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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6551348 No.6551348 [Reply] [Original]

Want to rage? I'll start.

>been baking for years now
>make fabulous chocolate cake
>2 tiers, flavored ganache center, roux icing
>buttermilk, cocoa powder, entire bar of baking chocolate, coffee powder, 5 eggs, real butter
>foam eggs and sugar over hot water perfectly, beat until light and fluffy double volume
>perfect ratio of cake flour and AP
>"bloomed" the cocoa powder in hot water with the coffee and melted chocolate
>alternated the dry ingredients and buttermilk like a pro
>baked in two cake pans on parchment paper to perfection, making sure it was not a second overdone and assembled after proper cooling

Taste pretty good. Figured it was my best chocolate cake so far.

Today cause I had a craving I threw this together;
>just cocoa powder with buttermilk and coffee powder and 2 eggs
>all AP flour
>no butter just canola oil
>all in one bowl
>just hand mixed it all at once sloppily
>dumped that shit into a sheetpan that I barely greased and floured
>turns out perfectly moist and fluffy, and twice as delicious as my hard worked fancy cake that I slaved over, even with no icing

Im about to fucking quit baking. It feels like the moon phases has more effect on my results as good ingredients and technique.

>> No.6551358
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>real butter

>> No.6551367

What the fuck lol

>> No.6551375

After checking the fridge I realise that I did in fact use two of my duck eggs instead of chicken without noticing. That might explain a chunk of the flavor improvement, but I'm still pissed.

>> No.6551382
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> be op
> make this thread because good forbid it's been 45 minutes since the last one hit archive status
> wait for replies
> hear about expanding roomie
> hear about cheerio dog dish truck pederast
> hear about panko meatloaf
> hear about subway dick guy
> hear about spergs complain about meme food
> hear inbred britbongs whine about how they're not allowed to eat bacon because it hurts Muhammad's feelings
> hear about people burning water somehow
> hear about stoners turning on burners and walking away to go jack off then returning after a twelve hour call of duty session too find kitchen set aflame
> hear about op's mom's gaping cunt. His sister's, too.

>> No.6551388
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what are duck eggs over easy like

i wonder

>> No.6551395
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I really like them, they are much richer and dense compared to chicken. They have a nuttier flavor, but its not unpleasant or gamey imo. The white is more cohesive and stiff. Not as watery. I certainly recommend cooking it to over-medium because uncooked whites are a little too much with duck.

The yolk is huge, and very dense. I would say its twice as viscous and has a better mouthfeel.

Its really good to use just the yolks for homemade mayonnaise that never breaks.

>> No.6551399

mmm that sounds fun. i'll look for some at the organic hippy food store i guess?

>> No.6551407

My local farmers market guy sells his $10 for a dozen. If you are paying much more than that you are getting jew'ed. Try online search for farms near you that offer them.

And don't wash them even they appear dirty or stained. Washing them removes the protective coating and allows bacteria in. If it looks really gross you can wash it right before you crack them. The shell is also like twice as hard to open so keep that in mind.

>> No.6551412

>Not always using duck eggs for pastries

>> No.6551414

fuck I forgot my shiggy diggy picture

>> No.6551417

Fool that's because cake tastes better without icing.

>> No.6551419

I was worried about the possible taste difference since it was a bday cake for someone else. Now that I am sure its superior you can bet I will be.

>> No.6551420
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Got you covered bro.

>> No.6551473
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>roommate buys pre-cut watermelon from store
>literally washes off watermelon slices in the sink
>ask her why she's washing off watermelon slices
>"you have to wash fruit from the store duh"
>Tell her that's only if you're eating the skin, and you don't have to have to actually wash the interiors of watermelon
>"shut the fuck up anon, I never see you buy watermelon so only give me advice about shit you actually know about"
I want to bludgeon her in her sleep but can't afford the rent

>> No.6551492

Today I was baking some semi time sensitive cupcakes (as in they're needed for tomorrow, and I had shit to do and like doing my baking earlier in the day, it was around 2pm) and realize we were out of oil, but not until I had already separated my eggs and whatnot.

