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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6273952 No.6273952 [Reply] [Original]

What the actual fuck is wrong with mainstream American food culture.

People just love bland shit. Not even necessarily greasy or cheesy or fatty or anything like that, just shitty tasteless easy food.

How do you fix it? Make cooking classes necessary in school? Revamp health/nutrition classes to teach real skills?

Maybe I'm just now realizing something super obvious, but going to Uni in the midwest has been really eye opening.

"Oh anon, why did you make this so spicy?"

"I don't really like 'exotic food', it's overrated."

>> No.6273958

that's some fine fedora tipping, bud

>> No.6273960

Why did you make this thread?

>> No.6273963
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I'm not trying to be euphoric, I just don't understand. Other countries/some areas in the US, at least from my impressions, care about the food they eat. They take pride in their cuisine.

But maybe I'm just buttmad. I'm sincerely searching for an answer here

>> No.6273968

You got an answer. You're a hipster douche.

>> No.6273972 [DELETED] 

Put people who don't like the right foods in camps. That's the only solution in sight.

>> No.6273974


That isn't really an answer. Call me whatever (douche, autistic, retarded) but I actually don't understand why other countries have a mainstream food culture and the US does not. Is it the size? Because I feel like bigger countries still do a better job.

>> No.6273976

youre trying to describe complex exotic flavours that most rural nationals have never been truly exposed to a person that only thinks they might know how to cook, and youre trying to do that with a coupel dozen million people.

get the fuck off their back

>> No.6273977
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It isn't even about liking the "right" foods, because I understand that people have different tastes and respect. But I have trouble accepting that boxed mac and cheese, fast food, and pizza with the occasional salad can be considered good food 'taste'.

>> No.6273979

What are you talking about? American plebs love spicy shit, at least until they grow up and realize that making things super-spicy is just how poor cooks cover up their shit ingredients and poor preparation. The problems with American food culture have nothing to do with lack of spice.

>> No.6273980

>he doesn't like meat, cheese, potatoes and gravy

what a fucking faggot. you need to leave the midwest. California would love more cocksuckers

>> No.6273982


Maybe I was too toxic in my first post. Let me rephrase- where is mainstream American food culture?

>> No.6273983

Go back to your multiculti shithole, fggt

>> No.6273986


That isn't what I meant. What I was trying to say, which I think came out wrong, is that there isn't anything wrong with those flavors, but I feel surrounded by people who would eat even bland or poorly executed dishes using those flavors and be content.

>> No.6273987


Pick one

>> No.6273991


That isn't fair either, America has some great culture. It just feels very concentrated in small regions.

>> No.6273998
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Nothing wrong with that either. All you really need from food is the nutrients to survive. If you decide to spend your time caring about something other than refining the taste of what you shove in your piehole, that's a perfectly rational life decision.

>> No.6274000

Of COURSE they're content. It's all they fucking have! Where do 'exotic' restaurants come from? White people who spent a lot of money on school and travel, learning the craft, who came back home to open shop. Or immigrants. If there is an absence of either of those two, it's because the area does not have a significant immigrant community, and/or no one from that community has trained to become a chef and felt the need to set up shop at home. Very few chefs are noble enough to try to set up shop in a rural place. It's expensive and most folks won't be apt to try it or appreciate it, because of cost and because it's not what they're used to. Any chef with a braincell is going to go to a big city to work, where the money is.

If you're wanting change in the midwest, why don't you create a company that trucks in thousands of ethic immigrants? They'll set up food shops real quick. And in time, it will be part of the accepted food culture of that area.

>> No.6274002


>> No.6274003

>be American
>grow up in a small town in New England
>move to NYC
>no one understands my slang, the kind of food I like to eat, or the way I dress
Sounds like there are plenty of American cultures. Or did you mean there's no singular American culture?

>> No.6274012


Maybe this will better explain it.

Look at rural communities in other countries- they have recipes, food cultures, etc. They actually care about execution.

