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6372279 No.6372279 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ alcoholic thread?

>tfw getting up an hour early to drink enough to last you through lunch

Thank God for tic tacs.

>> No.6372300

I'm drinking right now too! Cheers!

I'm killing myself with alcohol because I tragically lost my wife and two daughters. One was 3 years old, the other was an infant.

>> No.6372308

So this is the future of all gastronomes? Shit, i'm on my first semester of culinary arts and i'm already worried about my drinking habits.

>> No.6372343

11th day sober,had my first dream that I caved and had a drink. Fucked up my sleep, but still feeling good. Hang in there my /alck/bros, it can get better when you are ready.

>> No.6372349

>implying it needs to get better
only if you're a rager, us functional alcoholics are fine the way we are

>> No.6372350

live in feg wanna be dry state
gotta be at work in 3 hours
on my last beer
thank jesus i have stashed liquor at work

>> No.6372353

Day 36 sober...still trying to escape the inevitability that I'll be hitting up the package store for a fifth at some point in the future. I feel great though.

>> No.6372404

>marrying a 3 year old

>> No.6372414

Proper prior planning prevents piss poor preformance

>> No.6372420


top kek

*lifts mornig beer*

>> No.6372440

Your own children being ripped away from your life is hilarious.

>> No.6372452

no morning drinking, dude. that's a sure road to ruin.

for me it turns out eating chocolate cake at 230AM and OJ at 6AM wasn't the best choice before I brushed my teeth

I do feel nice and clean now

>full purge

>> No.6372454

How often do you have drink to be an alcoholic? Because I can easily see myself going through a bottle of scotch a fortnight "because".

>> No.6372457


good for you bro. I stated detoxing Sunday

>no sleep
>waking dreams
>BO smells like death

should be basically OK today Hoping to spend the week dry(ish)

>> No.6372477

Can all of you useless alcoholics please leave /ck/? You are the plague of this board.

>> No.6372480


You need to calm down and have a few drinks bro, you seem really stressed out.

>> No.6372490


Nah, I can deal with my problems in a way other than drinking myself to death. I'm not a weak-willed faggot.

>> No.6372500


I lost my bank card, usually on 10cl - 1 l vodka per day... Shits going to be rough. See my psychiatrist today so going to try and blag some alprazolam, to take the edge off.

>> No.6372502

>Alcoholics don't think people know they're drunk at work/in public

>> No.6372507

>Implying you've had to endure the same hardships

Move along rubber neck

>> No.6372508


>he doesn't drink pepermint schnaps wear sunglasses and use a moblility scooter.

what a faggot.

>> No.6372514


*70cl my bad

>> No.6372515


You'd be stupid to assume I haven't. I've had plenty of hardships throughout my life. I'm not going to rattle them off for you because I'm not a faggot who needs to prove shit on 4chan.

If you can't admit you're a weak piece of shit then you'll never get better. Have fun with your depressing ass waste of life.

>> No.6372518


Good job on rationalizing your alcoholism LOL

>> No.6372521

I lost my wife and two daughters in the most tragic occurrence. I should have pulled the trigger long ago. But yes, you are correct. I'm weak. I continue to suffer their loss.

>> No.6372530


I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that isn't significant, but if you can't help yourself then go find some help.

>> No.6372545


I don't drink, and have never read these alcoholic threads but saw this post on the front page and just wanna say that I don't think being so rude suits you very well, man

if you've overcome hardship without falling into alcoholism or whatever other negative stuff, then that's a good accomplishment and I'm glad you were able to get through whatever it was or has been. you don't need to shit on people who haven't coped as well as you. it doesn't make you sound strong when you do that, and if you're as strong willed as you've gone out of your way to describe then you shouldn't have to resort to insulting people weaker than you

>> No.6372556


That's a great post. I'm going to completely disregard it.

>> No.6372574

Seeking help is easier said than done. I sought help through the VA. They told me I didn't qualify for their services. I tried the private sector. I had to donate money beforehand.

We're on our own.

>> No.6372590


>barely sought help

>> No.6372597


you have to be in the army to use the VA

>> No.6372598

Give me some better ideas then, professor

>> No.6372607


No. You barely sought help which shows me you don't even want to get better in the first place. This just shows the mentality that you have. You hit up two places for some help and give up instead of looking for the hundreds of other services. You don't want to get better, I'm not helping you. Have fun with your premature death and pathetic life.

>> No.6372615

You lack the finesse of encouragement

>> No.6372620

>Thank God for tic tacs.

yeah that will work

drinking before going to work
everybody you work with knows you're a boozer
it's just a matter of time

>> No.6372631
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I banked 10 years.

>> No.6372632


You can take what I said one of two ways. You can be offended by it and ignore it and act like a baby, or you can say to yourself hey you know what this guy is kind of right, maybe I should try harder.

You've got two fucking options: keep drinking or stop drinking. You either want to do one or the other so man the fuck up and decide.

>> No.6372655

>going through a bottle of scotch a fortnight "because".
that's nothing

when you start going through a bottle of scotch every NIGHT (and day and morning) then get back to me

>> No.6372657

Paths, I'd that you?

>> No.6372661

>Being able to get up
Yeah, nah

>> No.6372662

how much do you guys spend on booze daily?

a fifth of cheap whiskey is less than $7 if I drive to the state line like 20 mins away. otherwise i just go to the cheap liquor stores near me for a pint around $4.50

ideally i would be buying fifths every day, but i try to limit my intake

>> No.6372669

Costs at least £10 for a bottle of vodka here. Fucking shite being an alchie here.

