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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5691059 No.5691059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What makes something a superfood? What are some superfoods that have a noticeable effect on you?

>> No.5691071

>What makes something a superfood?

it seems exotic, or just not really a part of most people's daily diet

it has a name that doesn't sound boring

it's easy to market to people

>What are some superfoods that have a noticeable effect on you?

>> No.5691073


>> No.5691077

>What makes something a superfood?

That's about it. It's a food. It might be good for you, but it's in no way some magical thing that'll save your life if you drink the $10 shakes with it.

>> No.5691080
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it comes from Krypton, natch

inb4: nice box Lois

>> No.5691083

the pot's making you paranoid, bro.

broccoli and spinach are normally considered superfoods. neither are exotic, and both are commonly incorporated into people's daily diets.

almonds, asparagus, other dark leafy greens... not everything is a ploy.

>> No.5691087

An exceptionally good nutrition profile. Avocado is a fruit full of vitamins and healthy fats. Spirulina contains all essential amino acids.

>> No.5691088


voice of reason:

there are no such things as superfoods. the fact is that these superfoods are actually what should be considered "normal foods" while all the other trash we eat should NOT be considered normal.

>> No.5691092
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My bronuggaass you mentioned spirulina!!! almonds!!

>> No.5691093

that's right. phytonutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, etc. don't exist. You'll get everything you need to be healthy from your vitamin-enriched frozen meals. everything healthy is a marketing ploy to make people waste their money.

>> No.5691102
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word choice specifically djectives

like "comfort" food, "super" food really doesn't mean much of anything

try this: substitute the word "sex: for "food"

comfort sex
super sex

see it's all bullshit

>> No.5691110


I think he's just talking about how different foods "trend" and are hearkened as the latest "super food".

Shit usually starts on Dr. Oz or some daytime tv crap. He plugs green coffee extract, ginseng, pomegranate, guava, kelp as being the latest thing to help you lose weight/gain energy/experience some miracle health boost. Yeah, that shit is good for you, but it's not the end-all, be-all food.

Then buzzfeed or some other content aggregator creates a list of "5 Super Foods You Didn't Know About". It trends on social media. Then a bunch of dumb bitches go out and buy garcinia cambogia pills, pineapples, whatever.

The term "super food" gets overused. It should be "trend food" in a lot of cases.

>> No.5691111

whats MY main focus with food? I eat nutritionally balanced whole plant foods. I avoid corn syrup, and I eat fruit. I avoid bread and I eat OATS.

we real food now

>> No.5691113


yes, you're right. that's the way it SHOULD be, but we're too far gone at this point. how do you encourage people to eat like their body was meant to? you tell them they're doing something SUPER. because everything nowadays in this culture has to be LEGITIMATELY HUMONGOUS! and LITERALLY AMAZING!

i mean, it's a bit sad, but how else are we going to reverse our terrible eating habits as a whole? we already know how bad junk food is. we've known for a while now. but when people think of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, etc. they think "this is bland" because they're not being bombarded by SUPEREXTRALICIOUS EXTREME BLOW YOUR MIND flavor and labeling. so we need to give them that labeling, and replace the desire for flavor with a desire for good health and high energy levels.

>> No.5691114


What do healthy fats do?

>> No.5691116

comfort sex in you and your gf being in pajama pants and loose tee shirts on a rainy saturday morning getting cuddly-touchy sex

super sex is both of you being slightly drunk and super horny pounding each other for 3 hours until your body shines from sweat

>> No.5691118

They're good for your heart and are another source of energy, like carbs.

>> No.5691128


Isn't it only good for your heart when you replace worse fats with it? Doesn't seem like it'd help if you already have a healthy low-fat, high-fiber diet. The guys who cured heart disease say to restrict them

>> No.5691132

>What makes something a superfood?

The cape, the secret identity, and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

>> No.5691142


this man speaks the truth

>> No.5691157

nah; independent of what other good things you're eating (fiber, proteins), fat serves a lot of other functions like facilitating metabolism of certain vitamins, balancing hormones, improving cognitive functioning, etc.I'm not sure which "bad fats" these guys are talking about though, but I'm guessing trans fats and some polyunsaturated ones... cholesterol and saturated fats are just as necessary as epa, dha, and whatever.