My first post was bad and I realize now it makes me sound retarded.

Something doesn't have to be exotic, just not like super basic either.

>> No.6274024

>People just love bland shit.
>How do you fix it?
You don't. There's too much history to overcome. There's the antique idea that it's manly to live off meat and potatoes, and it's unseemly for a woman to like strongly flavored foods. Then there's a class element: the middle class still sees boldly flavored foods as lowbrow and ethnic, and has an aversion to cooking smells like garlic hitting hot oil, fish frying and cumin. Then there's areas where the culture is more rural, where anything different from the norm is seen as foreign, and greeted with suspicion at best, more likely rejected outright. Then there's the segment of the population that are just picky fucking eaters in general, and just want to live off nuggers and frozen pizza. Then there's history to fight as well. The Great Depression and WWII really fucked up our cuisine.

Top that all off with the fact that we live in a country where the two most popular proteins are ground beef and chicken breast, and I'd say there is no hope for the "average" diner.

That's way too much to try to fight. Especially in the Midwest, where eating tasteless food is "normal", and normal means "good".

If you want to eat food with some flavor go find where the immigrants live, and eat what they eat. They just got here, so they have yet to absorb all the cultural baggage that fucks up food in America.

>> No.6274029

>going to Uni in the midwest

You expect a region that only has Chicago and....Chicago to be a bastion of culture and taste?

>> No.6274032


This is actually the answer I've been looking for. I agree with this and am now content.

You sound smart,d-do you w-want to be internet friends.

>> No.6274033

Want to know why it's so prevalent in rural European countries? Or any less-than-first world country? Because they have the time. Grandma, mom, daughter, grand daughters. They're at home. Family units are large and live together. Grandma has never had a job in her life except to cook and raise the family. Her entire day revolves around making meals and taking care of the home. She has never held a job. She was never required to, and in a lot of cases, culturally not allowed to.

You're asking why Americans can't all have one person who stays at home and perfects a craft. It's because they can't goddamn afford it. You're lucky to make ends meet with both parents working to support their kids. And still have 30 minutes to make a meal, and not just buy McDonalds.

Take your rose-tinted glasses off. Two completely different cultures.

>> No.6274052


I also like this answer. I understand that life can be difficult, I did not come from an ideal background either, I can only afford uni because I was lucky to be naturally intelligent and got a full ride.

But the other anons in this thread have made the point that immigrants, a class one would generally assume to be of lower economic standing because they're actually restarting their lives here still have stronger food culture than many native born american communities.

Also, homes where only one parent works, and one parent is the caretaker are common in the midwest because of tradition. I don't expect perfection, but I find that even children of these homes are still relatively content with weaker food culture.

>> No.6274062

doesn't have to be shitty and bland though
30 minutes will net you a very passable stir-fry, or steak and veg, or burgers with some sort of side, or any number of other nice things
hell, with parboiled rice not even a risotto is out of reach in 30 minutes
pasta? yeah you have to use the dry kind, no time to fold flutteronis or whatever the fuck they're called. still no excuse for making it boring

>> No.6274071

Yes, those immigrants are in the same category I explained-- large families all living together, with one or more people whose only job is to cook and maintain the home. The husband and sons work when they get here. The women often do not. Or if they do, they're working in the family-run business. Still, grandma and auntie are at home keeping things on lockdown. They do this because it is their culture. The way their entire family units are set up and have been set up since the dawn of their time.

A stay at home parent, who is not ethnic, and is indeed a midwesterner by blood, are still going to be prone to only do what they know. What their families taught them. Do you think immigrants simply by virtue of being immigrants, explore and experiment because they ought to? No. They're doing exactly what they were taught as well. This is an issue of groups of people practicing only what they know.

>> No.6274073


I also think this anon has a valid point.

>> No.6274074


So why don't families teach food culture in America?

