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5681507 No.5681507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>They’re using nitrate-free bacon, and this is the sort of thing you’ll want to watch out for when it comes to buying your Paleo groceries. It’s not enough to just buy whatever is available. You want to be very discerning and choose foods that are organic, or uncured, or in this case free of nitrates. The less processed a food is, the better, because we are trying to get back to our caveman roots here.

Paleo fad just blows my mind. They don't even have a face on their maketing campaign like Atkins, Jenny Craig, or South Beach...advertising with cavemen.....

>> No.5681551

Paleo, Atkins, Keto are the dumbest fucking sham diets. I wish people understood this. They're diets based purely on theory with no significant clinical trials to back them up.

>> No.5681570

how is it a sham if it works for people

>> No.5681592
File: 60 KB, 444x829, low carb fad diets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it works for people

Long-term results have never been favorable for these fad diets


And of course, short-term weight loss shouldn't be the only reason to go on a diet

>> No.5681595

>muh anecdotal evidence

>> No.5681652

Spend three minutes on google you uneducated fuck. You can still disagree with it when you're done, I don't care. Ketosis is not a "theory" and has been studied indepth.

Admitting to what I don't know (which a little knowledge based humility would be good for you), I'm not sure what long term studies have been completed on Atkins specifically. However, Atkins didn't prompt any studies that I know of because he used large Inuit communities to be the study subjects for him, and other cultures that ate similarly. Instead of creating a study, he studied what was already available to him.

>> No.5681687
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>Atkins didn't prompt any studies that I know of because he used large Inuit communities to be the study subjects for him, and other cultures that ate similarly.

So he studied small groups of primitive people in harsh lands with a thousand non diet related factors that would muddy his data and used that to promote a diet to the American public that we knew from actual testable data is unhealthy? The inuit and other tribes aren't exactly known for being healthy either. While Atkins was busy being obese and heart diseased on his diet, Caldwell Esselstyn was showing proven reversal of heart disease in patients with severe, three-vessel artery disease using a diet that was virtually the opposite of Atkins' diet, and later on Dean Ornish did the same. Atkins promoted his diet for 30 years and never published a peer reviewed paper in a medical journal to show the claimed benefits of his diet. He was a salesman, not a respectable doctor.

>> No.5681692

what is esselstyn's diet?

>> No.5681704

>Long-term results have never been favorable for these fad diets
>short-term weight loss shouldn't be the only reason to go on a diet
a diet should be able to be used for your whole life unless its a temporary diet to lose weight fast
low carb diets are the shit and long term use is fine. carbs are only needed for when youre depleted of carbs. you dont need to eat carbs on carbs everyday unless your a skinny no mass marathon runner.

>> No.5681711


Whole food, plant based diet with around 10% of calories coming from fat. No meat, dairy, eggs, oil, or refined foods. The diet is basically whole grains, vegetables (especially green, leafy ones like kale and collard greens), fruits, and legumes, with a small amount of flax seeds, and nuts/avocado allowed in small amounts for those not already diagnosed with heart disease

>> No.5681715

what the fuck other kind of evidence is there for diets

>> No.5681746

sounds joyless

>> No.5681785

I would guess scientific...

>> No.5681796

anectdotal evidence can = scientifc evidence ya goof
2/10 for reply

>> No.5681804


Sometimes you have to give things up for your health, but there's still plenty of delicious foods you can safely eat. I just had a piece of homemade whole grain bread with chopped green olives and some tomato slices. Before that, I had a small bowl of oats with bananas and cocoa powder. For dinner tonight I'll be making black beans and heirloom red rice, simmered in tomato and lime juice and baked corn tortillas, with onion and jalapenos from my garden. All throughout the day I eat oranges and bananas and kiwis, and I make steamed kale with red cabbage and a flax seed/balsamic vinegar dressing as a side dish. I think most people would enjoy these foods and not find it hard to atleast incorporate those kinds of dishes into their diet

>> No.5681812

sounds good but some people still like meat so there is no point to omit it from your diet

>> No.5681820


Except for the health benefits of omitting it. What people like doesn't determine what's healthy. I like meat. I like ice cream. I don't eat them though

>> No.5681821

seriously though nitrates are bad for you they cause pancreatic cancer

>> No.5681830

are you allergic somehow to meat and ice cream?
if so then your opinion is fact
otherwise its just an opinion that you base your eating off of.

>> No.5681831
File: 28 KB, 234x280, 346d0540-15e2-44a2-bd61-8e8156484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... I wasn't trying to refute you. I was just answering your question.

... there was no need to call me names...

>> No.5681841


I don't know what you mean. It's not my opinion, it's what medical science says is beneficial. Doesn't mean you personally have to do it, just that it is a good thing to do.

>> No.5681859

i mean not everyone has an immune system that rejects/semirejects meat and dairy

even if medical science has said that it doesnt mean its the law. medical science has backtracked on shiton of things and this should be one of these instances

>> No.5681873
File: 190 KB, 558x313, eat plants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not about your immune system, it's about the inherent properties of the food. As we learned from the Cornell China study, the largest, most comprehensive epidemiological study ever conducted:


>There was no evidence of a threshold beyond which further benefits did not accrue with increasing proportions of plant-based foods in the diet.

>> No.5682071

bacon is awful BUT YOU DON'T DIS MY ALMONDS!!! OKAY?

>> No.5684397

I always wake up with a tall glass of alkalyzed water before eating a few emu meatballs with locally sourced quinoa. I don't understand why the corporations try to sell "a balanced breakfast" as a bowl of sugared cereal, a glass of cow lactation, and a phallic fruit.

>> No.5684418

>Paleo, Atkins, Keto are the dumbest fucking sham diets. I wish people understood this. They're diets based purely on theory with no significant clinical trials to back them up.
Oversimplifying things here, but in general, a diet is a diet is a diet. They work if you calorie count as well as do the other things recommended.
The name paleo is a misnomer, honestly. We do know what cavemen ate, and it included grains and things excluded by this diet. Don't let the back to the past advertising bother you too much. It's a fallacy. But, this diet has positive aspects to it if it changes the all-carb-all-the-time former eaters.

Though keto diets can work to drop fat, I don't think they are all that safe for people's kidneys or arteries. You can drop as much fat without loss of muscle eating a balanced diet like AHA or Weightwatchers. Everyone I know on s.beach/atkins/paleo have to take fiber supplements, stool softeners or gorge on hydration. Something is wrong there. Balanced is best, as is a great variety of food. Eschewing whole food groups should sound stupid to you, because it is. Use your brain. If your mood and energy level is not right, it might be your messed up diet. If you have "done" more than 3 diets and you aren't at your level of desired fitness, you should see a nutritionist, and most of all, see a counselor or go to Overeaters Anonymous.

>> No.5684427

The dean ornish diet was very restrictive vegan, and was the only diet (studied) that could reduce arterial fat. This was before inflammation studies, however. And, it was before calorie deprivation diet studies. To date, the healthiest longevity people of the world operate on calorie deprivation as a daily diet. These people have the clearest arteries, best BMI, and claim the energy level of the raw food people. But, you can balance all of that with death from low BMI for any illness. People with a gut simply survive infections better in hospitals.

So, yea, don't get too obsessed with "studies" as most of them are pilot studies, not long term anyway.