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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5481099 No.5481099[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what's the most impoverished meal you've ever made? aside from ramen noodles.

>> No.5481115

Probably a big stock pot full of black beans and a few chopped up onions. Lasted me about a week, cost about $3.

>> No.5481116

I did that once. Shat a black brick a couple of days later.

>> No.5481118

Lentils. Its like eating cement.

>> No.5481119

Dont know why but i laughed out loud at this.

Typical wonder read and kraft single grilled cheese. Sometimes with Campbell's tomato soup.

>> No.5481126


I didn't have that experience, but I was padding the beans with some bread that I made from a huge ass sack of flour that I had already stolen. It would have added another $5 or so for the week's eating, if I had purchased the flour myself.

>> No.5481130

white rice and sriracha.

>> No.5481137
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im on my 4th one of these in a row. IM SO BROKE.

its just a microwaved potato, shredded cheese, and salvie sour cream. served with a side of plastic fork.

>> No.5481141

OP here. I just finished my my second black bean and corn "sloppy joe."

This recipe is way better than I anticipated. I thought I gonna have to force myself to eat it, but it was actually tasty and satisfying.

I think I could get used to being poor.

>> No.5481147

>with a side of plastic fork
You liar, that fork still has all it's prongs.

Mine would be a chopped up potato cooked in a pan with some cheap oil and salt and pepper and a bit of minced garlic towards the end and dumped onto a plate, topped with a slice of cheese(cheapest kind i could get) and bamf, breakfast.

Now it's pretty much the same thing for breakfast, but with eggs and sausage and french toast and syrup and some actual CHEESE and not "CHEESE".

>> No.5481148

>Flour tortilla
>American cheese
>Taco bell hot sauce
>Fold it and put in microwave
Shit was pretty good actually

>> No.5481157

Probably bisquick, a packet of chicken ramen flavor,and water. Tried to make biscuits with that mixture. I failed and ate it anyways. ugh just thinking about it.

>> No.5481160

Toast sandwich.

>> No.5481169

Sausage, onion, and garlic browned in a pan. Use seasonings as desired. Remove and brown sliced potatoes. Finish by mixing back together. Cheap and tasty.

>> No.5481176

made me laugh big time for some reason

>> No.5481177

I make pork and beans with lentils all the time, I add rice and frozen vegetables (spinach or carrots/peas/corn mix) and mix it together. Comes to around $1 a meal.

>> No.5481183

It's a thing though, anon, and I actually liked it. Useful the next time I have to kill a stale loaf of bread.

>> No.5481187

a can of corn and a couple of spoons of the cheapes cheese paste in the store.
I ate it directly from the can. The cheese was some leftover that stayed the entire night out of the fridge because i had no fridge to store it

>> No.5481190

Who the FUCK puts beans and corn in a god damn sloppy joe

You're a disgrace

>> No.5481224

>Rice, curry powder
>When; Right now.

>> No.5481235

I do that but with chili powder (home blend) all the time. Though, normally I mix beans with it (and pretend I'm eating real chili served on rice).

>> No.5481340

I cook a lot of white rice and black beans, probably every other dinner, cost is about $20/3 months

>> No.5481357

bread with potato soup. was on food stamps and unemployed. think they gave me $30 a week.

>> No.5481382


Someone who doesn't enjoy colon cancer

>> No.5481389

You could have made chickenless chicken and dumplings with that.

>> No.5481391

>rice and soy sauce
>bread with ketchup

>> No.5481441

Probably some stuffed jalapeno peppers. I don't remember what was in them, maybe sour cream or cream cheese.

>> No.5481447

Flour, water, salt, herbs; kneaded and rolled out thin; cut into strips and fried in olive oil.

>> No.5481542

white rice and pinto beans with /ck/'s favorite spicy red sauce on top
I have big bags of both of those foods so all in all it was probably like a 50 cent meal

>> No.5481546
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>chilli beans instead

>> No.5481560
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I don't know if it's a thing anywhere else, but here in Australia there's a fundraiser called Live Below The Line, where you spend no more than $2 per day on food for a whole week.
This is what a Facebook friend of mine had:
>gnocchi, dumpling like, damper thingys. They are literally just a mixture of water and flour (of mud like consistency) dropped into a pot of boil in water. They have a texture like gnocchi (that's what they essentially are, just without potatoes).

