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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5689341 No.5689341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's do a best of /ck/ thread

>> No.5689381


>> No.5689402

you sicko's just keep making jokes about 9/11 since the day it happened without even waiting a while, and never stopped.

you should be ashamed of yourself, its not funny. people died anon. what if you were in there? what if it was someone you knew? do you have no empathy for people? don't get me wrong, alot of people may have given you the reasons to not care, but not all people are bad.

too many though however, are stupid.

please don't misuse pasta again to depict death of hundreds of people. 1st amendment exists yea, but why anon? why?

>> No.5689413


you're on 4chan. 4CHAN

if anywhere is safe to have a laugh at the expense of a tragic event from years ago, it's here.

i personally never really cared, so i just maintain the image of giving a shit in the real world. here i can laugh at OP's picture and be true to myself.

>> No.5689487

oversensitive grill detected

>> No.5689500

>but why anon? why?
Why, you ask? For the lulz.

>> No.5689517

Are you two legitimately retarded?

I've never even read that before but instantly recognized it as copypasta/non-genuine. Lurk moar fagets.

>> No.5689544
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are you sirius

>> No.5689603
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Never joke about 9/11. That's just plane disrespectful. Do you understand how many people's lives came crashing down that day?

>> No.5689718

yeah dude you don't fuck around with 9/11

>> No.5689720

copypasta or not, isn't it a little retarded to be laughing at a whole bunch of people dying in a horrible way? doesn't it make you feel bad? are you human?

>> No.5689723

Why is that child naked?

>> No.5689727

It's been over a decade, dude. Have you never heard a holocaust joke?

>> No.5689734

but 9/11 actually happened

>> No.5689737

fuck 9/11, that was bullshit anyway. If you want to get mad, get mad at your US government.

>> No.5689743

aaand I'm out

>> No.5689749
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Are you retarded? There is no culture on Earth where it's considered completely taboo to joke about tragedies. You must be autistic to have not gotten this by now. When you make a joke about someone's death or people dying, there's a range of factors that in certain combinations or strengths can make it okay, which includes but is not limited to:
The quality of the joke (cleverness, laffs)
The audience (whether they're the effected or have some sort of relationship to the event)
The timing (i.e. how long it has been)
Whether the joke is meant to be mocking the people affected or is supposed to make you think

In terms of quality; the joke is about a 5/10 in terms of cleverness and laffs. In terms of timing? Well it's not like a joke about Lincoln or something where it was so long ago nobody would care, but it still has been well over a decade - I'd give it about a 5/10. In terms of audience? This is 4chan not a New York fire department - I'd give that a 10. The joke here is that forget and spaghet rhyme and spaghetti can be made to look like the things that we should never forget. The joke isn't there to laugh at the loss of lives, it's to laugh at a visual and linguistic similarity - which I'd give a 7 to (if only because comparing an explosion to bolognese is a tad insensitive). Overall rating it 27/40. Meaning the joke is objectively and unquestionably 67.5% acceptable.
Grow up, baby.

>> No.5689754

for your sake, this had better be copypasta.

>> No.5689755

The humour is in the fact that most Americans still hold it as the greatest tragedy and loss of human life in history, while ignoring the hundreds of thousands of displaced and thousands of dead caused by the middle eastern intrusions.


>> No.5689766
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>whats the difference between a cow and 9-11?
Americans can't milk a cow for 12 years.

>> No.5689769
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>thread turning into a /pol/ shitstorm
Can mods just kill this already?

>> No.5689784

never said who was the one who "caused" it.

just said it was stupid for you all to laugh at a bunch of people dying.

>> No.5689786

>turning into
it was shit from the second post

>mods giving a fuvk about /ck/
i wish

>> No.5689788

I don't think any death or suffering is funny, are you crazy?

>> No.5689790

>what's Al Qaeda's favorite football team?
the New York Jets

>> No.5689804

the act or occurrence alone is rarely humorous but the jokes are frequently good

>> No.5689811

the jokes are about people dying, lots and lots of people that were loved by someone.

why would that in any way be funny?

>> No.5689815

Its 4chan dude

you wouldnt have lasted long in the old days

>> No.5689817

The joke is that something mundane like spaghetti can be made to look like something horrific like 9/11.
The joke isn't HAHA DEAD PEOPLE.

