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6395867 No.6395867 [Reply] [Original]

If you were that faggot at parties who insisted on ordering pineapple pizza, then fuck you. It is shit.

>> No.6395884


I order pineapple and ham

that's better, right?

>> No.6395892

I doubt you go to very many parties, anon

>> No.6395912

>If you were that faggot at parties who insisted on ordering anything I don't like, then fuck you. It is shit.

>> No.6395916

>Order anchovy, blue cheese and artichoke pizza
>Only I want to eat it

>> No.6395917
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i literally just posted this yesterday

>> No.6395934

ham and pineapple is goat, if you disagree, you're wrong.

>> No.6395935

sounds like a shit party

>> No.6395937
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i liek it but the pineapple can make it soggy

>> No.6395957

If you were that faggot at parties who listened to the faggots insisting on ordering pineapple pizza, then fuck you, your party is shit.

>> No.6395963
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>being the asshole that orders mandarin orange slices on a pizza

>> No.6395970

>literally putting dessert on top of a regular pizza

>> No.6396009

It isn't, but people at parties insisting on ordering it are indeed retard-tier-pleb-faggots.

>> No.6396018

Not him, but usually sticklers that order shit no one wants usually pick off what everyone else is having and barely touch what they suggested.

It's like they do that shit to be different but really think what you have looks better and fuck over everyone else. Then they try to diffuse their faux pas by going "We should have got 2 or 3 of what you guys got." or some bullshit to that extent.

>> No.6396027

Pineapple + jalapeños + SLICED Italian sausage = god tier pizza

>> No.6396036

The proper way to order pizza for a group is
>small group
personal pizzas for everyone or everyone gets their own half of a pizza
>medium group
50% split between cheese pizzas and pepperoni pizza
>large group
50% pepperoni, 30% cheese, 20% supreme, 10% other

If you're the one ordering it, its perfectly fine to have one or half a pizza to have your favorite toppings on it as long as you're willing to share.

>> No.6396044

All of these are shit.

>> No.6396077


The point is to appeal to common tastes, not special snowflake with median orders. There will always be picky eaters in a group and people shouldn't act shocked when there's like 8 Hawaiian pizzas with 6 boxes of leftovers when the party's done.

>> No.6396083

I haven't seen pizza being ordered to a party since the age of 12.

I also like pineapple on pizza.

>> No.6396084

That sounds good.

>> No.6396115

I like you. We could be pizza and party friends.

>> No.6396118

>he can't taste the herbal flavors

>> No.6396146

>ham or salted pork belly of some sort
>sweet pineapple
The fuck is wrong with you op? Just eat the plain pizza.

>be at party
>host only orders one pizza
>get the fuck out and go to a nicer party

>> No.6396156

Has anyone ever been to a real life pizza party?
They sound fantastic.

>> No.6396167

tell me opie, do your parties have alcohol at them? Usually you stop having pizza parties once people can bring beer instead.

I have ordered jimmy johns to a party though. That shit is cash.

>> No.6396169

>That shit is cash.
ok broseph

>> No.6396185

>thinking alcohol and pizza are somehow incompatible

Dude... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you've been wasting your life

>> No.6396191

Beer and pizza is even better than coke and pizza.

Especially if it's cold, bready pizza and beer.

>> No.6396242

It's better than ordering pepperoni, or plain cheese. Again. As always. Always fucking pepperoni or plain cheese.

Yet when everyone just wants pepperoni or plain cheese, and you also order a supreme or meat pizza, EVERYONE fucking hogs that shit first. What the fuck? You ask for something else and then crowd in on something someone else ordered because you don't want to admit that you also find pepperoni or plain cheese boring. I don't let it ruin my night, but what the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.6396254

If I wanted herbal flavors I'd order something with herbs...

>> No.6396269

Preach it, brother. That is a fact.

>> No.6396315


Just order enough pizza so that everyone has their own. Problem solved.