I've never really made impoverished food.

>> No.5481563

also the only thing I could think of that's made with just water and flour is home made paste, so I'm sure they were delicious.

>> No.5481585

Dude lentils are fucking tasty with some garlic, cayenne pepper, and butter.

>> No.5481591

Onion sandwiches
...and thats it

My mom said she used to make it when she moved out

>> No.5481605

My friend once put a Kraft single inbetween 2 small tortillas, ate it cold and called it a quesadilla

>> No.5481608

Poor Man's Chili. 1 Can tomato paste. Water. 1 6 oz. beef patty. Tony's Cajun, Chili Powder. Fin.

>> No.5481612

dont really consider it impoverished but beans and cornbread, buttermilk and cornbread, tomato biscuit/sandwich, cucumber sandwich are all super fucking cheap and I eat them a good bit, though obviously on really cheap when the toms and cucs come outta the garden

>> No.5481616

these days, my go to cheap meal is fried rice.

>always have rice, onions, usually carrots, sometimes frozen peas
>all of which are cheap
>can add meat if i'm feeling rich

>> No.5481631

Growing up I thought these were normal sandwiches, but apparently we were just poor.

'Cheese sandwich'- bread, no-name process cheese slice, mustard.

'Lettuce sandwich'- bread, iceburg lettuce, little bit of mayo.

>> No.5481634

Pasta and butter
Bread and Budding honey ham

>> No.5481645

not poverty exactly but I tried to fry masoor dal without soaking it. fyi it has the taste and texture of hot gravel. to try and moisten it up I added half a cup of bbq sauce

i don't recommend

>> No.5481894

>'Cheese sandwich'- bread, no-name process cheese slice, mustard.
that's borderline understandable. without the mustard and if it was heated up it would have been grilled cheese.

>'Lettuce sandwich'- bread, iceburg lettuce, little bit of mayo.
that, on the other hand, is not.

>> No.5481918

can of beans with a side of white rice and mae ploy sweet chili sauce

of course that was only because i was too lazy to defrost some chicken leg quarters i got at usda commodities

>> No.5481919
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>> No.5481920

man do you usa people like not know where your nearest commodities and food banks are or something, i've gotten some pretty good shit from them

>> No.5481932

rice and soy sauce. I had money. I was just so lazy that day.

>> No.5481934

I don't know what those are.

>> No.5481939
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i bet you burn more calories chewing and digesting that than you gain.

>> No.5481943

poor people and drug addicts tend to clean those types of places out fairly quickly. also, they tend to only exist well within the city (which is not most of america).

>> No.5481945


vegan detected. guaranteed you'll get butt cancer first. excess fiber damages the intestines. its like sand papering your insides.

>> No.5481947

Most poor people in the US rely more on food stamps than food banks.

>> No.5481950

I'm currently eating a pretty cost effective diet. Baked lentils with tomato and a little bit of chopped up salt pork or something else for variety. Also I once lived a week on salad, that was awful actually.

>> No.5481951

I suppose it would technically be the skin from my feet.

>> No.5481954

Wow this thread is making me hungry

>> No.5481957

I know there are some other people who do it, are you one of them?

>> No.5481999

>soy sauce
>olive oil
>saute in pan
>over plain white rice

Actually not bad.

>> No.5482007

One day all I ate was one skittle.

>> No.5482019

>add a bit of soy sauce

>> No.5482255

Long grain white Rice, boiled in water and the cheapest can of tuna I could buy.

Ate that shit for years.

>> No.5482271

man, this is so fucking depressing

I can't think of a single time in my life that I haven't eaten well for want of money. Fuck.

>> No.5482290

cut half onion in saucepan
heat with some butter until translucent
add a litre of water
tada, onion soup, the traditional, authentic way.

>> No.5482294

fuck you lentil soup is GOAT

>> No.5482319

I don't think they do it because they are hungry.

>> No.5482327

>mfw I do this a lot

childhood habit that never stopped. I only have one genuine toenail left

>> No.5482382

>spent a semester abroad in London
>spent my money traveling, seeing and doing stuff and besides everything that isn't free in London is really expensive.
>rarely ate out nice
>sometimes ate the all you can eat pizza hutt buffett for 5 quid.
>most of the time for 5 months ate the "POW Diet" where I lived
>consisted of white rice that was heavy on the water, sprinkled in with a handful of chopped carrots or maybe some onion.

