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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6136216 No.6136216 [Reply] [Original]

haven't had a drink in over a week.
tallied up how much i've saved so far and it's a little over $100.

i feel absolutely amazing. I went for a 3 mile run today and had no cramping.

I was really worried about this weekend, but i spent the whole time learning to program and working on my neglected motorcycle

i still feel like i should celebrate with a 30 rack of beer but i'm fighting that urge as much as possible.

i feel pretty happy.

>> No.6136222


oh my god fuck off there's already like a dozen of these threads

>> No.6136224

is this the new al/ck/ thread or is there another?

>> No.6136230

i don't know who you are, but i will find you and shit in your mouth

>> No.6136260

Trying to quit. Having a hard time of it today and needed a pep talk. Thanks for posting.

>> No.6136265

Who do teenagers/adults like to get drunk? People say that getting drunk (At a party) = Having a good time.

If you can't remember you had a good time how do you know you had a good time?

>> No.6136333

good. i hate alcoholics so as long as youre taking steps to quit it youre fine in my book, although youre still not as good as someone whos never had bear.

its like a priest vs a monk - you understand.

despite your flaws you have found god, while we practically are an extention of god. (me being the monk in the metaphor.)

>> No.6136339

I usually judge how well a night went by the amount of bruising around my anal orifice.

>> No.6136340

thats the point. most people arent very interesting - this concept used to piss me off. as a christian, i want everyones best self to shine through... but i just dont care anymore.

people who drink are as far from god as they can possibly be; they might as well not even be real people.

no offence.

>> No.6136345

>people who drink are as far from god as they can possibly be;
Does your priest not take a sip of wine during Sunday service?
Does the son of God not associate with wine? What do you think was in the challis?

>> No.6136349

i wish this wasn't bait and people like this existed lol

>> No.6136352
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there is literally no reason not to drink if not drinking won't get you anywhere.

remember that.

If not drinking would get you somewhere, it is pretty easy to stop drinking.

>> No.6136414

Cool tumblr post

>> No.6136424

>only spent 100$ a year on booze

>> No.6136428

He said week.

>> No.6136429

Can you even read?

>> No.6136430

Ah shit. I'm drunk

>> No.6136434

Silly anon, that's not wine, it's the blood of Christ.

>> No.6136439


>> No.6136446

There's a reason photographs and videos were invented.

And for anyone that's experienced it, you just KNOW when you had a good night. You wake up groggy, look around, maybe there's a girl in your bed and your room is filled with empty bottles or maybe you wake up alone. But either way there's this little ticking feeling inside of you saying you did well.

Experienced drinkers understand the phrase "Know your limit".

To most people it means the limit between in control and out of control. But, to the john bonham's of the world the limit is between drunk and blackout drunk.

It's like the way a good chef knows *just* how to season his dishes. They are delicious but not overly seasoned.

>> No.6136450

You do realise people very rarely black out, right? I've only done it once in my whole life.

>> No.6136465

i used to do it every time i drank. you'd wake up with nasty messages from people cuz you drunk dialed them

>> No.6136481

Spotted the social drinker.

As an alcoholic, passing out is inevitable. Don't become an alcoholic.
Also, many young people pass out from overconsumption while experimenting with their tollerance levels.

It happens.

>> No.6136519

As an alcoholic, I do it pretty much literally every single time I drink. Barely remember a damn thing.

>> No.6136522

Passing out isn't blacking out. The fact that you don't know that is a pretty clear sign that you're a full-of-shit 16-year-old.

>> No.6136535
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We got a casual here folks.

I guess that makes me a weekend warrior LOL

anyway cheers all

>> No.6136541

I have watched things on netflix, cooked things, broken things, downloaded things etc. that I have zero memory of

It is pretty rare to lose an entire night, but there are often huge gaps when I get drunk. But I'm an raging alcohol and surely have neurological damage too

>> No.6136545

>I have watched things on netflix, cooked things, broken things, downloaded things etc. that I have zero memory of
I know that feel.

>> No.6136548

So I may have read your first comment wrong. I thought you meant "blacking out" as in "seeing black". Menaing "eyes closed". Which happens when you pass out.

But whatever. If you thought I was insulting you by describing you as a "social drinker" then I find that pretty fucking hillarious. Enjoy your aspirations of becoming a full blown alcoholic like your rock star idols.


