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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5635745 No.5635745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Tonight on Pleb's Kitchen (and drinking,) I am having delicious sangria mimosas because orage juice is good if you were down with a cold all last week, right?

Anywho, tonights menu is chicken pie with biscuit, in a recipe i cabled together from 3 other recipes and have never done before.

>> No.5635748

I was gonna make fun of you for how dirty your kitchen is, but you've got alcohol and I don't :(

>> No.5635752
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>> No.5635754

yo kitchen so dirty even your mom needs a bath

>> No.5635755

Awww Yisss!
I love these threads!

>> No.5635757
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Yeah, pardon the crumbs, i haven't brushed off that area since my roommate made lunch

Ingredients may or may not be as follows
>freezer veggie mix
>cream of mushroom soup (cream of chicken is also fine)
>canned busciuts
>garlic powder
>pay leaf
>seasoned salt
>chicken (i'm using white meat but either works)
Might also throw some flour in at some point, i dunno

but why not?

>> No.5635774
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Chicken is in bite-ish size pieces. I'm not using a lot because I like a high potato-chicken ratio.

Maybe I'm part Latvian.

>> No.5635780
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I'll let them brown over low heat a bit (not cook all the way through) while I get the potato and onion ready

>> No.5635822
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I moved out the par-cooked chicken and I'm heating up the onions and potato

>> No.5635825

That blue plate looks cool. Just felt like pointing that out.

>> No.5635826
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sangria mimosa? I love sangria...but that sounds blech. What is it, 1% alcohol?

>> No.5635828

Forgot how long it takes potatoes to cook in a pan. How's everyone tonight?

>raspberry vodka
>dollar store sangria soda
>orange juice (also dollar store)

>> No.5635831

Also forgot my name. I wish I could keep it on in this tab, but not change it in all the others.

>> No.5635835

i pooped twice today
i did laundry and tomorrow i'm gonna go to a super smash bros n64 tournament

also all i had to eat today was a plate of week old spaghetti and an apple

>> No.5635841

I...did not know they made sangria soda. Fair enough

>> No.5635843
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Nice. Good luck at the tourney.

Anyway, it looks softer now, so in goes the chicken

>> No.5635844

Fuck I wish I could find my copy of super smash bros man. Who are you playing as?

>> No.5635848
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Yeah, it's the shit. I'll take a pic when this is in the oven.

Then i put in maybe a cup or so of broth and the soup

>> No.5635850

Looks good, please proceed.

>> No.5635851
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Woke up
chugged water so I did not have "just woke up voice"
meeting with advisor
started setting up piglet cages
ate moroccan chicken
set up more piglet cages
read paper
thought about doing work
made/ate mexican scrambler
played Killing Floor
drank a few beers
read book
drank some Rye
watching The 'Burbs

>> No.5635858

Terrible. My attempt at restarting family board game night went just awful. Not even the herb crusted rack of lamb I made saved it.

>> No.5635860

What board game?

>> No.5635861
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I can turn off my "just woke up voice" like a pro. Phone rings at 9 and I can pick it um from REM sleep like "Hello yes this is Pleb A. Non. What can I do you for?"

Anyway, I'm putting the veggies in cold.

>> No.5635863

King of Tokyo. My dad just purposefully got himself knocked out of the round so he could get back to reading his newspaper on his ipad and ignoring everybody else.

>> No.5635866
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That blows. Either you chose a shit game like life or your family sucks, because all I want in this world is to play board games and eat good food.

Chicken should be done by the time veggies heat up. Oven is set to the biscuit temperature.

>> No.5635873

It just fell apart after my dad knocked himself out and he was supposed to helping my mom out because she has early onset alzheimers so she need somebody to help her play but he just went back to his newspaper and didn't help my mom up but refused to give up his seat so I could sit next to her and help her out instead so the game just kind of fell apart.

>> No.5635875
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Allright, got all the seasonins in and I'll let it simmer a bit to thicken.

I used seasoned salt, pepper, and garlic powder, but I might have skipped the salt if the only soup available wasn't low-sodium.

>> No.5635877


>> No.5635886

Your dad sounds like a dick.

>> No.5635892

Sorry man, must suck about your mom´s illness, just hang in there man, maybe the next one won´t be so bad. Maybe choose a simpler game next time? Like umm, Monopoly that´s simple right? Or Life, to make ir a little bit easier for your mom, and maybe try talking to your father so he puts in for it to work out.
You sound like a really good guy anon

>> No.5635895
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I'm sorry man. That sounds pretty shit.

Anyway, this is good to go in the casserole dish, as and there can be a little left over, that's fine because it's good on toast or out of the pan or cold out of the fridge at 2am.

>> No.5635897
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Fucking biscuits.

And the bay leaf's been in since I added the broth. Forgot to mention that.

>> No.5635898
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>> No.5635899
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j-j-j-jam it in

>> No.5635902

I'm going to try love letter next time. I really can't think of a simpler or quicker game then that. I'm just worried the name will be enough to make him hate it. If that doesn't work I might go ask /tg/ for some help. Anyways I'm going to stop blogging go back to drinking and let pleb do his thing.

>> No.5635905
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i'm gonna be jigglypuff yo

>> No.5635913
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I don't really mind, it's bumping the thread. Best of luck, man.

Into the oven for like however long it says on the biscuits can

>> No.5635916

Sounds fun. I used to play kirby before people bitched about him being OP so I switched to samus.

>> No.5635926

I keep seeing people with that fucking pattern on their dishes. Is it a common thing or something? My mom has it too.

>> No.5635928
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Kirby's my favorite. I'm shit, though so nobody cares.

Here it is. My favorite hencho en mexico soda.

>> No.5635929
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>> No.5635934
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I envy you. I cannot get rid of 'just woke up voice' no matter what for like 30 min after i wake up. Also that looks goddamn tasty

>> No.5635936
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It is, I just filled up on the filling that was left in the pan.

>> No.5635937

Wow I remember my friend drinking that like 8 years ago and I haven't seen it since. I remember it tasted like soap to me.

>> No.5635942
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I got some much-needed vacuuming and bleaching and scrubbing done today. Also got a new toilet seat, the old one had wonky hinges and both the top and the ring fell off randomly.

Really? It's got this great intense fruit taste and it's not too sweet.

>> No.5635943

Well it was 8 years ago and it was entirely possible I just got a bad one. I might try it out again if I see it again.

>> No.5635952
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money shot inbound

>> No.5635956
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This is really tasty.
Something about the filling with the bay and mushrooms goes well with whatever they put in those biscuits.

>> No.5635958
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Friggin bay leaf

>> No.5635967
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>> No.5635983

God damnit, I want this so bad, looks excellent op, I bet the frozen veggies have that certain not fresh texture that I love when I'm in the mood. And oh god that sauce/gravy, wouldstuffface/10. I could just eat bowls of pot pie filling, and love it as chowder.

>> No.5636021

Thanks, anon.

I shall return and so on

>> No.5636057

sceak plss go

>> No.5636126

looks like you vomited on a plate

>> No.5636127

i read samus is at the bottom of the tier :(

>> No.5636129

dafuq knife?
another picture of that thing, please
is that one of those anti-stab bongistan contraptions, or what?

>> No.5636302

If this is pleb then I don't want to be patrician. Things I would do differently is use a reduced sodium soup can because that shit is way too salty. I'd also use the vegetable mix that has lima beans because lima beans are the shit. And I'd just bake the whole thing in the pan I cooked it in for better surface area and less pans to deal with.