>> No.5691163


>cholesterol and saturated fats are just as necessary as epa, dha, and whatever.

Ah, so you're one of THOSE people.

>> No.5691165

frozen green peas. boil them and eat with broth. very good.

>> No.5691166


Do you suffer with chronic inflammations for no reason?

>> No.5691168
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>Americans will buy anything

For once, use your brain.

>> No.5691174
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>wind negro

>> No.5691176

IANADoctor, but from what I understand, inflammation has a lot to do with the random aches and pains that unhealthy people get. So yes, many people do suffer from chronic inflammation for no reason.

>> No.5691195

Comfort sex sounds great. Too bad my state doesn't get any rain.

Or gf.

>> No.5691196

uh.. I guess so? I'm from the former USSR, and some of my ancestors mostly ate grains, butter, chicken, potato, eggs, dairy, fish, roe, and pickled veg while the other 75% ate fresh vegetables and fruit, the fattiest lambs in the world, pulses, some grain, and cooked everything in clarified butter. The biggest cause of coronary heart disease in Russia isn't even the shit modern diet, but alcoholism, and anecdotally, the Slav side of my family is riddled with diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems and the ones who don't inherit it or treat it the most effectively still eat nearly all kinds of fat, but cut out our beloved bread, porridge, jams, and pastry.

>> No.5691208


>The biggest cause of coronary heart disease in Russia isn't even the shit modern diet, but alcoholism

Anecdotes aside, alcoholism is not in itself a cause of heart disease.


>Of the various atherosclerotic risk factors, which one is an absolute prerequisite for development of atherosclerosis?
>The answer is hypercholesterolemia. What level of total cholesterol and specifically LDL cholesterol is required for atherosclerotic plaques to develop? Symptomatic and fatal atherosclerosis is extremely uncommon in societies where serum total cholesterol levels are <150 mg/dL and serum LDL cholesterol levels are <100 mg/dL (8). If the LDL cholesterol level is <100— and possibly it needs to be <80 mg/dL—the other previously mentioned risk factors in and of themselves are not associated with atherosclerosis. In other words, if the serum total cholesterol is 90 to 140 mg/dL, there is no evidence that cigarette smoking, systemic hypertension, diabetes mellitus, inactivity, or obesity produces atherosclerotic plaques. Hypercholesterolemia is the only direct atherosclerotic risk factor; the others are indirect. If, however, the total cholesterol level is >150 mg/dL and the LDL cholesterol is >100 mg/dL, the other risk factors clearly accelerate atherosclerosis.

Heart disease comes from elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood cholesterol comes from saturated fat and dietary cholesterol.

>> No.5691223

That last sentence is not conclusively supported by recent empirical evidence. I don't mean to be a weirdo skeptic but it's not mere anecdata I'm working off of

>> No.5691227

Shut the fuck up, yes it is entirely.

Die in a fucking fire you stupid fucking asshole.

>> No.5691234

Why the fuck do people just ignore all mainstream medical science to justify eating unhealthy foods like eggs and red meat? Seriously, the amount of people on /ck/ who delude themselves into thinking saturated fat and dietary cholesterol aren't bad for you is astounding.

>> No.5691235

10/10 of the worlds top dietary health organizations disagree with you, and they aren't weird skeptics or working off of anecdata either.

>> No.5691236


What recent evidence are you talking about? The same "recent emperical evidence" that disproves evolution and global warming?

>> No.5691238
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Because most "mainstream medical science" is pic related.

>> No.5691241
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People are just way more likely to accept things they want to believe without skepticism than they are to accept things they don't believe even if they're supported by mountains of clear data. It's called scientific denialism and the medical world has to deal with this bullshit too

>> No.5691243

Usda run robots. You can now bypass captcha by paying a little money.., and the usda has nothing but money.

>> No.5691247

Nice. Sums up every one of these threads.