>> No.6372670

Have any of tried switching to beer?

>> No.6372672

No, beer is shite. You drink to get drunk, cannae get drunk off beer.

>> No.6372717
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I buy nice craft beers to chase whiskey with, because whiskey tastes like rotten hell

>> No.6372730

I prefer whisky. Do you do a lot of plebbing?

>> No.6372737

I just don't like sweet alchohols (unless it's Bailey's).

The bitterness of beer and the floral notes of gin are vastly superior.

>> No.6372740

>because whiskey tastes like rotten hell
damn i miss still being a teenager ;_;

>> No.6372761

>Sweetness of whisky
Are you special?

I love Gin as well though.

Like I said, whiskey is shit. Whisky is great.

>> No.6372770

>Are you special?
I am, but that's beside the point. Once you're used to the burn of alcohol, bourbon is much sweeter than most hard liquors.

>> No.6372775
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I used to be a good guy. Now I'm a drunkard.

>> No.6372779

You still missing the point?

In any event, I am pished so lets have a laugh anyway.

>> No.6372781

Was always a beer man. 12 pack a night usually, and have relegated myself to High Life, because it's one of the few 30 rack macros that doesn't offend my tastebuds.

>> No.6372783

>whisky vs whiskey
Well memed. Nice talking to you.

>> No.6372785

What happened

>> No.6372787


(Another meme, just for you)

>> No.6372816

>I would that you

>> No.6372986


nigga you need to make at least full bird before the VA will treat you for drinking.

fake a head trauma/PTSD or break your leg or something.

>> No.6373002

>that feel when alcohol used to make me feel great
>having more than two pints of beer makes me feel bloated and depressed now
I don't know what the fuck happened

>> No.6373041

36 days here, I still get the occasional dream but they're not as bad as they were for the first three weeks. Finally sleeping for longer blocks. Night sweats are driving me nuts, I have to change shirts in the middle of the night. As for BO, try Old Spice 16 Hour Body Wash.

>> No.6373058

>You've got two fucking options: keep drinking or stop drinking. You either want to do one or the other so man the fuck up and decide.


>> No.6373069


>> No.6373100

you could just get a new wife, and make more children. not the end of the world m8

>> No.6373131

anyone ever stop drinking for a while and then have a dream about getting really drunk and wake up with a phantom hangover

>> No.6373138


How to tell you're a genuine alcoholic? You hallucinate, see and hear things that aren't there. You shake and quiver. You can't sleep for more than an hour or two despite how tired you are.

If you aren't suffering from that, be glad.

>> No.6373140


Oh no I was asking because that happened to me. I don't consider myself an alcoholic by any means, I just took a break from recreational drinking for a while and that happened.

>> No.6373150
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>This thread

Christ, these threads have been full reasonable, productive discussion for ages despite being full of problem drinkers, and suddenly some none-drinkers come along an they're the ones arguing and shitposting. Move along or calm down, you're not impressing anyone here.

>> No.6373159

If you're over the age of 30, you don't know what a hangover is.

>> No.6373172
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but hangovers get worse with age

>> No.6373178
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>tfw home from college and have to hide drinking habits from parents

They used to notice when I basically cleared their liquor cabinet when i came home. Now I have to hide my own handle so they don't know I get wasted every night when they go to bed.

>> No.6373183

Sit in the car, out in the driveway. Listen to music and get fucked up.

>> No.6373187

they have a big finished basement they never use, so I basically live down there when I come home

>> No.6373309

You're a idiot.

>> No.6373321

All but the phantom hangover, it still sucked though.

>> No.6373493
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This is me from the future.
Please talk about this shit to someone.
It gets slowly worse.
Then it's too late..

>> No.6373500

are you dead?

>> No.6373592

I remember being alive.
I don't remember being dead.

>> No.6373598

What flavor tic tacs?
I need help hiding whiskey smell

>> No.6373604

who here has no problem seeming not drunk in work/school?
i dont think anyone can tell aside from if they smell it on me.

>> No.6373651

cigarettes are good alternative

>> No.6373684
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Ketel = Like no smell.
But, whiskey still gives me a better drunk/tipsy.
What gives you best drunk?

Vodka doesn't really give it like Jack Danny.

>> No.6373687

i dont need cancer, its bad enuf being alch

>> No.6373699

Drinking helps me write.

>> No.6373709
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it's just a matter of time

>> No.6373728

are you laughing at him?

>> No.6373733

ppl at college know i am one but no one cares theyre all so unempathic
i have no friends

>> No.6373738

I drink when my friends aren't around but they always make comments about it. Don't know how they know. I probably drink as much as them too

>> No.6373741
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if you mean am I laughing at someone so delusional that they think they can drink before work and no one will notice (tic tacs), then yes, I am laughing at him

>> No.6373755

these threads always make me wanna drink.

>> No.6373763

the smell

>> No.6373771

holy fuck dude
i tke gum after i drink , i also have soda always...
and heavy perfume that lasts all day...
if anyone can smell im drunk they just have special nose senses.
and i dont act different from my normal self when drunk if i do it in class/work.

NO ONE CAN TELL unless they just can tell..then its not my fault...theyre just smart/nosy.
idc if they know...but im not gonna not try to prevent everyone else from detecting it.
not gonna sip alch in class thats just stupid

>> No.6373791


that's normal anon.

>> No.6373802

i feel like one cause i drink to deal with everyday life. things normies can do i dont have courage to even face without bottle

>> No.6373804
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classic alkie strategies for drinking at work

it's just a matter of time, my friend

>> No.6373813

no one cares dude...those that know havent said or done shit about it because theyre borderline psychopaths no empathy. srsly no one gives a shit about my problems.

