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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6501114 No.6501114 [Reply] [Original]

British food thread?

>> No.6501117
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>> No.6501131
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>> No.6501134

Do britbongs actually call sausages bangers?

>> No.6501136

>I'll trade you my rum and coke for one of your sausages

>> No.6501139

Don't be ridiculous, we call them Porky Workies

>> No.6501143
File: 1.61 MB, 1536x1152, Traditional.Sunday.Roast-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the gravy? Serving that up without gravy is like making a Waldorf salad without the mayo or a grilled cheese sandwich without actually cooking the thing. It's incomplete. Pic related is a meal that more accurately reflects what we eat here in England.

Or is your real intention to passive aggressively poke fun at the British by posting a false, derogatory example of British cuisine? I can't always tell when someone's trolling on 4chan.

That said, the mere idea of haggis is disgusting. You want to take the piss out of British food? Start with haggis.

>> No.6501148
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>> No.6501152
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British cheese and biscuits

>> No.6501172
File: 68 KB, 620x387, shepherd's pie_2580707b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shepherd's Pie is one of the most delicious foods in the world when done right, but I defy anyone to find a picture of it where it looks as good a it tastes.

>> No.6501175

yeah, circa 1950, don't hear the phrase much nowadays.

>> No.6501181
File: 1.88 MB, 2688x1520, 2014-12-26 18.51.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade steak pie with mash, roasted vegetables, and white pudding.

>> No.6501184
File: 2.22 MB, 2688x1520, 2015-01-22 18.12.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haggis, neeps, and tatties, with some carrots and whisky sauce.

>haggis is disgusting

Pleb detected.

>> No.6501185

i thank the lord every day when i wake up that im not british

>> No.6501187
File: 260 KB, 590x350, CHEESE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better not be talking shit about our 700+ types of British cheese m8 or I'll get on the dog and bone to the Minister for Slapping Foreigners and tell him all about you!

>> No.6501188
File: 2.36 MB, 2688x1520, 2015-01-26 18.35.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good old fashioned fried breakfast.

People complain that British food is bland, but I don't think it is. It's just more subtle. We've never really been a country of extremes, and that shows in our food.

>> No.6501193

thank you for this valuable contribution to the thread

>> No.6501198
File: 40 KB, 400x319, haggis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take sheep's heart, lungs and liver
>mash it all together and boil it
>make it look like science fiction
>give the accompanying veggies cute names to combat the depression that comes from just looking at this monstrosity
>serve with strong alcohol to escape the reality of what you're about to try to eat

It's actually illegal to sell real traditional haggis in the USA. The ingredients don't pass FDA approval. Kind of an overreaction, but still, they've got a point.

>> No.6501201

there are plenty of American foods that are illegal to sell over here for the same reasons m8

>> No.6501205

You are literally retarded, as are the food laws in the US. It's illegal to sell it there because the quality of meat is so awful that anything other than the main bits of the animal is deemed unworthy of eating, despite the fact it's just more meat from the same fucking animal. All of the ingredients of a haggis are natural, as they should be, but the US bans it and supports high fructose corn syrup shit.

Then again, what should we expect from a country that washes eggs, despite literally EVERYONE in that field recognising it's retarded.

Oh, as an added thing, literally everyone who I have given haggis has thought it was delicious, even if they were squeamish about the ingredients.

>> No.6501209
File: 54 KB, 550x292, 1a5eee1ee6a9d0fb_Full-English-Breakfast.xxxlarge_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks good but I'd personally swap the black pudding for mushrooms and tomato and some toast.

>> No.6501210
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unless you're being ironic or 70 years old no.

To keep with the sausage-y theme. The local delicacy - The Saveloy Dip. Boiled sausage, sage and onion stuffing, pease pudding (pease pottage as it's also known) and mustard served in the local bread.

It's actually quite nice although this is from a town that has 3 Greggs on the same street, 2 of which are right next to each other so perhaps my culinary standing isn't to be trusted.

>> No.6501212

I guess it's different ways of doing things, for me it's all about the black pudding, it's my favourite part of the ensemble.

Mah South Shields nigga. I'm from Seaburn just down the coast. I heard they'd closed one of those Greggs.

>> No.6501217

Okay, I'll confess that I've never tried haggis and never met someone who tried it and didn't like it.

