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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6075171 No.6075171 [Reply] [Original]

what's the strangest thing /ck/ has eaten?

>> No.6075174

A 28oz bottle of huy fong sriracha.

>> No.6075182

Camote, in a bus trip from Chile to Argentina.. its like a potato, but sweet. it fucking sucked

>> No.6075185

I guess live crickets

>> No.6075187

how were they?

>> No.6075189

A sweet potato is seriously the strangest thing you've eaten? That's unbelievably mundane.

>> No.6075193

Surprisingly tastey, nice meaty flavour

>> No.6075211

Ants. Tiny ants from the ground.

>> No.6075218
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surströmming. The texture was a bit slimy and the smell was awful. Not worth it.

>> No.6075229

Crocodile I guess, our year 4 teacher cooked it for us


>> No.6075239

For Canadians, this isn't too odd, but tell an American that you eat cakes with ketchup and they look at you as though you've four heads.

>> No.6075240

To be fair, I purposefully worded that misleadingly. It's not like you get a piece of cake and put ketchup on it. Rather, the batter is made with ketchup.

>> No.6075241

I think milk is pretty damn weird when you think about it

>> No.6075245

What's the difference between that and alligator?

I'm not sure which one I've had. :-O

Pretty sure it was alligator, though. Not that weird, but there's my answer.

>> No.6075247

Your mother's weird when you take a look at it.

>> No.6075248

dat dank titty merrrrk

>> No.6075253

Alligator's mouth is shaped like a C (IE it's wide and rounded).
Crocodile's mouth is shaped like an A (IE it tapers down and ends at a point).

>> No.6075257

Well it was white even when cooked and tasted somewhat sour from what a remember. I didnt particularly like it but I didnt want to look like a poof so I ate it

>> No.6075262

That explained nothing.

>> No.6075270

Steamed lamb head

>> No.6075277

It explained how to tell the difference between a croc and a gator. But then, how do we tell the difference between a crocogator and an allidile?

>> No.6075285

Nigga I'm from Canada, the fuck you going on about?

>> No.6075302

You've not heard of ketchup cake yet? What: are you from the territories or something? I know you cold fucks are five years behind, but ketchup cake has been a thing for exactly that long; it should have reached your igloos by now.

>> No.6075335

whale. not good

>> No.6075352

Silly billy, I think he meant in terms of flavor.

>> No.6075358

Classic banh mi with head cheese and pate

>> No.6075421

Not that guy, but I'm from BC and you're just throwing words out there and seeing what sticks.

>> No.6075425

Uh, do two metal ball bearings count?

>> No.6075430


I also accidentally ingested human blood, but I'm sure that doesn't count since it's not like I intended to, nor was it served as part of a recipe or anything.

>> No.6075435

Who hasn't bit their tongue or cheek or lost a tooth? If you mean someone else's blood, then who hasn't had a little taste of menstruation? :-D

>> No.6075441


Now that's just some trendy-ass bullshit. Does EVERYTHING have to be Asian fusion nowadays?

>> No.6075443

>who hasn't had a little taste of menstruation?

Not me, sadly.

>> No.6075445

Giant toasted leafcutter ants that I got off of thinkgeek (kill me)

They tasted like burnt pretzels.

They also had a toasted tarantula you could buy but I don't think they sell it anymore.

>> No.6075446

Doesn't most bahn mi have some type of viatnamnese pate?

>> No.6075491

it's not fusion? my in-laws are straight from Vietnam and made it for us

>> No.6075510

I thought you typed cameltoe haha. I bet that sure would be embarrassing having a cameltoe in public. I wonder what other people would think haha. I wonder what it smells like haha.

>> No.6075511

Most people look at me strange when I tell them I love hunting black bear because it's fucking delicious. But it is better than venison even.

First one I got at 12 and ate the heart raw to obtain its powers.

>> No.6075549

blutwurst/zungenwurst is kinda weird
The Vietnamese sandwich, sometimes called a "bánh mì" sandwich, is a product of French colonialism in Indochina, combining ingredients from the French (baguettes, pâté and mayonnaise) with native Vietnamese ingredients, such as cilantro, fish sauce, and pickled carrots.

