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5569552 No.5569552 [Reply] [Original]

Ive spent easily over $5000 on my alcohol addiction in a year.

How much worse can it get?

>> No.5569571

theres that guy who dropped like 1000 dollars on league of legends skins

alcohol is humanities friend

>> No.5569603

I go through 4 fifths a week of Jim Beam. That excludes what I drink when I go to the bar.

plus I smoke pack +/day $3400

I don't smoke weed anymore, but if I was able to, I wouldn't smoke cigs, and my alcohol would be maybe 6 pack/week - not to mention the amount I spend at the pharmacy for pain meds.

>> No.5569623

I'm not OP but what does it mean when my liver hurts after drinking? how can my liver hurt/be failing when my piss is clear? maybe it's my gallbladder?

Seriously why would my right side hurt after drinking when I don't have jaundice/clear piss?I'm only 27 and I get drunk like 3-4 times a week.

>> No.5569626

see your doctor

>> No.5569630

I spent that much years ago in au where alcohol costs 2-5x what it does in the us. I ended up going to bottom shelf stuff, spending less than half as much and drinking less too since it didn't taste all that good. These days I spend maybe au$1k/year on alcohol.

capcha: 420

>> No.5569643


Perhaps dying, IDK....

>> No.5569655

Where's your liver?

>> No.5569659

What you call goon is significantly cheaper than our cheapest boxed wines.

>> No.5569663

I wish I had one, other than mild pain/cramping I feel fine, I've known hardcore alcoholics with cirrhosis and they had bad bloat(like dysentery)and their piss was the color of black tea, I think I have intestinal issues/gallbladder problems.

>> No.5569672

on the right side of your torso, under your right lower rib cage

>> No.5569679

sauce? $2/litre is about as cheap as it gets here, ie $30 for 3 5L boxes. I thought you guys got bottom shelf spirits for like $10 a handle?

>> No.5569682

I've heard that there's a bend in the intestines there that's a common spot for gas to get trapped, and drinking a lot can make you gassy as shit because it irritates your stomach and intestines.

I know I get pain under my right rib but it's pretty much always relieved after burping a few times.

>> No.5569684

Oh, it must be my kidneys then. I have a spare one of those.

>> No.5569692

some sort of irritation due to a stone maybe. drink a fuckton of water, avoid every other liquid for a week, lay off the sodium.

if you have a low grade fever, hit up your doctor for some lasix and percocet.

>> No.5569699

your kidneys are in the back side by side with your spine, I went to the doc when I thought my kidneys were going out(bad back pain), turns out it was just back problems...had my kidneys tested etc...fine. Apparently your kidneys don't "hurt" unless you're at the end stages of kidney failure...and if you had actual kidney failure you wouldn't even have the strength to post on 4chan, you'd be in a hospital bed dying.

>> No.5569704

less than $100 per week? it can get much, much worse OP

>> No.5569705

Hmm... that makes me want to total mine.

Let's say 100 a week plus 100 splurge every month (like a festival or ball game), so that's 5,200 + 1,200 making 6,400.

Welp, even though I've cut down to high life and jim beam it looks like I'm drinking my money away. That's literally a fifth of my income.

>> No.5569731
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is anybodies liver on the left side? because this past week I've noticed a feeling of pressure in my left torso under the ribcage. I'm hoping I'm just paranoid and it isn't my liver. it isn't always there, sometimes I'll feel or hear a little rumble there and then its gone for awhile.

i'm an alcohol so that has raised my concern.

>tfw spending close to $3000 a year on booze

>> No.5569745

>piss the color of black tea
if my piss was any color than yellow or clear I would tear ass to the nearest hospital


how are those people alive

>> No.5569752

Oh that's just heart disease.

>> No.5569755

I only spend about 50 a week for taaka at home/ pocket drinking, and I only spend about 30 a week at bars and whatnot cause I pregame before I go out
God I just did the math and now I feel sick

>> No.5569758

I've been having a small pain around where I thought my kidneys were for a really long time and I've been thinking about going to the doctor...but thank you, anon, you saved me some money and some anxiety.

4chinz, M.D.

>> No.5569762

pancreas, pancreatitis?

>> No.5569766

nah its much lower than my heart, by under the ribcage I mean below my lowest rib.

>> No.5569786

Gallbladder, indigestion, hernia?

