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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 389 KB, 916x612, dsc_00201_zps806a55b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6259498 No.6259498 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of food should I be eating to grow my hair faster?
I already eat a lot of protein, does anything else do it?

>> No.6259506

Holy shit she going to clown party with all that make up on?

>> No.6259512
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they usually do lol

>> No.6259514
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>> No.6259519

oh and it has to be food, I know about biotin and prenatal but can't afford. I have only food stamps.

>> No.6259520

My cousin only eats toast and he has a bush that's more dense than the Amazon jungle. I swear, his pubes could clothe the third world. He could model for National Geographic; it's like he's hiding a terrorist cell on his dick.
So try eating more toast, i guess.

>> No.6259522

pls I am half filipino
also I ask a serious food question

>> No.6259547

I'll keep that in mind, so bread maybe?

>> No.6259559

her inch-thick eyeliner is so gross it's making me ill

>> No.6259565
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Biotin maybe?

>> No.6259566

Ru a grill?

>> No.6259571

you don't like wings?

god, talk about food.

>> No.6259574

god dammit. I already said I know about biotin and prenatal read the thread.

What do you think.

>> No.6259580

Lots and lots of semen

>> No.6259581
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>on food stamps
>worried about hair growth

>> No.6259588

AH! This I can do. My bf is so spoiled.

>> No.6259589

Why are you preggers? Were you a qt?

>> No.6259594

Its just till I can get a job. Then I'll go back to school.

>> No.6259595
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Just eat whatever... don't be picky.

>> No.6259599

no I cut off my hair and now I regret it. A long time ago someone told me I can grow my hair faster with protein but there's gotta be stuff I can put in diet that'll help more.

>> No.6259608

That's not what this is about at all? I'm not a picky eater. I just want to know what I can eat to grow my hair faster that isn't vitamins.

>> No.6259612


>cut off
>food stamps
>not worried about improving self worth than hair

>> No.6259619

Eat what you can afford to buy. Maybe more fruits and veggies.
Variety > Few

>> No.6259621

Cool. Don't even try to stay on topic.
This is why moot left.

>> No.6259623
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As a general rule, you want to eat whatever it is you're trying to grow, as it will have the optimal ratio of amino acids and minerals. That's why farmers feed chicks pelletized feather & chick carcases (egg laying operations kill the male chicks), and fed cattle scraps to cattle until it was outlawed due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease). Hair requires processing to turn it into something you'd normally eat (e.g. L-cysteine), and the foods that use human hair use fairly small amounts (mostly breads...Jimmy John's and Dunkin Donuts are good sources, but they use whatever source of L-cysteine is cheapest, which is sometimes poultry feathers when the price of human hair goes up...the hair typically comes from Chinese prisoners). If you're really serious about this, I'd get a nice Blendtec blender, acquire some human hair that looks similar to what you want yours to look like, add some canola oil and roasted peanuts, blend it into a paste, and eat it on toast. Just watch that the temperature doesn't get too high during blending, or the amino acids will break down in the hair.

>> No.6259626

I get 200$ in food stamps. I can afford a lot by shopping at winco.

>> No.6259637

....you can see why I'd think this is a troll post, right?

>> No.6259644

>Dont even try to tell me the truthful things that I don't want to hear. This might hurt my feelings.

>> No.6259649

I am trying to get back on top of things, hence going to school.
9/10 bait.

>> No.6259650
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More money than I have in a month....

>> No.6259652

yeah but I'm gonna get yelled at anyway cause muh freedom or some shit.

>> No.6259664

is this credible? should I look elsewhere?

>> No.6259676

Why do you need long hair to get into school?

> we regret to inform you that your application has been denied because of hair

I think I remember something about sunlight helping hair grow faster so maybe take some vitamin D suppliments or something.

>> No.6259694

>....you can see why I'd think this is a troll post, right?
I can. If you aren't familiar with livestock feed practices for optimal growth, or the use of human hair in industrial food production, those things sound far-fetched. On the other hand, it's pretty uncontroversial, easily-checked stuff if you're curious about the topics. Maybe there aren't layperson sources on speeding livestock growth, but you can get the gist from journal abstracts in Google Scholar. L-cysteine is covered on all sorts of lefty pop sites...it's a perennial source of controversy, like whether vegetarians/vegans can eat human hair, or whether eating the hair of imprisoned political dissidents is ethical.

>> No.6259696

thankyou and I don't dimwit. I just want my hair to be longer and if I can achieve that through food and drink it'd be easier than begging my bf to spend even more money on me.

>> No.6259699

I have thinning hair and at one point had patches of it fall out. Got prescribed biotin to help with the thinning and some sort of topical immuno-suppressant foam for the patches. Hair wound up growing back.