You know that scene in Role Models where the kid draws a pornographic image of Beyonce pouring sugar on his dick? It's funny because something innocent like a children's drawing should not represent something graphic like sexual intercourse. By juxtaposing two tonally different things, we invoke humour.
Likewise, spaghetti looking like an act of mass murder is funny because it's fucking spaghetti.
I re-iterate: You're laughing at spaghetti, not death.

>> No.5689821

>the jokes are about people dying
The jokes are about spaghetti

>> No.5689822


You laugh at the spaghetti, you masturbate to the death

>> No.5689854

I am not denying that its 4chan, and yes there always seems to be this kind of humor around here, but you still haven't given me a good explanation. you don't owe me anything, but I'm not understanding whats funny here.


why don't you just post a picture of a plate of spaghetti and go "haha" instead?

the joke clearly involves lots and lots of people dying doesn't it?

I'm trying to be logical with this. do you all really find large amounts of people dying funny, or do you just pretend that you find it funny because you think people will think you are cool?

>> No.5689859

I know this gets thrown around a lot on here but I've never met an actual autist on here before now.

>> No.5689870

This. Hello autist, welcome to 4chan. >>5689815
is very true, and it's the humor here. Please go somewhere else.

>> No.5689872

>the joke clearly involves lots and lots of people dying doesn't it?
no, it's referencing an event where people died
loss of human life isn't bad unless they were providing great productive, cultural intellectual value etc.
otherwise you are expecting people to empathise with the fact that someone loved someone and that they felt bad losing them

>> No.5689885

so like

9/11 was p. cool in my opinion

i shed a patriotic tear every year on that day

>> No.5689888

no i take that part back im not myself sorry

>> No.5689902
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>> No.5689905
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>> No.5689932

whats autistic about understanding that for some strange reason, people are laughing about mass murder?

>the joke clearly involves lots and lots of people dying doesn't it?
>no, it's referencing an event where people died

you hue m8?

>loss of human life isn't bad unless they were providing great productive, cultural intellectual value etc.

I disagree....

>> No.5689941

sounds like typical American hypocrisy, they cry about 9/11, but they cum in their pants at the thought of their country dropping bombs on brown people everyday.

>> No.5689945

Thats because brown people are a nuisance and inferior

>> No.5689971

>I disagree....
Unless they were valuable or you loved them then what is the loss from a personal perspective?
What you are doing is over extending empathy and killing crude humour.

>> No.5689978

If they were so inferior, the Iraq War II wouldn't have been going on for 10+ years and billions of dollars of armaments wouldn't be needed to kill thousands of people.

>> No.5689981

its because pussies and butthurt liberals wont let us just wipe em all out

>> No.5689994

Daily reminder that you're all hypocrites and only care because you had some connection to 9/11.

>> No.5690014

>we should wipe out people who had no connection to 9/11 or at the very least remove a dictator to destabilize the region and create a hotbed of new terrorists and hold hands with the Saudis
Republican logic. I can practically hear the dreidels spinning.

>> No.5690020

there wouldnt be any new terrorist or saudis if we got rid of em all and Im not saying to do it for 9/11 (though its a good excuse) we do it b/c its whats best for the world as a whole. Muslims are useless, disgusting, violent people and need to be eliminated(but not before we let them take out Israel)

>> No.5690025

>there wouldnt be any new terrorist if we killed all muslims
Sounds like someone is under the age of 20 and has knowledge of history.

>> No.5690030

right, just like if you banned and destroyed all guns and knives their would be no more violent crime.

>> No.5690082
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If this thread is the best of /ck/ then this whole board is fucked.

>> No.5690088

May I ask if you know a single muslim?

>> No.5690091

it's near to the best of the worst

>> No.5690096


yes, in fact, us humans have a long-standing history of not giving a shit about other people, especially when they're not close to us.

>> No.5690099


>has life
>doesn't lurk 4chan enough to recognize copypasta


>> No.5690100

Something tells me you spend plenty of time online, friend-o.

>> No.5690101


oh me, sure. i'm just pointing out the irony of that guy's post.

>> No.5690106

>over extending empathy

nope. don't mistake the bleeding hearts for empaths. they just have really overbearing super-egos, and are constantly in selfish plight to do the right thing.

