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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6106822 No.6106822 [Reply] [Original]

First foie gras now eggs.
Commifornia is at it again.


>> No.6106828

I swear to god OP if you punched an innocent hamburger in my presence you would have to fite me IRL

>> No.6106844

but eggs have already just about doubled in price here the last few years

>> No.6106898

They are about to double again.

>> No.6106910

I don't think these laws are unreasonable.

>> No.6106911

god, why haven't you killed california with a massive earthquake yet?

>> No.6106914

Good. Fuck poor people.

>> No.6106920

You think chickens should have rights?

>> No.6106931

It is really fucking unreasonable when you think about how very few voters you need to actually get laws like this passed.

I recommend you watch CGP Grey videos on voting to understand how very un democratic this can be. We're living under the tyranny of a small minority of voters.

>> No.6106948

I don't think they should be in shit ass living conditions like a lot are. The whole factory farming thing is pretty fucked up.
You just disagree with the system then, not the law?

>> No.6106978

the law is stupid too. California is using the power of their huge population to basically apply a law over the rest of the nation and they know what they are doing it too.

chicken farming is a really narrow profit margin business. almost all the chicken/egg producers are independent farmers that contract to a specific company. Which locks them in to having to run their operation under certain conditions. They have to use a specific cage, feed, medication. Get their chicks from only approved sources. All those farmers now have to drop hundreds of thousands of dollars on these new henhouses. if the chicken/egg company they sell to doesn't increase the compensation they give the farmers. Then the chicken farmers could be hurting a lot for years.

>> No.6106984

Yeah I just payed over $4 for a dozen.

>> No.6106987
File: 72 KB, 432x606, unnamed (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole factory farming thing is pretty fucked up.

Total bullshit.
This idea you carry in your brain like a virus was paid for by P3TA

>> No.6106996

My breakfasts every morning have been sausage, eggs, and potatoes for as long as I can remember. If you want fags and pot and all that shit, then live and let life. But PLEASE don't fucking make this my business. I'm all for state's rights as long as this shit doesn't affect me personally. California can fall into the ocean for all I care.

>> No.6107028

I'm a carnivore and even I know that factory farming is bullshit. FTFY. Motherfuckers need to stop fucking around with our food. Fuck it, I'ma start hunting and farming.

>> No.6107035

Thank god I'm getting hens.

>> No.6107052

Sucks for them. Should've had decent conditions for the hens in the first place. I just buy mine from a local farm so no price change for me.

>> No.6107055

No it's just common knowledge. Peta has nothing to do with it. Even most farmers don't agree with the practices in factory farms.

>> No.6107066

>Even most farmers don't agree with the practices in factory farms.

No anon, that little tidbit especially was brought to you by the P3TA viral team.

>> No.6107077

Or it was brought to me from actual farmers.

>> No.6107082

Try meeting some

>> No.6107087

By the way, that faggot hippie at the farmers market is not a real farmer.

>> No.6107089

My uncle is one and lives around quite a few.

>> No.6107098

Do gay chickens lay eggs?

>> No.6107100

You are going to accept the word of a man who touched you inappropriately when you were a kid?
You just never learn do you?

>> No.6107102
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>> No.6107143


so I'm going to be paying like $9 for shitty supermarket eggs?

>> No.6107148


Oooooooohhhhhh noooooooo...

>> No.6107149


not him but it was $1.89 for a dozen about 2 years ago

>> No.6107154

/k/ here
fuck california. First they try to push their gun control bullshit down everyone's throats, now they're making my trips to the grocery store more expensive. We need more earthquakes.

>> No.6107157

its not up to them faggot.

>> No.6107162

try not to cut yourself on all that edge. Wouldn't want you to die before we go ahead and finally take your guns

>> No.6107214

foie gras being illegal here is retarded, but I dont see anything wrong with forcing egg farmers to stop stuffing birds in tiny cages. its a garbage issue in the end, it could be made irrelevant by voulentary decline in human population, since the mass industrialization and human impact can't really handle our agriculture. even vegan agriculture wouldn't last much longer than our current system. Basically anyone who is butthurt about this is butthurt about the wrong thing.

>> No.6107218

>>the law is stupid too. California is using the power of their huge population to basically apply a law over the rest of the nation and they know what they are doing it too.
this is what everyone does all the time. >>6107028
you only eat meat?

>> No.6107226

I'm willing to pay an extra $15 a year (according to the article) if it means hens can live in humane conditions.

Another way of putting this is, would you allow hens to be crammed into cages in exchange for $15 a year?

>> No.6107251

>Another way of putting this is, would you allow hens to be crammed into cages in exchange for $15 a year?
Yes, hen condition doesn't affect me.

>> No.6107264


seriously, the average person doesn't give two shits about hens that are going to get decapitated and eaten anyway, they'd gladly let them be squished together and miserable in exchange for some extra cash to blow on scratch offs or a twelve pack of beer.

>> No.6107272

So you're all for state's rights until the assert them? State's rights includes the ability to regulate internal commerce, which can affect external commerce. Deal with it.

