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File: 100 KB, 800x534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6532724 No.6532724 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a friendly reminder that, while craft and meme beers are perfectly fine, if you think you're too good to drink pic related, you're a whiny little bitch.

>> No.6532728

sometimes it just tastes like pissy bananas or something and i get sick of it pretty quick

>> No.6532733

>if you think you're too good to drink pic related, you're a whiny little bitch.

People don't decline drinking them because they think they're "too good for it". The decline because it's utter garbage. Get your shit straight.

>> No.6532738

>while craft and meme beers are perfectly fine
tips fedora

>> No.6532739

Honestly I find it easier to drink a cheaper beer like Bud or Miller if I'm having a longer session. The fuller bodied craft beers are harder for me to drink that way.

Unfortunately, I've found that I'm allergic to some of them- mainly Coors.

>> No.6532741
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>doesn't think he's too good for it
>calls his grandpas favorite beer utter garbage
>literally CANNOT see the irony in that

>> No.6532744
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In total agreement here.

Brewed beer for many years and home brewers had a "style" they called a "lawnmower beer."

Basically it's just a lightly hopped beer that's good to drink on a hot day. Craft beers have their place, but a nice cold one can really hit the spot in the summertime.

Plus you can't beat the price when they put it on sale.

>> No.6532745
File: 51 KB, 500x375, premium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap beer general?


>> No.6532752

Coors is the "Grumpy senior and black folk" beer where I'm from. Also it tastes like piss.

>> No.6532753
File: 24 KB, 970x647, 0829_millerlite_970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beer won the World Beer Cup four (4) times.
How many did your shitty microbrew win?

>> No.6532758

Good for you OP.
I had a girl drag me to the coors factory tour a few years ago. Been hooked on banquet ever since.
Golden Colorado is way cooler than Boulder BTW

>> No.6532762

Wouldn't it be more accurate to call stuff like Coors and Budweiser the 'standard' beer?

It's the Coca Cola of beer, not the RC Cola of beer. There are still cheaper and shittier beers out there, like Keystone.

>> No.6532766
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blik bier you're beautiful!

>> No.6532768

Why not shandy

>> No.6532773

Depending on how you wanna go, shandys can be cheap too. Lienenkugles, for example

>> No.6532784

Banquet is my go to beer as of late

>> No.6532788

I honestly prefer to start with good crafty or whatnot beer - but once I'm blitzed enough I can make do with regular Carlsberg or Tuborg

Thing is I just prefer darker ales and whatnot instead of plain lager

>> No.6532999

If I want to go cheap I just get Cariboo Honey Lager as its $2.60 cheaper for a six pack than Coors Banquet in the alcohol tax hell that is Canada. At the price of the Coors I can spend $1.50 more and get something that is actually decent so it doesn't make much sense to buy it

>> No.6533010

Cheap light beer is for drinking games and mass events.

For just hanging out with the bros in a casual or bar setting, you wouldn't catch me dead with that pisswater.

>> No.6533025

>Coors Banquet
>Light beer

Chose one

>> No.6533032

I'm not "too good" for it, I just plain don't like it.

>> No.6533034
File: 540 KB, 2000x1000, o-PABST-BLUE-RIBBON-facebook[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah

>inb4 hipster

>> No.6533075
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>> No.6533082

people who call it hipster beer are worse than the actual hipsters

>> No.6533107
File: 35 KB, 420x302, zqb-26238b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's a friendly reminder that, while steaks and meme meats are perfectly fine, if you think you're too good to eat pic related, you're a whiny little bitch.

>> No.6533111

Coors sucks regardless

>> No.6533120


>> No.6533121
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Molson would like to have a word with you.

>> No.6533122

Maybe if it wasn't from Brazil and thus infected with whatever kind of strange mad huehuecow diseases they have down there.

>> No.6533131

But you can get cheap craft beer in the states, no? If you live near the brewery.

In the UK I live within an hours walk from various craft breweries but won't pick up a 330ml can for less than £2 ($3) each!

>> No.6533134

You can get cheap craft beer at some regular markets too m8.

>> No.6533166
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>> No.6533204

Like drinking AIDS M8

>> No.6533219

Does yeungling count?

