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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6474844 No.6474844 [Reply] [Original]

What occupation do /ck/ have for a living? Also do you like your current job?

And what are some simple foods one can make to work?

>> No.6474852


anything microwavable

>> No.6474862

Work at home as freelance in digital publishing.

>plenty of time to cook great stuff
>flexible schedule to make all kinds of meals
>basically go out to eat whenever I want

>no time to make anything else than quick shit
>unstable income means have to save as much as possible means no going out
>free time = "I should go back to work"

I actually miss working at an office sometimes.

>> No.6474884



I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things get better for you.

>> No.6474894

I work in an office in a university, typical bullshit admin work. I like my job because the pay is decent and there's some great benefits/perks like free gym, food from time to time, some clothes with university logo and shit like that.

I eat a banana for breakfast at around 9am, 1 hour after I come in to work and then for lunch I eat an apple. It's not much but I'm usually too lazy to make anything at home to bring in.

>> No.6474907

Senior "ideas guy" at an Indie game developer


>> No.6474934 [DELETED] 
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I run an imageboard, fix people's computers and do a lot of odd jobs like photo editing/restoration and freelance graphic design. I can bartend and make excellent sushi too, but no one will hire me for anything because "muh credentials", so forever broke save the random wedding or craigslist gig for bartending. I dunno if white sushi chefs even exist anyway. Fucking sucks, man.

>> No.6474942

Lawyer. My main dish is pussy.

>> No.6474957
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Professional jobseeker. Tis pretty cool.
Pot Noodles.

>> No.6474961
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I run an imageboard, fix people's computers and do a lot of odd jobs like photo editing/restoration and freelance graphic design. I can bartend and make excellent sushi too, but no one will hire me for anything because "muh credentials", so forever broke save the random wedding or craigslist gig for bartending. I dunno if white sushi chefs even exist anyway. Fucking sucks, man.

Forgot to add: Sandwiches of any sort. Versatile as fuck. Tasty as fuck? Don't like sandwiches? Fuck you too then.

>> No.6474962

Graphic Designer at a sign company.

I make batches of soup, portion them out, freeze them, and then bring them to work.

>> No.6474965 [DELETED] 


Starbucks, chili/pasta sauces/slowcooker soups. I make all my lunches in a crockpot the night before.

>> No.6474967
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unemployed and dropped out of college. looks like it'll stay this way until a medication or medications work. eating ~17 pills a day just so to remain semi functional can't continue and is miserable. yes I'm whining like a bitch

for food usually frozen pizza, sometimes fruit, frozen garbage from trader joes, protein powder in soymilk

>> No.6474970

I do seasonal jobs at resort kitchens. The last season just ended, and I'm starting another job next month, so I have a nice month of unemployment

>> No.6474975

>just began working in office full of literally grandmothers and some college kids
>they bring in homemade food or leftovers from catered meetings
>this happens often
>usually leave my food in the fridge for the next day

I've brought fried rice, a hoagie with all the ingredients separated to avoid sogginess, and a Chinese meatbun. I'll probably bring fresh fruit once I start fulltime on Thursday. There's a cafeteria and food trucks around here.

>> No.6474987

I work from home too, makes me feel like I'm always working or just slacking. Jesus, if you don't have kids than thank whatever God you believe in, since I had my second about 2 hours of work took me more like fucking 5 or 6. Took me a solid hour just to get my invoice turned in. I don't know what I'm going to do.

>> No.6474990

line cook

I like it. Shit pay, shit hours, hot as fuck, hard and stressful as fuck, but I knew that would be the case going in. It's rewarding and everyone else in the kitchen is awesome.

>> No.6474994

I'm a hairdresser. I love it.

I always just make a big batch of something, pre package all my lunches individually for the following week.

>> No.6474998

High school English teacher.

Brown bag it. Bring your leftovers and nuke 'em, what kind of amenities do you have at work that you can comfortably make a dish?

>> No.6475037


Jesus Christ bro. That's insane.

>> No.6475056

Been a cook by trade for 5 years.

Just went front of house.
>less stress
>less work
>way more pay
>shorter hours

>> No.6475096

>What occupation do /ck/ have for a living?
Husband and I grow medical marijuana and sell edibles. I also sell jam, jelly, and fermented foods.
>Also do you like your current job?
Yes, very much.