>> No.6107273

a slim majority of a slim majority of democrat voters in california called for this. so now everyone in the county has to pay extra for already rising food costs. So that some limo liberals can sleep easier at night because a chicken will be a slim fraction less stressed.

if they really gave a damn they would use the power of their wallet to buy eggs from only local farmers that let their hens walk around free range. or they would get some hens and have their own egg supply in their back yard.

>> No.6107274 [DELETED] 

>not raising your own eggs
It's like you people like paying extra for shitty eggs...do you all live in apartments or something?

>> No.6107340

hehe you little vegans are too funny
noodly arms low iq because of the malnutritious diet
and anger
real anger
because your tummy is so empty
no satisfaction
only garden sass :(

>> No.6107466

Since this is a cooking board, I wonder can many of you taste the difference between caged and free - range eggs?

>> No.6107487 [DELETED] 

> implying that the markup will be that small.

Hahaha! Hey niggers and spics, these are the people who are holding you down by pricing one of the cheapest, best rounded sources of nutrition from your darkie reach keeping your children malnourished, stunting their development.

>> No.6107494

thank you rich white man for sharing your knowledge
what would we be without you?

>> No.6107544

Question to the ethical vegans/vegetarians. Describe your utopia when it comes to the following subjects:

Laws regarding humane raising of animal with the intention of eating them.

Ritual slaughter

What happens of domesticated animals which will not likely survive in the open (assuming the loss of biodiversity can't be reversible)?

What happens to those who don't share the same moral grounds as you do?

Indespinsable animal testing?

Animal overpopulation?

This is me not taking a jab or starting an internet fight, but rather some curiosity left unanswered and downvoted in reddit

>> No.6107562

Just like I thought. No answer.

>> No.6107568

it's 4 am EST, I'd expect the answeres to come in in about 8 hours.

>> No.6107598 [DELETED] 

Blorp blorp, you're fat. Blorp blorp blorp, here are some cherry picked anecdotes from an article I scoured the web for. Here's an appeal to authority (Among many, many more logical fallacies), a final ad hominem, and finally some smugness. Bam. I just gave you the condensed version of arguing with a vegan on /ck/. Now go to sleep, anon.

>> No.6107669 [DELETED] 

Uneducated niggers and spics, exactly what you are now.

Although you might not know why you're too stupid to have better lives.

>> No.6107674

but i'm an educated nigger-spic?
life is pretty decent, thank you sir.

>> No.6107675 [DELETED] 

Impossible. Medical science has proven your type can only learn 2,000 words and have to supplement your deficient verbal skills with violence, rape, and drug use.

>> No.6107678 [DELETED] 

Also, a nigger-spic is just a spic. Spics are a mix of Indian, Spanish, and nigger.

>> No.6107680

Excuse me, i didn't know.
Is there a possibility to reverse-educate?

>> No.6107685 [DELETED] 

That's the beauty of Crack cocain. Inject some and you'll be back in your place in the natural order of things in no time.

Crack had proven a great success, but not nearly as good as meth in dealing with uppity rednecks. I think it is almost time to develop something better.

>> No.6107692

Thats 5 to 40 years, sir.
No white person would suggest a crime.

>> No.6107697 [DELETED] 

Nah, no way a white would leverage the biased legal system to get rid of uppity darkies... is there Mr. X?

>> No.6108061

I thought I could taste the difference for years.
My neighbor had chickens and the egg yolks were this crazy orange color.
Every time I ate them they were the best.
Then one day my boyfriend asked if I could tell them from store bought while blindfolded .
They tasted so much better I said no problem!
Turns out it was all in my head, I was unable to tell the difference with just tasting them :(

>> No.6108369

>What happens to those who don't share the same moral grounds as you do?

As far as P3TA is concerned , no other moral code is valid and must be eradicated over time.
They have a 150 year plan and they are ahead of schedule.

>> No.6108385
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>MFW no fois gras for you tubby

>> No.6108436

That's news to me. So what happens to those who still refuse to follow their code and slaughter or hunt an animal with the intention to eat it solely? They'd prolly be victimized but what should their punishment be in this utopia? Should it be considered a first degree murder?

>> No.6108438

No theyre not
never in history of mankind was there more meat consumed then atm
im surprised how detached from reality people can get

>> No.6108451

support the beef industry!
eat beef!
(Although not Argentinian beef for obvious reasons)

>> No.6108453

>waah, democracy sometimes results in laws I don't like

If you don't like the system, go to Somalia.

>> No.6108463

That is only because more people can afford meat.
There are more vegetarians and vegans than ever in history.
The increase of vegans in the last five years alone is staggering.

>> No.6108602
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No, stay and fight the stupid laws.
Don't just accept that bullshit.
We need to take back our country.

>> No.6108671

If you want to fight local California laws you'll have to move there.

>> No.6108708

there is nothing democratic about the way elections work in America.

use this for example.

let say you have 100 voters in a tiny made up country.