I fucking love yeungling

>> No.6533224
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Sorry guys

Pic related

>> No.6533239
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>Wanting cheap beer
>Having access to Grain Belt
>Not buying Nordeast

>> No.6533253

mostly just been called a cheap redneck for drinking it and i'm not even white

>> No.6533257
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>and then thy lord bottled his piss and sold it for the low

>> No.6533258
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>> No.6533363

there's a time and place for good beers and for generic ones too. There are plenty of great session beers from good breweries now, but sometimes I just want to go to a sports bar and enjoy an incredibly cold bucket of Miller Lites right out of the bottle. Or take advantage of a happy hour on domestic drafts or something. Coors Banquet is solid, as is PBR.

To me, Yuengling is a step above the many pale American lagers, so that's an easy go to for me as well.

>> No.6533400

In rural areas it's still a redneck beer.
In more urban areas it's referred to as "hipster".

>> No.6533413

I like you OP.

>> No.6533469

it's hip because it's novel to act like a redneck

>> No.6533494
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>asian beer

>> No.6534501
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Always been a PBR guy when cheaping out.

Couple other favorites are Hudepohl because cincy and Michelob Amberbock. I really love amber/dark lagers

>> No.6534510

Love me some Asahi but pretty much all other azn beer is meh.

>> No.6534699

Currently drinking Stone, whose owner is an arrogant fuccboi hipster prick.

Still agree with OP.

>> No.6534796

nordeast is inferior to premium in every way shape or form

premo on tap? i take the premo every time

>> No.6534847
File: 231 KB, 800x640, 141055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a new challenger appears!

AVGN showed me the light when it comes to cheap beer

>> No.6534872

AVGN was drinking it back before it was bought out by Anheuser-Busch

>> No.6534873

drink quality beer, or just drink some whiskey if you can't afford the beer

>> No.6534917

>bought PBR since it was on sale
>18 beers at 4.7
>don't even feel drunk


>> No.6535219

A lot of them are rice beers, so refreshing but not particularly exciting. Can be difficult to tell them apart.

>> No.6535237

old style, special export and schlitz are my preferred shit beers. hamm's if i need to get the absolute cheapest thing in the store. i've seen genesee popping up lately so i will probably try that at some point.

>> No.6535239
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Cheap beer of choice.

>> No.6535241
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12 of these for $8.60

feels good man

>> No.6535432
File: 36 KB, 300x300, miller-high-life-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap Beer Master Race

>> No.6535517

I wanted to like Rolling Rock but it gave me an aftertaste that turned me off.

I miss being able to buy high life 18 packs for about 11 dollars. It was my go to several years ago for that reason.

>> No.6535527

I get both. Sometimes I want premium, sometimes nordeast. I personally think nordeast is slightly better but they both have their time and place. Grainbelt is the number one cheap beer IMO. But I'm from MN so I have a bias

>> No.6535532

You guys are retarded. There is a micro-brewing trend going on in Japan, you know.

>> No.6535543
File: 35 KB, 400x400, White_Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis nigga knows, pic related.

>> No.6535544

Of course there is. And it's all awful.

>> No.6535579

where do you live? i don't think i've ever seen a 30 rack of high life cans for more than $12, and $8 for 12 longnecks

>> No.6535588


>> No.6535917
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I only drink the best cheap beer

>> No.6535923

Having shit taste or being poor makes you cool and unpretentious

Yeah nah get fucked you poor bastard

>> No.6535925

I drink it

>> No.6535929

>dat ice buildup

cmon man! you could probably fit 1 more beer in there if you get that under control!

also why so dirty plz

>> No.6535932

I agree with the bad aftertaste sentiment.

Rolling rock has this... burnt piss smell/taste to it.

Its.. it's not good.

>> No.6535971

I like natty light because I can't drink 40 oatmeal stouts in a sitting

>> No.6535980

not with that attitude

>not with that attitude
Back to plebbit

Craft war now gas the lights

>> No.6536017

agreed. same with red stripe. shit tastes terrible, holy fugg

>> No.6536171

>not picking blessed Tsingtao instead
Damn shame I've only ever seen the shit-tier green bottled version in the States. The smaller brown bottles with the golden foil tops are the shit.

>> No.6536175

>Hitachino Nest
Muh nigga

>> No.6536191

I won't drink it because I don't want to look like a redneck.

If I were alone and had NOTHING else, I might drink it, but chance are that I'm already well stocked on good beer.