>> No.6274076

actually poverty pushes people towards experimentation
if you, as a poor Armenian immigrant, happen to find a cheap house in a Chinese neighborhood... well then, you'll be eating bamboo sprouts before long, simply because they're on sale at the corner shop
now if you're a comparatively rich murilard, you can go shopping for the exact same brand of canola oil that your mother used to try and poison you with

>> No.6274077

30 minutes is a random figure I tossed out to show a small length of time. Wait until you have kids. You may get that 30 minutes, but it's not consecutive. It's 5 here, 2 there, 4 while you stop them from getting into shit, 6 to check on the food (hope it didn't burn while you couldn't tend to it!)

I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying this is why it's a huge problem in America. Our culture is structured as such that it's work work work work work work, minor break, work work work, die. And we do this so we can keep up and afford being able to own a home, have kids who aren't struggling financially, etc. "should do" and "can do" become extremely different when you work a full time job and have children.

>> No.6274084

I have kids, you dumb fuck

>> No.6274087

I think part of our problem stems from puritanism. Taking too much pleasure from our meals is seen as a sign of weakness and people who indulge themselves with food beyond what is needed to live is "wasteful" and a "sin." People may not actually believe that now but I think the way we were raised to interact with food by our parents naturally had that influence in it. I blame puritan German immigrants, the kind of people who populate the midwest.

>> No.6274089

Great, so you know how it works, then. And if that's not your life, congratulations on having a partner who makes life easier for you. That's a good team. But you're not the majority. Not by a long shot.

>> No.6274100

oh and the rest of your problems are largely imaginary
one parent can watch kids while the other cooks
kids past the age of five should damn well know how to stay put already anyway
kids past the age of seven can very well help with cooking tasks
cooking saves shitloads of money, cooking good stuff saves shitloads of (physical) stress and keeps you all away from the beetus (which btw is very expensive to live with in third world countries like yours)
boo fucking hoo you work so hard omg... at least respect yourself a bit, if you do, and don't feed yourself stuff that pigs would pass over
have some fucking dignity

>> No.6274108

>implying both parents are always home at the same time, dinner time at that!

yeah you live in fantasy land

>> No.6274122

it's my life
sorry if basic human comforts have not been afforded you
have you considered emigration?
have you considered making a 10 liter pot of gumbo and a 10 liter pot of stew on Sundays, while the SpecialSundayRoast(TM) is in the oven?
has it occurred to you that maybe you need to take control of your lives and see how much is gained and how much is lost by everything you do, work included?

>> No.6274126

>bigger countries
Do you mean all 3 of them?

>> No.6274131

well the food culture in China is amazing
ditto for India
Russia is pretty meh in places, but they do care about their meals

>> No.6274132

You lack the ability to understand the global picture. The one which has been proven time and time again in legitimate studies, that obesity and poor eating habits are largely influenced by a lack of time at home due to being overworked. It's great if that's your experience. But your inability to acknowledge the very real circumstances in the first world is astonishing to me. If you think your pearls of wisdom can change this huge problem, I implore you to write books and host lectures. You'll be the billionaire that solved the country's ills.

>> No.6274136

>well the food culture in China is amazing
bourdain parrot, pls go

>> No.6274146

what is a bourdain parrot pls

>> No.6274149

How is not eating a food culture?

>> No.6274152

>You're lucky to make ends meet with both parents working to support their kids. And still have 30 minutes to make a meal, and not just buy McDonalds.
But this is a lie. Sure, when grandma had hours every day to devote to cooking she was very likely to become an excellent cook. But just because someone works full time does not mean they don't have time to cook. The advertizements they see while watching four hours of television a day will tell them they're too busy to cook, and should get McD's instead. Or heat up a frozen pizza. But if you have the time to watch four hours of TV you have the time to devote an hour or so to cooking. But many people don't even know where to start, and the supermarket isn't much help, because most of what's available there is prepared shit.

