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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 255 KB, 1600x1200, milkened_peas_on_toasty_slabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5748253 No.5748253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The nastiest dishes around the world

Pic related; they eat this in the UK

>> No.5748262

>nastiest looking dishes around the world
ftfy. Tried this when my grandmother made it for me during my trip to England (among other things). Was actually really good.

>> No.5748264

but it looks like ejaculate with canned peas on melba toast.

>> No.5748268

>looks like ejaculate
So do mashed potatoes, milk, melted cheese, and other such things from a certain viewpoint.
>canned peas
You could say anything looks canned these days.
>melba toast
Nigga, it is bread.

>> No.5748275

I've seen puke from Japanese scat videos that look more appetizing than OPs picture.

>> No.5748277

What is it?

>> No.5748284

I sure hope /ck/ doesn't discover shit on a shingle.

>canned peas
That's the nasty part. I love creamed peas; they're amazing. But canned peas man, eugh. Frozen peas are so easy to have on hand.

>> No.5748287

shit on a shingle is so fucking good holy christ. My grandfather had my grandmother make it all the time and then she made it for me one time and sweet baby jesus it was great.

>> No.5748288

No one eats that in the UK. OP just wants to talk about the UK (and probably the SAS, Doctor Who, or something equally autistic)

>> No.5748292

Sussex archaeological society?

>> No.5748295

>the UK produces a single show that had moderate success
>suddenly "lol they prob wanna talk about doc who xD"
Yeah sure.

>> No.5748323

I'm British and I've never seen this before in my life. Looks like something the underclass eats.

>> No.5748325

It is something you make when you just want to make something.

>> No.5748331

>Single show

Top Gear is the most watched 'factual' show in the world, and has had direct copies of it made in several different countries. And it's not the only one. Look at the American obsession with a crappy costume drama like Downton Abbey.

You want more examples? I can give you more examples. But that's beside the point. Talk about the food, not about your obsession with the UK.

>> No.5748333

Good lord, are you institutionalized for narcissism? If not, you damn well should be.

>> No.5748360

I think someone wanted to make beans on toast. Made the toast and then realised they had no beans, so just put peas and... milk? on it.

>> No.5748364

Or maybe just got sick of beans on toast but enjoyed eating it and tried adding variety.

I personally try putting food over toast as much as I can because I for some reason get sexual pleasure from cutting the softened toast + food. (not really but I might as well)

>> No.5748371
File: 400 KB, 900x790, Paella-Negra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I actually love paella and have never tried paella negra. This dish just looks too nasty to even try, though.

>> No.5748379

Are you a racism?

>> No.5748383

What the fuck is it made of?

>> No.5748388

Squid ink

>> No.5748391
File: 18 KB, 350x212, 56353379_Poo20on20plate_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma used to make this back before she passed away. She said it was an old German recipe from the olde country. I never did learn how to make it.

I know it looks gross but it was actually really good. I wish I knew how to make it so I could pass it on to my children as well.

>> No.5748396
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>> No.5748397

>looks like ejaculate
>So do mashed potatoes, milk, melted cheese, and other such things from a certain viewpoint.

I think you need to see a doctor.

>> No.5748399
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>> No.5748407


>> No.5748414

Not surprised they eat shit

>> No.5748417

We already know they are vile creatures. They look disgusting, they eat disgusting.
>british people
>not even once

>> No.5748441

fuck you creamed peas kick ass

>> No.5748449

oh great, another high-quality thread.

>> No.5748450
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>> No.5748459
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>> No.5748460

I'm not sure how squid ink tastes, but doesn't Paella typically have saffron in it? Would you really want to cover that up with squid ink?

How's squid ink even supposed to taste?

>> No.5748464

Oh great, another high-quality post.

>> No.5748468

that actually looks kind of good.

Salty from what I have heard.

>> No.5748472

There is one pathetic faggot who spends his time on /ck/ posting these anti-britfood threads every fucking day.

Its either something about a "dish everyone eats in england" that no britbong has heard of, or toast sandwiches, or "chip buttys are a dessert".

Most of the replies in the threads are the OP samefagging to imply that people are legitimately responding to his thread seriously, its the most pathetic and autistic thing i've ever witnessed.