>> No.6536216

Hell nah. Give me Labatt if you insist on Canuckery

>> No.6536265
File: 57 KB, 533x800, yhst-128588312714207_2232_45370917[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all the craft beer 6packs in my area that you could get at grocery stores went up $1-3 in 2015 which is typically around what they cost at liquor stores so I started getting into bourbon because poorfag. there's a huge quantity of decent bourbons you can get for <$25

>> No.6536289

its a literally absolutely honest to god true fact that the more beer costs, the worse it tastes.

i've never had an expensive beer that didn't taste like shit. and i've never had a medium beer that didn't taste mediocre. with the exception of budweiser platinum.

>> No.6536295
File: 16 KB, 350x297, 6pkcNaturalIce16oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are in the general area of Beer Truth with your buds and coors, but...

we need to go deeper...

bumping for the best beer.

pic extremely related

>> No.6536301

Use kraft mac and cheese as your example instead and you'll see how silly that sounds.

>> No.6536306
File: 33 KB, 277x554, Piels_Draft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastier than pabst, lighter than coors/bud yet not light beer and pairs well with just about any food. Good luck find it though.

>> No.6536308

except steak is actually decent food. and expensive craft beers are not decent beverages.they're literally designed to have more of the shitty tastes that beer can have, so that people can pay more for them, pretend to like them, and feel better then other people.

also, labatt blue is as good or better then budweiser.

>> No.6536313
File: 45 KB, 640x480, lindseycandacebailey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anon here.
>About to go on my back porch and drink a bunch of Coors Banquet beers in the stubby bottles
>Throw back a few shots
>Smoke some bud
>Talk to neighbors walking by (I live on a corner)
>Chain smoke cigs
>Wife cooks dinner
>Fuck my life ain't half bad

>> No.6536333
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 06_STEEL_RESERVE_40_A-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delving into college kid needing to get drunk mode are we?

If you got the gall to drink it, it gets the job done and more so.

>> No.6536340

oh poo that on has 6.0 labled.. the typical is 8.1. these are usually cheaper than 2 bucks.

>> No.6536345

No, you just have shit taste. But keep doing you man

>> No.6536355

oh yes! steelies kick ass.

and yes, part of a beers value is in its ability to get you smashed, which is why i rate steelies, OE40, and natty ice slightly higher then the budweiser/labatt/pabst tier. the former is more for by yourself, the latter is more for socializing and enjoying. i will say that i think budweiser tastes better then steel reserve, while steel reserve is obviously stronger, i also think that natural ice strikes a perfect balance between the two - its only around a point lower then malt liquors, but tastes as good as budweiser or labatt.

>> No.6536361

shit taste is appreciating bitter foul yeast piss instead of beer that actually takes some fucking skill to brew and refine.

craft and microbrewers are literally laughing their way to the bank because it goes like this: make any old fucking beer that tastes like shit, and the more shitty it tastes, the higher we'll price it.

literally anyone could produce little batches of inconsistent bitter shit.

a lady i knew with a degree in food science was employed by the budweiser plant near syracuse new york. do you have any idea what goes into the creation of budweiser? literally hundreds of professionals using precision technology to create a beer that actually tastes good - and tastes the same every time. budweiser has people controlling and perfecting properties of beer that some clueless hipsters making craft beers don't even know exist.


>> you actually think some punks with turtlenecks and goatees are competing with this

>> No.6536366
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These two are what I drink most nights, but sure as hell not out of a bottle. 1£ for 500ml can. Love that Polish mochne beer

>> No.6536372
File: 4 KB, 161x90, douchebag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>> you actually think some punks with turtlenecks and goatees are competing with this

try putting total douche bags in your commercials

it just might work!

>> No.6536381
File: 15 KB, 259x259, troisie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clueless hipsters

>> No.6536388
File: 861 KB, 400x217, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you. You were spamming your massive asspain about that picture for ants like 3 months ago. I looked for the video for a while and was severely disappointed. It appears you were actually rustled by his appearance and nothing more.

Do you by any chance consider avocados to be a hip new foodie trend for only the coolest of cool hipsters?

Do you believe you are in some way being tortured every time you drive past a chain restaurant? Do you consider it a victory that you didn't slam on the breaks and rush inside to purchase and eat whatever is currently being promoted on the pre-printed posters inside the reception area?

Are you, by any chance, culturally intimidated by Starbucks?