>> No.6373827
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>srsly no one gives a shit about my problems.

sounds like a good reason to drink, as if you needed a reason

>> No.6373844

you suck at being a psychopath

>> No.6373856

I don't know how you do it. I can't drink liquor without something to wash it down with. Cola for whiskey or rum, anything for vodka, just something.
I can't take the terrible taste. Which is ironic because when I get home from my job that I hate but can't quit because I'm on contract, I just want to drink myself to the next day.

>> No.6373871

It's not like I drink then go hang out with them.
It's usually in the evening before bed.

>> No.6373911

learn to act sober, its how we all hide it

>> No.6373919
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>mfw I realize gin and tonic tastes great together on it's own and doesn't need any lime or lemon or whatever

>> No.6373925

How can you tell if someone is an aclh without smelling it?

>> No.6373952

how can you stop peeing when drinking
what food to eat

>> No.6373962


you can smell it
teacher in high school wore cologne, smelled the booze
someone chewing gum or eating mints, smelled the booze
I smoke like a chimney and I can smell the booze
Vodka? can smell it

in a zero tolerance place like a college campus, you're busted

>> No.6373963

Popped into Tesco and found a decent bottle of scotch. Getting pissed on the posh stuff tonight. Ten year old Jura. £25. Tenner more than I would have spent on 2 bottles of mediocre wine.

>> No.6373978

>Drinking Jura 10 year old
>Plebbing it up this much
>Not drinking Glen Grant 10 or nikka from the barrel

>> No.6373980

you make it sound like us secret alchs are stupid as fuck
anyway what did you do when you noticed someone was alch?

>> No.6373987


I have asked students to leave my classroom and not drink before class

been in work situations where if you don't like somebody it's a good way to start to get them fired

>> No.6373994

You don't.
It's called "breaking the seal". Us in the medical field know it better as ADH or anti-diuretic hormone.
Once you stop, just just can't stop.

>> No.6374004

Hadn't had it before. It's certainly not a top Scotch but not all bad for that price. Certainly beats the other entry levels like Glenfiddich and Glenlivet. Not that i'd be getting pissed on anything much better, that would just be a waste.

>> No.6374009

When you get close enough you can smell it coming out of their pores. Just a hint, but it's there. I've fired people for it, unless they're really good at their job. Then you tell them if you smell it on them again they're fired. Once I cast a blind eye because the guy was the best at what he did. He didn't last though because he quite showing up.

>> No.6374013

>in a zero tolerance place like a college campus, you're busted
These days pretty much anywhere is going to me more or less zero tolerance unless you've just come back from a Christmas lunch or something and you're still expected to not be drunk. Maybe if you work in a garage as a mechanic or something but pretty much any office job you'd be sent home with a final warning or fired.

>> No.6374022

Don't get the people who go into work stinking and still drunk. If I get that drunk i'm not waking up until 11am. But then I only get wasted at the weekend because i'm not a massive degenerate.

>> No.6374031

Holy fuck you're awful, and I thought I was bad.

>> No.6374049

ive been sober for a while now and would like a beer but I cant have one.

>> No.6374051

please restate it

>> No.6374062

i wonder if alchs tend to b flaky/lazy
omg what if youre just smelling their dirty clothes or they liv with an alch and the smell goes on them?

dont be so harsh but thanks for recognizing good workers...alch doesnt have to get in the way

>> No.6374065

why am i awful?

>> No.6374066

The such a cold and robotic view of the logistics behind human relationships.

You make it seem as though he's replacing a car or his favorite shirt. Sure, he can meet someone else and start a new family but can you possibly imagine what it would be like to have your foundation ripped from beneath your feet? Falling in love with 3 people who you've created a world around and now they just don't exist. What's the allotted mourning period for such a thing? What's the standard amount of time it takes to get over something like that?

I'm sure there are people who can recover from such a thing and try to move on, but unfortunately, some people have a harder time coping with such things and telling them to just move on or suck it up, as if the thought never occurred to them, doesn't help.

>> No.6374083

No, you sweat it out. You smell like booze underneath the fabric softener, cologne, gum, and cigarette smoke. If you don't want to smell, quite drinking twelve hours before work and take a long hot shower before going in. If you drink before work you will get caught eventually. I used to drink heavily, and still do on occasion, so I can knock it off pretty well.

>> No.6374103

youre good at hiding the smell?

so if i drink at work i should brng a paper towel wet it then wash my whole entire body...i drink through the pain of work

>> No.6374109

>The such a cold and robotic view of the logistics behind human relationships.
Because life is cold and robotic, anyone who implies otherwise are letting themselves be guided by emotions rather than rationality.

>What's the standard amount of time it takes to get over something like that?
Doesn't matter. Everything in life is relative, you either get over it or you don't. Even then there are no absolutes, only shades of grey. But he is using the loss of family as a condition for his alcoholism. I don't blame it, I don't judge it, but I do question the point of using it to convince or otherwise connect with anonymous people on the internet. The most animalistic trait in humans is finding worth, meaning and approval in the subjectivity of other people.
My point is that it really means nothing to anyone other than himself. Only he has power over it, and he decides how it influences his life.

>> No.6374129

No, I'm saying you can't hide the smell, so either quite drinking long enough before work that it's out of your system, then take a long hot shower, or get caught eventually. For the record I never drank during working hours. I went in still drunk many a time though.