I ended up losing like 20 lbs (started off at 145lb) When I came back to Murica, the first welcome home meal I had was a big Chinese meal out. It was very rich to what my system had acclimated to, felt like I was going to die. Guess what though, I didn't.

>> No.5482389

been on beans/bacon/rice/lentils for the last 2 weeks

>> No.5482409

rice cooked in stock made with powder and a few handfuls of frozen vegetable mix.

I also make noodle soup with stock powder broth and vegetables, because my ramen doesn't come with flavouring.

Later this week I plan to make ki-chi-min, which actually has meat in it, but is mostly cabbage, rice and onion. I will buy the cheapest mincemeat.

>> No.5482417

Miracle whip sandwich. not that bad really. could have been worse.

>> No.5482429
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>tfw that chewy texture
>tfw you manage to get a big piece and tear it a long way without having it break off or hurt too much
>tfw letting it sit in your mouth and rubbing your tongue against it

>> No.5482442
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>> No.5482455

rehydrate sage&onion stuffing

>> No.5482461

I once ate Vienna sausages out of the can with a screwdriver (I couldn't find a fork).

>> No.5482462

this, but i added some mustard

>> No.5482464

White rice with soy sauce ketchup and hotsauce packets that i found aound the workplace.

>> No.5482466

i just had nothing in the house and it was late at night

>> No.5482471


I'm not poor enough, because I could conceivably use the money I spend on my internet and phone for food, to qualify for stuff like that.

>> No.5482472

Spaghetti noodles, ramen seasoning, yakisoba vegetables, and a hotdog served on a plate from a previously eaten tv dinner. I was actually proud

>> No.5482500

Bean burritos with onion and ranch. It's actually my standard road trip fare as well, I just keep all the ingredients in a cooler on the backseat.

>> No.5482535

I spent an entire summer eating bean and cheese tacos, the beans were cooked from dry so with beans at about $1/lb, the portion for a taco was about $0.063 and the cheese was ehh idk 20 cents a taco and the tortillas were maybe a dime a piece? Soo each taco is like 35 or 40 cents what a deal

>> No.5482565

Sometimes when I eat toast I like to make 4 pieces, butter them and add topping, then stack them and eat them like that, it's yum.

>> No.5482574

>Guess what though, I didn't.

>> No.5482756

I usually make mine with lentils and tvp

>> No.5482775

i had the lettuce one a lot and I was poor as shit as a kid.

>> No.5482810

i microwaved two $1 frozen pizzas and layered them ontop of eachother and folded them together and ate them in one bite

and i had the worst shits ever after that

>> No.5482816

>cheap cheese in a pan
>two slices of bread
>dinner for 3 days

>> No.5482837



>> No.5482852

lots of spaghetti and peanut butter sandwiches.

also the mexican grocery stores in my area are insanely cheap. you can get pork shoulder for $.99 per pound. Cook that in a slow cooker, add it on top of rice and beans with cilantro/onion and hot sauce. You can eat for an entire week for less than $20.

>> No.5483094

Ten cent ramen packets I split with a friend.

>> No.5483208

eating baked beans with tortilla chips

>> No.5483210

>pork shoulder for .99 a pound

Y-you wouldn't happen to live in Ohio, would you?

>> No.5483244

I also while living in London for school lived off hamburgerless helper.

I bought a months worth of lasagna hamburger helper, and blocks of English cheddar. Just cook up the helper sans meat and toss in a hunk of cheese. At this twice a day for the month. It actually wasn't bad but due to the cost of English cheddar in the states its funny that it is outside of what I would spend to eat it here considering it is cheese and noodles lol.

>> No.5483256

That.....sounds pretty good actually. I could see using it as a dip for the chips. I MUST TRY THIS.

>> No.5483285


I've eaten food from dumpsters on many occasions.

Ironically, it is often more expensive food than the groceries I actually pay for.

>> No.5483295

I like bowls of rice with butter and x condiment, or just rice.

>> No.5483301


>tfw you tear too much and your feet are all pink and sensitive afterward

no ragrets

>> No.5483305

Once I had a plate of spaghetti with literally nothing on it but parsley, it was all I had. I called it Pasta Parsley.

