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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 261 KB, 1280x960, CuisineSouthAfrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6118777 No.6118777 [Reply] [Original]

Does Africa have any good cuisine? I feel like most discussion of foreign, as in foreign to American, food on /ck/ is focused around Europe and Asia. I would love to explore other country's foods.

>> No.6118781

Biltong is pretty fucking addictive

>> No.6118785
File: 588 KB, 494x603, 1418542569516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

africa is a pretty big country m8

>> No.6118797

I've tried Ethiopian which was pretty good. I worked with a few people from Cameroon and their meals they packed were mostly fish and potatoes.

>> No.6118809

Ethiopian is generally terrific, North African can be amazing, but I don't think Egyptian is that good (maybe I just don't like ful). Some African cuisines are abundantly vegetarian/vegan friendly, too, so that can be a bonus.

But you're right, we don't get a lot of African discussion, and the only experience I have is from my own city (not in Africa). Need to get some natives up in here saying what's what.

>> No.6118815

Egyptian and Moroccan cuisine are really good, tho they are usually denoted as middle easter, which could work both ways I guess. You are right in saying that they don't get enough love here in /ck/ but that's mainly because of the orientation of 4chan in general.

>> No.6118816

Africa is a really big country with lots of little states, similar to ours. Each state has its own specialities, similar to Chicago pizza, Texas Chili, etc.

Ghana HIV platter, South Africa Rape Ratatouille, and Somalian Machete Massacre Moussaka are pretty well known regional dishes.

>> No.6118819

threads get derailed if its not cheeseburgers n pizza
double the shitposting if its nigger-related

>> No.6118852

Ethiopian restaurants in poorer areas of my city are GOAT tier. Really cheap, tasty food with large portions. All the meat is cooked in butter and the vegetarian stuff is flavourful and spicy

>> No.6118854

I made an african peanut stew once. It was okay, sort of like a curry. I'll have to try it again sometime because i don't think the recipe i used was very good

>> No.6118867

+1 for egypt they can really do interesting things with chicken and lamb.

>> No.6118870

also morocco
tagines are surprisingly sophisticated

>> No.6118875
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>> No.6118877

africa? i think most of the country is just trying to escape famine. they'll quicky eat any source of nutrition they can find, with little thought into making it tasty.

just lots of gruel and pounded root vegetables, garnished some bush meat.

>> No.6118878 [DELETED] 

No because niggers don't know how to invent good things. They literally just throw their food on fire until it looks black.

>> No.6118884
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>> No.6118886

Moroccan cuisine is pretty good, but I'm not familiar with any subsaharan dishes.

Oh wait no, one, South-African Bobotie is pretty nice

>> No.6118887

If serious, you should seriously expand your world view. First hand, not reading more shit online.

>> No.6118888

My mum makes a peanut stew with various curry-like spices, onion, garlic, chilies, fresh turmeric root and ginger root as well as lamb or goat meat, potato, bell peppers and herby stuff. It's built on lamb-or-goat-tomato stock (usually lamb because she doesn't like goat much, but she's done it a few times with goat). The stock is made by boiling bones in tomato juice rather than water.
Well, "made," actually not "makes." She hasn't actually made it in years and years now, sadly. I made some last year, though, but since I don't have a ginormous cauldron like she used when I was growing up, I could only make a small amount. Mine's pretty good, but not as good as mum's.

The Horn and nearby countries each have great foods. I'm most familiar with Djiboutian and Eritrean stuff, though.

I hear that West Africa is pretty delicious, too. I don't tend to like North Coast African cuisine, though, and central Africa doesn't have food, lulz.
Malagasy cuisine is like a cross between Horn food and Southeast Asian, but very toned down. It's pretty delicious, too. Reetz (or however it's written; a type of dish similar to Indonesian rendang) is really, really good and Malagasy fried chicken is best fried chicken.

>> No.6118890

To be fair, white people built that city.

>> No.6118893

>Hur I can post a handful of industrialized cities in Africa that are controlled by foreigners anyway

>> No.6118897
File: 32 KB, 518x346, jollof-rice21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jollof Rice
West African
can be made with ingredients in season
I make with all many of meats
great one pot dish!
GOOGLE it silly

>> No.6118898

so you admit to being wrong and realize that there is relevant cuisine on a continent you never been to?
tought so.

