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File: 157 KB, 1600x1068, yaik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5887156 No.5887156 [Reply] [Original]

This is a yak burger.

Ever have a yak burger? Would you consider eating one?

I, personally, would not. I'm very conservative in the meats I'll eat. Even bison is a bit iffy to me.

>> No.5887166

sick memefood

Just eat a fucking beef burger you shitty hipster faggot

>> No.5887167

I'd eat it.

In fact I'd like try every single animal(except for poisonous ones).

>> No.5887175

You BEST not be puttin' no yak up in MAH weave!

>> No.5887176

I would definitely try it.

>> No.5887178

It's from an establishment in Idaho. Pretty sure they've been eating yak burgers decades before there was even a concept of "memefood". Sorry buddy.

>> No.5887190


>> No.5887196

Just ignore him, I've seen memefood posted in several threads over the last two days. It's almost like some idiot wants memefood to be a meme.

And no I haven't had a yak burger, but I would love to try one. I've had meat from goat and lamb, but not yak. Funny, I can find bull fries and pizzle here. The separate stomachs, both bleached and black. Pigs heads, trotters, ears. tongues. Most cuts of lamb. BUT I CAN'T FIND YAK OR OSTRICH.

>> No.5887213

Same here. I'll give anything that won't make me sick a try.

>> No.5887215

Never had a yak burger. I've had an elk burger, a venison burger, a bison burger, a ostrich burger, and a 'roo burger, but not a yak burger. I love game meats. Most are leaner and have a stronger taste than beef, which is fine with me. Don't get me wrong, I love beef, I have an absolute passion for it, but I also love game too. I particularly like elk, I've found. I wasn't as crazy about the kangaroo as the others, though, as it tastes sweeter than most meats, at least to me it did.

>> No.5887253

>see this thread
>end up in youtube listening to The Searchers


>> No.5887257

I had a bison burger at a restaurant once. It was like eating a homemade burger patty but cooked extra long on a barbecue because it had this very dark, fairly charred taste to it. I enjoyed it a lot though.

>> No.5887349

some wikipedia-like trip you got there

Also yak at least is a bovine
>2014 triying to get bushmeat
>die of ebola

>> No.5887952

Bison burgers are fuggin delicious

>> No.5887978

>I'm very conservative in the meats I'll eat.
What are you? Some kind of faggot?

I'd try rat if someone offered me some. Stop being such a pussy.

>> No.5888011

Whenever I think of Yak I think of Mongolia. Never really heard of people making a big deal of it outside of there, but I would certainly try it.

>> No.5888015

You do realize the health benefits of eating more "memey" meats right? Also the tastes are completely different. Why would you want everything you eat to taste like beef?

>> No.5888032

I routinely eat hot dogs and processed meats which include the absolute worst barely edible parts of your standard animals.

Any beef like that is of higher quality cut. Why would you be afraid of eating it?

>> No.5888251

>let's have a thread about something i admit i will try even eat
great start to the thread op

>> No.5888258

Of course I would, I'm more pissed places don't offer horse, which I've been told is delicious

>> No.5888276

Horse meat is unregulated so antibotics and other hormones and shit they routinely give to horses can and will travel into the human consuming it.

Its what the anti hormone GMO crowd yells and screams about, yet with actual shit that has been without a doubt proven to be unsafe for humans.

>> No.5888287

antibotics are good for you, idiot

>> No.5888441

Nobody's saying they want to eat racing horses.

>> No.5888451

too obvious

>> No.5889160

Why yes, I would eat a Yak burger. I eat cows, deers, wild and domesticated pigs, birds... why shouldn't I eat Yak mea- wait.
>meat looks dry as fuck
>deconstructed burger
>potato chips served as a side
No, I would not eat that Yak burger.

>> No.5889248


Keeping the veggies cool until you eat the burger is not "deconstructing". Christ, the McDLT did this.

>> No.5889251


>> No.5889405

Define memefood.

>> No.5889416


It's got no lid on it, so it's deconstructed if you want to be the kind of wanker who says "deconstructed".

Is potato chips/crisps with hamburger a thing somewhere in the world?

>> No.5889439

No, it's open-faced. Deconstructed burger would be two tablespoons of beef tartare, a bit of cucumber and onion slaw, and some kind of wheat berry, tomato, and leafy green pilaf.

>> No.5889442

Would love to try it, i have heard that it got a certain gamy taste to it.

>> No.5889443


Only if all those ingredients were rendered into foam and served in test tubes.

I'd expect my fries to be further reduced into their component molecules, each of which would be chemically fried.

>> No.5889450

that doesn't look particularly appetising, but why the fuck not

>> No.5889480
File: 51 KB, 760x560, rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youngfags don't know about my royal canadian kilted yaksmen

>> No.5889866

>Only if all those ingredients were rendered into foam and served in test tubes.

No that's Molecular Gastronomy.

>> No.5889873
File: 5 KB, 180x173, Millhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's almost like some idiot wants memefood to be a meme.

>> No.5889877

>I, personally, would not.

Why not? What the fuck do you think is going to happen?

>Would you consider eating one?


>> No.5889890
File: 798 KB, 1142x408, tumblr_ncgz3mALHf1tlqdymo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where a good place to get yak butter cheap for tea? image unrelated

>> No.5889948

>ma nigga

>> No.5890475

>tfw most people in this thread won't get the reference

>> No.5891613

i want to eat racing horses, ones in their prime, the night before the big race

>> No.5891624

I couldn't do a doggy. Or anything in the ape family

>> No.5891628

Lamb is one of the most ordinary meats there is, what?

>> No.5891672

I'll try most things once.

>> No.5891681

Literally everyone in the thread does, you faggot fairy.

>> No.5891892

Yeah but to normal people this is how a burger is normally served at a bar. The top bun is under the veggies, and you're meant to put it on before eating it. The chips are because the bar owner is cheap and wants to charge you extra on top of the advertised combo price for fries.

>> No.5893421

I'll try anything like that out so long as it's not dangerous endangered or sufficiently clever. The kangaroo burgers from a street vendor that occasionally comes around this city are amazing

>> No.5893425

>Horse meat is unregulated

Don't be a dumbass. Horse meat passed for human consumption is regulated the same as any other meat. It's when people are passing off black market horse meat that it's "unregulated"