>> No.5569789


>> No.5569800

Gallbladder is also right side. I've had gallstones and had to get mine removed, the pain from attacks was some of the most excruciating thing I've ever felt in my life and landed me in the ER tons of times. I'd be rolling around on the floor barely able to breathe and white as a ghost. Shit was not fucking fun.

So that's definitely not his gallbladder.

>> No.5569804

lower left side in the front is usually diverticulosis - add low grade fever and drastic increase in pain, you should get yourself to the ER

>> No.5569805

not sure about gallbladder or panceatis, will look into it assuming the feeling persists. indigestion is certainly possible, I'm usually healthy as far as foods go but have let things slide the past couple weeks. hernia also a possibility, I lift lots of heavy things every day and don't always use the best technique.

>> No.5569809

Pft. I spent more then that on drinking in one night, and that was just the legal fees.

But seriously fucking chill on that shit. Riding a bike is gay and now I'm not allowed in canada

>> No.5569819

>exercise (not to mention fun) is gay
>banned from an entire country
your priorities are mixed up, friend

>> No.5569864

When calculating this figure should I include drinks at a bar or just alcohol for my house?

I keep a very well stocked home bar, spend about $200 per month on decent bottles for it, so $2400 per year is not bad, I can swing that.

BUT I also spend about $300-500 per month drinking and eating in bars and restaurants. I try to go out twice a week, 3 weeks per month. I do this to be social, not to get drunk, so not sure if it counts.

I take home about $60k anyway so I can afford it, it's my only real hobby/vice and less than 20% of my income.

I am in Australia btw hence the ridiculous pricing.

>> No.5569868

I live in WI and my dollar amounts are similar, yet the amount of alcohol is possibly two to three times as high.

>> No.5569879


Probably, I don't think I've ever bought a drink cheaper than $8, and most of the time they are like $11

>> No.5569889

Any other Type 1 diabeetus here who really fucking love drinking? I've been trying to cut down lately but I'm still crushing at least 2-3 (varies either 12 packs, 15's or 24 of cans) cases/week.

Anyone else as up shits creek as I am?

>> No.5569892

Damn, $7 is gouging at a festival or ball game. Of course, with exchange rate that's just ridiculous.

>> No.5569896


Don't worry dude, in 5 years they will be able to grow fresh organs for you anwyay

>> No.5569903

Wouldn't that be nice. I'd suck 8,000 dicks for a new pancreas.

>> No.5569910


I guess I should clarify I'm talking pints, which is like 19-20 fl. oz. so not that bad. A bottle of beer might be $5 or $6 in a cheap place. An oz of bottom shelf spirits though, $7-9 at cheapest

>> No.5569916
File: 53 KB, 418x405, 43027758_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost done with my fifth of vodka and I just started it today ;_;

>> No.5569926


I dare you to drive

>> No.5569938


>i'm talking pints
>like 19-20 fl. oz

>> No.5569945


Sorry, did I do the conversion wrong?

An imperial pint as used in commonwealth countries is 570ml

>> No.5569947

These were guys at the end stages of cirrhosis, they just stopped caring out their health, the two guys I knew died months after they had the bad bloating/yellow,orange skin/could hardly get out of bed, mind you they were both in their mid-late 60s and drank everyday for 20+ years.

Alcohol takes a long time to kill you unless you drink a handle of whisky everyday...then it'll kill you within a year or two if you're lucky, it's misery nonetheless.

>> No.5569952

>I guess I should clarify I'm talking pints, which is like 19-20 fl. oz
u fucking wot?

stop the presses, everyone, a pint is apparently no longer 16 fl oz, but even more!

>> No.5569955

That's about 1.2 pints. I would say your dollar amounts are similar, but that ignore exchange rates.

>> No.5569956


See >>5569945

>> No.5569959


1.2 US pints, but one pint

>> No.5569963

yeah i noticed right after i posted. sorry, i figured since you were using pints, you were in the US or UK, and therefore using oz. didn't even realize other countries bothered using pints in the first place, for the most part.

>> No.5569967


...a UK pint is also 570ml

>> No.5569972

do they not use ounces in the UK? i was under the impression they used the same ass backwards measurements as us in America?

>> No.5569976


Yes but an imperial pint as used in the UK is 20 oz

the US pint is different from the original pint

>> No.5569978


>alcohol takes a long time to kill you unless you drink a handle of whisky everyday

>tfw i've drank a third of a handle of cheap vodka every day for at least the past three years

H-how long do I have to live? Another 2-3 years?

