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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6522515 No.6522515 [Reply] [Original]

Visiting my parents to help my dad do some housework and my mom cooked this, there is ground turkey under the cheese and tater tots. Am I wrong for just going to mcdonalds instead of eating this?

>> No.6522516

Yes. She's your mother, you prick. You're supposed to make her happy.

>> No.6522517

oh and more hash brown like stuff mixed in with the turkey

>> No.6522520
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Would eating this for one fucking meal to make your mother happy really kill you? Jesus christ.

>> No.6522521

Well I tried it, it was bland and flavourless and I hadn't eaten all day.

>> No.6522523

>Le doge foode.

You wouldn't happen to be black would you OP? Because that's Mama cookin if ever I sawed.

>> No.6522524
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>midwest hot dish
>flyover region of US

>> No.6522529

>I mocked my mother's expression of love on le chainz
>M I le coolz yet anonymoose!?

>> No.6522530

It's like this all the time, from what my lil bro tells me. And I'll be here for a week to help out with things. If I'm helping out I want to at least eat decent food. The other day apparently she made pure turkey meatballs with canned sauce and day old refridgerated pasta. My lil bro said the meatballs were dry as fuck, our mom said they were sweedish meatballs.

>> No.6522533

>[[heavy breathing]]

>> No.6522535

I'm with you, OP. I'll eat some trash out of respect sometimes but that's fucking ridiculous yo

>> No.6522536

Nope, white.

Indianafag here, so you're correct.

Not mocking her, I felt bad but I'm donating my time helping my dad and them when I could be out doin my own shit.

>> No.6522537

Then maybe you should offer to cook, or at least help cook. It's not the end of the damn world, m8.

>> No.6522542

She won't let me, I offered after I saw what she had made and she said she has meals planned out for weeks, this pictured in my post sat in dridge for 4 days from what my lil bro said, she makes shit and just bakes it days later.

>> No.6522556

Thanks, I knew I couldn't be the only one who would eat a meal I don't want out of respect, but it's like, if I'm gonna come and help and be respectful the least you could do is cook something decent, it's not hard.

tomorrow she has planned a turkey meatloaf, lil bro told me it's just ground turkey mashed into a loaf and baked in a crockpot.

>> No.6522558

And she could have been out doing her own shit instead of spending eighteen hours in excruciating labor just bringing you into the world. She toils and cleans and works her hands to the bone raising you and keeping you alive, and this is how you repay her?

>> No.6522564

>works her hands to the bone

Come on, anon. Look at OP's pic. I've seen food from the Mongolian steppes that looked more palatable.

>> No.6522565


oh boy if half that were true I might agree with ya, buuut it's not.
and you can't always use the "well I raised you!/gave birth" argument, because I never asked for any of that, sooo...yeah.

>> No.6522570

Also Indianafag here, never had tatertot casserole, but I love hashbrown casserole, and most other casseroles.

>> No.6522574

My dad would brown ground beef and add a couple of cans of cream of mushroom soup. He'd then season it with garlic, pepper and chile powder. He'd put it in a dish and cover it with tater tots and back until they were golden brown. This is the ultimate drunk food.

>> No.6522575

it was bad
no seasoning of any kind
just ingredients thrown in there, refridgerated for 4 days
and then baked and served, nothing else with it, just that

sounds 5 star compared to this shit

>> No.6522582

>Well I tried it, it was bland and flavourless and I hadn't eaten all day.
Your words hold no value when your plan was to go to McDonalds instead of just eating something that was already made that couldn't possibly be worse than McDonalds. You just sound like a bratty kid.

>> No.6522589


>> No.6522591

Nope. But at least mcdonalds TASTES like something and not just flavourless mush.
Plus I hadn't eaten anything yet today, so I was pretty hungry but still, this mush wouldn't do it,

>> No.6522593

Those are tater tots. You have my condolences.

>> No.6522598

well, it was like she took tater tots and mashed them all up and mixed that in with the turkey.
turkey is the only meat they eat, and chicken

>> No.6522604

That sounds really bad. Does your bro actually eat this garbage, or is he surviving off junk food? Is your mom having some mental issues or something? Refrigerating shit for a week before actually cooking it doesn't sound very normal, man.

>> No.6522605


>fried potatoes
>bland and flavorless

Yet somehow McDonald's is packed chock full of flavor! What could they possibly do that your mom doesn't? Oh yeah, a ton of sodium. If only you had access to some seasonings.

