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File: 121 KB, 930x524, Scotch-Whiskey-930x524[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5866986 No.5866986 [Reply] [Original]

Why is scotch associated with high society? It's just regular alcohol

>> No.5867008

some scotch distilleries have extremely high standards and for many years they were alone in this

>> No.5867014


Because rich people are plebs and believe they drink alcohol "for the taste" but in reality they are getting drunk like poor people do, just with more expensive stuff.

>> No.5867036
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Scotch tastes awful. Malt Liquor is the only alcoholic beverage that's delicious.

>> No.5867067

>said the pleb

>> No.5867080

its the same as caviar, truffle mushrooms and ipa beers if you don't like weird tasting shit your a pleb same goes for movies and music

>> No.5867109
File: 37 KB, 480x640, Me-and-my-fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i drink for the taste

>> No.5867144

Our idea of "high society" largely comes from the English at the height of their empire, who would have easy access to scotch whisky. Add to that a plague of phylloxera bugs which decimated the production of wine and brandy in France during that same time period and you get whisky being the drink of choice.

>> No.5867147
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I really miss colt 45, where I used to live they sold these regular sized bottles of them for a dollar each, I never got to try it in a 40. You'd expect one of the biggest fake hipster cities would have a shitload of malt liquors for all the rich kids.

>> No.5867175

When you kiddies grow up, your palate will mature and you'll realize many things taste great. You won't need to continue bombarding your tongue with sugar.

>> No.5867180


>> No.5867189

yea i hated liver and onions as a kid now i eat it, tongue, heart etc.

>> No.5867202
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Organ meat is fucking delicious.

Shame people have caught on and are driving up the prices. Tripe is at 6 damned US dollar a pound here now. Even cheap fish like smelt is at 6. I'm going to have to become a vegetarian to afford rent!

>> No.5867218

Because JFK's dad bought distribution rights for scotch after prohibition and thenceforth it was known in America as the striving, wannabe patrician's drink. Just like JFK's dad.

>> No.5869588

because it can be so mind-blowingly expensive

>> No.5869684

Say you spend $100 on a bottle of scotch, you get approximately 20 drinks out of the bottle so that works out to be $5 per drink.
If you bust out the bottle once a week to treat yourself then the bottle will last you for 5 months.
5 months of pleasure for $100 is pretty good value in my opinion.

If you want to get drunk go buy some cheap shit.

>> No.5869701

There is a difference between drinking for the taste and drinking to become intoxicated. The latter only drunks and college kids do. Becoming intoxicated is something that happens along the way, not the purpose.

>> No.5869803

malt liquor is beer. why don't you try some beers. IPAs are great

>> No.5869812

Yeah, but once you get down to about a 1/3 of the bottle left, it's best to down the rest as its flavor will begin to go off.

>> No.5870699

Or you can spend $30 on a bottle of bourbon and get even more value for the money.

>> No.5870704

I've had a few bottles that actually improved when it got down to the last 1/3 of the bottle. Laphroaig triple wood really opened up and tasted much better as the whisky oxidised.

>> No.5870721

I don't mind bourbon but scotch and bourbon are two totally different drinks, they aren't even comparable.

>> No.5870890

It's an artifact of prohibition, and before that (at to a certain extent still is by "proper" spirit enthusiasts in opposition of the common view) it was widely recognized as a pretty low grade spirit. The fact is that most of the precious American spirits available at that time had been diluted with water, rubbing alcohol, poisons and other "mediciny tasting stuff" by the bootleggers in an effort to spread out as much product as they could. Scotch production was crunching along just fine and it was easier to get a hold of and there was not nearly as much of a shortage of it in comparison, so there was really no need for bootleggers to step on it, so it started to become widely known and accepted that if you had scotch it was at least proper alcohol and thus "the good stuff" in comparison to the russian roulette that was any otherwise superior American spirit at the time.

- many sources including "The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks" by David Embury

>> No.5870926

Embury is wrong in this, as in many other things. Scotch only gains status after the phylloxera outbreak devastates French wine (and therefore brandy) production - long before prohibition takes hold in the US. Americans start drinking scotch around the turn of the 20th century, following the English fashion. If Americans were drinking whisky during Prohibition, it was likely Canadian rye or moonshine, with vanishingly small amounts of scotch smuggled in.

>> No.5870942

I'm not sure "down" is the right word, it'll take (variably) weeks for the flavor to start deteriorating at that point, though yeah, it will.