>> No.6259701

>acquire some human hair that looks similar to what you want yours to look like

what if I use someone else's hair then??

>> No.6259702

you're ugly. just face it and move on.org.

>> No.6259710
File: 505 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mskaoo8Et61qhj4pao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're hilarious. do us all a favor and stop fucking shitposting.

>> No.6259736

Don't be malnourished/ anorexic, and don't cut it. That's it. My hair is wavy and almost down to my hips, from cutting it to my shoulders a bit over 2 years ago.
Nothing really has been proven to make a substantial difference to the rate of hair growth, as long as you're not malnourished. Quite a bit would be genetics (I think there's a certain length for some people where it appears to stop growing because of growth cycles or whatever, still, it's quite long), but just be patient and don't cut your hair.
Please don't eat other people's hair.

>> No.6259739

lol thank you.

>> No.6259758

For a second, I thought I accidentally clicked on /cgl/ instead of /ck/...

Speaking of which, OP, you might find some better advice on /cgl/ for this sort of thing, since from what I've seen of the board, they usually have makeup, skin care, and hair care threads going.

>> No.6259767

I know. But they always just mention vitamins and stuff in their hair threads and shit that I can't afford and they look down on people who can't afford things because they're apparently all frugal little bitches who work minimum wage jobs but save up for 1800 dollar dresses from Japan.
I have stated SEVERAL times in this thread that this is about what kind of food I can eat to promote hair growth as opposed to what vitamins, because I have easier access to food and not vitamins.

>> No.6260773

Jello. No lie.

>> No.6261040


So I've got bread, meat, and jello. Anything else?
how about almonds?

>> No.6261055

Deep-fried cancer will make dem follicular cells proliferate like crazy breh.

>> No.6261057

As long as you activate them.

>> No.6261059

Oh and things with zinc in it

>> No.6261320

You can buy them already activated apparently.


>> No.6261351

Even /cgl/ would laugh at this picture, she looks horrid. Don't worry.

I find my hair to be a lot nicer with prenatal vitamins (and I'm sure hormonal changes contribute too). But aside from that if you're already getting a well rounded diet, nothing else will do much. Some people say things like "massage your scalp upside down to stimulate blood flow to nourish the follicles!" but as far as I know, that kind of stuff hasn't been substantiated by science much. Just eat well and don't cut it. Note that breakage from the ends will reduce length too. Avoid damaging it with heat, colouring, bleaching, and use a good conditioner.

>> No.6261383

>white people.

>> No.6261394

I agree white people are the scum of the earth.

>> No.6261726

/cgl/ is fucking harsh as shit tho. I'm not big fans of them to be honest. I just browse through their threads and laugh at how bitchy they are with each other over fucking clothing. and hand made cosplay.

And I know about prenatal vitamins but like I said earlier in the thread, I can't have them. I have an IUD and it would cause problems. I also know about biotin but also, like I already said, I can't get that because no money.

>> No.6261734

/pol/ not /ck

>> No.6261745

No we wouldn't.

>> No.6261763

cake face is a thing.

>> No.6261781

/cgl/ is too full of tumblr now, you'd be surprised. I used to only go there to laugh at people and troll because they're so easily baited, but I can't even do that now.

>> No.6261806

I'm well aware of the tumblr boogeyman that is /cgl/ now. Still, those ita threads are some bullshit sometimes. They get all out of hand over the littlest thing.
And yeah, they're easily fucking baited. I've done it a couple of times.

That's how I know they all work minimum wage jobs and save every last penny for Japan dresses. Cause that's logical.

>> No.6261810
File: 25 KB, 460x460, molasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blackstrap molasses and nettles.

Molasses is available in regular grocery stores. It's a dark brown syrup made from sugar cane. It's an excellent source of magnesium, potassium, manganese, and vitamin b6. It's best to buy the "unsulphured" kind if you can find it. Look in the natural section of your grocery store. Pic related is the brand I buy. Take about a tablespoon a day. You can mix it into warm milk or coffee, oatmeal, stuff like that. It has a really strong flavor sort of like caramel or a tootsie roll. I used to have really shitty, thin nails until I started taking molasses. My boyfriend takes it every day and his hair grows freakishly fast for a guy in his forties.

Nettles are a common type of weed that grows wild, usually known as stinging nettles because they have sharp barbs all over them. You can buy the leaves as a dried herb, like loose leaf tea. Basically you make a tea out of these leaves. Here is the breakdown that google gives you as a first result when searching 'vitamins nettles'
>Many of the benefits are due to the plant's very high levels of minerals, especially, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silica, iodine, silicon, sodium, and sulfur. They also provide chlorophyll and tannin, and they're a good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and B complex vitamins.