I had dinner at a lovely home in the Midwest one time. The mother was a housewife, and had two small kids. Dinner was a frozen pizza and salad from a bag with bottled dressing. To her that was cooking. She spent all of her time making sure the house was spotless and sanitized, and the plug in air fresheners were topped off. She wouldn't want to make a mess (or any "bad" smells) in the kitchen. When I asked her for some oil and vinegar to dress my salad (because I wasn't interested in ranch or "French" dressing) she produced some white vinegar she had for cleaning. She watched me make a vinaigrette, then said, "I didn't know you could do that!"

True story. This woman was not an idiot. She just didn't know any better.

>> No.6274157
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>well the food culture in China is amazing
>ditto for India

>comparing two of the oldest civilizations on the planet with a country that was only settled by Europeans in the last 400 years

>> No.6274159

> obesity and poor eating habits are largely influenced by a lack of time at home due to being overworked
and by a lack of personal and social responsibility. if you can't afford to raise children, don't have children.
if your job is making you tired, that's no reason to also neglect your health and well being

if you work two jobs and drop dead of the beetus at 50... guess what? you lose at life, big time. maybe you should have worked one job, lived somewhere cheaper and had time to cook and rest and have fun and generally be human?

I keep coming back to this... what is the point of having children if you don't even see them for days, let alone take care of them?

> the very real circumstances in the first world
you are living a third world life actually and you seem to not even comprehend the idea that it could be different elsewhere and that you too could be elsewhere, doing something else than digging further into the hole you're already in

>> No.6274161

I enjoy food from other cultures. I like experiencing new things and I get bored of eating the same sort of meals every day. If anything, I'm glad that most Americans feel the same way, which is why we tend to have a large variety of foods in our grocery stores.

The one thing I WILL say is that Americans don't know SHIT about bread. When you say "bread" in America, they picture Wonderbread. But if you go to Europe, the average bread is crusty and delicious and a valuable part of the meal itself.

"Oh, but fresh bread is more expensive." Well no shit, but if you care about yourself and give a shit about what you eat, then you will be ok spending $5 on a loaf of fresh bread instead of $2 on a loaf of mushy garbage.

>> No.6274163

if you not-eat very tasty things, it is a food culture, even though it's 90% condiments and sauce, 10% rice

>> No.6274167

Holy shit you're a spoilt prick.

>> No.6274174

I am a spoilt prick who's living on a combined family income of less than 25k USD/y

>> No.6274177

>if you can't afford to raise children, don't have children.
That's funny. No one in any culture ever has behaved this way.

But you are right in that working yourself to death is a choice. While it's true that piles of money can help one live a better life at a certain point it's legit to ask yourself what are you working for. If the answer is a bigger house than you need, an extra car, a giant television, the newest iPhone and ugly clothes for your kids you might want to rethink your priorities if that particular life fails to thrill and delight. Especially if it means you're eating like shit.

>> No.6274179

>That's funny. No one in any culture ever has behaved this way.
It's why they're poor, dumdum

>> No.6274183

I disagree with your tone, but I agree with what you're saying. People really shouldn't be living outside their means, and if having a child is outside your means, then that says you shouldn't have children.

I think another problem is that people no longer know how to eat healthy for themselves without putting all their faith in miracle diets. Like, if you were brought up in a household where you ate takeout every other night and your parents made crappy food and you drank soda all the time, then that's your default state. You might know that better food exists, but when you think "what am I going to have for dinner?" your mind immediately goes to "what fast food places are on the way back from work?"

And when you grow up with constant snacking and a lack of emphasis on fruit and vegetables, you will feel like shit if you don't get your sugar fix. So regardless of whether they live outside their means, they're still going to eat like shit.

>> No.6274187

>Food culture in China and India is amazing

In China meat is served with its head to prove which animal it came from

In India most places are so unsanitary that you may as well be playing Russian roulette if you're not a local

Don't get me wrong, the food itself tastes great and has a rich history. But in terms of "food culture" both places are shitholes

>> No.6274198

> No one in any culture ever has behaved this way.
sane, educated people the world over use condoms. what are you on about?

>> No.6274201

Why don't you just sort your life out and earn more then?

