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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 1500x1003, 71mRnqPZpIL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5693176 No.5693176[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Knife thread.

Post your weapon of choice, /ck/

>> No.5695302
File: 23 KB, 500x375, ja-henckels-international-classic-8-inch-chefs-knife-lgn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mine but it's the same one i have.

>> No.5695321

bolsters can fuck off

>> No.5695328


>> No.5695333

you heard me, bolsters suck and have no business on a knife

or do you just not know shit about knife anatomy?

>> No.5695336

a bolster is from the forging process idiot. if you don't have a bolster it means your shit blade was stamped out a sheet metal.

>> No.5695342

top kek

>> No.5695347
File: 423 KB, 1155x1419, 1402868484765_oh-boy-here-we-go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5695349

>knife anatomy
oh boy here we go

>> No.5695351

fine bitch, post your blade.

>> No.5695352

>not knowing about one of the most useful tools in the kitchen

>> No.5695355

>using terms like knife anotomy

>> No.5695358
File: 455 KB, 2052x1544, Knives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres part of my set from a pic that was taken a while ago

lets see yours

>> No.5695361

What would you call it?

>> No.5695371

it's just a classic 8 piece set from henkels. i like it. i'm not taking a pic because my mom sleeps on the couch downstairs and i don't wanna wake her up for a pic. but what do you seriously what do you have against bolsters on kitchen cutlery? i like it because it makes it more comfortable to pinch the blade.

>> No.5695375
File: 36 KB, 800x600, cleaver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I don't have an exact picture, but my mother recently fell in love with a shitty cleaver (blade about 5" long) and all of her other knives are pretty bad too. She doesn't maintain them because they are cheap dollar-store knives.

I was thinking of getting her a more quality cleaver and perhaps a couple other knives? Knife sharpening set to keep it all straight? Not sure where to start. pic sort of related, it's a cheap cleaver with a plastic handle.

>> No.5695378

Knife design.
Anatomy is for animal bodies.

>> No.5695380

i'm not him, but knife anatomy is the correct term.

>> No.5695382
File: 2.72 MB, 3264x2448, knife 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones with the lacky bands on them are the ones i use daily

>> No.5695384

I like to be able to actually be able to use the heel of my knife

>> No.5695389

would be a good idea, yeah. first i'd get her a stone and just see if you can at least put some semblance of a decent edge on there while you shop around for a better set.

>> No.5695393
File: 2.96 MB, 3264x2448, knife 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly better pic

>> No.5695394

actually, i sharpened the the bolster on mine, heh. so i can use it alright.

>> No.5695395

for animals
otherwise you're personifying your knife like that Syn faggot

>> No.5695398
File: 948 KB, 1023x576, EiQnGu3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw this posted on leddit a few hours ago.

Morimoto's knives. The big one on top is new, the one on the bottom is the same knife after three years of use.

>> No.5695403

I only see one band, am i just missing them?

Wish I had a pic of my full set but I keep my specialty knives put up since I dont use em a lot any more and my butchering knives, filet knives, etc are in my toolbox at work, those are just what I had in my roll at the time minus my garnishing kit. I dont have a camera so Ill have to try to find someone to take a pic my bro took that one.

Ive been given a couple bolstered ones and had to grind em down too

>> No.5695405
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 1204486735-glestain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either this:

>> No.5695406

no, the word anatomy can also be applied to knives, guns, automobiles, and others. it just means labeling and knowing the names of all the parts of something

>> No.5695410
File: 44 KB, 800x430, Img762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this:

>> No.5695412

so what type of grip/movement would cause that type of wear?

>> No.5695416


He sharpens twice a day (before lunch and dinner), and then I guess he sands his grips down every so often to keep them hygienic.

>> No.5695417

Knives with flutes like that are shit. After heavy use and sharpening they turn into a serrated edge.

>> No.5695420

kasumi, victorinox, global, mundail, shun, torijoro
F.dick, messermeister. the sushimi knife on the far right is my pride and joy, cant remember the brand, and i cant be bothered going through my knife rolls

>> No.5695425

is he a chef or an industrial lathe?

