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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5578778 No.5578778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/Fit/izen here. Need recepies for bulking. Thanks

>> No.5578779

google "meals for weight gain"

then come back to us and be like "yo how do i make my rice and salmon not taste of nothing"

>> No.5578780

Equal parts peanut butter, oats, and whole milk. Count the macros yourself, you fucking idiot.

>> No.5578783

Fuck off. You're a summerfag like 70% of /fit/ right now. If you actually frequented that board, you'd have all the food info you need.

>> No.5578787

You gotta start somewhere


>> No.5578811
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>> No.5578813

start on /fit/ you loser
this is a /ck/ing board, not a recipe dispenser

>> No.5578814


there you go brah

>> No.5578815
File: 23 KB, 159x304, Jail nutra-loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know, it's now unconstitutional to serve this in prisons.

>> No.5578820

Thanks brah

>> No.5581052

>not reading the sticky

>> No.5581058

How the fuck do you make rice taste like nothing? You literally cook it, and it tastes good.

>> No.5581080

Why? It actually sounds pretty decent. Like a super hearty meatloaf.

I mean, I can imagine it being unconstitutional if they were making it from the SCRAPS from the kitchen. I'd imagine that's what they make/made it with in the bigger jails.

>> No.5581109

It's not unconstitutional to serve in prisons as long as it meet dietary requirements.

>> No.5581232
File: 100 KB, 600x480, Mark-Rippetoe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All this "nutrition" stuff is HORSESHIT. Just eat 6,000+ kcal per day of anything. Most of my victims eat primarily microwave pizza and protein shakes. Don't think about macros that is HORSESHIT. Add at least 5 lb per day or you are not a "real man". Have I mentioned that unless you are a 350 lb ham planet who can't even see his own dick, you are also not a "real man"?

>> No.5581263

Rice beans and meat eggs.

>> No.5581264

He's not wrong though. I mean yes you can't just eat butter and expect to get your necessary nutrients and you shouldn't eat too much over your tdee but if you eat a variety of food there is no reason to care too much about what it is.

>> No.5581273


Actual quote: "4000 calories a day is a minimum. 6000 works better."

His ACTUAL advice is to just stuff your face because (another quote here): "I've seen guys gain ten pounds a week when they first get with The Program"

You're following a creepy cult that gives bad advice for purposes of berating its victims to break down their self esteem. This is classic cult leader behavior. You really think ten pounds a week is healthy or desirable? Are you actually agreeing with a guy who says that 6000 calories is good for someone other than a professional athlete or a deep sea lumberjack?

>> No.5581290

>not wanting to be a deep sea lumberjack
look at him and laugh

>> No.5581291

Fat: 1 gram = 9 calories
Protein: 1 gram = 4 calories
Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 calories
Alcohol: 1 gram = 7 calories
fat will get you the most calories per gram followed by alcohol
based on that a smoothie made of any edible oil and high proof alcohol will give you the quickest results

>> No.5581330

>I've seen guys gain ten pounds a week when they first get with The Program
I couldn't gain 10 pounds a week no matter how much I ate. He's lying. As with muscle, your body can only anabolize a certain amount of fat.

>> No.5581359
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that's kinda sour grapes. not my thing non ofmy business and could do a lot worse I like softball. bowling and fishing (terrible the three "almost" sports. basketball (refed) or swimming or ultimate dumbassness- golf. lifting is ok, not for me

>> No.5581393

bah god no I just imagined the taste of buttered vodka
>maybe I'll try it the next time I'm drunk

>> No.5581688

>3 cans of tuna for a single meal

Jesus, /fit/fags, have fun with your mercury

>> No.5581808

Peanut-chicken stir fry is always my go to. Be sure to add extra broccoli or you will hate yourself the next day

>> No.5581925
File: 765 KB, 1800x1344, 1395274510490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of an idiot needs instructions of how to eat more or add on calories?

This is /ck/. We all have the opposite problem.

>> No.5581960

look at that cute little meal

>mfw that's probably a 30 year old wizard's dinner

>> No.5581976

flour tortilla, rice, some veg, your choice of meat, beans, and condiments.

You can make em really dirty or really healthy the choices are yours. Either way it huge dose of carbs and protein (and good fats if you're adding guacamole). It can also with a piece of foil be easily portable.