>> No.6522610
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>these faggot saying they wouldn't rather have a burger and fries over his mom's shitty ass cooking

>> No.6522619
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Jokes on you, my mom can't cook. At all. She managed to burn scrambled eggs. That were also not even done yet. Also, I have never been more confused by captcha until this moment.

>> No.6522623
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You were an insensitive faggot to your mother and now you're hoping for validation or praise. Either way you said it yourself that you're only visiting, so you shoulda just added some hot sauce and scarfed it down, you ungrateful, empathy-lacking piece of shit.

But since you're a regularJacques Pepin you should have just made dinner for your pare-- Wait, that's right, you wouldn't have thought of that because you're a Giant Faggot

>> No.6522624

As someone who doesn't have any real choice in what they eat, yes. You are wrong. And you lack perspective.

Your mother cooked up a novel dish that actually sounds kind of tasty, and you'd rather go to mcdonalds and eat some generic overpriced trash. I shouldn't have to point out your error. Appreciate your mother, anon.

>> No.6522625

Enjoy being skipped on the will

>> No.6522631
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>being a jumped up, pretentious, ungrateful little shit

good job retard, im sure your mother is really proud of the person youve turned out to be. disgusting little ingrate

>> No.6522637

What is wrong with these people; there is nothing wrong with having personal preferences and saying no to your parents.

>> No.6522639

>All these people saying OP should eat some disgusting flavourless mush just because his mom made it
I bet you'd think he should eat it even if she served him literal shit on a plate. Also, fuck you Google, booze is food.

>> No.6522643


Maybe his mom should've learned how to cook instead of expecting her son's pity. He didn't ask to be born into servitude

>> No.6522647

I would eat the shit out of that, and hell id probably eat the shit out of your mom too if she'd let me!

>> No.6522649


>> No.6522650

>Being an indiscriminate eater

>> No.6522653

It clearly isn't disgusting flavorless mush. Saying you should appreciate someone isn't the same as saying you should be a slave to their whims and fragile emotions simply because they're family.

Get delusions about authority out of your head and you can start weighing things with a bit of clarity. You are more a thing of disgust than OP. And booze is not a food.

>> No.6522654

She sounds like a bad cook. And it's not like she's putting a bunch of effort into her food, so there's nothing too wrong with not eating it.

>> No.6522656
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>immature ingrates dont understand how to treat their parents

to top this story off, OP went to fucking mcdonalds of all places. kill urself my man

>> No.6522657
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He eats it, likes it most of the time he says, he just doesn't like the tater tots in it, likes them by themselves.

yeah but i wasn't gonna go buy seasoning to add to it, like i said i didnt eat all day and I had helped roof a shed, so I was quite hungry.

I don't like hot sauce, what else was I suposed to add, ranch?

Mdconalds tasted 100 times better, I don't eat it all the time but I'm not gonna eat bland, tasteless food when I been helping them roof a shed, I'm famished and I wanted something tasty that I can enjoy eating.

Exactly this.

Sorry, Nope!

>> No.6522660

It's just food. Plus, OP sounds like he's helping his parents out anyway.

My parents are just happy to have me over, regardless if I eat what my mom made or not. It's not a big deal.

>> No.6522664

I agree that he should have just eaten it but jeez man, you're being way too over-fucking-dramatic about it

Just simply saying that she spent time out of her day to make the family a meal would have been enough

>> No.6522665

Yes there is. Even if she's a poor cook, there is love in that meal. I mother likes to feel she his giving her son something.

And then OP plots to continue doing this the rest of the week. That's probably the worst part. Instead of being tactful for this meal and then saying, "hey, I want to cook for you tomorrow night," or even, "why don't we cook together tomorrow, ma?" he thinks, "screw this shit I don't even have to be helping here why should I eat this I deserve better" Just awful behaviour.

>> No.6522666

OP is going out of his way to help his parents how is choosing to eat something you prefer being ingrateful?

>> No.6522667

There's a couple things OP could have done

He could have told her its not very good. Chances are if it was shit, she'd agree. And they could all have gone out to dinner together or ordered a pizza or whatever. This would have made a good rib poking joke on mom forever.

He could have been a good boy and covered that shit in garlic salt and scarfed it before he could taste it.

He chose to refuse his moms food tactlessly and went to McDonalds to eat a 3 dollar shitburger

>> No.6522669

>Even if she's a poor cook, there is love in that meal
Now you're just projecting. You don't really know much about OP's mother.

>> No.6522676

Did your mom treat you like shit or are you an orphan or something? If my mom cooked up a plate full of shit, I wouldn't eat it either. I'd just make myself a sandwich or a frozen pizza instead.