>> No.5695437

oh okay, guess I just missed them

>> No.5695453

seems like over use on the stones
not the frequency so much (though 2 times a day is more than should be needed), but the amount of grinding down

I apply mineral oil to my handles and clean them as I use them, sand a little about 2 times a year

>> No.5695460
File: 2.32 MB, 4754x3166, Muh bbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yoshihiro has some of the best fucking edge retention in a knife I've felt. Also getting a tojiro DP santoku for prep. Mac was a gift I've used extensively that is now retiring, (never let fucking prep kids use you knife).

>> No.5695469


I'm sure you know better than fucking Morimoto.

>> No.5695502

I don't think the average chef or home cook needs to apply the same standards as a master wappuneese.

>> No.5695539

I'll just buy new ones.

Glestains are nice knives. Quick like Jap blades, but with some substance for those of us who didn't grow up on gyutos.

PS my Glestain 190mm honesuki cuts like a damned shaped charge. And that with the factory edge. Very good knife.

>> No.5695560

Bolster for me was always a can punch.
Airflow for a 3 liter tin of olive oil.
That's probably the only reason why my Wust isn't retired (bought it in 98). It's my IDGAF knife.

>> No.5695575

>that satisfying "thunk" breaking in a new barrel
I wish more people here would understand the need for a robust knife in a commercial environment.

>> No.5695577


why is there a spoon under your table?

>> No.5695579

Thats what house knives are for

>> No.5695581


>> No.5695585

>he doesnt have a bed spoon

>> No.5695588


My old chef had a ridiculous F.Dick that he used as a can punch. I don't even know what model it was, but it must have been a pizza knife or something. It weighed almost a pound, and the tip (long since broken off) had been ground way, way down. The knife was about 3 or 4 inches tall and a foot long.

Anyway, chef had to go buy a commercial can opener after one of the kiss-ass cooks that called him "papa" tried to emulate him and ended up opening his hand instead.

>> No.5695589

>not keeping a beat up euro knife in your kit

>> No.5695592

Well, we'll always have this moment at least.

Oh plz

>> No.5695609
File: 328 KB, 3292x704, SKS-105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use it for everything.

>> No.5695654

That is one ugly piece of garbage.

>> No.5695671
File: 51 KB, 1000x400, SBK_105___Ultima_4cb7be6e16307[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than any Shun, Global, F.Dick, Wüstof, Victorinox, Zwilling and Tojiro I've owned.

It may look a little stale, but's it's an incredible knife.

>> No.5695749
File: 26 KB, 1500x244, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I posted my whole kit a day ago, but this is what I reach for most often. Similar to ya'lls, but mine is the Classic Ikon 8" chef's. (feels better in my hand) and scalloped.

Runner-ups are the CI Santoku and the CI 10" chefs knife.

>> No.5695767
File: 49 KB, 1000x400, MAC MBK-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAC Mighty Chef (MBK-85)

>> No.5695777

Enjoy those scallops turning your knife into a serrated blade in a few years.

>> No.5695786

>having 8" and 10" chefs knives

>> No.5695798

MAC is one of the best knife brands out there. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.5695841

it's not about knowing better, asshole, it's about wanting different things out of the knife
Morimoto makes enough and probably has knives handed to him weekly

>> No.5695900

>poorfag who has never experienced the joy of taking apart a chicken or duck with a 10' chef knife

>> No.5695904

>herr durr knives must last forever to have value.

Oh, yeah, too bad I can't just buy a new one...

>> No.5695905

There is just no point in having both an 8" and 10" chefs knife especially from the exact same like and especially when working with a kit as small and shitty as yours

>> No.5695916

>wasting money twice

>> No.5695920

> 25% longer = no functional difference.

Good, lord, the virtiol. What did your father do to you?

Both have been really useful over the years I've had it. *shrug*

It's be really useful over the years I've had it.

>> No.5695929


I value the scalloping and blowing $180 on a new knife every three or four years really isn't something I'd think twice about.

And you're quiet wrong to being with. The one I have know is already near/on the scallop at the base but there is no 'serrating.' It's as sharp and straight there as at any other part of the blade.

>> No.5695930

Then why not just get the 10", retard? What can a 8" do that a 10" can't.

>> No.5695933

>already near/on the scallop at the base

Youre absolutely retarded if you can't understand that once you hit that scallop there is no longer a straight edge.

Also why spend $ replacing an knife if you dont have to? But i guess that namefag autism for you.