>> No.5691258


VIDF here to shit up yet another thread

>> No.5691276
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It's not just vegans/animal rights activists who can recognize that saturated fat and cholesterol clearly ties to heart disease and that whole plant foods are preferable to animal foods. Heart disease has been cured with a low fat vegetarian diet. The president of the college of cardiology tells people to cut out the meat and dairy and eggs for the sake of their health. Kaiser Permanente, the largest healthcare company in the united states, tells people to eat a plant-based diet that encourages whole plant foods and discourages meat, dairy, and eggs because that's how you make people healthy.


The world health organization tells people to decrease saturated fat and increase whole grains and legumes


Nobody in the world agrees with your crazy "meat defense force" views about diet. If you want to eat bacon all day, fine, but don't act like everyone else is wrong to say it's not good for you

>> No.5691286


i am constantly receiving contradicting messages from various medical sources including my own doctors about what i should and should not be eating. i'm really not sure what to believe anymore.

>> No.5691294


i didn't say anything like that.

i just enjoy pulling your string and watching your gums flap because it shows everybody just how obsessive and deranged you are. you're the cunt with the rolodex of images and links you spam in every thread where there is even a tangential relation to your trigger words.

you're so transparent you don't even need to tripfag to stick out like a sore thumb. please, seek help from a professional. you can beat whatever is making you this way.

>> No.5691296

I've always fucking hated the word "comfort food"

Makes me think of fat people right away. I've never eaten food for comfort and still don't quite understand what it means. Soft, non-spicy food I guess?

>> No.5691299
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The best thing to do is listen to what has been proven, rather than random theories presented by people with no real medical credentials, like Chris Kresser and Dr. Mercola. Esselstyn and Ornish have independently cured heart disease in patients with severe three-vessel artery disease by using a low-fat vegetarian diet to get serum cholesterol below 150mg/dl. Neal Barnard has also had success curing type 2 diabetes in patients with the same type of diet. The longest-living people in the world are the Okinawans of Japan, who traditionally eat about 96+% of their calories from plants (mainly sweet potatoes), and have a macro ratio of 85/6/9 carb-fat-protein. The people pushing butter and fatty meats don't have any real data to say that kind of diet is good for you. They aren't out there curing heart disease, they're writing diet books and blog posts about things that the mainstream medical world simply doesn't accept.

>> No.5691323

>comfort sex in you and your gf being in pajama pants and loose tee shirts on a rainy saturday morning getting cuddly-touchy sex
That sounds nice
>tfw this will never happen to me

>> No.5691346

i just find it ridiculous to call these things superfoods, it makes people believe they're magical, when it's just food. it's not a superfood because it's not a staple food or processed junk food. it's not a superfood because you get sick when your diet isn't natural.

>vitamin-enriched frozen meals
that isn't food

i eat food

they're only superfoods because you're comparing them to the garbage you can find in most stores. stop calling them superfoods, call them food, and call junk food junk food.

>> No.5691377

the kind of people who will think a food can be magical kind of deserve to get their shekels ripped off

>> No.5691380

comfort food is a food with happy memories usually. your momma's molokheia soup she made when you were sick and five years old or whatever the fuck.

mine is spanikopita.

>> No.5691503

Water is the only superfood. It's a major part of all the other foods and you'll die without it.

>> No.5691511

probably, if they're just going to waste their money hopefully someone with better sense is the one who gets it

>you'll die without it
>you'll die with it

>> No.5691537

>What makes something a superfood?
Marketing bullshit.

>> No.5691539
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>Spirulina contains all essential amino acids.
So does meat, cheese, and eggs.

>> No.5691579
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>healthy diet
>low-fat, high-fiber

Low-fat high-fiber diet decreased serum and urine androgens in men.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15741266

>> No.5691590

>elevated blood cholesterol comes from saturated fat and dietary cholesterol.
Greetings time-traveler!

>> No.5691594

Women live longer.

>> No.5691609

>all of this thread
I love you, /ck/
Don't ever change

>> No.5691631

lol no shit

>> No.5691643

whats special about something like that for example is that I could simply just eat spirulina without eating the meat, cheese, and eggs if I wanted to.