>> No.6536393


Maybe 10 years ago, but in NYC we are thoroughly done with that

>> No.6536399

>> pre-printed

i think their posters are post printed by now

>> No.6536404


I'm not him but avocados are becoming so ubiquitous that people are starting to put them in Italian food, and that just seems like a weird mix to me

>> No.6536405
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>> No.6536417

I didn't say macros weren't impressively brewed, but they're made for drinkability and have an extremely inoffensive (almost vacant) taste. Idk why you're so upset about beer. Also most breweries have at least one or two constant brews always available. Getting a recipe down is easy. The biggest worry would be contamination honestly

>> No.6536423

>if you don't like things which taste bad then ur a fag LOL

>> No.6536512


>> No.6536522


>literally designed to have more of the shitty tastes that beer can have, so that people can pay more for them, pretend to like them, and feel better then other people.

What does that even mean?

>> No.6536539

its very simple dude. the worse it is, the less people will like it.

the less people that like the things you like, the hipper you are.

craft beer is for people that literally think they're a special snowflake.

>> No.6536551


You're literally retarded. The macro brewers are ten times the size of the largest micros so no shit they have the money (and the need) to devote so much to quality control. You can't say it's better just because it's more complicated. It's more complicated because it has to be because they're pumping out millions of gallons of beer per month. When was the last time they innovated anything besides their technology? Where's the creativity? If they're so good why aren't they ever doing anything different?


You're just as much of a tryhard as these craft beer fans you hate so much.

>Can't have anyone thinking I enjoy HIPSTER beer! I'll be over here with my lager laughing at how cool they think they are when I'm really the cool one because I drink the most popular beer in the world! Just look at the commercials. They don't lie.

>> No.6536557

Their Summer Shandy was the first shandy I ever had. I've never been embarrassed by fruity-tasting or otherwise "girl"ish drinks. The Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat has an aftertaste that reminds me a little bit of the way I remember crunchberries in Cap'n Crunch tasting.

Save the stouts and bourbon for fall and winter.

>> No.6536563

Last time I had Coors it tasted like dirty metallic seltzer

Last time I had Miller anything it tasted like rotten applejuice

>> No.6536570

Yellow bellies are a solid choice in terms of cheap beer

>> No.6536575

This ironically hipster anti-hipster movement is just pathetic

How you even jokingly believe what you're saying is ridiculous

>> No.6536621

How cheap is that for americans? That shit is 17 bucks in canadia

>> No.6536627
File: 181 KB, 800x534, bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it goes like this: make any old fucking beer that tastes like shit, and the more shitty it tastes, the higher we'll price it.

you forgot about the catchy name and label. the label's at least as important as its bitter shittiness.

>> No.6536630

for a six pack

>> No.6536633

Then craft beer must taste great since it's audience has been growing exponentially. So much so that Budweiser has to put out attack ads on the industry

>> No.6536669


>>if you're against hipster idiocy, then i'll call you a hipster for trying to not be hip!

yeah. ok. reactionary, maybe, but really, its just calling stupid for what it is.


oh yeah, i forgot, it has to have a really interesting or ironic name and edgy clipart.


its still a tiny slice of the market, and budweisers ads aren't attacks on their part so much as an acknowledgment that nobody but 22-28 year old redditor types think craft beer is anything but laughable tomfoolery. which is true.

make no mistake, expensive craft beers suck, and people shill for them to feel superior by being the special snowflake elite.

>> No.6536684
File: 8 KB, 259x194, gil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god that label's pathetic.

this is like the Gil of Beers

>> No.6536687

Most of the people I see at breweries are 35+

>> No.6536693

Really the insecurity of the anti-beersnob snobs is the most hilarious thing in beer today.

>> No.6536745


This. So desperate to not be seen as anything resembling a "hipster" that they become the same damn thing, just on a different side of the fence.


I'm starting to think you're just trolling but I've been to plenty of breweries in my area and at least half of the people there are close to 40, or older. I don't understand how you have so much knowledge and experience on something you hate so much.

>> No.6536939


i prefer miller lite most of the time, or pbr since its like 7 bucks for a 12 pack around here

i've never tried the REALLY REALLY cheap stuff before like natty lite, but not because i think i'm too good for it

>> No.6537177

About a dollar a beer. It's my go to in the 6 for 6 price range.

>> No.6537215


I want this beer, if only to let the can know I still think it's doing alright, and maybe it should just give life another shot. This is the face of a beer on the edge, a beer ready to give up. Don't Give Up! Don't Lose Your Way!

