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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6304826 No.6304826 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 21 year old male, turning 22 soon, who doesn't know how to cook. I live at home and my mom cooks for me. Recently it's dawned on me that I should really learn how to cook.

What should I start with to learn?

>> No.6304831

Don't bother. You'll just be wasting your money.

>> No.6304833


What is your favorite food or types of food, it'll help us answer your question if you give a cuisine type. or just tell us the things you like best about your whore mothers cooking, also what sort of equipment do you have? like a blender or food processor is incredibly useful ect.

>> No.6304837

Just google some simple recipes for foods you like and start from there.

>> No.6304844

Just get a girlfriend

>> No.6304845

Foods I like:
>chicken (fried, baked, breaded, whatever)
>baked potatoes

>several skillets
>several pots of varying size

>> No.6304849

Start with steak and baked potatoes, super easy

>> No.6304853
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I really want to try pic related.

>> No.6304859


Well that recipe is incredibly straight forward.

If you like eating chicken I'd actually start there as opposed to eating steak. Knowing how to properly cook chicken is important, because everyone overcooks the fucking shit out of chicken. i'd say start with a chicken thigh, theyre easy to debone and tasty dark meat, get a pan nice and hot, season your chicken, oil the pan, put chicken skin down in said pan, put pan in 400 degree oven for 8 minutes.

Super simple, super tasty, the most common mistake rookie cooks make is overcomplicating shit like theyre a chef, just ask yourself common sense questions like "Maybe smoked paprika would go good on this chicken", yeah that sounds reasonable go for it, but if you say "Well the chicken will be ready in 10 minutes I better whip up a gross sauce by combining all my old condiments together!" then you aren't in the right mind frame.

>> No.6304862

Learn from your mother first. If she cooks you should learn all the basic meals she knows and how to cook what she feeds you/your family.
After that it's experimentation with cook books and the internet.

>> No.6304865


Now when you have some easy basic meat shit down, its time to learn how to properly cook green vegetables. If you think poorly of things like broccoli, rapini, asperagus and brussel sprouts then I 100% know that you haven't had them cooked properly.

When cooking veggies, much like cooking meat, all you have to do is cook them properly and season them properly and they will be good to go. When you're blanching something like rapini for example get a pot full of water, add a nice handful of salt in there, put that nigger on max heat and put a lid on it. Next get a bowl or container full of ice water, put your veggies in a collander and stick them in the boiling water. A good way to check to see if its ready is if the base of the stem is still semi-firm, or just take a bite, usually its about a minute and a half.

Immediately put those veggies in the ice water, this will stop the cooking process via rapid cooling, and green veg this way stores for 3-4 days so you can do a bunch ahead of time.

>> No.6304871


Now all you have to do to make those vegetables fucking tasty is squeeze the excess moisture out of them, then get a pan, melt a small pat of butter in it, throw in some minced garlic, maybe some chili flakes or anchovies if youre into it, and warm up your veggies in that. You can use olive oil instead if you want, maybe some cheap balsamic vinegar.

Serve that with your potato and congratulations you just made a real tasty dinner for yourself.

remember the golden rule, if it sounds mildly stupid, its probably really stupid so don't do it.

>> No.6304877

Thanks, will do.

What if I want to try fried chicken though?

>> No.6304879


Learn how to cook basic carbs (rice, pasta, potatoes) and basic proteins (chicken breast, steak, eggs, maybe salmon as well). Mix and match and add a side salad.

Salad is not cooking, just chop up a bunch of raw vegetables and throw them together. Mix some olive oil with some type of vinegar and a pinch of salt to make a dressing. Pour the dressing on the salad and move it around a bit.

I'd suggest buying a George Forman grill and cooking all your proteins on it for now, over time you'll refine your techniques.

>> No.6304885

>look up recipe
>follow recipe
>if it tastes good write it down into a notebook or memorize it

Good job you now know how to cook.

People overvalue these stupid grown-up things way too much, like it is an art to wash your own clothes or clean your apartment and wash dishes an hour before guests come to visit. NEETs just let their moms do this stuff because it's annoying.

>> No.6304896

George go to bed

>> No.6304903


Fight me or my daughter

>> No.6304904


get a george forman brand george forman grill, knockoff brands don't have the patented two cooking surfaces and slanted angle to properly knock out the fat.

>> No.6304905


well fried chicken is actually stupid easy to make.

Fill a pot with oil and leave about 3 inches from the top empty, get 1lb of flour, 1 table spoon of dried oregano, ground coriander, ground black pepper, smoked paprika, garlic powder, and onion powder. add as much or as little cayenne pepper as you want for heat.

Mix that all well together then put a thermometer in your oil, you want it around 325 degrees if youre frying whole pieces like a drumstick or a bone in thigh. i wouldnt reccommend frying a whole breast cut that in half lengthwise.

now if you want the best results you need to brine that chicken ahead of time, you can look that up on your own im tired, take your chicken, dust it in the flour, and in a separate bowl you should have a cup of buttermilk. after the first flour dust let the chicken soak in buttermilk for at least 2 minutes, then put it back into the flour and make sure its well coated with the flour. put the fried chicken in the collander and into the oil making sure that no pieces are touching. its about 7 minutes for a drum stick and thigh, and 5 minutes for a breast cut down the middle lengthwise. once it comes out of the fryer while its still greasy and hot blast it with some salt and youre good to go.

but seriously look up brining chicken, its useful, however overbrining may fuck the chickens skin up which means its not that great for searing in a pan.

>> No.6305193

look up a recipe for anything you want to eat and follow it. cooking is often nothing more than following directions. you obviously know how to use a computer so i have faith that you can cook as well. first thing i ever cooked my self were some crepes when i was in 4th grade.

>> No.6305196
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>> No.6305935

This post made me literally laugh out loud.

>> No.6305937

Just cook with your mom. Have her teach you.

>> No.6305970

I started out by watching cooking videos on youtube (Food Wishes and Sorted Food are good for new chefs), so I could get a feel for what kind of techniques I needed to know and what kind of new foods I could try. If you see a food that looks good, try making it.

Don't try to get too fancy: meat and veg have plenty of flavors in them naturally, and a little salt, pepper, and maybe butter can help bring it out. So don't go crazy with the sauces or seasonings.

If your mom cooks for you, then you should start helping her in the kitchen. Try making a lunch for yourself that isn't just a sandwhich. Don't be afraid to screw up, because that's how you learn.

>> No.6305974

cooking on a basic level for yourself is very easy once you get down the basics and go through some personal trial and error. Try to do a variety of things at first and get down what works best for you and such.