40 always vote democrat and 40 always vote republican. the others are 15 swing voters and 5 third party voters.

first they have primary elections. the swing voters don't vote in primaries.

so of the 40/40 voters of both parties. you only need to get 21 votes to win the primary.

now it is the general election and the candidates picked by the 21 people automatically get all 40 of their party loyal voters. because the 19 other voters don't want the other party to win. So they vote for the guy they don't like anyways.

you only need 11 of the swing voters to win the election. getting them is just a matter of how butt blasted they are about the incumbent party.

so the winning party's candidate got there by only winning over of 32 of 100 people. leaving 68 other people who don't really want the winner in office.

the winning candidate only has to keep the 21 primary voters happy. because the swing voters only pay attention during the election period. so now 21 of 100 people get to tell the elected what laws there should be.

>> No.6109023

>you know that most people who can afford foie gras are thin right?
You know its the underclass that's fat in america.

>> No.6109030

Are free-range eggs really that more expensive in the US? There's not much in it in the UK and most eggs seem to be free-range.

>> No.6109034

Texas = Florida >> Other states >>> California

>> No.6109053

Actually I'd be genuinely interested to know; how much do free-range eggs cost in the various states? The cheapest I can find without looking to hard are 12.5p each, which worked out to just under 20c each. What's the comparison in the US?

>> No.6109057
File: 24 KB, 640x390, chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, you're dumb.

>> No.6109060

I would fuck some people up if I couldn't have eggs, I think this law is dumb, is it sad to see all those chickens cramped up with broken legs and beaks?

Is there sole purpose to provide food, in which, they wouldn't be alive if they didn't?

Fuck off seriously, how about these people start donating their body parts to start "saving the pigs"

Good thing its only in america at the moment, and I pick up free range regardless

>> No.6109076

That's just an unfortunate side effect.

>> No.6109078
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 1413172378857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few fat rich Republicans for sure but most american fatties are at Walmart not sitting down in a fine dining establishment.
They won't have foie gras until its available at McDonald's.

>> No.6109083

Most poor white fatties vote Republican, too.

>> No.6109095 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 951x748, sauce bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I defy you to find out she's republican.

>> No.6109118

dat ass

>> No.6109124

How can she be so fat and small boobs?

>> No.6109143

Poor /fit/

>> No.6109146
File: 42 KB, 540x406, FoxyBunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> willing to make everyone pay more so he can feel good about himself

>> No.6109159

God is cruel

>> No.6109164

I don't give a fuck about chickens, link me an article or a study telling me how lowering chicken stress makes better meat and eggs or fuck off

>> No.6109169

>It's always about money.
>Money money money money.
>Money. Money money money. Money.

Money money money money money money money money money money money?

>> No.6109327

i voted yes on that , feels good

>> No.6109335


>> No.6109343

I voted for it too. Feels good, glad it wasn't beat by the corporate astro-turf campaigns like Prop 37.

>> No.6109402

why not vote with your wallet instead and buy eggs that are produced in a manner you find acceptable? Use market forces to drive change instead of violence of the state.

>> No.6109493

States setting their own internal commerce policy has been part of the states' rights concept since the beginning of the republic. But I suppose you only like states' rights when it's about guns and gays.

>> No.6109527

>Fully evolved human detected.

>> No.6109546

Thats not a commerce issue, outlawing fwa gwa is a human rights issue.
Ducks should not have any rights at all.

>> No.6109598

daily reminder that you're veganism is pure ideology

>> No.6109639

Foie gras is illegal in California? That's crazy. Why does the most beautiful state in the country have the shittiest population?

>> No.6109640

>hating on California's proposition system
I guess you don't like legal marijuana. Nice try, liquor industry shill.

>> No.6109651

In Colorado I can have marijuana and fwa gwa.
California is doing it wrong.

>> No.6109653

Colorado wouldn't have had legal weed if Californian voters didn't pave the way in 1995.

>> No.6109670

Bay Area and LA Metro area.

yet California still doesn't have legal weed.

>> No.6109675

I can legally purchase marijuana from upwards of 100 dispensaries within a 10 mile drive of my home. All I have to do is have my physician fill out a form once per year.

weedmaps.com friend

>> No.6109676


Do people outside the bay area even know what foie gras is? I went on a road trip through the central valley once and it was all toothless hicks and immigrant gang members.

>> No.6109680

Who else is gonna live in the central valley? It's an agricultural community.

>> No.6109689


So why should they care about foie? They're just a bunch of fruit pickers.

And then there's places like the sierra foothills or the north coast. Same toothless hicks, less immigrant gang members.

>> No.6109723

Its important to defend the rights of those you have nothing in common with.

>> No.6109737

Not everybody has a rich daddy doctor that give fake prescription up the ass.

>> No.6109823

Why can't I porlst pics ?
Can we also not make new threads?
Am I alive?

>> No.6109830

you have no real concept of how pricing actually works, the only reason that free range is more expensive right now is because it's NOT the industry standard so it's seen as a premium, not because it would cost more to do so, in fact it would most likely cost less.

>> No.6109834 [DELETED] 


>> No.6109840

anyone who grows things and then sells the things that he has grown is technically a farmer, dispite how large or small of a scale it is, so yes, that faggot hippie at the farmers market is a farmer even if you don't like what he stands for.

>> No.6109857

There are any number of doctors that specialize in Marijuana consultation. 50 dollars per year for a recommendation on average. Please start trying, anon.

