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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6191677 No.6191677 [Reply] [Original]

I have 10 bucks, a limited pantry, and I want to bring something to the superbowl party I am attending this Sunday. Would love some suggestions of Hors d'oeuvre that have worked for you.

>> No.6191702

How old are you? What type of people are attending? A bottle of wine would be perfect. But they might be uncultured swine, and you might be under 21.

>> No.6191714
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These mini egg rolls I get from Sam's Club are pretty good.

>> No.6191716

Buffalo Chicken Dip.

Shit's cheap, and tasty.

Just bring some stuff along to dip it in.

>> No.6191728
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OP Here

I am 21 we are in college and it will be not quite a party. They have shit taste in wine so I could bring some cheap stuff for them. Good suggestion but lets keep them coming

>> No.6191743

Make English muffin pizzas pleb
English muffins
Pizza/tomato sauce
Slap that shit together pop it in the oven

>> No.6191762

I went to the dollar store and bought a metric fucktonne of frozen potstickers. 7oz packets for a buck each means that $10 will net you nearly 4½lbs of the stuff.
The brand is Tasty Select and it's surprisingly good stuff. The ingredients are simple (veg, pork-or-chicken, and flour for the wrapper) and the flavour immense. The website for O'Tasty, the parent company that makes Tasty Selects, doesn't list the 7oz size for some reason.

Try your local buck boutique for some stuff.

>> No.6191782

Pizza rolls/dippers/whatever always seem to go over well. Pretty cheap too. Just whip up a standard biscuit dough. Water, flour, egg. Any old recipe will do. Stretch it out flat. Cover in pasta/tomato sauce. Cover with cheese. Basically, you're making a pizza here. Throw on pepperoni if you can afford the little discs. Roll it up like a log. Cut into cinnamon roll-like pieces, bake.

or you can cut the aw product into strips and twist them into a braid shape. Whatever shape you wanna do. Could even make little crescent shaped pockets.

If you hit up a discount grocer, you should be able to get the sauce for around a buck. The pepperoni and cheese will be about 9 bucks combined.

>> No.6191784

Queso son.

Velvetta, rotell tomatoes and bag of chips. Shouldn't be more than $10 bucks and if you're an American, I assume you are because you're watching the Superbowl, everyone will love it.

People who love freedom, love queso.

>> No.6191803

Cheapest thing I can think of that will appeal to college-age people who will most likely be drinking:

Buy a couple bags of tortilla chips, a tub of sour cream, and one of those lipton vegetable soup dry mixes. Make dip. Eat with chips. Ta-da.

>> No.6191895
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Gracías co/ck/s

>> No.6191913
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>this thread

>> No.6191949

pizza rolls and potstickers as far as the eye can see

buy some $.99 iceberg lettuce to garnish the platter

>> No.6191960

Bring some good fucking pico de gallo if no one else is. Tomatoes, onion, peppers and a bit of cilantro and lime is all you need.

Way better than jar salsa and valveta dip.

>> No.6191965
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Pic related, my family's battle scarred aritchoke dip recipe. If you have parm and mayo you can pull this off for ten bucks. The key is to thoroughly press the moisture out of the vegetable ingredients before mixing and baking. Shit it easy and great though.

>> No.6191992
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>every single ingredient is canned, frozen or jarred

please kill your entire family and then kill yourself

>> No.6191996

>literally written into the recipe

finish off with some wanda's macaroni salad

>> No.6191997

>1 can
>1 can
>1 cup
why was this recipe recorded

>> No.6192001
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Please do not support the pedophile bowl.

>> No.6192289


I'm making a buffalo chicken pizza.

Cheap hot sauce plus flour equals wing sauce.
-I add ranch or blue cheese to mine, season to taste.
-Cheap discounted chicken, cooked and pulled.
-Potatoes diced, pre-cooked.
-maybe some chopped onion
-I'm doing a Chi-town deep...homemade dough, but you can buy a pizza dough package for a buck from walmart

Superbowl food (pizza and wings in one) less than $10, filling and delicious, and easy to do.

>> No.6192297

I recommend something with a lot of caffeine. It's the only thing that will keep u awake whilst watching that bore fest


>> No.6192303

>being a semen sluper.

C'mon m8.

>> No.6192305
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>buffalo chicken pizza
>hot sauce plus flour

>> No.6192306

a few pack of cheap hot dogs and a few cans of store brand crescent dough

cut each hot dog into thirds
cut each triangle of dough into fourths
wrap a hot dog in each piece of dough
bake until golden brown

serve with chili cheese dip (one can of chili, quarter block of velveeta microwaved together)

you will hate yourself for loving it but it will be graciously devoured

>> No.6192308

you can put a dot of mustard in each hot dog roll before you bake it for extra flavor

>> No.6192312


It's a brilliant (two in one) idea for a Superb Owl party food. You're very welcome. I also do a cheese steak, taco (like pizza hut), meat lover (thick manly cuts), chicken alfredo, cheeseburger (ketchup and mustard sauce), and even a Chicago hot dog pizza.

Flour thickens the hot sauce, you heat it, I didn't say corn starch as a limited pantry.

Potato, it's a vegetable, wings and fries.