>> No.6274207

I say food culture and I don't mean restaurant scene, I mean what people actually eat at home

>> No.6274209

People choose not to have kids for many reasons. I'm saying economics is almost never one of them. Having kids is not a rational decision. If it were the species would have died out a long time ago.

>> No.6274210

in the process of doing just that, but it's slow going
perhaps I am a bit _too_ attached to my comforts

>> No.6274214

economics absolutely is a big one
the simplest way in which you see this manifested is with people who don't get married because they can't afford it (and subsequent children)
that's a core condom-using demographic right there

>> No.6274220

>accidents never happen
>condoms never break

Guess what? People are imperfect too.

>> No.6274235

> goalposts perceptibly moving
> next morning pill suddenly not a thing anymore
> abortion never a valid option

>> No.6274246

No, you're just setting up this "perfect life" of yours and berating everyone else for not living like you do, as if your life circumstances are the same at all. I'd wager you got a lucky break in your life at some point, someone else might not have been so lucky. You shouldn't be so judgmental, anon.

>> No.6274252

>the simplest way in which you see this manifested is with people who don't get married because they can't afford it
I have never heard of such people. I know people who don't get married because they think marriage is an antique institution. But people hooking up, falling in love, having sex and even having kids rarely follows any rational pattern. Matters of the heart are pretty much ruled by the emotions, not by rational thinking,

Statistically people who can "afford" kids have fewer kids than those who supposedly can't. Simply put, we're wired to reproduce more in hard times than easy ones. Baby booms come from wartime conditions. Peaceful affluence is the quickest way to get people to breed less.

You're suggesting putting the cart before the horse. It doesn't work that way.

>> No.6274262

far from perfect
I just don't like whiners

>> No.6274274

Being a sanctimonious prig isn't much better.

>> No.6274280

No one has whined in thus thread you dumbshit. Everyone has offered perfectly sound, provable reasons why things are the way they are. You meanwhile have produced anecdotal retorts aimed at attacking people whose experiences you are unaware. You're the one who looks like the idiot here.

>> No.6274283

I'm a sanctimonious prig for advocating living well within your means and actually raising your children and eating good?
sorry to have offended you all, I guess
carry on

>> No.6274293

> oh you have no idea how hard I have it working in the world's biggest economy and probably making four times what you do, per hour
> oh poor me I don't have time to cook
on a cooking board no less
disgusting. you're the one shitting up this place with endless threads about which brand of ground up cow arsehole is best tasting

>> No.6274301

We have a regional food culture not a national one. The most widespread foods tend to be the worst so you get a squed look because of that. Also I bet you live in the midwest where even there regional food is shitty.

>> No.6274333

>perfectly rational

>> No.6274353

I know of literally hundreds of people who have held off having children( because of money) to the point where they're 30-40 now and probably aren't going to at this point. It's a very common thing in the first world and is one of the reasons for our extremely low birthrates.

>> No.6274375

Funny how it works nowadays
People that should be having kids don't
While people that shouldn't be having kids have them in droves

>> No.6274381

idiocracy is a documentary

>> No.6274392

Right, but this is because of affluence. It's not that they "chose" not to have kids for some rational reason. It's because affluent people do not have as strong a drive to reproduce as people who feel stressed. Our reproductive strategy as a species is to respond to hard times by having more kids, and easy times by having fewer. This is instinct. It's how we're wired.

So a rich person looking at a poor person and telling them not to have kids completely stupid. Because that poor person is under much greater instinctive pressure to have many children. Any big stress increases that drive. Hell, there was a baby boom in Manhattan nine moths after 9-11.

>> No.6274415 [DELETED] 

cooking is degeneracy :^)

>> No.6274434

I live in one of the poorest states in america......
Most of these people make under 30K a year.

>> No.6274444

Holy shit, thats alot of vomit from a dog.

>> No.6274445

I prefer to tell them to stop being poor. But online because then I'd have to be in the same room with the poor and no one wants that.

