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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 225x225, caviar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6379552 No.6379552 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of caviar?

>> No.6379558

People don't really like it, fedorafags just pretend to to feel 'upper class'.

>> No.6379563

you sound poor

>> No.6379564

its pretty good.

>this is what people who live in trailer parks in rural kentucky actually believe

>> No.6379572

Utterly plebian. It's what the poor eat when they want to feel rich.

>> No.6379573


>> No.6379579

redditor alert redditor alert redditor alert redditor alert redditor alert redditor alert

>> No.6379580

>muh reddit mortal enemy mentality XD

>> No.6379588

not enemy, just total faggots
>muh contributing to a discussion by saying "this"

>> No.6379593

>being mad

>> No.6379596

the other day masturbating I accidentally came inside my own mouth
that's how I discovered that jizz tastes like caviar

>> No.6379604

It's a shitty Veblen good.

>> No.6379606
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>> No.6379616

no it doesnt

brie does though.

>> No.6379623

I've tried the various ones, it just doesn't do anything for me and IMO isn't worth the price. Gimmie a can of good sardines and some saltines and I'm ok.

>> No.6379627

>getting dubs

>> No.6379781

it taste like salty fish ass

>> No.6379790

Good caviar is good. Bad caviar is bad.

>> No.6379804

I love it so much,used to have it all the time when I was a kid so it reminds me of my childhood.
I like the red ones the most.

>> No.6380019
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If it tastes anything like carp roe, it's fugging delicious.

>not eating the hundreds of unborn children of a fish

>> No.6380033

I like masago. That's like caviar right?

>> No.6380035
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My father in law says it's why god created fish.

I say it's why satan created the swedes.

>> No.6380038

I've never had it but have always wanted to try it. I love anchovies, sardines, pickled herring, etc. so I think I'd like it. Plus salmon roe sushi is great.

>> No.6380040

I've never tried it but the hype makes me want to.

>> No.6380045

I saw some shit like that in a store once and bought it because WTF. My GF and I tried it out on some crackers or something, looked at each other and both spit that shit into the garbage can at the same time, then the tube went into the can too.

That was some nasty ass shit, but at least I can say I tried it.

>> No.6380047

im not that big of a fan after eating samon caviar

>> No.6380056

Sucker. I know better than to try it.

I just look at other people eating it and go "WHYYYYY"

Also, where are you from that you found it in stores? Denmark or something nearby to sweden?

>> No.6380059

i like it with other things but now on it's own.

>> No.6380096
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It have been a long time since I had sturgeon caviar but I like tobiko the most. The eggs sizes are just right for me giving that nice crunchy texture.

>> No.6380111
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>> No.6380113

TFW cannot get caviar paste in Burgerclapistan.

>> No.6380114

i can't stand the brines, raw fresh roe is amazing though

>> No.6380119

Miami, Florida at the time, I was on vacation at the time there and it was a random purchase.

>> No.6380159

I bought some really expensive stuff and put it on a domino's pizza (feta+Pep) and it didn't taste very good.

>> No.6380195

I think it is like eating doritos with some really expensive cheese... Or have some really good wine with beef jerky.

>> No.6380209

you don't have IKEA?

>> No.6380214

Are you retarded?

>> No.6380288

I'm not allowed in IKEA.

>> No.6380351

it's ok, overrated as fuck though.
vendace roe > caviar

>> No.6380586

>Catch salmon
>pull out a pound of eggs
>milk the little suckers out of their membrane
>lightly salt and eat.
Some tasty stuff right there, like a fishy buttery stake jelly.
Fish eggs are top tier food.

>> No.6381356

>I accidentally came inside my own mouth
how...how do you even do that?

>> No.6381363

>He can't taste the herbal flavors

>> No.6381379

>you sound poor
>YFW The History of Caviar as a rich person's food came because of poor people.

Originally The Sturgeon were so valuable that the Russian fisherman couldnt eat them because it was worth more to sell the catch. But no one wanted the roe so they kept and ate that, but sold the rest of the fish.

Rich people noticed that the Roe was what the fishermen were eating and decided that if the people that catch it are only eating that part and selling the rest, that must be the best part. And they started buying that. It was the Russian Czars that introduced the idea of Caviar being a high class food (at one point it was exclusively used for Royalty)

Before that in the past, in Persia and the Greek and Roman empires it was merely just another foodstuff that was consumed regularly during feasts by all.

>> No.6381413

you ever make salmon jerky?

>> No.6381427

I don't like memefoods for the sake of them being memefoods so I don't care for it

>> No.6381442

I've never had real caviar, just roe of some other fish, but if it's similar to what I've had, I imagine I'd enjoy it.

