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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6024433 No.6024433 [Reply] [Original]

Why does my fiance keep yelling at me when I take frozen food to the shower to thaw it out? I'm trying to literally unfreeze some shit, why should I not take it to the warmest place possible and thaw the shit out of it?
Food handler's test says food can sit between 40 and 140 for four hours before becoming unsafe. I'm not taking a 4-hour long shower. What is the problem here?

>> No.6024436

Not exactly sanitary to take food to the bathroom.

>> No.6024437

Your shower is the warmest place in your house?

>> No.6024440

We have a room mate that works in the meat department at Wal Mart so he keeps it as cold as we'll let him. I'm skinny and a little anemic so I take showers that warm up two or three rooms so I can be comfortable and dress without freezing

>> No.6024443

Why wouldn't you just fill your sink with warm water? Same warm temp, less toilet.

>> No.6024444

Because, and let's be honest here, showering with your food is doomsday-preppers level of crazy.

>> No.6024446

I've done that but then he still complains and tells me to use cold water instead of warm water. He said warm water will heat it up too fast. I think he's fucking crazy.

>> No.6024450
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>I take frozen food to the shower

>> No.6024451
File: 102 KB, 250x250, 1400016018919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.6024452

>I think he's fucking crazy

He is fucking crazy.

>> No.6024464
File: 44 KB, 480x721, 1417084999939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a fucking retard.

>> No.6024479

Are we both batshit, guys?
I feel like you feel like we're both batshit

>> No.6024481

Yes, but you're moreso. Because you shower with food.

>> No.6024485

1. OP, what your fiance and roommate tell you is true, it's best to thaw frozen food out at temperatures below 40 degrees - if you thaw something large (like a turkey) at higher temperatures, the outside can get warmer than 40 degrees (increasing the likelihood of spoilage due to bacterial growth) and stay that warm for hours or days before the entire item thaws through.

2. Your roommate who works at Wallyworld wants to get acclimated to spending time in cold temperatures? Keeping your home colder will not help... tell him to get used to wearing an extra layer of clothing beneath his work uniform/meat cutters' jacket. And give him a pair of thick wool socks for Christmas.

>> No.6024488

You're on the verge of batshit for thawing food in your bathroom, but your roommate sounds like he's completely batshit.

>> No.6024492

Okay, thanks, anon. Much appreciated.

>> No.6024651

Thawing should be a gradual process.

>> No.6025029

You can't do that because it allows bacteria to grow on the surface of the meat and it can really harm you. This is especially bad for trying to thaw out a turkey and a common problem with food sickness during Thanksgiving.

Always thaw out meats in cold water. The water is far warmer than the frozen meat and will still thaw out the meat, but the overall temperatures will never get up into the danger zone where bacteria will be a problem in the length of time it takes to thaw out the meat in cold water.

For small cuts of meat that can thaw out in less than 30 minutes, it does not matter what you use to thaw it out because it will do so in such a fast time that there will not be a bacterial growth problem. In these cases, use warm-hot water, whatever you wish. If it takes over an hour to thaw out the meat, use cold water no matter what.

Alternatively, you can use "meal planning" and have you meats thawed out in the fridge by the time you plan to use them. This is what I do.

>> No.6025184

For shit like veggies or small meats it doesn't really matter, but keep in mind you can accidentally cook some shit partially (shrimp and such come to mind) if it's in hot enough water.

>> No.6025185

Do us all a favor and don't have children.

>> No.6025196

dont worry
sometimes i clean my dirty dishes in my bathtub

>> No.6025219

wtf mane

>> No.6025231

Fuck it, just eat naked in the tub. It's like a liquid napkin.

>> No.6025235
File: 31 KB, 407x405, 1311465430728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat while sitting on the toilet. What you eat is going to come out eventually anyways, amirite?

>> No.6025236

Does anyone have a picture of Kramer cooking in the shower?