>> No.6537222

Must be nice.

>> No.6537242

>Here's a friendly reminder that, while craft and meme beers are perfectly fine, if you think you're too good to drink pic related, you're a whiny little bitch.
>craft and meme beers
>meme beers

....and your opinion about anything ever is soundly ignored.

>> No.6537311
File: 500 KB, 1536x2048, Cerveza_indio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most common and cheapest in my country

>> No.6537357

Coors is shit. If I drink cheap bear; it's Modelo, Pabst or Budweiser. Or Tsing Tao, Tiger or Hite.

>> No.6537834
File: 5 KB, 256x192, sparkling squirtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what eat now guy, is that you?

>> No.6537842


So? That guy's a faggot, and so are you.

>> No.6537873
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>implying it wasn't grandpa's favorite beer because there were literally no other options except for other garbage macro lagers/pilsners piss beers thanks to restrictions that survived prohibition until the 80s that made the market impossible to enter for startups

Grandpa can't be blamed for his shit taste, but you can now that there are much better options.

>> No.6537874

When drinking on the cheap, its usually Busch Light or Bud Ice. As long as its cold, theyre not so bad and a good for a cheap buzz.

>> No.6537877

Don't knock it until you've started your maddening descent into the world of unregulated southeast Asian alcohols.

Chang, Tiger and Singha imports are shit... but the real deals from the motherland are loaded with essential nutrients and possible illegal substances that will get messed up on the cheap while tasting downright magical.

Also, Japan is starting to find its beer roots now that they've been recognized for their whisky. Anything from Hitachino Nest and Yona Yona are excellent beers-- and the diversity is starting to grow.

>> No.6537888


>> No.6538014
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>> No.6538037



Jesus christ it must take like 12 of those things to get a buzz

I hope they at least taste okay

>> No.6538065

It's only 2% because if it were higher, alcoholics, homeless and students would just buy crates of them as the cost is so low compared to standard brands.

>> No.6538093


>> No.6538103

It's 2% because it's been fermented for all of a week.

>> No.6538109

Sapporo is the cheap shit beer. The fake beer goes for about 180 yen for adult size at the conbini. Asahi and Yebisu go for about 310. Sapporo goes for 250

>> No.6538111
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"Why take a chance?"

>> No.6538115

its not that i think im too good, its that coors always tasted like meat sweats. i go cheap all the time now since i drink daily, but coors aint on my list.

>> No.6538169

Here in the wonderful land of Australia, I make my own beer. Cost's about $30-50, I get about 20-23 liters and can make it taste like whatever I want.

>> No.6538187

Gadverdamme dat smaakt pas naar pis, en koppijn gegarandeerd

>> No.6538318

Ashai is cheap shit here too, I'll take Kirin Ichiban over it.

>> No.6538382


>48 pack

Muh dik

>> No.6538390
File: 553 KB, 1938x1418, 1432144673586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bud light platinum is terrible

Tastes like alcoholic corn juice

>> No.6538500


I like my Asahi. $3 33oz cans not too bad for an import.

>> No.6538554

it truly is an awful product

>> No.6538565
File: 141 KB, 306x355, 1426766555373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw OE comes in plastic 40s now

>> No.6538570
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>not too good for it
>calling it utter garbage

>> No.6538574

Tastes like a sweaty groin

>> No.6538585

What is this abortion? Tell me you lie.

>> No.6538589

I really wish I was, man

>> No.6538603
File: 71 KB, 330x490, StagBeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this cheap beer
>Not one mention of Stag

I'm ashamed, /ck/.

>> No.6538817

I think I might pick up a 12-can box of that just in honor of being alone and not having to work OP.

>> No.6538827
File: 318 KB, 1200x1600, 003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful with what you find out there.

>> No.6538830
File: 108 KB, 640x427, a919e74e11d4897cd1fbcedccca6109a.640x427x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same shit with steel reserve

>> No.6540242

If it's ice ICE cold I can deal with it. Otherwise, get that shit out of here, pig disgusting.

>> No.6540248

Mah fuckin nigga

>> No.6540313
File: 42 KB, 599x447, BRPjCauCUAAcNr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called Fink Brau now but I drink this shit religiously, despite being a fan of craft beers too

>> No.6540342

I live in Texas and they sell this at the same price as the craft beers. It's even on the shelf with the craft beers, which I guess they do because it's an import. I bought a six pack of it the other day out of curiosity. I can't say that I really cared for it.