>> No.5748478 [DELETED] 

oh crap I forgot about that. Good stuff.

>> No.5748483 [DELETED] 


ya ya, I know its cracked

>> No.5748487
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>> No.5748492
File: 120 KB, 2000x1333, 204634manicoba__adauto_rodrigues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical dish from where I live. The taste really isn't bad, just takes a while to get used to the smell when you're making it at home, takes about three full days cooking so you don't die from the poison within the leaves. Nice shit, though.

>> No.5748495

How could someone do that to delicious braunschweiger?

>> No.5748504

what the fuck is it with britbongs and peas?

>> No.5748505 [DELETED] 

its like some food torture technique

>> No.5748515


>he doesnt like peas

the fuck faggot

>> No.5748530


>> No.5748538


>> No.5748544

North brazilian, bro

>> No.5748551

Holy fucking shit this is the most vile thing I've ever seen. I can't grasp how disgusting this is.

>> No.5748552

would eat both of these

>> No.5748568

You forgot
>Monty Python
>Red Dwarf
>Kitchen Nightmares
>Top gear
>Some mothers do 'ave 'em
>Faulty Towers
>Inventions that changed the world
>Father Ted
and a few hundred more. yanks need to into proper tv and stop watching re-runs of Everybody Loves Raymond

>> No.5748577

it's probably good. I'm not sure why everybody was so obsessed with gelatin back then, but savory mousses are pretty okay.

>> No.5748588
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>> No.5748607
File: 68 KB, 600x441, vealtongueheadcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nom nom

>> No.5748611 [DELETED] 

is that instant mac and cheese with chicken nuggets?

>> No.5748613

Take Kitchen Nightmares off the list and that'd be a quality lineup.

The advantage of British-style is that series are shorter, so you can spend the extra time tweaking and there isn't enough time for the flaws to show through. Let me know when you can come up with a Seinfeld or a M*A*S*H.

>> No.5748618

You're missing Oz and James (of top gear fame) Wine adventure. Probably the best wine docu-comedy featuring 2 British men ever.

>> No.5748621

You forgot Jim'll Fix It

>> No.5748655

Shit on a shingle is creamy beef on toast right?
My dad sometimes make what he calls "shit on shingles" where he would crush up saltine crackers on a plate and poured coffee, sugar, and cinnamon on it. And he only weighs ~240 lbs.
Gross-looking, gross-sounding shit, but I occasionally make it myself for nostalgia's sake.

>> No.5748706

thy original pic looked like some mangravied on the Pz

>> No.5748736 [DELETED] 

What is it called and what it it made of?

>> No.5748744

>contains hydrogen cyanide
Hitler introduced the use of the plant, didn't he?

>> No.5749313

I love me some head cheese. I'd eat the shit out of all of that.

>> No.5749335

>what is gravy

>> No.5749344

'Allo 'Allo! And Sherlock were pretty good too. I think overall British television is of higher quality than that of the recycled themes and horrible plotlines in the US. Barring M*A*S*H of course.

>> No.5749442
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>> No.5749491
File: 278 KB, 1024x1024, Zungenwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Our Zungenwurst (blood sausage with tongue) looks similar. I love this stuff on a buttered dark bread.

>> No.5749494

>Top gear

People still watch that show after the bullshit they did to Tesla?

>> No.5749499

cumpeas on toast?

>> No.5749509


White trash pie?

>> No.5749524

>>Monty Python
4 funny skits and you've never improved
>>Red Dwarf
literally an insult to all things sci-fi
>>Kitchen Nightmares
>>Top gear
This show can be pretty funny I'll give you that
>>Some mothers do 'ave 'em
have what, I ain't heard of em'
>>Faulty Towers
Faulty what?
>>Inventions that changed the world
How it's made is better
da fuck, you English and your complete butchery of the language making silly names for a scripted trivia show
>>Father Ted
This is a fairly good show

>> No.5749525

Im from the uk and what is this

>> No.5749532


squid ink has a dark rich salty flavor not unlike caviar, but liquidy, and also if eaten raw it tastes like you were punched in the face by poseidon.