>> No.6475099

Are you a grill or gay? Or by some miracle one of the few straight hairdressers.

>> No.6475118


Research assistant in the technology field.

Its a very good job that pays well and has good hours and such but its not what I want to be doing with my life so i'm quitting later this year.

One of the good things about it though is that its right by a bunch of food trucks so I can get a decent meals worth of chicken and rice, or kebab or whatever for like 4 bucks. But I also make my own bread so I take a sandwich to work on occasion.

>> No.6475376
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NEET, I hate it because I don't ever have enough money and am not doing anything with myself, and also love it because I get to sleep in and spend the whole day in bed doing nothing or sit in front of my pc all day watching shows/movies/lurking chans.

>> No.6475405


>I don't ever have enough money

if only there was some sort of thing that people could do on a regular basis in exchange for money

>> No.6475406

Broke and unemployed. Nearly 22 and no license either, do a lot of odd jobs.

Tried to leave this winter, half hoping I'd die. Made it to Boston, was half adequately prepared but surviving subzero weather on the streets was difficult. I couldn't ever actually get warm. Barely slept, went ~4 days without eating, then managed to sell some stuff I brought specifically for that purpose. Dragged my broken body back home.

That was an important moment. I'd walked too far, was carrying a bit too much, my body wouldn't heal, and I couldn't keep going. I might have made it if I could actually explore, but Boston is a fucked mess of a city and the cold numbs your mind to anything beyond what door might be unlocked that you can loiter in for brief warmth. I just cooked some stuff and heat sealed it in jars. So many allergies even if I could find a store, there'd probably be almost nothing to steal.

>> No.6475413

I am a mathematician.

I hate my job.

I do not take food in; I eat in the cafeteria.
I hate my job.

>> No.6475427

>i work as a cashier at a grocery store.
>im a full time student as well.
>i love my job.
>turned down a 30k per year job to work here.
>for lunches i usually make sandwiches, rice balls with stuffings, small portions of meat and veg, or just grab leftovers.

>> No.6475460

He was listing the pros and cons of being a neet kid. Your sarcasm makes no sense.

>> No.6475476

CNC machine operator, its OK pretty much just watch a machine cut things up and the money is decent, about 50k a year.

I normally just take a sandwich, tub of yogurt and a few bits of fruit and maybe some candy or something to snack on while I'm working.

>> No.6475538
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Letter Carrier.

I like it. Walk around and look at birds all day. I know when and where different individuals usually are.

I eat cold cut sandwiches every day. I can't really think of anything else to bring with. I don't have access to a microwave or stove and anything messy can be problematic eating in a truck.

>> No.6475542

Go get a license and join the military.


>> No.6475571

I am a social media investigator. I find people who are suspected of insurance fraud and track down their online accounts. It's a great job and I enjoy it very much, though it can be stressful.

I work from home so I make all of my meals from scratch, so I can't help you there. If I have a long project ahead I spend a few hours preparing large batches of chili, curries, and pulled pork/pico de gallo/tortilla dough and aioli so I can have something quick to eat while focusing mostly on my project.

>> No.6475577

I work with lawyers and pussy is the last thing you dorks see.

>> No.6475586

>What occupation do /ck/ have for a living?
>Also do you like your current job?
Absolutely, though there is a lot of suck to it.
>And what are some simple foods one can make to work?
That happens to be one of the nice things about it. Even if I want nothing to do with the menu items (usually), very well stocked commercial kitchen at hand.

>> No.6475592

What's the pay/benefits like?

I recently started an assembly/manufacturing job and I'm just eating lunch out of a bag right now. I always run short on time in the morning to make lunch so it's pastrami sandwiches most days, along with some fruit. Eating lunch is pretty new to me, my last job I barely ever ate at even though I worked at a restaurant (shorter shifts, got free food for the rare long shift)

>> No.6475600
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I like it. Walk around and look at birds all day. I know when and where different individuals usually are.

