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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6461135 No.6461135 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good starter recipes?
I'm a college kid, will be living in a house of 8 people, and will likely be doing the cooking for them (plus anybody else they bring).
I'm looking for starter recipes. I raided an old cookbook (circa 1930) and got doughnuts, pie crust, etc. I'm looking for more like that, although not necessarily so simple. I've got gazpacho, various pies, puddings, etc. I'm competent and I know how to use Google, but I want your opinions on that one recipe that people just should know. Don't worry about cost. Don't worry about difficulty.

>> No.6461144

>Don't worry about cost. Don't worry about difficulty.


>> No.6461166


>> No.6461178
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>> No.6461182

what I meant was 'give me the recipe and I'll deal with cost/difficulty as I make it' not 'give me the most expensive and difficult recipe known to France'

>> No.6461207

Ignore the trolls saying Ortolan. It's actually not for beginners. I outta know since I'm barely capable of making it myself and I've been cooking for myself since elementary school.

A good starter recipe:
A clove of garlic
A teaspoon of ginger
a teaspoon of cumin
Put them all in a sizzling oily pan
Mmm, it smells yummy already
Beat some eggs and add a splash of almond milk
Add pepper and slices of jalapeno
Add a cup of Kraft cheese so it blends
Pour eggs into sizzling pot

Wait 4 minutes to stir it all and for 2 minutes you keep stiring the eggs and before they get too dry put them on a plate.

Now go into your pantry and slice and avocado. Heat up some tortillas. Ta-da! You have egg tacos. Mmm. Make this for myself most mornings.

>> No.6461218

>capture an ortolan alive
>immediately blind it and put it in a small cage with an endless amount of millet, grapes, and figs
>the bird, being blinded and having it's internal clock fucked up, will force feed itself endlessly
>once the bird has reached 4 times it's size, drown it in a snifter of cognac and let it marinade
>preheat oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit, and cook the bird for ~8 minutes
>to eat, cover your head with the traditional embroidered cloth, pop the ortolan in your mouth, with only the head popping out, and bite down, severing the head.

>> No.6461225

fuck it, it's in the book now.

This guy gets it.

>> No.6461241
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damn who invents this kind of stuff

>> No.6461251

the french.

>> No.6461328

Here's a real classic from 1905.

If you can get over the title, it's so very worth a read, as it teaches cooking from scratch. Cooking from basic ingredients. All the sauces, the soups, everything.

Public domain ebook.


>> No.6461333
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>>Fried Rice

Press it into a pan, just as you did the mush, and let it stand overnight; the next morning slice it, dip it in flour, and fry, either in the pan or in the deep fat in the kettle, just as you did the mush.


>> No.6461338


>will be living in a house of 8 people

Ugh. Why would anyone do this? Fuck roommates.

>will likely be doing the cooking for them (plus anybody else they bring)

Why is this your responsibility? Can't they cook for themselves?

>> No.6461353

Because I like people. and I'm willing to. It's not like I'm the house bitch. They'll cook some too, but we're teenage boys. I'll be damned if I'm living off take-out pizza and underseasoned hamburgers daily.

>> No.6461357

ahh...classic 1905...good read! I'm getting ideas. Thanks!

>> No.6461362
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One can pic related

One pound ground beef.

One pack of corn tortillas

A small thing of vegetable oil.

Toppings of your choosing.

Tacos for 8.

Brown the beef with pic related for best results.

>> No.6461367


1) get rid of the flavor packet
2) minimal meats - a bit, but not a lot - think flavour versus substance
3) veggies that you like, sautéed, steamed, tossed in raw at some point

>> No.6461369

Does ramen even play a role, or is it just a filler?

>> No.6461405

Yes, Well maybe the ought to have called that Fried Rice Cake. It was 1905 after all ;)

>> No.6461426

What the fuck? Ramen?

In a taco recipe?

You can feed 8 people for like $13 with that and it is delicious.

>> No.6461468

ramen was just a pic I used because college.
idk how ramen came in to this
I tried to make the post short enough to read....

>> No.6461494

Yeah, I gave you a cheap easy delicious taco recipe.

Fuck ramen.

>> No.6461504
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The French really are depraved

>> No.6461527


something like this is a piss easy thing to do.as long as you need the tomatoes and the meat but the rest is flexible. add some chili sauce or powder and some kidney beans and you have an acceptable chili kind of thing

>> No.6461530

You clearly don't know any geese. Geese are fucking assholes. Every last one of them deserves to have their livers plumped up before putting them to death.