>> No.6381471
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>I'm not allowed in IKEA.

>> No.6381478

Caviar is fucking delicious. Osetra, beluga is the best imo. Getting down with a tin of it, brioche and some really good champagne.

>> No.6381481

I hate it.

>> No.6381503

the only caviar i've had was a bit salty for my tastes

>> No.6381509

An overrated gimmick popularized by groups of people who didn't have access to better delicacies.

>> No.6381529

Only good if freshly salted.

>> No.6381540

I only eat cheap caviar, even that is good.

I really think, most people don't really like it, that's why you will have people, who never ate any chaper caviar and don't even like fish, buy expensive caviar.

I always liked unique flavours.

>> No.6381545

I guess what I mean by cheap caviar was actually roe.

t. non english

>> No.6381863

Never tried it, how does it taste?

>> No.6381865


like salty coins and milk.

>> No.6381871
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>tfw 27 and still never had it

is roe caviar because I've had that on sushi

>> No.6381874

>is roe caviar

NO faggot. That's like calling a hotdog a steak.

>> No.6381882

I love flying fish eggs

So sweet and good

>> No.6382389
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Beautiful creamy fishy taste which just melts in your mouth
It's fucking beautiful in sushi and with fish and chips
I would eat buckets load of this shit every day if it wasn't so expensive

Smoked salmon + Caviar with a garlic mayo sauce

>> No.6382408

seafood is fucking disgusting in the first place. eating shitty meme shit like fish eggs is just the worst. and the culture behind it is just as bad
>dont use metal spoons even though im brain dead and dont know why it was a thing in the past and why im wrong for spouting shit now in the present
fuck all of you fedora tippers

>> No.6382411

>not eating the cunt with a fucking fork
>This shit taste fucking amazing
I bet you only eat BBQ Ribs and chicken wings you fucking savage,
Seafood is beautiful

>> No.6382416

seafood is trash and so are wings and ribs. do you eat bugs as well? why not? its just smaller versions of the shit you pull out of ponds, literally. disgusting water bugs and shit eating fish. i only eat the highest quality pedigree horse semen, and rice, for starch

>> No.6382423
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you sound more pretentious for hating seafood in your manner than liking caviar in the first place
Fucking fag

>> No.6382431
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I really like fish eggs in general, but my fav is salmon caviar, it's cheaper too

>> No.6382433

Maybe anon got banned for trying to steal stuff?

>> No.6382438

i dont hate seafood because it makes me feel like a big sophisticated dickhead. its DISGUSTING. i literally and legitimately find it disgusting and walking by the fish section is a no no. fuck even open waters stink of fish. it wasnt always like that. i used to eat fish and crawfish and shit like that as a kid. but one day in the grocery store, we passed by the fish section and it gagged me so hard i puked. black puke. like if the fish demons were expelled from my body. since then anything from the sea is off limits, including shit like worcestershire sauce and anything else made with fish products

>> No.6382444

Salty, fishy, tasty.

Got some cheap stuff and it was great.

>> No.6382457

You are a fucking child

>> No.6382464
File: 157 KB, 408x450, fuckingfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god you're a fucking childish fag
>open waters smell like fish
>just like your mum's dirty old snatch
>not enjoying calamari
>not enjoying flaked/smoked salmon
>not enjoying oysters
>not enjoying prawns
>not enjoying crabs
>not enjoying L O B S T E R
You are limiting your taste spectrum to ground food
You are the degenerate scum not helping out the seafood industry
Kill yourself

>> No.6382483

as expected from caviarfags. hey man enjoy your filth food. someones gotta eat the shit. might as well be you queers

>> No.6382500

That's terrible. Seafood is highly perishable. You're supposed to be disgusted by off seafood, because eating it can kill you. But being traumatized by the smell of it is as crazy as having one bad relationship and deciding to ;live alone for the rest of your life.

>> No.6382506

Nigger, if you were my wife i'd kill you with a stingray
Shit tier non-seafood eating pleb
>enjoy you high fat meat

>> No.6382515

>This fucking thread

I've said it before and I'll say it again: /ck/ is the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.6382523

my girlfriend was jerking me off while I was sitting and, while I always point my dick as to not hit myself, she pointed my dick towards my own face when she saw that I was cumming and caught me off guard

>> No.6383183

this xD

>> No.6383206


>> No.6383239
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I used to work at a specialty grocery store where we sold quite a bit of caviar. Two observations:

>cheap caviar isn't worth it because it tastes like shit.
>expensive caviar isn't worth it bc the taste doesn't justify the price, unless you're Puff Daddy.

I'll just stick to getting my omega-3s from plebeian salmon and avoid looking like try hard new money