>> No.6118912
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I spent a couple weeks in Morocco last year, and the food was very good. What was odd was that dining out is not so much of a thing there, so the more expensive restaurants generally sucked (from the handful I tried). The street food, the home cooking and the little joints near mosques or baths were where the good food was.

Tagines often land in a middle ground between Middle Eastern stews and curries, with lots of nuance and flavor. At night on the street one could get various grilled sausages. Merguez was a little expensive (and elusive), but smaller, similarly spiced sausages that obviously contained some organ meat were cheap, tasty and easily found. In the medina in Fez I found a guy making sandwiches of steamed veal head seasoned with cumin salt and hot pepper, and I pine for them to this day.

Simple plates of grilled/fried vegetables (peppers and eggplant) and nicely seasoned white kidney beans were available from little places neat mosques, and with a hunk of bread made for delicious (and cheap) lunches.

Best meals of the trip were a chicken tagine cooked by a Berber family in the Sahara desert, a meatball and egg tagine in tomato sauce at a little joint in Chefchaouen and everything I ate over several visits to Chez Thami in the Fez Medina (though his fish tagine really stands out).

If any of you make it to Fez I recommend eating at Chez Thami at least once. It's in front of the baths by the Blue Gate. Fucking delicious, cheap and right in the heart of the medina.

>> No.6118914

This was my first post in the thread (>>6118890).

I've technically been to Africa (Morocco) and live in a city with lots of good Ethiopian and other African food (Somalian, Rwandan, N. African, S. Africa).

I don't think Africa consists of mud people in huts, but perhaps posting a picture of a city built during the Apartheid by the Afrikaans isn't the best strategy for showing others the technical advancement of (black) Africa.

>> No.6118918
File: 198 KB, 612x612, gored gored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Africa have any good cuisine?

No OP, the entire continent with a population of 1.1 billion people, thousands of widely varying ethnicities, and hundreds of spices found nowhere else in the world is totally devoid of any good food.

>> No.6118923

lol'd hard

>> No.6118934

>hundreds of spices found nowhere else

shame africans are so unfriendly and abduct/kill white people on the spot.

we'll never get to explore those spices.

>> No.6118936

>No OP, the entire continent with a population of 1.1 billion people, thousands of widely varying ethnicities, and hundreds of spices found nowhere else in the world is totally devoid of any good food.

You wrote this in a sarcastic way buy I'm going to assume you meant it literally.

>> No.6118939


>> No.6118956

This reminds me of a post I saw once

>white people spend hundreds of year invading other countries for spices
>haven't used a single one since

>> No.6118961

>africans are so unfriendly
Depends on where you go. Stay the fuck away from places where there's conflict or racial/tribal/religious tensions and you'll find Africans are as friendly (or even a little friendlier) than most people. But the legacy of colonialism pretty much assures there will be tensions and fighting there for generations to come.

Of course it's that very sometimes uneasy mix of cultural influences that makes some of the food there so good. I don't care how poor you are, when you have spices and a wealth of traditions guiding your cooking you are very likely to make excellent food.

>> No.6118962
File: 376 KB, 1280x960, bushmeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best there is.

>> No.6118991

>the legacy of colonialism
Spare us the pious PC bullshit.

>> No.6118992

I feel like this is the only guy who actually knows that Africa is not a country. It is a fucking continent people not a country.

Could you all please stop.

>> No.6119001

Aww the /pol/ babby is mad. Sir kindly go back sucking the kkk's dick. Good day sir!

>> No.6119013

read a book faggot

>> No.6119018

>dat pic
Moroccan cuisine gets a lot of praise. Quite frankly, I don't like much of their food as it's a bit too sweet for my tastes, but dat mkaouara is lookin' mighty fine, yessirree.

>> No.6119024
File: 35 KB, 555x369, bobotie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bobotie stuff is really good

>> No.6119036
File: 39 KB, 460x250, jollof-Nigerian-ways-460x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Britain but I'm mixed race. My grandma is Nigerian and she cooks the best meal which is Jollof rice and chicken. It's actually the best rice I've ever had, it's spicy and moreish. Not to mention plantain is fucking delicious

>Pic related, fucking great.