Based on that, I'd try it, but it would take effort not to wince on the first mouthful. I'd want some strong beer on hand as well, just in case.

>> No.6501221
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So you're literally complaining about it being bad to people who have eaten it, when you yourself haven't?

>4chan in a nutshell

>> No.6501223
File: 127 KB, 300x425, Dicksons_Sav_Dip_Web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did, moved it to quite literally around the corner. I just really like using the image.

Also the Saveloy Dip for those of you that couldn't picture my frankly spot on description.

>> No.6501225
File: 668 KB, 2688x1520, 2015-01-10 18.32.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love pease pudding.

Pic doesn't do it justice as it was quite dark in there, but there's a place in Newcastle called "Red House" where their menu lets you choose a pie, a gravy, a mash, and a sauce of some sort. Mine is eternally mince pie, meat gravy, cheddar mash, and pease pudding. It's godlike.

>> No.6501226

I haven't shoved a red hot poker up my arse either but I'd still have strong feelings about it.

But yeah, I was being facetious. The idea of eating lungs makes my skin crawl for some reason, even though I know it's safe and enjoyed by a ton of people. I don't like liver or kidneys either. Maybe it is a bit childish to be so squeamish about food like that but I can't imagine myself enjoying eating something when the thought of it makes me shiver.

>> No.6501227

Scotch, son, not beer.

>> No.6501229


Why isn't there a drive through Greggs?

They're missing a trick

>> No.6501233


>it would take effort not to wince on the first mouthful.

lol you're in for a surprise dude

that's like flinching when a girl goes to give you a blowjob for the first time

>> No.6501239

>flinching when a girl goes to give you a blowjob
I was going to make a "your mother" joke here but my heart's not in it.

>> No.6501251
File: 158 KB, 971x578, Greggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but my heart's not in it.
That's because it's in the Haggis. HA ha... huh

You could be onto something here, their current system appears to just be saturate the market until your next door neighbour is also a Greggs.

>> No.6501254

fuck shepherds pie and fuck lasagna

layered mince can chew my nine

>> No.6501261
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>> No.6501269
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Rhubarb Crumble and Custard.

Like a lot of British food it's not much to look at but it's gotta be the best dessert ever. Other crumbles are acceptable of course, especially apple. My Nana is an awesome cook and me and my brother used to go out and pick brambles by the railway, bring them home and she'd make a crumble for everyone.

>> No.6501271


apple and blackberry crumble or pandowdy is the shit. my favourite dessert is the rhubarb tart my mum makes, has sandy pastry as thick as a door, the rhubarb makes you wince but the set custard and the cream you pour over the top carries that away. fucking great

>> No.6501272
File: 66 KB, 640x427, becca-garber-blackberry-picking-sicily-friends-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick brambles by the railway
I miss that, an art that seems to have disappeared because it's apparently not safe for children to be near a railway line. Did me no harm and my brother was chuffed to bits. RIP Steven.

>> No.6501273
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Good old Viz.

Top Tips and Letterbocks always make me smile.

>> No.6501274
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>> No.6501276



>> No.6501288
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>> No.6501293
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x800, mind of a chef faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6501313

Fuck me that looks abysmal. What is that pink blob?

>> No.6501316

This is probably the funniest thing I'll see today, and good God, I needed it. Been up all night with anxiety over a work project and my girl laying some heavy shit on me. This was a great way to start my day. Cheers

>> No.6501321

This is a very typical weekend breakfast in Aus. Thank you England for making our breakfasts delicious and our hangovers more tolerable.

>> No.6501323

Don't you fuckin lie you Oz shit, you smear vegemite all over that you goddamn barbarian

>> No.6501326

Vegemite toast is my weekday breakfast m8o.

>> No.6501328

I used to beg my mum for the Bangers and Mash because there was a cartoon about two monkeys by that name

>> No.6501335

>sunday morning breakfast after the night out with the squad
>5 rounds of "The Big Breakfast"
>I order pancakes

>> No.6501340
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>> No.6501360

this sounds grape as fuck actually

>> No.6501381

>British food
More like /fit/ food.

>> No.6501394
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>> No.6501396

Why the fuck do you have mash instead of god like roasties ?

