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File: 46 KB, 570x270, sweet_potato_vs_potato_570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5729488 No.5729488 [Reply] [Original]

who wins?

>> No.5729492

Since don't much like sweet potatoes, I will stick with good ol yellow taters.

>> No.5729494

You can't even compare them. It's like comparing cheese and ice cream.

>> No.5729497

I mash them together.

>> No.5729501


>> No.5729505

Russet Potatoes all the way.

>> No.5729508

cheese is clearly superior to ice cream

>> No.5729528

I know

Cheese is way better

>> No.5729554

But ice cream is terrible.

>> No.5729809

two very different things. I can appreciate both sometimes.

>> No.5729828

As far as nutrition goes, sweet potatoes are by far the better choice. Regular potatoes have more culinary applications, though.

>> No.5729880

potato wins

>> No.5730349

Bullshit. There isn't anything a potato that a sweet potato can't do just as well, but sweet potatoes have an extended roster of desert options that potatoes don't usually do.

>> No.5730352

>desert options

>> No.5730354
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Sweer potato clearly wins here

>> No.5730370
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Sweet potatoes by far. Way better nutrition and usually tastes better too, and there's more kinds of sweet potatoes.

>> No.5730375

> there's more kinds of sweet potatoes
[citation needed] there probably 100 kinds of nonsweet potatoes

>> No.5730382

Yes, the sweet potato's caloric and nutritional superiority to the regular potato make it ideally suited to trail rations meant for long treks into arid sandy lowlands.

It can also be adapted to a number of sweet after-dinner food options due to its natural sweetness.

>> No.5730411


>> No.5730417


But they're all basically the same thing. One's big, one's small, one's crusty, one's smooth, but they taste the same

>> No.5730421

uh no

>> No.5730460

You guys make the potato seem like it's shit. It's not. It's highly nutritious, maybe not as much as a sweet potato, but then again, sweet potatoes are the most nutritional vegetable there is. gold yukon baby Potatoes with thyme and rosemary with some butter are beyond belief, no sweet potato can pull that off.

>> No.5730473


White potatoes don't seem very nutritious. Putting butter on them just makes them seem like even worse of an option, although delicious

>> No.5730479

The consumer.

>> No.5730482

>I can appreciate both sometimes
So you're what they call a "versatile". interesting

>> No.5730505

Potatoes get a bad rap, especially because of all the retarded low carb bullshit that's embedded itself in our food culture, but they're actually very nutritious.

They're high in vitamin B6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, fiber, pantothenic acid. They contain compounds that can help lower blood pressure and fight cancer.

Try and say it's "empty calories," I'll knock your fucking teeth out.

If people swapped out their boiled eggs for boiled potatoes, public health would improve significantly.

>> No.5730610

but I need the normal potatos too because I like the way they taste without being sweet. all is precious.

>> No.5730613

>but they all taste the same


they look and feel and taste very differently.

>> No.5730616

I can have trouble if someone isn't honest with me. give me a sweet potato and tell me its a sweet potato, okay. give me a pie and call it pumpkin pie, yet its filled with sweet potato, not okay.

I did however really enjoy the matrix movies.

>> No.5730619

additionally I have no problem with sweet potato pie but prefer pumpkin pie.

>> No.5730624

It's camote you gringos.

>> No.5730627

I agree. People think potatoes are crap, because french fries are - no one is saying you should eat that acralamyde infested shit. Blue, yukon, russet, white etc. potatoes are very good and along bananas one of your major sources of potassium. Low potassium is very bad, and all these low carbers suffer from hypokalemia.

>> No.5730654
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my nugga. been listening to the doctor I see.

>> No.5730681
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It's okay, they can just get illegal doses of potassium from their doctors

>> No.5730682

>If people swapped out their boiled eggs for boiled potatoes, public health would improve significantly.
>Dietary cholesterol effects blood cholesterol

Eggs are the closest thing to a perfect food you can get from a single source, nutritionally wise.

>> No.5730684
File: 78 KB, 1151x809, egg vs slice of bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go away, egg industry marketing team

>> No.5730691





>> No.5730709

wow its amazing how fast you people find things on the internet and post here. I kindly and humbly request that you let us grow in wisdom and health so that the world becomes a happier and better place for us all.

>> No.5730719

Potatoes win, but damn if caramelised roasted sweet potato isn't a thing of beauty.

>> No.5730721

>cheese is better than ice cream
and thus,
>potato is better than sweet potato

>> No.5730727

Way too different to compare imo
I think just regular potato is tad more versatile in the end but not by much and it's also about individual taste.