>> No.6119047
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get this with fries

>> No.6119048
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>> No.6119051

Moroccan food is rockin'

>> No.6119059
File: 103 KB, 750x500, couscous-marocain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most ppl fuck this dish up

>> No.6119067

I didn't start injecting /pol/ crap into a foodie thread.

I guess you blame northern Ireland for being fup duck on the Great Potato Famine, then. The Marxist 1960's 'anti-imperialist' crock of shit is what dominates current textbooks, and it's still a crock. Tribal societies are violent shitholes the world over. Deal.

Now then; back to *food.* What variety of rice does Gramma use? I was under the impression they used mostly Indian ones like Basmati.

>> No.6119069
File: 66 KB, 600x450, tajine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with or without egg? ur choice

>> No.6119072
File: 6 KB, 300x181, bocadillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we dont have subway but our sandwich has fries
checkmate western world

>> No.6119076


Honestly I have no idea, I need to get that recipe before she dies. I think it's just long grain rice but the main thing that creates the flavour is that it is parboiled and then boiled in a spicy tomato stew.

>> No.6119077
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>> No.6119078

>I need to get that recipe before she dies
Yes you do. And then you need to post it here.

>> No.6119118


Ethiopian and Moroccan are both awesome

>> No.6119122

What the fuck are you talking about? Randomly draw borders in lands shared by a variety of people, and drag them into an economic system where they compete at a great disadvantage and have to play by rules they had no part in establishing and guess what you set things up for? Generations of fucking conflict. Same shit in the Middle East, and to a lesser degree Central and South America. I understand it's difficult when history flies in the face of your ideology. Just ignore inconvenient facts and you'll be fine back in /pol/, where you belong.

Moroccan food does end up over rated I think. The French are particularly guilty of this, but it's understandable - it's the one "spicy" cuisine they understand. The Dutch are the same way about Indonesian, the English about Indian and the Americans about Mexican. Remember Morocco is a tiny country, too. So even though most of the food breaks down along the lines of salads, couscous, tagines and kebabs the fact that they manage to have the nuance and variety they do is pretty good. For what it is it's great, but after two weeks I was very excited to get back to the food in Andalusia, Spain.

The standout dishes were world class, though.

>> No.6119142

Sup Denver?

>> No.6119144


Part of me wants to say go back to /k/ you tripfag. The other part says, you're right. I would love to see some Rhodesian recipes to make while I cook in my Rhodesian Camo.

>> No.6119303
File: 228 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father is from the Gambia, domada is the cash.

>3 dalasi tomato paste
>5 dalasi peanut butter
>1 or 2 bitter tomatoes
>8 Magi cubes
>3 onions
>3 bulbs garlic
>any vegetables in season
>meat if animal has been killed in the village that week


>> No.6119314
File: 957 KB, 1224x1632, rhodesian cook book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and ye shall receive.

>> No.6119319

that looks really good

>> No.6119325

What's a dalasi? What's magi? Stop being a cryptic hipster and give us the RECIPE, goddamit.

>> No.6119330

I'd like to apologize for all the college level replies.
We're not all simple minded here.

>> No.6119347
File: 42 KB, 203x314, Maggi_Bouillon_Ckn_Jan2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just googled it, my mother doesn't make it correctly either. Dalasi us a unit of currency, which I don't know why it's used here.

You've never heard of magi? They sell this stuff in 'Murrica you know. Had a bottle too until my mom threw it away.

Anyway, if I were to bullshit my way through it I'd saute some onions meat, and garlic, add diced tomatos, then peanut butter and tomato paste. Let it stew preferably until the meat is super tender, then serve over rice.

>> No.6119363

That's cool. So you're father is the Gambian. Is your mother the Gambian, too, or is the Congolese? I have some friends who are the Ukrainian, also.
>i can't think of any other countries where people put 'the' before the name
Why do people do that, by the way? Is it part of the name in English or something? It's kinda funny.

Nice pic, by the way. Would eat. 10/10.

