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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 158 KB, 1200x1200, creamy-scrambled-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5479959 No.5479959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do so many people cook scrambled eggs until they are rubbery and solid and then swear by them like they are fucking beautiful? It's like eating fucking bouncy balls.

What does everyone have against creamy and smooth eggs like pic related?

>> No.5479963

only retards do that, I don't believe it's widespread.

>> No.5479965

So who's going to post the Gordon "Burnt Toast" Ramsay video on 'perfect' scrambled eggs?

>> No.5480007

Maybe they just like it in that way? Are you the god of the internet, to tell poeple, what is tasty for them and what isn't?

>> No.5480010

I ain't OP but I can relate. My family refuse to even try some creamy scrambled eggs. They worship the rubbery shit.

>> No.5480017

I love creamy eggs man but sometimes I want eggs I can cut apart and chew. Eggs are versatile as fuck and you're an idiot for thinking they can only be enjoyed one way

>> No.5480039

>pour in some cream
>and then some butter
>more cream
>so much cream
fuck off gordon ramsay

>> No.5480040

i prefer them fluffy

also stop getting so mad over what other people like

>> No.5480047

High heat until the spatula leaves a trail, then low until they're "moist" as opposed to "wet". Fluffy is best.

>> No.5480048

My name is Gordon Ramsay and I will destroy you.

>> No.5480050

You can make creamy fluffy egg with zero cream, and 50% as much butter as he uses. Same technique. Don't be mad.

>> No.5480053

I know you can
which is why it's annoying to watch Ramsay make eggs that are 95% fat and then jerk himself off over how creamy they are

>> No.5480054

I completely agree, OP, and wonder the same thing. I don't run into many people on here who overcook their eggs, but I have and do IRL. One shining example is my brother-in-law. I remember making scrambled eggs once when they were visiting, and my sister coming and looking at the eggs (as I just took them off the heat) and saying "Oh Anon, he won't eat eggs like that, you have to cook them more." So she grabbed the pan from me and not only cooked them dry and rubbery, but mashed them around so much they were like little pebbles of eggs. I was fucking furious. I mean, he can like his shit tier eggs if he wants, but why does everyone else have to suffer? Couldn't she have made him his own eggs? Anyway.....sorry, I have a lot of cooking rage stories about those two. He also mashes his burger patties when he grills them....
ANYWAY, yeah, I know other people who eat their eggs dry too, and it bewilders me. The worst is when you get eggs in restaurants that are rubbery and overcooked.

>> No.5480056

95% is a gross overstatement.
Don't be annoyed, it's just decadence. A rare treat.

>> No.5480065

Oh god, I'm so sick of seeing that. First off, Ramsay didn't invent that style of egg. Secondly, he does a bad job of cooking them anyway. Thirdly, like someone else noted, you don't need to add all that dairy to make creamy eggs. And finally, as someone who trained under Marco Pierre White and other notable chefs, I expect better of him.

>> No.5480067

For those like myself who tend to either overcook or undercook them, try mixing in some campbell's cream of mushroom soup(without adding water). It keeps the eggs really creamy even when cooked longer, and they add a great flavor to them. (not overly mushroomy at all)

>> No.5480069

Do you have any specific youtube links of someone better preparing eggs in the same style?

how aboot no

>> No.5480071
File: 1.99 MB, 328x166, wot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding shitty condensed soup

>> No.5480072

He doesn't put cream in...


>> No.5480086

No, I learned from Escoffier's recipe. Which is where Ramsay and every other chef learned it. But I'm sure there are other youtube videos of it, if you search.

>> No.5480089

Oops, that was meant for >>5480069
*No, I learned from Escoffier's recipe. Which is where Ramsay and every other chef learned it. But I'm sure there are other youtube videos of it, if you search.*

>> No.5480098

Not that guy, nor do I have a youtube link, but Pepin has them in his book and Julia has them in her book.

>> No.5480099

Jamie Oliver makes some pretty nice Scrambled Eggs.

>> No.5480103

Does he season them with his flowing tears?

>> No.5480110


>> No.5480114

>Jamie Oliver makes some pretty nice Scrambled Eggs.
Oh lord.