>> No.5691661

what's special for me is that I can just eat food rather than shoving spirulina down my throat

>> No.5691667

>broccoli is part of everyday diet
Maybe if you're some kind of animal rights extremist

Wait till you find out how many animals died in the field where you're green bitter yuppie shit was harvested

>> No.5691668

broccoli is a pretty regular part of my diet and I eat a ton of meat

>> No.5691698
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>"citing" non-peer reviewed garbage
where do you think you are, leddit?

>> No.5691699
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Nah not really. I'm Indian and comfort food for me is Pao Bhaji. It's very spicy and drenched in butter.

>> No.5691727

what's wrong with broccoli? its fucking delish

>> No.5691787

Especially with evoo amirite?

>> No.5691802
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>recognize that saturated fat and [dietary] cholesterol clearly ties to heart disease
"Recognizing" non-existent "facts" is the very definition of insanity.

>and that whole plant foods are preferable to animal foods
1000% wrong. You've consistently failed to cite a single reputable peer-reviewed source for this claim in the HUNDREDS of threads you've shit-up. What few reputable (but invariably pop-sci) sources you cite refute your position! E.g. http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Mens_Health_Watch/2012/June/cutting-red-meat-for-a-longer-life, (of which you've cited multiple times), showed a larger reduction in mortality when red meat was replaced by white meat than when red meat was replaced by legumes, so much for "plant foods are preferable to animal foods"

>> No.5691812
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oh stick around for a while this batshit fucker posts the same things in every thread. he's hilarious.


mfw science finally arrives

>> No.5691823
File: 83 KB, 1800x1195, Health-is-Health.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am constantly receiving contradicting messages from various medical sources including my own doctors about what i should and should not be eating. i'm really not sure what to believe anymore.
You can't eat yourself healthy. Get fit, stay thin, do your fucking cardio and you can eat McDs 3x a day and still outlive the couch-potato or the weakling vegfag who eats "clean"

>> No.5691827

>actually wanting to eat mcdonalds

How about getting exercise AND eating decent quality foods? Is everyone on this board from a low class unstable household and views shitty cheap fast food as a reward for running on a treadmill? You people disgust me.

>> No.5691869

>what is hyperbole
Diet doesn't amount to a hill of beans next to cardiovascular fitness, muscle mass, and low body fat.

>> No.5691873


I'm pretty sure eating a decent amount of fresh vegetables and meat that isn't made of ammonia and chemicals is better for you than eating whatever "meat" they put into a mcdonalds burger and that fucked up bread they use, but I wouldn't know. I've never been able to eat a mcdonalds meal without feeling slightly ill so I avoid it unless I'm in a desperate situation like an airport layover.

>> No.5692184

"superfood" is a buzzword. Some foods just happen to have a lot of various nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in them. They call the ones with lots of these things "superfood".

>> No.5692329


I've never posted that harvard article before, but let's take a look at it

Seems it's talking about this study


The diet data was gathered from self-reported questionaires every 4 years. Alright, not the best way to do things, but oh well. Onto the data. It's making quite a villain out of red meat. As for swapping red meat out for other foods, it says that was based on "an estimation" of what might happen, not based on actual data from the study. Follow the citation and we get this separate study


Which found that nuts were better for heart disease risk than poultry, fish, and low-fat dairy, which were all better than red meat. No mention of whole grains or legumes. It seems their estimates for those were just made up, which explains why legumes were given the same reduction number as low-fat dairy and whole grains were given the same as poultry rather than each food group having its own relative risk. In theory, whole grains and legumes are very low in fat and very high in soluble fiber, which lowers cholesterol, which lowers heart disease risk. In practice, heart disease has been clinically reversed with a diet of whole grains and legumes, where chicken consumption was deemed dangerous and ineffective. Funny that you'd throw red meat (and with it, your belief that saturated fat doesn't contribute to heart disease) under the bus for the chance to maybe say that chicken is better than legumes, but you should have actually read what you wanted to argue for

>> No.5692336

>he has no idea that nobody takes him seriously
>this delusional vidf nutter

>> No.5692340

This video will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about SUPERFOODS!


>> No.5692341


Just postin' the facts, partner

>> No.5692349
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