Not him and not trying to be an asshole, but I think that's what he meant.

>> No.6075589

I'm canadian and that sounds fucking awful

>> No.6075630

I had Kangaroo and Camel in the same meal once.

Not bad at all.

>> No.6075643

>live squid

>> No.6075651

Probably giant sea turtle, its definitely the meat i am least likely to be able to get a hold of again.

it was nice, i made scallopini, crumbed schnitzel, smoked

>> No.6075668
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Probably a copperhead that i killed. We bbq'd it extra long in case of parasites.
It tasted alright, but the texture was rubbery, probably from overcooking ...

>> No.6075767

Well what's considered strange? I've eaten Alligator, Kangaroo, Emu, Elk, Deer, Moose, Bison, Wild Boar, Rabbit & Bear. Are those weird?

>> No.6075789
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spotted dick

>> No.6075792

well they're not conventional. except for rabbit maybe

>> No.6075860

I accidentally grabbed a bottle of soy sauce instead of my coke & drank it.

>> No.6076003

For me it'd probably be antelope. Had it at the Ritz Carlton in Dallas a few years back. It was fucking delicious

>> No.6076110

"Strange" food i really enjoy and buy regularly/have in my house often

>chicken hearts, dirt cheap, awesome texture, brilliant design because of the chambers etc they hold whatever sauce they are cooked in, love making them into a fried rice

lamb liver, love making a crumbed schnitzel out of it with fresh oregano

>sweet potato leaves, fried with garlic and eggs

kangaroo and wallaby, because they have an intense gamey flavour

>snail, land mussels to me, traditional garlic and herb butter with fresh crusty bread, fuck yeh!

various fermented fish products, i love that grey zone of almost revolting but only just far enough that it challenges you but pays off with a unique experience

>chrysanthemum leaves, stemed with a sauce consisting of fermented fish

>pickled fish

>pigs blood sausage, try to get fresh blood and make my own boudin noir whenever i can

stingrays, i like to catch the fuckers and eat their delicious wings

>fried prawn heads, omnomnomnom, try them stuffed in a croisant with an xo sauce and fresh herbs, fucking orgasm

man i could go on, i love eating really tasty shit that other people ignore, saves me money and is fun

the weirdest thing i have ever eaten would be raw deers liver, i shot the deer and gutted it, cut out the liver and sliced off thin slices which i ate with tinned butter on bread and heaps of coarse flakey salt and pepper, would eat again

>> No.6076128


>> No.6076140

all or just a sip?

me: crocodile... or emu

>> No.6076165

>Center of the universe

>> No.6076167

Toonas or cactus fruit (they make deliciously strong margaritas or when we used to visit grandparents in mexico as kids and they wouls give us sugar cane stalks and a knife oh grandpa and hes nearsightedness in giving 9 and 10 year olds pocket knifes.

>> No.6076169
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>pic r-r-related

>> No.6076175

honestly, I would hope the rectums would be boneless.

>> No.6076183

Is this an East Coast thing?

>> No.6076184

>not boning rectums

where's the fun in that?

>> No.6076207

>Foal (horse) carpaccio
>chocolate covered black licorice

Iceland's a weird place

>> No.6076211

Eh? Whale is damn delicious. I had it in a creamy stew with mushrooms and some kind of berry relish, and I instantly understood why they still hunt those things.

>> No.6076212
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An ostrich burger

>> No.6076221

It's all over the place in Ontario and Quebec. BC is basically BC (as in not AD) when it comes to the culinary scene, I guess.
>b-but m-muh asian fusion!

>> No.6076232

Most of it
I was choking on some food when it happened

>> No.6076238

Oi, mayonaise isn't French.
Don't you dare even suggest this to be so.

>> No.6076271
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>not french
also, a quick trip to wikipedia would prove you absolutely wrong, cunt

>> No.6076294
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Raw horse.

>> No.6076302

>frogs apropriate foreign foodstuffs
>surprised with they give it french-sounding name/ending
I guess hamburguesas are Spanish, huh?