>> No.5582030


>We all have the opposite problem.

Then just lift :

>eat whatever you want
>don't gain a gram of fat

>> No.5582040

That would require this autistic neckbeard to go out in public.

>> No.5582049

you can lift at home all you need is a metal rod with notches in it and some buckets of water to start with.

>> No.5582052

what if I told you, you could lift yourself?

>> No.5582064

i have no interior space and brutal winters

that would require a crane

>> No.5582071

that's stupid, why go through all the trouble of dressing up something that's just going to be eaten within 15 minutes anyway?

>> No.5582098

>not using sardines

>> No.5582144

Sure is Summer.

>> No.5582155

Doesn't matter what they serve you since the common currency in prisons are things like snacks, tobacco and coffee. It's not like you'll be eating it often.

>> No.5582203

you are one unhappy miserable cunt.

>> No.5582207
File: 455 KB, 462x554, 1394205802315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not shitposting but could you explain to me what this is exactly? I know it's taking on more calories for a time and understand that obviously helps with muscles and whatnot (I don't get biology, it only kind of makes sense to me) but are there certain requirements to it? If not in general then your own goals/requirements. No need to explain the exact science behind it because I won't get it.

To help your question though; what do you eat currently? How and when are you trying to add in the calories? Any further information to your situation?

>yes I am actually this board that I want to delve into your problem and try to solve it with you

>> No.5582233
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>Sure is Summer.

>> No.5582366

>explain to me what this is exactly?

Eating an excess of calories, usually high in protein, to build muscle more efficiently. It's done for a set period of time, in conjunction with heavy weightlifting.

A "bulking" period is then followed by "cutting", which is just a fancy word for going on a diet (e.g. eating less). The purpose of the "cut" is to get rid of any extra fat gained during the bulking process.

>> No.5582388

would the bulking period be a fixed amount of time you set and then for the time of the cutting be more or less not on a fixed schedule but more so on how you're feeling & looking?

in your opinion, would eating roughly the same (of whatever nutritional needs one sets) meals everyday with the occasional and isolated "more food one day" with a fiercely constant routine work as well? Or does/can the body benefit more from a more intense time (bulking and more workout) followed by the light "break" of cutting?

>> No.5582532

>would the bulking period be a fixed amount of time you set and then for the time of the cutting be more or less not on a fixed schedule but more so on how you're feeling & looking?

Yes. That's one way to do it. You could also cut until you hit a certain weight goal.

>>meals everyday with the occasional and isolated "more food one day" with a fiercely constant routine work as well?

In my opinion, no. It takes time for your body to grow more muscle mass. One day isn't enough for that to happen.

Basically, the point is that in order for muscle growth to occur you must have a surplus of calories and protein (the energy and the "building blocks" required to grow). However, eating a surplus also means that you'll inadvertently gain some fat as well. The occaisional "cut" cycle is to get rid of that fat. You still exercise when you're cutting so that you lose more fat as opposed to muscle.

>> No.5582557

They call it body-"building" for a reason. I have an immense amount of respect for people that visibly sculpt their body through routines of bulk and cut.

If it was as easy as just a daily diet change, a lot more people would do it. Sadly, I'm not cut out for it. Yay epilepsy, lifting sets me off.

>> No.5582606

Bulking also has a psychological value to it.
It's like a treat, you get to eat a wider variety or things for a while, add muscle mass, then you go back to the regular routine.

>> No.5582812


More meat than you think you need.
More veggies than you think you need.
More starch than you think you need.

>> No.5582824
File: 525 KB, 1750x1313, bachelor cho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

courtesy of the first tripfag i grew to loathe on /ck/
now I miss him
rip in peace sceak's nipples

>> No.5582836

>rapeseed oil

>> No.5582846

>I have an immense amount of respect for people that visibly sculpt their body through routines of bulk and cut.
It is too all-encompassing. I'm sure it would be a beneficial lifestyle for most 4chan neckbeards (compared to what they normally do in their leisure time), but I couldn't imagine forgoing my hobbies and social life to spend more time in the gym than I already do (an hour, every other day).

>> No.5582852

> >rapeseed oil