>> No.6109863

The small scale farmers at farmers markets are actually a lot closer to the historical definition of a farmer than modern industrial scale farmers, except that they probably do not subsist entirely on to products of their farming.

>> No.6109866

Americans eating less can only be a good thing, especially if it means you new-wave edgy South Park conservatives get buttmad.

I've had both organic, cage-free eggs and the regular kind and the former is leagues better in taste, texture and color. Making that quality the norm should be celebrated.

GTFO Monsanto shills.

>> No.6109867

it's their period, so orientation has nothing to do with

>> No.6109868

I'm not sure what you are even trying to get at.

>> No.6109870


Just a quick question. Wouldn't this cause the price of anything that uses eggs, like baked goods, to increase in California as well? Or is this law just for eggs bought in a supermarket?

>> No.6109871

not to mention the doctors in the midwest and southeast that live souly on giving out fake pain med prescriptions to addicts.

>> No.6109880

so there are shifty doctors that you can pay just to make up an excuse to give you a Marijuana prescription? I mean I'm not against Marijuana at all but that's really kinda horrible and I would feel really scummy using one.

>> No.6109882

>Is there sole purpose to provide food, in which, they wouldn't be alive if they didn't?
just like dogs, right? no one actually uses them for working purposes anymore, and since I would love to cram them in cages and eat them, that must mean it's morally right and okay

>> No.6109886

Go back to le rebbit

>> No.6109889

speaking of food, have you ever heard the phrase "stop feeding the trolls"?

>> No.6109891

>if I don't agree with something I will just say you are from reddit and that will discredit you forever

I really wish this garbage was bannable...

>> No.6109895

Because everyone has been doing that for years. "Voting with your wallet" doesn't work because you would need literally everyone to join in, and because one business with one sort of practice being "voted for" doesn't eliminate the bad companies with bad practices.
We have the ability to make changes outside of our daily life, outside of our daily purchases, and you're against that? Sorry you're crushed under the boot of consumerism, friend.

>> No.6109897

>We have the ability to make changes outside of our daily life

Yes. But the market does a better job. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it's the best option we have.

>> No.6109898

(they were agreeing with you dipshit)

>> No.6109904

>But it's the best option we have.
Apparently not. Apparently making laws is the best option we have

>> No.6109919

They aren't really shady at all. Patients have a right to select their treatment. From CANORML:

Prop. 215 lists “cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief. Physicians have recommended marijuana for hundreds of indications, including such common complaints as insomnia, PMS, post-traumatic stress, depression, and substance abuse.
>substance abuse

Using weed legitimately helps all of these and use for even headaches is my right as a glorious Californian.

>> No.6109920


>> No.6109922

making laws and voting on them is a much better option, take crazy uber-libitarian free market bullshit back to /pol/

>> No.6109923

Apparently you know about it and have been there enough. I've never visited that site once nor do I care to you fucking shill.

>> No.6109924

Like we forced car manufacturers to follow our auto emissions requirements, improving the air quality for all Americans?

>> No.6109926

(oh, are we out of our roleplay personas now? nice to meet you, you seem rather rude though, maybe you should work on your social skills, how's life treating you? Want to go on /mu/ and role play being angry limpbizqit fans next?)

>> No.6109928

Dude they still kill baby chicks it's not like they've got a great life or something


>> No.6109930

reddit is only as bad as the parts that you visit really, I really don't get the hate that spawned the >gb2 le reddit bullshit, other than it's an easy way to try to discredit some one with next to no effort and sadly on certain boards here it actually works...

>> No.6109934

a word, clause, or sentence inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage that is grammatically complete without it

>> No.6109935

Nigga you're fucking retarded. It's easy as hell to google. Every time I drive LA to San Francisco you can see a grip of cows. It's a matter of public record and the fact they have a bunch of cows in a small place that smells like shit is obvious as hell

>> No.6109937

yeah, but that isn't what you did.

>> No.6109938

Or you could quit being a pussy and just not eat eggs you lazy piece of shit

>> No.6109942

Fact is most patients don't have medical PhDs from real universities, the patients aren't generally qualified to make those selections. They can and do and that's why there so many retard level drug commercials on TV.

You can claim what you want but the fact most people are fucking morons and are the reason that costs are so high in the first place.

>> No.6109953

Actual farmer here. As in, I get all my income from food and products raised and created on my farm. Factory farms are fucked up. They are cruel to the animals contained in them, bad for the environment, and they produce subpar meat products.

>> No.6109956

Being able to type into a computer to google doesn't make you a doctor. Get over yourself and go pray to some crystals.

>> No.6109963

I didn't try to discredit the reddit faggot, I didn't have to. The person that brought it up in the first place discredited him or herself by using that as a reference in the first place here on 4c.

>> No.6109967

since when do you need to be a doctor to use common sense? the way these companies treat their live stock is not a huge secret and never was.

>> No.6109969

How fucking dumb are you? You don't need a PhD to know that factory farming is a thing and that it sorta sucks to be a cow.

>> No.6109973

dear lord, you are one of those morons that think they know everything about this website by reading about it on other websites aren't you?

