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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5590055 No.5590055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I love American Cheese

Like, *really* love it!! Literally Can't Get Enough Of It. I've been adding it into a lot of my regular meals for a long time now, and tbh I haven't found anything that can't be improved by a fresh melted slice of American Cheese!

ITT Post Your Favourite Recipes that use this Modern Marvel!

Starting off with simple instant ramen, I liked when people put fried eggs on top of theirs and this seemed even better. Not my own idea, I admit, I saw someone post it online!

>> No.5590059

>flour tortillas
>4-5 slices of American cheese
>microwave until melty

>> No.5590062
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Here's another great idea inspired by an existing recipe!

I don't know what it's called exactly but there's this south korean dish where they essentially make little eggrolls with various meats hand-rolled/prepared in lettuce!

Another little meal easy to sneak some American Cheese into!

>> No.5590063
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That sounds as simple as it sounds delicious!

believe it or not I'd never thought of making macaroni & cheese myself but it's easy as hell and pretty damn great! Obviously it melts when you mix it

>> No.5590066

I... why wouldn't you just do it the traditional method? It's not even hard, just make a roux, let it cook for a bit, pour in cold milk, bring that up to a boil, let that calm down a bit and then add cheese. Bam, cheese sauce done.

>> No.5590072
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I'm really not a gifted cook at all, I think I'm lacking the skill-set used to go follow through with proper cooking.

I'm just tinkering around right now, I hope to pick up those skills as I find more specific things to try. In the mean time, just trying to make things that please my palette!

>> No.5590073

>making mac and cheese without powdered kraft mix
pig disgusting

>> No.5590074

I have actually never had kraft mac and cheese. I am a freak, I know.

>> No.5590076
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I'm not canadian enough for that business!

Actually I'm not even that big a fan of kraft singles, either, as far as American Cheese goes. I don't know how to describe it, it just doesn't seem to have much flavour or texture?

>> No.5590079

I made some of HEB's copycat a week ago. I was out of milk and only had clarified butter so I just subbed the clarified butter for both regular butter and milk.

Bad times, man. And that shit is way better than Kraft if you have the ingredients.

>> No.5590083
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Can American cheese be bought in just cube form? I've only ever seen it pre-sliced, but I'm curious as to whether it's available at a consumer level in bulk form?

>> No.5590084
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Does american cheese even count as cheese?
I mean that fucking literally
like, does it actually fit the english definition of cheese?

>> No.5590091
File: 252 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_n3tlecDY0H1rvr5s8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Cheese Lasagna!
This one actually made me curious as to whether American Cheese has caught on in europe (outside of burgers, obviously!)

>> No.5590094

That's like asking if Drambuie fits the definition of Scotch whisky. No, it doesn't, but that doesn't mean it's not mostly made of it.

>> No.5590101

>Korean spicy noodles.
No thank you.

>> No.5590106

pretty sure that one of those are just spaghetti-o's
this one over here >>5590076

>> No.5590113

It is sold on sheets, there are diferent qualities, from fucking delicious to yellow plastic.

It is widespread in sandwiches and lassagna, maybe in some other, more experimetnal dishes, but only there. We don't use it in any other ways.

Source: spanishfag

>> No.5590117
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Well that's actually super neat!

>> No.5590134

wtf mang

>> No.5590146
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>> No.5590148

Well now uropeons have lost the american cheese insult if they are using it. Capped that shit.

>> No.5590154

Scandinavian here, the only "american" "cheese" we get is that orange plastic you're supposed to put on burger but no one but white trash does because... It's orange plastic.

>> No.5590156

>btw im a troll :^)

>> No.5590185
File: 47 KB, 350x269, Sottilette-Kraft-400-gr_8d110d52cbac523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurop here, I've never had those yellow cheddar-looking singles, Kraft only sells the white ones here. Are they any different?

>> No.5590188

>It is widespread in sandwiches and lassagna, maybe in some other, more experimetnal dishes, but only there. We don't use it in any other ways.

Dafuq? Only use it on burgers, hotdogs possibly and to throw into some mac and cheese if I think it gets hidden enough

Get your shit together Spain

Source: Frenchfag

>> No.5590196

That looks like tuna salad with half a cheese slice on lettuce.

>> No.5590201

How is that a troll. The individually sealed plastic cheese is for the poor in America as well. Although it was a completely unessesary post.

>> No.5590206

>it's even in the sushi
is this what autism looks like

>> No.5590215

Den leende ko cheddar slices can be bought allover scandinavia

>> No.5590221
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>> No.5590222

>Using it for anything ever.

Disgusting, all of you.

>> No.5590227

We love you too and have ways to make you eat your cheese!

>> No.5590236

This thread is fucking sickening. The ONLY use for Kraft Singles is if you're making grilled cheese, and only then if you're going full white trash mode with white bread and margarine.

>> No.5590239


>> No.5590240

hey thanks for saying things and stuff
. its really cool when someone does that.

>> No.5590258

I agree, who the fuck puts that shit in a lasagna? That sounds foul. The only thing I've ever seen that garbage on is cheap ass fast food burgers and microwave burgers (proper burgers deserve a nice vintage or extra mature cheddar).

Source: Britbong.

>> No.5590261

Truly the poorest of meals, only surpassed by the toast sandwich.