>> No.6274523
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>be me
>come from more populated region of state
>go to rural bullshit town for college

OP ignore the shitposters. America is really big. There are a lot of people but they're spread out because muh manifest destiny. The only places to get good food are cities, because people can't afford to be shit with all of that money going around in the city.


>> No.6274527


I don't even

>> No.6274568

>seafood yardsale
Truly, country people live in a different universe.

>> No.6274587

>food culture
What >>6274301
Very regional, it's unlikely that you'll encounter all of the below in a given location but you can generally find a decent amount. Given the geographic size of the US, any national brand can be considered as "authentic" as an international European restaurant chain. Same as with any national brand in China or India. It's just going to suck.

>Southwest/Tex-Mex (yes I know it's contrived bullshit, but it's still uniquely United States)
>Barbecue (generally your best bet in the majority of the country outside major urban population centers)
>Louisiana Creole
>New England seafood
>Soul food
>Pizza (in b4 HURR ITALIAN)
>Hawaiian (annexed so it counts)

This is in addition to all the immigrant restaurants (gyros, taquerias, pupuserias, Pho counters, Chinese roast duck joints, Thai places, soondubu jjigae shops, etc etc).

>> No.6274589

>mfw cityfags can't even rotate a picture
>no face to spare to cityfags

>> No.6274592

I'm american and I don't like bland food. Try again.

>> No.6274608
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yes its the size dumbfuck, look I know a lot of people in this place are faggots, but take a look at this fucking country.

take a good long hard look at it.

then realize this jigsaw puzzle sized set of blobs embodies 6 rich and varied distinctive quisines.

Now compare it to the size of our fucking country and learn something.

>> No.6274613

I enjoy my privilege, too. I'm just calling you out on perpetuating the myth that "not having kids you can't afford" is a matter of "taking responsibility" That's as false as the Victorian notion that the underclasses were poor because of weak morality.

The reason we don't have tons of kids is because we're privileged, and privileged people do not feel compelled to make as many copies of themselves as they can. If we had grown up in poverty we'd each have a few kids by now. Not because we lacked a sense of personal responsibility, but because human beings under stress reproduce at a higher rate than those not stressed. It's just how we're wired.

>> No.6274624

You just can't grasp the idea. It's like now that I have a career do I have time to play video games? Of course. Do I want to after a long day? Not really. I'm tired. It's the same sort of thing. Of course they technically have some time. But they're working. Try to critically think.

>> No.6274627

>6 rich and varied distinctive quisines.
>developed over the course of literally thousands of years
The United States has been around as a people for no more than 400.

>> No.6274646

The Great Depression and World War II rationing completely fucked over American cuisine for the ones that even still had time to cook. There was no painful reconstruction like there was in Europe and Asia to stimulate cultural and nationalist thought and spark a renewed look at what it truly meant to be American.

Which means the Great Depression and wartime habit of eating godawful canned food and packaged dry goods boiled in water stuck, even after the war was over. An entire generation grew up for a decade and a half shoveling it in their mouths and never stopped to question whether there was something better that their parents knew how to make.

After that, the jet age meant that flying in ingredients became a reasonable thing to do, and sushi became the new trend for those with money. That pretty much cemented the role of other countries' ethnic cuisine as the main food of the well-off upper classes.

>> No.6274652

not only did italian quisine completely change with the advent of the new world, but native american diets stayed the same for a long ass time. Japan similarly went from an almost completely vegeterian life style to enjoying meat again. Most of the rich and varied foods you see today are new and do not have a long ass history of being the same food as it was 200 years ago, let alone 1000.

>> No.6274657

I totally understand coming home from work tired and not feeling like cooking. This is why the supermarket is full of convenience food crap, and people eat it because it all they feel like dealing with at the end of a long day.

My point is that is still a choice you make. You choose to work so hard, and you choose to eat crap when you come home because you don't feel like doing any better for yourself.

I grasp this very well. I cannot live like that, though. That would be way too fucking depressing for me.