>> No.6109976

Proclaiming that so-and-so is a member of Reddit/tumblr/Israel is a great way to undermine the purpose of this website, which is supposed to use anonymity to force users to judge a post based on its contents and nothing else. Unfortunately spamming "good goy" and "cuck" attracts much more attention than reasoned discussion so this website's theoretical applications have not been realized.

>> No.6109981

the fact that you were able to pick out a referance to reddit that no one else was able to means that you must spend more time there than any of the rest of us do... just saying.

>> No.6109982

>fake pain med prescriptions to addicts

Those are pretty easy to get too, but they're not as easy to get as a medical marijuana card. And the opiate docs get shut down by the feds a lot more often too.

>> No.6109984

The joke is that factory farming lobbyists are trying to pass laws criminalizing documenting what happens in those farms, even though they argue it's so wonderful that the proletariats would get the wrong idea by seeing it.

>> No.6109989

ITT: redditors

>> No.6109990

If one is going to prescribe drugs and such to others it helps to know what they do good or bad and interactions to people and well that's what some people learn in school and not hippy camp.

>> No.6109993

Really, it's worse than that, with all of the "stealth candidates" on ballots.

The most common examples are all the religious loons who run for school boards, and as soon as they get a majority they suddenly put in a requirement for Creationism to be taught in biology classes. However, the same has held true for a lot of other causes over the years. My hometown's city council tried to ban all guns from within the city, and it took almost two years to shut those assholes down.

>> No.6109995

>lobbyists are trying to pass laws criminalizing documenting what happens in those farms
Wait, really? That's pretty fucked.

>> No.6110004

They're fucking cows and chickens, who the fuck cares? It's food you moron!

>> No.6110005

You are the stupidest person in this thread.

We are talking about the concept of whether or not factory farms exist. This is clearly true. You don't need a degree to know this, and your position is clearly garbage.

>> No.6110006

Really, it's worse than that, with all of the "stealth candidates" on ballots.

The most common examples are all the religious loons who run for school boards, and as soon as they get a majority they suddenly put in a requirement for Creationism to be taught in biology classes. However, the same has held true for a lot of other causes over the years. My hometown's city council tried to ban all guns from within the city (not carrying, that was already illegal -- I mean owning one in your own home), and it took almost two years to shut those assholes down.

>> No.6110010

Do you crawl up into a fetal position and start crying when you see someone eating a burger?

>> No.6110013

Ha-ha, faggot. Your local farmer is going to raise prices too, because HE CAN.

Maybe he'll keep the prices a dime below grocery store levels.

>> No.6110016
File: 61 KB, 466x300, charlton_heston_nra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have them, bullets first.

>From my cold dead hands.

>> No.6110020

--> >>6110005

Yeah I'm the stupid one, now crawl up into a fetal ball and call the whambulance because someone ate a hamburger.

>> No.6110030

What "stealth candidates" are you talking about specifically? One can always do write ins. This isn't soviet Russia or islamistan.

>> No.6110037

>cause the price of anything that uses eggs, like baked goods, to increase
Yes, of course it will.

The law applies to egg production, not to intended uses of the eggs. Egg farmers will probably shut down in CA over time, and set up operations elsewhere. Then CA will have to import eggs.

>> No.6110040

Hi there actual farmer, I'm an actual galactic overlord, and I say that your puny planet is no match for my space armada.

>> No.6110048


Libertarians don't need clean air.


He's referring to candidates who run for office with an agenda they don't reveal publicly until they're in office. Usually they're single issue activists trying to push an agenda that is not popular where they're running. It's a common problem in local level politics.

His example of church organizations stacking school boards and then pushing creationism into the classroom is a good example.

>> No.6110053

As I stated, they're the ones who hide their ideologies in order to get elected, and then pass laws/rules/ordinances that almost nobody wants. Mandating the teaching of creationism in schools is the most common; it's happened a few dozen times that I've seen in the papers, and it always leads to the same two-year battle, huge legal expenses for the school district, and eventual judgment against the policy, followed by the school board members getting voted out at the very next election cycle. All because three to six people (depending on the school board size) managed to hide their real political agenda long enough to sucker a bunch of voters into putting them in control.

>> No.6110089

>California gives middle finger to factory farms
>"hurf durf Commifornia at it again! fuckin commies"
please don't turn this board into meat-/k/. measures against factory farms, which are at least a bit fucked up as they currently are, are not the same as PETA slowly forcing veganism on all of us and building a wolf-only highway going from Yellowstone to Yukon

>> No.6110111

That's a problem because most people don't give a fuck about local politics.

The only reason why we even know what candidates for federal offices want is because people pay attention to them, forgetting that the decisions made by local officials make a much bigger difference in most people's day-to-day lives.
That's a cultural problem, not a political system problem.

>> No.6110119

>I want my food to grow in the worst conditions possible

>> No.6110134

Fact is, is that you can change that law at the county or state level depending on what the jurisdiction is. I don't have kids so don't give a fuck about what's going on in school anymore.

>> No.6110141

Go eat some sea monkies

>> No.6110152

Cgp greys videos actually demonstrate how democratic it is.
Everybody needs representation, even minor groups. Our current system means minority groups can have a few laws passed in their favour. The key word being a few. They don't get everything but they get a portion in line with the size of their group. Which makes far more sense than every group less than the svast majority getting nothing all the time.

