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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6493547 No.6493547 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6493554

How low did you score on your ASVAB to get stuck with that shit job

>> No.6493556

Did you take it up the butt?

>> No.6493559

Got a 97. Picked CS because I was already working as a cook, so it made sense.

Not yet, but my career is still young.

>> No.6493562

Remember, no one will care about you. Just how well you "prepared" the food

>> No.6493563

Is the food pumped with protein and other nutrients?

>> No.6493567
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>could have been nuke, CT, any other computer/high skill technical job, left the navy and made a quintillion dollars
You better cross-rate retard, this is your chance to escape from the shithole that is cooking for a living

>> No.6493568

I've come to a place of acceptance about this.

Not so much "protien" as much as "salt."

>> No.6493570

Oh believe me, I'm trying. Can't do nuke or CT, though. Credit sucks and I'm too old for nuke. Looking into Mass Communications at the moment.

>> No.6493575

Better than me, I got kicked out 3 weeks into basic training because of medical records. Good luck nabbing MC, I tried for that rate when I was going in but there are only like 6 in the entire navy and they're all chiefs

>> No.6493577

my dad did that for 20 years.
its what got me interested in cooking.

>> No.6493581

20 years? Damn, he's a better man than me! If I can't cross-rate by the end of my contract, I'm getting out.

>> No.6493582

>too old

how old?

>> No.6493587

he fucked up and blew his knee out beating the shit out of a pinball machine and got medical discharged.

>> No.6493591

Joined at 33. The age cap for nukes is something like 29, I think. Also have a degree and could have gone officer, but my recruiter lied to me and told me I couldn't. They're notorious for that.

>> No.6493595

>joined at 33
holy shit really? i knew the cut was high for navy but i figured it was only for 4-years going for officer-mode and not enlisted men.

>> No.6493600

Sorry, it was 32, my mistake. Cut-off for enlisting was 35. Yeah, bad economy and all that.

>> No.6493602

"Specialist" lmao

I love how they give you these special names just to make you feel important.

>> No.6493609

It used to be MS (Mess Management Specialist). Or, to the more cynical, "Microwave Specialist."

>> No.6493619

fuck it, i might just go enlist. everyone in my family is navy except for me.
of course if they don't want me then i'll have to commit seppuku to restore my family honor.

>> No.6493630

There are worse things to do with your life. But don't make my mistake. Pick a job you *really* want to do. Otherwise, you're going to hate the next 4 years.

>> No.6493647

gnarly. imma start training for the physical and see if i can enlist in 6 months.

>> No.6493657

Go for it, bro!

And I feel I should point out: I really do enjoy cooking, and all things considered, I like my job, too. Yeah, it's stressful and we're underappreciated, but I'm not required to stick to the recipe cards. They allow and even encourage us to learn proper culinary techniques, so we can make the food better. And our ship (I'm not allowed to say which one) is one of the few that embraces this. I was TAD to another ship and their food was mediocre on a good day. So I'm actually pretty proud of what I do.

>> No.6493664

Are you on a base or on a ship?
Do the officers get better food then the enlisted folk?
My grandfather was in the USN and he had an appreciation for the folk that made the food.

Village People - In the Navy OFFICIAL Music Video 1978


>> No.6493669

I am on a ship (don't ask which one, I'm not allowed to say). And I work in the Wardroom, so I can say that the officers get better food if I have anything to say about it (and I do). I don't know if the appreciation is there as much these days, but there are a select few who, if they like something, will go out of their way to let the cooks know.

Ha, that video! My mom linked the same thing when I told her I was joining!

>> No.6493682

you seem like a decent guy OP

>> No.6493684

>I got kicked out 3 weeks into basic training because of medical records
They do this?

I had asthma as a kid (like 13 or 15, I don't remember) will they find out about this if I enlist?

>> No.6493686

Great minds think alike. I was going to ask which ship but then thought if the /cker's on a ship, just it's name shouldn't be a security issue, it would be more where and I know better to ask that, but fair enough.

I know I'm not your family, but you aren't even allowed to tell them what the name of the ship is?

A friend of mine joined the Army a few years ago and they have these coed showers, do you have those and do pop a woodie around the hot babes?
I had to ask a silly question.

>> No.6493688

Great minds think.