>> No.5569981

yeah i just realized that after i posted. disregard me, i suck cocks.

man, why the fuck are ours only 16 ounces? fucking ridiculous. it's bad enough that when i buy beer from the store, i get 12 oz can/bottles. knowing that i could be asking for a pint and getting 25% more is pretty irritating

>> No.5570003

1/3 a gallon is like 2 1/2 pints everyday...that's not good, you should try to get down to a 1/2 pint everyday...my grandad lived to 90(anecdotal) drinking a half pint of bourbon everyday for like 20 years, it depends on genetics/diet/all around lifestyle choices.

>> No.5570017


>> No.5570029

I meant half gallon, shit that's still pretty bad

>> No.5570047


I've spent the past 10 minutes doing the math via Google and still am not sure what system you're using.

I said a third of a handle, and a handle here is 1.75 liters, or a little under half a gallon... oh, now it makes sense.

Well, I drink a third of that, instead of a fifth of that (lol, some people buy fifth's). Still, I'm functional during the day, though feel more and more like shit pretty much every day.

I guess the day I start drinking my cheap vodka out of a pint glass is when I should really start worrying.

>> No.5570073

>instead of a fifth of that (lol, some people buy fifth's)
forgive me if i'm just drunk and misunderstanding, but you're not under the impression that a fifth is a fifth of a handle, are you? just what it sounds like you're saying here.

>> No.5570117
File: 15 KB, 600x400, 13443454343545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to tell you guys that these threads bring me comfort in knowing that I'm not alone in this bullshit.

>> No.5570121

a gallon is 8 pints right?, a handle is a half a gallon so I was off a bit...

>> No.5570130

yes, but as it's printed on the bottle, i like to convert to ml

1 handle = 1.75 L
1 fifth = 750 ml (half that)

>> No.5570147

we're all in this together, anon

i hate those nights when i'm browsing /ck/ but there are no alkie threads. makes me feel like i'm left out of something i should be doing.

>> No.5570176


No, I'm just also drunk and rambling/going on tangents.

In the US a "handle" and a "fifth" are equal to 1.75 L and 750 ml (a little under a fifth of a gallon), as this >>5570130 anon said.

I have no idea what he meant by, "half that", though.

>it's okay anon, simple math is being difficult tonight for all of us


I almost never start these type of threads, but I'm here every night.

>> No.5570202

for the first part of that post, i'm the same anon that you're referring to lel.

"half that" meant half of 1.75 (the handle)

i just didn't realize that you were referring to a fifth of a gallon rather than a fifth of a handle.

>simple math is being difficult tonight for all of us

welp, i'll fuckin drink to that

>> No.5570204

the same anon in the first two quoted posts, that is...

>> No.5570210

>why don't you drink anon it's so much fun!

>> No.5570219

>because i don't enjoy it/don't feel the need

i say this as someone who is very drunk at the moment. no reason let others try influencing your personal decisions concerning drugs, right? in any case, i haven't known too many people who would give a shit about something like that, unless they were douches to begin with.

>> No.5570223

i'm more worried about all the ipa that I drink and the phytoestrogens in hops more than anything else, I drink like a six pack of stone ipa every night, I don't want to lower my testosterone levels.

>> No.5570233

fellow type 1 beetus representing, just make sure you dont drink when low or high (blood sugar). Low blood sugar you just get lower and no food can raise it, and high blood sugar you just get even higher. Sucks when all you have left to drink in your house is alcohol. Juice? nope.

God save us all, these summer beers are delicious

>> No.5570289

Do these people die out or something as your 30's get closer? I just turned 21 and most people I talk to look at me like I'm from the sun when I say I don't want to drink. And apparently being broke isn't a good excuse either

>> No.5570309

Why are there so many alcoholics on ck?

What a bunch of fucking losers, go to 420chan or some shit, no one cares about your problems. Find a better way to deal with the fact that you hate your shitty life.

>inb4 bunch of loser alcoholics try and refute me

>> No.5570325

peer pressure is made up nonsense, people are seriously giving you shit for not drinking? you can't even stand drinking one drink? idk...

Hunter S. Thompson said to never trust a man that didn't drink but he blew his head off with a .357 magnum so who knows...