>> No.6136551


If you drink enough the two begin to merge and become indistinguishable. Since you're drinking constantly, every time you sleep is technically passing out, and you're always pushing that limit between drunk and blackout. I would hardly ever remember the events leading up to sleeping, it just depended whether it was minutes or hours, and medically it's pretty much always a blackout.

>> No.6136554
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>been on antibiotics for two weeks
>haven't had one drink

Feels so fucking bad, man.

>> No.6136555

Take this opportunity and never look back, man. Don't come back to alcohol, it's not worth it.

>> No.6136565

In my case even after 2 boxes of wine and couple of beers i have still certain control and i can remember what i did. Is it normal? I wish i could erase/blackout for a while to relief myself from my shitty existence once in a while. Btw im drunk now.

>> No.6136566

There is booze all over the house, it doesn't make it easier. My family enjoys drinking and they have drinks with dinner and it gets me fucking itchy.

>> No.6136568

I know the feeling. My family actually recently quit drinking just to help me. I couldn't say no to quitting for a second after that. Good luck, buddy.

>> No.6136569

Keep on keeping on brother. I narrowly avoided a drinking problem in the oil field because I got savvy early and found another job.

>working 300-400 hours a month
>lose all my friends and hobbies because all I do is work
>actually get days off for once
>just sit on the couch doing nothing because I'm don't know what to do with free time all of a sudden
>start drinking
>days off turn into week long binge
>eventually booze choice went from beer to wine because I could drink more wine for less money
>oh shit nigga what am I doing with my life

>> No.6136574

thats why you dont start start addictions in the first place. dont mean to be a hindsighter buddy, but seriously, it boggles my mind that people would even want to drink.

once youre addicted to something - that itch wll be with you until the day you do. oh well, guess its an exercise in self-control for ya.

good luck.

>> No.6136582

>it boggles my mind that people would even want to drink

Have you ever had a drink?

>> No.6136593
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Not the other guy involved in the argument, but i'd like to point out some perspective.

First off, I've never heard the term "seeing black", so that must be a regional thing. Throughout north america the term "blacking out" means to be drunk enough that you are completely out of control, and you remember nothing of your "blacked out" state hence the name. During this state the id is in full control. You're basic, but with less motor control.

Anyway its completely likely that the kid who made the comment that upset was a totally different guy.

Even if it was the same guy, he was just insulting you because you didnt understand his local colloquialisms.

Nothing to get mad over lol. Lets all settle down and have a brew.

>> No.6136594

nope, do you lack reading comp? anyway id explain the logic behind the lifestyle, but itd be lost on alcoholics, no offence.

>> No.6136595
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>it boggles my mind that people would even want to drink.
It used to perplex me too, I was pretty much straight edge until I was 22. On my fathers side of the family everyone is an alcoholic, so it was a really ugly vice that I never imagined doing.

But then I got a really stressful job (line cook), and everyone I worked with would go out and get drunk after work. I pretty much became an alcoholic overnight. I've always had terrible anxiety so it seemed like a miracle that I could relax around people.

10 years later and I haven't enjoyed it in a long time

>> No.6136597

really need to quit. Or at least switch my mixer. Turn 30 on tuesday, and since I turned 21 on every wednesday I buy one of those large bottles of bottom shelf rum for 12 bucks, 1.25L I think? Basically a little more than 2 5ths. Anyway I drink half of it and 2 liter of diet coke. Finish it with another 2 liter on saturday.

Start about 10PM and drink rum and coke until 10AM when I eat something and go to bed. However lately my heart has been racing when I go to bed, not sure how I even fall asleep, counted 120BPM this morning. And then the next day I'm just completely exhausted. I don't really get hangovers anymore, but I just don't have the energy to do anything and my heart is still going pretty fast, counting at over 100BPM right now.

Gotta quit or I'm going to give myself a heart attack I think, or something.

>> No.6136598

fuck off nerd, go stir the pot elsewhere.

>> No.6136603
File: 15 KB, 250x238, goofyisconfused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, a mormon? People drink because it can take some of the stress off their lives, and unfortunately some get too attached to it. It's a crutch, but an easily understandable one if you've had a drink and enjoyed it.

You on the other hand have no experience with it, so why should your opinion be valid?