I went to Mexico with my gf though to visit her family and it was all her hipster cousins drank. I don't know man, guess I just assumed it was some sort of mexican microbrew.

>> No.6540357

At least Colt 45 is reppin glass.

>> No.6540503

Colt .45 works every time.

>> No.6540522
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>> No.6540546
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This stuff is pretty good considering it's an adjunct lager.

>> No.6540570

its like that hilarious shitty commercial but in image board shilling form


>> No.6541084
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>> No.6542916

I'm getting heartburn just looking at that.

>> No.6543040
File: 15 KB, 600x364, Kostritzer_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$6 for a 4-pack of these 500ml fuckers in NYC. I am now never without them.

>> No.6543563

self righteous degenerate normies are the worst scum on the planet. DUDE IT'S POPULAR SO IT'S GOOD YOU STUPID HIPSTER LMAO

>> No.6543609

Blatz and Schlitz are cheap and taste much better. Living in Milwaukee PBR is a fucking mockery.

>> No.6543636


>> No.6543659
File: 119 KB, 600x600, narragansett_beer_can__70205.1405382715.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walk right past faggy Shipyard and Harpoon for this. Only decent beer in New England.

>> No.6543900
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I have 30 of these waiting for me in my fridge and 4 bottles of Newky brown.

Such is life in North East England.

>> No.6543908

taste isn't dreadful but it's just too damn fizzy

>> No.6543911

What's about alagash any of the other good regional beers?

>> No.6543912

>getting this assblasted that someone called you out on your insufferable meme beer discussions

>> No.6543915

whenever i go down to the off licence for a drink, i make a habit of picking up something i've never tried before. At the moment i'm going through their selection of polish beer. Its cheap and usually pretty good.

>> No.6543917
File: 151 KB, 833x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WAHHHHH OP hurt my feelings. Better go spend $7 on muh craft IPA brewed with sub-Saharan jalapeños and 400% more hops than what is necessary. Fuck you and your utter lack of pretension, OP.

>> No.6543921

If you don't drink Labatt Blue Light you're a fucking hipster

>> No.6543941

Oh man I remember when one of you co/ck/s downloaded a whole folder of these and every thread was crapflooded with butt naked crying babies for like a year.

Those were rough times, man. Was that you?

>> No.6543943

Nah bro. Only been a cu/ck/ for roughly 6-7 months. I use that picture more on /fit/ and /mu/ than I do here.

>> No.6543945

i like craft beers and all

but if I just want a regular beer, I usually get:

molson canadian, coors banquet, m.g.d. or kokanee

>> No.6543962

I'll drink it if it's offered, I'm not a cock. But it's still shit beer.

>> No.6544447

>if you think something I enjoy tastes bad, you better still drink it or I'll call you pretentious!
well guess what buddy, the next time I'm serving shit-sandwiches and you come over I better see your ass digging the fuck in.
And don't give me that "I'm too good to eat shit sandwiches" pretentious bullshit.

>> No.6544671
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>> No.6544684

If you drink Labatt Blue Light you're a fucking mouthbreathing Canadian.

>> No.6544890

I didn't say you still had to drink it. OP is right; there's a huge difference between not enjoying the flavor of something and clearly idicating you think it's beneath you.
I'm not your buddy, palooka.

>> No.6544917
File: 377 KB, 450x500, coors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$26 a case in my area but it goes down well, I like to have about 6-8 per night.

>> No.6544928

6 of these nasty bastards make me drunker than 12 of anything else, I don't like the drunk they give me, im happy on other shit but this brings out a rage in me for some reason

>> No.6544967

>> If they're so good why aren't they ever doing anything different?

because if it aint broke you don't fix it.

>> No.6544987

i drank 3 four lokos once, and i wound up getting in a fight naked, with my father, sliding around in puke and vodka, then running screaming into the woods naked after he sicced a dog on me, and sleeping out there before stealing a work uniform and sleeping under a bridge and walking ten miles barefoot through the ghetto to get to the mall to borrow two bucks from my old boss to get a bus ride to work, and then, a girl i had a crush on started kissing me out of nowhere while i was waiting.

i look on the internet, and there are dozens of people who experienced the exact same fucking thing. wound up naked fighting people and running around homeless and insane.

four loko, never again.