>> No.6396324


>> No.6396413

Been to a wedding reception where the only food was pizza and cake. Pretty good, beats the ol' "chicken or beef" fare.

>> No.6396507

>not ordering pizza and having delivery guy come play beer pong with you

>> No.6396570

And if you were the babby who couldn't handle anything but plain cheese then you're also a cunt.

>> No.6396735

Damn, you reminded me how often this tends to happen. I had some somebody fuck prosciutto pizza into the ground doing this.

They go together SOMETIMES dammit.

>> No.6396737

pineapple, jalapeno, anchovy.

Anyone else on this level?

>> No.6396746


Try ground roasted turkey, or fire rotisserie prime rib. That's my go-to for doing a catering.

None of this by-the-plate bullshit either.

I went to a friend's wedding and the catering was super expensive. The catering staff took more than half the food away 45 minutes into it, meaning most of the food was essentially stolen.

I found out who they hired and told half the caterers in Washington state about it.

Eh, felt I had to rant. That wedding food was a disgrace for what they spent.

>> No.6396757

No anchovies, please.

While waiting for her husband Don to return home from work, she reaches for a can of anchovies

As she spreads the tiny fish across a piece of lettuce, she notices a small note at the bottom of the can

Written on it is a telephone number

Curious, she dials, and is told, "Don't move, lady, we'll be right over"

Placing the phone back on the hook, she turns
to see three smartly dressed men standing in her kitchen doorway

Before she realizes what is happening to her
she is rolled tightly in long sheets of cellophane, transported to an international airport and placed on a waiting jet-liner

All this being too much for her to comprehend, she passes out

>> No.6396767

>pineapple slices are a dessert
okay grandpa

>> No.6397041

Were the caterers willing to do gay weddings?

>> No.6397061

Pineapples and ham are for pregnant women.

>> No.6397071
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And combat veteran Paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division


>> No.6397075

>people not being able to comprehend salty and sweet

i wish we had an option to auto hide posts from flyover dwellers

>> No.6397076

>go to friends party
>he orders 1 pizza for 5 of us
>fuck you, order a sausage and jalapeno one with bro
>they nibble on theirs and ask for a slice of ours

yea, no. Pineapple on pizza is fucking stupid, especially when you get it from a shit place and you can see pineapple juice pooling on the pizza

>> No.6397078


It's cute that you think what kind of soldier you were in the military is deserving of being capitalized like a proper noun.

>> No.6397084


I think it's funnier that you're trying to agnotize him.

Leave the drunk GI alone.

>> No.6397087


Antagonize, damn you phone.

>> No.6397088

What the darn-diddily-doodily did you just say about me, you little witcharooney? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Springfield Bible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret mission trips in Capital City, and I have over 300 confirmed baptisms. I am trained in the Old Testament and I’m the top converter in the entire church mission group. You are nothing to me but just another heathen. I will cast your sins out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Heaven, mark my diddily-iddilly words. You think you can get away with saying that blasphemy to me over the Internet? Think again, friendarino. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of evangelists across Springfield and your IP is being traced by God right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggorino. The storm that wipes out the diddily little thing you call your life of sin. You’re going to Church, kiddily-widdily. Jesus can be anywhere, anytime, and he can turn you to the Gospel in over infinity ways, and that’s just with his bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in preaching to nonbelievers, but I have access to the entire dang- diddily Bible collection of the Springfield Bible College and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your sins away off the face of the continent, you diddily-doo satan-worshipper. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you from the Heavens, maybe you would have held your darn-diddily-fundgearoo tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re clean of all your sins, you widdillo-skiddily neighborino. I will sing hymns of praise all over you and you will drown in the love of Christ. You’re farn-foodily- flank-fiddily reborn, kiddo-diddily.

>> No.6397095


This isn't particulary funny anymore.

Ex convicts in a kitchen? Constantly going out to smoke cigarettes or leaving altogether to do, anything I guess.