>> No.6493693

Have r watched the movie "Onion Head"?

>> No.6493694

There's too much negativity on 4chan. Don't want to add to the problem.

They'll only find out what you tell them. However, if you get short-winded during physical activity, they're going to find out anyway. I'm not telling you to lie, but only tell them stuff they need to know. But don't risk your health or well-being in the process.

My family knows which ship because it's need-to-know information for them. If there's an emergency, they'll know how to get in touch with me when I'm out to sea. As for co-ed showers, no we don't have them. I think other navys might, but that's just what I've heard. Can't say for certain. Must create one helluva fraternization problem, though.

>> No.6493702

No, but I just looked it up on IMDb. Seems like a movie they'd show us when out to sea. It'd be a nice break from watching Top Gun for the 30 millionth time.

>> No.6493705

>They'll only find out what you tell them
So they don't do background checks on medical records? I'm not even sure if it's on there, to be honest.

I'm approaching my late 20s and I have a master's degree and looking for a change.

What do you wish you'd known going in with a degree? I also heard they are shifty with officer positions.

Also, what's the PE like? What daily/weekly exercises should I do to start training?

I don't get winded, but I am pretty weak (hungry skeleton body).

>> No.6493714

new cutoff for Air Force is 39 (theyre trying to get people with college credit and management exp)
way cushier, navy folks are weirdos
air force is little scrawny insufferable nerds. take your pick

being a specialist sounds aight, at least they didnt call him a nutrition technician

all air force cooking's done by civilian contractors

>> No.6493719

They do criminal background checks and credit reports.

Dude, if you have a Masters, go officer. Don't let your recruiter screw you! Say you want to go OCS and don't take no for an answer!

As for PT: During boot camp, they do PT about 5 days a week, usually M-F. You will do 3 PFA (Physical Fitness Assessments) during your time there, where you must meet height and weight requirements, as well as doing a certain number of sit-ups and push-ups based on your age. You will also be required to do a 1.5 mile run. When gearing up for boot camp, I mad sure I ran more than that - usually 2 to 3 miles - just to make sure I was ready. And with OCS, the PT is even more intense, as it's run by Marine Corps Gunnery Seargants. Expect to do pull-ups as well.

>> No.6493726

How long does it take you to cook minute rice?

>> No.6493730

>new cutoff for Air Force is 39
Hadn't heard about this. My roommate is AF. I'll have to ask him about it.

>all air force cooking's done by civilian contractors
Not sure how true this is. Our "A" school was in Ft. Lee, Virginia, where all branches of the US military send their cooks to train. There were several AF guys and gals. Why train them if contractors are doing the cooking?

>> No.6493732

55 seconds. I am *that* good. :D

>> No.6493740


Hi I wanted to ask how one goes about becoming a cook in the military. I have seven years in the industry and have thought about military as a back up in case i ever go homeless or something. I know nothing about military stuff so I'll take whatever info you can share thanks!

>> No.6493744

Yeah, I have no criminal or credit issues, just a ton of student loans.

Do you know if the armed forces retro-pay loans or is it just for student loans incurred after finishing?

Also, maybe USAF is better for me. I'm a scrawny nerd.

Any good workout regimens that would help prep?

Thanks for being a bro, by the way. Good info here.

Back on topic:
What do you like most about your job? What do you like least?

>> No.6493757

What was the worst thing you had to deal with in basic training? That army guy I mentioned earlier told me it was the gas chamber treatment. They seat everyone down in a room and light up a some stuff to simulate a gas attack, they had to breathe it in deeply then stand up, recite their names, SSN and some other stuff without freaking out, only then could they go outside.

US Army Basic Training - Gas Chamber

>> No.6493775

I also had a ton of real world experience before joining, so if there's one piece of advice I can give you, it would be this: These people are NOT professional cooks. The majority of them are kids who have never had a job before in their lives and certainly don't know the finer points of cooking. As such, you need to adjust. Realize they're just starting out; that they've probably never set foot in a kitchen before in their lives. And most of all, if you have any real culinary training, TEACH THEM WHAT YOU KNOW. Don't make the mistake I made and go all "Gordon Ramsay" on them. They're kids. Teach them, guide them. Show them how to properly cook pasta, how to blanch vegetables and how to season meats. They'll be better cooks and you'll be a leader faster if you go this route.