>> No.5695940


It handles with a little more precision in smaller tasks, like dicing up an onion, etc., while the longer one is better at breaking apart a chicken, turkey, or a duck. I can also use it for prime ribs.

I don't know why I'm defending my choice of knives to a stranger on the internet. I'll stop. Keep going, though.


I'm looking at it right now and it's straight.

Namefagging boosts my power level and the rage it insights. You're on the verge of a heart attack. That alone makes it worthwhile.

>> No.5695949

honesukis, breaking knives, and cimeters are for breaking down meat so if you are buying a knife for that it would make since to buy the correct one. A slicing knife is what you would use to slice a rib roast.

>I'm looking at it right now and it's straight.
because its not down to the scallops yet. seriously do you not understand what happens to an edge when it switches back and forth between varying levels of thickness

>> No.5695955
File: 61 KB, 460x514, thatsnotaknife2999102c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a wimpy knife. This is what *I* use for slicing through umm things.

>> No.5695957

not the guy you're arguing with, but i have to agree. scalloped knives are stupid as hell and a huge wast of money because he's right. once you sharpen deeper into the scallops, it'll be useless.

>> No.5695977

they're great if you cut a lot of fruit
not much else

>> No.5696720
File: 4 KB, 78x400, 600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Zwilling Cermax M66 9" (pic related) when I worked in a store that sold kitchen utensils and various hardware, back in 2007. I was 19 years old, it was the most expensive knife in the store, and I got 25% off the price.
I could definitely make do with the 8" version, but I had to have the biggest one there was.

Nice knife. I don't do much cooking, but it's nice to have.

>> No.5696768

I ordered one of those Swiss Army Knives from Victorinox a while ago, and they sent me a kitchen knives as a give-away. I have never had such a good knive before, so I ordered a couple more. I like them.

>> No.5696881
File: 1.37 MB, 3072x2296, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fave is the smaller one in row 2, column 5-6. I've used it a great deal this harvest.


>> No.5696887

If your knife isn't capable of rusting, you should probably get a better knife.

>> No.5696933
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, 20140815_185412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few ones i have.....

>> No.5696950
File: 151 KB, 600x520, K-Sabatier-Carbone-1-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5696961

Why is there a spoon under your bed?

>> No.5696973

bedspoon goddamit. we've been over this.

>> No.5696986


>implying rusty knives are NSF

>> No.5697001
File: 1.77 MB, 861x1169, kives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how pleb am I?

>> No.5697049
File: 14 KB, 249x197, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got shun hyped and bought one without doing research.

>> No.5697166
File: 2.83 MB, 4272x2848, IMG_0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That bread knife.

Well, ultimately knifes are more about the metal the blade is made of and their maintenance. Even the best knife in the world will end up like a butter knife if it's never sharpened, steeled or honed. Inversely, even a shitty $10 knife can cut like a razor blade when maintained properly.

>> No.5697228

Did you make those?
That is fucking awesome.
I see you used a dremel to cut out the rough parts, but how did you decide the forms and so on, also any more info on how tomake the handle and sharpen the edges.
I really wanna try this out soon.

>> No.5697251

>That bread knife.
Don't worry, I only use it for bread. And I do try to take good care of them. I've had them since Christmas and the chef's knife can still cut a tomato without smushing it so I guess I'm doing something right.

>> No.5697291

>Did you make those?


I just drew the shapes I needed for the jobs the blades will be doing. It is called, "stock removal knife making". You can do it without the metal losing its temper if you use water to cool the edge as you cut it out and when sharpening. Otherwise, you have to heat treat everything. If you choose the water-cooled method, note that it will use up more discs, sanding belts, or hacksaw blades because the metal is still really hard. Normally, you heat it up to anneal it, shape it then heat treat it to get it hard again and finish sharpening it with a stone, hone it, and buff it.

You can use softer metals like the newer bi-metal saw blades (only the tips are hardened) or tool steel metal from antique sawblaws. With the softer metal saw blades, the knife will need sharpening more often, but they work well anyway.

Handles are just wood shaping or resin shaping. Stock removal is the easiest method to get into knife making with and most accessible for beginners. Forging is a whole different level with different tools and skills.

Stop over at /diy/ and make a thread. Just check out youtube vids and stuff online first.

