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File: 551 KB, 488x565, drunk bruins fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6113442 No.6113442 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT Alcoholic feels

Wake up 2pm, walk to liquor store still hung over, puke in parking lot of store, walk in buy liquor repeat

btw I heard someone mention a supplement or pill they take for the liver what was it?

>> No.6113450

Reported for encouraging alcoholism amongst young people

>> No.6113451

sounds like my day, but not gonna drink right when i wake up like a loser. I'ma wait a couple hours.

>> No.6113460

it depends sometimes i wait sometimes i dont

>> No.6113472


>btw I heard someone mention a supplement or pill they take for the liver what was it?

milk thistle probably

>> No.6113476

Any truth to it or is it just bs? I heard it mentioned a few times on here

>> No.6113477

>started drinking a lot more in 2014
>really overdid it near christmas
>finished the last of my christmas booze new years day
>not sure if I'm an alcoholic or not
>gonna have a dry month or two just to check

>> No.6113481
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>being able to have a dry month

>> No.6113488

That's the point.
I don't know if I can yet.

>> No.6113489

I've been in that exact scenario except I drove there.

>> No.6113490

hopefully you can, its not as fun or as cool as it is when you first start

>> No.6113493


was mostly a beer guy, now i'm drinking gin\vodka every day almost.

seems I do the most retarded thing whenever I drink the hard stuff, wake up to phone calls\texts\skypes that I never remember doing.

>> No.6113497

thats the worst, the txts, pof messages etc... the next morning cringe worthy

>> No.6113500


I want to quit cold turkey but I'm worried about DTs. I already start sweating like crazy by 3pm if I haven't drank anything.

>> No.6113514

guys i think i overdid it last night

it's now almost 5PM and up until an hour ago every time i closed my eyes the world would spin

every time i stand up i get nauseous. just been lying in bed all day. what the fuck man i never get hangovers fuck. i also think i fucked up my knee somehow, haven't been able to put any weight on it....

i know a beer or something will probably have me feeling right but i have work at 7 tomorrow morning. i shouldn't, but i probably fucking will.

>> No.6113520

what did u drink?

>> No.6113524

Had some bad times a few years ago when I was working 7 days a week and living alone. I used to drink almost every night when I got home to the point of passing out. Lather rinse repeat in a cycle that culminated in being locked up in a psych ward for a little over a week.

Haven't had much to drink in the years since, but I think it counts.

>> No.6113550

upon inspection of the fridge, the 24 beers i bought yesterday are gone... there's also an empty bottle of white wine that may or may not have been drank last night. god damnit i bought that for fucking cooking.

>> No.6113574

did you try to kill yourself?

>> No.6113602

Friday I got kicked out of a Waffle House for being too intoxicated and carrying in half a steel reserve

At 11am
I don't remember most of that day, but I haven't drank since then and won't again until about an hour from now.

>> No.6113609
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>drank an entire bottle of cooking wine

my brain is throbbing just thinking about it.

>> No.6113612

i don't buy cooking wine. i cook with wine that i would drink, because that's how i was taught to cook with wine.

>> No.6113616

It is the real deal.

> last 2 days no drinking.
> drinking today
> taking next 2 days off again
> repeat until I'm not so dependant.

Sleep is shitty, days are better though.

>> No.6113618

>wake up
>take shower
>pour two drinks
>down them
>go to liquor store
>"Pint of Everclear like always?"

>> No.6113655

yup thats the rule

>> No.6113690

yeah unfortunately that usually results in using about 1 cup for cooking and just drinking the rest.

i don't cook with wine very often.

>> No.6113818

>that feel when every clerk at the liquor store knows you

>> No.6113864
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>start puking blood when you binge drink every day
>stop drinking
>get DTs for the first time
>realize you had a vague and childlike notion of what fear is

Words can't convey it. But I have been mugged, raped etc. and my mother tried to drown me in the tub when I was 5. But nothing even comes close to the terror I felt in alcohol withdrawal. It completely breaks your brain. If I'm forced to detox again I will just hang myself instead of going through that and it's not even a difficult decision.

>> No.6113876

>tfw every bartender at the bar you go to knows you
Also do all you faggots actually drink alone at home?
I drink every night pretty heavily after I get off work but I do it at the bar. I can't imagine drinking alone at home but I guess I would save a lot of money.

>> No.6113885

DTs are manageable with medical supervision. You're just trying to come up with excuses for drinking because
you're a faggot

>> No.6113886

I drink every night have been for like 5 years now and always at home never go to bars

>> No.6113887


I have always drank alone in front of a computer. Was the same with drugs, but I haven't done those in years. I don't like the social aspect at all and feel uncomfortable being around others when intoxicated.

I actually stopped smoking weed just because my dealer always pressured me in to hanging out with him and playing xbox

>> No.6113894


I'm a saute/grill cook on the line, I don't make enough money to go to bars. Hell I don't make enough money to buy alcohol at all because I live in a shithole apartment in California and still only have enough for gas, food, rent, and health insurance (chronic condition that could kill me, have no choice but to have it. yes I realize the irony). I'd have to live in my car if I were drinking as much as I do at bars.

>> No.6113900

I don't make any excuses for my drinking and I don't understand why you got that from my post. I was just sharing my experience with DT

I mean ideally I would just never consume alcohol again, obviously

>> No.6113902


>with medical supervision

except I'm murrican and that's extremely expensive even with health insurance

ironically I think I'm better off being a raging drunk in a shithole apartment than being sober and homeless, which is what I'd be if I shelled out the amount of money (which I don't have) for treatment in a facility.

>> No.6113904

I guess I just don't hate myself enough yet.
I would rather drink with other sad lonely fucks than drink alone. At least I have someone to share my misery with.

>> No.6113915

it's hard to find a person sad enough for my taste

i used to drink with a 60 year old drunk dishwasher that I worked with when i was like 20, but he started bleeding out of his ass and got into aa and found jesus and hes no fun anymore

>> No.6113936

>tfw u get drunk n play minecraft
>tfw ur only 'friends' r 8 yrs old

>> No.6114039


>> No.6114070

I hate going out socializing etc... so im fine with sitting home alone on the computer or playing a game drinking alone

>> No.6114077

>drink heavily at bar
>stare at phone awkwardly the whole time
>drink heavily at home
>play vidya

>> No.6114130

also bar stools and chairs are uncomfy and hurt my back

>> No.6114237

they say coffee, regardless of caffeination, is good for the liver

>> No.6114266
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>> No.6114270

Alcohol withdrawl is real. I went through that for 3 days and then I had a seizure and had to be hospitalized. Thank god it happened at a friends house and she was able to drive me to emerge. The hallucinations ,lack of sleep and eating fucked my mind. I thought my ex had someone following me in their car. Whenever I closed my eyes I would see the most messed up things like babies getting cooked on stoves.

I know I'm an alcoholic because I can't have just 1 drink. I throw down several at a time and mix em all up. The last drink I had was New Years and I'm going to see how long I can last without a drink this year. It's going to be hard but fuck me if i don't try, also, fuck DT. I have a fatty liver from alcohol and I'm only 26.

>> No.6114275

fatty liver bro here, im 28

>> No.6114318

How did you find out you have it anon? And what are you doing about it now?

>> No.6114339

dr told me, and im not doing shit lol

>> No.6114346

Well shit... Best of to you anon

>> No.6114352


just to clarify are you male or gril??

>> No.6114361

ya its whatever, i have people in my family who were harder drinkers then me and are like 80 years old so dunno

>> No.6114362

Maybe you got a concussion.

>> No.6114376

I used to work at a liquor store for a few years. We do get to know our alcoholics. Most are fine.