My flatmate used to deep fry potato peelings that had been left on the washing machine for days. I think he called them Scollops for some reason.

>> No.5483341

>on the washing machine

>> No.5483347

It was an available surface to dump shit on. I'm pretty clean in the kitchen nowadays but I was disgusting in my early 20s.

That washing machine also had washing powder remnants on it. I told my flatmate there would be washing powder on those dried up potato peelings and he said it adds to the taste.

He was like Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

>> No.5483357


oatmeal for about a full week straight... last couple of days, ran out of sweetener. that was rough.

>> No.5483360


>> No.5483365
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Some apartements have the washer/dryer in the kitchen.

>> No.5483368
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the fuck is wrong with yal? I can get peeling it, but you chew that shit?

>> No.5483369


started as a small child

don't knock it till you try it

>> No.5483370

>he said it adds to the taste.
kek, technically it does... just not in a good way

>> No.5483378
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english muffin, tomato, breakast sausages, kraft singles

>> No.5483384

>Once I had a plate of spaghetti with literally nothing on it but parsley, it was all I had. I called it Pasta Parsley.

friend in college would buy those big bulk boxes of spaghetti, a huge box of soybean protein pretending to be precooked hamburger patties and ketchup. he's cook it all together and it would be spaghetti, ghoulash or any other number of pasta dishes depending on what he was hungry for. no different ingredients or cooking method. just in his mind...

>> No.5483394


when i was a kid, i'd chew up three or four saltine crackers, spit it back between two crackers to make a cracker sandwich. my brother told me they sold that cracker filling at the store so i bugged my mom the whole summer trying to get her to get some.

>> No.5483399

>tfw I can't show anyone the soles of my feet
What would I tell a girl if I ran into one before I died?

>> No.5483407

If thats the most impoverished meal you've ever had.........you are lucky. That looks like something I'd lazily throw together when drunk.

You don't know poverty until you've eaten three cans of tomato paste with a spoon just so you could fall asleep. Or eaten plain white rice with sauce packets you walked in and took from taco bell.

>> No.5483415

Why would a girl give a shit about the soles of your feet?

>> No.5483417

They look like I stepped on chainsaws, it's pretty obvious they have been cut for years.

>> No.5483428

>Or eaten plain white rice with sauce packets you walked in and took from taco bell.

I'm sure I've done stuff like that before but I just had a picture of this hanging around

I remember a classic meal for me would either be a can of chef boy ardee/baked beans/green beans/corn/peas cold with a spoon and some slices of white bread and ketcup or hot sauce

>> No.5483440
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See the last thing you described is something that just happens every so often. Like If I don't feel like cooking.
You could call it an impoverished meal but unless it's really all you have to eat then it's not much to be worried about.

>> No.5483447

It's alright, actually. I remember doing it while I was mad at my then-girlfriend on the beach of the baltic sea.

>> No.5483455
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I lived off of these sons of bitches and water for about a week.

I might have been able to go for more than a week but my local fastfood place recognized that I was taking them and not buying anything and banned me from there.

>> No.5483480

I cook a pound of ground beef, onions, celery and carrots, and then add about 2 cups of rice and 3 cups of water and a few bullion cubes. After cooking I keep it in the fridge, in the pot and scoop out into a bowl and microwave it as needed. Usually a sprinkle of Worcestershire sauce or some chipolte chillies makes it taste a lil better. Can eat it for lunch and snacks for about a week.

>> No.5483483

>not rotating the stores and time of day that you take sauce packets
Step it up.

>> No.5483519

nothing wrong with that

>> No.5483595
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>> No.5483608


>> No.5483628
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>> No.5483633
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I once knew a family that would eat mayonaise sandwiches after blowing a pay check in less than three days.

>> No.5483657
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>What's the most impoverished meal you've ever made?

>Oh boy OP, get this: one time I ate a BREAKFAST SANDWICH. Horrible, right?

>> No.5483695
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forgive me for living dear sir

>> No.5483740

white people

>> No.5483783

I've heard black people don't like mayo for some reason

do you guys just like miracle whip or don't eat any type of that stuff?

>> No.5483813

I've met a lot of blacks that like mayo. Fucking hummus though, they avoid it like a vampire avoids garlic and I don't know why.