>> No.6461540

>Steak with Bananas

>Peel one banana and slice in round pieces, and while the steak is cooking fry them in a little hot butter till they are brown. After the meat is on the platter, lay these pieces over it, arranging them prettily, and put the parsley around as before. Bananas are very nice with steak.

Bananas confirmed for patrician-tier steak topping; step aside, catsup.

>> No.6461544

"geese are assholes"
- member of the species which force feeds geese crazy amaounts of food for two weeks because it makes it tastes good

>> No.6461549

geese are assholes. swift death and slow roast.

>> No.6461551

They started it.

>> No.6461564

>said the carnist who horks down 1.5kg of factory farmed suffering every single day
If everyone ate only foie gras the amount of cruelty to animals would go down exponentially. Why don't you learn about the food that comes from "the store" before you point fingers at the french.

>> No.6461592
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fuck orf, frenchy

>> No.6461611

If cost isn't an issue, why are you living with 8 other people?

>> No.6461623

because these are people I like. why is this a foreign concept for /ck/?
it's not that it isn't an issue, its that I dont want to not get a good recipe because "oh, college student OP is too poor to afford classier foods"

also rent is 300/month (house is nice as fuck) whereas rent for the single apartment (shit quality) is ballpark 700/month.

>> No.6461637

If you're cooking for 8 embrace soups and roasts.

A whole chicken is inexpensive and tremendously versatile. Take a bit of time to learn how to make chicken soup, roast chicken, etc. Its healthy, SUPER easy, and everyone will love it.

>> No.6462252
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Make carbonara but fry up diced fritz instead of bacon because its heaps cheaper and more convenient and no one can even tell the difference

only requires 15 minutes, a heap of pasta, eggs, cheese and bacon and if your housemates cant cook then they will think you're some crazy ass master chef for making carbonara yourself rather than in some shitty pre packaged microwave thing

>> No.6462856

Today's my birthday and this is the fourth time I've seen someone post unrelated birthday wishes on 4chan in the last 12 hours.

I gotta stop lurking on /x/.

>> No.6462957

>bananas are nice with steak
Sounds depressing, like what a mentally retarded person would think.

>> No.6462963

My birthday was the 19th and noticed the same lately, maybe this month is where most weird people are born

>> No.6462966

This is the best Ramen recipe you'll ever find.


>> No.6463084

I dunno dude, I've been listening to Adam and Joe's old radio show/podcast* for the last few months and today I popped in my headphones and switched on the old MP3 player, it started at the beginning of a show I haven't heard (the 17th May 2008 show**) and was told that for Song Wars, a segment where both Adam and Joe each play a song on a specific subject that they'd written and recorded during the week, and listeners call and vote for their favourite, the subject this week was Birthday Songs.

4 different, unrelated Happy Birthday posts on 4chan and then Adam and Joe are singing birthday songs on their show? What are the chances? I think the universe is telling me to have a happy birthday. Feels good.


>> No.6463095

Here's Adam's Birthday song that I'm listening to as I post this, just by chance, on my birthday:

It's a bit of a freaky coincidence but it's like he's singing it just for me.

>> No.6463137

You should learn how to do curries with rice. It's easy to do large portions and the ingredients can be fairly inexpensive. Not always the healthiest, but it has veggies, which is the most important part.

Go to the Asian section of your local grocery store and look for either packets of dry curry spice blends (it could be called something like Butter Chicken or Chicken Tandori) for Indian style curry or Golden Curry square boxes for Japanese style curry. Don't get the jars of curry or the pouches that have liquid in them, they're more expensive and don't taste as good IMO.

You can follow the directions from there. Just put whatever meat and veg you like in it. Onions, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, and bell peppers are what I mostly use. Maybe frozen peas if it's Indian style. If the recipe calls for cream, light cream or half and half are fine to replace heavy cream, but never use milk, its too watery.

For rice I use jasmine rice, usually not store brand. I've had bad luck with store brand jasmine rice. Basmatti rice is fine as well, though jasmine rice is easier to use for stir fry rice, which you should also learn to do. You can use plain white rice, just don't put butter or anything into it. You want it to absorb the curry liquid.