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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6394211 No.6394211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most obnoxious meme food?
Pic related.

>> No.6394212

Your mom's pussy

>> No.6394221

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the curing house, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed Kcals. I am fried in delicious oils and I’m the top choice in the entire US breakfast menu. You are nothing to me but just another mouth. I will wipe you the fuck out with flavor the likes of which has never been tasted before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of chefs across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Ramsay. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your lunch. You’re fucking hungry, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can fill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare rashers. Not only am I extensively trained in greased combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cordon Bleu Chef Academy and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable kitchen off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit deliciousness all over your tastebuds and you will drown in it. You’re fucking fed, kiddo.

>> No.6394229


>> No.6394232
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>> No.6394233

This piece of shit right here is quite possibly the most obnixous, overdone piece of shit I have EVER seen.

Fucking normies with their shitty ass subs.

>> No.6394235

Meme foods are also the most delicious foods.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.6394237

Oreos arent a meme food they're just good

>> No.6394239

"normies"? Fuck off idiot

>> No.6394240

To each their own, I guess. They're just normal-tier biscuits for me..

>> No.6394243

>this pasta was taken seriously once

>> No.6394245

delicious pasta bro

>> No.6394350
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Japanese meme 'curry'

>> No.6394402

I say Chips ahoy are better, or those one "biscuits" that have some orange jelly that has a thin layer of chocolate over the top, I've never been able to find them in stores near where I live.

>> No.6394466

What's the most obnoxious thread?

``meme'' food threads

>> No.6394516

100% this.

>> No.6394526

Japanese curry Is pretty shitty compared to Indian, Thai or Malay curries.

>> No.6394536
File: 28 KB, 500x525, omgsorandomlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cookies, muffins, cupcakes, anything mentioned by little girls trying to be "omg lol so random xdd".
Add mustache for double hipster cancer points.

>> No.6394545

Imagine how good this board would be if there was a way to filter out actual children while still preserving anonymity and open access.

>> No.6394579

Perhaps filter out people under 13. At least 13 is of legal internet age.

>> No.6394583


There are plenty of people whose age is over 13 yet they are still children. Heck, that applies to people over thirty just as well.

>> No.6394591

We would need background checks perhaps. Have a specialized "4chan inspector" come to your house and interrogate personal life answers put of you.

>> No.6394605

And thus, /ck/ has completed its decline to /b/ with food. Fuck you guys, I'm out.

>> No.6394614

Enjoy your break, see you in a few hours

>> No.6394616

I miss you.

>> No.6394622

>someone posted ancient pasta
> :'(

>> No.6394624

Activated almonds.

>> No.6394627


>> No.6394633

jaffa cakes you mean

>> No.6394724
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>not activating your almonds

>> No.6394821

Anyone else realize that meme does not mean something increasingly popular but that's been around for years?

>> No.6394826

Bacon (even though I love it)
Avocados / Guacamole

>> No.6394879

>Bacon (even though I love it)
This is the only acceptable answer (and disclaimer).

Bacon is wonderful. I use it a lot, and I eat it as often as I can. That being said, all of the retarded "tricks" people try with bacon are just that: retarded. I don't want to make a "bacon weave," I don't want bacon wrapped pizza, I don't want bacon on my fucking PB&J, and I will strangle you if you put it in my damn ice cream. There is a time and a place for bacon. It checks all the boxes for a delicious food. It is versatile enough to compliment other foods, but can stand on its own brilliantly, but has been meme'd to shit.

Want some proof that bacon is the worst meme food?
>When does the narwhal bacon?
Fucking. Reddit.

>> No.6394904

I only eat bacon straight, or on a sandwich. Nothing else. And most bacon you get from breakfast places is shit, whether it be a restaurant like Denny's or fast food like McDonalds. The bacon they serve is shit, always go for sausage or ham.

>> No.6394918

You fat piece of shit flyover stop posting.

>> No.6394941


>> No.6394953

>restaurant like Denny's
I think you need to town it down a bit, buddy. Some restaurants have excellent bacon. That is: if they are a real restaurant. I enjoy a good bacon cheeseburger every once in a while, but by no means is that the only kind of burger I eat. I eat mushroom swiss far more often, and your typical "plain" cheeseburger (lettuce tomato onion cheese) even more often than that. I only eat burgers once every two or so weeks anyway, which means a bacon cheese burger happens maybe twice/year, and usually at a restaurant.

