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6261965 No.6261965 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you are trying to eat alone at a classy restaurant and this happens?

>> No.6261978

blow my rape whistle

>> No.6261998

stand my ground and empty my mag.

>> No.6262007
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Whip my dick out, assert my dominance as the tall white male I am, and start knocking shit over.
>MFW the asians see anyone 6' or over as Godzilla.

>> No.6262008

Ask her politely to please move, upon which she becomes angry and begins insulting me. I tell her to calm down, a manager comes over and tells me to leave the lady alone and stop harassing her, I protest, and he removes me from the restaurant without letting me take the rest of my food.

>> No.6262242
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>classy restaurant

>> No.6262265

I'd say no
it's actually more fun to refuse sex to women because they don't expect it and I've found it really throws them out of their element

>> No.6262286

yeah I do that all the time when women try to talk to me.

they usually give me a disgusted look on their face

it's really satisfying

>> No.6262308

squinty eyed people, gross. I'd be unable to stomach food around them

>> No.6262311

If I'd had enough to drink I'd tell them I also like David Lynch, and it was kind of amusing to be involved in their little amateur youtube video thing, but I'd give them some pointers and let them know that nobody in the first world really cares about fast food.

>> No.6262317

Yeah, women try to talk to me all the time but I shut them down before they can even approach me. I just walk by and I see that disgusted look and I get really satisfied.

>> No.6262327

>david lynch


>> No.6262805
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>big mac
>egg mcmuffin
>two large fries according to chinese portions

what a fucking fatass

>> No.6263619
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>> No.6263634

> marky wahlbergs
Don't they know he beats their kind to death?

>> No.6263646

>mass amounts of salt to live

>> No.6263661

>it's actually more fun to refuse sex to women because they don't expect it
more fun than having sex with them?

>> No.6263679

It's mild form of sadism.

>> No.6263695

Wake up

>> No.6263701

Dust off the Enola Gay and reincarnate Col. Tibbets

>> No.6263762

Wow, in Asia they have 1980's era McDonalds.

>> No.6263865

>article about chinese mcdonalds
>using a picture of mcdonalds in a Cyrillic country

Fucking jesus is it that hard to find the right goddamn image on google

>> No.6263868

the paper is bait

>> No.6263969
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>> No.6264109

oh god I can't wait for the filet-ofish fridays.

how much are they at your guys area?

they are 1.79 in socal

>> No.6264159
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>Be Russian
>Mcdonalds leaves my city for political reasons
>mfw I will never have mcdonalds fries again

They were the best hangover medicine in the world ;_;

>> No.6264194

>then swallow the fries fist whole before we eat the burger with a fork and knife

>> No.6264251

i laffed

>> No.6265222
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>> No.6265316

Well, I've only eaten at a "classy" restaurant alone once while traveling, and nothing like that happened. If it had though, I'd swiftly make the choice of either asking them to leave me alone, or allowing them to stay. A general criteria for this type of thing is like this for me:

1. The first words they speak or the first gestures they make towards me. If I find either agreeable or interesting then they pass to
2. Appearance. But this comes in 2nd because it's not the most important thing to me. If they look decent, clean, presentable, then they now have earned my company in the restaurant.

But I assume you weren't asking for serious replies, hm. Fuggit.

>> No.6265342
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Dude wow was Putin that mad that we were like "don't put your feet on Crimea and stick your fingers in the Ukraine's butt"

I am truly sorry for your loss

>> No.6265351

McDonatello's would be the best food store ever

>> No.6265612
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>> No.6265655

google is blocked there. duh

>> No.6266652
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>> No.6267738

What do waiters think of people that eat at restaurants by themselves? Do they look down on them and give them less service? Do they get mad because they take away a bunch of seats?

>> No.6267779
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I eat alone a lot. I like it. I ate alone at this Thai place that opened up across the street from me to have lunch, now I get take out and the waitress who served me regularly knows me by name. It's nice when bartenders and waitresses know your name. It means you are not an invisible nerdo autismo Supremo

>> No.6267791

I miss the old 90's McDonalds, Fuck this new hipster coffee shop look

>> No.6267802

Sounds like masochism to me

>> No.6267842

You'll never experience a McDonald's birthday party in the 80's ever again

>> No.6267857
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>> No.6267889

Oriental Lucy is no funny

>> No.6267891

That shit was such a fucking good deal, it was like $20 for 15 kids each got a hamburger and they gave you a cake plus little toys.

>> No.6268202
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Delusions of grandeur... so sad :(

>> No.6268257
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>> No.6270085
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>I shut them down before they can even approach me.
>it's really satisfying

Yes and yes.

>> No.6270109

>fork and wife*

>> No.6270181

What's this from

>> No.6270223

Not OP, but this is from Fallen Angels. And it's actually my favorite movie.

>> No.6270260

>tfw manlet
Why even live?

>> No.6271153