>> No.6374212

Life is FAR from cold and robotic. Even animals mourn the loss of loved ones. From an objective standpoint, sure that's how things work, but people are emotional entities. We don't operate solely off rationality and life would be quite bland if we did it. It's emotion that inspires us to do anything outside of eating working and dying. You can't escape emotion if you're a living, breathing creature, unless you're autistic or a psychopath.

You're also assuming the functionality of his brain is solely up to him, which doesn't even make sense logically. His ability to cope or overcome certain tragic experiences depends on his biology, past experiences and current circumstances. Making a decision is more than just "wanting to do it." There's a reason why he's choosing alcoholism to cope and why it seems more appealing than other options currently available to him. Telling him to just move on isn't even advice, it's stating the obvious.

>> No.6374222

>There's a reason why he's choosing alcoholism to cope and why it seems more appealing than other options currently available to him. Telling him to just move on isn't even advice, it's stating the obvious.
Alright, so you're a determinist. Then there's no point in having this conversation.

>> No.6374226

There is no point to anything but there's a reason for everything.

>> No.6374232

i people cared....we wouldnt need to drink..

>> No.6374234

Which ties into life being cold and robotic.
If you are someone other than the person I was originally replying to, say so, otherwise you've done nothing other than discrediting your own stand.

>> No.6374243

Objectively, life is cold and robotic, people aren't.

I've discredited nothing other than your reading comprehension ability.

>> No.6374257

Objectively? I don't think you quite understand that term since the very next thing you said is quite counter-intuitive.
Life is robotic, it is cold, those are the foundations our feelings and emotions are based upon. That also implies that our feelings are cold and robotic. What sort of worth you personally and subjectively apply to emotions and feelings don't make them any less systemic and uncaring.
I'm not really sure what you actually are arguing for, please define the point of conversation.

>> No.6374261

The heavy perfume itself is a dead giveaway, imo. I had a few teachers who were clearly raging alcoholics and the female ones always wore crazy strong perfume.

>> No.6374262

You're telling the guy he can just get a new wife and kids as if that's all there is to it. It's infinitely more nuanced than that. You're disregarding the emotional aspect entirely.

>> No.6374266

When I tell people about the absolute horrific things that happened in my life, driving me to drink, the only thing that happens is me getting all messed up and teary eyed.

I'd rather find a way to forget about the loss of my children than deal with it. I don't care if that's considered weak. It works.

>> No.6374287

I'm >>6374212

I'm not judging, man. I don't really care how anyone lives their life, as long as they aren't hurting or taking away from others, which is often unavoidable.

I'm sorry about your wife and daughters, man. Can't imagine your pain. Does this shitty site help you cope in any way?

>> No.6374289

That was not me, I was simply replying to >>6374066
I don't really care much for the topic at hand, I simply wanted to argue that his/her understanding of life as being empathic is quite wrong.
Personally I am anti-natalist, the last thing I would argue for is him having more kids.

>> No.6374298

In the last 72 days I have spent an average of $15.71 a day on alcohol.

I can't drive so I have to walk 20 minutes to the closest liquor store then 20 minutes back. When someone I know is going to the supermarket I tag along and buy beer.

>> No.6374334

Does it help? Yes. As long as we're not talking about my loss. heh...

I should have never mentioned it but I was pretty lit at the time. Very drunk. I've since passed out and woken up. And now I regret saying anything.

>> No.6374336

You are dedicated and motivated. I like your wherewithal.

>> No.6374342

With all the whats where?

>> No.6374346

At least your reason to drink is more substantiated. I drink because I'm jaded by life and I'm literally just doing shit until I die.

I usually come to the chans to shitpost and troll. This is one of the very few times I've ever replied seriously to anyone on this site.

>> No.6374352

>not realising he's too drunk to type properly

>> No.6374353

you can play mabinogi its like a second life. it takes ur mind off ur shitty life.

>> No.6374356


I've done similar anon.

look at the bright side, you can walk away, clear your cookies and it's like you were never here. no one can ever pin it on you or make you talk about it ever again.

that is why anonynous is beautiful

>> No.6374361

omg i do that all the time lmao
but even irl i suck at talking to people. i have no friends. but all iw ant is a friend or bf. but because i suck at communicating like a normal person trying to socialize i just dtink...lifes less boring that way

i see these peole in class they have friends they talk to eachother during class. i bet they go party with friends,talk to opposite sex whenever they want to, and just enjoy socializing...
im like i want that.

>> No.6374362

Regret nothing, learn from your mistakes.
I wouldn't call him a friend, but I have an aquaintance who lives a 3 hour train trip south of Moscow, in a small blue house next to a cool stream. The guy is in his sixties, he has a completely ruined hip from a gunshot, his wife is dead, and he loves alcohol. But the thing is, even though he does get awfully drunk every day, he always finds something positive to focus at. He makes toys for the children, helps people with various tasks, works on his farm.. The main thing is not to get dragged into a viscious cycle of negativity, there is always something good to look forward too, even when drunk or homeless.
You might have lost something close to you, but you should use that experience to help other people and in so doing improve your own life, instead of wasting away by yourself.

>> No.6374365

I'm currently doing something similar with GTA 5 but that's starting to wear thin.

>> No.6374369

>drinking since 1p since I've done everything I had to do today
>my roomate brought another cat in the apartment even though I hate cats
>tfw living with a cunt
I can't wait to move out. I'm checking out an apartment tomorrow and I'm hoping to move out in the next month. All I can do now though is drink all her whiskey.

>> No.6374370

still waiting to drink after 5pm.

glad i'm not an alch yet.