Went to check the pantry for oil, all I had was 2+ years expired so I ended up waiting until my obe of my roommates was out of work because they were already going grocery shopping afterwards.

I finished baking at 11pm-ish. Not a huge fuck up, but apparently I'm an idiot - goddamnit if it didn't piss me off for a bit.

>> No.6551536
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Don't do that

>> No.6551546

>fake butter
Flyover detected.

>> No.6551561
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you were to infer that the poster wishes to know what "fake" butter one would ever bake with

>> No.6551588

I hate seedless watermelons so fucking much

>> No.6551665


might be that your first one was better, but you just craved sweets more the 2nd time.

>> No.6551670

>tfw dating a girl that loves my cooking but thinks staying in is boring just as a matter-of-fact
>never cook for her
>always blow $30-50 on dinner because she's too cool to eat in with my perfectly adequate cooking

>> No.6551673

golddiggin ho
abort abort

>> No.6551717

Underrated post

>> No.6551822

>come home from work and roommate informs me he's making cannabutter to bake some brownies with
>great idea bro! I'll pitch in. No, wait don't use that crappy thing as a double boiler, use my stainless steel mixing bowl instead
>wow, really? Thanks anon!
I returned to the kitchen to find this retard boiling water inside the fucking bowl, the saucepot full of cannabutter floating inside it. I want to kill him.

>> No.6551829

>roommate buys pre-cut watermelon and puts it in the fridge ~11AM
>puts it in the fridge
>the next day, afternoon, I ask her if she's going to eat it because it's already cut
>"I will!"
>days pass, I throw the disgusting untouched watermelon in the bin
>she actually got pissy at me
She does the same shit with honeydew melons and it's aggravating as fuck

>> No.6551833

eggs have the same taste as walnuts

>> No.6551834

if it's pre-cut ... chances are someone touched it? Its probably regulation for the employees to wear gloves but you never know. Im not that freaky about germs but Id understand if someone else was

>> No.6551842

They wear gloves and immediately wrap the slices in plastic. The odds of contamination are slim to none

>> No.6551844

they tell you that all the time in the food industry but then suddenly you're eating horse meat

>> No.6551846

Realize how many layers of assumptions and how much unjustified faith goes into your statement.

At least be honest about sources and margin of error, as well as the nature of your calculations. I eat pre-prepared food from time to time, but your viewpoint is just not the case. It's oversimplified to a point of incurring extreme error and losing all accuracy or utility.

>> No.6551858

Not that anon and not all places are the same but in my store we use gloves, wrap in plastic immediately and wash/wipe down everything used between different cut foods like watermelon and pumpkin

>> No.6551864

I feel that feel, except with my bf. He just really likes the presentation and social experience of eating out, its all psychological.

He will order something that he will admit is not as good as the same thing I make at home, but says that he doesn't have the "mood" to eat anything without leaving the house.

Thankfully he will have desserts I make occasionally.

>> No.6551870

And I've worked in places where people decide to cut corners and skip necessary steps. Typically not anything so blunt as not wearing gloves, but very often ignoring cross contamination because apparently allergies don't exist and nothing bad ever happens when you're just some self absorbed kid who only cares about what shit they have going on after their shift ends.

Oh, and for the third time, no I'm not going to let you dump cleaning up your messes on me because you've got something "very important" to do and your shift ends in 4 minutes but you're going to leave early. Clean up your stuff kid, I've got my own job to do, and I'm going to be pissed if your mess is in the way down the line.

When people try to act like any system with humans involved is perfect, or goes according to plan in a reliable, predictable, and trustable sense, I don't know whether my own experience is simply skewed or very uncommon, if I envy their delusion, or if it's a manifestation of something maddening and pitiable. It's all at once I'd say, and it's the source of many of our human problems. Delusional thinking, and faith in "the system". Whatever that system might be, trust me, it never, never, never, and I mean almost fucking never, works the way it's supposed to. No one can control for all the edge cases and variables, it doesn't matter how good of an engineer you are nor what you're designing.

Yes, I'm pissed. How dare anyone have something I view as an incorrect viewpoint! How dare the universe afford their existence in the same space as me!