>> No.6545047

Came into post this
the beer store across the street from my WNY college sells it, and i think I'm the only eprson who actually buys it

>> No.6545231


>> No.6545298

Here's what I've learned about beer.
No matter what you drink.
It doesn't matter.
It could be the darkest most bitter beer on the planet.
There's always someone in the room who's willing to eat a mouthful of dry hops and look down on you condescendingly and call whatever you're drinking shit.

Just enjoy whatever you enjoy. Simple as that.

>> No.6545321
File: 77 KB, 600x600, Foster&#039;s33Can_th0002.jpgdeebe81e-49c7-4a78-8f77-746dc078d083Larger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the bare minimum. Anything below this (Coors, Budweiser, MGD, Heinekin, PBR, etc) is pisswater and not worth a single penny.

>> No.6545324

is this Australian for something?

>> No.6545329

This is on the same levels as that pisswater.

>> No.6545334

>is this Australian for something?
..yes, that's why is says 'Australian' on it.
..but I'm not Australian, I'm a Californian. This is my idea of 'light beer' BTW, if I want to get serious there's much better out there, but for $2 to drink with a nice burger or other regular meal it's not bad.

Then I guess you're just too finicky, Nancy. This is my 'slumming' beer. Deal with it.

>> No.6545342

Fosters....it's Australian for beer, is the answer I was looking for dumbass

>> No.6545354

sounds pretty damn nice, anon. enjoy it :^)

>> No.6545360

best cheap beer

>> No.6545363

them little bottles are the best you can turn them up in one drink and let the bottles fall where they may when ur arm comes back down

>> No.6545365


I didn't ask "why don't they change their beer?"
I asked why they can't ever come up with something new.

That's a stupid expression anyway. If it wasn't broken then you couldn't fix it. If you improved something, then you did something positive, and only a piss-chugging retard would say otherwise.

>> No.6545514
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Leinenkugel Honey Weis is the reasonably-priced nectar of the gods at $12.00 for a twelve pack of bottles. Not dirt cheap but not super expensive and absolutely worth it.

They also have a berry weis that somehow tastes like a beer/wine hybrid without sucking

>> No.6545548

Except literally no one in Australia drinks Fosters, fuck that for a joke mate. VB is what you want for a true blue aussie beer after a bit of yakka

>> No.6545554

When I want cheap beer I usually go for Pbr 12 packs for about $12.

>> No.6545557
File: 390 KB, 260x317, 1417935430482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>younger brother shits on me when ever i bring a 6er of coours banquet to his house
>next day tells me he needs to borrow a few bucks for lunch because he spent 80+ on craft beers the night before
>mfw i spent $10
i like some craft beers and stuff but goddamn i could never buy them all the time

>> No.6545558

my brother and i went to visit a friend who was going to the university of iowa last year
every called us a hipster for buying pbr
they were all drinking nat ice or busch light

>> No.6545649

This guy knows whats up!

>> No.6546226

>talking shit about Boulder like I wouldn't find out

The only thing Golden has going for them is the light rail extension.

>> No.6546472

He's the dumb one, for not getting your 'joke' regurgitating advertising copy?

>> No.6546485

why not buy a 6pack of a less shitty beer for the same price or less

>> No.6546487

Natty Ice or Miller Lite are my go to cheap/low calorie beers. Some nights I want to sip a hoppy IPA and relax while others I'd prefer to get shitty with a friend and kick ass on Battlefield 4. OP was not a faggot this time.

>> No.6546493
File: 88 KB, 648x426, cerveza-tecate1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap beer
>no one mentions Tecate

Fucking white people.

It's also the best Mexican beer because it's the least pretentious, since they're all lighter than an albino that's been stuck inside for a decade.

Pacifico, Indio or Victoria might technically be better, but they're harder to find and certainly more expensive in the states.

Meanwhile, I'm buying 24oz cans of Tecate for $2.

>> No.6546543

This is the only canned ale Mr Rashid stocks in his shop and I don't like it. There's a better selection of bottled stuff but I prefer cans.

>> No.6546546

What is modelo

>> No.6547443
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About 50-75% more expensive.

>> No.6547457

But that's not Sol or Gallo. Dirt cheap and gets the job done.

>> No.6547510
File: 11 KB, 250x395, tennents-lager-beer-online-1322137889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly cheap, but nothing is in Canada anyway.