>> No.5483838

>Fucking hummus though, they avoid it like a vampire avoids garlic and I don't know why.


I think it's just stuff they never got fed in school or as a kid

the only reason I know about hummus is because my gf from high school used to feed it to me literally like I was a child being fed

>> No.5483853

I have a couple and by no means am I poor or anything. I'm 19, live at home, and my mom has food stamps.

>Flour tortilla, cheese, garlic powder, onions, microwave it and bam you have an orgasm.

>Rice and garlic powder mixed with onions.

>Burnt cheese, but not too burnt, just the crispy burnt.

>> No.5483857

spaghetti aglio olio pepperoncino
20p tesco spaghetti, stolen garlic, chillies and oil
I ate that for a solid month

>> No.5483859

I did this except I'd throw on some pasta sauce and toss it into a toaster. Or I'd get high and survive off a two pound bag of sour patch kids

>> No.5483860

Yea I've seen blacks literally gross out over hummus, they don't even know what it is it just bothers them. I was opposed to it until somebody explained it to me in a good way, they said it was the same as refried beans but made with peas instead. It's pretty good. But yea if you want to see something hilarious whip out some hummus and start casually eating it next time your around a bunch of blacks. Fucking comedy gold for both sides.

>> No.5483869

Lentil soup... It kept thickening until I could cut it with a knife. Still, pretty damn good.
I once burned my ramen. The shame...

>> No.5483936
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I was staying in an abandoned house
spent all my $$ on drugs
said drugs had a girl feelin hella hungry
Literaly all I could find

>whole wheat flour
>Powder sugar from some easy bake kit?
>frozen Mediterranean vegetable blend
>hot sauce
Oh shit!
cookies and a vegetable burrito
Youll cowards arent even bumming

>> No.5483959

>after blowing a pay check in less than three days.
These people deserve to die from starvation

>> No.5484941

I thought that was a creampuff then I read your post.... fucking nasty

>> No.5484964

I ate venison, black beans and brown rice for 2 months.

the venison was a buck's worth, only cost a dollar or so because i got it in one shot

the other stuff cost about $50

>> No.5484978

Is that you, Richard Stallman?

>> No.5484994

canned potatoes and a small can of "potted meat product" thats what the label said.

>> No.5484999

Different types of pasta dishes. Carbonara, spagetti with pepper or some pasta with a random type of tomato sauce.

>> No.5485008

couldn't even afford a pack of ramen noodles so made the noodles myself with flour and water

added some of my roommates leftover chinese (he was one of those "i don't eat leftovers" types) despite them being covered in onions and having an allergy

sadly the allergy hurts less than starvation

>> No.5485044

>can of peas
>can of pinto beans
>can of chicken

My equally impoverished brother walked in, looked at it for a minute, and said, "Can I have some of that?"

>> No.5485054

we had butter spaghetti at least 2x/wk. i still make it occasionally. tastes great with garlic salt, oregano, salt & pepper

>> No.5485071


bitch that is a full meal, learn to suck a cock the next time you're broke

>> No.5485108

Elbow macaroni and imitation margarine.
>imitation margarine
>actually exists
Still scared by this.

>> No.5485126


>BY THE WAY I'M A GRILL and totally hXc

And that's so far from an impoverished meal. Oh look, vegetables and all that other stuff whatever should I doooo

>> No.5485143

Pfft! Cheap my ass! Cheese and sour cream are expensive!

Fresh summer potatoes (a good 50 cents/kilo at best), butter, some diced onion and herbal salt. Possibly a can of tuna for protein.

>> No.5485150


What the heck, is that a cheap meal for Mr. Trump?
Just cut the potato into wedges, drizzle some oil over them (if you have oil), sprinkle salt over them, (dried) rosemary if available and put them in the oven. Now that's cheaper! And tasty, too

>> No.5485170

Pasta and herbs and rice and salt have been my low points.

Though usually if i'm broke I go for 1kg pasta (0.7€) and 500g bolognese sauce (1€) lasts me 5 suppers at least.

>> No.5485185


Yeah, rice, and maple syrup.

30k in the bank.

You ain't even got holdings.