> mash should never be on a roast dinner

>> No.6501424

People take the piss about our food, but the truth is when we were inventing everything thats useful in the world during the industrial revolution, the rest of Europe was sitting in the sun inventing 500 different ways to shape pasta or cook pig

>> No.6501433

Also notice that one of the other biggest economies in Europe is Germany, who have arguably worse food than us.

>> No.6501452

Exactly, i have also never eaten more badly than in restaurants in Ireland or Netherlands , awful food. Inventing steam engines and shit was far more important than making countless ways to cook a sauce.

>> No.6501464

only when it's banger and mash

>> No.6501488

When the British stood alone against the Nazis during WW2, there was a food shortage, and sausages were made with low quality ingredients , this made them prone to popping when cooked. Take the piss all you want , but I am proud of the people who went through that awful time, and won

>> No.6501512

Irish cookery has been stunted for centuries because of English oppression. Hell, the potato famine happened because all the good land was used to grow food for export, so a potato monoculture developed, which was massively vulnerable to disease.

>> No.6501529

I am Welsh and have a great love for the Irish

>> No.6501560

>200 years later paddies are still mad

>> No.6501594

Thank God America showed up and saved your asses, yeah.

And we did it without renaming sausages to something fucking stupid.

>> No.6501599


It's only a certain kind of sausage bro, not all sausages in general.

And we have some pretty fucking dumb sayings ourselves.

>> No.6501602

you got there as the curtain closed :)

>> No.6501623


yw anon

>> No.6501630

Pick one.

>Fair and full is your honest, jolly face,
>Great chieftain of the sausage race!
You fucking mong.

>> No.6501656


look, british friend

i have refrained for shitposting in your thread, because i'm not in the mood for it today and because you guys seemed to be o.k., but if you evern fucking compare German food to British food again i'll fucking snap and.. *draws katana* back the fuck off, fool!

German, but also Austrian food is absolutely amazing and I can smell from here that you've never even been here so kindly fuck off *mean glare*

>> No.6501657
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>Implying that haggis and by defaul,t the Scots aren't British
You failed geography didn't you?

>> No.6501667 [DELETED] 

So glad I live abroad from my native Cuckbongladesh
One day I will be able to never visit again, gain a new citizenship and drop that passport

>> No.6501673

Actually, it's the lungs the US law takes umbrage with.

That's due to a blanket ban on sheep lungs due to a big Bovine spongiform encephalopathy scare about 30 years ago.

USDA bans livestock lungs in human food, but not pet food.

It's 100% possible to get haggis that excludes the lungs, but keeps everything else.
It's not exactly the same, but is still quite good.

It's more like a pate than the sausage one finds in real Scottish haggis.

>> No.6501679


specifically the ban is on the *sale* of lungs.

It is perfectly legal to make authentic haggis, but it means you have to slaughter the sheep yourself.

>> No.6501682

Muh pork

>> No.6501683

Kindly fuck off.
Scotland will be free again, as it was when the earliest written evidence of Haggis existed.

>> No.6501692

the USDA's umbrage with lungs is not unfounded.

If you're not careful during slaughter, you can get some nasty fluids in the lungs that will render them unsafe to eat.

If you're not experienced, get a proper greek or arab butcher to do it for you. They've got tons of experience with butchering sheep.

>> No.6501693

>support both sides with massive loans until they're both punched out
>zerg rush the losing side with retarded ww1 tactics
>loot and pillage half of a defenceless continent
>leave the other half in the hands of bloodthirsty russians
>spend the next 70 years gloating, recieving loan repayments and bombing civilians in every third world country that won't suck yankee cock
>somehow convince yourselves you're the "good guys"

Yeah thanks for saving the world there Americunts.

>> No.6501704

>zerg rush the losing side with retarded ww1 tactics
>loot and pillage half of a defenceless continent

I think you confused the US with Russia there.
I'll forgive you, as you're probably an idiot.

US wartime strategy was focused on exploiting weaknesses and air superiority, bombing their supplies and production centers, and then advancing on multiple fronts to force a thinned defense.

It was a brilliant strategy, and formed the cornerstone of modern military operations:

1) Gain air supremacy
2) Bomb everything useful
3) Send in the ground forces to mop up

>> No.6501717

>still this buttmad about losing
Do something worthwhile and regain some pride already.