>> No.6274661

Maybe it's just my autism flaring up but why do you keep spelling "cuisine" with a q?

>> No.6274668

Gold star post.

>> No.6274675


>> No.6274683

i want to see the person's face because they thought the dog was just going to throw up on the towel

>> No.6274684
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You've confused food culture with hygenic practices.

>In China meat is served with its head to prove which animal it came from

So what?

>In India most places are so unsanitary that you may as well be playing Russian roulette if you're not a local

The hygiene issues are not intrinsic to the food culture.

>> No.6274722


>> No.6274888

Have you read any of Ayn Rand's stuff?

>> No.6274923

>Ayn Rand
Can't stand that shit. I understand that some folks have a measure of control over their destiny, but do not buy into the myth that most do. Besides, I'm generally too busy enjoying my life to give a fuck about purpose.

>> No.6274937

I mean, in larger metropolitan areas there is a food culture because the area is exposed to ethnic foods/different creative restaurants/not garbage fast food chains and when people get a taste of it, it may have them curious and it can go from there. You aren't going to convince rural area people to try anything past burned steak, potatoes, burgers when they've probably never had raw fish wrapped in seaweed or chicken cooked with rice in a spicy coconut broth.

The way I look at it is, I live in a semi-hipster kind of area near Cleveland that basically has a really big food and bar culture. Then I compare it to the trash around east side of run down Cleveland where people eat mashed potatoes with BBQ sauce and Cheetos.

Food culture isn't going to evolve on its own if you don't expose the current culture to outside influences.

>> No.6274940

You can hardly even count Canada for this sincr they have the same food culture as America.

>> No.6274982

>Food culture isn't going to evolve on its own if you don't expose the current culture to outside influences.
Also money. People who keep interesting restaurants in business are people with the disposable income to eat out often. And people with money to travel develop a taste for new things. Any real food culture is driven not just by different cultures encountering each other, but also by enough affluence to support a "food culture".

Poor people will eat the same thing every day. It's people with a few extra bucks to burn who go looking for something interesting to eat.

>> No.6275017

It mainly just has to do with where you live. San Antonio is a big city but generally doesn't have a big foodie scene. Instead, it's got a much more blue collar culture with a lot of Mexican and barbecue places thrown in. But just an hour and a half north is Austin, basically a foodie paradise. Personally, I actually like San Antonio better because it's more genuine and has real culture versus the pop-culture fad and trend bullshit that Austin subscribes to.

>> No.6275059

>I actually like San Antonio better because it's more genuine and has real culture versus the pop-culture fad and trend bullshit that Austin subscribes to.
While I can totally understand being more comfortable with the sensibilities of one place over another I do not understand how blue collar culture is "genuine" and pop culture is "bullshit". Then again, I make my living in pop culture, so I might be incapable of understanding this.

>> No.6275103

Because pop culture is things like "organic" food or "gluten free". I might've gone overboard calling it bullshit, but it's stylized and fleeting. I'm not saying it's necessarily bad, but it's more just doing what's momentarily fashionable versus what's been passed down.

>> No.6275118

I think it's the difference between personally intrinsic vs extrinsic sources for tendencies and desires, and the perception that blue collar stuff tends to be the former, and pop culture tends to be the latter. eg. x likes making muffins because they have a sweet tooth, y likes making muffins because they can share photos of the decorations with their friends.

>> No.6275189

USA has a food culture beyond taking anotherculture's food & adding cheese slices to it?

>> No.6275195

They can't even make it right.

>> No.6275340

>what's momentarily fashionable versus what's been passed down.
That I understand. Pop culture feels a little silly to you because it's ephemeral and novelty driven, whereas blue collar culture changes more slowly and its driving force is the affirmation of a specific set of shared class values. Values I'm guessing you share, or at least admire to some degree?

Am I at all close?