>> No.6374373

I wonder if I can find decent minded people like you at AA meetings (I've never been to one).

If I don't stop drinking, it'll kill me.

>> No.6374377

need my goon need my goon need my goon need my goon need my goon need my goooooooooooon

>> No.6374382

Substantial investigations into life and the worth of life are misguided, simply because they will only lead to suffering. Being ignorant and happy is far more fullfiling than being aware and depressed.
If you are trapped in a cycle of cynicism you should do your outmost to escape.

Most people are idiots, no matter where you turn. Either decide to drop down to their low or find someone/something else. Trying is not a bad idea, but do not excpect too much.

>> No.6374383

yeah idk if gta 5 has like...you can do pretty much any cool career in mabinogi as well as look like a sexy anime chick you get married to others...
plus its free.
but maybe to each his own game...i always come back to mabiogi even when it wears thin

>> No.6374387

elaborate how theyre idiots?
i find people fascinating

>> No.6374412

Thanks for the advice

>> No.6374596

I go through about $7.50 or more of sherry per day, but booze is expensive in Canada.

>> No.6374610

I was terrified when I cut back by the insomnia. I have never had a problem sleeping all of my life, but I would lie awake for almost the entire night, wishing I was able to black-out. It isn't as bad now, thankfully, but I still spend my days in a bit of a haze until the first drink. At least I'm not morning drinking anymore, and my job is shit-easy warehouse work until I get this shit under control. Cutting back is hard.

>> No.6374611

hard is good.

>> No.6374616

I know that feel, anon. I'm not on contract, but I'm working a shitty ass job to pay the bills until I find literally anything else. It'll be okay, it won't be forever.

>> No.6374623


>> No.6374626

Once you go pee after drinking, you're going to be peeing a lot for the entire day/night. Just try and not go, or get so used to having to go your body adjusts. I find if I pee early into an evening of drinking I pee way more often than if I pee before I start, then hold it until before bed.

>> No.6374628
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guys can i share something

i realized
some people are just mean, blind,selfish, self serving and take but dont want to give.
and its not my problem
i used to get worked up if i felt i was promised something like love but they never followed through...they just took because i dont know how to stop giving...
i thought something is horribly wrogn with my and my life...but really its them...and it snot my problem that they exist...

and good things...like love...comes to those who wait.
it doesnt walk up to you, talking sweet.
its there for a long time before it sweet talks you.

>> No.6374631

its not my fault hes blind

im not a helper dog
im not gonna worry about you like your momma neither

>> No.6374633

First, don't drink beer. Stick to spirits with something or drinking it straight. I find whenever I drink beer or wine I will wake up during the night to pee. But with drinking spirits, no problem. Just pee before you go to bed.

>> No.6374637

>spirits with something or drinking it straight
is that vodka/whiskey/cognac?

>> No.6374640

so they key is to pee before you drink.

btw i was talking about drinking spirits

>> No.6374642

Haven't had a drink in...4 days. gonna drink tomorrow as a reward for almost making it a week. Also it just so happens I get paid tomorrow.

>> No.6374650

Well what do you drink? Beer and wine? If so, you will drink a lot to get wasted, therefore pee a lot.

Do you wake up in the night to pee?

>> No.6374657

i dont have time to sip wine during the school day although i'd prefer it. it's easier to gulp.
but i drink anything hard

>> No.6374660

getting plastered > paying attention in class

>> No.6374663

I sip a mixed drink of everclear in an opaque plastic bottle at work. Has ice cubes and everything.

I think one coworker is catching on due to the fact that I chew a lot of gum.

>> No.6374668

I don't usually, but depending on volume I sometimes do. I tend to drink wine-based sherry, though. If I've had a night with champagne or wine I definitely wake up, though I don't always remember it. I'm a bit of a sleep-walker, though.

>> No.6374669

are you trying to burn a hole in your tummy bud?

>> No.6374671

>get drunk in a car!

Great idea, dipshit.

>> No.6374673


Just got a DUI arrest, finding it hard to keep my head up despite being relatively sober since I kicked my fith-a-day habit. Advice? I'm not concerned about the fee's and classes so much as job prospects and (deserved) social stigma.

>> No.6374686

i need ideas on mixing sodas/juices with spirits

>> No.6374689

If the keys aren't in the ignition, you're fine.

So yeah, bring your myPod to play music and leave the keys in your pocket and the keys by the front door.

>> No.6374692

Why are you mixing it? All that soda is bad for you.

Mix it with water and ice if you have to.

>> No.6374694

It sounds stupid, but honestly just keep it one day at a time. Things may or may not be shit for a time, but as long as you are sober that day, it is an accomplishment. Find a hobby, something to do instead of drinking, yet doesn't replace drinking in a chemical dependance kind of way. You can do it, I believe in you.

>> No.6374701

where do i get ice...i guess i could go to the corner store every day and pick up a straw/cup and slip my drink in it...that would look hella sus
youre right soda is bad.
but the thing is it takes away the alch breath (hopefully)
does water equalize the harmfulness of all that alchol?

>> No.6374703

My friend is getting a divorce. His wife was cheating on him with our mutual friend and he kicked her out. Now he's drinking every day and I'll come over and sympathy drink with him. She's got my back though, she blamed it on that mutual friend and not on me, because really it was me banging her. We mostly drink spiced rum and he's getting kind of gay actually, he held my hand the last time we were fapping to porn together.

>> No.6374705

Screwdrivers, Tom Collins, Mamie Taylor, Moscow Mule, Gin Back, French 75, Scotch Fizz, Whiskey Mule, Rum and Coke, Fizzy Ciclon and White Russian with lots of cream or milk.