This is fact...outside of the US, you will be disappointed by scrambled eggs. Oliver's eggs have huge bits of eggwhite, slimy, whisked a total of 4 seconds. Burned toast. They don't know what they're doing overseas, even thinking they understand US eggs. Undercook it, adulterate it with a bunch of cream or cheese to the point of excess and cook protein over crazyhigh heat. About a 1/4th cup of butter in his eggs, yet "you don't need dairy" exclamation. He stopped too soon, mexican style, completely undercooked on the American style.

>> No.5480116
File: 13 KB, 320x320, mmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw adding cream cheese and avocado to my eggs

>> No.5480120

I'm British myself and I'll agree with you on the toast thing. I don't get why the British fucking burn toast so often. I'd go crazy about it when I was a kid, I'd throw out so much toast cos' none of my family could make it.

But the eggs are relatively nice that way. In my opinion anyway.

>> No.5480130

Sounds good thanks for the tip m8 fuck the h8ers

>> No.5480397

>White trash dining from the 1950s

>> No.5480421

I am confused. Is she (you) enjoy it, in pain, getting repulsive, want to suck cock or all of them?

>> No.5480422

haha the toast.

Any more vids of Ramsey fucking shit up?

>> No.5480428

I've always been under the impression that you're not supposed to salt eggs before cooking. Am I missing something important here?

>> No.5480432

Same debate as some people like their steak medium rare and some like it well done.

Some like their scrambled eggs well done and some like it medium rare. People who like it call it "creamy". And people who don't like it (who prefer well done) call it undercooked.

>> No.5480434

You shouldn't. But if you want to add salt then do it the last moment then few quick whisks and in to the pan it goes.

>> No.5480439

HAHA fucking Ramsay.
>on the fire
>off the fire
>on the fire
>off the fire

Fucking peasent.
Link related. The proper way.

>> No.5480458

gordon pls go

>> No.5480461

runny scrambled eggs are disgusting, especially when yolk and white are not properly mixed

>> No.5480467
File: 4 KB, 211x211, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /ck/ hate Gordon Ramsay?

>> No.5480471


Fifteen god damn minutes for scrambled eggs.

>> No.5480473

This, try doing that as trainee in a hotel.

>> No.5480504

Why do people like things I don't like? Honest question here, someone please answer.

>> No.5480512

Because you're a fucking piece of shit and you'll never amount to nothing.

>> No.5480515

I don't like the egg taste so I use half egg half cream ratio.

My friends think this is gross but it's delicious.

>> No.5480540

>He doesn't put cream in
creme fraiche, tooootally not cream, at all

>> No.5480546

What do you put (and how much) in scrambled eggs to make them taste rich?
Mine never have too much flavor, it's like someone carried a bunch of seasoning by, but didn't actually put any in.

>> No.5480548


I think this video pretty much explains it all.

I watched burt toast ramsays video and since then I've been cooking my eggs in a similar way. in all honesty though, if you have a good nonstick pan you really don't need any butter or creme fresh... just patience.

My eggs can come out just as creamy as his (but often don't because I don't want to stir for ten minutes straight and i put the heat up too high) and they taste great. the texture is superb and whether on a 'crustini' (aka small toast), an english muffin, or just using the bacon i cooked earlier as a utensil to scoop the eggs, they are great.

recently I've been trying to cook my eggs in the japanese omlette style, but i can't seem to get it right. Like in this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5qoehk6xBM

any tips?

>> No.5480553
File: 25 KB, 350x243, 42754584_Stop_liking_what_I_dont_like_n1315212424812_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5480564

>rubbery and solid scrambled eggs

What do you mean by this?

>> No.5480584

>seriously eating your eggs creamy

My roommates fucking love them like that. I'm forced to eat the garbage every couple of days. It's fucking filthy.

>> No.5480591


why don't you just take the eggs and put them in the pan for 2 more minutes?

>> No.5480597

because he's shitposting

>> No.5481662

Because I get the high-speed shits from half-cooked scrambled eggs.

>> No.5481675


I am fucking SICK and tired of fucking fanboys going to all corners of the internet quoting Gordan Ramsay videos. "HURR DURR YOU SHOULDN'T SALT AND PEPPER YOUR EGGS BEFORE HAND YOU SHOULDN'T EVER WHISK THE EGGS BEFORE HAND I SUCK COCKS." Well you know what? FUCK YOU. A FAR better chef than Gordon Ramsay, world renowned Jacques Pepin, salts and peppers/whisks his eggs before he scrambles them and he make food faaaar better than Gordon fucking faggot Ramsay.