>> No.5570326

What...? I would never say this to anyone, I wish I'd never started myself. It's a fucking bane on my existence. I don't think you know anything about alcoholics at all.

>> No.5570336

It all pretty much smells awful to me, so I've never wanted to put it in my body. Plus you've never truly lived until you've been on the scene of a dui fatal
Was using sarcasm there anon, it's a line I've heard from many people before

>> No.5570340

I easily spend over $10,000 a year on drinks. I don't consider myself an alcoholic. I just like good wine, and drink it most days, along with a few social beers.

It is an extravagant expense, but fuck it. I consider it quality of life spending.

>> No.5570344

>Was using sarcasm there anon
Oh...my bad. I'm a little drunk.

Goddamnit I feel like a faggot for even mentioning I'm drunk in here.

>> No.5570349

oh yeah. you'll burn in hell for this, anon. mark my words.

>> No.5570350

it's better than being into anime or having a waifu...why don't you go to /mu/ and harass those kpop losers, those people are the worst and nobody ever gives them any shit about their miserable existence.

>> No.5570355
File: 134 KB, 315x437, 1305009614717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5570393

$10.000 a year? that's more than tim allen spent on cocaine every year during the 70s before he got locked up in prison.

>> No.5570426

associating drinking with the worst possible outcome of drinking is like associating flying on an airplane with the plane crashing and burning.

that said, it's still up to you to make the decision to drink or not to drink.

>do these people die out or something as your 30's get closer
depends on who you're hanging out with. i know alcoholics in their 30's and i know people who are 21 and don't drink at all. sure, some 21 year olds think that everyone in their age group must drink, but if you're a non-drinker, these probably aren't the people you want to be hanging out with.

>> No.5570438

I don't hang out with these kind of people, they just know who's not a drinker and harass them about it. At least it seems that way

>> No.5570449

well shit if you're not worried about being friends with them, disregard the fucks.

plenty of people in this world, no use being concerned with jackasses.

>> No.5570453

I think you just stumbled onto why weed is illegal and tested for.

>> No.5570458

well then they/you need to get over it, i've been around so many different types and nobodys ever given anyone shit for not drinking/drugging, shit man i've been around tweakers and they're the most self loathing people i've ever met, they'll tell you over and over and over not the even touch dope, they try their hardest not to get others into it.

>> No.5570463

*not to

>> No.5571219

They're on /tv/too. My two favorite board's.

>> No.5571225

What I usually do is try to befriend someone with cool tastes and interests, but isn't into drinking and drugs. Then, when they start to trust me, I begin the peer pressure. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but I've gotten some good drinking and smoking buddies out of it.

>> No.5571242

At least it's not heroin or coke?

>> No.5571247

I remember reading in one of William S. Burroughs books that he would rather be in one of the phases when he was shooting morphine/heroin all the time than drinking all day.

>> No.5571301

Do any of you guys find you get really bloated after waking up from a day/night of drinking?

>> No.5571346

Op here. Fuck I'm contemplating going back on fags, the habit i originally quit b4 starting to drink more. Or pot, but i fear having worse paranoia & depression.

>> No.5571351

You're paranoid and depressed because you have issues in your personal life you're avoiding. Millions of people around the world smoke and don't get such symptoms. Get your shit straight, pussy.

>> No.5571352

You're definitely a lot more functional on opiates than on alcohol.

>> No.5571354

used to. nowadays i generally wake up still drunk, then get tired as shit by midday.

oh, and if i'm drinking something with a lot of citrus the night before, my mouth feels like i sliced it up and poured salt on the wounds. i think that has something to do with how i occasionally "chew" on the inside of my cheeks... or maybe that's just what citrus does to you.

>> No.5571355

It's not the 70's, and good wine rarely comes cheap.

>> No.5571357

Type1 here. When I was diagnosed (got it as am adult) I quit beer altogether and switched to Scotch. Scotch is wonderful. You can't afford to be an alcoholic, this shit is more expensive than fucking heroin.

>> No.5571359

>Millions of people around the world smoke and don't get such symptoms
not that poster, but if there's one thing i actually learned in court mandated drug counseling, it's that marijuana affects different people in different ways.

get YOUR shit straight, pussy.

>> No.5571377

Read about Robin Williams? That poor mother fucker will never run out of money.

>> No.5571387

If I had his $$$ I'd bathe in Single Malt Islay.