>> No.6501718

british food can be great

brits themselves have literally the worst food culture though

>> No.6501720
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>> No.6501742
File: 1011 KB, 3262x2793, Strawberry-Marsala-Trifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there anything better than strawberry trifle?

>> No.6501743
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Toast sandwich is fantastic, great textures.
I've made it when I had put toast on but then realised I had ran out of butter.

>> No.6501749


>implying the british crown hasn't literally owned the usa since it's foundation

>> No.6501813


i fucking hate most pork dishes with a few exceptions. German cuisine is not all about pork, even though it is a big part. try challenging your preconcieved notions.

>> No.6501831

How is that brilliant? We had nothing to defend, so of course we would go all out on the offensive. It's not brilliant, it's just being blessed with heavy resources, minimal involvement, and a weakened enemy.

>> No.6501849

raspberry trifle

>> No.6501858

It's pretty good but it takes ages to cook it right IE steaming it.
It's a bit to spiced for me.

>> No.6501865
File: 72 KB, 1024x768, Chips, Battered Sausage and Curry Sauce-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6501919

God save the queen.

>> No.6501921

Well, you've got to get your fluoride somehow

>> No.6501966

So is that fried sausage? How is it?

>> No.6501981

You're making me cry. I had to eat one of those when I was visiting England in a host family. That day i've discovered you can actually take away someone's will to live just with food.

>> No.6501982

>Not bread toastie

>> No.6501986

Council estate mums can't drive

>> No.6501988

Well it's just batter and a sausage but due to the way they do it they don't really interfere with each other's taste as the film around the sausage creates an air pocket so really it's just batter that you can take off and a shitty chip-shop sausage.
Also places do battered mars bars and stuff like that.

>> No.6501989

Bretty good. Just dip a sausage in batter and deep fry it to find out for yourself

>> No.6501993

Is that raw chicken?...

>> No.6502000

Vegemite is fucking filth mate

>> No.6502004

Gonna have to work pretty hard to get out of Britain mate

>> No.6502039
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> Weiners

>> No.6502046

It looks like simmered at ~63 C.

>> No.6502062
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>> No.6502069

what is this... thing ?

>> No.6502094

A "meat feast" pizza
BBQ chicken, mice beef and doner kebab meat. £4.50
I wasn't even drunk.
The takeaway has since shut down.

>> No.6502101

layered mince can chew my nine
I'm assuming that's centimeters by your erudite style of writing.

>> No.6502110

ladies and gentlemen, why the UK is the most obese country in europe.

>> No.6502112


>> No.6502119

>BBQ chicken, mice beef and doner kebab
Not sure if that's missing an n or a comma.

I'd eat it either way after a nice of beerin'

>> No.6502120
File: 86 KB, 720x960, oatcakes4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon, chayse and tomato oatcakes. Food o' the Gods.

>> No.6502121

That's a toast butty you murrifuck.

>> No.6502132
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Alright me babber that looks gert lush.

>> No.6502134
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>> No.6502139
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>> No.6502143
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>> No.6502149
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>> No.6502154
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>> No.6502202

Excuse me?

When the Germans do it you masturbate over it.

>> No.6502260

You know what, me and my mum lived on these during a summer holiday when my dad was away. It was hard but we rewarded ourselves with a trip to the cinema to watch Jurassic Park.
I'll never forget.

>> No.6502267

Not dipping your bangers in a pea, sweetcorn, mash and gravy mix.
What the fuck are you doing?
Seriously, what the fuck?

>> No.6502279
File: 234 KB, 640x480, gwYs7jP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting munchy box

>> No.6502303


Seems legit.

>> No.6502333

That is grotesque on all levels

>> No.6502369

>tfw haven't had a munchy box since december

>> No.6502390

What are you eating for christmas this year?

>> No.6502392

Surprised to see these here, you from Stoke?

>> No.6502399


so much yes.

>> No.6502411

Marmite on toast here. I've tried vegemite and I couldn't tell the difference between them.

>> No.6502416

They sell that at my local restaurant. It's god tier but a bit pricey at £8.00. It's a pay day treat. I simply can't get the same results at home.

>> No.6502425
File: 130 KB, 366x609, Picture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're everywhere in the center. You can't turn a corner in this country without someone giving you free yum yums.