These are the ones that have a tick beside it in my notebook. Note: I'm not a seasoned drinker, I haven't tried everything and I've probably missed a lot of things.

Just look up on the internet things you have and there might be a drink you could make. Try that, see if you like it or not, then move onto the next thing. That's what I've done.

>> No.6374707

Oh hiding alcohol breath? Not sure. I thought you were just drinking at home and wanted to dilute the alcohol taste.

But good luck with this, I've never had to deal with this

>> No.6374715
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>> No.6374717
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>> No.6374721


>> No.6374726

>Just look up on the internet things you have and there might be a drink you could make

vodka and oj sounds feasible...bet no one could tell!

>> No.6374729

Starting a course of antabuse tomorrow, wish me luck lads!

Even I don't think I'm stupid enough to drink on this shit.

>> No.6374741

Went out for dinner with a friend tonight and only had one beer. The urge was so strong to keep going once I got home, but I'm holding strong. This "moderation" thing sure is difficult

>> No.6374748

It takes the least amount to get buzzed from.

>> No.6374751

why would anyone want to abuse an ant?

>> No.6374753

Because it's no fun to over pay for a drink and not even get its intended effects. Moderation shouldn't be paying like $15 to not get tipsy. Fuck that.

>> No.6374778

I'm starting to enjoy beer just for the taste, but ya it's still hard to have a few, especially with the calories, and not even feel a buz

>> No.6374799

lol fucking retard

>> No.6374803

how much is that mate

>> No.6374804

>Soda is bad for
>Keep being an alcoholic though :)
Fuck alcoholics, pretty much always terrible people that have never learned to take responsibility for their actions.

>> No.6374810

not the guy you replied to, but whatever man. If rewarding yourself for not drinking with drinking is what keeps you from being hammered every day, I'd say go for it. Way better than all the people here drinking at work

>> No.6374816

what if i drink at school?
what jobs do they have?

>> No.6374819

youre an asshole. fuck you.

>> No.6374821

Drinking any other time than when you're relaxing/partying etc. is a sure sign of alcoholism.

>> No.6374830

i wanna relax at school

>> No.6374844

I've always drunk alone at home. The few times I've gone out I always get water because I'm scared someone will see me with a beer and think I'm an alcoholic. Which I probably am, but I'm a happy alkie!

>> No.6374850


Thanks man, this is why I visit these threads. Sober since the drunk tank, so I just gotta keep it up for now.

>> No.6374862

I have no vodka or gin. All I have is a lot of beer but I don't want to walk to the liquor store. I want to be drunk faster~

>> No.6374876


Quit. Quit. Quit now. Quit.

>> No.6374877

break out the funnel nigga

>> No.6374893

who went hungry first, epi

>> No.6374913


>> No.6374929


Your not at school to relax, your there to learn. Drink after you finish all your labs and shit.

>> No.6374938

nah, i go to school to be funny and hit on guys

learning is a side effect

>> No.6374949


The long term consequences of this will be worse than alcoholism.

>> No.6374951

I know it seems bad but just be your ancestors were

relationships are bullshit anyway, the purpose of women is for you to fuck them and make offspring, so find another one and make more kids to pass on your genes

be a viking m8

>> No.6374952

I dont follow

whats wrong?

>> No.6374961

Keep you chin up

>> No.6374977

Are you a girl? I wish there was a drunk girl that hit on me in school. You are literally my fantasy.

>> No.6374985

no im a guy

>> No.6374987

I have a bottle of $10 riesling that smells like piss and taste like nothing. A really bad type of nothing. Should I just drink it all or just pour it down the sink?

>> No.6374998


Its probably gone bad. Knowing that, would you still drink it to get drunk?

>> No.6375004

don't drink it

prob went bad

>> No.6375024

Mix it with ice and a half pint of vodka and some ginger ale, slam the pitcher

>> No.6375030
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I tried making another family. But women seem to be psychotic. I treated her well but she just freaked out at the drop of a hat. Fucking strange.

I called this boy my son for a year. He's holding my cheese certificate from 3rd Batt.

>> No.6375141

Had 2 dirt wolf's and a cup of moonshine.

I hope I don't go blind

>> No.6375143

Love that moonshine!

>> No.6375153


I don't. First time I had it I was taking shots with friends. The next day I couldn't sleep until 6am. Every time I closed my eyes I saw what I had just seen on television play out in some sort of weird eyelid theater, almost like my brain was the projector.

>> No.6375202
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not to add fuel to >>6372300 's fire, but

i'm a war veteran, i'm no stranger to strife, or tragedy. but...

if i lost my wife, i would be no fucking good, man

before i met her, i felt like a wild, abused animal amongst men. and she makes me feel human again

if the dude lost his entire family in one shot, that's probably a hardship you haven't endured

at least my war buddies only died a few at a time, at most. and they were just war buddies, not family

>> No.6375228

like they care about any of that regarding enlisted personnel

we're on our own, bro, which means you gotta find help on your own

>> No.6375244
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Any other Dutchfags in here?

I like to get drunk on this shit here. It's almost always sold out because it's cheap, strong, and tastes pretty damn good.

>> No.6375293

Fellow Dutchie here, never tried that as I mainly drink vodka.

>> No.6375298

Vodka is really expensive here. In America you could buy a lot of cheap vodka with as little as $5.

Which brand do you drink? How much?

>> No.6375581

You're welcome, and it'll be okay. We're here for you.