>> No.5730730

Sweet potato doesn't really go that well as a side with say stews and shit and sometimes add undesired sweetness to soups and mashed taters.
But that's really opinions so eh

>> No.5730847

You can't make a proper roast potato with sweet potatoes. Once you drop below that tier of food they're both pretty great.

>> No.5730849

Eggs are legit pretty great if you keep a couple of chickens. This relies on having space and being around to let them roam and generally take care of the little shits, but they're cool kinda-pets if you have kids.

>> No.5732217

Plain sweet potato with a bit of cayenne sprinkled on it is amazing.

>> No.5732666

I like sweet potatoes in my side dishes when serving a nice roast, usually it'll just be a simple, oven-cooked mixture of sweet potatoes, beets and other root vegetables like that cut up, and then with some kind of oil and vinegar poured over. The nutty flavour of parsnip in particular I find goes well with sweet potatoes.
Then as the "main carb" I'll have some fresh, regular potatoes boiled, then roasted for a short while on the pan with plenty of salt, and then serve it all with a really nice, heavy gravy and maybe a light salad.

>> No.5732695


Potatoes and cheese.
Anything else is objectively wrong.

>> No.5732730

red's are only staple potato in this house.

>> No.5733631

anyone ever eat a blue potato?

>> No.5733644

I love sweet potatoes. Sometimes my main starch during a meal is a baked sweet potato, super tasty and good for you.

>> No.5733711

lol, no. I was taught this to in some animal ag class, but potatoes are healthier than eggs. Has there ever been an experiment done with athletes only eating eggs and getting along just fine? Nope, but there has been one done with potatoes.


>> No.5733716

The thing is that to get the most nutritionally out of sweet potatoes you need to boil them AND eat the skins. The skins taste awful though and the flesh tastes better baked.

>> No.5733720
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>You can't make a proper roast potato with sweet potatoes

>> No.5733724

no, ive eaten purple though

>> No.5733961

what was it like? I have had the blue and purple chips and they taste great but give me a stomach ache after.

I would love to try the actual whole blue and purple potatoes to cook on my own at home, but I can't find them at all anywhere, not even organically even.

>> No.5733967

Nothing special really

>> No.5733981

its special TO MEEEEEE

please tell me

>> No.5733983

Yes sir

>> No.5733985

it not much different than many other potatoes

>> No.5733988

I'm not that guy but to me it tasted the potato was sweetened using berries rather than regular old sweet potato which tastes a bit more like a sugary sweetness.

>> No.5734007

We must be thinking about different things. The purple potatoes were more like a regular potato than a sweet potato

>> No.5734016
File: 161 KB, 640x426, 6889597871_c7f4c0e0d6_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These? Okinawan sweet potatoes right? There was definitely sort of a berry taste to it for me.

>> No.5734023

Nope, Im talking about Peruvian potatoes

>> No.5734029

My bad then.

>> No.5734030

but how is it different besides being blue or purple? please describe the taste in comparison to a normal potato

>> No.5734034

wow so we have
>normal potatoes
>blue and purple normal potatoes

>normal sweet potatoes and other similar things
>blue and purple versions of those

just like carrots! wow!

>> No.5734037

Thats what Im fucking saying, its really not

>> No.5734057

I don't believe you, I just don't. I don't know why but I sense that you are wrong.

I feel that I know there is a taste difference, but better noticed from cooking my own than the strange flavor in the blue chips...

>> No.5734080

whatever autist. All starchy potatoes taste the same with small differences and all waxy taste the same with small differences. Its just slightly different in the same way that they are all slightly different

>> No.5734087

also want to add that ive eaten these and cooked with them many times and had them many differnt ways.

Maybe you should consider that its whatever is in the chip that makes it so much different or even some form of placebo

There is nothing vastly different about them. Its like corn. There are lots of different types of corn and they all taste a little different but they still all taste like corn,

>> No.5734096

are you being sarcastic, anon

>> No.5734115

No way, look it up. not lying.

>> No.5734116

>chain smoker detected

>> No.5734120

No, are you trying to say that all corn and potatoes dont taste like corn and potatoes with slight differences?

>> No.5734296

you say that there are slight differences but you also make it seem as if those differences are not important. they are very important, and yes corn still tastes like corn and potatoes still taste like potatoes but they do taste more than just slightly different depending on the variety.

>> No.5734308
File: 1018 KB, 160x160, potato.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5734367

Potato, easily. Far, far more potential.

>> No.5734368

A boiled yukon gold is a fine meal on its own. No seasoning or condiments necessary, not even butter.