So yeah, they're the shit. You can buy them online or in a health food store. Look for them in bulk bags because they're really cheap. Don't buy prepackaged teabags, that's a rip off.

Hope this helps, good luck.

>> No.6261815

That's true, I mean whatever I guess. It's funny that they do that shit and then whine about how 'it's just dresses!!!' and 'it's not important!' all the time. They almost deserve their tumblr infection.

>> No.6261831

FUCK YEA!!! you are fucking awesome!

God, why couldn't other people give answers like this?

>> No.6261865
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Yay thanks so much! I'm glad I could shine a light at the end of the dank, hateful tunnel that is this thread.

>> No.6261900

This sounds cool an all, but do you have anything other than anecdotal evidence for molasses increasing hair/nail growth?

>> No.6261902

eeey lmao

>> No.6261927

I became determined to grow my hair long and beautiful sometime around 6 or 7 years ago. I was tired of my hair being chin-length, and I finally figured out how to straighten it without killing it, and I wanted it LONG.

I tried lots of different things, and here's what works:

>Sort-of food related tier
Not only does it work, but you'll notice within 1-2 weeks: Prenatal vitamins. Ho-lee-shit. I had to shave my legs twice as often. That's actually why I stopped using it after 2 months. It makes your hair grow EVERYWHERE and it was annoying.

>Not food related
It works, but it will take ~1 month to notice: That Wen shit actually does make my hair grow a few mm longer each month. I suspect it's probably because sulfate free+tea tree oil+peppermint oil, so similar non shampoo product would work

>> No.6261959

Just curious, which prenatal vitamin brand did you go with?

>> No.6261994
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This one.

>> No.6262010

>its anecdotal therefor is irrelevant
Except you know, that post is what I was looking for instead of rampant god damn shiptosting.

Wen shit? Is it just called Wen?

Also why is it so hard for everyone to read the thread, like how many times did I mention prenatal vitamins.

>> No.6262026

Shut up fatty!
Don't you realize, like no one really cares about your shitty thread.

>> No.6262051

>>6261902 <me

Molasses OP again. I have shit to do but I will just say that the nutritional breakdowns of molasses is available with a simple google search. If you need evidence why a food source that is confirmed for being dense in vitamins will aid in hair and nail growth, you can find that out as well.

One more thing about molasses; it's a great source of vitamins but it's technically a sugar and therefore high in carbs. Like, it's just carbs. So if you're trying to be super strict about your sugar consumption it may not be the best thing. But I would recommend you try it, otherwise.

And don't forget to look the nettles up, you may be able to afford them, and they seriously kick ass.

>> No.6262127
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>everyone in this thread thinks this girl is ugly
>I find her immensely cute
Is something wrong with me, /ck/

>> No.6262136

Don't worry, OP here. I totally believe you and will look into getting some. I have a whole foods down the street, and they take EBT (WHOA SHOCKER ERRY BODY GET MAD AGAIN)
but you're awesome man, there needs to be more on topic posting people like you on 4chan.

You must, you felt the need to shit post here.

>> No.6262137

Lol I got a bad haircut a couple weeks ago too and went really hard w/ diet and product and it grew from below my ears down to my shoulders in about two weeks.
I was sure to take two fish oil pills every day since I don't have a lot of fish, but salmon is good to have, lintels, broccoli, carrots, almonds, walnuts, chicken, eggs.. Really just healthy veggies, protein, and nuts. I also used a product called doo gro which probably played a big role in how fast my hair grew

>> No.6262144

You're just an average weeb. That's all.

>> No.6262175

Greatest hair conditioner ever: organic coconut oil. Work it in, leave it there for two hours, shampoo.

>> No.6262178

It had nothing to do with animu tho

>> No.6262371

You posted with a god damn chinese cartoon.
My op pic is def weeb related as it's straight up /cgl/ territory. Loli shit.

you're a god damn weeb.

>> No.6262435

Some are, some are not so bad.

>And I know about prenatal vitamins but like I said earlier in the thread, I can't have them. I have an IUD and it would cause problems.

Uh, what is in a prenatal vitamin that would cause problems with your IUD that a regular multivitamin wouldn't? I mean, there's more folic acid and stuff, but other than that it's vitamins. A quick google search didn't say anything about interactions. Costco and walmart vitamins are cheap if you buy the big packs. Otherwise if I'm wrong, do tell cause that's interesting.

Maybe saying they'd laugh is a bit harsh, but she really doesn't look too great. Coord is so-so, but her hair looks bad and her make-up makes her look haggard. She could be so much cuter with better styling.

This is great, really makes your hair nice and silky too. You can use a hair dryer on really low setting to speed up the process and really get the coconut oil to soak the hair.