>> No.6502439
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>> No.6502441

idk, depends where I am on that time. Why?

>> No.6502453


Yep. Stokie born and bred.

>> No.6502476

various preservatives/food colouring/genetically modified shit that has been declared unfit for human consumption in Yurop

>> No.6502480

underrated post

>> No.6502482

Cool. What do you think of High Lane oatcakes? Last time they microwaved my oatcakes and I haven't been back since.

>> No.6502505

Pretty sure that high fructose corn syrup is banned too.

>> No.6502523


Nah, they just don't use it because they don't have the stupid high import taxes on Sugar that the US passed in the late 1970's. It's more expensive than sugar so they don't use it.

>> No.6502526

Don't forget the massive corn subsidies primarily lobbied for by large biotech firms.

>> No.6502529
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>> No.6502538


Those are terribly insignificant compared to the taxes and import quotas. Most of the biotech firms involved in the corn lobby didn't even exist back when the HCFS switch occurred.

>> No.6502543
File: 82 KB, 720x540, stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK still uses home-grown sugar (from beets) and turns it into a syrup similar to that from corn for processed foods. I guess our climate is more suited to root veg than corn.

>> No.6502549

When's the last time a large military power fought a defensive war?

>> No.6502550
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>> No.6502560


In America, we call these corn dogs, as they're made from a cornmeal batter. They're served on a stick and are usually eaten at fairs with ketchup and mustard on the side or drizzled on. I'm not fond of ketchup on a hot dog, but for some reason, I need that combination of ketchup and mustard on a corn dog.

Now I want a corn dog.

>> No.6502561
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Disregard the wine

>> No.6502571
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Delicious fried bread

>> No.6502577

It looks so unsanitary. Like the grease is mixed with the cooks sweat and he hasnt bathed for a while. Very unappetizing

>> No.6502579
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>> No.6502586

>eating dinner in the daylight
do britbongs actually do this?

>> No.6502587

Watching somebody stuff their face with one is even more unappealing.

>> No.6502590
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>> No.6502594

Dinner is normally eaten between 6-7pm I think and doesn't change much throughout the year, so in summer we would be eating in daylight.

>> No.6502595

At this Latitude it's not getting dark until 9.30.

>> No.6502597

>In America, we call these corn dogs
Is this a troll?

>> No.6502598

> 2.79MB
> 2.6MB
I'm hating you so much right now

>> No.6502601

there's a marvelous new invention called the lightbulb anon, by some kind of voodoo magic you can make a room bright even when it's dark outside

>> No.6502607

there's clearly light coming in through a window. you can tell by looking at the wall on the right

>> No.6502631

I live waaay up north. It doesn't really get properly dark here in midsummer. There's a slight blue glow even at 2am. It often that light even around 11pm.

>> No.6502633

Well, most people don't live in the arctic circle.

>> No.6502635

>obviously not roasted


>> No.6502642

Me too. I bit he used shitty old huffman tables and didn't even upgrade them to arithmetic coding now that the patent has expired. He's probably also using baseline instead of progressive.

I would check and fix his errors, but it's already seeming like he's enough of a pleb, we ought to just leave him alone and thank him for caring about posting high quality images regardless.

>> No.6502683
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>> No.6502697

might as well be Norway

>> No.6502707


Never tried them. Don't want to if they're nuking their oatcakes. My local one is London Road Oatcakes. You tried theirs? They're the best in the City in my opinion.

>> No.6502737
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 33b0467e5bb3f1c1ffa8e8c584af3633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you got rid of the fucking jello and custard you'd have strawberry shortcake, which is a desert that's actually palatable and not just every thing desert related tossed inside of a bucket.

>> No.6502747
File: 3 KB, 1024x614, Flag of Shetland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're almost exactly between Scottish mainland and Norway. I fucking love it here. Our flag does look a bit Nordic, come to think of it. We eat shitloads of fish. One of the local favourites is 'sassermaet', which is a type of spicy sausage meat flattened into patties called 'brönies' - I'm not fucking kidding.

>> No.6502770

Also, double dubs

>> No.6502779
File: 2.73 MB, 4148x3111, IMG_3230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6502780

what are those ball looking things?

>> No.6502783

>food called bronies
>shetland known for ponies

I don't know if I want to go there.