The fact remains that much like aioli, it is a Catalonian invention appropriated by the French. The French get the credit and the Catalonians get the shaft, kind of like bechamel and Italy or puff pastry and Spain. The nation of origin gets no credit once France has heard of whatever delicious food it is.

Classically speaking, emulsified sauces in French cuisine are either hot (hollandaise and warm custard, for example) and/or not made with eggs at all (beurre blanc). Catalonia is well known for its cold, emulsified sauces, something that has a history of about a half millenium in the region but only has two hundred years of history in France.

No: mayonnaise is not of French origin. Remoulade is, but that's merely a modified mayonnaise or aioli, neither of which is originally French.

>> No.6076313

>muh authenticity

quality argument as usual /ck/

I wonder if the tipping thread is still up? better go bump it

>> No.6076335

I didn't ask your favorite drink

>> No.6076336

Scorpion, cockroaches, mealworms.

>> No.6076345

i make "pregnancy" sandwiches. mundane things that just dont go together.

>rye toast
>embalmed cheese
>strawberry preserves
>cocoa puffs
>stadium mustard
>half a raisin bagel

i can almost always choke whatever it is down.

>> No.6076398

God, so that's why my family left Ontario for the safety of being behind the rockies.

>> No.6076416

>Strangest animal/insect
Fire ants, nilgai, ostrich, rattlesnake

>Strangest plant
Raw cactus leaf, great water supply if you are cut off from a clean source

>Strangest overall
A headphone earbud

>> No.6076498

Squirrel brains.

>> No.6076503

You know what the thread means, dont be this autistic

>> No.6076507

I thought you were full of shit, so I decided to Google it.

Why, Canada? Why?

>> No.6076549

Why would I have lied?
I think the only thing hockey-watching, Molson/Labatt-drinking cakers and other Canadians won't put ketchup on or in might be poutine.

>> No.6076609
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Not the strangest thing I've eaten, but it was a bit strange in itself. It's apparently a test of manhood to eat the eyeball. Gobbled that shit up. It was gooey and jelly-like. Horrible consistency, but the taste wasn't bad.

>> No.6076657

MREs and other no cooking needed shelf stable for a decade "food" that the army victimizes soldiers with.

hope you like green "scrambled eggs" that taste of kerosene and aluminium.

>> No.6076672

Dude why

>> No.6076711

Butthurt Catalan detected, couldn't help but mention Spain in your Catalan-centric post

>> No.6076723

Nope. I'm not Spanish nor Catalonian. Nice guess, though ultimately wrong.

>> No.6076748


>> No.6076811

I once at like 3 sheets of notebook paper.

>> No.6076836

>not into culinary abominations
>being behind

I will happily stay behind, thank you.

>> No.6076844

Nougat croissant with blood sausage after a marzipan croissant with smoked trout.
Can't recommend either.

>> No.6076846

Mermaids Purse.
It was boiled and was fucking digusting.

>> No.6076849

>The fact remains that much like aioli, it is a Catalonian invention appropriated by the French. The French get the credit and the Catalonians get the shaft, kind of like bechamel and Italy or puff pastry and Spain. The nation of origin gets no credit once France has heard of whatever delicious food it is.

"A number of tales have been put forth as "origins" for mayonnaise. All however are based on the (undocumented) premise that the sauce existed before the nineteenth century; nor can any of these explanations themselves be found before the nineteenth century."
i.e. there is literally zero evidence that it existed before the french started talking about it. No written or other historical evidence. Making your fact, not a fact.

>> No.6076859

Admiral Mahon was English you turd.

>> No.6076863

Perhaps because it wasn't called 'mayonnaise' before the French cunts got their mitts on it.
You think the term 'bechamel' existed before Catharine de Medici became Number 1 Slut for Henri II? Of course not. That's the French term. Why would the French term exist before the French knew about the stuff?

>> No.6076892

I ate BBQ'd bat in the Philippines...a bit stringy, but tasty all the same.

>> No.6076924

>hasn't had a little taste of menstruation? :-D
It's fucking nasty you ill fuck.

>> No.6076943

Moose excrement.