>> No.6522679

>Am I wrong for just going to mcdonalds

also be nice to your mom you fucking faggot

>> No.6522681 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 466x466, 1432004146089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>son is coming over to help us do some work around the house
>cant think what to make for dinner
>decide ill make something that reminds us of childhood and what kids used to eat
>this will be good and fun
>he takes one look at it and says "implying im going to eat that, implying this wont offend my seasoned, experienced palate, 2015, not sautéing the tater tots in a delicate blend of rare spices before adding them to the braized gourmet shredded turkey breast"
>he storms out and rides his scooter to mcdonalds
>comes back crying, saying he spilled his nuggets and didnt have enough autismbux to buy more
>see him later talking about it on a north korean chemical engineering website
>his dad and mines faces when

>> No.6522682

I agree

>> No.6522683

No, I was just raised to be a decent person.

>> No.6522684

It sounds like OP is already being nice to his parents by helping them out.

>> No.6522685
File: 109 KB, 1024x569, 1428342255605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tater tot hotdish
>implying that raping it with ketchup and salt like MCD does with all their stuff isn't perfectly fine
>implying no ketchup or salt at home
>still being enough of a shithead to want McDonald's

>> No.6522689

Without a backbone, apparently. It's okay to refuse food.

>> No.6522690

ayy lmao

>> No.6522695

>north korean chemical engineering website

>> No.6522696
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>> No.6522697

>I was raised to be a good person
By a single father who got you takeout or frozen dinners every night, apparently. No wonder you don't have a spine.

>> No.6522698 [DELETED] 

u no hev pennor ic

>> No.6522699

There is something wrong about this whole thread. OP apparently refused a shit meal of meat, fried potatoes and cheese to go eat a shit meal of meat, fried potatoes, cheese and bread. The only thing that could've made this thing flavorless (or more flavorless than mcdonalds, anyway) is if there was no salt or pepper in it, which you can add at the table. Feels like a troll.

Also, everyone ITT defending OP has never cooked a meal for anyone. Taking the time to cook and having people leave and go to mcdonalds, of all places, is fucking insulting, even if you only made something as simple as a cheese omelet with toast.

On another note, why is midwest food basically stoner-tier?

>> No.6522704

>Taking the time to cook and having people leave and go to mcdonalds, of all places, is fucking insulting
That's your problem.

>> No.6522705


She really doesn't have any S&P or garlic powder or anything? I dunno anon. Maybe she's losing it.

>> No.6522706

Maybe his mom worked herself to the bone and never really needed to learn "proper" cooking. OP should tell her her cooking isn't very good, and then tell her she should take a class.

Or get her into watching [spoilerfood wishes.

>> No.6522707

I read all your mitigating bullshit, you're still wrong OP. Eat at least a modest portion to be polite, thank her, then go to McD's. While that's a grisly looking dish, it's probably healthier than most of the shit you'd get at McD's, and at least in the same vicinity of plebness, so don't act like you're too sophisticated to eat it.

>> No.6522709

If he were acting as if he were too sophisticated, he would've offered to take the entire family out for dinner at some decent local family restaurant instead of heading out to McDicks. Which would've been a slightly less dick move, but I still don't blame him for refusing to eat that garbage.

>> No.6522711


The thread is about our opinions you dumb fuck. The same could be said by anyone who thinks OP should have eaten the food without enjoying it and just gotten over it. If you have nothing to say then you don't need to make shit up. Jesus christ.

>> No.6522713
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>OP should tell her her cooking isn't very good, and then tell her she should take a class.

Are you genuinely autistic? this post reminds me of that autist in the "asking guys for sex" video that said
>i think thats breaking normal social conventions, its inappropriate and im going to walk away now
when a hot girl as if he wanted to fuck

>> No.6522715

It's still your problem, Anon.

Plus, if you cook something like in OP's pic, you must really fucking hate the people you're cooking for. Hopefully you only cook for yourself.

>> No.6522718

Telling her to take a cooking class is even worse than just walking out to go to McDonalds, jesus christ.

>> No.6522719

No he's literally just making excuses. The chances of an actual household not having salt and pepper of all things is retarded as hell.

>> No.6522723

Considering what she made, I'd believe it.

>> No.6522732
File: 247 KB, 712x400, 1400284403843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /ck/ such a divisive board. It seems like more than anywhere else the threads on here are full of piss flinging.

