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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6122983 No.6122983 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most useless appliance and why is it a toaster?

>> No.6122993
File: 154 KB, 1181x1181, sandwich clam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering letting my live in the kitchen again

>> No.6122997

how else would you prepare toast and, more importantly, somewhat stale bread.

seriously. somewhat stale bread out of a toaster is the state every bread should aspire to be in.

then again, i'm german, my relationship to bread might be a bit different than the rest of the world's.

>> No.6122999

I'm thinking of getting a toaster oven to replace my toaster and my microwave.

>> No.6123008

Honestly, unless you are are seriously cooking rice 3 times a day: A rice cooker.

Otherwise I'd say one of those stupid as seen on TV "infrared" countertop convection cookers. But nobody actually owns those.

>> No.6123009

Oven grill, or are ovens banned in Germany after WW2?

>> No.6123015

i think my oven uses much more energy than my toaster plus it takes a lot longer to heat.

>> No.6123018

I have a toaster and I use it a couple of times a year. It's convenient

I also have a rice cooker that I use every day, but I still don't knock people with toasters because honestly they don't take up all that much space

This >>6122993
is one of the most useless things ever. That and electric woks. Fuck electric woks.

>> No.6123019

Yeah but I think OP's point is toasters take up a bit of space and only really have one purpose.

>> No.6123022
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there's definitely more useless one-purpose-appliances out there though.

>> No.6123025

Electric crepe makers

Yeah, I love crepes. You can also make them on a nonstick pan just fine. I don't waste storage space with a waffle iron, but at least a waffle iron you literally can't make waffles without.

>> No.6123026

I don't speak hitler, what is it?

>> No.6123031

Toasters are useful for making toast. I have toast pretty much everyday, and I'm not normally in a state to do much more than slot bread into a hole in the morning.

>> No.6123032

an egg boiler.

the only wikipedia articles on it are in german, dutch and luxembourgish, so i'm guessing nobody outside germanic countries has heard of that.

>> No.6123034


How is it useless? It hardcooks eggs perfectly. I can see any number of reasons why someone would use that regularly.

>> No.6123036

this reminds me of a toy I had. Egg shaped figures that sat in a spaceship with clear dome cockpit lid

>> No.6123038


You can boil eggs in a pot of water, and you literally don't even have to clean the pot.

>> No.6123039
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but it's pretty easy to boil eggs in a pot. i grew up with one of those and i still think they are useless. if you really need an appliance to hold your hand while boiling your eggs, pic related takes up less space in your kitchen.

>> No.6123045

>boiling eggs and not steaming them

no wonder you guys think you need an appliance

>> No.6123046

that appliance actually does steam them.

>> No.6123050


dirty nigga wash yo pots when u cook

>errything smell like old egg in yo house

>> No.6123051


>Implying you can't get still get delicious runny yolk by softboiling them

>> No.6123054

>implying you've ever even seen a fresh egg

you have to age eggs for like a month if you're going to boil them

>> No.6123055
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Really depends on your food habits, for example i eat a lot of bread so a toaster is very usefull , while a rice cooker I don't need since i eat rice like once a week

>> No.6123057


>> No.6123060

Most useless kitchen appliance? Definitely the banana slicer. But it makes for hilarious internet reviews.


>> No.6123064

does it sing or something?

>> No.6123067
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gimmick appliances

>> No.6123073

i guess there are different versions, the one i know from a friend plays three different songs indicating different levels of doneness (soft, medium, hard). you store it with the eggs in the fridge.

>> No.6123076


>> No.6123097

waffle irons are pretty useless

>> No.6123106 [DELETED] 

Hello everyone. I got a tripcode! I'm the food truck Phd as some of you know. Just acquainting myself with the board so you all know who I am.

Anyways... I think a toaster is useful if you eat a lot of toast, bagels, and the like. I think it is okay to use the Toaster Oven if you don't have much space, and this is actually what I do. I think there are obviously a lot of gimmicky appliances you see on TV that are for the extremely lazy

>> No.6123108 [DELETED] 

Post dick

>> No.6123114 [DELETED] 

Please jump into the nearest river and don't hold your breath until your lungs are filled with water

>> No.6123122 [DELETED] 

please kill yourself. rambling old guy is the only one true /ck/ savior.

>> No.6123125 [DELETED] 

and once again a tripfag adds nothing of value to any discussion.

>> No.6123128

Except me because my step dad got one for free, it does its job

>> No.6123163

Oh wow. I need more reviews of useless products.

>> No.6123175
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>> No.6123257

>only really have one purpose
does no one else cook hamburger patties in their toaster?

>> No.6123291

Even if it fully cooked the patty, I imagine it would make the toaster smell bad.

>> No.6123298


>> No.6123299
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>> No.6123309
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This is everything I want in life. Please tell me this is a real product.

>> No.6123320

Nah, it's just a joke box from The Onion. You can find them on amazon.