>old guy who every day or two bought a 2L cask of wine, a 6pk of beer and a bottle of gin
He got gangrene from diabetes and died shortly after

>50something housewife of a doctor
Her husband gave up work to try and look after her, but he couldn't stay at home forever and as soon as he'd leave she'd be back in. Not too bad though. A half-bottle of Jim Beam every day. Developed sores all up her arms

>quiet guy on a bike, every few days he'd get two 4L casks of wine
Crashed his bike and ended up with severe and permanent neck injuries

>guy from the supermarket deli next door, lots of things all the time
Got drunk one night and fell into a bonfire. Severe burns, but didn't stop him

>single mother from next suburb over, a few bottles of wine a day
Lost her license but kept driving to get her alcohol, I don't think she ever got caught. Would often come in and burst into tears at the counter, asking if she's a loser/crazy/whatever

>sri lankan chef, brandy all day every day
One time he rushed in, asked for his brandy, cracked it open and started swigging on the spot. I guess he'd left it too long since his last one. Marriage was on the rocks and wasn't cooking anymore

>> No.6114379

Can you get alcohol withdrawal the day after? I had an issue where I got shitfaced as a kid and when I went to take a shit the next morning I broke into a cold sweat and blacked out.

>> No.6114391

>tfw i dont fit any of that yet, but I know the clerks think and know im an alki

>> No.6114400

You just pushed too hard

>> No.6114405

Triple doubles... impressive. Let's see Paul Allen's post.

>> No.6114408

Everyone's body is different. Diet has a lot to do with it to. When I drink hard i don't have an appetite, just make sure you aren't eating junk.

I'm a lady, tyvm

What you had was dehydration. If you have alcohol withdrawl you will know it. It's much worse than anything I have ever experienced.

I was binge drinking for several days, 9 to be exact, and decided to stop suddenly. I had A bottle of wine when I woke up, shots of tequila with beers during the day, and more wine at dinner. Then I had a hangover and decided not to drink, that's when the problems start.

>> No.6114410

any more stories from there?

>> No.6114411

These threads make withdrawals even worse than they already are for me because you guys always shoot my already high paranoia through the fucking roof.

>> No.6114412

>What you had was dehydration.
Makes sense... it kinda felt like that, only drunker.

I have quit smoking and heroin... alcohol a shit

>> No.6114528


>> No.6115902

on again off again alcoholic here

fucked up thing is i dont even really like drinking, its just an escape i use when my opiate tolerance gets too high

aboot to hit the store to get the cheapest plastic bottle of vodka they have

>> No.6116857
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what are the symptoms of alcoholism withdrawal in your personal experience, /alc/?

>> No.6116871

Are you experiencing actual physical symptoms?
Increased heart rate, agitation, increased temperature, hallucinations...?

>> No.6116877

DT's/sweats/nausea/headaches/mild hallucinations

>> No.6116910

this thread made me realize why my mom and friends worry about my drinking....even though it's like three or four drinks a week.
also, what are dts?

>> No.6116922

>what are dts?

dt's = delirium tremens

>> No.6116928

DT = Delirium Tremens.
Severe, and possibly deadly, alcohol withdrawals.

I'm a nurse who used to detox people with DT all day. It's not pretty.

>> No.6117051

even more reason to watch how I drink.
care to share any stories?

>> No.6117060


you're not going to get dts if you drink 3-4 drinks a week

I quit cold turkey after drinking around a liter a day for several years and was fine

sweaty, panic attacks, but no DTs

>> No.6117066

i wish i had a place where everybody knew my naaaame

>> No.6117070

Damn, your parents are kind of uptight huh? That amount of drinking is healthier than none at all

>> No.6117089

oh I know
telling me. when I visit them during breaks from school it averages to five or so a week.
visiting even my mom's family she didn't want me drinking at all, made me want it even more.

>> No.6117095
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>mild hallucinations

I've been going through about 2-3 1.7L bottles of whiskey per week in the past 6-8 months.

Every now and then I'll wake up in the morning and hallucinate briefly and mildly.

Sometimes it's as innocuous as seeing stars/sparkly shit, to seeing what I think are insects (usually just swirly spots moving around) to semi-fucked up shit like a hole in my wall that slowly turns into basically the Sarlacc Pit.

They're no persistent and only ever occur when waking. There's no correlation between them and how much I drink (some nights I'll polish off a pint of whiskey and go to bed, some nights I'll kill half a handle and pass the fuck out).

In my mind it's more related to lack of sleep, because I notice them more on say the third day of working open-close shifts back-to-back.

>> No.6117106
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roider fag posting
confirming milk thistle

they give that shit to people with liver damage

here are more things that help with the liver
N-Acetyl Cysteine
Cichorium Intybus
Wasabi Japonica
Terminalia Arjuna
Achilles Millefolium

just buy a "liver support" supplement
they usually contain a bunch of shit that helps

>> No.6117109

I sorta shifted my intention mid-post, and it may be ambiguous.

Would such hallucinations be more a combination of alcohol abuse AND lack of sleep, rather than purely waking up sober?

I never drink before 8pm when I work (food service ftw), and rarely before 5pm when I don't work. Apart from the habitual start of drinking, there's not a whole lot of impetus for me to start drinking, just the ritual and all that.

>> No.6117112

Your hallucinations aren't from withdrawl

>> No.6117115


>> No.6117120

I know they're not purely from alcohol withdrawal (I've withdrawn from opiates before, I have some basis for what it feels like to go through them).

However, I've never experienced them in my life before so I was just wondering if it's a combination of lack of sleep and sobering up after a good bender.

>> No.6117124

I started a new job today, after spending the better part of the last two months constantly drunk. Today is day 3 of my sobriety. Feeling alright, but it's like something is missing. And now that I'm home I have nothing to do for the next 5 hours until I go to bed...

>> No.6117146

You're probably right, lack of sleep and alcohol abuse. When i drink more than usual, sometimes i cant tell if my dreams were events that really happened the day before or not. I also will sometimes think that events that really happened were dreams

>> No.6117173

Yeah, I'm not too worried about it yet.

Because of the long hours both at work and drinking, shit sorta runs together.

I've never been blackout drunk, and I've put away some whiskey in my day. I've blacked out from other drugs in the past and nothing like that has ever happened to me (yet).

I'll wake up forgetting I may have done something, but I'll remember it perfectly clear later.

My short term memory is iffy at times, but I've got some awesome long-term memory.

>> No.6117200

>tfw no alcoholic gf
nah, just kidding. alcoholics are fucking disgusting. worse so than drug addicts because being a drug addict isn't socially acceptable.

>> No.6117219

>Doing a beer bar crawl with friends
>Got a checklist with every kind of different types of beers, stouts, ales etc
>Have to complete the list before heading home
>if the pub doesn't serve a beer still on your checklist, chug a regular beer.

Next day I was vomiting up bile until 7pm.

>> No.6117226

Did you meet the evil robots?

>> No.6117387

> psych ward

yes, or they stated it enough to get committed and a head shrink er believed them enough to confine them for 7 days

>> No.6117399

Sorry, not really. The two stores I worked in were in fairly good suburbs, so not a lot of crime and misconduct I'm afraid. Just the slimy underbelly of the upper-middle classes.

>> No.6117459

thanks man

>> No.6117605

milk thistle, I tried it when I was full retard alcolo, and never saw a difference. B vitamins + thiamin makes a difference though. You feel more energized.

>> No.6117624

There are 5 liquor stores within 10 kms of my house. 2 are open until 10pm, and three close at 7pm. I go to the 5 locations with a regular schedule in the week. So far nobody recognises me.
However, the teen clerks at the convenience store around the street know me well and point me the beer specials of the week when I go.