Onion? Never had onion on a pizza before?

>> No.6192543

I gave OP a suggestion, too. I'm was not born on US soil and have yet to take the citizenship test but I live in America and enjoy watching the Superbowl with them. You know the adage: si fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi.*

>* if you are elsewhere, live as they do there, the second, lesser known half of 'si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more' (if you're in Rome, live by Roman customs)

It's an excuse to eat grease-laden deliciousness and give your liver a beating. , Watching armoured stop-and-go rugby for me is secondary to the food and drink.

>> No.6192607
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I really dislike sport.
I often refer to thus event as the stupid bowl or stupor bowl.
I wish I could ruin it for the whole country somehow in a legal , non violent manner.

>> No.6192609

> I hate to see people having fun

I don't give a shit about sports, let alone football, but I love having an excuse to get together with friends and eat lots of junk food. Fucking bitter neckbeards.

>> No.6192614
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I am a blur collar straight male so I am expected to discuss sports with any other males I meet during my day.
If I insist that I don't follow sports , many pretend I never said that an keep blathering on.
Others get buthurt and try to explain why sports are so great.
There seems to be no way around constant sports discussion .
I have lost my sense of humor about this.

>> No.6192617


I hated the superbowl until I saw this

Women are monsters and the more female suffering there is in the world, the better off humanity is

>> No.6192641

>I wish I could ruin it for the whole country somehow in a legal , non violent manner.

Support Roger Goodell, problem solved.

>> No.6192660

Hmm... I guess that's why I follow some now. Never though about it. I grew up following football (proper football, not handegg) but Americans couldn't give less of a fuck about it. When I first moved to the US, I had few friends mostly because I detest FB and other social media.
When I started following hockey then baseball and now handegg through work chums, I experienced an exponential increase in the number of acquaintances with whom I interact, both male and female as well as straight and gay. My best friends are nearly all foreign, like I am, but we met through other friends while watching games.

>> No.6192688


>> No.6192691
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there's going to be all manner of flack about this but that's /ck/
low level poorly paid restaurant workers are such snobs but they really got nothing else do they?

I made this once and nobody stopped eating it till it was gone.

I served the dip with Kroger brand triscuits
shit is the bomb.

1 pkg. (16 oz.) VELVEETA®, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 can (15 oz.) black beans, rinsed
1 can (11 oz.) corn with red and green bell peppers, drained
1 cup hot chunky salsa

Make It

COMBINE all ingredients except crackers in microwaveable bowl.

MICROWAVE on HIGH 5 min. or until VELVEETA is completely melted, stirring after 3 min.

SERVE with crackers

>> No.6192698

Not a restaurant worker of any sort and I've no problem with convenience foods but Velveeta blocks are legitimately horrible to me. If you like it, then hey: great for you. I can't stand the stuff. Nor do I like spray cheez, cheez wiz or that "cheese" that comes in those individual packets of vending machine cheese and crackers.

I do, however and possibly paradoxically, like Velveeta singles on cheeseburgers.

>> No.6192700
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Do you even roux?

>> No.6192705

Rather than roux, you can make a very, very good and superbly smooth cheese sauce using just American cheese singles and milk in a microwave.

I did, however, recently make gratin de pâtes au thon, a French dish which is a cross between tuna noodle casserole and baked macaroni and cheese, using a roux.

>> No.6192706
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OP here
I feel the same about Velveeta blcoks but here;s the story

My corner bar bartender and I would have a "cook-off" on Saturdays. We both had to make something, usually dips, and one Saturday it was Velveeta. He's vegetarian so there can be not meat.

I made this stuff and I won and it was eaten up pretty quickly (I know free food in a bar taints it). My bartender buddy even had to concede, sheepishly, that the stuff was pretty good.

>> No.6192713
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>> No.6192715

Yeah? Did no one care about that odd film it leaves in your mouth? Or is just me? Anytime I eat any of these neon-coloured fauxcheeses, they leave this wholly unpleasant film behind on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. The flavour isn't very good, either, but I can deal with it if that filmy sensation weren't there.

>> No.6192728
File: 35 KB, 608x380, fo-ode-to-american-cheese-608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor child, no one has taught you proper American cheese etiquette? You must unwrap the cheese slice first, being careful not to damage the cheese or the exquisite wrapping.

>> No.6192746

>he thinks Velveeta blocks are individually wrapped singles!

>> No.6192822
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Nigga you wut?

>> No.6192838

There is nowhere in that picture of a block of Velveeta any individually wrapped singles. Your picture only serves to show >>6192728 as wrong.

>> No.6192854

>superbowl party

I don't think you're old enough to use this site, little fella.

>> No.6192861

Me? I'd bring crab legs.

>> No.6192911

All these superb owl hater, fucking trenchcoat fedoras, the lot of you. Its like a holiday, most people don't care about the game. Its an excuse to get together with friends and family and share junk food and drink. And everyone comes in the room for the halftime show to share the experience and talk about it after. For casuals it isn't even about the game, its a party.

Anyway, rant over. Who's ready for Katy Perry? She's hot as fuck and I heard rumors that lions and sharks would be part of the performance. Very excite.

>> No.6192920

Katy who?