>> No.5749534

I know right.. Im aways seeing foods i have no clue about and i'v lived here all my life

>> No.5749542

Most likely, yes. It's made of a bunch of poisonous plants, so it's gotta sit cooking for whole days before it's proper for eating, scary shit, but tasty as fuck.
To the guy who asked before, it's called maniçoba.

>> No.5749544
File: 882 KB, 2390x4250, American_summer_time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American teenagers shitposting: The thread

Every fucking thread. /int/ with a food theme.

>> No.5749564

At Walmart so of course all of the fat sizes are taken.

>> No.5749574


In Yurop only the thin, rich and beautiful shop at Walmart. Fat people are airlifted used sailing spinnakers for repurposing as clothes.

Buttmad Americucks jealous of Glorious European culture

>> No.5749579
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>> No.5749584

>it's fun to spoil another person's fun
she probably posts on 4chan too

>> No.5749585

>only the thin, rich and beautiful
So like none of you shop there?

>> No.5749588 [DELETED] 

it doesn't exist there I don't think

>> No.5749590

I guess that is good, but if it did I would imagine you would be able to find all of your freaks there.

>> No.5749598

UK, never seen or heard of this in my entire life. Looks vile.

>> No.5749599

made me laugh/10

If not real, still made me laugh/10

>> No.5749600

I got some head cheese for you. I would post a pic but I don't want to post a NSFW on a blue board.

>> No.5749674

It's probably delicious, but these old books make anything look like painted cardboard anyway.

>> No.5749677
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>> No.5749684

lol looks like she made it special, with a hint of melena.

>> No.5749794

It looks like Dinuguan, typical flip food

>> No.5749801
File: 196 KB, 1152x768, 135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real

>> No.5749983

I would cut a motherfucker over some SOS

>> No.5749988

Cheese and corn, that shouldn - oh god.

>> No.5750000



>> No.5750002

This is NOT a fucking UK dish. Jesus christ our 'cuisine' is poor enough without you cunts inventing new revolting shite for us.

>> No.5750034

And no XS sizes at all. They stopped making XS and they made S bigger. There are no clothes for small people like me anymore. I blame fat people.

>> No.5750045


funny name but actually really fucking tasty

>> No.5750070

I'm in Devonshire and I eat creamy peas on toast all the time.

>> No.5750074


>posted from michigan

>> No.5750100


I like it more than original paella.

>> No.5750132

Obviously, no-one says devonshire

>> No.5750277

Blood sausage can look nasty if blood makes you nervous, especially its preparation. But damn it's good.


>> No.5750586
File: 65 KB, 500x375, 3434543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me

>> No.5750592
File: 275 KB, 1167x916, 1345959416519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just passing through

>> No.5750594

Blue Raspberry Jello and Mashed Potatoes?

6.5/10 would eat.

>> No.5750595
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>> No.5750600
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>> No.5750605

This is why we have ants

>> No.5750610
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>> No.5750619
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Whoops, dunno how that one snuck in.

>> No.5750624
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>> No.5750630
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>> No.5750631

Is that guac, mash potatoes, meatballs all covered in gravy?

I think I'd eat that.

>> No.5750634
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>> No.5750636

This is the typical american's diet

>> No.5750638

mushy peas

>> No.5750639
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x1200, 1359618733331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5750642

Hm, bubonic omelette. My favorite.

>> No.5750645
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 34e5rsdh3454345654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5750650

nastiest aspic i've ever seen.

>> No.5750694
File: 39 KB, 640x480, MG3SXCEYWOFUALQJMXN3GX9Q_999x999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks homemade. The store bought stuff is usually a bit cleaner, still not pretty though. But it tastes great, ham filled with a horseradish cream.

>> No.5752264


we don't have walmart in yurop.

>> No.5752269

looks delish tbh

>> No.5752281

Oh great, another shit post from a shit poster on a shit board that's shit because of shit posters like you.

>> No.5752334

Thats a human kidney.

>> No.5752347


>not knowing what gravy looks like

>> No.5752352

Squid ink has almost no flavor. I'm not sure where "dark rich (and) salty" came from, but my taste buds have not encountered it. It's mostly just the texture and color that people use it for.