>> No.5481719

>caring about how someone eats scrambled eggs
>fucking scrambled eggs
you put them in a fucking pan and you cook them
maybe put some veggies in the pan beforehand
holy shit

>> No.5481735


This. As long as they are not burned to shit it's no big deal. I like mine very fluffy and light yet cooked through so I usually just cook them on very low heat with some chives, mushrooms, butter, salt, pepper and parsley. I usually put it on a toasted baguette and put on a slice of smoked salmon. It's very tasty. I've never been a huge fan of super creamy/raw yolk eggs.

>> No.5481798

I can't dig creamy eggs because I don't like that jello texture. I like having there being something to "give" when I bite down, as opposed to just slop around.

>> No.5481810

People who like undercooked eggs probably like the texture of semen as well.
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5481816



>> No.5481856


Those look undercooked to me. Properly cooked eggs won't be "rubbery" either.

You seem like an idiot with food texture issues. Just put everything in a blender if cooked food causes you such issues.

>> No.5481885

That's entirely coincidental, the texture of semen is completely different.

>> No.5481992

They're fucking nasty that's why.

>> No.5481996

>cooking board
>you have legitimate arguments that well done steak is just as acceptable as medium rare
>people think creamy eggs are "undercooked"

daily reminder that you're arguing with people whose only contribution to this board is their favourite grilled cheese recipe (its just a few dabs of hotsauce)

>> No.5482101


>> No.5482110
File: 11 KB, 392x243, 1401432378856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am confused. Is she (you) enjoy it, in pain, getting repulsive, want to suck cock or all of them?

>> No.5482113

taste is subjective my friend

>> No.5482119

this thread is filled with massive fucking cunts who don't want to engage with the fact that 'scrambled eggs' could mean a bajillion different things depending on what you want.

i personally don't like US style scrambled eggs most of the time but in a breakfast burrito they are perfect.

gordon ramsay only adds like a teaspoon of creme fraiche and if that makes you mad for some health-related reason you shouldn't be eating whole eggs. any egg recipe derived from french traditions is gonna involve extra butterfat. just deal with it. i hate fucking gordon ramsay but the backlash against his eggs video and the 'burnt toast' is just as fucking annoying as the people who call him 'chef ramsay' and post the video in every thread on the subject.

you're all fucking cunts.

also salt before, salt after, it makes a very marginal difference but it depends on both the method you use and what you want out of your eggs. if you're cooking your eggs lightly it is not going to pull water out of them. if you're doing US style and you suck at it and you leave it on a hot plate for a long time then yeah, maybe you'll end up with soggy bits of omelette in egg milk. but that's your fault, not salt's.

you're all faggots. each and every one of you. for shame.

>> No.5482132

But when you have shit taste, your opinion is worthless.

>> No.5482133
File: 38 KB, 320x240, kingofthefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling other people faggots
>posts the biggest buttpain post in thread

>> No.5482148


i'm buttpained about everyone being a shitmuncher, yes, but not about their preferences for scrambled eggs.

>> No.5482159

As long as you realize you're king of fags, it's okay.

>> No.5482160

He's a lunatic.

>> No.5482166

I guess like myself, most people has ingrained in their heads that creamy eggs are undercooked or they just like them that way.

>> No.5482169

>sexy scrambled eggs

>> No.5482171


your kind of fagginess is faggier than my kind of fagginess.

>> No.5482212


>> No.5482260

Calm down mang, it's just food

>> No.5482270

sauce on the pudgy porn slut?

>> No.5482286
File: 54 KB, 460x423, salmonella.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr, what could go wrong

>> No.5482293

eating bouncy balls is all ive ever wanted to do. i base my entire life around it.

>> No.5482308


>salmonella from eggs


>> No.5482312


I don't like eggs to be runny or moist.

>> No.5482314

You can get killed by more things just by walking out of your house.
You better stop walking out of your house,anon.