>> No.6123333 [DELETED] 

Hey alright! It's this fuckin guy! How's the anti lunch truck quest going? Although I hate you for being such an assmad faggot for start I g shit with the city over getting the wrong order, I really am interested to hear how it goes. I can't believe you really got a trip, I was the one who told you to do it last week or something

>> No.6124524

>"makes a square egg"

>> No.6124548

all those fucking crumbs on the keyboard

>> No.6124549

Kill yourself.

>> No.6124563

What about it?
Toasters are in nearly every home. This egg thing isn't part of the question.

>> No.6124573

it's either toaster or rice cooker, both are useless

>> No.6124583

I'm not sure if I used mine yet in 2015 but I haven't used a blender either, I'm still keeping them.
Good toasted bagel once a a month and it earns it's keep I reckon

>> No.6124586

I used my rice cooker to make orzo pasta last night

>> No.6124621
File: 489 KB, 1024x1536, DSCN2322a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandwich toasters are fucking boss. I use mine all the time. Just about any left over can be made awesome again my encapsulating it in crispy buttery toast in one of those things. You can make an toasted egg sandwich and a pancake in the same device at the same time.

>> No.6124624


Yeah, but you can do that with a plain ol frying pan. No need to buy anything special for it.

>> No.6124625

Rice cooker? Nah. It's nice not to have to waste burner space and a larger pot on rice. Plus, the rice is perfectly steamed.

>> No.6124628
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what drives me crazy is that when I only want one piece of toast I end up having to throw the other piece away.

>> No.6124629
File: 711 KB, 1024x2296, DSCN2349a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sandwich toaster seals up the sides of the sandwich so the contents don't fall out. They become little pockets of food. It is pretty nice actually.

>> No.6124636
File: 27 KB, 500x500, health-hand-blender2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, my dad got me one like 3 years ago and I haven't used it once. Probably because whenever I need to blend something, it's a big-ass portion and I just use my regular blender.

>> No.6124637

How did it come out?

>> No.6124641

What I'm making eggs I'll just throw some bread on the pan and make it that way instead of using a toaster. What is wrong with this?

>> No.6124648

Nothing, but if you have a big breakfast going you may need that pan for something else at the same time. You can put a toaster on top of a fridge for all it matters while it makes toast.

It won't taste as good and the texture will be different though.

>> No.6124662

A stick blender will blend a big portion easier than a regular blender.
If your boiling up soup in a big ass pot just use stick blender in there, less washing up, no need to transfer soup from pot to big blender.

>> No.6124729
File: 207 KB, 640x844, eggcooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6124736
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>> No.6124766
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>> No.6124774

Yep, I use mine all the time. Cook up a soup, blend it once all the ingredients have gone to mush, cook a bit more and done, all in the same pot. you can omit stuff you don't want blended at the start if you want.

Incidentally there's no point in getting a slow cooker, or a rice cooker. A pressure cooker can do the same thing as well as pressure cook.

>> No.6124777

Electric can opener. Unless you have severe arthritis I don't see the point.

>> No.6124780

>no thermomix

Step it up fags. $2000 for a thing that does normal things but with slightly less mess

>> No.6124786

underrated post

>> No.6125507

Kettles take up space and only really have one purpose.

You can boil water on the hob

>> No.6125516
File: 62 KB, 600x600, 13-040-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone convince me not to get a waffle iron ?

I make oat pancakes most days for breakfast. and thought I could just dump the batter into one and make delicious waffles

Am i wrong ?

>> No.6125535

They're a pain in the ass to clean.

>> No.6125541


But removable plates though ?

>> No.6125551

>rice in a sandwich

>> No.6125637
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>or are ovens banned in Germany after WW2?

>> No.6125651
File: 48 KB, 350x333, oh shit dats funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy bitching that it curves the wrong way

>> No.6125665

u chatting shit about me kettle m8?

>> No.6125669

>Make up to 4 pieces of toast in 30 minutes!

>> No.6125702

don't know if your still here but my dad has with changeable plates so it can be a sandwich press and a flat top for pancakes.

he uses it all the time because the plates take up less room in a dishwasher

>> No.6125706

that's what tortillas or pitas are for

>> No.6125720
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>In a city of a thousand bananas there is always a story
That's fucking beautiful.

>> No.6125721

oh my fucking god I hate unitaskers
my gf got like 1000 of them from her mother and I hate all of them except the sandwich maker.

>> No.6125741

Get a cast iron food press and a grooved cast iron pan.
Pressed and toasted sandwich possibilities increased massively, and not limited to sandwiches, takes up less space, most likely much easier to clean, and extremely durable.
Not dissing the end product, just the machine, which is ridiculous.

>> No.6125757

I like these things a lot but I can't justify buying one with the lack of space in my shitty bachelor apartment kitchen. Maybe when I get a bigger apartment.

Goddamn, now I really want to try and make pancakes it in.

>fill with fruit compote
>delicious as fuck

I once saw some magazine making fun of egg slicers, but I grew up with one always in the kitchen. It makes adorable perfect egg slices and I eat hardboiled eggs enough to actually get decent use out of it.

>> No.6125790
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>> No.6125847

What other things can you cook with a sandwich press?