>> No.6551952

You really think rinsing the outside will do anything?
This is watermelon, it is a giant sponge, not a slab of meat.

>> No.6552037

well I would be too? why the fuck would you throw it away with less than a day since it was bought. what autistic reason do you have? if it aint bad, Dont touch other peoples shit, you faggot

>> No.6552041


aahahahahahhaahhahaha, what are you, a girl?

>> No.6552064

>calls someone autistic
>can't actually comprehend basic english

>> No.6552242

>Someone complains about their roommate wasting mellons
>Sperg at them

No anon, it is you who is autistic here.

>> No.6552318


oil or shortening make a much better cake than butter. surprised you didn't know this already

>> No.6553291

yes. :^)

but muh traditions. true cakes use butter.

>> No.6553555

Bitter lawlz

>> No.6553659
File: 7 KB, 112x100, 1429496358793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original post said that the poster threw away their roommates food.

>>6552037 is actually right.

>> No.6553671
File: 92 KB, 1108x467, 1423155567307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you've been waiting to tell this to someone for a while now and just the thought of people being dumb eats away at your soul

>> No.6553819 [DELETED] 

You need to scream while you bake. Works every time.

>> No.6554535

You never think for a second about that mother cow getting her babies dragged away from her, so you can get your butter and milk. I want you to kill yourself.

>> No.6554546

>I want you to kill yourself.
This is beautiful anon. And I mean that genuinely. Your perspective is honest and you've seemingly stripped myopia or lacked it from the start.

Indeed. It is not "kill yourself", but rather, "I want you to kill yourself." You readily admit it is merely a desire, and you communicate it as such. Desire is not implicit, only a fool would assume this. Well done.

>> No.6554547

>Run out of costco chicken too lazy to go to costco buy a pack of chicken breast at mexican market near me.
>Brine it 10 hour like how i always do
>Chicken smells terrible fuck it season it and grill it up, roomates and I were hungry.
>Cooked the chickeb on grill, they were rubbery as shit and tasted like it was raw threw it in oven for 20 min still rubbery still had raw flavor.
>Fuck it with enough sauce and bread anything is edible
>2 guys in hospital for food posoning 3 with explosive diarrhea and vomiting
>Fuck mexican shit markets and their garbage meat

Atleast i dont have to cook for the house anymore.

>> No.6554562

>Serving meat that doesn't pass the smell test
C'mon tell the truth. You WANTED them to get sick.

>> No.6554567

B-but chocolate cake tastes so much better if you use chocolate rather than cacao powder...

>> No.6554604

As long as you use cocoa butter as well, any difference in flavor isn't negative. Doesn't matter much.

>> No.6554667

the point was op specified he used real butter, as if there was another option

you fucking autist

>> No.6554681


The taste of the watermelon gets more watery if you wash it.

>8am wake up from the smell of chicken burgers being fried in the kitchen
>when you see someone cooking rice in a frying pan with slaps of that cheap ass cheese that isn't really cheese on top
>people burning eggs at 3am in the morning and waking up to the smell

>> No.6554722

Aaah, this made me rage nicely.

>> No.6554730

>coffee powder
There's your problem

>> No.6554786

except when he said
>with less than a day since it was bought
when the op clearly said
>days pass, I throw the disgusting untouched watermelon in the bin

>> No.6554796

what's wrong with horse meat

>> No.6554907

>chicken smells terrible
>cook it anyway
>blame others
You should never cook again you retarded food terrorist

>> No.6554915
File: 9 KB, 250x186, 250px-Horsemeatsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's wrong with horse meat
nothing, it's fucking delish
but when you buy your shitty meatballs and expect there to be cow in them you just sort of feel tricked

>> No.6554931

woah that other guy who chimed in was having a rough day but yeah kinda what he said I know theres lots of people who do stick to the guidelines but as a customer you just have no way of knowing I guess

>> No.6554950

the issue he was referring to wasn't it being horse, it was labeled as something else and wasn't your usual food quality horses but horses that used to go racing and that kind of jazz ending up as a mystery ingredient in $stuff (lasagna was a prominent example) when they couldn't do their work anymore.