>> No.6119368

>you're father
>your father

>> No.6119375


No idea why. I've heard it both ways. My father, my mother is an African American who was in the peace corps. Last time I checked my father owns like a hotel or something, I was considering visiting when I have got the money to blow since the exchange rates are pretty crazy. full meals and alcohol for under $4 a day? Of course the fancier stuff cost a bit more, but I digress.

>> No.6119382

One of the national foods of Togo is dirt

>> No.6119387

I've had plenty of N. African food and some Ethiopian food. The Ethiopian food I had was very good, but I have no idea about overall cuisine. N. African cuisine is very diverse and interesting. There are Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influences that I think many yuros and clapis can relate to.

>> No.6119399
File: 92 KB, 960x543, 10505472_10202847364280244_3846885983726570598_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently spent 6 weeks in Uganda and Rwanda, and yes, the food is fantastic. I lived with local families, so I was eating very traditional meals.

Rwandan food was much more plain that Ugandan. Most nights my host family would make just rice and beans, but they always had this chili oil that was dangerously spicy and unimaginably flavorful. Most restaurants are buffet style, and the buffets would include fresh fruit, (pineapple, watermelon, bananas, mango), sliced vegetables (red peppers, cucumbers, carrots), white rice, red beans, various stwes made with vegetables and beef, goat, or chicken, posho (ugali), cassava root, and fried potatoes (a crowd pleaser). In Rwanda you are much more likely to find western restaurants and western food. One night I went to an italian restaurant and got some of the best lasagna I've ever had.

Ugandan food was absolutely delightful. Although it was available in both countries, I found much more chipati in Uganda, which is a simple flour and water bread that's cooked in vegetable oil. Omlettes (eggs with onions and peppers) were also very popular as breakfast or as an afternoon snack to be eaten with tea. Rolex was AMAZING. It's basically a mixture of chipati and an omelette. Avocados were very popular, and I even had guacamole a number of times. Fish was more prevalent here as well, and it was often dried, which I did not like much. Groundnuts (peanuts) were a huge staple in their diets and the often made stews and sauces (like homemade peanut butter-YUM) with it. You wouldn't think that peanut fish stew would be good, but it's really quite good. Matooke (boiled, mashed green bananas), cabbage, and potatoes (irish and sweet) were also common. My favorite meal was this wrap-like lunch I had. This wonderful woman used chipati as a wrap and put an omelet and sliced avocado inside. It was simple, but so fresh. I also had tangerine/avocado juice which was to die for.

>> No.6119405
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>eating clocks

>> No.6119411


I'd love to open up a chain of African themed hotels and call them "Hotel Rwanda."

The big debate for me is if they would have a built in restaurant included with them or not.

If only a had the start up capital...

>> No.6119728

Fuck off

>> No.6119754
File: 29 KB, 550x412, manioc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manioc breakfast
Manioc supper
manioc snak

>> No.6119810

I've lived with 2 different African guys from Nigeria, and Togo
All they ever cooked was the same tomato based lamb/chicken stew with rice

Tasted pretty much the same

>> No.6119950

jollof rice is GOAT

>> No.6120185

I've enjoyed bobotie, fufu, african stews, and other cuisines from Africa. Good stuff.

>> No.6120238
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>contributing anything to the world

>> No.6120240

Wait Denver has decent Ethiopian food? I'll have to keep a lookout next time I'm there.

>> No.6120245


>not knowing about diamonds, infectious diseases, and the film Zulu.

Nigga, how ignorant are you?

>> No.6120251

Never seen so much edge in one post

>> No.6120253

You're right.

>contributing anything to the world


>> No.6120274

hertzoggies are bretty gud
not that you can really fuck up a dessert though
I had to do a food project back in high school about south africa
hardest time not being racist in my life

>> No.6120277
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pic related
theyre basically apricot jelly tarts with meringue topping

>> No.6120297

America. Without Africans, there would be no America. You think those lacy-shirted pansies knew anything about work? They'd have starved to death with the quickness if not for slaves.

>> No.6120298


>All these cucked whites

Well, I suppose I would be bitter if some came and stole all my women. Oh well.

>> No.6120305

But my ancestors were white slaves.