>> No.5571390

This is true. Not either of those guys, but I smoke maybe once every month or two. Maybe it's because I'm not a degenerate pot head, but I always get way too high and then get super paranoid and then freak out thinking that I got too high and my body can't handle it and probably almost have a heart attack and then think about having a heart attack.

It definitely effects different people differently.

>> No.5571422

poster you quoted here, i smoked heavily for almost 8 years, and towards the end, smoking would just make me burnt out. i'd just get tired and want to fall asleep rather than feeling "high", regardless of the strain.

>> No.5571428

Why is it that men are more likely to abuse alcohol than women? Seriousl question.

>> No.5571430

Why don't you just stop doing it?

>> No.5571434

Sometimes I feel really sleepy but then the paranoia kicks back in and I think "Oh God, I have to stay up and ride this high out because if I fall asleep I'll never wake up again".

Which is why I hardly ever smoke. Usually just at parties when I'm hammered, which I know I shouldn't do because then I get really fucked up. I get paranoid when I'm not drinking with it though, so smoking is pretty much a lose lose for me.

>> No.5571440

i did stop doing it. hence, "smokED"

see i've never experienced paranoia (well, that i wouldn't normally experience). that's actually kind of what made me realize that everyone experiences it a bit differently.

>> No.5571451

You didn't write "smoked" anywhere in the post I referenced, or anything about smoking. You say you wake up drunk and suffer other unpleasantness (I assume from drinking).

Why don't you stop? My brother nearly died from his alcoholism

>> No.5571453

oh, my mistake. i saw the (You) and assumed you were quoting a more recent post.

>Why don't you stop?
because i don't want to stop.

>My brother nearly died from his alcoholism
that's a shame for him.

>> No.5571472

It's not nearly as easy to just "stop" as people might think it is. Christ, I hate trying to talk to people about alcoholism who don't suffer from it.

>> No.5571482

Because Men have higher tolerances and women have shopping.

>> No.5571856

Whatever man, I hope you don't get ill from your habit, good luck to you. It's not a good way to go

>> No.5571872

if i wanted people preaching this to me, i'd go to AA. I only ask that people kindly keep their noses out of my fucking business. I know better than most what the effects of heavy alcoholism can be, and I'm a grown man capable of making my own decisions.

If I want someone's opinion on the matter, I'll ask it.

>> No.5571890


To any opiate users, do you think they are less harmful long term than alcohol abuse? I'm a really functional but heavy drinker and have seriously considered picking up an opiate habit to take the boozes place.

From what I've heard and read you can function perfectly fine on opiates as long as you have them, it's when you have trouble scoring and go into hellish withdrawals that you have real problems. I've experimented and enjoyed, also didn't really drink when I had them. Have never picked up a habit though because I'm scared of withdrawals if I can't find anymore.

>> No.5571897

if you think you can just change habits like that, you're not much of an alcoholic, so at least you won't die due to withdrawals.

yes opiates are very harmful in the long run. see- heroin addicts.

also people who try to do this often end up with 2 vices instead of one.

>> No.5571905

The withdrawals don't ever kill anyone, unlike alcohol. The problem is when you start buying opiates off the streets, especially heroin, you don't know the purity, so you always have to do a small test shot when you get a new batch in order to avoid an overdose. Also, if your tolerance goes up and you start needing more, but then it goes down, and you take the amount you had been needing, you might die. So, stick to pills if you can, but those are really expensive, which is why so many switch to heroin. If you're going to do heroin, or any opiate, really, go to your local harm reduction organization and get naloxone. It reverses the effects of an opiate overdose by blocking the receptors, but it doesn't get you high at all. As long as you don't get high alone and have it on hand, you won't die from an overdose. As a whole, it's not much worse than alcohol, but you have to take precautions and use it responsibly.
Source: my brother was a heroin addict until he overdosed and died

>> No.5571906

>smoke strong weed/weed oil
>constantly drink weed tea (simmer weed in milk, drink) or something similar
If you're going to abuse something I don't want you to die

>> No.5571909

not trying to condone opiate abuse here, but even the strongest of marijuana concentrates aren't on the same level.

>> No.5571914

I know

>> No.5571921

>also people who try to do this end up with 2 vices instead of one

interesting, good to know. that was another concern. I'm def an alcoholic but don't think I'm so bad yet that withdrawals would kill me, not drinking just fucking sucks. I know if I keep going on like this it will catch up with me, I just don't know how long it takes. 20 years? 10? 5? All I know is that it won't end well but I don't want to stop.