>> No.5482721

>faggots who buy wonderbread, american "cheese" and who put sriracha on everything post shit about Gordon Ramsay

this board is full of fatty fags

>> No.5482751
File: 170 KB, 650x395, 23467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best of both worlds
>can cut the outside
>nice and creamy inside

Everyone in this thread is wrong.

>> No.5482759

it's overcooked, nigga

>> No.5482763

if you don't like the board, just leave?

>> No.5482772

no, you leave, because you make this board shitty

>> No.5483072

You didn't address anything.

>> No.5483082

The best eggs I ever ate are the ones that the retarded black cook at my local Waffle House with a limp cooks.
They are so fucking god tier I get 3 orders and toast
He knows my name and I love him
I went to a Waffle House this morning and the eggs were rubbery and shit, fucking female cook
Oh the retards eggs are creamy but fluffy

>> No.5483090

He didn't need to. You don't address childish opinions, it just makes the children believe their juvenile opinions are correct and then they don't strive to learn anything better.

>> No.5483097

That is hideously overcooked, and folded improperly. Good god, pig disgusting. I'd send it back.

>> No.5483149

Just like with meat there's a wide array of recipes and methods of cooking eggs that give wildly different results.

In a place as diverse as /ck/ the people who make blanket negative statements about preparing food one way or the other always have the least skill and knowledge on the topic. (that includes people who think well done steak is always bad)

>> No.5483164

If you think well done steak is ever good, your opinion is immediately and irrefutably invalid.
>wildly different results
cofirmed for not knowing how to cook. Do you know what all the greatest chefs in the world have in common? They have the same core values for cooking dishes. They surely might try new and different methods, but they all agree that the core methods (like for scrambled eggs) are all on point, particularly for home cooks. You can most definitely do any number of different things with a particular ingredient, but said ingredient will always have a cooking method that is superior. Always.

>> No.5483165

One of the posts he quoted did make the valid point that properly cooked(non-creamy) eggs won't be rubbery. And food texture issues is a real thing that makes them cook their food only one way, assuming they'll eat a particular food at all.

>> No.5483175

>food issues
There is no place for that in the adult world.

>> No.5483227

>said ingredient will always have a cooking method that is superior

>seriously using the word 'superior' in regards to food taste

Stop acting like an easily impressionable child who parrots other people's views.

This great wide world of cuisine we live in(that continues to evolve I might add) exists precisely because there isn't a single objectively superior version of dishes and ingredients.

>> No.5483259

why are they orange though? mine are always yellow, I thought that was normal?

>> No.5483275

He looks like a downy

>> No.5483291

>Stop acting like an easily impressionable child who parrots other people's views.

That is literally meaningless and has nothing to do with what I said. You are resorting to what you consider to be a "reducing" insult, when in fact, it makes NO sense at all. You think by insulting me, it makes your idiotic reasoning more valid, but it doesn't. Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad. Plus, it seems you didn't even actually comprehend my post, you just cherry picked the items you wanted to feel offended by. In other words, you're a moron and god forbid anyone ever takes your opinions on food seriously.

>> No.5483294

I can't stand wet scrambled eggs; growing up, I'd have to get breakfast at school on occasion, and they always served half-cooked scrambled eggs from a jug. It was hella gross and I still haven't gotten over it. Might give it another go next time I get some fresh eggs, though.

>> No.5483311

Where is this, I want some retard eggs

>> No.5483323

Near New Orleans, right off the causeway bridge, longest bridge in the world btw

>> No.5483339

>5483082 near New Orleans, in a suburb. If you're close I could honestly tell you directions from the causeway wich is the longest bridge in the world

>> No.5483554
File: 14 KB, 251x190, 1398468610246-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is literally meaningless and has nothing to do with what I said

It has everything to do with your appeals to authority on what a handful of 'great' chefs feel.

>the rest of that rambling butthurt post

It's absolutely fascinating how on board about the subject of food which literally has thousands of variations on even basic things, there are still people dumb enough to persist in pushing elitism.

>> No.5483559


unfortunately food is heavily tied up with cultural/class issues so only the bourgeois are chill about it.

>> No.5483782

I like this guy. But I also like Chef Ramsay.

>> No.5483787


How old were you when Ramsay molested you and beat up your parents?