>> No.6120337

are you implying those countries overrate the cuisine where most of their immigrants come from?

>> No.6120340

Everyone is descended of slaves, silly. The point is though, African slaves were the ones that built America.

I think you'll enjoy this. It's short, about 30 seconds, so don't worry.

>> No.6120342
File: 168 KB, 375x375, winning a raffled unusual in TF2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without Africans, there would be no America.
Okay, I know this isn't /ck/ anymore, but I've GOT to hear the rationale behind this.

>> No.6120379


Fuck did i do? Don't lump me in that group cause I defended Africans by saying they contributed Ebola.

Lrn 2 red.

>> No.6120391

The rationale is right in the fucking post.
African slaves built America. It's that fucking simple. What more needs to be explained to you?

>> No.6120394

>OP mentions Europe and Asia as well as Africa.
>doesn't call any of them "countries"
>does mention wanting to try foods from countries other than those in Europe and Asia
>shitposter then shitposts

>> No.6120406

Well, for starters, the fact that they didn't.

>> No.6120409

Yeah, it was all sunshine, lemonade and zippety doo da. :^)
Let me guess: Germany never invaded Poland, either. They were invited and tea was served.

>> No.6120423

Get lost, nigger. We're talking about food here.


>> No.6120424

>Africans owned by 1% of the population to clean their houses and pick their cotton
>that means Africans laid every brick and earned every dollar in the history of America except when they stopped 150 years ago

You can make up whatever you want and call it history; that doesn't make it so. Sorry to rain on your parade.

>> No.6120430

if you were saying slaves built the south, not ALL of America, I'd be more inclined to believe you and your emotions.

but really only the rich had slaves. Like any other period of time including today.

>> No.6120483

Not even black and I rather dislike the majority of them anyway. Nice guess, but ultimately wrong.

Yeah. The 1% that built America. Using slave labour. Like the 1% today that own 100% of large industry are currently building the world around us. It's called 'oligarchy.'
This denial is more baffling than when Muslims claim Mohammad wasn't a slave-holder and rapist even though their own "holy" books repeatedly make mention of his slaves and rape-harem.

No emotions. Just stating fact. Again, you think the rich aren't the ones that mould the world? You think peasants funded the Age of Discovery or the Renaissance or commissioned the Great Wall or Angkor? No. They did the work, but someone else paid for it.

>> No.6120508

>the 1% are African slaves

I'm not sure if this is ambiguity fallacy or you just being an idiot. America was financed by rich people, like pretty much every other country. America was BUILT by pretty much everyone imaginable: English settlers, Irish slaves, Chinese railroad workers, Italian and German immigrants, the list goes on and on. That's why your original claim of "America wouldn't exist without Africans" is fucking nonsense. Despite what your college history course told you, colonial America was more than cotton fields and plantations.

>> No.6120523

>African cuisine
Albino infant is pretty good, plus it can give you magical powers and cure AIDS.

Bush meat seasoned with Ebola virus is another favorite of mine.

As far as dessert goes, I find dirt cookies are great, especially if you are trying watch that skeletal figure. Nothing stacks on fat to the ribcage area like real food, so dirt cookies make for a good alternative.

>> No.6120546

I don't know if this is you legitimately being an idiot, being purposefully obtuse or being a troll: the 1% Anon brought up were the 1% that owned slaves, not the slaves themselves. That 1% that owned slaves were the richest caste of Americans. That 1% that owned slaves signed the declarations and did the tea party and all that other shit you read about in the history books.
That 1% used slaves to build America. While the slaves were slaving away doing that 1% labour, that 1% had enough time to go on and do all that shit I just mentioned.

>> No.6120551

>chinese slaves
Not before America was already established and built by African slaves.
>irish indentured servants
Not before America was already established and built by African slaves.
>Italian and German immigrants
Not before America was already established and built by African slaves.

You're not very good at this.

>> No.6120588

ITT: We discover that Africans are wonderful cooks with food philosophically somewhere between Mexican and Punjabi, but all niggers and their SJW sympathizers are good for is fagging everything up with off-topic /pol/shit.

Seriously, get the mother fuck out of here.