>mfw my mom was an awesome home cook and coming home from uni means homemade bacon and delicious fried chicken and homeade biscuits drowning in cream gravy

>> No.6522737

OP here, you're wrong about all that but damned if I didn't lol heartily.

I don't pretend to have refined taste or anything, and I'm way underweight actually, I'm like 5'9" and 120pounds

I told her I already ate, she seemed to be hurt by it, but damn...so I went with my lil bro to mcdonalds.

and we never had this shit growing up, she's not a shit cook because growing up it was always home cooked, from scratch everything, ordering a pizza was maybe a once a month thing as a treat. never had boxed shit or things like that

can't stand the taste of catchup, like I said up there, we never even had that shit growing up.

There was no seasonings, like I said.
it's all turkey or chicken meat, nothing else, and no salt added to anything cause my dads medical condition or something, he doesn't talk much about it but she cooks everything based on his diet.

I did eat some, like I said I tasted it, it tasted like shit, so I said I'm full, sorry I already ate.

We have salt but it's never added to anything, it's there for my lil bro and sister.

>> No.6522740

>I told her I already ate, she seemed to be hurt by it, but damn...so I went with my lil bro to mcdonalds.
This has troll written all over it.

>> No.6522741

>can't stand the taste of catchup
What the fuck did you buy from Ronald that didn't have ketchup in it?

>> No.6522742

Why do you think I'm a troll?

Triple cheese burger, no catchup no mustard. can't stand either of them due to never having them as a kid.

>> No.6522743
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>I told hear I already ate...so I went with my lil bro to mcdonalds.



>> No.6522745

>awesome home cook
>lists food coaxed with lard to make it taste good

>> No.6522748

And what would you have done?
Imagine working for the past 8 hours, roofing a shed, you're starving because you didn't eat anything else that day except drink water, now you go in and god damn you just wanna sit down and enjoy eating some tasty food, but oh all you have is bland slop.

>> No.6522764

Well, you know, it'd be my problem once. You can be sure it wouldn't happen a second time.

>> No.6522769

As a mother, if one of my kids did this, especially one that I hadn't seen in a while, it would hurt my feelings pretty badly. Not being able to provide a decent meal for your kids makes you feel like a failure as a parent if you actually care about things like that. It seems like she wanted to make you something fun and not too fussy but still tasty and filling. Would it have killed you to just eat? Or even pretend to eat and "go for a drive" or something?

>> No.6522773

She didn't make it for me, this was prepared 4 days ago before I even learned my dad planned to do this shed on his own, I was like fuck that no you're not and decided I'd do it instead. So if I hadn't said I'd do it, he would have done the shed himself and came in and had to eat this.

>> No.6522777

>As a mother
>On 4chan
If I was a mother and my kids didn't eat something I made for them, I'd try my best to never make something that tastes and looks like crap again.

>> No.6522779

>muh privilege
>while in africa

>> No.6522783

But anon, I'm in Indiana.

>> No.6522785


I'm here for the yaoi but I get a lot of tips from /ck/.

>> No.6522786


I wouldve eaten it.
Honestly doesnt sound too bad, as far as bad mom meals go.
OP is a faggot.

>> No.6522792

it tastes good
Eat a duck nucka

>> No.6522793

>Getting your fujoshit porn from 4chan
Surely there are better ways, Anon?

>> No.6522805
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Can't beat the OC and community of 4chan.

>> No.6522810

Okay, so, is this some kind of really shitty raid or something? Don't you idiots have something better to do?

>> No.6522813

better to do than talk about food?

>> No.6522819

No, 4chan is really just that bad now. I've seen more unwarranted hostility and shitty bait today than I have in ages. It's like /b/ is leaking everywhere and there's nothing we can do to stop it.

>> No.6522844
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 1430685377734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit, I write some extremely hostile and over the top posts deliberately, because I think it's humorous. But I try to weave something substantial or subjectively valuable into it, and I'd say historically the balance of signal noise has been fairly high on my own part. My own decrease in post coherence, detail, and general quality more or less correlates with a rise in what you described.

I don't think it's spillover from /b/, I think it's just the human species in general. There are a lot of pretty fucked up and moronic people, the world is grim and dreary, and there is much greater access to and reliance on, the internet. This greater traffic translates to an increase in everything awful, always,

>> No.6522848

shut up fag

>> No.6522853
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No anon.

>> No.6522858


Okay :3

>> No.6522904

>my ungrateful son is visiting to SOA tiny bit of housework
>gave birth to him
>he bitches about a home cooked meal on the internet

am I wrong for wishing I put him up for adoption?