>> No.6262523

>Coord is so-so
Are you talking about the original picture I posted to start the thread or the second one?
Second on is straight from /cgl/ - I just liked her dress.
First one is from google, and she's just wearing normal fag clothes but has cake face.

>> No.6262568

The second one. The dress is cute, yes, but the outfit is missing a little something. The pinks in the cardi and the dress don't look that great together. And her make-up makes her look old.

As for the first one, I feel like that's pretty standard for a lot of Asia so it doesn't faze me at all, but I really wouldn't wear that for an everyday look. (Too much work as well, really).

Sage for irrelevance. Sorry op.

>> No.6262588

nah you're cool, thanks for sagin tho this thread is mostly done.

I can not remember for the life of me if I saved that pic from an ita thread hahah. I sometimes save from ita threads but usually draw threads. She may be a Gull that wanted to get drawn?
That or she's apart of a fb and this is the second time she's been torn apart lol.

>> No.6262596

Haha, poor girl. Well, it really isn't that bad, but sometimes when cute girls don't live up to their potential, it's like it's a little tragic.

Good luck with growing them locks OP.

>> No.6262742
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>green people

We race war now.

>> No.6262946


>> No.6263021
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No the man said toast omg dont you read?

>> No.6263024
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Grapes for long hair.

>> No.6263050

Objectively wrong, and not just because you're an anime creep

>> No.6263378


>> No.6263468

okay so, you want to know what to eat to have nice hair and can't afford biotin (which is like 6 bux for 3 months of it)

what the fuck

>> No.6264399

>which is like 6 bux for 3 months of it
Yeah. I don't have $18. And if I did it'd have to go to toothpaste or something I need more.
That's why I'm asking about the food that I can eat because like I said, I have food stamps, so I can easily acquire food with no problem. Paying for shit, not so much. I'd have to ask my bf to buy it for me and I really don't want to do that.

>> No.6264555
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What about them?

>> No.6264565

Yes, it's called "Wen." It's a hair product meant to serve as shampoo, conditioner, detangler, and styling creme in one product. But the company does make a post-shower creme and a styling creme. You'll just want to look for the original "Wen" If you have very fine, thin hair, you might not like it because it is a non-lathering heavy product.

>Also why is it so hard for everyone to read the thread, like how many times did I mention prenatal vitamins.

Excuuuuuse me for providing a helpful anecdote about how fast that stuff made my leg hair grow.

>can't get biotin because its expensive
What? Biotin is cheap as dirt compared to other supplements

>can't take prenatal vits because of IUD
That makes no sense.

If you don't have the money for anything other than what food stamps can buy, then guess what: YOU CAN'T MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW FAST. There is no EBT-applicable cure for you. You'll just have to work with what you've got. Exercise, eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. It might not make your hair grow super fast, but it will at least allow your body to grow hair at it's natural rate (whereas poor diet will lead to slower hair/fingernail growth).

>> No.6264593
File: 31 KB, 400x433, taking advice from someone who has premature grey hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excuuuuuse me

>> No.6265113

ground fenugreek. 2 tablespoons to 1/2 glass of warm water and about 20 mins later you massage the "tea" in the skin on your head. The amount of 1/2 glass should be enough for 5 days. Rest you need to keep in the freezer because it spoil pretty fast in room temperature. Also I recommend to do it in evening, for better effect you should keep it on for about 2 hours. When you feel the skin starts to be itchy it good, that means it works. And wash your hair after that time because you will smell like curry chicken( this herb is used in curry seasoning mix).

>> No.6265596

OP can't afford biotin, what makes you think she can afford fenugreek, which is $1-2 more expensive?

>> No.6265644

>OP living off bf
sugar whore detected

>> No.6265651

molasses can be more expensive than biotin but I think op wants things that she can buy with her food stamps. so it's not really a cost issue, it's an availability issue.

>> No.6265660

Spend as much time as you can upside down to increase the blood flow to your head and scalp and you will effectively quadruple the amount of hair-growing nutrients that get to your hair.
Plus gravity will help your grow that little bit faster.

Source: Science.

>> No.6265664

Having the flu.

Higher body temperature accelerates hair and nail growth.

>> No.6265674 [DELETED] 

Actually true. Your hair and nails grow faster in the warmer months of the year.

Op, have you vconsidered giving up your crack cocaine habit? Then you might have more money for the water important things that you need. Like stuff to make your hair grow.

>> No.6266569

Not OP, but thanks for the interesting info. I live on the dark side of the moon (also known as New England), and I'm going to take note of the rate my hair grows if/when summer arrives.

I thought you could only by candy bars, mac&cheese, and Little Debbie snacks with food stamps.

>> No.6266582

No one has mentioned horsetail tea made from plants in the Equisetum genus, that hastens hair and nail growth.