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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 350x270, grilledcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6347913 No.6347913 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more delicious and comforting than the humble grilled cheese sandwich?

>> No.6347917

i do love them

>> No.6347922

that's a shit-tier grilled cheese
is that a fucking tomato on it?

>> No.6347924


>> No.6347928

Just had a grilled cheese with corned beef. Delicious. Just because it's simple doesn't mean it has to stay that way.

>> No.6347958

Tomato is the #3 ingredient to have inside a grilled cheese right behind cheese and mayonnaise.

>> No.6348043

Tomato no.. and some warmed up/hot mayo is fucking disgusting.

>> No.6348048

I'm a big fan of garlic cheese toast for burgers and was thinking of using it for grilled cheese sandwiches. Could someone please tell me a good recipe for garlic cheese toast?

>> No.6348051

>Putting the tomato inside the grilled cheese
>Not making a grilled cheese to eat with a bowl of tomato soup

>> No.6348056

Liver and onions fried in butter for me.

>> No.6348064

>souped tomatoes
>anywhere near as good as slightly warmed tomatoes
Hey go to hell

>> No.6348070

boule bread
pinch of cayenne

best quality

>> No.6348073

You must be counting backwards, because your list has no mustard.

>> No.6348076

don't forget applesauce and mashed taters.
but thats no real comfort food imo.
for me: dürüm.

>> No.6348077

Who do you think you are my stepfather?

>> No.6348079


>> No.6348096

You guys will probably think I'm trolling, but I add strawberry jam to my grilled cheese. The flavors go perfectly together.

>> No.6348173

Not trolling but I'm confident that you're a vapid cunt.

>> No.6348299


Sorry. I guess it's lingering guilt over all the times I posted fake recipes here.

>> No.6348334

thats a melt, not a grilled cheese.
GTFO out.

>> No.6348340

>Fig jam
>Speck or Prosciutto
>Press that bitch down

Equal parts delicious and pretentious

>> No.6348429

Fucking this. If it's got more than just cheese and bread in it, it's not a grilled cheese.

>> No.6348436

Being a Brit fighting in an armored land war against Nazis in northern Africa with your crew being beyond shit-for-brains uncoordinated and out of contact...

>> No.6348450

toast sandwich

>> No.6350085



>> No.6350095

sounds gross

also, that's not even related to grilled cheese

>> No.6350103

Whats the difference?

>> No.6350114


>> No.6350122

Jalepenos go good on a grilled cheese

>> No.6350171

sick fuck

>> No.6350188


Whats sick about it? I don't eat it that way either, but it seems perfectly normal

>> No.6350192

As soon as you put anything other than cheese in it, it's a toasted sandwich but not grilled cheese.

>> No.6350199



[muffled projectile vomiting noises in the distance]

>> No.6350206



>> No.6350216

Does anyone else occasionally put a slice if dill pickle in with the cheese before cooking it? Pretty good shit. I've had it with tomato too (just tomato and cheese, I mean) and it's pretty good as well.

>> No.6350231


From what I gather, people don't actually put mayo in it they use it as a healthier replacement for butter, it just goes on the outside to cook it

>> No.6350308

Yes. Personally, Philly cheese steak (with a cookies n' cream Hershey's bar)

That meal, halved, is what I ate on my first date.

>> No.6350313


Jesus christ, it's like someone calls a horde of spergs over from /r9k/ every time someone mentions grilled cheese.

If the primary filling is cheese, it's fucking grilled cheese. Deal with it. A sprinkling of diced meat or a couple tomato slices doesn't make it something else.

Yes, it's a melt if you pile on a half pound of ham or whatever, but that's not what we're talking about here.

Please take the needlessly-contrarian shitposting back to one of the autist containment boards. We don't need it here.

>> No.6350317

actually cheese and jam is a thing, expecially with very strong cheese. Also a good honey would taste good with it imho

>> No.6350343

>A sprinkling of diced meat or a couple tomato slices doesn't make it something else.

I bet u put beans in ur chili

>> No.6351294

I bet you put tomatoes in yours, faggot

>> No.6351301

No. It's a simple concept: cheese+bread=grilled cheese
cheese+bread+other stuff=melt.
It's anti stupidity, not sperging.

It's like if you pour whiskey into a martini, no matter how little you use, it's not a martini any more.