>> No.6523121

She is my step mom, but I don't see it like that
It's not a tiny bit of housework, mowing the grass, roofing the shed, digging up flower beds and laying new dirt down, planting flowers n shit, and whatever else my dad thinks he has to do but shouldn't be doing

>> No.6523196

where in indiana? 219 here

>> No.6523205

Ossian, you probably never heard of it, most people I talk to haven't. It's some small town just south of fort wayne and north of bluffton

>> No.6523492

Bunch of children in here I told my mother her food tastes like shit when I was 12 and cooked a better dinner than her same day.

Your dad and brother are probably pussy's that won't say anything and shovel shit in their mouthes. You need to let her know its shit, when I did it 10 years ago my mother actually took shit serious and my 3 younger siblings didn't eat overcooked flavorless pasta or raw tasting meatloaf.

Tommorow or whenenver you go back to help bring some ingredients and take over the kitchen if there are complaints request to compare food.

Faggots on this board would eat vomit plated on dog shit if their mother served em it.

>> No.6523606

pretend you are 80 years in the past and in the military.

I've only witnessed something like this before through my grandparents.
>rural Missouri
>gma cooks Stroganov
>gpa starts to eat, takes a few bites
>tells her "this aint no good"
>try some myself
>egg noodles ridiculously overcooked, almost no texture but fully formed
>greasy ground beef clumps
>no seasoning and little to no sauce

she cooks for holidays and theres never an issue and usually has signature dishes that are revered within the family.

Its ok to tell her you dont think its the best thing ever. People have opinions. Shes a mature human and should be able to handle criticism regardless of who they are.

How old is she OP? People lose senses in old age.

>> No.6523641

What does SOA mean?

>> No.6523770


I bet you are 19 and a faggot.

>> No.6523775

Damn dude your mom is wifey material

>> No.6523782

Id have just said i wasnt hungry. Then get something later

>> No.6523797

absolutely. that looks delish.

>> No.6523807

You can order a burger without ketchup

>> No.6523810

>Indianafag here
Where you at, OP? Avon here.

>> No.6523814

I could see this actually being extremely good with tomato sauce. Without tomato sauce it's a little too much for me, but i'd still eat it.

>> No.6523854

Probably tastes better than McDicks.

>> No.6524501

Yeah, that's probably way better than McDonalds garbage teir food like products.

>> No.6524516

Maybe instead of being a little fucking bitch you should talk to your mum and see if you can help her make different food instead of being a cunt you cock gobbing faggot

Kind regards your Father

P.S. I only wanted you to help this week because you never talk to us anymore and we are worried you might actually be a faggot because you have never had a girlfriend....

>> No.6524597


It wasn't better than mcdicks.

I'm 25 and just ended a 6yr relationship with my Fiancee.

And, as I've said, she doesn't let anyone else cook for her since she has to cook with my dads diet in mind.
So she can't add salt to anything.
No beef at all.
That sort of thing.

>> No.6524687

My mom is a great cook and made shrimp chow mein for lunch today, and i refused to eat it and had a salami sandwich instead that i had her make me after she and my dad were done eating. And then i bitched because she didnt put it on the kind of bread i wanted. Tell me what a huge dick i am.

>> No.6524695

Cowboy Casserole is pretty gud for white trash food.

>> No.6524776

>So she can't add salt to anything.
>No beef at all.
um what? that thing is dripping in fucking salty bullshit
>b8 has been taken

>> No.6524784

My dad does that too.
Or 9/10 times he'll cook pasta.

>> No.6524820

Im Swedish and your mom couldn't have been more wrong. But I think you know this. In case people dont know, what makes swedish meatballs the swedish type is that its served with lingonberry jam.

>> No.6524853

in america, most of the time its just grape jelly.

>> No.6524898

>People are calling motherfucking hotdish a home cooked meal

It's a can of soup, frozen tots, shredded cheddar cheese, and meat, thrown into a pan, and served. Nothing about it is special. Complain or cry when OP rejects shit like Baumkuchen.

>> No.6525064

I'd rape that with my mouth if I was drunk.
What's your problem?

>> No.6525066

That's a terrible drawing, kaibas hair looks nothing like that

>> No.6525142

>Triple cheese burger, no catchup no mustard. can't stand either of them due to never having them as a kid.

It's called growing up. Well, to be fair, normally growing up means losing a taste for ketchup and gaining a taste for mustard.