>not making a grilled cheese/cheese on toast with extra sharp cheddar, butter, marmite and a fluffy white bread.

>> No.5590276

Cheese on rice or fried rice. Noodles, fries, pizza, bagels, waffles, hot pockets, potatoes, mashed potatoes, fish sticks, soup.

>> No.5590301

ok thanks /ck/ im going to bed

>> No.5590432

Don't post in threads about things you don't like.

>> No.5590449

Stop shitposting

>> No.5590769
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>mfw this thread

>> No.5590774
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>> No.5590784
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I puked so hard at this thread. You are all subhuman animals.

>> No.5590802

Your grocery store's deli should have some.

>> No.5590804


>> No.5590807

That is so fucking disturbing.

>> No.5590811

As much as these pictures disturb me, they are very well composed and are just...perfectly representative of this board. Pleeeaaase tell me you have one with chicken in it!

>> No.5590812


Fucking cheese ruins the whole dish what the fuck. I mean i love this cheese but really?

>> No.5590819
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that's one of OPs meals...

i cook more like this

>> No.5590824

No its what Korea looks like

>> No.5590830

10/10 greatest troll thread I've ever seen anywhere on the internet

>> No.5590836

>waaaaah stop liking what I dont like :(((((((

>> No.5590837

You haven't lived until you've had a spam/american cheese sushi roll.

>> No.5590857

You might as well have put up a thread asking everyone if they prefer to eat human or dog shit.

>> No.5590860

laughing atm

>> No.5590864

Terrible analogy. Cheese is a food. Human is not a food. Dog shit is not a food. Instead of hiding the thread because you don't like cheese, you chose to shitpost in it because you don't like american cheese.

>> No.5590871


>> No.5590873

Cheese is food. American "cheese" is neither cheese nor food.

>> No.5590875

Hot. Pics?

>> No.5590878

>American cheese is not food.
Fuck off with that shit. If you don't like it stop being a little kid and just hide the thread.

>> No.5590883

>Human is not a food.
That's not quite true.

>> No.5590884

You're just mad because you got called out on having shit taste. I bet you make a lot of fast food threads, too.

>> No.5590886
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>> No.5590890

So much straw man, so little time.

>> No.5590895

on behalf of the great spanish cuisine I have to say this guy must live in the most despicable subhuman conditions if he uses kraft singles in a lasagna. that shit is a sin.

Si ves esto, no se como coño dices que esta extendido, no he conocido a nadie y espero no hacerlo nunca, que haya usado ese queso para lasagna ni que lo haya probado en ninguna parte. Y eso que mis amigos hacen muchas guarradas cocinando.

>> No.5590899
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it's a very traditional combination in Japan.

>> No.5590904

>processed meat
>diced tomatoes

Nigga that is a sushi BLT. QTF.

>> No.5590909
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>> No.5590913
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No, this is the sushi BLT which is just the bastardized version of our authentic maki.

>> No.5590927

Thank you helpful zoomed in square.

>> No.5590944

dont forget the arrow

>> No.5590951
File: 1.41 MB, 300x314, 1394767476162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread...

>> No.5591020

American here.
That "cheese" is meant to be put on low quality burgers, grilled cheese and nothing else.
Why are you even what is this thread....

>> No.5591037

Be truthful, how fat are you?

>> No.5591074

That's not sushi though. That's gimbap. The whole meal looks to be Korean.

>> No.5591100

That pic always cracks me up.

>> No.5591345

so you must eat your own shit too huh

>> No.5591471

have you tried wenslydale with cranberry on a burger, not melted

>> No.5591536

To the buttmad Euros in the thread, I'd just like to say that American Cheese is actually incredibly popular in the rest of the world, especially in Asia, and it's what is generally regarded to when someone thinks about "cheese"

Not even trying to bullshit you

>> No.5591553

Most of the people who are bitching about this thread are America; at the very least, I am. I look down on people who think American cheese is good for anything but putting onto other garbage-tier foods, like a cheap burger, or tater tot casserole.

>> No.5591797

we have a much better selection of cheese, why would we buy poor people cheese, which is what american cheese is? At the very least, cheddar is a much better standard to american even if it is basically low tier cheese (Still fucking delicious though)

>> No.5591804

This, but with butter or cheese whiz

Childhood staple

>> No.5591816

this is a troll.

That or you'll end up dead. goodbye op

>> No.5591854
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>MFW this thread

>> No.5591858

Barring the fact that this is obvious troll thread,

I've always been under this impression.

>American cheese can not be legally sold under the name (authentic) "cheese" in the US. Instead, federal (and even some state) laws mandate that it be labeled as "processed cheese", "cheese product", "cheese food", etc. As a result, sometimes even the word "cheese" is absent, altogether, from the product's labeling in favor of, e.g., "American slices" or "American singles".

>> No.5591971

Most people in Asia are lactose intolerant so they can't eat proper cheese.

>> No.5592518
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Back then I was 82kg of flab

now i'm 71kg of not bad

because i cook more like this

>> No.5592531

>Post Your Favourite Recipes that use this Modern Marvel!
Please leave.

>> No.5592532

Sounds to me like you're a freaky eater.

>> No.5592536

well he does like cheesy potatoes


>> No.5592600

No it's not. Cheese is a Central European invention, even the Portuguese didn't introduce it to the nips.

>> No.5592634
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Am I too late guys?