>> No.6025275


you are all retarded.

>> No.6025281
File: 3 KB, 192x120, 1417145840571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, explain to me how posting a picture and insulting somebody makes me a retard.

when you do, read this: you're a retard, fuck you. deal with it nerd.

>> No.6025295

>you're a retard
no, you're a retard

>> No.6025341
File: 847 KB, 240x275, 1416404873350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, you're a retard. retard.

pic related, you trying to work a coat. retard.

>> No.6025355
File: 255 KB, 354x367, 1371234437544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuhhhhh no! you're the retard
>mfw you just don't get it

>> No.6025377

this. you are fucking retarded OP. also thaw your shit in the fucking fridge.

>> No.6025427

>He said warm water will heat it up too fast.

The temperature of the water isn't what is the issue, although cold water is safer. he proper method to force thaw food is in a bag, in a pot of cold water with the faucet on the barest trickle. The recirculation of the water is what carries away the cold of the frozen food. You end up cold, thawed food.

>> No.6025434


why are there multiple gifs of this man struggling with coats

>> No.6025454
File: 53 KB, 475x356, jay-cutler-ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 and 140 for four hours
>mfw i just ate some pizza that has been sitting out over 15 hours.

>> No.6025458

Some people are stupidly paranoid about how you thaw food.
>He said warm water will heat it up too fast.
No faster than COOKING IT WILL.

That logic is retarded, tell him you can't cook food anymore then, 'cause it will heat up too fast.
>if you thaw something large (like a turkey) at higher temperatures, the outside can get warmer than 40 degrees (increasing the likelihood of spoilage due to bacterial growth) and stay that warm for hours or days before the entire item thaws through.
Generally speaking when people use warm water to thaw something they don't then leave it around for hours or days, they use it almost immediately. So I guess this only applies to retards who thaw food and then leave it lying around.
>You can't do that because it allows bacteria to grow on the surface of the meat and it can really harm you.
Maybe if you don't cook it, or leave it out for a while. But who the fuck thaws something quickly and then just leaves it lying around? Who are these people?

>> No.6025465

What are you like Kramer from Seinfeld? What's next? You gonna get a garbage disposal installed in your shower drain and prep entire meals while you bathe?


>> No.6025472

Because he's on tv a lot, he's bad at coats, and it's funny to take the piss a bit by filming him when there's down time. I don't know why he's so bad at coats.

>> No.6025482

Problem with using warm water is you'll not just heat food past 40, you'll heat it to pretty warm.

Food does not spoil at the same rate at 40 degrees as it does at 100 degrees because bacteria multiply MUCH more quickly at warmer temps. An hour isn't going to kill you, but it's just a bad habit. And warm water doesn't thaw things that much quicker anyway, it's like a measly 10% increase.

>> No.6025662

Hey OP you're roommate is apparently in this thread.

>> No.6025692

nice Fazoli's

>> No.6025863

People still watch that crap? Whinefeld, an upper west side manhattan jew. BORING!

I don't know what's more boring whinefeld or howard stern.

>> No.6025882

Your, not you're in that context.

Failing your SATs much?

Holy shit, the idiot niggers just never stop.

>> No.6025887

I forget they now have essays in the SAT.

>> No.6025911

It's good times to say the least when out of school and living on your own. School is boring as fuck.

>> No.6025962
File: 70 KB, 500x479, 1360862967124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw i take a shower with my frozen chicken to thaw it

>> No.6026353

Butthurt amerifat confirmed.

>> No.6026651

>Maybe if you don't cook it, or leave it out for a while. But who the fuck thaws something quickly and then just leaves it lying around? Who are these people?


Items that are large do not thaw out fast, but their outer layer will be fully thawed in a short amount of time. This is where the bacteria start growing even when the rest of the meat isn't thawed. This is why you use cold water, to prevent this.

This is kitchen knowledge 101 stuff.

>> No.6026663

My sides have been crimea'd