Also it goes without saying that (and I'm not talking specifically about this case) the size of the voters is irrelevant to the right decision. The vast majority can be wrong. The vast minority can be right. And vice versa.

>> No.6110327

this made me kek outloud
>egg prices will go up like $0.27!!!!
>its not even good for the chickens, running around will cause them to get hurt or something!!!!!

holy shit what a fucking joke

>> No.6110333

what's your point?

>> No.6110345

i got an opportunity to eat eggs from chickens that were crazy spoiled. it was at a zoo and they'd get the leftovers from the rest of the bird diets along with their boring kibble. they got a ton of fruits, vegetables, gut-loaded insects.. plus they were allowed to roam zoo grounds and spent all day foraging and doing bird things.

the eggs were incredible. the yolks were insanely rich. >>6108061 says no discernible difference between tastes but i disagree. store bought eggs, in my opinion, just don't compare.

of course it'll differ vastly from source to source since it's all about diet.

>> No.6110459

>store bought eggs, in my opinion, just don't compare

Are you certain it wasn't a freshness issue?

>> No.6111574

Fuck California.

>> No.6112123

The bird's diet is extremely important when it comes to their eggs' taste.

I don't get people. Intensive agriculture/factory farms provide CHEAP and LOWER QUALITY food. But you are not FORCED to buy their food if you can afford it, thus if you have the money to spend, you can but the higher quality food and be done with it. 50-100 years ago food was more expensive, so people with lower incomes could afford a less diverse diet, while the people that had money had no problems with that. Nowadays everyone can have a diverse diet, the only difference is that if you want QUALITY food, you pay more, the existence of factory farms is in no way, shape or form an obstacle to you buying quality food since the industry covers your desire for that. Thus hitting on the cheap food industry you only fuck with the poor and bring no benefit whatsoever.

Man, fuck this kind of people!

>> No.6112326

>Because everyone has been doing that for years. "Voting with your wallet" doesn't work

of course it does. everybody gets what he wants.
you get your free-range eggs from happy chicken, and tyrone gets his cheap factory-farmed KFC meal. to each their own.

but of course, that's ot what you want.
you don't want everybody to be able to choose what they like for themselves. no. you want everybody to be forced to like what YOU like. because it's obviously the only right way.

>> No.6112357
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>> No.6112383

florida here. free range eggs are roughly double the supermarket brand eggs at my local store ($2 and change vs $4-5)

>> No.6112387
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>> No.6112391

those prices are for a dozen, by the way.

>> No.6112561

Free range meaning they saw sunlight at one point

>> No.6112603

using state violence to force people to do things is not consumerism, it's statism.

>> No.6112974

You're a carnivore, eh?

>> No.6113004
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No it doesn't. Free rangs simply means that the chickens are not in individual cages, but instead roam freely in a huge barn. The population density is high and the birds can't really move around so much, so it's not really much better than cages.
If you really want good eggs from well treated hens you need pasture raised eggs.

>> No.6113008

>pasture raised eggs
Here's a new maymay

>> No.6113009

So you don't believe that any farmers visit /ck/?
That's really ignorant.

>> No.6113038
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>if you want good eggs, you hunt them yourself out of the nests from the Amazon rainforest

>> No.6113039


>not activating your pasture raised eggs

>> No.6113075

Once again , the hippie at your farmers market is no farmer.

>> No.6113089

First, you are wrong. Anyone who gets a good portion of their income from growing and selling plants is a farmer.
Second, yes I am a farmer. I grow for a living. It makes up the entirety of my income (and I'm not a poorfag).

>> No.6113132

You are just squandering your youth with wasteful values built on pop culture bullshit.
One modern farmer feeds untold thousands.
You are a buffoon.

>> No.6113210

monsanto detected

>> No.6113232

Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.6113262

Anyone that does not share your values is a troll?

>> No.6113281

Obviously not. But anyone who shit posts and doesn't add to the discussion is a troll.
>nb4 hurr I'm adding to the discussion
No you aren't.

>> No.6113306
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You fucking dipshit I am the op and this thread is about shitty organic hippy vegan values fucking up everything.
This IS the discussion.

>> No.6113366

Pot dealer detected.
Also not a farmer.

>> No.6113649

>and I'm not a poorfag

Are you like most farmers and might as well be a poorfag if you don't count the capital tied up in your land and farm equipment?

>> No.6113830

You are thinking of real farmers which he is not one.

>> No.6114452

>50-100 years ago food was more expensive, so people with lower incomes could afford a less diverse diet, while the people that had money had no problems with that.
That actually isn't true. Even in the 1980s we didn't get massive amounts of fresh produce of all kinds year-round. It just didn't exist, not even in the wealthiest nation on the planet (USA! USA!).

>But you are not FORCED to buy their food if you can afford it, thus if you have the money to spend, you can but the higher quality food and be done with it.
But now everyone in California is going to be forced to pay the higher prices for less food, assuming that the egg farms don't simply shut down in CA and reopen elsewhere (where they aren't required to give the birds more space).