>> No.5697341

Nice job

btw a friend of.me forge his own knifes in his garden in a homemade oven ( build from empty propane container)

>> No.5697468


one of each of these

being poor is awful

>> No.5697469

>Don't worry, I only use it for bread
Mentioned it because it looks ginormous.

Other part is just a general statement to the whole thread really.

>> No.5697474

>being poor is awful

Worse is buying knifes you don't need. You bought 5 for $100 when you could get 2 others at $40 or less to do the same job.

>> No.5697479

Those are packs of 12, anon.

I bought them in the store at $2.80 each.

>> No.5697483

Alright, but I still refuse to believe you need a specific sashimi or fish knife.

>> No.5697484

Is it so wrong to own five knives? I don't actually use each one for its intended purpose.

>> No.5697497

>I don't actually use each one for its intended purpose.
That's the problem, you could have just bought two of them and use them to the same effect. There's no point in buying a "vegetable knife", sashimi knife or fish knife when you could get a chef's knife and use it for 80% of your cooking.

>> No.5697507

I was on a bit of a shopping spree. They were only $3, after all. I figured 5 cheap knives would be a better idea than one nice one, in case something happened to it.

>> No.5697518

>in case something happened to it.
Like what?

>> No.5697520

Like if my roommate stole it?

>> No.5697524

Knife your roommate or get another one. And if he'd steal one knife what makes you think he wouldn't steal 5?

>> No.5697533
File: 52 KB, 499x499, 140734654034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would he need five knives?

>> No.5697535


In case something happens to them.

>> No.5697537

Like what?

>> No.5697550
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, 1408141261372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cut things

>> No.5697552



>> No.5697556

the one in the middle

i have that one

>> No.5697557


>> No.5697563

The cheap sarated edge one? Came with 3 other knives for about $10

>> No.5697566

yeah, that one


>> No.5697627


Not the person you're quoting, but I have 4 knives -- 21 cm deba, 33 cm yanagi, 21 cm usuba, 15cm petty, and Global chef's knife. They are the essential knives for Japanese chefs.

Deba for filleting and splitting fish heads, yanagi for making clean cuts of sashimi, usuba for katsuramuki and slicing ken, petty for cutting out decoration pieces, and chef's knife for butchering and chopping vegetables.

Obviously not everybody is a Japanese-style chef, but what you're saying about a chef's knife being able to do 80% of cutting is not true in some cases.

>> No.5697708

I considered his situation and he obviously doesn't work in a kitchen which is why I said that. I don't have a problem with specialized knifes, just not much point for basic home cook.

>> No.5698079

>butter knife on the magnetic rack
Why would you do such a thing?

>> No.5698140
File: 863 KB, 2448x3264, CameraAwesomePhoto(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started building my own set. what should I get next?

>> No.5698145


Paring knife, bread knife.

>> No.5698149

>chefs knife doesn't do 80% of cutting done in kitchen

Only because a proper chefs knife is capable of more like 95% of cutting needs in a kitchen.

>> No.5698567
File: 1.55 MB, 2880x1620, P1030809 resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One can only assume I too am a pleb.

>> No.5698606

veggie peeler

>> No.5698614

why does everyone love these fucking chink knives?
i use a 10 inch mercer from my CS kit for most work and keep an 8 inch henkel zwilling as my backup

>> No.5698629

I like the Asian-styled chef's knives a bit more than traditional German knives because they work a bit better for my hands. I'm a fairly slight guy (not short as such, but not tall either, and certainly not too muscled) and I often find that a good German knife with a heavy blade and thick bolster feels unwieldy to me. Certainly they're more useful for heavy tasks like halving a squash, but I prefer the gyutos overall because they just strike a better balance between brute strength and precision.

>> No.5698647

at last I truly see
are all you jap knife enthusiasts short and weak?

>> No.5698656

Hell if I know. I just wasn't fortunate enough to be part of the German mustard race with my Anglocentric gene pool.

>> No.5698715


MAC cheese knife.

>> No.5698716

>my mac and cheese knife.

>> No.5698875

damn it bro, keep this up and you will STAY poor. I know it was $3 a knife, but you need to get into the mindset of buying what meets your needs, and nothing else. even if the right tool costs a bit more, it's better than buying several times and wasting more time and money in the process.

>> No.5699009

good for some cheeses too.

>> No.5699019
File: 125 KB, 1279x720, 1404883852701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MAC cheese knife
lost my shit anon, thanks for making me giggle.

