No.6556979


>> No.6556982

what kind of espresso machine though ? there are countless variations using different methods, from stovetop espresso shit to you know what

nice meme, if he wanted to know google's opinion, he wouldn't ask us would he ?

>> No.6556988

>Which method produces the least acidic coffee

>> No.6557002
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the internet is full of bullshit, like pic related, they act like it's a good taste but then say it's like starbucks (which is shit). Plus, most of the pages who "test" coffee brewing methods are just advertising and trying to sell you things, which is not very trustworthy.

>> No.6557023
File: 227 KB, 2232x152, The Internet is full of bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your question your asking is asking an absolute, you can find the answer via google.

Learn to tell the difference between someone trying to sell you something and someone actually looking to answer your question. Doing that will save you a lot of money in life.

>> No.6557024

I made home brew for the first time today

I used maxwell house I had at home and it's currently sitting in the fridge

I have no idea what I'm doing

Am I going to die if I don't dilute it?

>> No.6557028

It's hot where I live, so I like the cold brew. You can warm it up if you like, but heat destroys caffeine, so cold brew actually has a little more caffeine.

>> No.6557036

I don't care much about caffeine content, since I'd be happy to drink coffee all day. But yeah I guess if you live somewhere warm, it must be nice.

>> No.6557058
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omfg, the more I read through google, the more confusing it becomes

>> No.6557072
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>Bottled cold brewed coffee where i am boasts about how it has more caffeine than hot brewed.
>Internet is full of healthnuts assuring us that there is less devil caffeine in cold brewed coffee than in hot brewed.

Let's all just drink whatever we like best and trust that the caffeine level is somewhere above zero, yeah?

>> No.6557087
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yeah, fuck it, I'll just buy a technivorm moccamaster since I've been hearing so much positive things about it, and since it's handmade in muh country.

>> No.6557346
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I don't have it very often because I'm too lazy to make it at home but Turkish coffee is my absolute favorite.

>> No.6557720

thats a moka pot

>> No.6557808

Enjoy coffee grains in teeth.

>> No.6557876


>> No.6557877

Putting another vote in for turkish coffee.

But it's up to preferences I guess.

>> No.6557901


>> No.6557930


someone in /r/coffee recommended me this drip machine over the technivorm.It has a few cool bells and whistles the technivorm doesn't such as adjusting the temperature that you want the water to boil, adjusting for altitude differences, etc.


The most important thing in my opinion though is to find a good grinder and getting down the grind settings from there.

>> No.6557983
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OP here, indeed the best coffee I have had my entire life was Turkish coffee (I started drinking coffee when I was 10)

>> No.6557990

So, every other coffee you ever had was Folgers?

>> No.6557997

pic related is THE best way, although i prefer the vacuum carafe to the glass.

If it's not a mochamaster, its an aeropress.

>> No.6558001
File: 1.44 MB, 450x472, Despair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not from the US, I don't know this brand

great pic mate

>> No.6558003

inb4 he's from europe so some canned pre-ground garbage that they only sell in europe is ok because it's not folger's

/ck/ is full of teenagers with "unique" opinions on coffee this week

>> No.6558005

make that in after...

>> No.6558008
File: 247 KB, 440x432, tssshhhh nigga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these assumptions
are you people so insecure that you need to insult people because of preferences in coffee ? I just like the thick rich flavor of Turkish coffee.

>> No.6558038

Worst coffee in existence

>> No.6558088

i knew that the first reply in this thread would be someone dick riding the french press.

>> No.6558103

cold brew definitely has more caffeine in it. the longer steep time extracts more caffeine. i never feel the caffeine when i drink a regular cup of hot brewed coffee but if i have the same amount of cold brew i feel a little buzzed. anyone talking about "trendy coffee brew methods hurr durr" probably doesn't know what they're talking about.

>> No.6558113

>dick riding the french press.
it needs to fucking stop

mayhaps, but again, caffeine content is not a big deal, just drink more if you like the taste of coffee

>> No.6558123

i don't even care about caffeine. i just enjoy coffee so i drink it. i'm not even very into cold brew, i prefer coffee brewed hot over ice. i'm actually drinking an iced aeropress right now.

>> No.6558137

I have a regular $15 coffee pot from Target, a nice French press, and a nice vacuum siphon.

Of the three, the vacuum siphon makes the most perfect cup, but is kind of a pain to use since you have to watch it so closely.
I just use my cheapo coffee pot unless I have the entire morning free and I want to be fancy.

>> No.6558151

>What is THE best way to make coffee ?
Best cup of coffee I've had has been either a melita or percolator with a pinch of salt.

Best method is a 1tbs to 1/2 cup of water. 180 degrees ideally. Serve in porcelain.

>> No.6558165
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>> No.6558172

what kind of melita exactly ? I have one myself, enjoying muh coffee while writing this

>> No.6558176
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>> No.6558195

I've heard good things about the Bonavita, and it's way cheaper than those moccamasters.

