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5585818 No.5585818 [Reply] [Original]

No way wine is better than pepsi

>> No.5585878


>tastes like shit (stings your throat)
>dehydrates you
>costs 4x as much as Pepsi
>comes in fragile glass bottles or puncture-prone bags = big mess
>have to go to specialty stores to buy it (why would you want to anyway?)

>completely refreshing in every way
>cheap but good
>reliable since it comes in cans and plastic bottles = won't break on a long hike
>can buy it from any store, gas station, or vending machine = total convenience freedom

>> No.5585893

I think alcoholic beverages in general suck. Wine really sucks. Sugar water is cheaper and tastes better than alcohol water.

>> No.5585901

sure is summer in here. Wine will actually extend your life, pepsi will shorten it. Wine accompanies gourmet meals, can be used in a variety cooking (whereas pepsi can be used mostly for novelty value). I suppose that if you are too stupid to handle a space bag or a glass bottle, you probably shouldn't be drinking, anyway. Also, not sure what flyover hell-hole you live in, but I can get locally produced wines in a fucking gas station here. Lastly, a knowledge of cola generally does not impress like a good grasp of wine.

>> No.5585906

wine is my least favorite type of alcoholic beverage other than the obvious bad choices that are wine coolers, bum wine, everclear, and jenkum. assuming other alcohol would be available I'd probably rather drink a pepsi than your average glass of wine.

>> No.5585916


>living somewhere where you can't buy alcohol in supermarkets and convenience stores


>> No.5585917


>doesn't get you buzzed



>>have to go to specialty stores to buy it

where the fuck do you live that your grocery stores don't sell wine?

>> No.5585924

>doesn't get you buzzed
>needing to be anyway

If you can't enjoy your life without being half drunk you need to re-evaluate your situation.

>> No.5585930

if you can't enjoy life without having fun in any way you're probably Mitt Romney.

(people who ride roller coasters get told the same thing)

>> No.5585931
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Am I the only one who only likes Pepsi Max?

I've tried tonnes of coke variants and they're all shit except Pepsi Max.

>> No.5585933


you know i could just as easily misconstrue your position

if you can't enjoy your life without constantly pouring gobs of sugar down your throat you need to brace for the diabeetus.

>> No.5585941

Soda isn't an addiction. Alcoholism is.

>> No.5585943

Just for that, I'm gonna burn all your minor threat shirts. Even Ian Mackaye thinks edge is for faggots.

>> No.5585951

It's precious that you actually think that, but caffeine happens to be incredibly addictive. Especially when coupled with shitloads of sugar. Soda is designed to be addictive, why do you think coca-cola refers to people that consume large amounts as "heavy users"? good god, you're as pathetic as the vomit-covered drunk that casts aspersions at crackheads at an AA meeting.

>> No.5585952

I bought a Mountain Dew the other day. I looked at the label and decided I was drinking poison. No more soda for me.

>> No.5585958

There's less caffeine in soda than in coffee, and people aren't addicted to coffee. It's not a disease like alcoholism is.

>> No.5585969


jobless summerfag.

>coffee isn't addictive lol

>> No.5585973

Actually, plenty of people are addicted to coffee (to the point where they experience withdrawl symptoms upon cessation of consumption), and the "disease model" of alcoholism is so flawed and out-dated as to be laughable. Anything else you'd like exploded, or do you know enough now to shut the fuck up when grown folks is talkin?

>> No.5585979


yes it can be, and drinking alcohol =/= alcoholism. just like drinking soda =/= soda addiction. you're not awesome at reading comprehension, are you?

>> No.5585981

>(to the point where they experience withdrawl symptoms upon cessation of consumption)

Yeah I've had that, that's not an addiction. Addiction implies you cannot stop without medical help, like an actual drug, the cravings are just too strong. Getting cranky with a mild headache for not having your morning coffee is not in the same league.

>> No.5585984

sometimes I still spin some minor threat but god damn some of those lyrics piss me the fuck off, edge faggots get fucked. Fugazi was a huge improvement.

>> No.5585994

Goddamn, you are a remarkably stupid individual. You just keep digging. Addiction is not an absolute, it happens in degrees. Of course, you think that the disease model is actually valid, so I'd imagine that I'm dealing with some kind of rocket surgeon here.

>> No.5586005

>Addiction implies you cannot stop without medical help
>cigarettes aren't addictive

>> No.5587192

Pepsi One >>>>>>>>>>>> Pepsi Max >>>>>>>>>> Pepsi

>> No.5587266


coke (and variants) > pepsi max >> pepsi >>>>>>> coke zero/diet coke

>> No.5587278

Coke is crap since they stopped adding coca leaves extract with cocaine.

>> No.5587288
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If you don't like wine, means you never tried homebrewed.

>> No.5587299

>Sugar is an addiction too

>> No.5587480

pretty much everything is addictive, but as someone who has been through benzo withdrawal i can tell you that caffeine, sugar, weed and nicotine (to a lesser extent) addictions are just laughable and the only "real" addictions are to "real" drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol, benzos and opioids.

>> No.5587492

Some addictions are heavier and more devastating. But some - while lighter - are addicting faster.

I drink on and off, for years.but have no alcohol problem. But after smoking odd cig once per month or so, at one time I smoked 2 per day for 3 days, was enough to get addicted.

>> No.5587509

Ausfag supermarket worker here, pepsi max is the best selling pepsi drink. Also outsells all other coke varieties (zero, diet, diet caff free)

>> No.5587524

All alcohol tastes like shit. If it wasn't for the effects, literally nobody would drink it. You have to learn to like it. I've found a few beers I "like", but it's still an acquired taste. No 14 year old in human history having their first drink has went wow this is great. Well actually they probably have, but they were lying to look cool. Coke on the other hand tastes good to almost everyone from the start. Of course its terrible and will kill you, but it's yummy.

>> No.5587527

Pepsi isn't great, but it's way better than any true wine. Wannabe malt wines? Those can be better, sure.

>> No.5587532

for me they aren't.
but then again i'm a freak
>inb4 u haf 2 b adict 2 tobaco

>> No.5587569

I know this feel. It's great to be immune to the addiction. I'll go on binges where I'll smoke a few packs a week and then stop cold turkey for a month.

>> No.5587570

Wrong. Just because you have the taste buds of a 14 yo doesn't mean it applies to everyone else

>> No.5587575

Fuck off you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.5587576
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>disliking jenk

>> No.5587579

im not immune to alll addiction, but it's getting better

>tfw i used to have to eat a few boxes of little debbies a week or i'd wake up in cold sweats and get insomnia

>> No.5587827


>> No.5587839



please keep the nonesense on /b/

>> No.5587904

No need to be so upset hun. You'll learn to appreciate it soon enough.