>> No.5752370

I thought it was eggs somehow wrapped over a piece of bread

>> No.5752378
File: 428 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty nasty

>> No.5752384
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>> No.5752403
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>> No.5752443

a polish friend of mine said he likes scrambled lamb eggs fried with eggs

anyone know if that's a real thing or if he was just pulling my leg?

>> No.5752444

*scrambled lamb BRAINS fried with eggs, fuck

>> No.5752447


it's a thing

>> No.5752476
File: 377 KB, 482x361, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>critiquing food solely on the look

why do plebs do this

do you all have the delicate palate of a picky 10 year old

>> No.5752491


>> No.5752496

>getting this mad no one else want's to eat cumpeas

>> No.5752508

why do yurops want to get semen in every way possible?

>> No.5752519


>stubbornly letting visual associations dictate what they won't eat

l m a o

not even a yuropoor and I've not tried OP's food either

>> No.5752524

>pleb tier on visual tastes
i bet you will eat shit when somebody says that its actually a cake

>> No.5752526


my sympathies on your non-functional nose

>> No.5752528

So bongs can tell by smell then? Not bad

>> No.5752532


better than you can read, apparently

>not even a yuropoor
>not even a yuropoor
>not even a yuropoor

try grasping other straws

>> No.5752538

>better than you can read
>have good sight
>will still eat cum
nice try bong

>> No.5752540

They can tell by the stench of their rotting teeth.

No wonder they get horseburgers.

>> No.5752544


epic straw clutching


illiterate american

I think both

>> No.5752601

whats the white stuff?

>> No.5752780

tfw I cooked this for lunch today. The correct name is arroz negro though. It is delicious.

Squid ink is salty and arroz negro has no saffron

>> No.5752932

Walmart owns Tesco, which is pretty much the same thing dingus.

>> No.5752970


that's asda

>> No.5753014
File: 145 KB, 774x518, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, dinuguan is more brownish black from the blood used rather than dark green. This looks more mushy as well rather than the chunks of meat/offal used in dinuguan.

>> No.5753208

I don't think that's a thing anymore...

>> No.5753210

That's not a national dish, just something shitty poor people eat.

>> No.5753220

Creamed peas, when made well, are god tier. Grow some balls, OP.

>> No.5753236

morbidly glorious

>> No.5753239

That's the top side man. Big tits a plenty. The bottoms side off to the right seems equally full on all sizes.

>> No.5753243

Oh great, a dude talking trash about stuff only you care about. also fag.

>> No.5753294
File: 124 KB, 650x660, gross_food_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about balut that stuffs nasty and my phillipino buddies love that shit. I tried some once the egg white/yolk parts are okay i guess but the duck part is just too much texture for me

>> No.5753306
File: 83 KB, 728x858, mpnthailand-12160080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about durian or jack fruit those same asian dudes love that stuff but oh my god that stuff smells like shit

>> No.5753997


"crunch, crunch..."

>> No.5754035

Mad? :)

>> No.5755417

>not loving the europe-version of kitchen nightmares
fucking americans

>> No.5755596

>different kinds of paella
>not every paella dish has the same ingredients
>you must mean Paella Valenciana

It's like eating a hamburger and puzzling why there is no cheese on it

>> No.5755618

Peas were seriously cultivated by the British. Most of the pea varieties you eat nowadays were cultivated in England.

>> No.5755621

I'm so pissed there were only 5 episode of the new series of Luxury Comedy although it has been pretty bad compared to the first series. It's like e4 made Noel dumb it down badly. IDK, though, I'm just guessing, because I get all those shows second hand, being in 'murrica.

>> No.5755637


>> No.5755640

Looks fine, though

>> No.5755650

Your mum got my high-quality post last night!

>> No.5755684


Why are the chips stacked?
Why is there a drizzle of mint sauce trying to look artistic?
Lemon slice very impractical.
Parsley? No thanks.

Terrible try hard fish n chips.