>> No.6502802
File: 102 KB, 853x565, keeping warm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6502811

Are these ponies also an electro-pop duo?

>> No.6502841

Yorkshire puddings

>> No.6502854
File: 20 KB, 460x287, chip-butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why no one into chip butty?!

>> No.6502868

But that's wrong anon

>> No.6502884
File: 213 KB, 1024x685, Karl_Pilkington_2008-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw out with french qt, talking about food, she effectively says english food is disgusting
>mfw had no idea where to take her

>> No.6502894
File: 504 KB, 1600x1154, pret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pret a manger? French name at least.

>> No.6502904

take her back to fucking france and leave her there m8

>> No.6502907

I need to lower my carb intake, most of what I eat is bread, potatos, rice and pasta. What do I replace them with?

>> No.6502910


>> No.6502916

You couldnt have chosen a worse picture of a roast
> mash
Must be a troll

>> No.6502920


>> No.6502933

I thought that was greece?

>> No.6502948
File: 68 KB, 782x443, boiled beef and cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiled beef and cabbage anyone?

>> No.6502951

boiled dinner is fucking delicious

>> No.6502952

It's the Czech Republic at 32.7%. UK is 7th place in Europe at 26.9%. For comparison the USA is 33.0%...

>> No.6502956
File: 686 KB, 1296x792, jellied eels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jellied eels

>> No.6502971

Fucking hell I lold

>> No.6503259

What horrifying animal puts a sausage roll in a coconut finger, what is wrong with this filthy drowning rat of a country.

>> No.6503290
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 1380160398578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6503294

That looks... healthy

>> No.6503454

Are people dumb enough to think this? The war was impossible to win without American aide throughout the entirety of it. It was even more impossible to win without America's intervention.

>> No.6503459

german food is fucking amazing how retarded are you?

>> No.6503461

You would spend 8 quid for a sandwich that costs 70 pence to make and then have the gall to call it a "treat".
That's quite retarded.

>> No.6503464

Is this really what bonglanders eat on a day to day basis, or is just the most cliche of foods? Everything looks dense and/or greasy

>> No.6503475
File: 273 KB, 800x800, strawberry shortcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to correct them, at least post a strawberry shortcake pic that isn't slopped together.

>> No.6503485
File: 269 KB, 2000x1000, o-NOMNOMNOM-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad I'm an american.

>> No.6503498

Britain does too.

>> No.6503515

Those eggs look fantastic.

>> No.6503518
File: 168 KB, 800x600, lv02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do britbongs actually call sausages bangers?
actually, they're called bangers when they contain such a low % of real meat that the government wont let them label it as a sausage.

>> No.6503519


>> No.6503595

That's not a high quality image. It's just a large file.

>> No.6503652
File: 134 KB, 287x344, tipping intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the ingredients of a haggis are natural, as they should be, but the US bans it and supports high fructose corn syrup shit.

>> No.6503653

This thread has made me so hungry. Reminds me of Nan.

>One of the colonies.

>> No.6503718

We tend to eat tea around 4:30PM to 5:30PM. Lunch 12:00PM to 13:00PM. A.Brit here.

>> No.6503850


Oh please, fuck off you uneducated americunt

>> No.6503854

Why do people do this?

The world is broken and most of your life will be fighting against madness. Tough, why is it so hard for some to admit? "bait" and "tipping" were some of the worst things to take root in 4chan. I liked it better when it was just tinfoil hats.

>> No.6504228

>ball bearings on cake

>> No.6504241


Fuck off yank.

>> No.6504243


Northener with unemployed parents detected

I'm Irish so I say tea too

>> No.6504244


>> No.6504246


>> No.6504247

>ball looking things


>> No.6504249

I hope she was just a quick pump n dump.

Frogs are as retarded as the yanks with being xenophobic cunts that see the world through memes.

>> No.6504252
File: 102 KB, 500x375, Pieandmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6504254

Americans really are the scum of the Earth.

>> No.6504257

We aren't talking about desserts.

>> No.6504260
File: 110 KB, 949x513, Pot-au-feu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the French classic, boiled meat and veg.

>> No.6504261

Nobody likes a sourkraut.