>> No.6351320

Oh, and before someone tries to claim that rigidly clinging to a commonly understood definition is a sign of autism, it's not nearly as strong of an indicator as someone raging at the rest of the world for not accepting their personal, idiosyncratic definition that differs from the commonly held one.

>> No.6351332

*tips fedora*

>> No.6351548

The "commonly held" definition of a grilled cheese would include small amounts of other ingredients where desired. Someone who adds tomato slices to their grilled cheese will typically call it "grilled cheese with tomato", not "tomato and cheese melt".

And regardless of how strongly the belief is held (or whether it's correct or not), a non-sperglord will not go out of their way to post "That's not grilled cheese!" because it doesn't contribute anything to the discussion, i.e., it's shitposting.

>> No.6351564

>The "commonly held" definition of a grilled cheese would include small amounts of other ingredients where desired.
[citation needed]
Actually, do a survey of a couple of hundred menus that offer "grilled cheese" and let's see what's more common, just cheese and bread or cheese, bread, and something else.
posting off topic is shitposting...amazing how that works.

>> No.6351578



>> No.6352172

>[citation needed]
Literally the next sentence after what you quoted, the fact that people will still call it a grilled cheese after adding non-cheese means that their definition includes non-cheeses.

But if that's not obvious enough, go to any of the large recipe sites and search "grilled cheese". You'll find things like "pesto grilled cheese", "tomato bacon grilled cheese", "grilled ham and cheese", "grilled blue cheese with pears", and many, many other examples.

>Actually, do a survey of a couple of hundred menus that offer "grilled cheese" and let's see what's more common, just cheese and bread or cheese, bread, and something else.
>A dish is defined by the most common version sold in restaurants
Yeah, no, your line of reasoning is retarded. The vast majority of places that serve hamburgers or pizza don't serve them with, say, asparagus. That doesn't mean that the absence of asparagus defines those dishes. Even then, a grilled ham and cheese probably wouldn't even be that difficult to find amongst the restaurants that serve a grilled cheese. The "plain" variety is undoubtedly the most common preparation, but not the only one.

>> No.6352177

bruh i love mayo but keep it the fuck away from my grilled cheese

>> No.6352220


You're in for a surprise once you find out how mayo is made.

>> No.6352247

Are you autists actually arguing about toasted cheese sandwiches lol

>> No.6352477

>no olives
fucking dropped

>> No.6352648

>every example you posted lists the extra ingredients separately
Proof that grilled cheese is just bread and cheese. If it's tomato bacon grilled cheese, it's grilled cheese WITH tomato and bacon, not grilled cheese. Are you illiterate?

>> No.6352673

& the next day, lovely hash on buckwheat crepes.

>> No.6352676
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, Mom's+Pot+Roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6352698

Get some good bread
Cut into appropriate sizes
Lay on a foil-lined baking sheet

Mix minced garlic, butter, and whatever herbs suit your fancy together. Spread all over the bread. Grate some cheese over top. Bake low for 10 minutes, then broil if needed to get the tops browned and crunchy.

>> No.6352700


>> No.6352702

I like getting some good crusty bread, digging out a little canoe in the loaf, and filling it with shredded pot roast, swiss cheese, mustard, and horseradish. Maybe onions if I have any on hand. 8/10 leftover sandwich, only surpassed by leftover turkey sammiches.

>> No.6352710
File: 347 KB, 2048x1326, velveeta-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ight as well stir the pot

use this and only when making grilled cheese sandwiches

and then eat them like a boss

>> No.6352753


>> No.6353071

Thats not a grilled cheese. It's a melt.

>> No.6353197

Grilled pb&j

>> No.6353200

>tomato bacon grilled cheese
>grilled cheese WITH tomato and bacon
>not grilled cheese
Are you clinically retarded? You literally just called that a grilled cheese, twice.

Excuse me, I'm going to have pancakes with syrup, which makes them not-pancakes.

>> No.6355166

cheese is a huge comfort food there's so many foods made with it that make me feel at home.
Plus grilled cheese usually comes with a soup of some kind which is basically the ultimate food.

>> No.6355223

Grilled cheese's always make me light headed for whatever reason. I don't know why but I can't eat them because of that.

>> No.6355227

I wish grilled cheese got me high