>> No.6117729

I have been drinking a lot. Not as much as many of you, but I have caught shit from my parents when they called more than once.Tbh, its because I am lonely and bored. It doesn't help that my dad was a raging alcoholic and drug and alcohol abuse runs in the family. I feel fucking guilty every time I have a drink now, though, despite drinking less and taking days off at least once a aeek.

>> No.6117777

>pick up 30 case friday
>drink until i pass out
>wake up immediately open beer saturday

i miss doing that. haven't drank much since my DUI

>> No.6117789


>getting drunk alone

So sad.

>> No.6117829

Tips for not becoming an alcoholic but still enjoy drinking. Some of you are so fucked up you will think this is good advice, but it's very basic precautions.

>avoid drinking alone
>do not drink to forget problems, deal with them in other ways
>drink in good company for joy
>if drinking something while eating, stop drinking when you are finished eating. one beer/glass of wine is sufficient for dinner
>if you do not drink alcohol for dinner for the pure taste to supplement the food, i.e Argentine red wine for steak, drink something non-alcoholic
>if you get a bad hangover from liquor, drink something else next time, like beer
>don't get drunk on just liquor, even if you can handle it
>it is possible to be comfortably drunk but still remember the entire evening. find out what's perfect for a night out, and don't cross this line

Of course, the best way is abstinence, but that's fucking boring, drinking is fun. Just do it responsibly.

>> No.6117840
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anyone else here bipolar? i only ask because the last few months i was going through my manic phase (it's a temporary period where you feel like you're on speed 24/7) and i was still drinking. i got only 4 hours of sleep each day and still felt godlike. this was the first time i've drank while in that phase and i was wondering if anyone else here have gone through the same thing because looking back i was probably clinically insane from the delusions i was going through at the time. i'm not sure if there was any correlation there.

>> No.6117853


>i had more energy so I didn't feel like shit on less sleep

yeah that's just mania dude

but if you haven't been diagnosed as bipolar when you were sober then you could just be superficially insane due to the excessive alcohol consumption

there's a reason why at the bottom of diagnostic criteria lists it says something to the effect of "these are only relevant if the person is not doing drugs or consuming alcohol".

>> No.6117861
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>tfw enjoying moderate amount of alcohol with GF on friday nights while watching movies and eating great food we made together
>tfw meeting friends and drinking expensive imported micro brew beers in fancy bar
>tfw I hit the town once a week, get drunk enough to dance and actually do good (fuck you, I like dancing, it's about the only thing I can't do sober)
>tfw never had any blackout or even a hangover despite doing quite some drinking
>tfw I can buy several bottles of liquor and have them last for a long time because I know moderation

>> No.6117871


it was that day that anon realized, no one gives a shit.

>> No.6117874

oh, makes sense.

thanks, m8.

>> No.6117889


My dad is bipolar. He gets extremely delusional when he drinks. He and his psychiatrist thinks it's because of the diagnosis, but he's not 100 % sure. These incidents happened before he was diagnosed, and for brief periods of time he would drink heavily to cope with what he was going through. He stopped drinking due to incidents where he got so delusional that it scared him, switching between extremely paranoid and king of the fucking world, to an extent that none in the family had ever seen. Once he got the diagnosis and started meds, his need for this drinking disappeared.

At one point he wielded a gun in our house, telling us to hide from the "enemy" who he knew was coming, and he was going to stall them so we could escape. He once went in to a restaurant owned by some Middle-Eastern people and demanded to see their financial records because he just KNEW they were funding terrorists and he was going to prove it to the world. He had this really detailed explanation of how this was, but it made no sense. He harassed them pretty badly, it was awful. Another time, he went to our tiny boat rambling about some great voyage he was about to undertake. At other times he would accuse me of having been recruited by the FBI to spy on him and conspiring with an eastern European friend of mine to sell him out some foreign government.

Not sure this is the same, but it was awful, and I'd advice you to be careful.

>> No.6117900
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2 days sober

still can't sleep

>> No.6117907


Welcome to al/ck/

Now fuck off.

>> No.6117909
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>I heard someone mention a supplement or pill they take for the liver what was it

That was me OP. I said I eat a liverwurst sandwich every day for breakfast so as to replenish my liver.

I'm still alive, btw.

>> No.6117910

take some benadryl, it'll take the edge off your anxiety as well

>> No.6117921


Jesus how can you get so bad where you don't drink and can't sleep for two days straight as a result?

>> No.6117925

>>tfw I hit the town once a week, get drunk enough to dance and actually do good (fuck you, I like dancing, it's about the only thing I can't do sober)


>> No.6117927

you honestly think that's bad or are you just being dramatic?

>> No.6117930

You'r not alcoholic, you're just Polish or Russian or some shit like that.

>> No.6117933

Any advice for benzo dependents who also drink a fair bit?

Tonight it was my prescribed 2mg klonopin, a six pack of beer, a bottle of wine, and 6oz irish whisky. That's not much more than usual, and I feel completely in control.

I'm functional or better throughout the day, but it is a financial drain. Only real problem is that I feel like shit even with the klonopin, if I don't drink, life seem infinitely worse. And i know that's my inner jakey talking, but nevertheles, life sucks even after two or three months with no drink. So I'm maintaining for now. It's not great, but it works.

>> No.6117942



I'm part of the vanishing 'murrican middle class, anon.

>> No.6117944


Before my GF, my dancing was key to bed several women. Still does wonders with her, too. Those people who would call me a faggot about it, were those who I snubbed out of sex.

>> No.6117945

if you're being prescribed, talk to your doctor
i know this sounds like shit but let's get real for a moment, your doctor isn't a cop
they're there to help, just bite the bullet and say "i'm getting dependent on my medication and i need help"
he's not going to force you to go to rehab or call the cops or some dumb shit, benzo dependency can be dangerous for your body and he can tell you what to do

>> No.6117957

sounds a little bit of what i was going through, but obviously on a smaller scale. i tried to quit a few days ago but it fucked my sleeping patterns royally, since i was using it as a sedative to sleep on time. now when i don't drink i just go through really depressing periods at night until i cry myself to sleep.

i appreciate your post.

>> No.6117969

>klonopin + booze
Lord no, first time I took that shit it was like I was drunk already.
It was only .5mg or 1 mg too.

>> No.6117979

I once told a doctor I was depressed and sometimes thought of suicide. He threatened to call the cops if I didn't go to a hospital right then. All I wanted were happy pills. He was a right cunt about it.

>> No.6117981

that's because you fucking told him you were suicidal retard, they legally have to report that
what the fuck did you think was going to happen

>> No.6117985

You're an idort.
Also, it's better to go with you taking the initiative, looks better for background checks.
Also it's pretty much the fastest way to get happy pills

>> No.6117986

Who hasn't thought of suicide? I wasn't saying I was going to or wanted to.

>> No.6117989


Good luck, man.

>> No.6117990


The main problem with this is that I really don't want to have a drug habituation, or rehab on my record if I can avoid it.

You're absolutely right, my psychiatrist isn't a cop, and he is there to help. At the same time, there is great stigma against against mixing benzos and alcohol. I fear that he would cut me off immediately, forcing me into a rehab program. Although that isn't a medically sound progression of treatment, there have been many before me who have been forced through worse by their doctors.

To clarify, I like my current dose of klonopin. With agorophobia, it allows me to get out an grab groceries, pretend I'm a real human being for a while, and not hate myself.