>> No.5485195
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>maple syrup


nigga you must mean maple flavored corn syrup

>> No.5485198


I made my own

when it tasted like absolute dogshit i tried putting hotsauce in to mask the flavor. Yep, made it worse

>> No.5485271

I presume that the rosemary is something you grow yourself. It's like a fuck ton of money a kilo. Otherwise, you're pretty much eating like Björn Wahlroos on a small saving binge.

>> No.5485280


>buying rosemary by the kilo

Dood, you get like, how much is in one of those little shakers, 25 grams for a Euro or something and that lasts you for months.
But you might as well grow it yourself because heck, it's rosemary.

>> No.5485286

I just moved on my own a couple of months ago, first couple of months I was broke so I just made a pizza everyday, spent aroung 2 to 3 dolars only, and tasted great.

>> No.5485294

It was a joke.

Who knows, Björn Wahlroos might actually be in favour of growing it yourself. The guy's been advocating the abolishment of agricultural subsidies and making agriculture a more reasonable business regardless of where the E.U. thinks certain foodstuffs should be produced.

>> No.5485295



>> No.5485298
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>Spaghetti with melted cheddar on top

Not even sketti

It was gritty cheddar too

>> No.5485299
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>> No.5485304


What's sketti? I thought that was just redneck for spaghetti

>> No.5485316

Usually spagetthi with tons of butter and ketchup all mixed together.

>> No.5485318


That's not fly. So it's the Honey BooBoos spaghetti, right? Disgusting, man, why would you want that? Leave the butter out

>> No.5485326

>20p tesco spaghetti
dear god this shit is so bad, it's sweet, I don't understand why but it is fucking sweet

>> No.5485328

>Old french bread as hard as a piece of wood.
>some butter I was able to scrap from the pack.
>really small piece of garlic.
>some spicy ketchup.

It was tasty.

>> No.5485334


Honey Boo Boo actually uses Country Crock, not butter. Butter would be too high falutin.

She also put ground beef in it.

>> No.5485340

Not any one particular meal, but back in my college days when I was flat broke I used to make all of my grocery purchases based solely on caloric density per ounce or gram. It didn't matter what i ate, all that mattered to me was getting the most nutrition/energy packed into the smallest volume at the highest density for the lowest unit price.

>> No.5485364

ketchup and mayo sandwich on one slice of folded up endpiece bread.

>> No.5485368

I put some oil in a pot. Add some garlic and ginger and cumin seeds. Then I add chopped onions and tomatoes and add garam masala; then add rice and water and cook

>> No.5485414

>dead broke
>no job
>very hungry
>walk to fast food restaurant
>steal all salt/pepper and ketchup packs
>repeat a few more times
>get home and make tomato packet soup seasoned with salt and pepper packs
>wasn't bad
>still haven't told anyone IRL I have done this

>> No.5485431


If I were that poor, I would order a coffee from starbucks, dumb half it out and fill it with half and half so I'd at least get some calories and fat.

>> No.5485459

ketchup on bread.

>> No.5485481


Still spending money faggot?

Just walk in when it is busy with a cup from home and fill up and leave.

>> No.5485487

Yeah, no.

I fucking LOVE hummus. But then again, I'm Jamaican American instead of African American.

>> No.5485489


What's the deal with hummus, man, I never had it and just recently found it at a store, only that it was incredibly expensive.

>> No.5485493

Expired curry sauce on boil in the bag rice

>> No.5485494

go back to reddit, you idiot

>> No.5485496

yeah they call me rabbit

this is a turtle race

>> No.5485690
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So you just bought gallons of canola oil?

>> No.5485702

>tfw the dollar tree carries brown sugar and cinnamon
I haven't had oatmeal in a damn long time.

>> No.5485778
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A bowl tree blossoms

>> No.5485791

Pasta with cheap store brand salad dressings as the sauce. I'd also add whatever veggie I could find that was on sale in produce to make it a little healthy.

>> No.5485802

Catch fish in ocean. Clean it sear it. Eat it

Cost 0$

>> No.5485812

I'm white and I hate mayo

>> No.5485813
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>So you just bought gallons of canola oil?

no, but I sure ate plenty of shit like this.

Prem: For those times in you life SPAM was too expensive to afford.

>> No.5485819

Oatmeal and peasoup (not together obviously) for a month.

