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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 348x536, Guinness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6502195 No.6502195 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6502197

Meme beer

>> No.6502198

Irish breakfast.

>> No.6502201

If it was possible to burn water, that's what it would taste like

>> No.6502205

American version is watery as fuck, imported isn't particularly impressive either.

>> No.6502243

Of all the readily available macro brews (I'm from the UK), it's probably the best. It tastes okay and is drinkable, but it's pretty shitty and one-dimensional compared to good stouts.

>> No.6502290

I like it, and you can get it at most bars. Places that serve it in < 20oz glasses upset me...they usually charge too much as well.

>> No.6502335

Its ok. My only issue with it is that is damn... heavy.

Like, with almost any other really dark smoky stout I can drink it all night - but with Guiness I end up feeling like I've eaten six plates of mashed potatoes after a couple of pints

...I just don't have room for more

>> No.6502351

Hate that shit

>> No.6502386

Seriously? It's watery as fuck

>> No.6502395

Shitty beer?

>> No.6502396
File: 239 KB, 1280x960, guinnesspie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you use stout instead of coke in a coke float?

>> No.6502437

Have it at the dublin distillery or don't have it at all.

>> No.6502440

>american piss drinker detected

>> No.6502455


>> No.6502472

Brewery. I meant brewery.

>> No.6502479

Tastes like dicks outside of the UK. Travel kills it.

>> No.6502756

>outside the UK
/Ireland/ here.
You trying to say something about my country?

>> No.6502825

Because I called a shitty, watery stout watery? Sure buddy.

>> No.6502837

Overrated meme beer.

>> No.6502840

Yes. Precisely.
It is not like that when it's fresh and properly brewed.

>> No.6502999

So fucking thick it's disgusting

>> No.6503101
File: 153 KB, 575x490, Goose-Island-Bourbon-County-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butthurt potato nigger detected

Guiness sucks ass. Tons of better stouts in the states.

>> No.6503110

>butthurt potato nigger detected
All wrong, friend. But I don't expect better from murritard education.

>> No.6503132

Hey when you guys learn how to make something other than a dry stout, you'll earn the right to talk shit.

Until then, stfu

>> No.6503139
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 20120916040337!George_Costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh sugar
Why not just drink pepsi

>> No.6503146
File: 6 KB, 166x192, 1654563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh irish red
>muh dry stout

why can't ireland into more than two styles of beer?

>> No.6503150

>still assuming I'm from GB after that very obvious clarification I just made
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6503152
File: 102 KB, 640x427, 1359263748804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a sugar loving ham planet so he must be an irish
4chan logic

>> No.6503154

excellent rebuttal, chap

>> No.6503159

I like how you made it about 4chan instead of him being clearly american.
Are you perchance american yourself?

>> No.6503160

>muh placebo effect

>> No.6503163

According to your frame of reference? No.

>> No.6503165

>thinks Guinness is some refined heavy brew that is too much for his stomach

>calls others piss drinkers


>> No.6503169

That's not even true, it's still quite watery (for a stout) and mediocre even when fresh

I doubt there's many improperly brewed Guinesses when they all come from one brewery

>> No.6503170

I'm not irish, friendo.
I drank it in norway and other places and then I went to ireland and tasted it fresh from the brewery.
Shit was nice.
Noticably better than at home and that's saying something given that I normally don't even drink beer.

>> No.6503174

literally no sense: the post

>> No.6503175
File: 231 KB, 768x1024, guiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good. Better than every other macro out there. It's also a very pretty beer - that picture doesn't do it justice. Getting a nice poor is very satisfying.

>> No.6503179

A lot of things must seem that way to you.
Just close your eyes and think of happy things.

>> No.6503180

you incorrectly assume I am the only person responding here.
That was my first post.
Nice straw man though.

>> No.6503183

nobody likes the shitty beer you do.
Deal with it.

>> No.6503185

>deflection central
oh. Okay.
Well, I'm off then.

>> No.6503194

You incorrectly assume Guinness isn't pisswater regardless, and make a strawman about Americans being pisswater drinkers

Fantastic argument tbh

>> No.6503198

What beer do you suppose that is?
See you soon :^)

>> No.6503200


>> No.6503203

Sooner than you think. :^)

>> No.6503249

Is it weird I find it really soothing to watch it settle when pouring it