At first the drinking was just icing on the cake, but I'm starting to feel like it's more of a detriment than is necessary. So really, you've answered my question - I should quit drinkng heavily for at least six months, then see where I'm at. After that, a monitored taper from the benzos doesn't seem unreasonable.

Thank you.

>> No.6117992

One or the other unless you want to end up in a pysch ward or dead in the next 3 years. Benzos and booze is the worst combination, why does your dr prescribe you kpins? Does he not know your an alcoholic?

>> No.6117993

it doesn't matter, your doctor isn't going to risk his license because you said you think about killing yourself

>> No.6117996


He still legally has to do that dude. Also most people haven't seriously thought about it.

Imagine yourself in his position; someone tells you they sometimes thought about suicide. Ok, so obviously there's a possibility, and he doesn't know how much. Wouldn't it be irresponsible for him to not take any precautions necessary to ensure your well-being?

>inb4 hurr durr doctors are hacks

>> No.6118011


Do doctors in America rat out addicts? Really? It's illegal in most of Europe, a doctor who tells the cops about a patient who is an addict will get fired and possibly even face prison in some countries.

Norwegian supreme court even decided that a doctor who contaminated a big bag of coke they found in the hospital in order to protect his patient was to be cleared of all charges because he did so to protect doctor patient confidentiality. An addicted patient had lost a bag of coke in the waiting room. Someone in the reception called to have the police come pick it up. When the doctor was asked by the police if he knew who's it was, he said no. He did though, he figured it was only one patient who could have dropped it. Then the police implied they wanted to get the bag's DNA and fingerprint checked . The doctor then grabbed the bag and rubbed it so hard, nothing could be salvaged. Doctor's union payed all legal expenses and Supreme Court decided he did the right thing.

>> No.6118016

did you not read what i just posted?
your doctor only has to report you if you're planning on harming yourself or someone else

>> No.6118017


I've been on the booze/benzos combo for six years now. No psych ward yet, came close a couple of times, but that was more life stress than anything else. Death and taxes, right?

I know I'll have to quit all this shit in the next little while, but I'm not looking forward to it.

Kpins are for agoraphobia. Frankly, he could just double my dose and then I could cut out the booze. Personal experiments support this.Then a taper down to half the current dose would probably be ideal. But the script is legitimate. Before I got it, I was confined to me shitty apartment for nearly six months. Prison of the mind is a shitty place to be.

>> No.6118028

thx, m8.

>> No.6118035

Yeah I dont doubt you need em, Ive just seen a score of my friends crash and burn spectacularly from abusing benzos, in addition to their alcoholism and stimulant habits. 18 drinks is a lot for any amount of benzos. You try weed or nitrous oxide (or both) as a substitue for drinking while on kpins? I can take almost a whole week off drinking at a time with ambien, whippets, and weed. It is a very comfy combo

>> No.6118043

I guess. As a young guy it was still pretty shocking to finally work up the courage to get help with my depression and have that be the response.

>> No.6118058

Yeah shitty, thats what the suicide hotline is for. Doctors can just be fucked legally if someone tells them theyve thougjt about suicde and they don't react. If that person tells their parents they saw the dr and he did nothing, and then that person DOES committ suicdie, the family could sue doctor for wrongful death or some tort

>> No.6118114

>Norwegian police getting btfo

>> No.6118144

Have any of you guys seen this? Bretty good http://youtu.be/vfd-RHQm4Jo

>> No.6118155

never quit cold turkey. taper off or you can do permanent damage.

>> No.6118171


Yeah, I'm sure you're the fucking Zorro of 4chan, you nerdy little nimbletoed faggot. Now go pirouette off a bridge

>> No.6118180
File: 125 KB, 512x384, 00938441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hallucinations, spiders racing across the ceiling, flying insects that don't exist, feeling things crawling on you, depth perception is off completely, every shadow is something that horrifies you until your eyes take a moment to focus
>shitting yellow liquid that seems greasy and clings to the inside of the toilet no matter how much you flush, this lasts at least a week until you are eating normally again
>that 'impending doom' feeling, anything that surprises and any loud noise is like a jump scare in a movie that leaves my heart pumping rapidly for minutes. feeling like if I close me eyes I will stop breathing, feeling like I will have a heart attack or a stroke at any minute, feeling like the fbi will show up and arrest me and shoot my dogs for having smoked weed in high school
>completely unable to regulate my body temp, I'm either freezing and shivering violently or so hot I worry my brain will fry
>feeling like there must be something wrong with you other than just withdrawal, completely delusional bouts of hypochondria, I've honestly believed I had everything from pancreatitis to beriberi or other b vitamin deficiency neurological disorders with the resulting brain and nerve damage, to being poisoned by somebody, to african sleeping sickness, to any number of infections that lead to encephalopathy
>violent trembling and seizures, you don't really realize you are having a seizure you just lose consciousness and wake up on the floor, often with an injury to your head
>when you close your eyes and pray you will be permitted to sleep, you get the most intense rapid closed eye visuals that increase in intensity until you open your eyes again, it's like a slideshow of the most horrific things you can possibly imagine. dreams are the same if you manage to pass out, pure terror nightmares that you wouldn't even think a human brain is capable of imagining

this was like half of the symptoms I typed, comment is too long so I give up

>> No.6118191

A friends mother got drunk and fell asleep with her feet in a coal fireplace. He finds here there with charred feet and calls an ambulance. Has her feet amputated but dies of emphacemia a day later anyway
52 years old

>> No.6118194


Keeping this for future posts, if you don't mind. This is a real good deterrent. 100% accurate. Especially the paranoia bit.

>> No.6118197

regular bad hangover. just drink shitloads of water and power through it. it's just this one day you have to survive.

>> No.6118200

Sometimes after drinking lots of red wine I have sticky, black shits. Is this "normal" or am I dying, /ck/?

>> No.6118225

What is being an alcohol like?

>> No.6118233
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its like bieng a retarded child that has done so many mental gymnastics that they cant even be mature enough to blame thier problems on themselves and not the booze
or maybe they are to stupid to realize it

alcoholics are pathetic

take another drink

>> No.6118238

That's normal. Drink more water. You can drink just as much alcohol as you want, but also drink more water. I don't like those sticky clingy shits and having a crayon asshole that constantly colors the paper, so I drink more water.

>> No.6118239


it's like being completely alone and so sad you do nothing but huff paint fumes in your room

and it does almost nothing for you but you still cant stop

>> No.6118241

Fuck that sounds like a good story

>> No.6118246

the main reason people drink, if not for fun, is out of guilt, I don't think not blaming themselves is an issue for any serious alcoholic

if you are going to talk out of your ass you should try to be less self righteous

>> No.6118247

It's a disease. The planet's only on loan to us, dude.

>> No.6118469

yeah i made it through. fucking hell, i've had hangovers before, but that was by far the worst. i would have just started drinking again, but with work yesterday, i might have gotten myself fired (safety hazards)

>> No.6118475

Drink pedialyte to rehydrate.
Take milk thistle for liver.
Vitamin B12 to prevent dementia.

Good luck.

>> No.6118482

>drinking a lot of beer over Christmas has made my man titties swell up (in conjunction with eating too much)
>cannot stop after opening my first beer

Is this the first sign of addiction? I have been addicted to opiates and dependant on marijuana at separate stages in my life and dont want to fall into it again. Especially not alcohol, ive seen the effects of alcoholism.

How to I stop drinking

>> No.6118486

>How to I stop drinking

>stop drinking
that's literally it.

yes, i know it's easier said than done. i'm the same fucking way. open a beer and the next thing you know i've downed 12 of them and am off to the store to buy more.

>> No.6118524
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See for yourself, Anon.