I usually have some kind of pasta cuz the microwave. Its getting hot af so salad season is starting

>> No.6475602

I scam welfare and various other semi legal shit, as well as dealing prescription drugs

it's an easy job, hell I hardly work at all (like 30 minutes per week), I live with my mom and she cooks for me

one day it's going to come crashing down and I'll have to get a real job but not today so I'm just enjoying it while I can

>> No.6475610

It's okay. I make about $17 an hour now, but in a year or so I'll be making over 40k.

fuck you brah

>> No.6475611

I'm a medical coder. I mostly make sandwiches. My favorite right now is pepper turkey, ham, sharp cheddar, sprouts, with mayo and dijon mustard, on some multigrain brownberry bread. I love sprouts and black pepper so much. I sit on my butte all day so I try not to eat a lot. I eat a granola bar in the morning. Sometimes I make pasta with pesto and chicken to fridge and bring. I'm kind of over my slow cooker.

>> No.6475615


>> No.6475625

>I make about $17 an hour now
Not bad. I thought about trying to move to the postal service from delivering pizzas (it was my first job, cut me some slack), but I figured it wouldn't happen so I got this job through some friends. $15/hour so I'm doing okay, plus overtime every week. Still live with my parents so my bank account is pleased.

>> No.6475626

why so many pills anon? what ailment(s) are you curing?

>> No.6475629
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I receive undocumented migrants from Canada and guide them to Chicago from Detroit. I do this twice per month and make about $45-$55k annually from it. It's so easy a caveman could do it.

I eat whatever I want, wherever I want.

>> No.6475633

Musician, producer and sometimes writer. In most of my work situations there are vegan options available. I'm not vegan, but like eating that way when working in the studio, because it's hard to get fat eating like that, and image matters in my business.

When working at home I tend to make simple vegan meals (lots of Asian, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food). When I go out for fun or hang with friends I eat whatever, but because my work is not physically demanding I eat vegan meals at work.

>> No.6475635

unemployed because no one wants to hire some inexperienced shitbag on a bridging visa

I do commissions for painted magic cards, so there's that I guess. I like it as I get the freedom of being at home alone all day and can space them out whenever I like. The downside is because I'm so alone all of the time with 0 human interaction I forgot how to socialize.

My housemate and I cook together 5/7 days of the week. We try to make dinners that give us lunch for the next day. If you have access to a microwave at work, it makes it much easier.

>> No.6475694
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bipolar type 2
severe social anxiety
PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, it's an autism spectrum thing)
major depressive disorder

lifelong intractable depression and blahblah. the pdd-nos is a major element in the depression because I see people experiencing closeness, intimacy, enjoying other people's company etc and I just don't feel that kind of stuff towards other people. it's very dehumanizing since it's such a basic human thing and I want it but I guess just bad brain luck

>> No.6475699

I own my own medical spa and serving as an apprentice under an owner of a private career college. It's hard work, so whatever I eat during the week for lunch is usually coffee and whatever else I can grab on the way in, (ie; Starbucks, little deli on the corner) or when I have a break. On the weekends I cook pretty elaborate meals, and also Thursday's, which are on my days off.

Cooking is my passion really, and if I could do it and get paid extremely well for it I would pursue it as a career.

>> No.6475708

There's no reason for you to be on 17 medications.
Make your own choices, that's all I'm going to say.

>> No.6475717


oh, by ~17 pills per day I meant actual individual pills, not 17 different meds. I'm only on 5 medications

>> No.6475721


>> No.6475725


lamictal, lithium, gabapentin, klonopin, propranolol

idk if vitamin D counts, but I'm massively deficient and take a 50,000 unit pill once a week for that too

>> No.6475754

Why the beta blocker (propranolol)? Is it intended for anxiety?
Why 3 other anxiety meds?
Why 2 mood stabilizers?

I don't know you, haven't seen you, and can't really say much, but at the very least I'd say get a new doctor. Most of your interpersonal issues sound like medication side effects, certainly lithium will cause what you described. What they've done is a typical gradual layering and piling on of medication, it's lazy, it shows they don't actually understand what they're treating, and it doesn't work. An ideal case is a targeted and coherent set of medication.

However, personally, to be entirely honest with you I'd kind of doubt you need any of them. I've had, and have to an extent, many problems similar to yours like bipolar symptoms and depression, and also have visual snow. I had a doctor casually suggest scchizoaffective, and that wasn't even telling them about the mixed states or hypomania I'd started having since early high school.