>> No.5483790

>British "cooking"

>> No.5483834

I don't like the consistency and excessive moisture of it. It's the same reason why some people like runny, half-cooked soft-boiled eggs and I like them hard-boiled. Don't like it? Suck my hairy nuts.

>> No.5483925

In england we get eggs with orange yolks a lot. I think it's common when they come from free-range chickens.

>> No.5483933 [DELETED] 

Ew. That just makes me think of "scrambled eggs" at Thanks for the imagery, OP.

>> No.5483943

Fresher eggs, free ranged and more healthy.

Also not cleaned

>> No.5483949

>not mixing pancake batter into your eggs

Do you even like fluffy, delicious eggs you faggot?

>> No.5484003


not true

>> No.5484130

Fucking pig disgusting.

>> No.5484137

>thinking knowing how to properly cook food is "elitism".

Goddamn, it sure is mediocre retard in here. How'd you manage to access the internet without your handler's permission?

>> No.5484164


I know some places will also feed chickens marigolds to make the yolks oranger.

>> No.5484256


He's pulling out the big guns! Everybody watch out! Next thing you know he might call someone a fag. So hardcore1

>> No.5484269

It isn't that Ramsay doesn't know how to cook, I've seen a lot of his shows. But that whole segment I was thinking to my self, "what the actual fuck?" I do like soft, partially wet eggs. He was making a dairy paste, not scrambled eggs. I don't know what fucking restaurant you could make that in and not get fired.

>> No.5484271

those eggs look so perfect

>> No.5484800


Gordon Ramsey's four minute youtube video on scrambled eggs.

He's got a point.

>> No.5484806


dat creme freche

damn i always mixed the eggs before putting it on the heat. genius

>> No.5484831


I rarely eat scrambled eggs but sometimes I'll make these:


And they're fantastic.

>> No.5484834

Looks like kink dot com.

>> No.5484841

>somebody mentions Pepin
My fuckin nigga, I came here to link his egg episode.
I have to give him a couple points off for using a metal fork to whisk eggs in a nonstick pan, but whatever.

>> No.5484885

It's Jacques Pepin.

Jacques Pepin can use metal utensils in a nonstick pan if he wants to.

>> No.5484894

Why, because he's successful enough that he can buy new pans whenever he feels like it? IF he even has to buy pans, since I imagine companies send him shit for free?

Alton fucking Brown could walk into my kitchen and start cooking up a storm, but if he puts a metal fork in my egg pan I'm gonna say "AY NIGGA I'VE GOT A FUCKING SILICONE BALL WHISK FOR THAT"

>> No.5484906

Because he has cooked for longer than you and I have been alive. Get off his nuts. You should be so lucky as to have Pepin maybe, possibly (but probably not) scratch your egg pan.

>> No.5484913


> I don't know what fucking restaurant you could make that in and not get fired.

like any fuckingr estaurant dude, go outside.

>> No.5484915

I'd love to see an eggs Benedict argument if you'd like to start that up.

>> No.5484922

It could be an anodized aluminum nonstick pan, which is scratch resistant.

Or maybe just using the bottom of the fork doesn't scratch the pan.

>> No.5484923

>Alton fucking Brown could walk into my kitchen and...
That's funny. I wouldn't let him darken my front door.

>> No.5484958

I'm pretty much one of these people.

I don't want it rubbery - that happens when it's overcooked. But I want it bouncy, not a 'creamy' slop like Gordon Ramsay and a lot of french chefs insist is the 'correct' way to cook eggs.

Jacques Pepin insists scrambled eggs need 'small curds', so you must constantly be stirring your eggs. This results in a french-style slop.

I'm not saying to overcook your eggs, but I like to stir it less often and have slightly bigger curds. Bouncy, non-liquid eggs.


>> No.5484961


That's a pretty good video actually. I like his English style eggs.

>> No.5484968


yeah jamie is the GOAT celebrity chef

>> No.5485460

No, you retard, it's their feed and (to a lesser extent) genetics. Most North American chickens have been bred to have a lighter yolk, and their feed usually exacerbates it, whereas in the EU they come from a different gene pool and have a different feed too.