>> No.6504262

A lot of it is just the cliche stuff and the things that have become cliche due to the fact they're just silly (a la Toast Sandwiches and toothpaste mints which I'd honestly never heard of before coming here but now it's apparently a staple of the British diet)

Suppose it's like going into an American food thread and posting burgers and mountain dew and thinking that's what they all eat.

>> No.6504263


>Rape and plunder half the world for spices
>Don't use any of them

White people.

>> No.6504265

You're an idiot.

>> No.6504268
File: 35 KB, 608x380, Cheese in America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where at least I know I'm free.

>> No.6504270
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>> No.6504273

You are one stupid fuck.

>> No.6504280
File: 36 KB, 750x750, 1410006312479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking the bait

>> No.6504281
File: 43 KB, 500x375, I just don't know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a shitskin even use a computer?

>> No.6504283

I hate how bait is simply "Jokes on them, I was only pretending to be retarded".

>> No.6504286

Look like someone already ate it once, and threw out.

>> No.6504287
File: 36 KB, 400x511, 13355024743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. A steak. What an invention!

>> No.6504292
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>> No.6504298
File: 9 KB, 750x750, 1431598626660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could not help but notice your png was not optimized anon.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.6504309

1000 px on the longest side or under 1 mb is good enough for /p/.
Do we need them larger here?

>> No.6504312

What a top tip is that!

>> No.6504450
File: 34 KB, 285x213, 29089_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6504667

Is that the place in Stoke with that little chef thing stood by the door? That one is good, don't get to go there much since I live in the north of the city.

>> No.6504798


Fun fact - softer cheeses made with unpasteurised milk are illegal in America. That means no mozzarella, brie, camembert, gorgonzola... The list goes on and on, encompassing many of the finest cheeses the world has to offer. All because there's a one in several hundred million chance that they might give you food poisoning.

>muh freedoms

>> No.6504920


Yeah, that's the one. Lucky for me it's just a 10 minute stroll away.

>> No.6504934

is that a rat or a guinea pig?

>> No.6504959

That's actually not entirely true. Unpasteurized cheese can be sold in the US as long as it has been aged over 60 days.

>> No.6505017

Why is it whenever a pic of döner meat from bongland surfaces the meat isn't even browned?

>> No.6505019


>> No.6505036


Gotta admit that rustled the fuck out of my jimmies

>> No.6505091


stop the subtle trolling pls

>> No.6505399

American here. Haggis is great. I had the legit stuff in Europe and in the US you can buy a version thats pretty close. I forget which organ meat they don't allow but theres still other types in it. Shits good as fuck its like a spiced christmasy breakfast sausage patty. Fried up with the regular scottish or english breakfast stuff like blood sausage its amazing.

>> No.6505410

It's got nothing to do with quality or natural organic bullshit. It's backed up stupid laws that keep them from getting over a meat scare decades ago. Same type of thing with Germans and mad cow disease except people aren't really waiting in line for sheep lung.

Just because someone acts like an ignorant retard doesnt mean you should try to out-ignorant them. Tons of Americans hunt and raise animals and then make their own organs sausages.

>> No.6505412

What a stupid name.

>> No.6505414

No desserts today friend.

>> No.6505418

If you tell yourself a lie enough... you might believe it.

>> No.6505818

i just bought some mozzarella you retard

>> No.6506736

>zerg rush
u wot m8

Also the Marshall Plan was the greatest thing the US has ever done, damn right you should thank us

>> No.6506745

>700 different types of cheese
>all just analogues of cheddar

Like that's something to be proud of

>> No.6506758

>tfw you'll never live in an indiscernible post industrial northern english town

why go on living?

>> No.6506798

be nice if there weren't so many fucking chavs

>> No.6507081
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>> No.6507083
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>> No.6507086
File: 179 KB, 1280x853, bigray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507090
File: 537 KB, 1920x1440, 19634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507092
File: 241 KB, 1024x765, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507098
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, 254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507101
File: 175 KB, 1067x955, fraybentos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507105
File: 1.14 MB, 2048x1536, img_1375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507112

Irish food is not really bad, just boring. it seems like its a generation behind most places. My wifes side of the family have the same sort of diet as my parents, parents. Things are changing but slowly.

>> No.6507114

The fact that you are American makes me doubt you got actual mozzarella, what with America being China in terms of ripoffs.