Vets? Used to work in a kitchen, extremely dedicated and awesome. They are changing the US culinary science.

>> No.6397104

I'm the faggot who insists upon ordering anchovy pizza and eating it alone.

>> No.6397105

Anytime I have friends over I make pizza for them.
It's so much easier and well...the shit is delicious and nice way sop up all the alcohol

>> No.6397172

I used to like pineapples on pizza as a kid. I got sick of those as I got older.

And I wonder if the average person would appreciate anchovies more if they were served like other toppings,chopped up to bits and all.

>> No.6397184
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>> No.6397472

>sharing pizza

i always order my own, can't be doing with just one or two slices after a night of drinking

>> No.6397491


and this is the kicker

white sauce or olive oil instead of tomato sauce.

is truly the GOAT of all flat bread dishes

>> No.6397493

Sounds interesting, I'd give it a try

>> No.6398090
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I agree with you OP

Kebabpizza or ham+salami+minced meat+bacon and onions master race

>> No.6400082

what the FUCK is that

>> No.6400131

pizza + sucuk + donar sauce = winwinwin!

>> No.6400132

>that one kid that didn't like pizza
>that one kid who always wanted extra sauce/cheese

>> No.6400136

>anything at all

Tell me when you go back into the military, regress in age until mid 20s, and then join Pararescue USAF, kid.

>> No.6400138

Came here to post this. Christ I hate that so much. Even worse, it's something that really seeps into the cheese, like olives or pepperoncinis.

>> No.6400156

Even though Hawaiian is the second most popular pizza.
Get over yourself, OP. Not everyone's a faggot like you.

>> No.6400563

next time, I'll order a pizza with bananas.

>> No.6400590

Why do people want to be relive childhood and be a kid again?

>> No.6400596

Whenever I order pizza I get only pineapple and onions. Not only is it fucking delicious, but it pretty much ensures that no one will want any.

I did this at work one time and left the pizza sitting in the break room where people notoriously steal any food that isn't bolted down and no one took a slice. Feels good man.

now people who put meat on pizza, thats fucking disgusting.

>> No.6401198


>> No.6402892

actually plantain and ham is pretty good on a flatbread

>> No.6402909

>Hideaway Pizza
>Maui Magic
>Pineapple, ham, and mandarin orange slices
It was perfection.

Also why do so many people dislike thin crust? Why do you want thick, chewy shit when you can have thin, crispy, satisfying stuff? The only answer I've gotten from my friends is that it is thicker which I think is ridiculous. Pizza is best on a cracker-like crust and if you think otherwise, I disagree with you.

>> No.6402911
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>Also why do so many people dislike thin crust? Why do you want thick, chewy shit when you can have thin, crispy, satisfying stuff? The only answer I've gotten from my friends is that it is thicker which I think is ridiculous. Pizza is best on a cracker-like crust and if you think otherwise, I disagree with you.

Well for one thing, most pizza places do not actually MAKE thin crust, it comes in frozen and often costs the same, so you're getting a frozen cracker instead of fresh dough for usually a very similar price.

Also, even still I enjoy a thin crust now and again but it's more of a snack than it is a meal to me.

>> No.6402914

They also briefly had one with figs, truffles, and Gorgonzola. Surprisingly delicious.

I guess that's reasonable. Still, I just don't enjoy thick crust, so if that's all they can do with fresh dough then I'm not interested.

>> No.6402947

Is this some fetischist shit?

>> No.6402956

Cherry leg BIIIITCH

Swedecuck your pizzo is delicious.

Back in the day I had a dessert pizza from a chain, probably Pizza Hut, with blueberries and shit on it. Was berty gut.

>> No.6404361

It's alright.

>> No.6404518

I order pineapple, bacon and tuna. I'm the best.