I never pursued or bothered with medication. What helped me was a food allergy diagnosis and learning my body didn't synthesize histamine methyltransferase very well. So histamine degredation was poor, and other neurotransmitters weren't modulated properly as a result, allergies and more or less brain inflammation made that worse.

Dietary refinement and changes in lifestyle fixed a lot of my problems, made other deeper ones more approachable and manageable. Learning about myself and my psyche also helped, and as far as I can figure, had I chose a life of medication none of that would have been possible. I'd still be on their mad rollercoaster. But that's just me.

Good luck. Hope you get where you want to be... but really, at the very least, consider ditching that current doctor until you find one worth a damn. I doubt they're doing you much good.

>> No.6475769

No, I can see that. I want to screw the bejeezes out if my lawyer, who is more than down for it. But I need a really good lawyer more than a really good lay.

>> No.6475783

Delivery driver for a sushi restaurant. Six an hour plus tips. On a good night, I can average fifteen to twenty-five bucks an hour.

I don't bother bringing food to work because I work at a sushi restaurant. Sushi is finger food, which means that if a customer doesn't finish theirs, odds are they haven't touched it. NOM NOM NOM.

Also, I get all the free rice and miso I want.

>> No.6475792

>inna trades
>specifically waterproofing
i dont eat lunch and if i have breakfast its two hard boiled eggs and some fruit. i just want water on my breaks.

>> No.6475814

>What occupation do /ck/ have for a living?
Software development
>Also do you like your current job?
It's ok. The hours suck but the pay is good. If I'm not getting sucked into meetings then I do enjoy the actual development work.
>And what are some simple foods one can make to work?
Leftovers. Pb and J, yogurt, raw veggies, fruit, nuts.

>> No.6475844

Line cook while I finish culinary school. I'll probably get another line cook job when I'm done with that shit. It's literally what another poster says fucking hot as hell, shit pay. I do it for the food and the thrill.

>> No.6475871
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Senior at college, petroleum engineering. I'm starting to look for an internship, can't wait to start working.

I mostly eat sandwiches, either grilled(pic related is the most common, shredded chicken bacon and cheese, though I stopped using the bacon lately) or cold, and hard-boiled eggs. Weekends are for fancier stuff.

>> No.6475876


yeah the propranolol is to help with the shaking and disturbing body sensations when around people. the gabapentin and klonopin help with that as well, but also control things on the mental front so that I can be a bit more relaxed and actually think around people instead of being frozen

the lamictal every doctor has been recommending but I'm just getting side effects and haven't seen much improvement. the lithium helps a bit so that when the depression is at its worst it's not quite as bad as it could be, but I don't like the side effects either

thanks for your input and sharing your experience, I really appreciate it. both of my previous psychiatrists did seem inexperienced especially when it comes to autism spectrum disorders. fortunately I got into what is supposed to be an extremely good bipolar clinic recently at the nearby university, and the doctor said essentially what you did about layering medications. he's slowly removing the unnecessary ones (was on 400mg seroquel for a while, and was tapering off up until a couple weeks ago--totally worthless and completely sedating)

he also suggested I get a number of tests (to try to rule out inflammation) and the latest blood work came up positive for Sjogren's but I'm asymptomatic

I thought the diet and lifestyle change might help as well, like you mentioned and spent most of my savings building a home gym and ate "clean" for a while and put a lot of effort into that. it didn't help that much but was something to do in between the major depressive episodes at least

thank you again for your insight

>> No.6475889

26, unemployed, severe depression + learning disabilities. Been through seven jobs, all entry level or customer service, frequently let go or just not picked up from seasonal. Dropped out of college twice.

After a few years of being at lost ends I'm starting a pastry arts program at a community college this fall if I can scrape the funds together. I was late with my priority financial aid application so I'm not sure I can do it. Haven't gotten the results yet.

Don't know if I can make it work in light of past failures. Even if I drop out, though, I enjoy baking and confectionery, so I hope I can learn stuff and have fun before my inevitable suicide

>> No.6475897


Whatever I made for dinner the night before, or a cold meat sandwich.

The dream is real.

