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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6182536 No.6182536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post our weight and height.

>> No.6182541

12,742 km
5.972*10^24 kg

>> No.6182544

5'9" and 254 lbs.

>> No.6182560

310 lbs but I'm built as fuck

>> No.6182571

I live a sad life here in dreary England. I spend nearly all of my time here or at the local buffet.

>> No.6182574

5'9" 170 lbs

Just got done dieting, gotta get to the gym more though

>> No.6182578

6'3" 250lbs with some great manboobs

>> No.6182579

>I'm built as fuck
post pic

>> No.6182582
File: 27 KB, 264x351, lone ranger face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10", 155lbs

Lost a bunch of weight recently.

>tfw you post in the /chub/ thread on /soc/ and get asked to leave because you're no longer chubby

>> No.6182584

5'8 160

150 would be nice

>> No.6182585


Holy shit, I am a pretty broad-beamed 6'3'' guy and I was beginning to have trouble breathing at night and tying my own shoes at 130kg! Can you even get up without help in the morning???

>> No.6182588
File: 64 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9 160

Question: how can you be anorexic and get something out of /go on ck

>> No.6182589

I'd consider myself fat at 5'9" and 175 lbs you are a blob at 310 dude. Built like a sack of sand maybe.

>> No.6182591
File: 530 KB, 1920x1080, 1421123130475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1" 141lbs

glory to starclan

>> No.6182602
File: 554 KB, 1512x1944, FSTnwgT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Reminder.

>> No.6182616

320 lbs

Yes, I played basketball.

>> No.6182636

5'5 350 lbs
I'm not a robot

>> No.6182645

5'10"/178 cm and about 62 kg/135 lbs

>> No.6182649

5'9" 175 lbs.

>> No.6182654

hey me too, no wait, I thought you said 255

>> No.6182657


>> No.6182663

6' 150lbs.

My two main interests in life (aside from being a lazy fuck and wasting time on 4chan) are cooking and cycling, they compliment each other nicely.

>> No.6182666

5'8 , 210lbs. Working on it.

>> No.6182674


>> No.6182676

Lol I'm a recovering anorexic (but binge/purge subtype so I do eat copious amounts of food at times)

5 feet, was 85 pounds but now 93 :)

I need my food porn! Also I spend every minute of my day thinking about food and what not cause I'm starving

>> No.6182679


>> No.6182684

141lbs is a healthy weight for someone who is 6'1"

>> No.6182686

A healthy weight for a skeleton

>> No.6182691

5'5 128lbs

>> No.6182694

163 lbs.
I'm a chubby girl.

>> No.6182698

You know the rules

>> No.6182699

183 cm
74 kg

im pretty fit

>> No.6182706

I'm a recovering anorexic. Now cook for a living & eat healthy. People with eating disorders are generally obsessed with food. I didn't hate food, just didn't eat it with much frequency. Many of my eating disordered friends are foodies and a couple have become chefs also.

>> No.6182707
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Tits aren't /ck/ related.

>> No.6182713

Tits are always related faggot

>> No.6182717

I was 145 pounds in high school at 5'8" and was a skeleton. You're on another level.

>> No.6182719


186 lbs


Willing to post pics for further fat shaming. I need it, guys. My fit and trim sister will kick me out of her wedding this summer if I don't knock off about 50 lbs.

>> No.6182722

5'5" and 200 lbs

I need to lose weight and coming to /ck/ doesn't help.

>> No.6182723

6'1 and 254.6 lb down from 270.6 due to dieting for the last 27 days. I'm normally 180 but gained 90 pounds last year.

>> No.6182731

Post pics of butt

>> No.6182736

182 lbs

>> No.6182738

Nice sister. But sure, throw some pics up so we can judge you.

>> No.6182781

5'1 and as of today, 75 lbs
fuck it all

>> No.6182785

5'8 and 118 not a fat orangutan

>> No.6182790


I want to put on weight but eating disorder

>> No.6182795

pics please

>> No.6182797

Damn girl you needa shed like what, 60 lbs?