>> No.6394970
File: 68 KB, 698x382, bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon is the current king of meme food

>> No.6394972

>Some restaurants have excellent bacon

I agree. But Denny's is not one of them.

>> No.6394989

Everything that is liked by many people /ck/ automatically considers it a memefood.

>> No.6394994

Burger joints and restaurants have good bacon, I was thinking more along the lines of "breakfast" places that usually serve that thin shitty bacon or that gross "round" bacon.

it's ridiculous how some places upchaege for it though. Getting two pieces of bacon on your Burger at Five Guys is like a dollar more.

>> No.6394995

>meme food

>> No.6394997

No one would argue that. I'm contending the notion that "most bacon you get from breakfast places is shit, whether it be a restaurant like Denny's..."

There are plenty of "breakfast places" that use excellent bacon. I, for one, used to stop at a bodega on my way to work when I lived in NYC that used boar's head center cut on all their breakfast sandwiches. $3 for a bacon egg and cheese with a good bagel, fresh eggs, boar's head bacon, and swiss cheese... haven't found anything like it since I moved. I usually just make my own now and take it with me.

>> No.6395054

Yeah, the problem with all of what I consider "meme foods" is one of appropriateness. They're generally perfectly fine foods that people start sticking everywhere, whether it's appropriate or not. Baconnaise, sriracha milkshake, etc.

This is entirely separate from another issue of food stupidity, pointless health crazes. Unless you have celiac disease, you do not need to go gluten-free, you dumb cunt.

>> No.6395073
File: 2.67 MB, 3216x2136, DSC_1562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you must have gotten your thumbnails mixed up.

>Pic related is the most cancerous meme food.

>> No.6395076

No one on reddit says "When does the narhwal bacon" anymore. It's just a codeword to let you know who's a 13 year old twat from the rage comics sub.
You'd be surprised at how similar some boards on reddit are to 4chan. I recall that shittyfoodporn hates bacon meming as much as /ck/ does.

>> No.6395080

>burned as fuck
>no peperoni
>le ebin no taste cheese
I hate this disgusting crap

>> No.6395083

No, get out you child

>> No.6395100

That is one ugly pizza, but I'd take it over the garbage in OP pic any day.

>> No.6395113

you are cancer

>> No.6395116


>> No.6395138


What a shitty fucking salad.

>> No.6395140

>No one on reddit says "When does the narhwal bacon" anymore
you would know, leddit fag

>> No.6395150

Are you fucking kidding me? That looks near perfect.

>> No.6395151

you're doing a great job protecting 4chan's future.
I'd give you a medal but you might hurt yourself with it, so I won't.

>> No.6395158

>4chan's future
How long have you been here? Hating reddit has been a thing for a very long time. If anything, you are the cancerous future where saying you post on reddit, 9gag, and facebook regularly is seen as acceptable.

>> No.6395159

Basil is destroyed. Should have been applied when pizza came out of the oven, not before going in.

>> No.6395174

I've been here for a long time. I've also been elsewhere for a long time. Why?
Because all avenues of thought are present on 4chan. It doesn't matter how "old" I am, all that matters is that you at least understand that there's a point to using reddit. They offer more in-depth discussion and more specificity about those topics.
If you resign yourself to only visiting 4chan, then you miss out on the specialties of other forums. Grow up, please, you don't need to like reddit, but dismissing it all is ridiculous because it offers things that 4chan could never offer, ever.

>> No.6395176

That's up to the chef, I'd say. There are multiple schools of thought on it. I'd tend to agree with you, though I think applying fresh basil beneath the cheese prior to cooking can enhance the experience.

That being said, there is no way that is "one ugly pizza" that's only slightly better than garbage. I said "near perfect," because it checks all the absolutely necessary boxes, while OP's pizza (and most pies people are familiar with) are downright disgusting.

>> No.6395183

Looks ugly. If the cheese and sauce are simple and top quality it could well be a god tier pizza. But the cooked basil did wreck the visual aesthetic for me.

>> No.6395185

>It doesn't matter how "old" I am
>le u are da sad future
Yeah, okay kid.
>They offer more in-depth discussion and more specificity about those topics.
They offer more in-depth discussion on the topic of whether bacon is meme food or not? I'll pass.
>If you resign yourself to only visiting 4chan, then you miss out on the specialties of other forums
Oh, I don't. I just choose not to lose my anonymity in what I say and do. 4chan is possibly the least anonymous forum I participate in.
>Grow up, please
I bet you're 29 and still checking reddit every day for upboats. I bet you are dreading your 30th birthday, because you've done nothing meaningful in your entire life.