>> No.6136609

thats alcohol withdrawal.

if you feel your BPM go up really really high, you need to go to a detox facility. its dangerous, alcohol withdrawal will kill you.

>> No.6136613

sorry you strayed - the addiction is hardwired in you now.

but as the saying goes "better a sober alcoholic than a self-defeating one."

go to your local AA, get non-alcoholic and recoveting friends, phase out non-supportive or enabling friends, and definitely stay clear of the bar scene.

>> No.6136616

why would you recommend anyone go to AA

it has been proven to be as successful as quitting cold turkey with no support.

please refrain from giving people blatantly wrong advice.

>> No.6136618
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Opinion discarded.

>> No.6136627
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no experience with it? buddy ive had more experience with it than you have awkward goofy reaction images. my dads a smoker and a gambler, my moms an alcoholic.

ive seen the evils of alcoholism, and the bloods on everyones hands who supports the industry.

as for taking the stress off, its more like filling a hot glass cup with ice cold water. is it really taking the stress off, or is it a false solution with the potential to explode with extreme kinetic force?

god bless,
TJ Lats
(and no, not morman, christian yes but my faith is hard defined)

>> No.6136633

you dont belong on 4chan. go away.

>> No.6136635

Found the teetotaler. Don't you have a Temperance Society meeting to attend?

>> No.6136637
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>> No.6136642

I think you took a wrong turn. The places you were looking for were


>> No.6136645

Honest question from one drunk to another, does anyone have enough resistance even blacked out to not text/call people blacked out?

I've blacked out a couple of times, and only the first time I blacked out I did (really) stupid shit like call my ex or camp out in her door begging for me to take her back (5 years ago).

>> No.6136648

anything with a christian backbone will obviously be more effective than the alternative. theyre in the mess theyre in because of their indulgence of the satanic principle of self - what makes you think that they'll be freed without god lulling him back with his song of the sea?

>> No.6136652

God dude, talking to people when you're not yourself is the fucking worst. I can't look at those conversations anymore due to how horrifically cringe-worthy they are. It's like I'm looking at a completely different person.

>> No.6136653

please take your medication.

>> No.6136657

I've never drunk called/texted anyone in my life, thankfully.

But I chat people up in online games when I'm drunk, which I guess is a social retard equivalent.

>> No.6136659
File: 83 KB, 960x544, 2014-05-04-220956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, although i do use both of those - tumblr for sharing my original drawings and reddit for short stories although those are published under a different pseudonym.

>> No.6136660
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>> No.6136661

Pretty sure he's just baiting. Best to ignore.

>> No.6136663

New Year's Resolution time. Gotta track the progress of keeping those Resolutions.

>a little over $100.
Honestly, holy shitballs. I don't drink US$100 worth of alcoholic beverages in two or three months. I don't know how you people survive doing that. Not financially, I mean how does your liver not just rip itself loose and go walking down the street singing "Ain't Gonna Metabolize Ethanol No Mo'"?

>> No.6136667

uh-huh, the go to discredition tactic for the parasite masses. as if your words even mean anything?

"oh, hes trolling"
"haha how high are you"
"forget to take your medication?"

maybe if all of you refused the medication of the common perception youd see the truth as god intended.

>> No.6136669

r u a grill?

>> No.6136671

Dude, it's even worse with the advent of snapchat and shit. You have no concrete connections to what you sent.

I've definitely done the latter, but I think blasted me understood the embarrassment and damage of doing the former.

It still is a fear I have though, to find out I snapped my dick to a meh chick that I had a thing for mainly because I was lonely.

The game is even harder now because I have coworkers on my feed now too.

>> No.6136673

Biglaw associate? Either that or programmer are my guesses.

>> No.6136677

I had a saying that a friend who smoked 2 packs a day told me.

"You can be poor as all hell and still have money aside for cigarettes"

I've always attributed that to any other vices, and it shows that people will feed into their destructiveness despite a lack of money.

>> No.6136680

I haven't had a job in a year and I'm living off my savings. I still get drunk every day.

Imagining the day I run out of money fills me with so much dread I have to go get drunk again.