I can't imagine not finishing of a 3rd of a bottle of something that's actually good slower than that, myself.

>> No.5870944

I read the last line in a jewish comedian accent.

>> No.5870952

>so many ice cubes a couple of them didn't make it into the glass

>> No.5870961

How do I get super clean ice cubes like that, though?

>> No.5870980
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, glencairn-glass-set-of-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking your whisky like this

>> No.5870998


>> No.5871005

Scotch is aiight, but I'm more of a rum man myself

>> No.5871025

The most practical way is to make a big block of ice. The impurities only go to one part of it and the rest will be clear. You then cut out the clear parts.

>> No.5871249

>Friend takes a sip of some scotch and goes on about "oaky tasting notes" and "the finish has a hint of orange"
>I take a sip and just taste nasty shit
I'm 25 too so i'll probably never have a palate for scotch or any other spirits. :^(

>> No.5871456
File: 4 KB, 400x400, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5871491

It's a load of shite

You can give 'whisky experts' any old dram and they'll go an about undertones of gooseberry and such

>> No.5871710


In the future, don't reply to my posts. In fact preferably just don't post.


Scotch is a pretty inexpensive habit. Wine will rape your wallet and ask for more. If I were you I would be grateful about only being into scotch.

>> No.5871712


They're not real ice cubes. Nothing in food photography is what it looks like. They probably made the glass by duct taping a bunch of cats together because glass doesn't look like glass when you shoot it or something.

>> No.5871714

>You then cut out the clear parts.

Into perfect cubes.

I don't think you thought this through all the way anon.

>> No.5871717


While those are obviously not real ice, you can get perfectly clear ice. There's a bar near my work that has it. The drinks are between $12 and $18 which might seem high if you're from certain places, but isn't really a bad deal for the area considering you pay that much next door at the shitty club for a bad drink, and these are really good drinks.

Anyway there are vendors that sell perfectly clear ice. It comes from a special, expensive machine.

>> No.5871740

Just run cold water over the ice for a couple of seconds to make it clear.

>> No.5871768

Those machines just boil the water before freezing it. You can do the same thing at home to get clear ice if you want.

>> No.5871771


I use ice every morning to drink my coffee faster and I pour boiled water into the tray to replace what I took. What you say isn't true. I mean it's a little bit clearer than straight from the tap but it's not the shockingly clear large perfect jewel-like cubes from this bar.

>> No.5871779


You have to let the water cool, then boil it again - you can't just pour hot water from the kettle into the ice tray and get pure clea ice.

Although if I remember my school science classes, hot water freezes faster than cold for some fucking unfathomable reason.


>> No.5871784


>> No.5871983

Thank you, guys. Now I know how to make aesthetically-pleasing ice cubes.

>> No.5872005

>just regular alcohol
What in the world could that possibly mean? I honestly am at a loss. Is there any alcohol that isn't regular alcohol? Is there some sort of special, magical alcohol I am not aware of?

>> No.5872128

It's a figure of speech. By alcohol OP meant "alcoholic drink". Might be hard to understand for non-natives or autists.

>> No.5872587

Try it yourself and you'll see that it doesn't work -- it's an old wives' tale.

>> No.5872594

Hey, I didn't come up with this. It's somewhat impractical but that's what it takes to get perfectly clear ice.

>> No.5873591


absolutely untrue

I work for Liquor distributor so my entire job is selling scotch to bars/restaurants

>> No.5873655

>cut away the cloudy parts

No. No. No. Just no.

The most *practical* way to make clear ice is to boil the water, let it cool while covered, then freeze. Anyone well off enough to care about clear ice can do this.

>> No.5873685

>it's an old wives' tale.

what is?

>> No.5873823


>> No.5873907

meh, scotch is average. bundy master race

>> No.5873955

dude it's ice
as long as it's not ganky stanky tap water it's good enough for scotch, also who the fuck uses ice with scotch?

>> No.5873964

two ice cubes or a drizzle of water. most people like it that way

>> No.5873971

I dunno about gooseberries, but that shit really can taste like fruit, and a number of other things. There's a ton of very objectively verifiable flavors in good whisky, but I don't doubt that a set of snobs make pretty dopey claims.

That said, scotch really can taste like wood, or leather, or tobacco, or flowery, or whatever.

>> No.5874002

This method does not yield clear ice. Try it.

>> No.5874120

because Glenfiddich 12 year tastes great