>> No.6120598

>the 1% Anon brought up were the 1% that owned slaves, not the slaves themselves.
see >>6120297

>Irish indentured servants

Aaaaaand dropped. The Irish were already being shipped to America as slaves in the 1620's - nearly 20 years before the first instances of black slavery in colonial America. And yes, the Irish were both more numerous and were treated worse. I'd say that they built more of America based on that alone.

>> No.6120671

Purposefully obtuse it is, then.

>irish slaves were in 1620 and african slaves were 20 years later
Other way around. Irish slaves didn't arrive until after the Catholic rebellion of 1641. African slaves arrived before 1619.


>three hundred thousand (300000) irish slaves, only a quarter of which were forced to lands that would become the US is greater than the four million (4000000) african slaves forced to the US
Yeah. No.

I dislike blacks as much as the next guy, but I won't bend the truth to support that distaste. Niggers built America. It's a fact.

>> No.6122029

>Various people living within the same economic system and state boundaries run by people far away is awful
Why do you hate multiculturalism and capitalism, anon?

>> No.6122040

>Maggi brand buillon/stock/broth/whatever instead of making it yourself
>Add 8 Magi, real authentic African food guys

>> No.6123311
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>He thinks the 1% of slaves had the same power as the top 1% of America

>> No.6123336

A-are you really this lacking in comprehension skills? Dear me, did you get ANYTHING on your leaving certification exams besides drool?

>> No.6123341
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Like the 1% today that own 100% of large industry are currently building the world around us. It's called 'oligarchy.'
This denial is more baffling than when Muslims claim Mohammad wasn't a slave-holder and rapist even though their own "holy" books repeatedly make mention of his slaves and rape-harem.

>> No.6123354
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>> No.6123357


>> No.6123434

I think anon didn't meant multiculturalism/capitalism. Anon probably meant Tribal conflict and Imperialism.

>> No.6123440

>African food thread became /pol/-tear Shit storm.
I'm Asian but i think being Black is suffering.

>> No.6123447
File: 53 KB, 1024x768, Anakin-anakin-skywalker-29859476-1024-768[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously? that post made me snicker.

There's nothing like a good laugh now and then to lighten the burdens of the day.

>> No.6123449

Immigrants bring something new and people get excited about it once they get over immigrant hate, yes.

>> No.6123455

>Over 33m people
>Tiny country
U wot

>> No.6123488

ebola infested bush meat

>> No.6123496
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>> No.6123510

Sorry m8. I'm from NYC, so that entire country is only 3x the city I live in.

>> No.6123545

My family are well versed in traditional Creole cuisine, most of it rooted in the early agricultural expansion in the early 18th century of Senegal

Most people are unaware of this but Africa domesticated a species of rice independently from Asian rice and most Creole dishes are essentially Sengambian cuisine that adopted tomato, pepper, peanut and wheat flour before watering down here in the US.

If one really cooks and reads the history of crop migration and adoption at least it becomes quite clear.

My SIL is a Congolese metis griffone who
would make fufu and peanut stews, very filling and flavorful with the native spices but I'm only just now seeing them outside import store and only a couple.

My interest was first Habesha cuisine.

"Ethiopian cuisine" as known only encompasses the main group in power Amharic/Tigrinya with some Gurage dishes like at in, gomen, kitfo...but not the majority Oromo.

But now I am experimenting with a conceptualized kind of cuisine, like idk interesting ways to use various root starches and crops but I don't like posting about that here because I get called hipster.
Rice to the New World for one
Black eyed peas
Pearl Millet

Crops are mainly been useful for semiarid regions like northern India, Mexico and Australia apparently.

They are the reason most cuisines from Brazil to the US occured, enslaved blacks especially women were often responsible for some of the best cuisine examples from Gumbo and jamabalaya to idk every single dish in the Caribbean and most dishes in Brazil save for the more recent Italian, Japanese and German dishes.

obviously you're trolling

>> No.6123577

>Rice to the New World for one
>Black eyed peas
>Pearl Millet
That's not a contribution from the people, that's just what grew there. Naturally occurring.

>blacks especially women were often responsible for some of the best cuisine examples from Gumbo and jamabalaya
That cuisine is melting pot cuisine. You're reaching too far with this to make a point that really doesn't matter.