>> No.5755687
File: 303 KB, 502x338, 1150402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beetle larvaes FTW :D
I remember when I was a kid, we are digging coconut logs to find these cuties :D and it stings when you eat them and they bite you
OFC we cook them first after removing their dirty poop :D

>> No.5755796

I've been to Paella festivals with top tier chefs and the only required ingredient seems to be rice. Saffron and seafood is the most common. Paella Negra is it's own variation. You can even find it boxed with everything included. The squid ink has a very light bitter ocean taste, if you reduce it it starts to taste a little like fish sauce. It's mostly just used for color though

>> No.5755983
File: 69 KB, 980x500, 645882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional Norwegian food called "smalahove"

>> No.5756118

>too many smilies

>> No.5756133
File: 46 KB, 253x222, interdastings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would try/10

>> No.5756178

>Fucking Anglos.

>> No.5756182

looks good

>> No.5756193

squid ink is tasteless, it's 99% melanin, a pigment.

>> No.5756589
File: 2.10 MB, 3745x2949, chicken-saag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes alot better than it looks

>> No.5756600


any punjabi ppl here? what do you think about saag?

>> No.5756642

Looks like palak paneer, if it is, I love dat shit

>> No.5757867

Does this food come from...hell?

>> No.5757879
File: 50 KB, 800x532, boudin noir 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually fucking good

>> No.5757911

I dunno man, I'd say it's about equal for me. I love the way that saag looks.

>> No.5757927


>> No.5758383

I goddamn love black pudding.

Also a real britbong here and I can't say I've ever had or in fact ever even heard of OPs shit >>5748253
Though frankly I rarely even have peas just on their own, not a fan of them myself

>> No.5758394

Do you eat the whole thing with the balut?
I am curious as to whether the bones/beak/skull would be edible being a developing fetus

>> No.5758679

Dinuguan ain't that black; what the hell

>> No.5758687

Flip here and have not tried balut. It looks gross the older the duck/egg is, but looks kinda tame and almost like regular boiled egg if you choose the younger ones.

>> No.5758689

It's actually pretty sweet and the texture is regular fruit texture. But yeah if you don't like the smell, chances are you won't like the taste.

>> No.5758702


the fact that it's 'try hard' has nothing to do with whether or not it's good. i hate it when people are so snooty about pretentiousness they go in the other direction.

'lemon slice very impractical' who the fuck says this shit

>> No.5758706
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>> No.5758712

>Talk about the food, not about your obsession with the UK.

You guys never shut the fuck up about us either so don't act all high and mighty about it. We are both just incredibly tsun for each other.

>> No.5758775

>mix disgusting floor pork with gelatine and cream

Only in America

>> No.5758776

I just cooked a soup with 4 potatoes, 1 carrot (all sliced of course) and two eggs. I just dropped the eggs in the soup at the end and they looked like when you take a bath and cum in the bathtube. A disgusting thing floating like idgaf.

The soup was good though.

>> No.5758777

the disgusting german/nazi also put mashed apple on it.

>> No.5758914

Glei fängst dia a Foatzn

>> No.5758916
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>> No.5758920
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>like when you take a bath and cum in the bathtube
people cum in their bath tubs while bathing?

>> No.5758943
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1379393574637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't?

>> No.5758960

is that spaetzle with apple sauce? how fucking plain

>> No.5758965

Its Buaspitzlä mid Apflmuas un Speck (Boy's penises, a kind of potato noodle/dumpling with Apple sauce and bacon)

>> No.5758977

>white people food. jprg

>> No.5758982

hmm actually sounds not too bad. add some carrot and wilted spinach and id be all over it

>> No.5758992
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Scandinavia doesnt have food culture they say..

>> No.5759393
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>> No.5759413
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>> No.5759418
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>> No.5759424

cut your tongue out for not liking Stargazy, The man was a hero.

>> No.5759434
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>> No.5759573

Do you fuckers put ketchup on everything??

>> No.5759667

Damn, that probably looks cool if the water is clear. Like a squid emptying it's white ink pocket.

>> No.5760120

The man the stargazy was designed for: Tom Bawcock.

>> No.5760624
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Around xmas, lutefisk ereywhere. It's like fish pudding but smells like the bathroom in a tijuana dive bar.

>> No.5760630


a big pl8 of b8

>> No.5760668

Also known as "Schupfnudeln".

>> No.5760680

Poverty Casserole?

>> No.5760755

I don't really understand why people from other countries find eating ink disgusting. It's eatable, it's tasty, it gives good texture... what's not to love? We use it in many more dishes. I find it really fucking weird than anyone would find it gross, it's like telling me you are disgusted by octopus or squid.

