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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5890699 No.5890699 [Reply] [Original]

hello ck, neet here

i'm trying to survive as cheap as possible, while still having a nutritious diet.

>i've ordered the following:
$15 - 2.5lb organic red lentils
$11 - 5lb brown rice

>i'm considering ordering:
sweet potatoes
onion or garlic
vegetabe oil (probably olive oil)
canned tuna or chicken

i know lentils are super healthy and people sprout them, but how would i eat them? roast in oven? or just cook sprouted lentils with rice?

also, i believe olive oil is best, but i know nothing on how to choose which brand or anything. i'm considering this:

that's a good deal right? 33 servings per bottle.. so around 4 months of olive oil (if i do 1 teaspoon of cooking daily) for $35

i need advice/suggestions/recommendations on other things i can order online to build a diet around, thanks.

>> No.5890714

>as cheap as possible
>$15 - 2.5lb organic red lentils
>$11 - 5lb brown rice

You're trolling right? You do realize that a 2 pound bag of red lentils is usually 3-4$ and a 20 pound of rice is around 8$ at the grocery?

>> No.5890724

why are you ordering food? just go to the grocery store

>> No.5890725
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>$15 - 2.5lb organic red lentils

>> No.5890732

that's incredible, but i can't find anything comparable online

>> No.5890746

i can't simply just go to the grocery store, it's difficult doing real-life things. you might as well tell me to get a job

>> No.5890750

Which is why you get out of your house and go to the grocery store.

>> No.5890755

>it's difficult doing real-life things

what about going to a store is difficult exactly?

>> No.5890756
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You can always go through tunnels

>> No.5890767

Even if you don't have a car and you're too lazy to walk, most grocery stores deliver, at least they do here.

>> No.5890772


Maybe op lives in flyover though

>> No.5890775

no no, everything is this insane process and i can't even begin to start doing these things anymore, it's too much stress and i'm better off ordering the cheapest things i can find online, i don't want to discuss it, i just want some other things i can consider adding to my diet

>> No.5890780

i never knew about this

>> No.5890784

Well you clearly have issues that make you a weak, pathetic shell of a human being. That's probably the first thing you should discuss and try to deal with.

>> No.5890812

lol, this so much

>> No.5890835

i've sought mental health, but it led me to my current situation

you are being unhelpful and rude, so i'll be leaving

>> No.5890847

Cool man, glad we had this talk.


>> No.5890850
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>> No.5890855

You should consider the following "survival kit":

1 month supply of slim fast powder, around 30$
Ramen noodles, 5/1$

Just add whatever you can find, you'll do great!

>> No.5890857

>OP gets told what he really is and doesn't like
>He goes and cries in his "special corner"
>A weeks from now he will be evicted/thrown out

I enjoyed this thread.

>> No.5890912


I for one would like to know more about how it led to the current situation. If you don't like it, you can go post in the thread about drinking.

>> No.5890928

It's not that I don't like it, I'm the one that asked about it in the first plate. OP said he was leaving though, so hey, what are you gonna do

>> No.5890938
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seriously though OP

good luck

>> No.5891618

You sir have produced the most stunning and stupid post that I have seen on /ck/ in a while.

>> No.5891711



why bother eating healthy op, just kill yourself. you'll never be happy anyways

>> No.5892296
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>someone makes a thread about cars
>let's talk about olives instead
He asked for help to eat cheap, it's not rocket science.
Op if for some reason you still lurk, never respond to normies, they never actually help just try to sink you more to boost their ego.
I don't know what country do you live in but nowadays most grocery stores have a delivery system.
If it's a huge popular place they might even take online orders and you would only have to pay the delivery.
Here where i live is around 5 euros.
The list you have there is pretty decent, might want some eggs, milk and veggies if you can afford it (brokoli and spinach)
Still you don't wat that for life, you're missing fruit and other things and nutrients, but it should keep you alive as a NEET relatively well.
Good luck on your journey.

>> No.5892298

>$15 - 2.5lb organic red lentils
>$11 - 5lb brown rice

>> No.5892334
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Listen to this guy.

If you learn to cook you can eat well on a budget.