>> No.6182801
File: 45 KB, 640x769, disturbing_gifs_and_pics_that_might_still_make_you_say_wtf_640_high_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow been almost week since this thread been back
210lbs 6 pack here.

>> No.6182841

5'10" 120lbs

>> No.6182852

make sure you stop drinking soda/anything with a lot of calories

add 1/4 cup of juice to 1 cup of water if you want something slightly sweet to drink

jahi mcmath died at 13 because she was fat and had an unnecessary surgery

lose weight, and then you can get rich by claiming the patriarchy oppressed you by making you fat and you can also save lives

>> No.6182860

Also female with an ED, haven't had a proper routine since moving out a few months ago. Going back home in a month to look after family and plan on cooking everyday!

>> No.6182861
File: 94 KB, 640x619, 7XfsQqX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got dem 6 packs

>> No.6182867

5'11 190lbs. I really need to lose weight fast. Fuck myself and my fat body.

>> No.6182869


152 lbs

>> No.6182870

5'2 126lbs

>> No.6182871

5'4", 110lbs, female

>> No.6182874

You sound hot. Daddy likes em big.

>> No.6182876

6'4", I think
155 lbs

>> No.6182877

5'6" and 110lbs

>> No.6182888

6'1" and 124 lbs

I look like a shaved sloth.

>> No.6182890
File: 40 KB, 477x477, douche_mirror_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5' 8"
177 lb. and going down.

I used to be 225 lb. at nearly 30% body fat. I was a horrific mess. I wish I had some before pictures for comparison, but I was so ashamed of myself I couldn't take a pic.

>> No.6182896

You're making good, admirable progress. Too bad about the manlet thing, but hey.

>> No.6182903

Pecs or GTFO

>> No.6182907

Thanks man.

>Too bad about the manlet thing, but hey.


>> No.6182908
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1266736567732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too bad about the manlet thing

>> No.6182914

>Too bad about the manlet thing

he is taller than most western women

what's the problem?

>> No.6182920

5'11 200Lbs

>> No.6182922

181cm, ~117kg. Always been a fatty-boom-boom, so I guess I don't know any other life than this. Want to change my eating habits but can't seem to.

>> No.6182934

>he is taller than most western women
>what's the problem?

Women consider their height respective to a man when she's wearing heels. They still prefer to be a little shorter than their man even when wearing 4" heels. If she's taller than her man, she emasculates him, which in turn makes it look like she can't get a taller (read: stronger, more dominant, more successful) guy

>tfw 6'1", gf is 5'10" and complains she can't wear heels when we go out

>> No.6182943
File: 56 KB, 405x470, stock-vector-fat-angry-woman-vector-clip-art-illustration-with-simple-gradients-all-in-a-single-layer-126027320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 4"8 and weight 400lbs and I'm sexy as hell

>> No.6182958


Why do so many manlets cook when you can't even reach the top shelf?

>> No.6182968

5' 8"

>> No.6182970

I'm 5'11 and 171 lb. I've lost 40 pounds since October and I've got 20 more to go, I still feel like a fat slob/

>> No.6182971

5'7'' manlet

>> No.6182974
File: 110 KB, 1300x957, strong-fat-man-holding-big-hammer-white-background-38874291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

185cm 136kg

pretty much exactly like this.

I'd like to lose 30kg, that was a good fighting weight for me but I'm totally sedentary at the moment and can't stand calorie restricted diets and drink to excess so its


for now

>> No.6182977


Just switch out some of the shitty food you eat for healthier food. Swap some meat for beans

>> No.6182980
File: 109 KB, 492x600, 360 hate mail 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong fat

>> No.6183028
File: 34 KB, 500x620, tumblr_mnim6mVtin1qz9v0to2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' 170 lbs grill
It's all muscle. I've been paying basketball for 7 years. Sometimes I wish I had a more effeminate body but meh. Besides lording over manlets is fun.

>> No.6183038

I don't care how built you are you're at least 30%BF

>> No.6183043


>> No.6183044
File: 37 KB, 129x129, y6i20ajsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2" 145 lbs
also just passing by /ck/, i'm not a regular here.