>> No.5690114

So who wants to talk about Ukraine? :∧)

>> No.5690130

>sounds like typical American hypocrisy, they cry about 9/11, but they cum in their pants at the thought of their country dropping bombs on brown people everyday.

I'm not saying that I don't care about this, but why are you bringing this up?

I feel terrible that anyone anywhere gets hurt.

dude, I'm just saying. lots of people, dying, not a good thing. turn any gears in your head? is the little mouse running around on the wheel going any faster? I find it so strange watching someone trying to rationalize making fun of people dying. this kind of human has been on 4chan for very long but something made me decide to ask, maybe so I could understand the perspective of those who make the jokes. its hasn't been a very deep learning experience other than "huehe I don't care its just funny"

this isn't about that, I sincerely decided to ask why, and they haven't done a good logical job of justifying, rationalizing, or making sense of their own sense of humor. whats strange is that if they can't explain to me why its funny, then why do they think its funny?

I don't understand your perspective or which side you are pointing to with your comment.

this isn't so much about feelings or being a victim or anything, I'm simply perplexed about the 9/11 death jokes, I just simply don't find them funny. why do other people find people dying to be funny? I ask, and no good answers... so far thats all.

you should see the threads about vegan/organic and how they instantly become raided by shills and trolls that try to ruin any conversation.

yes there have been many problems throughout history, but as absolutely terrible as things are now, could you possibly say that we have made it somewhere? have we actually improved at least a little?

what I'm trying to say is that we are on a big journey to improve ourselves, shouldn't we be trying to maybe move in the direction of being less evilcrazy than we used to be yesterday?

>> No.5690131

Do you really think there are people who are being paid to post in vegan or organic threads on /ck/?

>> No.5690132

Jesus Christ are people still talking about 9/11 in this fucking thread

>> No.5690155

maybe, but something tells me they do it for free.

sometimes some vegans wanna talk about veggies and organic apples etc. and these psychos show up actually believing they can trick as into
>not eating organic anymore
>not eating vegan any more
so instead of talking about what we wanted to the entire thread gets derailed by them trying to find various outlandish ways to prove to us that we are wrong. of course this never works, yet the thread always gets derailed. I would really appreciate it if the mods would ban people that come to threads labeled organic or vegan to shitpost instead of just hiding the thread.

again you will likely notice that trolls pretending to be vegan go to meat threads to make these people angry as well.

>trolls troll both sides

its really immature.

>> No.5690159

>muslims are violent
>let's kill them all

Back to bed, kiddo

>> No.5690160

>making fun of people dying
the actual occurrence, the moment where the people are killed is not the thing being laughed at, it is just included in the event
if we can't laugh abut the one inevitable thing that all humans face then why live?

normally I would be arguing for empathy but you've taken a harmless joke about spaghetti and turned it to fuck.

>> No.5690161
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>> No.5690165
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>> No.5690176

>I'm not saying that I don't care about this, but why are you bringing this up?
because its why 9/11 happened you fucking retard

>> No.5690185

>muh death

Besides the cultural trappings we adorn it with, death is nothing except eternal unconsciousness.

>> No.5690192
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>> No.5690196
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>> No.5690209


>death is nothing except eternal unconsciousness.

cute, but that's just one idea. nobody... NOBODY knows what succeeds the end of this life.


i'm pretty sure that my not really caring about the event makes me "evilcrazy." i was 10 or 11, i don't even remember what was going on or how i reacted. it didn't affect me. trying to force myself to feel something i don't, out of social pressure, will not make me a better human. but, if it relieves you a little, i can always just not kill people. i'll do you one better, i wouldn't even laugh in the face of someone who is experiencing the death of a loved one. that's some fucked up shit, not my innocent apathy.

>> No.5690214

you make some good points, but nobody has yet to explain to me how the twin towers made out of spaghetti while the explosion is tomato sauce is funny? its about a huge amount of people dying. sugar coating it with spaghetti doesn't even make it not-funny. I'm not even trying to be a smug do gooder, I just simply really don't get how its funny.

>> No.5690215

>death is nothing except eternal unconsciousness
that's stupid, things died and became a part of you, are you unconscious?

>> No.5690216

>I just simply really don't get how its funny.
then don't laugh and while you are not enjoying yourself, kindly refrain from stopping others

>> No.5690217

please explain?