>> No.5892338


>Whole chicken
>: $0.37

>> No.5892400

What is establishing a permaculture garden

>> No.5892456

>$9.99 pizza
>$10.01 tip

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5892581

What a weird person. I think OP needs to eat some rat poison, only thing that could possibly help.

>> No.5892597

OP are you kidding?

>> No.5892605

Is everyone in this thread stupid? no one pointed out OP is buying ORGANIC!
Good job going straight to the personal insults instead of helping.
This has to be a troll thread, yall can't be this dumb.

>> No.5892646
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Most beans and grains are really cheap and healthy. Consider making your own whole grain bread, and pick up some beans

>i know lentils are super healthy and people sprout them, but how would i eat them? roast in oven?

You boil them like any other legume. Red lentils get mushier than other lentils/beans so they create kind of a soup

>> No.5892660

>minimum wage cashiers trying to tell someone to suicide

>> No.5892716

You can find cheaper lentils on http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_query=lentils
Granted I have tried Ziyad's and Masoor and can tell you that it's as good as it comes but it's not organic. I hope you can cope up OP.

Also, olive oil is my first choice becoz you can add it to salad, marinade, vigerette, use it for pan frying, or sauteeing. Of course it has a relatively low smoking point so put that in mind.

>> No.5893066
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>welcome to 4chan ;)

>> No.5893092

>brown rice
I don't understand why people it brown rice.
It's more expensive, it contains more anti-nutrients and toxins and it tastes like shit. Take a hint from the japanese and the chinese and stick to white rice. People associate white rice with white toast, white sugar, white flour and think that it is bad for you, when it is actually the healthiest grain available.

Lentils and potatoes are a decent source of carbohydrates.
Although since you already have rice, i'd make some kimchi or some other fermented vegetables like sauerkraut. They pack a lot of vitamins are very cheap. Leafy greens are kind of a must for me, so i'd look at sprouting onions and eating onion greens or chives.
Personally, i prefer butter and only use olive oil for salads, but i like chicken as a cheap source of protein. Once you have deboned your chicken you can use the carcass to make a great stock, that would give you a nice base for a lentil soup.

>> No.5893096


>it contains more anti-nutrients and toxins

Did you just blow in from Natural News?

>> No.5893097

wash your fucking rice

fucking white people

>> No.5893100
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>It's more expensive,

Oh no, it costs 50 cents extra!


Nice broscience


Late for your juice cleanse?

>tastes like shit

Your mouth is broken.

>Take a hint from the japanese and the chinese and stick to white rice

Take a hint from asians that don't come from anime, whole grains are all the rage now among anyone with a basic shred of education and literacy.

> it is actually the healthiest grain available.

No one food is "healthy" or "unhealthy", you sound like those fat fucks at my office who say "oh you're trying to be healthy?" when they see me eating a vegetable. Fuck off.

>> No.5893105


>People associate white rice with white toast, white sugar, white flour and think that it is bad for you, when it is actually the healthiest grain available.

Substantiate that.

>> No.5893118
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Brown rice contains trypsin inhibitors and lectins and some other anti-nutrients that i can't spell. These are the same compounds that are found in legumes, which like brown rice contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, when they're raw but unfortunately you have to boil or steam them for a long time to make them palatable and to get rid of the anti-nutrients like lectin, which destroys most of the vitamins and nutrients.
If you look at brown cooked rice compared white cooked rice, you'll find that white rice contains more vitamins and no anti-nutrients.

>inb4 cognitive dissonance & irrational excuses

>> No.5893139


Where'd you hear that bullshit? White rice is rapidly absorbed, has no fiber, no phytochemicals, and just a handful of minerals and B-vitamins that were added back into it like supplements. 100% of the time, whole grains are preferred to refined grains.


>replacing 50 g/d (cooked,equivalent to one-third serving per day) intake of white rice with the same amount of brown rice was associated with a 16% (95% CI, 9%-21%) lower risk of type 2 diabetes,whereas the same replacement with whole grains as a group was associated with a 36% (30%-42%) lower diabetes risk

>> No.5895306

Just came to say you have sublime taste in music

>> No.5895976

There is a type of quick-cooking lentils, just cook for 10min in stock. Turkish markets usually have them.

>> No.5896084

>i can't simply just go to the grocery store, it's difficult doing real-life things. you might as well tell me to get a job
lol I like you OP
10/10 would hang with