>> No.6547541

sol is like 4% abv faggot

>> No.6547542

good goy

>> No.6547639
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stand aside plebs

>> No.6547656
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>beer that actually takes some fucking skill to brew and refine
>do you have any idea what goes into the creation of budweiser?
>literally hundreds of professionals using precision technology

>> No.6547660


Tramp fuel

>> No.6547697

Naw man, it's delicious crisp Scottish lager, perfect for throwing back by the dozen on hot summer days.

>> No.6547717

That makes me feel sad

>> No.6547721

Looks like a good night in m8s

>> No.6547731
File: 9 KB, 350x374, JR 5.5 hero copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my cheap beer of choice, $1 a bottle, tastes alright, 5.5% its pretty good for a cheap beer

>> No.6547733

Easily my cheap beer of choice.I wish I could buy it in my state. I grab a case every time I head south.

>> No.6547740
File: 168 KB, 830x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drank shit loads of this in Crete a few weeks ago, €1 a can. Lovely crisp taste, decent ABV. I've read reviews calling it "undrinkable" from craft beer hipster faggots. Wish it was easy to buy outside of Greece.

>> No.6547749
File: 14 KB, 200x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another superb european beer, that all the snobs detest. Wonderful with shellfish.

>> No.6547751


I actually buy that on occasion.

>> No.6547753

Used to love that stuff.
Do they still have the random on the underside of the cap?

>> No.6547758
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It tastes like soap but that price tho

>> No.6547762

havent had a beer in awhile but they did last time i had a few.

>> No.6547798

for some reason this tastes miles better on draft than it does from bottles. cans are fine, but it seems like every bottle is skunked

>> No.6547821

>implying you can't get 14% in less than a week

>> No.6547827
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bro just hit up trader joes

>> No.6547835
File: 59 KB, 200x526, Bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I'm feeling cheap I've been getting this lately. They're like $2.30 ea where I live. For cheap beers the only thing I really care for is Miller High Life. Anything else I rather just be sipping on some cheap whiskey.

>> No.6547903

>Won in the category of American Light Lager
Thats like winning the special Olympics in the category of cup stacking.

>> No.6547909

Tastes like musty corn juice.

>> No.6547986

For the price, easily the best available beer. Has flavor and body, unlike watery Bud and Coors, which are the same price in Ohio.

>> No.6548693

that shit is garbo

>> No.6548780

The name tag is good and its $0.50 a beer

>> No.6550473


>> No.6550481

Michelob ultra is a good choice for calories and I think its same ac as mille and coors...it only cost like a buck more per 12pack here

>> No.6550966

Japanfag just moved to Canada here. Beer's so fucking expensive holy shit. Cheapest I've found is $9.50 a sixpack.

>> No.6552301
File: 2.09 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-05-30-12-42-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good cheap porter

>> No.6552511

Best cheap beer on the planet. Kept me good and buzzed during my college years and money was tight.

>> No.6552514

I hear that here a lot. Poor Canada.

>> No.6552621

Please, tell me more? What are some brands to watch for?

>> No.6552624

If you have memories, you're doing it wrong

>> No.6552640

Im sorry
You can thank the indians

>> No.6552651

Its really the only beer I drink, and I've tried just about everything because all of my friend are microbrewery faggots. Budweiser will always be the king of beers

>> No.6552677

Yep. At least our weed's cheap.

>> No.6552735


that's only everywhere except Quebec

in newfoundland and the maritimes it's even more expensive

if you buy anything less than a 24, expect to pay roughly 2 dollars per beer. a 24 of decent beer generally costs you upwards of 35 dollars, although you can get 24 of james ready for 32, which is alright.

if you're close to the quebec border, it's worth it to take the drive to buy beer there, just buy in bulk so your gas is well spent.

>> No.6552757


What Japanese whiskey do you recommend

>> No.6552964

Any of their standards are excellent and very distinct. Yamazaki, Hakushu, Taketsuru, Hibiki--I'd recmmend sampling the younger batches from each and you're bound to find one you like.

I'm personally fond of Yamazaki--but I'm biased because I lived near the distillery in Kyoto for a few years.

>> No.6553048


thank you im going to try some of these. i do like whiskey but i mostly drink crown royal, so this will hopefully be a nice change.

>> No.6553055

these cans remind me of dark times...

>> No.6553202

I'v never seen plastic 40s in my area. Sounds abysmal.