>> No.6404539

>Hey gonna get a few pizzas guys, I was thinking a plain cheese and maybe a pepperoni and bacon?
>Nah do pepperoni and onion, and maybe like a supreme pizza
>No get BBQ or buffalo chicken, anon!
>Hey I know let's get Hawaiian!

Fuck you. I hate you, a pizza should never be poisoned by pineapple.

>> No.6404564

i love Hawaiian pizza

>> No.6404599

I like Pineapple Pizza. I also like pinapple + chicken, sometimes with bacon.

>> No.6406044
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i just had the most amazing ham and pineapple pizza

You have dogshit taste, should you think anything like hawaiian style pizza, is not likely one of the best pizzas around!!!

>> No.6406138
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>> No.6406143


Looks good but that topping distribution is shit

>> No.6406144
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>> No.6406145

I really love hawaiian pizza m8, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.6406148
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>> No.6406153
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>> No.6406155
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>> No.6406159
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>> No.6406162
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>> No.6406421

Some people can get really butthurt if you pick off all the pineapple it's a bit odd considering that it has no impact on them.

>Go to club for free pizza
>Choices are cheese, combo, and hawaiian
>Grab 3 slices of hawaiian and pick off all the pineapple
>Dude you're wasting all of it. Why not get the combo or cheese?
>I like ham only and no pineapple a lot more.
>But dude the hawaiian is expensive and you're turning it into a cheap pizza by doing that
I just go on eating my delicious ham pizza.

>> No.6406550
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Nothing wrong with pineapple pizza

Oh and when there is one slice left the next day, dont reheat the oven. Use a blowtorch. And it is done in one minute.

>> No.6406564

Is this bait? Just ask for a ham pizza

>> No.6406827

>being that asshole that orders anchovies to fuck with the delivery driver and everyone else who doesn't know what they are
I am that asshole. Anchovies are good.

>> No.6406834

You should still kill yourself. Pineapple and canadian bacon is truly the worst pizza ever.

>> No.6406836

Oh look, a faggot who doesn't know any better, what are the odds?

>> No.6407091

> Paratrooper is a specific MOS, making it a proper noun

>> No.6407100

Paratrooper is definitely not a specific MOS. It's a descriptor for anyone with the P designation.

If you want to restrict it to combat arms, alrighty, 18 series, 11 series, 19 series, 13 series and whatever series medics are these days are paratroopers.

>yfw I was a paratrooper whose job was to carry a speaker and hand out leaflets

>> No.6407108

Excuse me that second bit should read "can be" such as an 18DP, 11CP, 19DP, etc.

Gotta keep the autists who can't make inferences at bay.

>> No.6407286

>at friend's place
>time to order pizza
>he asks me what I want for my half
>pineapple and spinach
>expect bitching and complaining
>he orders pineapple and ham



I'd eat all of these.


Pepperoni and plain are not worth eating. There's no fucking point. You may as well eat the box it came in.

Ham is shit. Bacon is shit. Chicken is shit. Canned mushrooms are shit.

Good toppings: spinach, pineapple, fresh mushrooms, sliced cherry tomato, sausage, broccoli, anchovy, red pepper. Possibly all at once.

>> No.6407291

Pineapple, Italian sausage and hot banana peppers is amazing.

>> No.6407300

The point is is if you go somewhere, they already bought the food.

>> No.6407653


>> No.6407677


Said no one ever.

>> No.6407699

what is this? but more importantly why do you eat it?

>> No.6407712

kek this is a monstrosity

>> No.6407914

>not getting bacon and pineapple

Why are you such fail?

>> No.6407916

reminder that cheesesteak is the best non-standard pizza style

too bad Toppers doesn't have it anymore, that shit was delicious

>> No.6407992

>he doesn't like pineapple pizza
sounds like you aren't having pizza :^)

>> No.6408003

Mandarin oranges on a pizza is fucking great, but only if you make it yourself. Otherwise most pizza places that offer oranges won't squeeze some of the juice and it'll turn into a soggy, non-melted cheese shit pizza.