>> No.5690221

I get what you are saying. I just don't think people understand my question though.

how is it funny?

>> No.5690225

It's not the spaghetti but the explosion of sauce as a smoke plume that I personally found funny, just because it's so dumb.

But hey, that's the point. Different people find humor in different things. You faggot.

>> No.5690226


if anything the picture pokes fun at the phrase "never forget," because you know here in the land of the free and the home of the brave we never ignore or forget any of the other homicidal/genocidal atrocities in other parts of the world... oh wait.

it's a dual pun, using both language and a visual. you don't like puns?

>> No.5690228

no no, you don't understand.

I want you to explain to me how its funny.

I'm not even being a smug jerk. I know that nobody has ever been serious about this before.

>> No.5690229

I guess it is kind of wacky, but as soon as I think about what it really means I just stop finding it silly immediately. I wonder what makes anyone continue to find it funny even after knowing that hundreds of people died.

>> No.5690234

I'm not trying to be politically correct or anything screw those people. I like being polite but political correctness is ruining the world.

I simply just don't understand.

>> No.5690239


you're not allowing yourself to understand. understanding doesn't mean sharing the sentiment, necessarily, but seeing the other's point of view and accepting its existence. we've explained the joke, and you've been reminded that sense of humor is to an extent subjective, and you're still being stubborn. let it go.

>> No.5690240

> don't misuse PASTA again

had to laugh again

>> No.5690244

Would you be this perplexed if someone made a joke about the holocaust, or the Syrian civil war, or the death of a certain comedian who you probably haven't seen in film for around 15 years?

Maybe you should take a crash course in moral relativism.

>> No.5690263

you know, I simply don't enjoy it.

call me crazy. I suppose I don't want to be what you all consider normal.

I'm not being smug or taking any high road, but I am sure I don't belong here. not 4chan, just this entire world. I really do hope the lord that things get better than this.

>> No.5690278

>I'm not being smug or taking any high road,

really. because this is at least the third time you've announced that, despite not being accused even once.

check yourself m8, you're human just like the rest of us.

>> No.5690298

>pasta joke
>meany faggots
>fuck you it's a joke
>why dis funny guyz
>series of answers
>that's not right it's not funny guyz, peeple died
>it's funny because of these reasons
>not funny people died WHY DON'T YOU CARE

>> No.5690323

>why don't you just post a picture of a plate of spaghetti and go "haha" instead?
Did you read the post you were replying to? The one that implicitly stated "The joke is that something mundane like spaghetti can be made to look like something horrific like 9/11."
>the joke clearly involves lots and lots of people dying doesn't it?
Lots of people have died of diarrhoea too. It's historically a completely serious and deadly disease. You know why I can make jokes about having diarrhoea? Because I'll make a joke that refers to diarrhoea, but change the context so it's not about mocking the deaths of millions. Likewise, this joke refers to 9/11, but the context is changed so that we are not mocking the deaths of thousands, merely mocking the phrase that has entered the American vernacular by turning it into pasta.

And laughing at a plate of spaghetti would be nearly as autistic as you are.

>> No.5690328


>> No.5690333


>> No.5690341

nice trips

>> No.5690344
File: 225 KB, 610x719, seriously-wtf-is-this-shit_583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree OP's pic isn't funny. Like ohh a shit ton of people died let's replace fire and shit with pasta! How hilarious.

>> No.5690346

never spaghet

>> No.5690349

>referring to others as autistic
>can't spell diarrhea

>> No.5690355

Fuck you shitlord
dyslexia si a DISEASE

>> No.5690356

I guess poor comebacks are also a disease which I also don't suffer from. How unfortunate.

>> No.5690363

I bet you raised a flag after the event, faggot

>> No.5690366

why thank you kind intelligent anon.

>> No.5690370

Shut up ya commy this board's about food not calling people names ya commy

>> No.5690378

eat a dick you man faced nigger bitch

>> No.5690393

Stop you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.5690400
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>Expecting respect for a tragic event.
>Being on 4chan.

Pick one.

>> No.5690402


>> No.5690403

I'll stop when I'm done.

>> No.5690405
File: 71 KB, 640x430, 171860580_ffea823f0d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, that's me!

>> No.5690407


>> No.5690410

much praise

>> No.5690413

I never said I expected anything. this is 4chan after all.