>> No.6475902

Are you a girl? I am gainfully employed and make about twice the US median household income, but I am socially awkward as fuck. I often fantasize about finding a cute girl about your age with crippling depression, low self esteem, and poor employment prospects. She could live and sleep with me, and we could either develop mutual affection which could turn into love, if the chemistry is there, or she could simply live and sleep with me, reluctantly sharing her body in the most intimate ways, although not her mind, because the alternative is quite a bit less agreeable.

I was wondering if you were that person, although you are probably a guy, or fat.

>> No.6475910


Student, hopefully going into medicine.

>> No.6475916



>> No.6475930

Whatever I am, I have been with my partner for seven years. Close to eight now. I'll let you speculate. I also have a network of friends and am close to my parents. I may not be functional financially, but I am well-adjusted enough socially and in terms of self-esteem that your post is repellent to me.

I'm going to be frank, you should see a counselor. You fear a person who could leave you, so you want someone emotionally and financially dependent on you who has no agency to leave or stay. Your immediate interest in my post is predatory.

If that doesn't work, seek out a consenting slave. Look for people who are interested in 24/7 lifestyle relationships. There's another alternative as well, but it's something I find unethical, so I won't recommend it.

For better or for worse, there are plenty of people out there who are looking for someone like you. I'm not one of them, but they're out there.

>> No.6476163

>Part time in a supermarket bakery
>Full time uni student

Between class and work it's hard to really set up a lunch. I tend to either get a slice, or wait til I get home and eat.

>> No.6476178

Is the alternative you're thinking of Russian or Romanian brides? Because they're certainly a good option for a person like him.

>> No.6476195

well you could bring fruits

>> No.6476223

maybe all you need is a qt questionable boy

>> No.6476257
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also unemployed and dropped out of college
I left because I was throwing up blood and there was blood in my shit I couldnt handle a health scare and juggle all my work.
Almost failed my english class because of it.
I'm on a bunch of pills and just begging to work anywhere, even walmart or mcdonalds but im in a backwater town and there's little to no opportunity.
All chances for my potential to be brought forth have been wasted and im kind of hoping my diabetes kills me some day.

>> No.6476259

forgot to mention i rarely eat and when i do its usually leftovers no one else touches or fruit.

>> No.6476260

Internet Marketing on the corporate level for a Fortune 500 company.

I have a beer or two and an orange for lunch every day.

I really don't know how I feel about my job right now. It has me stressed and I don't think I want to keep up.

>> No.6476264

I have a lot of extra money and don't have to worry about finances thanks to my dad and my dayjob is me mostly bossing around a bunch of nitwits who aren't air conditioned. It feels good to be the king. I spend a lot of free time cooking as a result.

>> No.6476318

>This tumblr like attitude

>> No.6476324

Paramedic, love the job.

I work in shifts so on my four days off, I make a huge pot of something on the 3rd night that I can eat with rice like curry. I'm usually eating that into the second day of the four days on, after that its either a viet pork roll from the place near branch (if I make it back) or whatever we pass by on road.

On the 1st and 2nd night I like to make nicer meals to destress.

>> No.6476330


>> No.6476347

It's all about the people. Always.

>> No.6476349
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I wish you the best anon.

>> No.6476358

Are you taking interns from Kansas?

>> No.6476384
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I'm a Uni student who dishwashes Monday, Friday, Saturday nights. For lunch, I usually get an instant noodle thing, I should probably eat something better since I have plenty of money, but I don't get to cook as often as I used to.

As far as dishwashing goes, its exactly what you would expect, but as other anons said, its worth it if the crew is good to you. I could have taken a bar backing job at one of the super busy college kid bars, but I don't want to leave this kitchen.

>> No.6476856

I like it how you explained my post back to me like you were adding new information. I think I've seen your posts before on /ck/, there is no way I could live with your level of autism.

Anyway if you know of any broken, easily controlled young ladies with reasonably shaped bodies feel free to pass them along. I'd be glad to fill the hole in their heart, and the one between their legs

>> No.6476902

>Work as Mover(furniture, archives, kitchens)
>Recently get job as cook for small local catering firm, temp until long into summer
Eh, the only real diet I have is burgers and mashed potatos+carrots. If I didn't take vitamins, I would be under malnutrition already.