>> No.6507116

Posting the translation when claiming its scottish heritage really.
Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!

>> No.6507117
File: 270 KB, 1600x1200, pub food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507118

What a stupid poster.

>> No.6507120
File: 93 KB, 800x600, 1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507122

>the Marshall Plan

That is the single greatest piece of jewry in modern history, it's amazing how you managed to get away with such outright theft.

>> No.6507124
File: 2.83 MB, 3168x2213, 087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507125

the doner looks like an after thought, it should be under the cheese. For 4,50 tho a fantastic deal

>> No.6507126

Boy, you sure are stupid.

>> No.6507127
File: 676 KB, 960x960, 8836647190558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iceland keeping it classy

>> No.6507129

A tinned pie has no right to being so good. Just steak and chicken tikka are the best ones.

>> No.6507130
File: 229 KB, 1024x768, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507131


>> No.6507136

A lot of their meals have good ideas, just executed poorly.

I once had a chilli lasagne made for me and it was great. I bet that a chicken tikka lasagne could be great too if done properly.

>> No.6507138
File: 328 KB, 1920x1280, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507141

Come on, you have to admit you brits really do talk like fags

>> No.6507145

We speak English, you faggots really are deluded if you don't think you sound like complete queers.

You can;t even pronounce the letter T.

>> No.6507150
File: 63 KB, 800x600, 12039000369833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507151

I don't know if you're trolling or not but this is pretty accurate in my experience.

I think people native to the UK are born super-tasters.

>> No.6507152
File: 400 KB, 848x690, 34e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507157
File: 105 KB, 720x540, little-chef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507162

Wot mate? Im about to had down to the chippy for some brekky. Have a nice butty. Shall i be mother?

>> No.6507163
File: 92 KB, 1024x757, sherbet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507184

>Watching Sherlock

Fuck off back to tumblr, you obese cunt.

>> No.6507191

Looks great. Have you ever had a potato waffle sandwich?

>> No.6507199

I dont watch bloody telly but your mummy makes me randy

>> No.6507207

Yes anon, it's called slang. You develop it when you have history.

I'm sure that America will develop some when you get your own history.

>> No.6507211

>confusing slang with baby talk
Go smoke a fag

>> No.6507215

Is this really how you like to spend your time, shitposting about a foreign nation on a cooking forum?

Do you not have friends or a girlfriend?

>> No.6507230

Im just takin the piss out of you m8 innit. Dont worry ill be takin the lorry out with the blokes later lookin for a few slags

>> No.6507236

Fuckin' A, brah! You totally destroyed this fuckin' dweeb, dude

>> No.6507240

Gave him a proper thrashing i did

>> No.6507248 [DELETED] 

Your slang words are proper trash m8
Not surprised, considering it's a nation of inbreds and cuckolds

>> No.6507251

This place really is just /int/ with pictures of food interspaced every so often.

>> No.6507256

Dude, that todally rules.

>> No.6507258

Radical, bro! Fuckin' torched yo ass, nigguh

>> No.6507260 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 539x468, 1395244162909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, where are d bugger :XDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.6507262 [DELETED] 
File: 1.83 MB, 2986x2026, Obsession for men, new from Calvin Klein..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on cucking.

>> No.6507299

ehh. most of the time it's poorly executed. stews aren't stewed, pot roasts aren't roasted but boiled etc etc
but I get where you're coming from. I look at Jap food in the same way. so subtle and understated it falls into bland very easily

>> No.6507310

a Savoy Truffle of course

>> No.6507313

that actually looks like a good idea (badly executed, but that's Brits for you)

>> No.6507816


They're folded over before eating, they end up looking something like a buritto.

>> No.6507846

>not a country of extremes
You guys literally tried to take over the world.

>> No.6507850


>> No.6507869

Ah, so you're shitposting.

>> No.6507881

Dont you mean:

Kyeindley ffak owf
Scootlend well beh frie aghen, az e wooz whyn t'yelieist rwetten eividance o haggas eggshisted

Come on anon, no one takes Scotland or it's people seriously anymore

>> No.6507890

GWARN STOKE. Representing Kidsgrove here.

>> No.6507897

I live right next to you.. Selwyn Street

>> No.6507935


Small World. Nicholls Street here

>> No.6508605


poor gregg