>> No.6123594

Heh hehe heh.

>> No.6123595

You do realize the process of domestication is not naturally occurring but rather its a mutualistic exchange right?

It's not a matter of cross-cultural cusines when slave societies exclusively ran on slave and free black people cooking.

The only "cross" anything were food crops themselves.

Of course I am not stating every single dish is of their making (as I already mentioned) but it's not reaching at all to state they are responsible for nearly all of them.

>> No.6123605

You also obviously don't understand the utilization of Africans in the importation of Rice cultivation in the New World or its importance in colonial export back to Europe.

I can recommend a book or two but I'd rather you read it then skim quickly, decontexualize it and then come back on here to try and refute the evidence.

>> No.6123614

I really enjoy Ethiopian food. All of the places around here are only open from like 5pm to 9pm however. I don't get it.

There's this red-ish soup / semi-curry stuff I had which was amazing. Otherwise the really, really thick stews you pick up with the sour bread roll stuff is good. Wasn't impressed with the salads.

>> No.6123623

Salad isn't really traditional

Like habesha cuisine has not tradition of dessert either so most places that make it themselves are either mediocre dishes or really good Italian desserts.

>> No.6123631

?Are you saying the domestication of blacks in the US was a mutual exchange? Okay.

Also, the people living there were from all over. You're trying to say Africans invented "nearly all" NOLA cuisine? That might be offensive to Acadians, Mexicans, Germans, Irish, et al who moved down there as poor settlers.

>> No.6123638

There's a habesha place 20 minutes from me. Neat

>> No.6123639

Everyone is getting booty blasted by this. 4chan is now overrun with reddit and tumblr princesses.
Also, ive had pretty good Ethiopian food. Thats a good start, if you live in a major city, you can find a place that serves it.

>> No.6123645


>> No.6123672

I am saying that the main food items utilized in the cuisine, the people who created the cuisine and the people still continuing those traditions are rooted in Senegambian food ways.

NOLA does not mean Creole, Creole does not mean NOLA.

Italians are mostly a late 20th ccentury import around Louisiana, they are known for their baked goods like bread. The "germans" were actually from Alsace and border regions, mainly francophone and mostly are known for pork sausages but that's a component to dishes not.

the Acadian migrants merely produced same foods as rural Creoles. Their culinary history in the Maritimes were not replicated down in the bayous, neither were they alone when they migrated down there. They were met 2 to 1 by Creoles.

In all this you are ignoring the fact that every group had African workers, chefs, cooks and wives/placee cooking for them.

It's not a matter of offense, you don't seem to know what you are talking about at all dude.

>> No.6123685
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>at all dude.
I was going to say the same of you, dude.
You also seem super defensive.

>> No.6123690

Not defensive, it's just you really seem to lack an understanding of Louisiana or the topic at all.

Like you said NOLA as if that is the totality of Creole cuisine or culture lol.

>> No.6123719

> using "creole"like it refers to Cajun.
> not knowing the distinctions
> thinking slave cooks had creative freedom
> expecting to be taken as expert

>> No.6123734

Wait do you actually believe Cajun and Creole cuisine are completely separate and aren't a fabrication of CODOFIL driven tourism terms?

Like do you think all the black enslaved people weren't selected for their skill in preparing meals utilizing what the markets had

Like do you think placage and the partnerships of African and mixed race women didn't involve creativity?

I love 4chan sometimes, like people go off on topics they have no understanding of for the sake of argument lol

>> No.6123736

do you live in louisiana? do you live in perpetual fear of blacks?

>> No.6123746

lol indeed.
You refused to site sources because you didn't want me to have information with which to shut you down. lol

>> No.6123749


Everyone I know personally uses Maggi for that dish, I guess it's the shit over there.

>> No.6123751

You do realize that most of Louisiana is lax in terms of race relations right?

It's mostly NOLA, Northshore and Baton Rogue that's not so great.

>> No.6123758

Keep talking, this is amusing.

What did your mom drown in the 9th Ward trying to loot some bread then you got shipped to Houston where you vowed to ensure whitey never kills another African brother with a hurricane again?