>> No.6525263

I said she doesn't ADD salt to anything, she can't remove salt, and my dad didn't even end up eating this but she still didn't add salt to it.

Well, I'll eat some decent mustard, but not the shit they serve at mcdonalds.

>> No.6525323

Id eat that out of op's mums ass

>> No.6525355

im calling bullshit. if you spent 8 hours laboring your ass off on a hot ass rooftop the last thing youd care about is how the food taste, you just need a lot of it. im guessing after your mom called you away from wow to eat and you saw she didnt get the dozen shitburgers you wanted you threw a bitchfit and are now seeking validation from randoms on the internet

>> No.6525784

I could see how you could arrive at that assumption.
However, the fact is that I actually wanted to taste something decent after working so hard.
You'd want to taste something decent after that much work, too. It sucks when you're working and then go eat some shit that you have to force yourself to chew and swallow.
So yes, I could wait another 15 minutes to drive to mcdonalds, maybe YOU couldn't wait that long, but I definitely can.

>> No.6525839

Yo man, you take that back. Mongolian BBQ is tasty as fuck.

>> No.6525865

That would have tasted practically the same as McDonald's. You've been brainwashed by their advertising if you think McDonald's tastes better.

>> No.6525910

Well, mcdonalds was warm, salty, and greasy. tasted awesome compared to what my pic tasted like. You can't comment on the taste since you didn't taste it, now did you?

>> No.6525944

I know what tater tots taste like, I know what cheese tastes like, I know what ground turkey tastes like. I'm putting all three flavors together in my mind and I'm getting a big mac with fries minus the special sauce.

>> No.6525955

not even close, remember it sat in the fridge for 4 days, uncovered, with all the other fridge smells and tastes mixing with it

Tonight we actually had dry pork chops, some pasta that was waaay too salty and peppery and some canned green beans. Mom apparently felt bad the other day, think maybe she knew I didn't like the taste of that so she tried to make something better...

>> No.6525974

You're killing your mother. Fucking douche bag

>> No.6525976

So if she served crackers and peanut butter I should jump with joy and give her the best mom of 2015 award?

>> No.6525979

She gave you life. So, yeah

>> No.6525984

but she didn't

>> No.6525997

Oh, gee, thanks

>> No.6526006

OP, I don't really see a problem with it, to be honest.

As long as you're tactful with your mom, then it's alright, I think. Normally I'd probably choke it down, but sometimes I think it's alright just saying that you're really in the mood for something else and that you're going to do your own thing.

That said, I grew up in a family where my mom never cooked at all, except on special occasions, and she wouldn't have been offended if my dad and I thought it was shit and tossed it out.

>> No.6526018

So? He wasn't consulted on the whole thing. Kids aren't eternal indentured slaves to their parents.

>> No.6526024

If he doesn't like being alive, there's an easy exit for everyone.

>> No.6526032

They aren't even temporary slaves to their parents. All they're truly needed for is protection and resources, which can be gotten elsewhere even at a very young age, though it'd be more a game of odds than anything else.

It amazes me how readily people will get down on their knees when faced with the "you do whatever your parents say, their house, their rules. Etc." Such is a thing of delusion and not at all a reflection of actuality. People spread it to offload buried feelings of fault in themselves.

>> No.6526247

Goddamn you are such a whiney ungrateful little bitch.
This is my true and honest opinion; you are the kind of person I, and others, have a deep disliking of. This sort behaviour will hold you back from forming real adult relationships, romantically and professionally, and unless you change, you're gonna have a shitty life.
Just my 2 cents

>> No.6526258
File: 21 KB, 317x267, laugh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tells her "this aint no good"

>> No.6526268

What the fuck is wrong with it? Would you pass on a burrito with ground meat, cheese, and some potato in it?

Picky fuck.

>> No.6526270


She did not birth OP.

>> No.6526272

That's your mother. Show some respect.

She doesn't go onto forums and complains about her faggot son browsing anime image boards and jerkin it to cartoons.

>> No.6526273

Why didn't you just add seasoning? Quit bitching.

>> No.6526277

Eat the fucking hotdish, OP.

>> No.6526321

Must be nice to have a cool mom. My mom gets pissy for a whole week if I try to give her cooking advice. She's a great cook up until the point she dumps half a container of garlic powder into literally everything she makes, no exceptions. I guess smoking your whole life kills your ability to taste.

>> No.6526331

my mom use to make this.
ground beef
cream of mushroom
mixed veggies
american cheese

>> No.6526334

>Implying there's anything wrong with jerking it to cartoons