>> No.6375626
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is it normal to get a sharp burning feeling in my chest when i drink pic related without anything in my stomach?

never used to happen but now i have to eat something otherwise it feels like im being stabbed in the chest with a hot knife for 4 hours.

>> No.6375627

Take a zantac drama queen

>> No.6375633

ive taken all sorts of antacid type medicines but none seem to work. its starts off as a tingling around my shoulder blades then makes its way to my chest

>> No.6375649

You have a stomach ulcer.

>> No.6375667

When I drink, I become violent. I was jailed once when I soaked myself in Tequila. I walked down my street and shot up the place with my .45

The cops beat me up pretty hard. None of my neighbors were harmed. The police broke many bones in my hand. I also endured cracked ribs.

>> No.6375742


You guys should be more like this person.

>> No.6375915

how do i not become a alcoholic?

>> No.6375927

Don't drink alcohol?

>> No.6375953

You grew up, now get on with your life

>> No.6375992

Middle of the week drinking has now commenced.

>> No.6376038
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>tfw its hanami season and its socially acceptable to be blasted at 1 in the afternoon on a week day

>> No.6376186

Living the life...

>> No.6376203

>does water equalize the harmfulness of all that alchol?
yes, they balance each other in the stomach. just drink equal amounts of alcohol and water you'll be good to go

>> No.6376305


A bottle of alcohol lasting me 2 weeks is unfathomable

>> No.6376459

considering you've been drinking a whole one every day for years, you have stomach ulcers and other bullshit from being gay

>> No.6376851

where my al/ck/s at? anyone having a good time? everything will be fine.

>> No.6376868

whiny maggots. let me share with you a headphone tune. cheap bourbon is a straight road to painful regrets. dance with me you autists. https://vimeo.com/75161352

>> No.6376885

Was in similar boat, trying to cut down to having only 5 drinks 2 days a week now, went on a 4 day detox, planning on doing it again after having 5 last night.

>> No.6376948

You sound 15

>> No.6376975

>Not buying high strength white cider for a few quid.

>> No.6376989

not a 24/7 alcie, but am off work til tuesday evening so will be getting drunk from tomorrow right through to monday

>5 days of beer, chili and bizzare google search results in my history folder

>> No.6377427
File: 19 KB, 200x298, bart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a little bit drunk but I wish all of you with a drinkingproblem all the best, I love you all and I want for you (big guy) to have a good life with happiness and success in any shape or form.

Included with this post is a picture of Bart Simpson, enjoy.

>> No.6377968
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I drink 2 of these every night

>> No.6377982

lost my weed dealer so now i'm back to alcy. fuck alcohol, it's so shit compared to weed. I hate all of you guys too, so fucking depressing.

>> No.6377990

Why don't you just buy a bigger bottle?

Because you're lying, that's why. And you're probably underaged.

>> No.6377999

I live next to a 7 11... they only sell half pints

>> No.6378006

hang in there bro, it gets better 8^)

>> No.6378015
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Jesus, you guys still here? Ptheticols.

>> No.6378035

Here's a stupid ass question for all of you...

I normally have a 750 ml bottle of wine a night, along with 5-6 beers. This isn't every single night, but usually 5 nights a week.

Had some chest pains the other day, and I should mention I've been diagnosed with anxiety. Is that what's causing it, or is organ failure a possibility?

>> No.6378036
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Thanks anon

>> No.6378040

dude gtfo.. I seriously have the same problem

>> No.6378042

and I also have anxiety... the chest pains come and go.. is it a sharp pain?... cause I've come to the conclusion that it is just acid/heartburn

>> No.6378046

Samefag again, wine has a shit ton of acid, especially white wine I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.6378071

Hey brother...the pain varies. I've had sharp ones. Good news is they usually only last 2-5 seconds, which I've read means nothing serious. I've also had some odd ones that feel like I'm getting punched right in the chest that make me lose my breath and get dizzy, but again, these last for only 5 seconds or so. My anxiety used to make me think heart attack, but I've done batteries of tests that say i'm fine on that front, and that cardiac pains last longer.

>> No.6378075
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>tfw you want to lose weight but only because it means you can get shitfaced faster
honestly not sure how to feel about this

>> No.6378140

OP, those tic tacs don't do shit. You reek of alcohol like Indians reek of curry. I had to learn this the hard way.

>> No.6378146

xxxx mints are the best ive found

>> No.6378155


Stop trying to sound cool you fat fag.

>> No.6378156

>not having the gin and tonic water separate so you can better enjoy both to the fullest
full pleb ahead

>> No.6378159

shit i meant xxx mints sorry

>> No.6378176

ive noticed myself becoming more and more aggressive and it scares me. i used to be a happy drunk but now it seems to make it worse and i cant stop

>> No.6378229

What should I do if alcohol is the only way I can make meaningful connections?

>> No.6378254

Do tolerance breaks actually work? And if they do, really how long should it last on average?

My drink is straight whisky and it was kind of that way for a little bit. It got to the point where beer and mixed drinks did shit all.

>> No.6378256

Does weight really have a noticeable difference? It's mostly in the genes from what I can gather. I know some fit/skinny people who can drink liquor like water and some fatty-fats who can barely handle two cups of wine.

>> No.6378261
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Fucking lost it

>> No.6378265

/ck/'s new PTSD therapist right here

>8/8 maek new kids m8

>> No.6378267

Asian countries in particular.

In S.Korea, if you don't drink soju in copious amounts, you're probably a fucking N.ork.