If I switched to opiates I wouldn't shoot H, I'd be popping Norcos.

>> No.5571923

as long as you don't get a DWI you're doing better than a lot of alcoholics. oh and as long as you're liver isn't shot.

>> No.5571932

>I just don't know how long it takes. 20 years? 10? 5?
dependent on the person, i think. i've seen alcoholics crash and burn in a few years, and i know guys who take down heavy amounts of liquor daily who are in their 50's. probably has something to do with self control.

>All I know is that it won't end well but I don't want to stop
lel, i'll drink to that.

give it a shot if you really want to, just try to be smart/careful about it. all you can do, really.

>> No.5571934

avoid anything paracetamol. that shit will destroy your liver. if you can, get straight oxy or hydrocodone. Otherwise, you're honesty better off doing heroin

>> No.5571956

cheers bro, good luck on the journey. I will be careful, which is why I'm getting advice about purposefully picking up an opiate habit and not running down the street looking for a bag of some low quality Mexican brown.

I smoked for years before I started drinking, I just don't like the feeling anymore. I can function and interact with alcohol, I'm not a functioning stoner. I might give it another try though it's been awhile.

good to know, thanks. I haven't had an opiate in a few years but norcos are what I was getting.

>> No.5571979

I spend around $5,000 a year on whisky alone, but fuck man I dont drink it all, I like having 20-30 bottles to choose from.
Maybe half a bottle a week or so.

>> No.5571980

>I'm not a functioning stoner
Did you ever try drinking something with weed in it? It's kind of similar to alcohol, and you can make it pretty strong.

>> No.5572005

One time I tried to infuse weed into a bottle of bourbon, it didn't really work and it just got me drunk. I know now you have to use something closer to pure ethanol like Everclear. But no, I've never made tea or anything with it. If the come up is slower like it is with brownies I'd probably tolerate it pretty well. I don't like smoking the fancy shit thats around these days because I take a rip and 30 seconds later I'm obliterated, I miss that cheap Mexican shit we smoked like cigarettes.

>> No.5572039

If you infuse it with alcohol, it has to be heated and dried first. I think it's like 350F, 10-15 minutes for buds, then the THC will be alcohol-soluble. You could make this pretty strong, you might want to try that. Might make you drink less.

It's not as slow as brownies since it's a liquid, it digests faster. But it's not as fast as smoking.

>> No.5572044

>I don't like smoking the fancy shit thats around these days because I take a rip and 30 seconds later I'm obliterated

So don't fill the bowl. Take one hit, not a whole bong rip. Problem solved.

>> No.5572050

You have to heat the herb. Google green Dragon.

>> No.5572051

i have the opposite problem

i'm always asking if it's working, while my friends are flyin high

>> No.5572053

You don't have to use any heat.

But if you don't, it takes about two weeks.

>> No.5572096
File: 1.74 MB, 2099x1636, bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to snort heroin/oc80s when I was like 17-18, I guess you've never had strong edibles...I eat one on these bars and I can't even move or get out bed for like 4-5 hours. I get all the vivid daydreams/nodding/nice euphoria, the only thing I miss from opiates is the itchy feeling I used to get.

>> No.5572150

?? I'm not preaching, I'm wishing you well and that you don't get sick. Like "I hope that you're one of the lucky ones and don't get ill". What a dick you seem like.

>> No.5572154

Right, I forgot that. It just has to be completely dried out.

>> No.5573732

I've always wanted to get into heroin and/or opium for the daydreams. I have a fairly creative mind, and strong opiates have historically been used by creative people to come up with some really interesting ideas.

>> No.5574608

>Low blood sugar you just get lower and no food can raise it, and high blood sugar you just get even higher. Sucks when all you have left to drink in your house is alcohol. Juice? nope.

Yeah it blows when I have a high or low when I'm drinking with friends cause I gotta be all "can't drink for like 5 or 10 minutes, gotta slug some juice or pop back first". High is almost more annoying because I gotta take a little insulin then test like every 10 or 15 minutes to make sure I'm not going low.

Damn do I love drinking though.

I just can't do scotch my man, more of a beer guy. Do you find Scotch doesn't fuck with your blood sugar as much?