Remember, the initiative created new regulatory burden for FARMS WITHIN CALIFORNIA, not for the eggs being used in California. As long as the farmers leave the state, they can stuff their chickens into shoeboxes.

>> No.6114481

>>ITT whiney co/ck/suckers

Seriously, have a problem with grocery store prices? Raise your own hens.

>> No.6114536

It's not the price I mind, its the government telling private citizens how they can and cannot treat chickens.

>> No.6114849

>potheads thinking they are farmers.

This has had me keking all day.

>> No.6114859

Sorry I don't live with my parents who grocery shop while I live in their basement.

>> No.6114872


any farmer that sells eggs to a company that then sells eggs in California has to comply with the California law. over 1/3 of California's eggs are from outside the state.

this is the same as both of California's Electric Vehicle mandates. Where car manufacturers that wanted to sell cars in California had to produce and sell X many electric cars. If they don't meet X. Then they are forced to buy ZEV credits from a car maker that sells a surplus of EVs. Or they don't get to sell cars in California at all.

California is using their large population to usurp the authority of the US Federal government.

>> No.6115586

They have made laws that require semi trucks to install equipment that make them 10% less fuel efficient.
Many truckers cannot enter California now.

>> No.6116923
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>that pic

>> No.6118801

Everyone talks a big game about fighting carnism , but nothing ever comes of it.

>> No.6118859

Honestly the thing that pisses me off about it is it is going to fuck all the states currently selling eggs to commiefornia. I don't care if the califags have to pay $9 an egg but my prices shouldn't rise in my state because you guys are too hippy to accept our eggs.

Fuck your shit, I say we starve commiefornia from eggs. Supply your own cage free places you retards. See if you can keep up with the demand of fucking eggs.

>> No.6118894

>t, I say we starve commiefornia from eggs

I say we starve them for oxygen.
Just let some big ass farts and pull the covers over thier heads.

>Hashtag dutch oven.

>> No.6118975

Maybe egg sales will go down and we'll have less heart disease in the country

>> No.6119004

Not sure if this is a good place to ask if frozen eggs are ruined.
I left two dozen farm freshies from my neighbor in ma car last night in freezing weather on account of a one night stand.

>> No.6119022


>> No.6119501

Eggs are not bad for your heart anon.
That was debunked years ago.

>> No.6119605

>Your proposal is acceptable.

>> No.6119699

I buy my dozen eggs for $1.88 at the gas station.

No idea why the gas station sells eggs but they got the cheapest price.

>> No.6119738

>We're living under the tyranny of a small minority of voters.

Thats because no one votes.
the requirements for getting someing passed is based off the % of people who give a shit enough to vote on a regular basis

>> No.6119826

My rights to cage chickens should never have been up for a vote in the firsts place

>> No.6121753

Can't believe no one posted this.

I Only Fuck Vegans: http://youtu.be/vzJmndZZCao

>> No.6121780

If you want me to lick your genetals, you have to be a kind person.

>> No.6122419

>My rights to cage chickens
Fucking libertarians

>> No.6122443

since you are too stupid, here is it plainly

a happy animal is a tasty animal. a miserable animal is a bland to nasty animal.

healthy happy animal produce higher quality stuff than any factory animal ever could.

>> No.6122471

I'll eat as much meat as you can throw at me. It doesn't mean I want the animal to be treated cruelly or suffer a painful, traumatic death. I am human and this is my place in the food chain, only I have morals and compassion.
>fuck PETA

>> No.6122505


>I'll eat as much meat as you can throw at me
>I have morals and compassion

That's like saying "it's my place as a white man to be a slave owner, but I don't want to mistreat my slaves because I'm a nice guy"

>> No.6122520

>a happy animal is a tasty animal. a miserable animal is a bland to nasty animal.

Total fucking bullshit.
This is pop culture science with zero basis in reality.

Unless an animal is dying from bacterial infection, you would NEVER taste a difference.

>> No.6122716

I pay 2.99 for cage free eggs so I doubt 9$, even in California, I'm in South Carolina.
Cage Free means we cut their feet off so they can't run.

>> No.6122732

Cage free is $4.50 where I live.

>> No.6122742

>Implying moral and compassion even correlates to eating meat

>> No.6122811

congratulations at being wrong i guess

>> No.6122838


>Muh rights

Oh fuck off.

You live in a state-controlled nation, you only have the rights that the state says you do.

>> No.6122845

What shithole do you live in?

>> No.6122853

So how's it feel to lose an argument on 4chan?

>> No.6122930

Commiefornian detected

>> No.6122934

You only believe that because it feels good to believe it not because you read any scientific paper.
That is a modern urban legend.
Its like one of those feel good christian emails with a story that illustrates the power of prayer.
You cannot believe these things without extreme confirmation bias.

>> No.6122939


What the fuck are you on about?

This isn't a statement of opinion, I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it's a truism.

The state can and will put you in prison for anything it doesn't like.

By all means feel free to believe that rights come from God or some other objective source, but in all the ways that actually matter the state is the one determining your rights.

>> No.6122979
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>state is the one determining your rights.

The state uses popular opinion and tradition to determine these rights.
Popular opinion is not determined by polls but rather the actions of people who organize themselves into powerful voting blocks.