>> No.5699036

Do half-scalloped knives exist?

I had the idea in the shower.

You would use the scalloped section at the base to break the surface, then follow through with the normal blade, which can also just be used by itself.

That way you only need to bring one knife out when you're making a salad.

>> No.5699040
File: 9 KB, 510x255, mac-cheese-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5699041

Patent that shit and put it on tvsn immediately squire.

>> No.5699048

Pocketknives like that exist, but I've never seen it on a kitchen knife.

>> No.5699059
File: 523 KB, 3740x1196, 4066-4_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wustoff has a utility knife like that

>> No.5700523


Only if you're in a western kitchen.

I don't think a chef's knife can do usuzukuri or katsuramuki properly.

>> No.5700535


See >>5700523

A big heavy Wustholf isn't capable of delicate tasks.

There are large, heavy knives in the traditional line-up too. Our fish cleaner uses a 24 cm deba, and it weighs over 500g. The heel of the knife is also sharpened to a double bevel, so it doesn't chip when cutting through the spine or splitting heads.

>> No.5700562
File: 8 KB, 185x185, C707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can a 8" do that a 10" can't.

I've been using a 12" cooks knife for a damn long time and now I can't pick up a smaller cooks knife without thinking I'm using babby's first knife.
Those 8" ones just seem pointless to me now.
I seem to be master of my own destiny armed with a cooks knife, boning knife (fuck you, flexible fillet) paring knife and a pallet knife.
I am however....just a mere mortal.
That is my only limitation.

>> No.5700563

>Only if you're in a western kitchen.

Or a home kitchen. What home cook needs to do delicate garnishes or katsuramuki?

>> No.5700703


A home cook with an above average interest in cooking?

I used to do katsuramuki before I apprenticed, because I liked to eat shredded daikon salads. It has better texture, and doing katsuramuki on a daily basis is a good way to increase your dexterity.

There are home cooks out there who buy expensive knives and sharpening kits (see: this thread), when all they really need is an 8" Fibrox chef's knife, a honing rod, and an electric sharpener.

There's a guy on /ck/ who has a ridiculously well polished cutting board and claims that he actually uses it and polishes it after every use. That's even more ridiculous than having 3-5 specialty knives.

Or that guy who has a sous vide machine. Or the other home "cooks" that have a $100 bread knife. Or a knife roll when they clearly don't need to transport their knives. Or multiple cast iron skillets instead of teflon pans.

I think having specialty traditional knives is still more practical.

>> No.5700913
File: 17 KB, 500x172, 500x1000px-LL-c745da0b_kramerknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5701123
File: 3.30 MB, 4128x2322, 2014-07-12 09.07.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5701690

It largely depends on your work area. My place had stock industrial 12 inch knives and I stuck with smaller ones because the workplace was SO small that I wound up hitting the knife around places preventing me from utilizing it properly. I do agree a bigger knife does generally come in handy more although having both is fine too. Especially in situations such as mine.

>> No.5701855

So I've kinda wondered, is there any way to sharpen say a bread knife? Or is that a I don't need to sharpen it knife?

>> No.5701876

No real need to get a breadknife sharpened more than once every five years, if ever.

And you can't do it yourself, as you need professional tools.

>> No.5701883

Do you know what it's called, I'm having trouble envisioning the tool. unless it's some sort of crazy spinning circle sharpener.

>> No.5702002

This seems a good place to ask.
I'm looking to buy a set of knives for a friend, for under £130. They have to be decent though.
Would Wusthof be a good gift?

>> No.5702010

Is your friend a good cook or a moron?

>> No.5702013

wusthof is fine for the average retard

>> No.5702015


>> No.5702086

I use Wusthofs exclusively. I have a 7inch silverpoint that sees a lot of action on the line (cutting sandwiches and what not).

>> No.5702117

why all the wusthof hate on this board? everywhere i've read says that it's a very good well respected brand. everywhere except /ck/ that is.

note that i've no experience with a wusthof knife.

>> No.5702120

wustof introduced a couple lines of el-cheaperino knives recently and /ck/ is too poor to buy the better ones.

>> No.5702123

new to 4chan? don't mistake a few shitposters for the attitude of all of the board

>> No.5702128


Are you reading Macy's catalogs or actual knife enthusiast websites?