>> No.6275370
File: 2 KB, 126x95, 1334117673297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh Cleveland culture

>> No.6275456

Oh look
>HURR DURR amerikkkan food TEH shitzorr!
ayyee lmao

>> No.6275624

>kraft cheese somehow manages to unmelt itself

what the fuck america

>> No.6275632

Cleveland's got lots of culture, m8, what are you talking about?


>> No.6275650

americans are to busy making money. I'm not even an anticapitalist.

>husband comes home from work
>wife is on the couch with a glass of wine
>kids are playing video games,watching tv, or on the internet
>whats for dinner honey?
>oh i didn't make anything
>oh ok well lets get pizza we had chinase last night

thats also why we're so fat.

>> No.6275670


>> No.6275678

>Other countries/some areas in the US, at least from my impressions, care about the food they eat.

Well, this is just a misconception.

>> No.6275679

Quebec is slightly unique, otherwise yes.

>> No.6275685

Oh, so you mean essentially gruel and bare-bones anti-starvation soups?

>> No.6276440

you have no idea about anything, it's like you're the stereotypal ugly american
poor people can't afford to eat the same each day. they eat what is cheap - read: plentiful - at the moment. very seasonal, and very much local. Lambs get born in spring? Yay, lamb is on the menu, boo, sheep's milk and milk products are very definitely off it until the lambs are grown enough to eat grass.
Bell pepper season. Cherry season. Ever had polenta with sour cherries? I have.

>> No.6276448

you're a bit uneducated, sorry to say
if you travel the world a bit, taking care to avoid hotels and actually live in places and go to markets and interact with people, you will see that you are very very wrong

>> No.6276484

Whatever Melvin I uploaded it from a damn McDonald's where everyone looks ugly - tell me when and where the yard sale is and win a prize

>> No.6276544

>How do you fix it?
Stop believing that the loud grotesque subhumans you see are the majority.
They are the 5% or so that actually eat crap non-foods, and do so loudly making a scene.
The other 95% aren't eating that crap and behaving calmly and rationally... so no one is staring that them making comments.

>> No.6277144

>poor people can't afford to eat the same each day. they eat what is cheap - read: plentiful - at the moment. very seasonal, and very much local.
Not in America. Seasonal and local is what rich people eat in America. Poor people shop at shitty grocery stores where seasonal and local foods are mostly unavailable. Their food comes in boxes and cans. They're not doing much in the way of fresh vegetables, and they're sure as fuck not eating lamb, which is expensive.

Things are different it Italy.

>> No.6277917

Wut ? Poor people can eat fresh with a budget , just because it's not whole foods marked up whole "organic" fair trade washed with yaks tears of joy produce, doesn't mean it's less nutritional for you.

>> No.6278003

Not when they work 60 hours a week.

White people can be so dumb sometimes.

>> No.6278006

>garlic and fish frys

sounds pretty midwest to me

>> No.6278059

You are not making any sense. What does that have to do with white people?
Did your safety helmet fall off again?

>> No.6278088

I think it has something to do with self-identity. Kind of like music.

My dad used to be fairly adventurous with food, would cook creative things and sample various world cuisines. As he got older, though, he became more of your stereotypical Texas conservative, and his diet has matched that shift.

He now eats pretty much nothing but red meat and potatoes, and when my mom had me over for dinner, she would make food for us, and then microwave a burger for my dad. By the way, my dad's definition of a burger is ground beef on a plate, no bun, no anything. Just ground beef and a lot of Tony Chachere's. It boggles my mind that someone who has traveled and been exposed to worldly cuisine and elegant dishes from nice restaurants could settle for bland shit like he does.

>> No.6278090

Have you ever asked if it was a medical problem? Too much indigestion as he gets older?

Maybe he doesn't want to eat like that but it's the only way to avoid pain?

>> No.6278106
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I know this isn't /pol/ but I fucking hate your species so much.

>> No.6278135

I live in Florida. You cannot find spicy food anywhere, despite there being Cuban and Mexican food places. The spiciest food I eat on a regular basis comes from the damn supermarket. I think the average age of my town is like 60.