A truly disgusting thing they eat over here in Spain, although not commonly, is bull balls. How anyone thought eating the fucking testicles of any animal escapes my comprehension. I know eating offal, balls and all, is a common thing in other countries but bull testicles, considering the size of the fucking animals, just grosses me out.

>> No.5760863

Stop shopping at Walmart. Only more expensive stores now carry smalls that are actually small.

>> No.5760876


It's called paella because that's an archaic word for pan. Technically, it doesn't even have to have rice, but at this point I don't think anyone would consider a non rice based dish cooked in the specialized pan (which used to be the most common form of pan during the Pax Romana) to be paella.

>> No.5760894

In that case I'd eat it even harder

>> No.5760901

>sweet chips

>> No.5761558

doesnt look nasty. all those seeds seem like they would get annoying to eat.

looks no worst than most microwave dinners

>> No.5761565

did some one put confetti on his plate?

>> No.5761570

not cooked yet. and hte peas look really good although they are uncooked.
that looks REALLY GOOD
looks decent. might go good with a seafood dish.
looks good
looks decent
looks like a hit or miss type of thing. feel like people either love or hate it.

vomit inducing

>> No.5761572


>being a scifi nazi

Please pull the stick out of your ass.

>> No.5761601


>looks decent. might go good with a seafood dish.

it's a diseased kidney.

>> No.5761614

Usually we eat canned beans on toast. Never seen this done before but to be honest, don't see the problem.

>> No.5761622

>it crowd

it seems comedy really is our thing

>> No.5761636
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>> No.5761684

Dfaq is that!

>> No.5761711

pretty sure that's a penis

>> No.5761714

>dat filename
neither pictures nor words can express how hard i'm laughing

>> No.5761750

I know right why don't the just blend it all up and serve it with a straw i mean that's how it ends up anyway right guys?? XD

>> No.5761756

>not that

>> No.5761763

plaque/ pus filled arteries in clear slime? just like momma used to make!

>> No.5761771

Fuck I love Saagwala.

>> No.5761989

dear god, nasty

>> No.5762008

oi m8 u slaggin off me creamy peas onnashingle? al rek u sun like u neva bin rekt befo

>> No.5762015

Scandinavian Airlines?

>> No.5762028

the only thing i find disgusting is the food that has some kind of jelly in it, like those head cheeses and stuff like that

>> No.5762038

Whole thing. One bite.

>> No.5762079

That is way too scary for me. Brings back a bad memory from when I found a neighbor's dead dog on the railroad tracks.
I'd eat it if someone served me the meat on a plate instead of the whole skull though. It's probably really tender.

>> No.5762175

That actually sounds healthy. And probably tasty, if a bit salty. Maybe with added pepper.

>vit a
>vit c
>a bf to make it for me ;_;

>> No.5763313


>> No.5763510

No one wants you're cum food faggot shut the fuck up.

>> No.5763543

We eat them here all the time.

>> No.5763686

>looks decent. might go good with a seafood dish.
>it's a diseased kidney.

>> No.5763691

>cum food
Do you always think of cum, anon?

>> No.5763810

they're good fried, though.

>> No.5764392


Is this steamed doodoo?

>> No.5764412

Squid ink is virtually tasteless and doesnt really provide any texture, especially in things in commonly used in like pasta. Its mostly just for color.

Have you ever actually had testicles or do you just not like the idea of them, They are actually really good. sliced and sears or pan fried are both great. Im prefer calf or lamb over beef though.

>> No.5764449
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>> No.5764460

What about human ones?

>> No.5764464

Never had em only chicken, lamb, beef, and calf. Never had pork either need to try it.

>> No.5764701

this looks like something id feed my dog

>> No.5764764

Typical student diet actually.

>> No.5765830
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Rabbit heads, you typically eat them cold

>> No.5766118

That worked on many levels.

>> No.5766239

Just like your dad the elevator attendant.

>> No.5766415

Tried that when I was in germany, damn i've never tasted better wurst

>> No.5766427
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>> No.5766451
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>The taste really isn't bad, just takes a while to get used to the smell when you're making it at home, takes about three full days cooking so you don't die from the poison within the leaves. Nice shit, though.