>> No.6555611

the horses used in the horsemeat scadal were ex-racehorses who'd been pumped full of steroids and hormones. horses that should've never been used for their meat.

>> No.6556032

Thats what I thought, which is what pisses me off.

I didn't, only fat in the recipe was canola oil and buttermilk.

>> No.6556070
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>So underrated that it hurts.

>> No.6556355

I went to buy some booze with my buddy at Wal-Mart. The cashier over heard him saying his girlfriend will like the beer I picked. She refused to sell it to me because she couldn't be sure how old his girlfriend is. I told her it's none of her buisness and my buddy pushed me away before it got bad.

>> No.6558202
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>the mean cashier was following the law and doing her job

>> No.6558228

no, that's bullshit. they can only card people who walk into the store. everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.6558252

>make pasta sauce from scratch
>pasta done
>tell brother to drain pasta
>he retards and spills pasta and water onto sink, counter, floor
>no dinner

>> No.6558322

Actually, the girlfriend could happen to be outside the store, and if she's underaged and gets busted, that receipt comes back to you.

It's the same thing with cigarettes. I'm not paying thousands of dollars and risking fucking jail time because a customer makes it obvious it isn't for them, but a girlfriend/daughter, etc.

>> No.6558342

>Actually, the girlfriend could happen to be outside the store, and if she's underaged and gets busted, that receipt comes back to you.

This is also true in Australia

>> No.6558418

So if you're in a store buying alcohol you can't mention that you'll be sharing the alcohol with anyone unless they are present and can confirm they are of age?
That sounds very stupid to me.

>> No.6558419

>That sounds very stupid to me.

Nobody said that laws make sense bro.

>> No.6558429

>being a dumb pot head hippy
You should murder/suicide

>> No.6558514

>you can't mention that you'll be sharing the alcohol with anyone
Not anyone, but if they suspect that you are buying for a minor they can refuse the sale or something (I forgot what the consequences were)
Yes it may be stupid but its to try and curb under age drinking, (yes we know its failing) lol

Anyway it would be smart not to talk so much through the checkouts, just shut up and buy your alcohol.

>> No.6558686

this is true for tobacco and weed related products as well. if a customer mentions they are sharing with someone not present, the cashier is obligated to decline the sale. i have been forced to piss off many a loud-mouthed teenager in my years spent running a head shop. sucks for the kids, sucks for the business, but c'est la vie.

>> No.6558721

to be fair dude, this isn't something you can ever do ever anywhere with anyone who hasn't done exactly what you are doing before and knows exactly what to do.

I know it's incredibly simple to you, and just like I can program a webpage for you by hand in html and javascript, I can't get up when it's almost done and ask you to compile it for me even though it's literally just one command.

I'd come back in 30 minutes and you would have either given up or totally fucked up the code trying to do something else.

I know right? but it's exactly like that. You can't expect people to know how to do something they have never done just because it's easy for you. This is true for anything, even simple shit like riding a bike.

>> No.6558723


Was that the last of the pasta used up?

Did you have nothing else in the house - even some breakfast cereal to have as dinner?

>> No.6558924

Yeah, the law is stupid, but you shouldn't get pissy at the cashier for it. I think it's the same in American, but in England if you get caught selling age restricted products like booze and tobacco to someone underage, the consequences are fucking dire. Not only does the store get a hefty fine, they also risk their license to sell age restricted products being suspended or revoked. Several times, I've gone into small shops and they've had all of their alcohol and tobacco removed or covered up until their license gets reinstated.

And it's not just the store, the employee who made the sale is also personally liable for thousands of pounds in fines and a record that could prevent them from working with age retricted products for a long time.

Basically, when I was working in that area, I didn't care how pissed off you got. There is no way I'm risking that much. Getting yelled at is nothing compared to being caught not carding someone. I even willingly lost a friendship after a guy I know wouldn't understand why I had to check his ID even if I knew him and starting freaking out at me. He looked really young and if someone saw me on camera not checking a guy's ID when he looks about 15, it doesn't matter what I say, I'm losing my job.

>> No.6558935

so if you bought a fruit party platter from the store with sliced melons you would wash the whole tray off?