I personally do aeropressed americanos when it's just me and french press for a crowd. Both are good in their own way.

>> No.6558212

French Press

The flavour is good, the method is simple and I can bring my press in my luggage when I travel, which I do often enough to want to avoid instant crap

>> No.6558329

How about you go to a fucking coffee shop, when you travel, you autistic introvert fuck.

>> No.6558331

but the reddit hipster crowd loves their meme press

>> No.6558353
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>> No.6558379

>quoting the guy who ruined africa

>> No.6558383

Mandela destroyed South Africa

>> No.6558387

That nigger was full of hatred. I hate people like you, who love these kind of people just because of what they say, and not because of what they do.

>> No.6558389

>mandela destroyed africa
>thinking that somehow automatically renders the meaning of the quote useless

Stay sharp french press haters.

>> No.6558392

I'm not a coffee enthusiast but isn't french press a convenience thing? I mean sure you can like it, but it doesn't seem like the candidate for "best" coffee brewing method.

>> No.6558456

that is true, but when the hipster hivemind says it's best, it must be :^)

>> No.6558946
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There is no THE best way.

How you want your coffee is highly subjective.
I mean... there are actually people out there that seriously orders americano when ordering coffee..

>> No.6558974

I've been using an Aeropress for the last month or so, it's pretty decent. Seems to make the coffee smoother but also give it a richer taste.

>> No.6558991


Don't be hating on my coffu

>> No.6559017

French press: Coffee ground medium fine boiling water let steep 3 or 4 minutes then press slow.

>> No.6559024

Do you people really enjoy bean juice THAT much ?

When I wake up in the morning and have 1,5 hours until work for eating, cleaning, dressing, driving, coffee-ing the only and ONLY thing on my mind is convenience.

>> No.6559025

Approx 1tbs per 8 oz of coffee (or pour in about 3/4 to 1 inch of coffee on the bottom of press before adding water.) Get brewer's chalk (calcium carbonate) and add to grounds to "sweeten" coffees like original Eight-O-Clock. Also, the hardness of your water contributes to the taste of the brew.

>> No.6560437

Most people consider shaving a mundane thing to do in the morning, yet there's an entire community of people who insist on using antiquated shave brushes and soaps to go with their antique grampa razors.

Coffee is much the same way.

>> No.6560461

A straight razor will get you a much closer shave. that haze not changed and it very possibly never will. I haven't shaved since I was ~18, and even I am acutely aware of this.

>> No.6560487
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>french press meme
you know nothing about french press or meme

For home use, from all I've read and tried, this by Rancilio looks to be the best bet. Considered buying one many times over, but every time I've convinced myself that I'm satisfied enough by my press and grinder that I've had for a very long time to not spend the wad of cash on it. I would probably get a good electric grinder before getting an espresso machine, anyway, if not both at once, and I can't even convince myself to spend the money on that, so meh.

>> No.6560514

My top 3 are
>french press
>cold toddy
>automatic drip

>> No.6560543

> gold standard
Espresso (boiler, not thermoblock)

> silver service
Moka pot (stainless steel, not aluminium)

> bronze babby

Nothing else matters.

>> No.6560694

Espresso. LaMarzocco has released a home edition of La Linea, too bad I will probably never be able to afford it.

>> No.6560721
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>> No.6560752
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My parents used one of these for ages until they bought an automatic drip coffee maker.
One of these with an electric kettle is cheap, easy, and perfect for camping.

>> No.6562686
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Lever machine is what I use. It's a finicky machine but once you get to know it, it can make really good coffee.

>> No.6562688

The beans make the most difference when it comes to how acidic the coffee is. Use dark roast of %100 arabica blends if you want the least amount of acidity.

>> No.6563171

Pretentious machine if you ask me.

I mean that's what the creators of modern espresso machines (LaMarzocco, LaCimbali and so on) started with, and obviously at some point it was the best one could do, but even in early 20th century they realized it was time and labor consuming and gave great way to user mistake.

I respect the fact that you take great pride and care in making your coffee and I'm sure it's certainly delicious, but all I can imagine is userbase of autists who insist on using outdated methods just because they can't live in a Dystopian Steampunk wolrd. Bet they'd ride victorian bicycles if they could.

>> No.6563179


>> No.6563206

Partially true.
I understand your point but that may be misleading to someone who is not familiar with coffee (if they read arabica = less acidic).

Acidity is actually one of the main characteristics of 100% arabicas, and a desirable trait for most cups. It's the taste that lingers the longest, thus enabling a better perception of the coffee's characteristics.

Unless if by "acidity", anon meant bitterness (a trait of robusta) or sourness (mainly due to poor quality or poorly processed/stored beans), then yeah. But he may still find a blend of 100% arabica "acidic".

Many peoples who grew up on instant with cream and sugar and moccacchino drinks usually look horrified when they taste a decent cup of coffee. I really believe it's an acquired taste, like wine or whiskey, and even then it's not for everyone (I don't enjoy whiskey or champagne for example, even though I am able to taste the differences).