>> No.6136688

>the term "blacking out" means to be drunk enough that you are completely out of control, and you remember nothing of your "blacked out" state
I'm the guy you're responding to and now as I read it I dont see the 'black out' phase as a present state of intoxication. I see it as a hindsight description of a loss of memory (specifically, killed braincells). Meaning that you don't reach a point of intoxication where you recognise the black out phase.
>I'm so drunk I'm blackout out right now
Doesn't happen. What happens is:
>I was so drunk last night that I'm blacking out now and can't remember what I did

But whatever. It's really not that important.

>If you drink enough the two begin to merge and become indistinguishable.
This is how it was for me. I even used to try and guess which room of the house I'd wake up in the next day. Which was pretty pointless because I could never remember my guess and didn't care enough to write it down.

>> No.6136689

Considering you aren't stressing out now, that day seems rather far away.

>> No.6136694

How do you know he's not?

>> No.6136700

Oops wrong person

>> No.6136705

Because he's not "imagining the day I run out of money"

Either he has incredibly poor foresight, or he's got a nice savings going on.

>> No.6136722
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As a sober alcoholic I endorse this product or service.

>> No.6136746

Yeah sadly my main thing is convenience. I won't work out if I've been drinking, and I don't mind working out, EXCEPT that I have to walk to the bus, then take the bus to the gym, wait on machines, and then wait for the bus and take it back and walk home. All-in-all it's just a huge hassle to work out every day.

SO this weekend I bought an exercise bike off Craigslist for my apt, and now I can do cardio while watching TV/movies without having to go anywhere. It is amazing. I am getting in shape for this upcoming tennis tournament (although it sucks because I tore my delt last week and I can't do anything with my right are), but at least I can stay in shape. I'm drinking tonight because the Packers won, but so far having this bike in front of my TV has been amazing.

>> No.6136748



>> No.6136753
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Anyways my point is that now that I can work out every day at my own convenience, I have no problem putting on a Netflix movie and working out for 1.5 hours. Plus I only drink beer (never liquor) which is bad for my gut but I'm ready to turn this thing around!

Really the only thing that sucks right now is my extremely painful shoulder injury.

>> No.6136754


this is now an exercise bike thread

>> No.6136757


Sure why not, or maybe? I don't care. But I love it.

>> No.6136974

shut up really

>> No.6137262

>there is another alcoholic at work
>he has not been at work since before new year, off sick
>he was in today
>smelled like whiskey
>claimed to be "back to normal" this morning
>at lunch he turns yellow and voms in the sink
>goes down to the floor after
>can barely stand up
>shaking violently
>someone has taken him home now

I think he might have liver cirrhosis :/

>tfw think I'll try to quit drinking again after seeing this

>> No.6137579
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>havent had a drink in 3 months
>only stopped drinking to max my pt score for army to get promoted
>after april 18th im killing a bottle of Alimov
>this tolerance break is gonna be bitchin once it ends

>> No.6137702

>spending 100 dollars on booze a week

geez, i thought spending 17 dollars on 1.75L of whiskey a week was bad

>> No.6137719


Getting drunk =/= blackout drunk

>> No.6137736

Im actually raging, well done m8

>> No.6137765
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I don't know what I'd do without these threads. You guys are literally the only ones I have to talk to about this shit who actually understand the hell.

>> No.6137999

You write like a fucking drunk though.

>> No.6138009

I'm really trying to stop drinking. It's ruining my life. But god damn, nothing is more fun for me than getting tipsy and playing online video games. I get all talky and aggressive.

>> No.6138019

I hate you OP. You are doing everything I want to do.


>> No.6138031

b8 confirmed

>> No.6138183

I'm not addicted to drinking at all, but it hurts my soul to think of all the lost gains afterwards ;__;

>> No.6138213

>t...tfw sempai will never shit in my m-mouth...

>> No.6138347

You know AA exists right?It's full of people just like the people in this thread.

>> No.6138372


i don't know about other people but i don't really enjoy getting drunk and blacking out. but if i'm at the right level up tipsy, i turn from socially anxious stuttering wreck to charismatic, happy, focused...sometimes even manic. also i can go from deflated and ruminating and kinda numb to elated and feeling and experiencing everything. basically i feel alive lol. i prefer to remember the night though.

>> No.6138432

Is there medication they can give you to help with those insanely intense non-stop nightmares from withdrawals? Getting real tired of being unable to sleep and waking up drenched in sweat literally every time I close my eyes.