If something doesnt very good, has a horrible smell, and is poisonus unless you cook it for 3 days, its nature telling you "HEY, DONT EAT THIS SHIT. ITS NOT FOR HUMANS TO EAT."

>> No.5766467
File: 144 KB, 640x480, fritanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is vile

>> No.5766471

That looks fantastic, and you are a monster.

>> No.5766502

or maybe the leaves are just so strong that they're able to keep away every kind of insect and pest that would eat them, only humans are smart enough to be able to eat it and the only ones that deserve to do so.

>eating your pussy lettuce

>> No.5766512

> Implying looks do not determine much of what you taste

>> No.5766541


These things are delicious

>> No.5766911
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I think its visually appealing and delicious but I'll post it anyway

>> No.5766913

Awesome trichomes man.

>> No.5766964
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>People defending gross ass looking food cause "muh culture"

>> No.5766971

I'm in tears

>> No.5766975
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Tfw this comes from your city

>> No.5767015

You take that back

>> No.5767051

>Red Dwarf an insult to sci-fi

What the fuck, people actually have this opinion?

>> No.5767119
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>> No.5767123
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>> No.5767126
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>> No.5767129
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>> No.5767133
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>> No.5767137
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>> No.5767139
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>> No.5767145
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>> No.5767146

Jack fruit =/= durian

>> No.5767147

My school lunches didn't look like ^ and I'm from America. We even had a sub line where you could customize your sandwich and the person would make them to your liking. We did have fried chicken sandwiches and hamburgers and shit like that too. Half the time I just got an Uncrustables peanut butter because I was skinny as hell and lazy

>> No.5767156
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>> No.5767164
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>didn't look like that
>fried chicken

Nothing in that text sounds healthy other than the word 'sandwich'.

>> No.5767171
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>> No.5767178
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>> No.5767183
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>> No.5767189
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>> No.5767218

>this cultureless faggot

>> No.5767319

>Blindly liking things because someone says to

>> No.5767330

Nice projecting

>> No.5767548

now that looks a lot better than those shit fucking coffee ones

>> No.5768504


in 'murica we call that shit on a shingle but we use ground beef instead of peas. does look tasty i like peas.

>> No.5768538


i would actually like to eat that.

>> No.5768754
File: 24 KB, 400x300, Topfwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really is (or was until a few years ago the GDR collapsed) a very similar dish in East German cuisine. It's called "Topfwurst" (kettle sausage) or "Unfall" (ACCIDENT At least they were honest). Never had it even though it's sometimes available at the local university cafeteria.. It just looks far too nasty.

>> No.5768830
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Shit on a shingle is made with *chipped* beef (i.e. pic related)

>> No.5768845

We have something similiar here (Franconia):
Blutwurst and Pressack (Everything from the pig that doesn't make for good wurst or direct eating goes in there + fat and gelatine).

>> No.5770117

>our disgusting food isn't disgusting, but yours is

>> No.5770131

>american woman have big tits

i don't see a problem here

>> No.5770157

oh yes
because I was so disgusted by my grandpa eating blood sausage and made such a scene, my grandparents forced me to try a bite of Zungenwurst on buttered brown bread
I went in ready to puke all over the goddamn table but the moment I tasted it...
In the back of my mind I still knew that I'm eating sausage made out of TONGUE but it's just so goddamn delicious, I don't give a fuck anymore

>> No.5770161
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>Walmart owns Tesco
are you sure

>> No.5770166

id eat this

>> No.5770212
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Looks like a dick to me. Note the head.

>> No.5770255

looks like cat tongues

>> No.5770352

Is that sheep skull? Looks good.

>> No.5770370

Potatoes, some sort of black pudding, seared lamb maybe, fried bread. What's wrong with you.

>> No.5770384

Walmart owns ASDA you silly goose.

>> No.5771098
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>> No.5771190

i just ate and im hungry again. damn you.

>> No.5771521


carbs, carbs, carbs, and more carbs with a chicken patty of ground reject parts with extra carbs.

and they keep telling us its fat that makes Americans fat.

>> No.5772107

that sounds like some made up penis inspection day thing