>> No.6118563



>> No.6118570

thanks friend, that was a good watch

if anyone wants to quit (any drug, not just alcohol) I can help give you a taper plan using drugs you can buy (or steal) from Walmart. If you're willing to use darknet it will help but isn't necessary

ive quit plenty of drugs almost painlessly but im a current addict because i act like an escaped psych wardee when im sober

>> No.6118590

>Nowadays only buy cheap vodka to get drunk
>Never beer, cider or anything similar

I'm not even close to being alcoholic since I drink rather rarely but when money is short does this become common for alcoholics?

>> No.6118595



>> No.6118630

I'm quitting for the month of January because I'm getting fat. Will see how I feel after that.

>> No.6118631

>hallucinations, spiders racing across the ceiling, flying insects that don't exist, feeling things crawling on you, depth perception is off completely, every shadow is something that horrifies you until your eyes take a moment to focus

Sounds like a benadryl trip

>> No.6118634
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>eating a liver sandwich to help ur liver

>> No.6118635

Alcohol is literally the second or third most dangerous drug to be addicted to, after meth and most inhalants.

Hell, assuming the cut isn't too bad and is predictable, and that you aren't sharing needles, long-term heroin addiction is far less damaging than alcoholism.

>> No.6118641

>3 pints of vodka a day
fuck me this is horrible watching someone throw up that extremely and continue drinking straight vodka

>> No.6118644

quads confirmed for fun

>> No.6118651

Yeah this is the real deal.

>> No.6118655


I swear the other night I almost got alcohol poisoning.

>be 5pm start drinking
>kill a 6 pack
>friend comes over with jumbo bottle of gin
>make mixed drinks and do shots for a few hours
>he goes home
>start spinning really bad
>go outside to throw up
>throwing up so much basically choking on it cant breathe well
>pass out for a bit in the yard not sure for how long
>come to to my dog barking at me

was scary as hell, not sure ill be drinking much more this year after that.

>> No.6118885
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yeah alcohol poisoning sucks, how bad was your hangover the next day?

i've gotten alcohol poisoning a few times but this is the only one i remember the most:
>be 17
>bored out of my mind one night
>find 2L bottle of coconut rum in the cabinet
>never tried alcohol before, what could go wrong?
>pour some on ice in a plastic cup and go outside of my backyard to stargaze
>also bring bottle with me
>1 cup down
>oh wow that wasn't so bad; why are people so adamant about alcohol? i don't get the hype
>5 cups later
>finish entire bottle
>huh, i don't feel anything
>still staring at stars
>think to myself that it's time to go back inside
>try to stand up
>now on my knees trying to crawl to the door
>somehow crawling to the door becomes irrelevant
>end up face up, lying on the cold floor
>start laughing because the stars are just so fucking beautiful
>you know what would make this moment really awesome? music!
>take phone out and put on girly song that i'm ashamed of liking
>put it on full volume

that's the last i remember of that night. apparently i took off all of my clothes, destroyed every single one of my mother's plants in the backyard and somehow bodily fluids ended up on the couch in the living room.

my brother was the one to help me up stairs to my room. i was naked, holding the empty bottle of coconut rum close to me because i thought i should hide the evidence at the time. the next morning there was a huge pile of regret lying on the floor that stained the carpet.

i can't consume anything with coconut now.

>> No.6118896


I lol'd
sorry you had such a bad time ;_;

I felt like I had died the next day could barely eat or move. this stuff only happens when I drink hard liqour, drink too much and get arrested or drink too much and almost die... so not worth it

>> No.6118906

So I get drunk about once a week with friends, we hit the town and have a good time. I never get hungover, I just get tired the next day, but I get these extreme, sometimes, hilarious, fucking nightmares every time when I go to bed.

I dreamt a giant fucking shrimp came to suck my blood out and I woke up screaming. It bit my arm, and I felt numb in it when I woke up.

The dreams feel very intense and it's uncomfortable as hell.

>> No.6119033

11 days sober here. It feels pretty good to not feel like shit.

>> No.6119056

posting on /ck/ about how long you've been sober is always the first step to a relapse, for me

i hope you aren't the same

>> No.6119119

Ah ah! Me too, I only look at those threads when I'm sobering up. After a couple of comments, I put on my coat, get in my shoes and go to the liquor store.

>> No.6119121

>"like always"
This would infuriate me.
You don't keep your repeat customers coming back by reminding them that they have a problem.

>> No.6119150

Fuck man. I had a concussion almost a month ago and I still get those horrible headaches, just like the ones I had on the day after the concussion.
PCS is fucking hell.

Hangover probably.

>> No.6119151

>btw I heard someone mention a supplement or pill they take for the liver what was it?
B complex.

>> No.6119188

>It bit my arm, and I felt numb in it when I woke up.
Chances are you've been laying on that arm for a long time and couldn't roll off it or that's you're just plain psychotic.

>I dreamt a giant fucking shrimp came to suck my blood out and I woke up screaming
That's actually pretty tame.
My worst nightmare was that the stars were coming to get me and then the earth rolled itself up and crushed me.
That was much much more horrifying than it sounds.

>> No.6119742

I feel like I quit drinking.
but really I just drink 3-5 drinks a day now.

I keep thinking "wow I feel so refreshed and happy and in a good mood. these psych meds must be working finally" "oh wait, I had two shots about 30 minutes ago :/"

I think imma keep drinking 3-5 drinks a day for life, life sort of sucks and is boring without it.

>> No.6119949

holy shit that was sad, the ending was optimistic too...

>> No.6120041

do you smoke weed?
way better (at least healthier anyway) pacifier and boredom killer

>> No.6120076


>being this angry on anonymous people on a Taiwanese cartoon board

>> No.6120083

i mean, i can buy two handles, which last a week. that's $56.
if i go to the bar every night, that's $10 for booze & $10 for tip a night for getting equally drunk. $140 is much more than $56.

>> No.6120091

NYE '03 i woke up with my best friends' sister next to me & a handle of malibu with a 1/4 remaining
chugged that shit & puked. i cant touch coconut anymore either.

>> No.6120109

he died

>> No.6120120

i know, thats why the ending was so sad, they built it up then they hit you with a hammer.

>> No.6120133

>first time getting drunk with brother and his friends at his party, was 14
>already hated licorice at this point
>get kept feeding me flaming black sambuca shots
>had 5, threw up absolutely everywhere,had to be carried inside
>spent the next day thinking i was about to die at any moment
>the smell of licorice now makes me dry heave


>> No.6120154

the feels are too real

>> No.6120219

I drink alone like 2-3 40ozs a night now for like 6-7 years its comfy

>> No.6120236

anyone else ever pay with nickels and dimes for a bottle of cheap plastic vodka behind the register?

>> No.6120239

No. Just steal before you get to that.

>> No.6120578

If I were you I wouldn't bother letting my presence be known in these threads. You're not going to understand this kind of stuff and I'm glad that there are people that don't.

>> No.6120597

I buy tall cans with quarters. Dunno if that's the same

>> No.6120611

It sucks, im not a hardcore alki i drink every night but for instance when i dont feel well or really cant drink i cant fall asleep its awful

>> No.6120683

Different nurse. I had a patient who was a frequent flier on our unit. Unable to get his shit together, every few months he'd try to cold turkey his drinking and come into the ED flagrantly hallucinating. I wasn't quick enough realizing how bad he was the first time I had him and he set his own pants on fire when his ativan wore off. Did not make that mistake again.

Now I work in a cardiac floor. Last week I watched a guy die with his family sobbing around him. He had pickled his heart and liver with alcoholism at the ripe old age of 35. He got shocked by his Implanted Defibrillator 3 times that morning and asked us to turn it off cause he couldn't take it anymore.