>> No.5485826


Read that as vagina ham and got confused

>> No.5485883

Are you Finnish?

>> No.5485913

Oats. Just oats.

Thankfully I only had to keep this diet going for a day or two. I stole an apple as well.

>> No.5486001

I'd just buy the cans of corned beef hash.
Shit is like 1.50 a can and ridiculously filling/calorically dense.
throw in extra potatoes and it's able to be stretched real fucking far

>> No.5486054
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That sounds like something Bill Dauterive would do.

>> No.5486058


Oh god I can't

>> No.5486062
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I'm currently eating a can of creamed corn stretched with saltines. It's actually pretty good. Looks like hot sick, but tasty enough.

>> No.5486120

I'm just getting started m8

>> No.5486142

Microwaving tortillas

>> No.5486155

Probably way cheaper than the stuff on your pic.

Egg fried rice.

Eggs, rice, green onions, oil, salt.

If you really want to go wild add carrot and some cheap meat.

>> No.5486240

Quarter block of gubment cheese
Half can of gubment tomatoe sauce
Two packs gubment spaghetti noodles.

Gubment spaghetti O's

>> No.5486320

>Heat up tortilla
>Add butter on one side, salt it
>Roll it up like Taquito and chow down

Tortillas give me uncontrollable twitching.

>> No.5486432

Guess I could say half-assed egg drop soup

1 egg
2 cups water
chicken bouillon cube
soy sauce

glad Im not in financial despair anymore

>> No.5486511

onion & carrot soup boiled on water (i had no chicken broth) with shitload of spices.

fried spaghetti with soy sauce and garlic

>> No.5486523


oh and tried making 'bolognese'-ish spaghetti once - with spam instead of meat and some cheap-ass tomato paste. Shit wasn't that bad when it was the only meal I had in 2 or 3 days, but even thinking about that taste makes me cringe now.

>> No.5486537
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Chocolate cake mix, unsweetened bar of chocolate, old unpacked rice crispy that was sitting in the cupboard from one of my roommates. Other than that, fusili, sauce, curry powder, and siracha every day for a week now.

>> No.5486543

Black beans

Mixed together in a pot.

It actually wasn't that bad. Not gourmet but would eat again.

>> No.5486550

>order a coffee from Starbucks
>in a thread about impoverished eating

nigger, starbucks is $4.79 alone for the smallest cup of coffee. with that $4.79 I could feed myself for 2 days.

>> No.5486574

I used to make and eat mustard sandwiches all the time cause my mom refused to buy anything but olive loaf for sandwiches. She would get really pissed at me every time she would see me eating it.

>> No.5486578

Olive loaf is fucking delicious! I would get pissed at your insulate brat-ass too!

>> No.5486587

sounds good

>> No.5486606

Just remembered another stuff I do, blini and butter. The price of this depends on how expensive/cheap butter is where you live.

>> No.5486623

I will eat almost anything now a days but I still cant stand olive loaf. I know, factually it should taste delicious but every time I eat it just tastes wrong.

>> No.5486634

Three pepperoncini and a slice of toast.

>> No.5486682
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jesus, it's like an ersatz brand you'd see in Fallout or something

>> No.5486901
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just tons of cabbage

>> No.5487007
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>tomato paste and tomato sauce are the same


>> No.5487011


not related really, but i love creamed corn poured over hot buttery cornbread... i could go for some right now

>> No.5487017


>with baked virginia ham seasoning

with a name like Prem, i expect no less

>> No.5487027

Are you anemic?

>> No.5487037

>do you guys just like miracle whip or don't eat any type of that stuff?

i can eat it spread thin, but had a friend growing up whose mom would make his sandwiches with like a half inch thick layer of mayo. one bite and it would just ooze out all over and that's all you could taste - thick gloppy mayo. i get chills now just thinking about it.

have you ever had a cold or something, tilted your head back and all of a sudden have a huge ball of mucus try to run down your throat? that's the reaction i get to a huge glop of mayo.

>> No.5487070

The beginning was the best.

>dat editing
>dem math skills
>irreleant anecdote

This fucker is a genius.

>> No.5487093

A bottle of malt vinegar and 700mgs of Bendryl.

>> No.5487097

What kind of hellhole do you live in?
It's 1.92 at my store.