Do you know which one it is? I want to check it out.

>> No.6125922

Here ya go, not kitchen related but still

>> No.6125944
File: 19 KB, 667x456, talkie-toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[toasters] only really have one purpose.

Toaster: Howdy doodly do. How's it going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?
Lister: Look, I don't want any toast, and he doesn't want any toast. In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. No toast.
Toaster: How 'bout a muffin?
Lister: Or muffins. Or muffins. We don't like muffins around here. We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely...no smegging flapjacks.
Toaster: Aah, so you're a waffle man!

>> No.6126329

I ended up finding the whole amazon section. Thanks though!

>> No.6126365

you just wipe them out after they cool. maybe scrape a little with a wood spoon.

>> No.6126920

You should see a doctor.

>> No.6126935

And you know that the toast from this thing is more like crispy stale bread,

>> No.6126944

Ever hear of a popcorn maker? you can't make a sandwich in it

>> No.6126950

garlic press

>> No.6126959

get fucked

>> No.6126960

>Edgemotron r9k up in here.
A rice cooker is immensely useful for space saving and helps cook easily. I save money by using it to cook rice and whatever to pair with it making multiple dinners and whatnot. So no not useless.

>> No.6126964

It's nice but useless. I mean it's nifty but with ingredient management and paying attention you can get amazing results without having to worry about food falling out

>> No.6126970

Get a good one. Don't go cheap. Otherwise, waffle irons are great investment.

>> No.6127028

I was going to buy that but then realized the best part of chopping garlic is the smell on your fingers for days. Mmmm.

>> No.6127082

What I want to know is why toaster dials go up to 10 when anything over like 4 is burnt inedible shit.

>> No.6127109

hahaahah hahaha oh ha

jeez, i actually lol'd at that

>> No.6127133

As sold by Billy Mays:

>> No.6127155
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>> No.6127162

>rape repellant for fat chicks

>> No.6127282

>implying they need it

>> No.6127287

most probably think they do

>> No.6128241

Hey, I use mine for steaming as well. S' okay.

>> No.6128323


I wish there were sandwich toasters with bigger cavities in them ... the ones I ever had were so thin ...

>> No.6128553

Lies. Kept chickens. Boiled eggs all the time. Tasted great. No aging required. Your bait is not as delicious.

>> No.6128574

I just really realized how completely useless muffin tins are. It's all about the cosmetic of the food which is kinda ridiculous when you think about it. I mean I know it's important but unless you are making those things once a week why on earth would one be in your cupboard? Just make muffin cookies and frost em all fancy.

>> No.6128595 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1000x667, Griddle-24-x72-Propane-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasters and clamshell grills. Pfffft.

I'm going to buy something like this soon. THIS is how you make grilled cheese, pancakes, bacon, sausage, burgers, eggs, etc. This plus my grill and smoker, and I can finally do all my cooking outside. Oh, and I'm going to need a new propane deep fryer.

>> No.6128834

I want to put my dick in it

>> No.6130526

They cost $20 and could be thrown away without remorse

>> No.6130934

>toaster to make toast
I thought toasters toast toast.

>> No.6132940

damn havent used one in well over a decade. would love one in my possession right now...

>> No.6132950

Flattops indeed motherfucker. Though the steel on that one should be a little thicker to help it keep a temperature should you need to cover the damned thing.

>400 cover night
>choke weak little charbroiler and flattop
>one of the cooler breaks

>> No.6132970
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I use my toaster more often than any other appliance. On some days I'll use the stove and/or the oven for dinner, sometimes I'll use the microwave for something, but every single morning I throw bread in the toaster because not only can I not fuck it up when I'm still basically asleep, but also because it only takes a couple of minutes which is about how much time I have for breakfast

>> No.6133573

the toaster toasts bread fagget

>> No.6133603


>> No.6133643

As odd as it is, I don't think I've used a rolling pin in years...

>> No.6133647

have you guys never heard of a toaster oven?

>> No.6133680

>made in China

Well shit...

>> No.6133911

Why are toasters useless?
Toast is good.

>> No.6133915
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Citrus press

>> No.6134826

You mean baguette?

>> No.6134831

i have not. what is it?

>> No.6135449

You don't make tortillas or sopapillas, do you?

>> No.6135567

I thought you were replying to

>> No.6135573
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Useless machines?

>> No.6135605
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>> No.6135647

Rice cooker's also good for soups and stews.

>> No.6135651

>They become little pockets of food
Little pockets of (technically) dairy based magma you mean, exploding violently over your face and chest.

>> No.6135658
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Instant boiling water

>> No.6135662

Bread baking machine

Gelato maker

Electric rotisserie

>mfw I own all of these and never use them

>> No.6135663
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>> No.6135670

Those suck.

Had been working in a large kitchen a few months where we had a small pump for dish soap built into the sink, I come home to my folks, see a familliar mini-tap on their new kitchen sink and go to work washing the dishes.

That was a fun christmas.

>> No.6135702

...would shatter that glass pitcher

>> No.6135732

an over the size of a toaster

>> No.6135738
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apparently not...