The sound a mother makes when her child dies in front of her is the worst one I know.

>> No.6120701

This thread could save many lives.
This shit is making me rethinking how much I drink.
I am not an alcoholic, but sometimes...I just really want a drink.

>> No.6120917

was she cute?

>> No.6120924

Hate looking at my texts from the night before.

>> No.6120962

been drinking a lot the past few months. not alki, but a lot for me. one night i drank a few beers, had weird intestinal pains and bladder pains, thought it was the hot sauce i had slathered all over my tacos that night (hot sauce and me usually get along just fine). the next night i finished off half a bottle of champage my mom didnt want from new years. i got a moderate buzz, but it wasnt really enough to get me drunk. i was later having some of the most horrible pain in my intestines ever. i spend a few hrs lying in bed feeling like death, kept trying to take a shit but I didnt have to. forced myself to puke twice, and it helped a little. eventually got someone to drive me to a store and get some pepto bismol, which REALLY took the edge off and made things bareable. still couldnt really sleep that night, was in and out. woke up at 4am, pissed mostly blood, and then i stayed up until 5am drinking as much water as i could until my urine returned to being urine and not blood. passed out another few hours, woke up with the same pains, kept drinking water and eating things like pretzels and crackers. that was a few days ago and im doing awwww-right now. had a few expensive beers left, used one to make some delicious bread today. i'm not going to drink for a long long time, it just isnt worth the chance of that horrible pain. got some beer and half a bottle of rye left but oh well, there are other methods of getting not sober that dont involve burning up my intestines

>> No.6121001

It's fun until it isn't.

>> No.6121009

you probably won't experience that pain again if you stay hydrated while drinking

>> No.6121057

Most of it was a fairly standardised process of intramuscular injections of phenobarbital and vitamins B for a few days.
When the patient came in he'd usually be a trembling paranoid agitated mess. A lot of them developed Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome to some degree or other. Certain almost all came in with nystagmus and severe DT.
We had a lot of repeat customers of course, since almost none of them truly quit drinking permanently.

Then there were the ones whose livers were proper ruined from drink.
You can look up hepatic coma and read a bit about that. It's not nice.
Because their livers were unable to do the actual job of dealing with toxins part of the "treatment" (we weren't curing them of course) was giving them ridiculous amounts of laxative to keep the shit flowing through them. Otherwise the body would absorb the toxins from the bowels and poison itself or something. This wasn't really my area.

Physical change to the liver also increased blood pressure in the portal vein, which drains blood from stomach and oesophagus into the liver for cleansing.
The pressure built up and caused varices in the oesophagus.
Sometimes a big one of these would rupture and the patient would bleed to death, spewing blood like a fountain.
It was a really gnarly way to go and there was no treatment for a large rupture other than turning the patient on his side so he'd bleed out rather than drown.


>> No.6121262
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What hurts the most is how powerful the alcohol lobby is the countries with the biggest problem.

Europe,Canada and Australia both have US beat btw.


>7.6 per cent of men's deaths and four per cent of women's deaths are alcohol-related
Australia 12.2
Canada 10.2
USA 9.2

>> No.6121294
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This shit makes me furious. Discounts when you buy double and triple amounts.

>> No.6121323

>He had pickled his heart and liver with alcoholism at the ripe old age of 35.
Jesus christ, how big was his intake? Must have been a godawful amount to drink each day.

>> No.6121380


Nigga yd you have to go and make me feel

>> No.6121511
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Love the comments.

>> No.6121772

better than being like the bloke in the docu m8

>> No.6121791

Dunno, he wasn't my patient, I was just assisting his nurse. I think I heard he had started drinking at 9, though I doubt he was throwing down whole bottles of vodka at that age. I see a fair amount of alcoholic cardiomyopathy, often compounded by cocaine use. Just depends on the person what goes first, the liver or the heart.

>> No.6121794
File: 12 KB, 485x312, tfw-kethead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been doing about a gram of ketamine every day for 3 years, quit now but i drink about 4 pints of lager every day now. not much booze but am i still pushing it considering my kidneys and liver are probably fucked to all hell?

>> No.6121819

youve must been a r e a l l y chill dude

>> No.6121836

>Drank at work all day yesterday
>Come home and pass the fuck out
>Wake up at 6, can already tell that it's going to be a all day vomit fest if I don't get some drinks in me
>Manage to eat some berries and a banana cuz I forgot to eat yesterday
>On my 8th beer and feeling so much better
>Have to work in an hour and a half

Why can't I just live on my couch and just drink all day long? Life is so unfair.

>> No.6121883

all jokes aside i lost my fiancee of 5 years and failed my university course
i still maintain some drugs are good for your 'soul', i dont think i would rly understand myself without K, but i went overboard, i lost everything tbh

>> No.6121920

discounts are nice for the non alcoholic, but they really are just fueling the fire.

>> No.6121928

>normal people can't have a price break because disgusting drunks can't control themselves

ayy lmao

>> No.6121933

Not what I said at all, it's honestly not targeted at normal people.

>> No.6121944


24hr 365 petrol station near me sells alcohol until 12pm (by policy) but i've brought it there past 1am sometimes.

>> No.6121945

because normal people dont buy drinks in bulk to store for a party?
gtfoutta here

>> No.6121947

Party implies binge drinking, which is not normal.

>> No.6121981

>Party implies binge drinking, which is not normal
Group binge drinking is pretty normal.

>> No.6122003

not who ur replying to but think about why its normal
clearly it's not healthy, even for a one-off
its only normal cos of pop culture
ppl throwing up sporadically thru a night, forgetting what they did, accepted as normal? fucked up if you ask me, and i'm recovering from heroin addiction

>> No.6122022

uhm, we have different concepts of party
buying bulk to mix cocktails for a party is pretty common
people have a few drinks
not sure what kind of urban hell hole u dwell at

>> No.6122024


nobody said it was healthy, it's clearly not healthy

it is normal though

>> No.6122091


Alcohol withdrawal can be lethal.

Cut back.

Drink lighter beverages to take off the edge.

It will take time, but it is much better than stopping suddenly.

>> No.6122095

hehe nah rural yorkshire
a few drinks whatever, but you literally stated binge drinking is normal. dont backtrack m8

>> No.6122108

wasnt me m80

>> No.6122117
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This. For some reason I can't really drink at home.
I become friends with my bartenders and a few other drunks at my local bar.

>> No.6122151

regardless, your low-level alcohol abuse is entirely appealing due to pop culture, no?

>> No.6122344
File: 113 KB, 640x360, smokingpills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is making me want to smoke an oxy

>> No.6122377

Come on, man.
If I buy 5 kg. of chicken legs you don't expect me to eat them all in one sitting, do you?
Some people can control their drinking and those who can't are probably going to drink regardless of the cost.
It's not fair to lay the blame on the stores for this, no.

>> No.6122413

>tfw want to be a regular at a bar
>tfw want to be friends with bartender and other regulars
>tfw just drink at home

>> No.6122431

Drinking at the same bar gets old real quick.

It gets sad real quick.

>> No.6122435


Yeah, we're all jolly fellas in here, wouldn't want any sadness

>> No.6122436

I used to be a regular at a bar. The bartenders all knew me and had drinks already made, usually, every time I walked up. Free drinks here and there. I went often and tipped well. It was nice.

Now, I usually just drink at home because it's convenient and cheap. I don't like the worry of driving--even if you aren't drunk, any amount of alcohol in your system/breath can screw you if you're pulled over.