>> No.6378279


>> No.6378280


>> No.6378361


>it gets better

People will always tell you the same thing: do what makes you happy. So why aren't you doing what makes you happy, anon? Would you rather live a long life of abject boredom or a short like of time well wasted?

>> No.6378377
File: 1 KB, 87x93, mfw doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to work, open my backpack and realize I've got 4-5 strong beers in there from some night I went out
>Boss is out of town and left me in charge of the pool I work at
>Drink all the beers where no camera can catch me
>Just finish brushing my teeth in the change rooms when some lady and her kid comes in to use the wading pool
>I'm the attendant
>mfw holding a child's life in my drunk, incapable hands

>> No.6378393

I took a cooler full of beer with me on my small fishing boat. I knocked back about a dozen before I landed my first large mouthed bass.

When I drink, I get pretty horny. And all I can focus on is this bass's mouth gasping for air. I looked around. Nobody was on the water or near the shoreline. I pulled my dick out and started fucking that bass's slutty mouth. Just as I was about to nut, I looked up and saw a kid with binoculars looking right at me.

That's the most embarrassed I've ever been.

>> No.6378413

>People will always tell you the same thing: do what makes you happy. So why aren't you doing what makes you happy, anon?

Trust me, I have no problem with guys drinking if it still makes them happy, I've been down that road. After 13 years of drinking heavily though, my organs were feeling the pain and I finally reached the point where downing 750ml of rum just made me feel normal. On day 13 now, and very happy, just wish I could get rid of these dreams where I start drinking again and wake up in abject horror.

>> No.6378421

Both make a difference. The larger you are the more blood and body mass there is to dilute the alcohol. Fat in itself does not help, but if you were to drop significant amounts of muscle you'd notice a large difference in your tolerance.
The last 2-3 years I've dropped from 205 pounds to 155 as I stopped lifting weights, and I can only drink a fraction of what I used to.

You should learn to live with it as best you can. It doesn't matter much if you keep busy and enjoy yourself in your spare time.

>> No.6378511

Fish fucker.

>> No.6379257
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>how about no

you big liar

>> No.6379282

That never happened. Those mouths are filled with barbs. Nice try though

>> No.6379285

>wake up after a night out drinking
>throw on the same clothes I wore yesterday
>run out the door because running late per usual
>on the drive in realize I spilt beer on my jeans the night before and I reek of booze
>too late now
>get to work home sneak in hoping I don't have to see anyone
>boss is there right when I walk in the door and stops me to talk
>he probably smells the booze on me and can tell I'm hungover as fuck
>run to my desk and get on 4chan because this is the only place that makes me feel better about my pathetic life

>> No.6379299
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hahaha what the fuck

>> No.6379548

This is outrageous. If I drank hard enough the previous night, I go to work sober with a hint of the smell coming out of my pores. You can't jump to conclusions like this. You just can't.

>> No.6379560

You source your drinking from just one store, and it's a store right next to where you live?

At least have enough self respect to be a secret alcoholic.

>> No.6379568

Aspiring alcoholic here. I'd like to be one but I just don't see the appeal.

The pleasant buzz quickly turns into a sickly feeling. I get a really shitty dehydrated feeling in my mouth and stomach too. And obviously the hangovers.

Would all of that shit go away if I got used to drinking more?

>> No.6379585

Yes. More water, that is.

Drink a few glasses of water before you even start. Remember to continue drinking water while you're binging. Drink a few more glasses before you pass out, and make sure you've got a large bottle filled with water on hand for when you wake up during the night.

>> No.6379612

A lot of places have a zero tolerance policy and you will get fired for smelling like booze. If you work a shit job people tend not to care. That's why I recommended taking a hot shower to sweat the last bit out. Any more booze in your system then that then you are still drunk and there for a liability.

>> No.6379626

Got a DUI myself a few months back. The worst part is all the alcohol counseling and AA meetings you'll have to go through.
It's bullshit but whatever. There's no way I can convince my counselor I want to stay sober.

>> No.6379927

I have a week off work with no plans. Just stocked up on booze. Think I'll drink right through until I go back to work.

>> No.6380254


How are your job prospects after the fact? It seems like I can do my classes online since it was "only" a misdemeanor, so I'm not terribly worried on that front. I'm just worried about my ability to get a half decent job. I'm only 22 for Christs sake.

>> No.6380329

I got a DUI a few years back, I got off with just having a three month probation period and a fine, I was fuckin lucky, I didnt have to go to any meetings or anything.

>> No.6380340

my DUI cost slightly over $10k in attorney/court/administrative fees

it's a racket, but i learned my lesson. don't drive when blackout drunk....

>> No.6380358

wtf are you guys thinking

>getting caught
you can only get away with it some many times, then you just gotta give it up. rlly not worth it.

>> No.6380380

I'm >>6380329
I don't really drive ever (don't even have a car, I was borrowing my parents' truck), and I don't plan on doing it ever again. I realized how retarded I was right away. first and only time driving drunk.

>> No.6380384
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bummer that you got rekt right out the gate

if youre good at it, and go out at the right time of night you can get into some fun mischief

/alc/ thread killd

>> No.6381273

Well, I finished that bottle of Riesling. It cost $10 on special and was only three or so months old but it was awful. I had never opened it apart from the night before.

It was the only alcohol inside last night and I drunk some as a night cap and it burned the back of my throat.

Anyway, I didn't have any vodka or ginger ale and last few days so I decided just to drink like a shot with a chaser. It was interesting. I just chugged a glass of wine and then had a mouth-fill of beer I like. But at least I finished the bottle! I was seriously considering pouring it down the sink.

>> No.6381277

What did you buy?