>> No.6123763

Using the same token neither have you, I already offered a referral to a book but you didn't say you wanted to know more about what I am talking about.

>> No.6123766

Why do you keep thinking Creole = NOLA?

>> No.6123769

This dumbass has never been to Pittsburgh.

They put your fries AND coleslaw on your sandwich or burger.

Your move Africa

>> No.6123771

> a book
let me let you in on a secret: when it comes to history, no one book or even half dozen books contain the truth, especially when those books are written with a clear agenda.

>> No.6123782

...So like are you just writing things out of boredom, like do you actually even pay attention to what I fully write or do you only read a couple words and quickly respond?

>> No.6123853
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>Does Africa have any good cuisine?

Braised Ebola Monkey is my favorite.

>> No.6123988


That food looks good as fuck but that bread... I've had that shit before and it tastes like paste mixed with rubber. It's not that great. But it's also just an eating utensil, and once it soaks up a bunch of spice from the food it's edible.

>> No.6124053

>uses Wikipedia as a source

>> No.6124159

>Mexican food
>Understood by Americans
>When not even niggas from the motherland that travel a goddamned lot know half of it.
>Overrated when most people eat mildly washed up variations of taco bell and call it genuinely Mexican.

Nigga, pleeze.
Take time to reconsider.

>> No.6124829

>not Denver


>> No.6124834



>> No.6125886

How do you even incorporate something like this into the food?

>> No.6126056

No they built the South's shitty cotton dependent economy which collapsed on itself after the civil war. And the average white person in the south couldn''t afford very many slaves if any. It was a luxury. Learn your fucking history you retard.

>> No.6126066

>nigger or a brain dead liberal
>learning anything other than where the closest welfare office is
anon pls

>> No.6126079

Not that guys but what he stated is pretty accurate. I think your using damage control.

>> No.6126200 [DELETED] 

Bushmeat and whatever else makes blacks have IQs 10-15 points lower than whites

>> No.6127228

looks like we have a charro in the house

>> No.6127231

you sounds like an ignorant afrikaaner. poeshond

>> No.6127269
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>> No.6127275
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>> No.6127462
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one of my father's friends is a Sudanese fellow and and when I want to his house for a christmas party I had some great food, there was a pit of charcoal with an iron grill over it. There were butterflied chickens and assorted pieces of lamb, these flat breads with spinach stood out as well pic related.

>> No.6127521

My experiences with African food...

> Ivory Coast :
the food there was very good, I ate lot of grilled fish, grilled giant land snails, crab, fried plantain bananas, and many dishes cooked in delicious sauces. Most of the people is very poor, tho, and survive on a diet of grains made of kassava, which are very bland if eaten alone (they call it Athieké). Most of the people eat using their hands but it's not recommended if you don't want to get an infection, as well as eating fresh food (salad, fruit) that you haven't prepared yourself. In the markets you can see bush meat; which is not difficult to find.

> Morocco :
food is ok (couscous, tajine and the like) but can be monotonous if you eat in cheap touristic places. Non-moroccan food was usually very bad.

> Tunisia :
has some interesting dishes such as "bricks" (fried wheat sheets with tuna inside), the tunisian salad is also worth trying.

>> No.6127550


I'm going to try this soon, thanks.

>> No.6127959
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>> No.6129494

It's jerky made from whatever they find. You can eat it raw.

It also often contains Ebola.

>> No.6129655

morocco and ethiopia are god tier

>> No.6129675

I hate Phil, but the person he responded to deserved every bit of criticism people can give.

And his statement, despite one unpolitical word is correct too.

Ethiopia despite it's countryside being poor has some pretty good cuisine. A lot like Indian, but with a different set of spices. Lots of breads, stews, etc. all at the same time.

>> No.6129688


shouldn't you be on /k/ complaining about all the illegal puerto rican immigrants?

>> No.6129705

So... you really do have poor comprehension skills. How sad for you.

>being this buttmad that you've no rebuttal

>> No.6130068

They have a thing called Bush meat, check it out OP.

>> No.6130096
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>> No.6130101

asians aren't capable of empathy. you aren't fooling anyone, nigger.