Really, I knew the other regulars but didn't consider them friends. Just people to drink with. It's always more fun going to bars with real friends. Maybe if it was like that I wouldn't drink at home nowadays.

>> No.6122448

According to some people[weasel words], "binge drinking" is drinking more than 4 drinks on any given day, which I'd say is pretty normal once and a while.

>> No.6122457

Follow up story...

I also travel frequently for work, out of state. After work or sometime at night, I'll usually find a seat at the hotel bar or nearby pub, order some food and drink for a while. Every day of the week, usually, just a couple drinks--3 max. Mostly, it's because what else am I gonna due until the next day of work, besides watch hotel tv. In this case, I become a "regular" over the course of the week. It feels weird. Not nice, like at my local bar(s). I just sit there and stare at my phone, texting friends back home. It's awkward. I've taken to just buying a small bottle of liquor from the store and drinking in the hotel room, or grabbing a bottle of wine from the concierge shop if they have it. Feels super fucking al/ck/y.

>> No.6122460

its normal for me yeah, and probably normal for your society depending on where you live, but not normal in a vacuum rly is it?
lovin the wiki reference tho 4ching could use some more of that

>> No.6122487

You can't define "normal human behavior" in a vacuum. If it's "normal" in a society, then it's normal. I don't think there's anything intrinsic in humans that would make them "binge drink" if they were living isolated from other people, but living isolated from other people is not "normal".

>> No.6122496

You can't define "normal human behavior" in a vacuum. If it's normal in a society, it's normal. It may not be intrinsic to humans that someone living isolated from a society would be compelled to "binge drink", but living isolated from a society is not normal.

>> No.6122498

I got a hangover just watching him.

>> No.6122501

What the fuck, I refreshed about a hundred times and my first post didn't appear. Whatever.

>> No.6122509

i dont rly mean in relation to your friends, i mean to your health
binge drinking (yeah even 4 beers) does irreparable damage to your body (no matter how small it may be)

>> No.6122523

That warm hug from a bear on a cold night.

>> No.6122536
File: 55 KB, 500x500, dank-ass-fuck-dong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6122538


Oh god this hurts
>"My allowance is 10 bucks a day from my grandpa"
>grandpa had to drive him to the store, he just grabbed the money and left him there

Oh god I can't

>> No.6122554

healthy =/= normal

In the 1940s and 50s in the US, it was normal to smoke cigarettes daily.

>> No.6122581

i honestly dont understand what ur point is?
my point is that is it completely unhealthy for me to binge drink and companies are making that normal in ppls minds

>> No.6122614

Party doesn't mean binge drinking for most people. It's usually considered socially unacceptable to get trashed at a party.

>> No.6122682


>that ending

Yeah. Okay. Well great. No need to have a nice evening or anything,. Oh man. Oh man this is hard, man

>> No.6123072

sounds like you need to go where everybody knows your name

>> No.6123084

>tfw nobody's glad you came

>> No.6123138

>One time he rushed in, asked for his brandy, cracked it open and started swigging on the spot.

this made me lol

>> No.6123141

Does anyone know why he'd die in rehab? Is it just shit timing or does this happen regularly to addicts who wean themselves off, even in a care facility?

>> No.6123170

>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Get up in the morning
>Do the standard morning routine
>Make coffee and try to drink it
>Realize it was all a dream
>Actually get up and live on my life

>> No.6123194

seriously..? fuck me i got that loop maximum once or twice after doing acid a lot

but wow if that happened to me i would kill myself, regardless of whether i knew it was a dream or not

>> No.6123207

He waited far far too long.
He really was lucky to last as long as he did.

>> No.6123248

fuck head, the point is theres no discount on a single bottle.

And they commonly do it with everything now. 2 dozen wines, 2 cases/slabs of beer, etc.

It's obvious to any person that one bottle of vodka is all anyone would need for themselves, so why is the consumer forced to buy more for any kind of discount?

>> No.6123252

Are you married or a homo? You talk way too much for having no point.

>> No.6123263


this is fucking shit and balls.

rich people go to Betty Ford and they load up right the fuck up on pams and painkillers and sleeping pills while they detox

they made this guy suffer until he died and NEVER gave him any help.

>> No.6123280

The point is it doesn't matter where I drink, I'm just an alcoholic. Lrn2 reading comprehension.

>> No.6123289

lets play a drinking game.
drink everytime he drinks

>> No.6123296

would you drink with him?

>> No.6123316

Not trying to diminish your experience, but trying to add: I tried mushroom once, and experienced what you did. Closing eyes and seeing nightmares... eyes open, hallucinating insects... so fucked! Must be our neurobiology.

>> No.6123322

i hate how stupid the family members are.

>> No.6123325

if you're planning a whole fucking dry month then you're not an alcoholics

>> No.6123396


I just find it strange he passed away during the filming of the doc

>> No.6123799

You definitely are not alcoholic if you plan to have a dry month (or two, holy shit) and you're saying "just to check". If drinking makes you worry that much, just don't do it as often and you won't become dependent. You certainly aren't now.

>> No.6123833

your dog is a bro

>> No.6123886

planning to stay sober for month and actually doing it are two different things, friends

>> No.6123904
File: 61 KB, 540x720, rum_bac34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be 16 years old
> steal mom's unopened pint bottle of Bacardi white rum she's saving to make paczki
> go out walking the neighborhood and drinking with my buddies
> nobody wants to drink any of the rum I brought
> I drink it all myself
> somehow manage to wander home drunk off my ass
> wake-up on the front lawn, the dawn light shining in my eyes, soaking wet from dew and shivering
> pick up the morning paper off the porch as I stumble in the house
> realize the paperboy had to step over me to deliver the paper....

>> No.6123924
File: 112 KB, 1060x404, 1sd4itpo.wizardchan.1400951169137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chugging the last of my handle right meow

>> No.6123933

yea, it was lame how optimistic they made the ending then made that sledgehammer fall.

>> No.6123937

the cutest.

>> No.6123939
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>4 days sober
>my heart feels like it can stop at any given moment

I hope it's just the anxiety

>> No.6123993
File: 134 KB, 265x265, 3zTrH2Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat feel when new to drinking
dat feel when try jim bean maple bourbon for the first time

>> No.6124005

I'm a regular at this bar I go to. It's mostly just people in their late 20s early 30s who work in the food service industry. All pretty cool people who go to the bar every night after they get off work.
I used to go every night I got off work (Mon-Sat) but it started getting expensive. Now I go one or two times a week.

>> No.6124014

Is Spicy V8 an acceptable Bloody Mary mix?

I'm asking for a friend.

>> No.6124021

Anyone here have tips on drinking while on probation?
I start next week and it lasts for a year.

>> No.6124034


It was legitimately fucked up because i have never gasped at a TV show but they owned me. Its like they exploited his death but hopefully alcoholics will watch it and be frightened into quitting. Regardless, this film will stay with me for quite a while.

>> No.6124035

sure bud, try it and let us know

>> No.6124036

how the fuck do you guys do captcha when youre drunk like shit this is hard

>> No.6124041

Grandpa wasn't at the funeral, notice?

>> No.6124072

No, i don't know what id do. Run the other way.

>> No.6124077

>Work at bar
>Pay is free alcohol
>serve customers whilst pissed out of my mind every day for 2 years bad times
>get fired fuck knows how i made it 2 years
>no money to buy alcohol
>after a month i lose the urge
>as long as it's not around i don't crave it
>don't know if to feel good about this or not as it has been a year since getting fired and i am still wasting my life away but only sober now.

>> No.6124086

It made it's point, it could've been presented better.
Like not make us think he was going to make it somehow then he just dies.