>> No.5485527

You like Julia Child - style eggs (not that she's the only one who did that). Anyway, I learned to make eggs like hers years ago, from my mom (who was a culinary arts teacher). A few years ago, I bought the Julia and Jacques Cook at Home book, and found it interesting that Julia made eggs exactly as I made them, and Jacques made French-style eggs.
To me, French-style eggs are for a particular purpose. They should be used as a filling, as they were traditionally by Escoffier, in a toasted brioche cup, or other toasted bread cup or puff pastry. They aren't for eating with regular toast or just on a plate. You want sturdier eggs for that. I refuse to eat overcooked or dry eggs, but I also don't want French-style eggs on my regular breakfast plate. Eggs should, though, always be creamy (which doesn't mean runny), fluffy and melt in your mouth.

>> No.5485532

Sriracha on eggs is fucking disgusting and I regret ruining my breakfast trying it.

>> No.5485556

You need fresh eggs, and from birds that have been eating bugs, not corn or whatever.

>> No.5485599

So do you guys salt the eggs before you put them in the pan or salt then while they're cooking?

>> No.5485604

Right before serving

>> No.5485842

Do people really use whole eggs and scramble them? What's the point why not just use egg batter?

If you're gonna use a whole fucking egg then you better be making the superior eggs over easy

>> No.5485860


this. Salting should be done as late as possible to preserve the texture of the egg.

>>what's the point

Freshness. Flavor. Lack of silly additives in "egg batter".

I honestly don't know why "egg batter" even exists.

>> No.5485873

There is 'egg-batter'? I am appalled.

>> No.5485888


IIRC it's just a slang term for pre-mixed egg in a carton (or other container). It's made from eggs which are blemished or oddly shaped or otherwise aren't fit to be sold whole, but are still safe to eat.

>> No.5487239

Very true actually.

>> No.5487371


no, not true.

>> No.5487380

Most people are very stupid.

>> No.5487450

I seriously don't get how people can't understand that eggs can actually be both:

>cooked to the point where they're not dangerous, and
>creamy, fluffy, wet in some way.

I've explained my own scrambled egg method before and it basically involves mixing up the eggs with a whole lot of milk or cream and a bit of salt, then gently cooking the stuff over low heat, stirring when it starts forming solids, until you end up with a soft, wet, fluffy mass of fully cooked eggs and a bunch of "milk sauce" to dip your toast in. They're cooked, just not in the manner people are accustomed to. More like poached in its own milk mixture. Delicious, I never eat them any other way.

>> No.5487533

its not literally meaningless, he LITERALLY addressed your entire post. I don't know what you think you stand to gain for propagating your food elitism online but people like you are seriously the worst kind of cancer on this board. And you even go on to insult that logically argues against your flawed logic, after complaining that he had done so >>5484137

Fuck off m8

>> No.5487548

>So who's going to post the Gordon "Burnt Toast" Ramsay video on 'perfect' scrambled eggs?
ROFL. It's a parody of how to do it. It amazes me how much people take one guys fatbomb cooking-at-home-as-if-its-a-restaurant-needing-fast-food-service as some kind of thing you should even try. It's laughable. I like how the very same idiots will cook eggs over a double boiler to get custard and yet cook scrambled eggs over the hottest gas burner they own, in a 2qt pot of all things, adding an imperial gallon of butter and cream so it doesn't stick in their poor choice of pan. Defies logic how stupid some people are. It's just their poverty youth translating to habit.

>> No.5487739

>being this buttblasted

Look, fag, his post was entirely meaningless. Let me tell you why.
"Parroting other people's views" is a meaningless phrase. That douchebag poster doesn't have any idea where or how I've gotten my views on food, much less whether I'm repeating them. That faggot knows nothing about my skills as a cook, and next to nothing about cooking himself (obviously), so yeah, his post is fucking meaningless, and something only a bitchy little twat with no other debate skills besides using pseudo-intellectual insults. His post was meaningless, your post is also meaningless (and written very poorly, I might add). So why don't you take your shit opinions and go choke on some more fat dongs, "m8".

>> No.5487745

i make nice creamy scramd eggs, so gud

>skillet on med heat
>tsp of canola oil
>crack 2 eggs right into non-stick skillet
>keep stirring until theyre kind of a smooth bloby paste, kind of like cookie dough
>even better than op pic

>> No.5487752

I salt and pepper beforehand.
I whip the eggs in a bowl with a metal fork beforehand.
I add a teaspoon of half and half for every 2 eggs.