>> No.6076952
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My grandfather used to eat them, I never had the balls to try.
>pic related

>> No.6076980


>> No.6077480


I've seen those lying around on the beach. And I never thought "Well gee, wouldn't it be a good idea to eat those?".

>> No.6077508
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Fucking hell I always thought those things were some kind of seaweed that broke off of a bigger piece, I didn't know they were egg sacs

>> No.6077528


Mayonnaise comes from bayonnaise, as in from the French-Basque city of Bayonne/Baiona

>> No.6077549
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>> No.6077550


I strongly believe that mayo was invented by supermarkets and sold in jars and later on in plastic squeeze bottles for a more convenient dispensing pleasure.

>> No.6077554

Linguist here.
That's very unlikely.

Though linguistically, there is a link between the voiced bilabial plosive (the sound of the letter 'B' in most languages) and the voiced bilabial nasal (the sound of the letter 'M' in most languages) in that one can very easily morph into the other over a long period of time (such as ancient Greek 'mple' for 'blue' and modern Greek's 'ble' [though modern Greek still spells it 'mple']), it's very, very unlikely that the word 'baïonnette'/'bayonet' (a blade attachment for an infantry rifle; the name means 'a thing from Baïona/Bayonne') would retain its plosive while 'mayonnaise' (supposedly, also 'thing from Bayonne') would corrupt into a nasal, especially since the two words arose in French not only around the same time, but in the same fucking decade.

While we try to not use the word 'impossible,' it's nonetheless fucking impossible that 'baïonnette'/'bayonet' and 'mayonnaise' arose from the same city during the same decade. Or, rather, it's so exceedingly unlikely that it's more probable that Phyllis Diller will come back from the grave to play water polo with Carrot Top and Mark Margolis.

>> No.6077562
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Linguinist here, I would say that mayonnaise.

>> No.6077565

I would totally make American-style, mayonnaise-based pasta salad with linguine.

>> No.6077573


>Take a tub of mayonnaise
>throw in linguine who cares
>Enjoy with your family best regards Sara

>> No.6077580

Pretty much, but far less mayonnaise than that, I'm sure. Maybe 1tbsp per 75g dry weight of linguine, so a 1lb box would use a heaping ⅓ cup, give or take.

>> No.6077584


You got that the wrong way around, 75 grams of dry-weight mayo is for a tablespoon of linguine.
Try balancing those fuckers on a spoon when you#re drunk

>> No.6077585

This.....I blew coffee out of my mouth

>> No.6077594

All that is, is a sweet potato...and they are delicious.

You have a boring life.

>> No.6077605

With or without baby shark inside?

>> No.6077608

Prickly pair cactus fruit is the weirdest thing you have eaten?

>> No.6077614

Eyes are fucking god-tier

>> No.6077632
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>> No.6077652
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>> No.6077658


>> No.6077679

Not terrible

>> No.6077681
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It's pretty bad though

>> No.6077683

Though it has been a while, so...

I guess I should hold my applause for it lol

>> No.6077696



>> No.6077769
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I ate this when I was a growing up and did not know what it was till I went to my cousins factory that processes it. I almost threw up because I realised what it was and I saw what they removed from it to make it safe to eat. It is literally covered in bird feces, twigs, human hair, feathers, animal parts like fur and bones, large shells of insects.

Its Bird nest Soup

>> No.6077905

>have only tried chicken livers and beef heart/liver/kiney
>just pickled some beets

Where'd you get the chicken hearts and pickled fish? What other gamey animals do you recommend?

>> No.6078096

I once had alligator or possibly crocodile jerky. Tasted like really chewy and slightly fishy jerky.

>> No.6078385

I've had that too, had the same issue. I don't know why but normal alligator tastes a lot like chicken but the jerky was fishy

>> No.6078392
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My mom was very 'southern', and loved to cook lots of cow tongue and heart and pig brains n' eggs. Good shit.
My personal fave was 'head cheese', which was where you boil all the meat off a pigs severed head, and mince it, and mix with unflavored jello and set it in the fridge in little loaf pans.
Slice that shit up and make sandwiches. nomnomnom
Throughout the year, we'd have all these pig skulls on top of our fence and mailbox in front of the house, like Lord of the Flies or some shit.
Our neighbors never talked to us much for some reason.