>> No.6124093

so I bought a few litre bottles of vodka over the christmas week
finished one in a night and a morning for a few days in a row
little hangover
am i just naturally tolerant or?

>> No.6124122

I found my first couple of bottles of alcohol never gave much of a hangover no matter how wasted i got.
I think its beer that gives me more of a hangover, you may just be good to go with vodka. Not sure if thats the same for everyone but at least for me, it was not until i started drinking it on a regular basis mixing it with beer aswell that i would get fucked up hangovers where i could hardly stand up.

>> No.6124134


Vod is easy to drink and not get hung over unless you drink a shitload and get alch poisoning

>> No.6124157


>I was binge drinking for several days, 9 to be exact, and decided to stop suddenly.

You see I've done this before at festivals and been totally fine apart from feeling a bit blue for a day or two. Is it normal to get severe withdrawls from only a week or two of binging?

>> No.6124164

Yes, alcohol is an addiction, your brain wants more. Your body now relies on it.
It only really takes a few days and you are hooked, hell i was once an alcoholic, even years later i can't have a single beer without craving more and just going back to my old ways.
Get past it and hope it will go, i can no longer drink the smallest amount without getting massive cravings for more. Making it really hard for me to just have a quick small drink in any situation.

>> No.6124186


>> No.6124188


Wtf so its truly that kind of deal where you climb the mountain one time and forever you will want that peak even if you just take a small hike here and there?

>> No.6124191

And this guy deserved help why? He

>> No.6124194

I've had ALL of these. The fucking worst

>> No.6124197

For me yes.
There is a bottle of wine left over from Christmas in the fridge, for now i am good i can stop myself from drinking that, because i know damn well if i have one small sip my body will crave the rest, and then more when i am finished, its the same for going out with friends, i have to force myself to leave the bar with them and at times i would really love to just stay and drink all night, its hard as fuck. I don't see myself ever being able to drink a reasonable amount and walk away with some still left ever for the rest of my life. My body remembers what it was like and craves it whenever i remind it of that feeling.

>> No.6124203

I will add just thinking of that feeling made me go and automatically grab a glass of it. Anyone else feel this way? are there any ex alcoholics that can literally have a drink then walk away with no second thoughts?

>> No.6124266

Not that anon, Speaking personally, I canot have just one. Now I just won't bother with drinking because I drink to get fucked up.

When I binge drank I drank into the next day to stop the hangover and I began getting really sick when I didn't have alcohol in my system. The seizure I suffered was more than enough for me. I have been on 3 courses of benzos floor trying to quit on my own and I finally have a handle on it. 2 hospital stays. Drinking has fucked my life. I'm only 24 but started hardcore drinking at 17. I have pains in my liver now whenever I drink. It's not fun. I can't drink responsibly.

Here's a video that fucked me up.

Go to 9:15 on that video and tell me it doesn't change your life /ck/

>> No.6124267

I'm at my boyfriends house and he has beers in the fridge and I'm not drinking any because I know I can't have just one. He took me to the dr last time I had DTs. God what a fucking living nightmare. I hate alcohol, and I hate that I'm constantly thinking about it.

>> No.6124270

Any alks here ever live with a SO? Has she ever given you an ultimatum or did she just put up with it?

>> No.6124271


yes and yes

it's not a good sign if they just deal with it

>> No.6124281

Told me to go to rehab. My drinking got out of control last year.

>> No.6124494

My mom has pancreatitus and she refuses to admit that it's from drinking.
She'll probably die from it soon.

>> No.6124515


Yes. She told me to stop but never gave me an ultimatum. I guess her telling me to stop was the ultimatum. She left a few months later. That was 3 years ago. I still drink every day and even more than when I was with her. I'd be horribly ashamed if I ever ran into her. I'm already ashamed to exist.

>> No.6124544
File: 14 KB, 153x205, aa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valium cunt, get some valium.

>> No.6124555

>your soul doesn't exist

>> No.6124558

so how many of you sad fuckers have bad relations with your parents/were spanked?

>> No.6124588


Had the first seizure in my life today (I'm 24) after days of irregular sleep and alcohol use and withdrawals. I didn't remember it happening at all but fortunately my brother had just came home and called an ambulance. Spent the next few hours in hospital getting blood tests and a CT scan. Apparently my seizure lasted for up to 5 minutes. Pretty scared what the future holds for me now.

>> No.6124598

my parents never hit me
but they dont like me

>> No.6124631

alco detox guide for the uninformed

>you need 72 hours minimum
>start after you sleep it off
>and stay in bed
>b complex
>vit c
>puke bucket
>Nyquil if you can't get any of the above
>extra sheets blankets

wrap yourself up, dose your self off to nod and sweat it out.
>seriously you'll sweat like a fountain

after the first sweat/doze hydrate and take more aspirin and then redose with sedatives

helps if you can already dreamwalk an awful lot.

if not, now's a good time to learn

the first day is the worst, the second night is worse and the third day is when you'll start to regain things like fine motor control and depth perception

>> No.6124645

>helps if you can already dreamwalk an awful lot.
>if not, now's a good time to learn

>> No.6124725
File: 197 KB, 384x359, highlight of my day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you aren't addicted but always want a second

>> No.6124852
File: 2.37 MB, 272x200, George.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for sharing, I'm not really an alcoholic, I'm more of a weed guy, but I do have a tendency to drink alone.
This post scares me off weekday drinking, and escalating my drinking habits, so thanks.

>> No.6124893

I genuinely wonder how the medical staff deals with these kind of things. I've also been told horrors from pneumo.

>> No.6125080
File: 29 KB, 680x567, tfwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just opened up a bottle of wine
>four more bottles of wine on hand
>multiple bottles of bourbon, scotch and gin
>two cases of beer in the fridge

>> No.6125091


How long does that last for you?

We also need a new thread

>> No.6125115

No idea, I drink a case of beer and a couple of bottles of wine every week, on average. I don't drink as much hard liquor anymore.

>> No.6125143


That doesn't sound too bad I guess.

>> No.6125166

>mfw most of the fags in this thread probably hate on illegal drugs
>mfw they cause nearly no harm if compared to alcohol (especially heroin, that shit is the best shit ever if you've got the money to keep up the habit)
What lured you into abusing the liquid jew? Don Draper?

>> No.6125173

>Can you get alcohol withdrawal the day after?
The hangover is the withdrawal, so yes.

I guess he was referring to DT, the "real" alcohol withdrawal and no, you won't get that from one night of drinking...

>> No.6125178

>if you get a bad hangover from liquor, drink something else next time, like beer
What matters is how much alcohol you drink, not what kind you drink. Can't avoid hangovers if you drink a lot (unless of course you continue the day after ad infinitum).

>> No.6125190

>Alcohol is literally the second or third most dangerous drug to be addicted to, after meth and most inhalants.
>after meth
Meth doesn't fuck up your body like alcohol does.

>Hell, assuming the cut isn't too bad and is predictable, and that you aren't sharing needles, long-term heroin addiction is far less damaging than alcoholism.
Heroin can, at most, cause constipation, so if you know what you're getting and don't accidentally OD from it, you can abuse it for a lifetime.

>> No.6125199

> Must have been a godawful amount to drink each day.
You'd be surprised how little alcohol is required for your body to be fucked up beyond repair.

>> No.6125361

how little?

>> No.6125603

you'd be surprised

>> No.6125617

wow m8 scarily vague

>> No.6125998

Untrue. Meth is very hard on your bosy.

>> No.6126054

be precise
I'm not kidding around with how much I drink, so neither should you

>> No.6126282

It's fucking awesome. I'm trying not to drink for the next week, but that's the last drink I had (2 days ago.)