My eggs are fucking delicious.

>> No.5487807

Now, don't season it. Because, if you put the salt in now, what actually happens is it breaks down the eggs. And it starts turning them into something sort of very watery. So, eggs in the pan with a nice knob of butter. Velvety finish. And never wisk beforehand. Off the heat, back off the heat. It's live, its a rossotto

>> No.5487811

>Off the heat, back off the heat.
This is a throwback from the days that people couldn't control heat on a screaming hot stove, so that you didn't scorch eggs cooked over too high of heat. And, there is zero scientific reason you shouldn't whisk beforehand.

>> No.5487812


because you have to get as much of the "eggy" taste out of it as possible. I like them scrambled hard or fried very hard. if the scrambled eggs aren't brown or the fried egg doesn't have a near-black crisp on the edge, I send it back until they do it right

>> No.5487815

this was the most pointless thread I've seen in a long while

>> No.5487817

>This is a throwback from the days that people couldn't control heat on a screaming hot stove

Indeed. Did you pay any attention to what stove he was using?

>>And, there is zero scientific reason you shouldn't whisk beforehand.

It's a waste of time--an unnecessary step that makes no difference in the finished product.

Why on earth would you order eggs if you don't like the taste of eggs?

>> No.5487822
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, disgusted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5487877

I was waiting for someone to mention this. 10/10

>> No.5487894


>> No.5487928

Yeah, did he get some plastic surgery?

I could still tell it was him because of his speech impediment when he tries to say any word with the letter S in it

>> No.5487965

>Yeah, did he get some plastic surgery?
Dunno. Maybe? To me, he looks like he's lost some weight, and then someone dyed the gray out of his hair, a single dark color with no highlights, but it's kind of mousy-too dark, certainly not the tone he used to have, and maybe a straight iron taken to it. Could be a hair piece?

>> No.5488123

His weight tends to balloons up and down.
But his face really looks different now.
If he was going to have plastic surgery he should have fixed his tongue so it doesn't go past his lips when he says the letter S.

>> No.5488447

>using flavorless oil
Other than that, all good

>> No.5488983

I'm not buttblasted at all, I just find it laughable that you're calling out some anon for personally attacking you when hes not, then discrediting him arguments for no reason other than the fact that you are unable to argue in a manner which supports your own.

>" That faggot knows nothing about my skills as a cook, and next to nothing about cooking himself (obviously), so yeah, his post is fucking meaningless, and something only a bitchy little twat with no other debate skills besides using pseudo-intellectual insults"

And you know this how? You have some verifiable set of internet credentials? You're a fucking joke, LITERALLY trying to argue your opinions are somehow superior because you've watched the Food Network a few times. Go home, armchair cook

>> No.5490301


>> No.5490314
File: 32 KB, 480x360, peter the waitress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the canola oil only because I need a little bit more lubrication than even a high quality teflon skillet can provide.

I used to whisk them in a small mixing bowl but then i figured fuckit i dont even own a dishwasher why would I use an extra bowl to mix em up when the finished product is better with a few white spots in it since it was obliterated when i would whisk it with some milk.

>straight up scramd eggs are best eggs

>> No.5490388

I love how butthurt you can get over the simplest things, /ck/. Stay classy.

When I want fluffy eggs, I whisk the shit out of them and I cook them on medium-high to medium heat with butter or olive oil (the taste never really comes through anyway), omelette style. As soon as the eggs reach a 50-60% curdled state, I salt and pepper, take off the heat and fold until the curds take on my desired size (huge), then I put them on the heat for a few more seconds before I plate them and season again.

I can eat these eggs on their own, usually with some bacon or whatever.

When I want the creamy eggs to eat on toast, I do it the same way Ramsay does, but without the creme fraiche. I find that creme fraiche dilutes the flavor considerably. I also don't fold the herbs in (if I'm using herbs), I like to leave them on top as a garnish, so my eggs are as eggy as possible.

Generally speaking, I want my curds to be no smaller than 1cm and no larger than 2cm, so I am really careful not to over/under-stir.

I think I'll try Blumenthal's recipe some time in the future. Something about Sherry vinegar + beurre noisette + smoked salmon gives me a boner. I think this is the only instance that I would personally allow cream in my eggs.