Wusthof gets the same hate as Shun and Global. It's not shitty but it's way too expensive for what it is.

>> No.5702131

so what would you suggest because, again, those are all well renowned as some of the best knives out there.

>> No.5702134

Global is a much better deal than wusthof

>> No.5702138


MAC knives are pretty fucking great all around. I got two from the Ultimate series and they are the best knives I've ever had.

>> No.5702162


Like the other guy said, MAC is really good (professional or ultimate series). I have a couple of Tojiros and Suisins, both of which are a little cheaper. Vintage Sabatier is awesome and for some reason prices aren't completely unreasonable like with vintage cast iron. Misono UX10 has some of the best balance of any knife I've ever used. They get a little hate here because of the price but at least the steel is far better than Wusthof. Masamoto has a good reputation but I've never used any.

>> No.5702208

Not denying that MAC ultimate is a nice knife, but are you suggesting that it's a better value than a Wusthof classic of the same size for 110% more money? Preferences aside, I'd say you're crazy.

>> No.5702227


Yes. "Value" and "price" are distinct concepts. For instance I think a cup of perfectly roasted single origin coffee from the place around the corner from work, which costs $3, is a much better value than a $2 cup of burned sketchbag crap from Starbucks. No comparison.

As for the $3 coffee vs $1 diner coffee? Now we're talking about a legitimate debate. The $1 diner coffee would be like a Mundial knife or something along those lines.

>> No.5702235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5702268

Except we're not talking hypothetical coffee.
There isn't nearly as large of a difference between the MAC and the Wusthof classic. The MAC is a very slightly harder steel without that much better edge retention (I've owned both, though when both were more reasonably priced) to warrant that large of a price hike. MAC gouges people more than Wusthof.

>> No.5702271

He's a pretty good cook. He's never had a proper knife before though, only ceramics.

>> No.5702275


What about the other 9 knives that I mentioned?

>> No.5702289

Steels, stones or those little knife sharpener things that shred knives?
Which is best?

>> No.5702292

I agree with Tojiro. Suisin has the rep, but I've not owned any, nor known those who did, and haven't looked at their stuff in a while, so can't comment. I still like Misono, safe choice, but I believe there are better deals to be had. I've used a couple Masamotos from friends, and I liked them, but they were the higher end ones and had some wear with use that I can't confirm how hard of use it may have been. I'll always have a soft spot for vintage Sabatier, but usually more cost than it's worth to get a nice one that hasn't been reground strangely or given an odd handle.

>> No.5702294
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steels and stones are for two separate things and knife shredders are an excellent way to completely ruin your knife.

>> No.5702297

we've been over this

>> No.5703351

my heart is bleeding

>> No.5703358
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>> No.5703366

That burl is absolutely beautiful

>> No.5703368

A man after my own hearth.

>> No.5703376

I need to order another one of these. I had one for a while, but lost it somewhere. Really cool knife for a great price.

>> No.5703377

i buy my first opinel when i was ten ...

>> No.5703384

Since I'm a total foodpreparingnoob and you guys seem to like the knife too, is it bad if a bit of that black oxidation rubs off on whatever I'm cutting? I clean and oil it after every use, but you can't fully prevent it it seems.

>> No.5703389

It's the carbon patina. harmless AFAIK. If it bothers you Opinel now makes stainless steel blades.

>> No.5703394

I know they do, but I really like carbon blades, I was just not sure how safe it is for foodstuff. Thanks for the reply!

>> No.5703398

carbon blades are the "original blades", stainless steel is fairly recent... I would say don't sweat it,

>> No.5703409

If it's coming off on the food it's probably not patina. On the contrary it's a sign that one is needed

>> No.5703529

anyone have any experience with Cutco?

>> No.5704124
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Do I have to choose only one?

>> No.5704132


they're horrible

although I noticed one in the kitchen of a fairly decent restaurant recently, to my great amusement. they were using it to break down a large fish. I'm not a fish expert so I don't know what kind it was, but it was about 4 feet long and looked like it came from the sea.

>> No.5704146

it was probably a small river trout

>> No.5704152


river trout get that big?

>> No.5704193


>> No.5704217

Only the small ones.

>> No.5704239

a new stove

>> No.5704344


is this some kind of joke that only fisherman get?