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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 496 KB, 628x834, 1399135411023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5623381 No.5623381 [Reply] [Original]

How healthy would someone be if they ate this for a year?

>> No.5623386

Looks like they'd get scurvy

>> No.5623393

Cut out the oil, legumes, salt, and milk and actually pretty healthy.

>> No.5623395

If the beans sprout, vitamin C content increaes.

>> No.5623397

but legumes prevent butt cancer, dudebro

>> No.5623398

looks like they'd be lacking some vitamins and minerals

>> No.5623403

>legumes are unhealthy now

>> No.5623405

are you seriously supposed to eat 8 pounds of salt a year? I go through, like, a quarter of that in a year

>> No.5623408

Damn, I'd get tired of eating that shit over and over again for 1 week.

>> No.5623412

do i have to get a sams' club rack

>> No.5623413

Higher in fat and excess protein, lower in nutrients and phytochemicals. If rather spend my money on fruit.

>> No.5623417

you have to eat it too

>> No.5623420

>excess protein
disregard troll

>> No.5623422

Think of all the iron in dat bitch

>> No.5623424

>muh 1g per kg
Disregard fatty

>> No.5623426

You're so fucking dumb.

>> No.5623427

If you were surviving on dried beans, oil, milk, and flour, yes you'd need salt too

>> No.5623429

>1 year supply for 1 person
>storage rack from sam's club
So you portion the rack out throughout the year and eat it?

>> No.5623431

so would you normally get the salt from other sources or is there something special about this that requires a higher salt intake?

>> No.5623433


How else are you supposed to get your daily recommended dose of aluminum?

>> No.5623434

Do you have some kind of beef with fit people? I don't even get that much protein wimpy faggot.

>> No.5623437

No fruits or veggies...

>> No.5623438

This joke was even funnier the second time.

>> No.5623442

It's clearly not with fit people if they're loading up the fats, salt, and excess protein like you are.

>> No.5623444


Most foods have a fair amount of sodium already in them, but dry beans and rice have very little to none, so yes the extra is replacing a lot of the sodium that you'd normally get from other food sources.

>> No.5623454

guys look up what those people said about being able to eat only bee pollen, water indefinitely. was an interesting concept to think about. (not sure if trying it is safe but do your research)

>> No.5623455

you'd feel fucking terrible and shit your brains out, that shit looks disgusting and miserable..

>> No.5623459

good to know im not going to die of an iodine deficiency or something

>> No.5623462

>no fruits or veggies
>a years supply of food
Enjoy having shit rot.

>> No.5623465


ur mom was even funnier the second time

>> No.5623468

inb4 grain weevils

>> No.5623476

It's not like you couldn't survive on legumes and grains for a year, but it's missing a lot of micronutrients. Those things are important too.

>> No.5623479


Vitamins, nigga (which should be in the photo but aren't)

>> No.5623488

well whatever you do don't pick sentrum or whatever its called, if you look at the list of additives its really something to be uncomfortable about.

also, for kicks and giggles look up the ingredient list of a "hungry man dinner"

>> No.5623503

My grocery store doesn't have that.
>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.


>> No.5623514

Name one fucking person who has ever become fat from eating too many beans.

>> No.5623515

I know. But vitamin supplements have always kind of bothered me. I'd take them in a situation where it was a year of rice, beans, salt, and powdered milk, but I'd rather just eat properly and get the nutrients the old fashioned way.

>> No.5623522

oh wow. are those comics intentionally illuminati propaganda, or ironic joking about the state of america in the view of people against the jedi way of healthy?

>> No.5623525
File: 15 KB, 400x403, 4325354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if you put alot of olive oil on it. but you're right.

my nugga

>> No.5623538


I agree, the comics are ridiculous.

It's social programming by taking stereotypes to a new level.

>> No.5623544


Most legumes are very low in fat, and excess plant protein as far as I've ever read is not a problem. I just hope the grains there aren't refined.

Also, what is the oil and sugar even for? What are you going to do with sugar and legumes or oil and wheat? Needs fruits and vegetables, even if it's dried fruit and canned vegetables

>> No.5623547


They're satire, you dunderheads. They're made for The Onion.

>> No.5623555


They're basically a commentary on how ridiculous American conservative political cartoons are. Notice the Statue of Liberty in every cartoon, the ridiculously over-labeled shit, the guy in the bottom right corner who makes shitty puns and force feeds you every punch line, etc.

>> No.5623559

It looks like an emergency supply of food...

When you're on a limited supply of food in an emergency, you need CALORIES. Sugar and oil are both high in calories, and will provide energy to keep you alive.

You're not going to be thinking "Oh shit, I need those phytonutrients and antioxidantarianisms!"

>> No.5623564

you don't know what I will be thinking!

>> No.5623569

Unless you spend all day foraging outside nude (for the D), you'll probably be deficient in something. Check out these macaws supplementing their diet with clay.

>> No.5623571
File: 134 KB, 482x600, 482px-Parrots_at_a_clay_lick_-Tambopata_National_Reserve,_Peru-8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accidentally unselected image

>> No.5623577

I'd be thinking "This iron-fortified white flour will make my ass bleed.".

>> No.5623592

Yeah but it's not a crippling deficiency or anything so bad as that.

>> No.5623637

I'd die. I'd get the munchies and eat half that shit then starve to death. Thank god I don't live in Africa

>> No.5623747

I get the impression that this is a survivalist supply in case of, like, nuclear warfare or total economic meltdown.

>> No.5623788

>No micronutrients
Guaranteed to be unhealthy.

>> No.5624033

I argued with /k/ over this pic. Here are the findings:

Ok, so far this diet does not look good. Obviously there are a lot of grains here, but can it make up for the shit tier diet so far? Let us see.

So the totals are:
2 tbls of oil (208 kcal)
1/3 cup of black beans (254 kcal)
1 tbls of powdered milk (98 kcal)
1/3 cup of sugar (288 kcal)
3 cups of wheat (648 kcal)
>per day

Giving us a total of 1496 calories a day.
So the pic is total bullshit. Not enough food and very weird meal planning.

Imagine making a meal with this stuff every day!

You would blow your own brains out before you even saw a mutant zombie biker!

>> No.5624052

I use far less oil than that, I know it. I buy 48oz/1,4L bottle of oil every four to six months, so about 2 - 3 times per year so about 96 - 144oz/2,8 - 4,2L annually which is about 3 - 4,5 quarts.
Even if I include butter and other cooking fats, that only adds another quart at most.
I also use less sugar, a bit more beans/pulses, a little less grain and far, far less salt than that.

How much reconstituted milk does that quantity of dry yield? I go through a gallon/4L every 10-14days, so 26 - 36 gallons/105 - 146L each year.

What about shelf-stable pickles and tinned meats, such as pickled mustard greens, lettuces, cucumbers or cabbages and tinned chicken, tuna, sardines or 'roast beef'? Unlike pulses, they can be eaten straight out of the package.

>> No.5624053

>I use far less oil than that,

I'm sure most people do. This is clearly some sort of survival ration where the oil is being included for its calories, not just for cooking with. Besides, why would you need any oil at all for cooking rice and beans?

You certainly could store canned food, pickles, and so on. They would certainly be good to have since (as you said) you can eat them right away without no prep, and they'd add a lot of nutrients that aren't found in the rest of the food. OTOH they are also more expensive and take up more space per calorie than dried beans, so perhaps they aren't here because this was a "bare minimum" setup trying to be as cheap and/or compact as possible.