Hey man, going military is a big decision. Don't enter into it lightly. Choose the branch that's right for you. As for workouts, well, I just used the gym that was in my apartment complex. But I made sure to go every day, no exceptions. I also made sure to do as many push-ups and sit-ups as I could, as I knew this would be part of what was expected. If you don't have a gym you can go to, just do push-ups, sit-ups and run as much as you can prior to boot camp. It was a really good feeling for me to be 32 years old and running past a bunch of 18-21 year olds who did nothing but play video games all their lives. :D

As for my job, the thing I like most is the fact that I can control the morale of the ship. I work in the Wardroom. I feed the officers, so if they're happy, their divisions are more likely to be happy. The thing I like the least is the hours. Out to sea, I'm on my feet as much as 18 hours a day. On top of that, they still expect me to get all of my shipboard qualifications (damage control, maintainance, warfare quals, etc.) so the days are super-long. And those boots are not built for comfort, let me tell you.

>> No.6493778

You used need to be able to find your femoral artery to administer an "antidote" in the case of exposure to toxic gas as well (in the case of a compromised seal), all while in gas mask and carrying gear.

I am not certain if this is still the case.

>> No.6493782

Oh yeah, we had to do that. Though for us, it was called the "Confidence Chamber," because...New Navy. *shrug* But yeah, that was the worst part of boot camp.

What the DON'T tell you, is that after boot camp, you have to go through SRF-A (Ship's Reaction Force-Alfa), where you learn the in's and out's of proper watch-standing. Part of this is getting pepper-sprayed. That is a pain I will never forget...

>> No.6493789

run 2 miles sometimes, figure out how to do a pushup

dont worry, when you get to basic there are people that cant even do one pushup and even they pass

>> No.6493793

these boots are made for cooking, and that's just what they'll do

one of these days these boots are gonna cook all over you
and no they're not gonna retro-actively pay your loans nigga!

>> No.6493798
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>> No.6493808

Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin'

>> No.6493816
File: 560 KB, 400x300, Goodnight Everybody!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay folks, I'm gonna have to wrap this up. I have an early bedtime. Thanks for playing!

>> No.6493819

>and no they're not gonna retro-actively pay your loans nigga!

But I want muh benefits.

By the way, OP, what kind stuff do you have to cook? What's the best meal? Worst meal?

>> No.6493822

Cheers Navy /cker!

>> No.6493858

You can elect for OTS since you have a degree. Academy cuts off at 24 (air force brah here) or you can go professional officer depending on degree and it's like 2 weeks. You can put in a package anytime

Also, my Q: I thought they outsourced that, so are you the exec?

>> No.6493861

No coed showers. Most marines don't even have dorms on same side of base as women. Sexual assault is a big deal in the military and you get like 50 hours of briefings per year on it

>> No.6493865

You're a Shower Technician.

>> No.6493869


>> No.6493875

>Part of this is getting pepper-sprayed.
i got pepper sprayed once by some drunk ex-con. fuckin prick split my lip while his buddies had me in a shoulder lock. fucker.

>> No.6493893

if you wanna take MORE school they'll give you 4500$ tuition assistance credit a year for classes

>> No.6494202

why is there an age cap for nuke techs?
american military is weird

>> No.6494209

retainability purposes

>> No.6494214

You can lie about it. Depending on how scummy/helpful your recruiter is, he may even tell you to do it (or he may also refuse to do your paperwork if he finds out). But if you have trouble doing activity they'll find out and boot you. When I was discharging, we had a big board in our CQ that had everyones current status. Medical (asthma) was always pretty prominant, both those getting caught and those trying to get out of boot.

If its controllable... at your own risk. And be careful about future checkups, its never too late for them to boot you out, especially when downsizing.

>> No.6494471
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>> No.6494689

>ineligible for service on poor moral character
because i got a few MIP citations and a resist/obstruct when i was like 16.

>> No.6494723

My uncle was Quartermaster General for the east coast, do you hate him

>i hated him when i was kid
>now hes pretty chill
>love you uncle XXXX

>> No.6494740

i worked a camp in northern Alberta. What kind of food do you guys have?

>> No.6494755

Have you ever been stationed outside the States? If so which places?