>> No.6395190

>But the cooked basil did wreck the visual aesthetic for me
I honestly think this is up for debate. To some "that burnt cruzt is so uglee", while in reality it is a product of using a proper oven for cooking pizza and adds to the flavor profile of pizza, itself. That being said, I largely agree with you that burned basil is neither tasty nor aesthetically pleasing. It is, however, a relatively minor point when there's such haram pizza flooding the world these days.

>> No.6395197

>burnt is flavor
fuck off, hipster or wop whatever the fuck you are

>> No.6395201
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Congrats, all you did was prove me right.
4chan isn't that great. Used to be.

>> No.6395205

back to reddit you cock swallowing, spunk trumpet.

>> No.6395210


oreos are cookies, dumbass.

>> No.6395219

Some folks only know pizza cooked in a gas oven and topped with low moisture cheese. They've never tried a pizza cooked in a 750+ degree wood oven, and would probably be confused as to why they couldn't order such a pie in a "meat lovers" version.

Let them be. They tend to rarely leave the South and the Midwest anyways.

>> No.6395226

Does your fedora ever catch fire with that 'muh wood oven'?

>> No.6395233

>used to be
>doesn't matter if I'm an oldfag or a newfag
Yeah. Who proved whom right?

>> No.6395236

I largely agree, but there is an objective truth to this: woodfire oven is better than gas oven pizza.

Not sure you're using that term correctly. Most fedoras I know go for the cheapest pizza they can get their greasy fingers on.

>> No.6395240
File: 866 KB, 635x643, fatscooter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does your fedora ever catch fire
No. How is your scooter running?

>> No.6395247

It runs well.
And it will still be running long after your wood fired pizza fad is long dead, Trent.

>> No.6395250

>meme food
Please stop this shit.

>> No.6395251

pleb city bitch

>> No.6395254

>wood fired pizza fad
nigger what

>> No.6395257

Did I stutter, boy?

>> No.6395266

>not knowing what the word fad means
stuttering would have been better

>> No.6395283

>something annoys me
>therefore it's a fad

>> No.6395285

Wood fire is original, numbskull. Fad would be something like "buffalo chicken pizza." That shit will be relegated to obscurity within the next 5 years.

>> No.6395294

>being this emotionally invested in a diego wop fad perpetrated by inked up fedoras who will be out of business in 5 years
Something else "new" will come by that will satisfy your circlejerk needs,brahs.

>> No.6395295

you sound like the kind of faggot that starts "meme food" threads.

>> No.6395300

go have a kale smoothy, trendsetter

>> No.6395303

I don't care about wood-fire pizza, I don't even eat pizza at all.

Just pointing out that you're fucking retarded for thinking that it's a fad, because it's objectively not one.

>> No.6395305

>Anonymous 04/07/15(Tue)14:00:33 No.6395
other fads according to this nigger:
>making wine from fedora grapes
>making bread from grain flour
>drinking water for hydration
>grilling meat on fire

>> No.6395310

Good one, what buzz word are you gonna say next? Gluten-free? Raw?

You are the cancer that is killing 4chan.

>> No.6395312

it's a fad in the US, cumguzzlers
In Italy, where they have no idea how to make pizza it's the mainstay

>> No.6395314

>kale smoothy
see, thats a fad
>spells smoothie like a fag

>> No.6395316

I bet you dunk your crusts in ranch dressing.

>> No.6395326

I bet your wood fired pizza was made by a tatted up neckbeard that will be back pushing a mop in a factory in a few years

>> No.6395331

>living in the midwest

>> No.6395337

>implying Chicago pizza isn't the best in the world

>> No.6395339

GTFO nigger this don't concern you

>> No.6395346

so... you're just pretending to be retarded? I don't get it.

>> No.6395348

Reddit stole lots of 4chans culture.

It's disgusting.

>> No.6395352

>I don't get it
I know.

>> No.6395371

I don't get what you're doing. You're obviously either a troll or retarded. I'm asking which.

>> No.6395373

>no pepperoni
>muh salty, overly processed swine by-product.
I bet you fucking smell fatty.

>> No.6395377
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>You'd be surprised at how similar some boards on reddit are to 4chan]


>> No.6395382
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>> No.6395385
File: 71 KB, 588x350, FedoraVsTrilby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it right, cunt.
>still falling for /pol/ meme faggotry