I could never stomach the pig ears and pig feet though. That shit was always too fatty and nasty. I'm a texture guy.

>> No.6078413

You get that shit from Aldi?

>> No.6078427

The weirdest thing I have willingly consumed was something I call "Greased Lightning". My roommates and I were arguing about what something by this name would be called, and concluded it would be a shot of melted butter and redbull. They all thought it would taste disgusting, but I believed it would taste good. I tried it, loved it, and everyone that tried some also loved it. It's very filling and refreshing, and warms your throat on its way down.

>> No.6078430

Also, occasionally when I'm drinking a shitty pilsner (like Molson or Moosehead) I'll pour in a bunch of Nesquik and mix it all up. Chocolate beer is delicious, has about a 75% approval rating from people who actually agree to try it

>> No.6079405

Face it, brah, your in-laws are hipsters. :-(

>> No.6080811
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ahahahahaha I'm dead

>> No.6080837

A hookers asshole

>> No.6081002

Now that I think of it I bet hearts could be pretty good stuffed as well.

>> No.6081025
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Taste wasn't even half bad

>> No.6081039

just cow tongues and rabbits, being a mudslime i dont have a lot of choices when it comes to exotic meat,

i also love durians, if you consider that strange

>> No.6081229

raw elk heart...I guess? the fact that it was raw. crickets and shit like that but thats...just I don't know; I wouldn't buy them at a store but finding some hunting and snacking?

>> No.6081230


it was OK

>> No.6081468
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Pic related is my favorite piece of the chicken, the parson's nose. I don't think it's that weird and definitely not exotic or anything. But my gf and everyone else seems to think it's weird (or maybe just disgusting).

I've also eaten chicken hearts and pig brains. I always thought chorizo was pretty weird given that one of the main ingredients is lymph nodes. I think a lot of people don't realize this and think it's just spiced pork sausage.

>> No.6083380


What the fuck haven't I eaten? I'm Mexican and I've ate all sorts of shit. Grasshoppers (Live, covered in chocolate and fried), Raw mushrooms served on some weird jelly, small, endemic Rabbits... And once on a field trip to the west coast, a teacher made us ate live scorpions we found under the rocks.

>> No.6083404
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>frog legs (tastes like pond water)
>haggis (tastes like pie)
>chicken feet (tasted like septic ass)
>alligator (tastes like chicken)
>english food (tastes like obesity)
>chorizo (meh)
>dog shit (i was 3)
>my own cooking (tastes wonderful)

i wish i could remember more

>> No.6083448

Banh mi is inherently a fusion because it's the spawn of French colonialism. It's served on a fucking baguette. . .

>> No.6083478

It's not the same kind of fusion in that it isn't a restaurant chef creation, I'd say. It's a cultural fusion that spawned a new cuisine by introduction of a new ingredient to the local culture. The torta and mollete came about in mexico as a similar introduction. A ton of chifa food in Peru from immigrants. It's all very different.
But, in the case of the bahn mi, I wouldn't classify it fusion, but vietnamese cuisine. It's longstanding.

And yes, it should contain a live pate...though most foreign locations that make it will eliminate it as the default, because so many foreigners hate liver. I love it! It's got to mix with the fish sauce and cilantro to make up the complex flavors I crave.

>> No.6083513

Cow's Stomach. It has these strange little wiggly bits inside.

>> No.6083516

dude, tripe
>tripe in pho always til death do us part

>> No.6083518

I liked it, but I did not much enjoy the wiggly bits. The soup was good. I like the smooth parts.

>> No.6083532

Which stomach? I like book tripe but honeycomb tripe makes me gag like a dental utensil in my throat.

>> No.6083557

>lymph nodes

Why I stopped eating it, it has good flavor but gives me the shits

>> No.6083570
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>> No.6083877

Then all of French cuisine is fusion because three of the five mother sauces have confirmed non-French origins and one of the remaining two is disputed between France and Spain. Oddly enough, sauce espagnole is the only one that is purely French.