>> No.6123002

Why can't I hold all this edge?

>> No.6123236

you don't even know what words mean

>> No.6123250

>You live in a state-controlled nation, you only have the rights that the state says you do.

Rights are a fiction that cannot exist without a state or state like entity to enforce them via violence.

>> No.6123258

This board is crawling with normiefag scum

Saw one of the vegan threads with them literally talking about tumblr and reddit

>> No.6123491


Menus across the Bay Area were being hastily rewritten Wednesday after a federal judge struck down California’s ban on foie gras, allowing restaurants to serve up the delicacy for the first time in two years.

>> No.6123494


>> No.6123780
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Daily reminder this is the cancer killing this board

>> No.6123788
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>> No.6123790
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no worse than the carnists giving their kids cancer and diabetes with their mcdonalds and lunch meats.

>> No.6123791
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>> No.6123794

Are people really retarded enough to believe that people think like this? People pretend to act like this online so people can post screenshots of it and bitch about those "LOL CRAZY VEGAN SJWS!!" Pretty transparent if you don't have Down's syndrome.

>> No.6123796
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>implying your precious veggies don't have enough pesticides soaked into them to make you infertile
That would be a good thing in your case

>> No.6123802
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Damage control more pls
>hurr there not real vegans
>yeah it's all a ruse!
Apparently you've never seen one of /co/ or /mlp/ cringe threads, tumblrinas are this retarded.

>> No.6123803

You don't get out much, do you?

>> No.6123804
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>> No.6123807
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>> No.6123808

I'm not damage controlling. If that idiot is a genuine human being and not some lame attempt at defaming vegans, then I apologize, and they should be euthanized. I just can't believe it without proof, and there are a shit ton of people who do shit like that for laughs. That's all.
H-how did you know?

>> No.6123809
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>> No.6123819
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It would be the former, and yes, they should. Also, she is a squirrel-kin, check your privilege, she is really a squirrel on the inside, trapped in a humans body!

>> No.6123821

>H-how did you know?
Because you don't know people actually do act like that. The world is full of crazies.

>> No.6123823
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>> No.6123825
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>> No.6123829

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The vegan boogeyman shit is just played out and annoying. I don't give a fuck about how other people eat or live, so when people fake shit like that, it makes me look bad. Not a fan of it.
Fair enough, man

>> No.6123832
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>> No.6123834

But when* I'm retarded my bad.

>> No.6123837
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Fin, at least for this tumblr-tard

>> No.6123846

You're a bad vegan.

>> No.6123851

For not being preachy? I don't know, it's just a personal thing, so I have no issue with people living how they want to live. I'm not particularly fond of it most of the time, but it's really none of my business. On a side note, I've never actually encountered a preachy vegan. Are they just a strawman people use to shit on vegans or have I just been lucky in not meeting any?

>> No.6123852

Umm, I hate to break it to you, brah, but squirrrelygirly is real and has been certified as fucking nuts.

>> No.6125025

First time looking at tumblr?

>> No.6125043

Squirrel cop

>> No.6125049

You can actually taste the difference in the condition the animal was raised in. I know this for a fact, especially with chickens. My grandfather raised chickens free ranged on mostly corn and what ever they could find. They were a lot better than store bought.

An animal's diet, level of stress, and level of movement all change the meat. Factory farmed changes all three.

>> No.6126621

I know you believe that .
I also know its not true.

The blindfold will show you the light.

>> No.6126644

>America: Land of the Free

>> No.6126835

So i went to the store tonight in cali and it was like 270 for a dozen jumbo eggs. Like what. Thanks a lot animal lovers.

>> No.6126841

If you can't raise and kill livestock in any manner you see fit, you are not free.

>> No.6126906

>The blindfold will show you the light.
Yeah, blind taste tests result in grass fed low stress beef being chosen. You're a tard, what you're pointing at as evidence for your point doesn't exist and is actually evidence for mine.

Do you really think that how an animal is treated and eats doesn't change the meat? The level of stress it goes through specially, constant stress makes the meat tougher. Different diets produce different flavors.

There is no evidence to support your point ya fucktard.

>> No.6127065

>tell doc I'm depressed to get some weed
>get force fed antidepressants because he thinks I'll go suicidal
>end up killing my soul just for some weed

>> No.6127252

I seriously doubt that. Two decades ago 75% of China was practically vegetarian because they just couldn't afford to eat meat. Now they got more money, so they can.

The world does not boil down to your hipster Sanfran friends. There's a huge world out there.

>> No.6127278

most people were vegetarian out of necessity

old viking societies were different in that regard because it was unusual for the poorest people in a society to be able to eat meat every day

>> No.6127309

>This thread is still up
God damn

>> No.6127316

look up
'meat acidity'
and why stress hormones add to it in an unfavourable way

>> No.6127463


>> No.6128407

Citizens elect representatives to write laws like these, and occasionally vote on referendums personally. Just admit you hate democracy.

>> No.6128413

> Amerifats have to pay more for cholesterol-laden eggs
Oh the humanity!

>> No.6128450

So if enough people voted to allow preteen american girls to be sold into slavery then that would be fine?
It would have been democratic after all.