>> No.6138435


um... are you sure you guys are alcoholics and not just problem drinkers? as an alcoholic i basically need to have booze in my system constantly or i'm a wreck but as long as it's just a buzz i'm good, and tipsy can be fun but nowadays i'm starting to have trouble actually feeling any positive effects, it's just normal

>> No.6138441

I've been blacked out drunk just about every single night for over six years. Get withdrawals when I have nothing in me but I can't drink for work. I hate fags who think they're "more alcoholic" than other people. Jesus.

>> No.6138464

>"are you SURE you're not actually an alcoholic because your issue isn't exactly like mine?"
found the faggot

jesus, what's with the amount of faggotry in this thread compared to other a/ck/ threads? normally they're so goddamn chill

>> No.6138488


jeez you're the one who needs to chill out

i know tons of people who undermine the reality of the disease because they think drinking too much at parties sometimes and blacking out means they're alcoholics. they use the term way too flippantly.

meanwhile people who think like that and people who listen to them don't know what alcoholism actually is. maybe you have the opposite experience where people act all smug (like you're doing honestly) on the opposite end of the spectrum. but ultimately don't be telling people to chill when you can't even do so yourself

>> No.6138509


also i asked "are you sure?" i didn't go on a tirade.

>> No.6138521


To be fair, there are definitely different degrees of addiction. I've been getting drunk everyday for the past 5 years and all I get is a bit of a heightened heart rate when I wake up. I don't fiend for it at work, it just happens to be there when I get home so I drink.

Few days ago, some dude posted a tv episode about this guy that got driven by his grandpa to spend his 10$ daily allowance on pints of vodka and started chugging it as soon as he got in the car.

It's not exactly the same dynamic

>> No.6138532

No, but in the end it's still there and shouldn't be taken lightly just because you may or may not be fucking up every aspect of your life and everyone elses life around you. That's just ridiculous.

Alcoholism is still alcoholism, and it differs from person to person. Believe me, I've known some fucking crazy drunks who are/were(now dead) FAR worse than me, but that doesn't make my alcoholism any less real, and the health and family/friend repercussions that have been going along with it all these years. To go into a thread and tell a bunch of people who have barely disclosed any details about their life that they might not be alcoholics is a little stupid and unwarranted. That's just my opinion, anyway.

>> No.6138537


work is the best time to drink man, haha. makes everything nice and easy.

>> No.6138539

Fair enough, but I've seen enough crazy stories in these threads to believe a lot of people here recognize that they are in fact actual alcoholics.

>> No.6138540



i was not trying to undermine your struggle. but there is a clinically defined difference.

>> No.6138547


wrong link lol hold up


but yeah when it gets down to it, they're just labels. everyone is different and some people have ebbs and flows throughout a lifetime of struggling of alc too.

>> No.6138563

Yeah, I'm not saying there may not be some people in these threads who aren't binge drinkers (which is still a struggle in its own). I don't know how often you come around here, but most stories I've read are daily home drinkers who absolutely despise alcohol and wish they could stop.

I agree I jumped the gun a little bit with your first post, but it's not uncommon for people to come around here and say shit like "Just stop" or that we weren't actually alcoholics, or people trying to one up others with how bad their alcoholism is. Gets a little tiring having to defend something you struggle with every minute of your life, you know?

Then again it is 4chan, and you should probably ignore bullshit. Easy to get drunks riled up sometimes though lol.

>> No.6138615

>drinking $100 a week
Damn son, was it expensive stuff or just a hell of a lot of cheap crap? If the latter, you probably made a good choice.

>> No.6138621

Not the guy you're replying to, but I think you hit the nail on the head with that last sentence. Bottom line is, it's useless to give a shit about what anyone in here might think. You know what your relationship to alcohol is. That's it.. You can accuse me of being a crossdressing CIA agent and it won't change anything either.

I'm just glad I'm still able to dial it back once in a while without negative repercussions.

>> No.6138630

Am I supposed to black out after, say, a 375 mL bottle of whiskey? That's never happened to me.

>> No.6138649

Depends entirely on the individual and the amount/time frame.

>> No.6138659

high jej
Even if you banned alcohol production, people would just huff jenk m8

>> No.6138671

>raking dirt
>not washing rocks

>> No.6138880
File: 1.05 MB, 1456x2592, tmp_7365-IMG_20150112_211625944_HDR-227659537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sipping on old overholt, not gonna cost much.