If you where Pro, you would have a job already anon!
I do feel ya

>> No.6476925

I'm a welder, more specifically pipe fitter. Mostly sandwiches. I travel a lot for work and get to try a lot of delis. I just started traveling with this job so still getting used to things that I don't cook. I'm starting to hate sandwiches.

>> No.6477048

Nope, not Dave. But you sound just like my co worker. I work at a university too.

>> No.6477051

>I dunno if white sushi chefs even exist anyway.
they do, but unfortunately "muh credentials" are important.

>> No.6477054

>Chef at Wendy's

>> No.6477069
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I'm a Riverkeeper. Love the work, but hate kissing up to board members and wealthy donors.

Usually for lunch i hit up the gourmet food trucks, or i bring in whatever leftover magical goodness i made the day before.

>> No.6477085

sjw detected

>> No.6477089

>If you where Pro, you would have a job already anon!
you don't understand
when someone calls him for a job he rejects it so he can continue being a job seeker pro

>> No.6477100

>Chef at Wendy's

You mean "Food assembler"?

>> No.6477111

Junior in college, landed a software development internship this summer making $24/hr so that's pretty nice.

Hopefully its not too much work/stress so I still have time to cook.

>> No.6477116

I co-own a small bistro. It's alright, generally, but the hours, the constant management of staff, always being on call, trying to squeeze every penny is just tiring. I very rarely get to cook anymore :/

The plus side is that I eat everything that we serve and I can walk into the kitchen and basically say "hey employee, can you make me xyz and bring it to my office? thanks.", while I toil over cogs, track waste reports, balance the budget and haggle with suppliers.

>> No.6477134

how did you get this? where are the migrants originally from (i assume there not canadian)?

>> No.6477140

Line cook

Energy drinks and sour patch kids

>> No.6477143


Materials Engineer (R&D) for BaE Systems (MAI). And yes I love it. I get to mess about with big boys toys, blow shit up and they pay me decent money to do so.

I usually take cheese oatcakes, or sometimes a bowl of pasta with sweetcorn, spring onion, ham and mayo.

>> No.6477146

I work as a recipe writer for a cookbook publishing company. I don't actually come up with the recipes, but I work with chefs (who are typically awful at writing) to write the recipes for publication.

It's a really great job that combines my two passions of writing and cooking. I have no clue how I lucked into it. I used to be a line cook, but that doesn't pay well so I started looking for other jobs and found this one.

Since we have a professional kitchen with working chefs in our office, I tend to make whatever they're cooking for the day so it's pretty great. I also work in a neighborhood that is like our city's restaurant central, so once a week I go out for lunch at one of the many great restaurants within walking distance.

>> No.6477162

i've seen you around here, you seem alright. how old are you, out of curiousity. why do you come to /ck/?

>> No.6477170

I'm 26. I come here because I like funposting about food.

>> No.6477185
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>> No.6477330

Military, aerial surveillance & control side of things, and yes I do. Food- if I have an early start and don't want to eat before I come to work, I layer some granola, greek yoghurt, blueberries and almonds in a screwtop jar the night before and bring that into work for breakfast. Lunch is in the mess if it's a weekday (it's decent and the price is good for a hot meal). If it's on the weekend, I bring lentils dressed with lemon juice and topped with feta/tomatoes/cucumber/bell peppers, some kind of sandwich, soup, snacks like cheese, fruit, salted popcorn, more yoghurt, etc. That's for a 12 hour shift though, I don't devour the lot for lunch.

>> No.6477346

I'm fresh out of college and while I have no skills in machining, I'd like to get into it. How hard was it to get in? By the way, I'm in PA.

Also, I'm a "baker" at a donut franchise. Its shit pay and the company is crooked as hell, but its easy and its all I got now. Work second shift so all my meals are usually eaten at home, though I occasionally take a jar of sauerkraut and some bread to eat if I'm hungry at work. Donuts make a good snack too, I guess.

>> No.6477373

I work as an inventory controller at a book warehouse.

3/5 days of the week I go to grocery store for dinner, usually get a sandwich, bag of chips and a tea. Sometimes get a lunchable. Other days I'll pack whatever leftovers the girlfriend made, usually some poorly made Pinterest recipe or stir fry.