>> No.5487147
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>implying spending 1.92 on a cup of coffee when poor is worth.

Might as well just buy the fucking creamer then.

>> No.5487161

I used to just eat a bread roll with butter in primary school. Family wasn't poor or anything, just liked bread and butter

>> No.5487172

I'm a Starbucks partner and literally a half to three fourths of my food intake a day is shit from there.

I'm broke and I'm getting fucking tired of croissants that taste like buttered Styrofoam.

>> No.5487184

cannibal stew

>> No.5487194
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Lots of egg fried rice.
Rice chopped carrot chopped onion some soy sauce oyster sauce= god like cheap food.

And when your ready to splurge
canned octopus in garlic sauce
add to speghetti sauce


>> No.5487198

wtf is a starbucks partner? are you a partial business owner

>> No.5487201


Probably a whole boiled potato. I ate those for a while earlier this year when I was sick.

>> No.5487206

Barista, but I wouldn't seriously call it that. We push buttons and bend over backwards.

Mah nigga. Walmart had some great canned oysters that go well with crackers. I resort to making stock like crazy and fried rice as a youth.

>> No.5487222

ghetto meat impovershed with some greens! SHIT WAS SLAMMIN YO!

>> No.5487229

is it a managorial decision to make customers stand in line to pay for groceries a 45 minute to one hour wait?

>> No.5487232
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Best cheap meal. Black bean and corn burgers. Just go to the day old bakeries and get buns. Use some for filler and the rest as buns. Ez cheese or slices goes good on there too if you can get some.

Most impoverished meal I ever ate was some hawaiin rolls I got from the ralph's dumpster dipped into the scrapings of the mayo jar I'd had for too long.

>> No.5487234

macaroni and beef minus the beef

>> No.5487236


>> No.5487244

Microwaved potatoes i suppose.

>> No.5487259

that looks like a shit i took last night.

>> No.5487261

But OP, arent canned foods overly expensive compared to fresh or dried foods?

And that bread looks expensive. Probably a dollar.

I hate the price of food.

>> No.5487280

>price of fresh foods compared to canned

I think that depends on where you live - and how good the local supply of fresh food is.

Where I live fresh veg is cheaper in the summer and fall, but the rest of the year a lot of canned food is cheaper - though it really depends on what kind of canned food we're talking about

canned meat products are in general a little cheaper, at least for me - but they're always shitty quality just as well

things like canned corn or beans are cheaper than buying the real deal - but again, its a quality issue

>> No.5487281

My most desperate I've ever been has been eating peanut butter sandwiches.

>> No.5487285

I should clarify, just that for a week

>> No.5487288
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>> No.5487296

>apparently my sisters boyfriend ate nothing but peanut butter sandwiches for a year while living in a house in university

but he's going to be a fancy fuck lawyer now so good for him

the kid moved from kansas to canada, though he's pale as fuck so he fits right in.

>> No.5487321

No, that is not how you veggie, good recipe all else though, but with that ingredient its essentially a fancy egg sandwich.

>> No.5487331

I have had this. usually add eggs and it's bomb

>> No.5487353

im broke, inbetween semesters so i have no grant/loan money left, moving in a couple weeks so trying to use up what i have. just made ramen carbonara, 2 pieces of frozen bacon i found in the back of my freezer, boiled 1 pack of noodles in seasoning packet water, took one egg and some milk, mixed it together, then put noodles in bacon pan, then added egg mixture, topped with black pepper, was pretty good actually.
brokest thing ive ever eaten was rice made with ramen packets i had saved when i made fancier ramen recipes. shit atleast tasted a little better than plain rice, and i was out of soy sauce

>> No.5487365
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I've lived of this only for a week

>> No.5487409
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>> No.5487412

Mah nigga!

>> No.5487415

I'm in this situation
>consisted of white rice that was heavy on the water, sprinkled in with a handful of chopped carrots or maybe some onion.
But instead of carrots is garlic

>> No.5487433

Oh god this is great.

>> No.5487438

Are you people insane?
I can't...

>> No.5487489

>get bunch of precooked meat packs from soldier friend who gets them in his rations
>use as toasted sandwich filler

That and damper

>> No.5487501


>> No.5487509

can of chicken?

A chicken in a can? Sounds disgusting.

>> No.5487511

it's shredded up, for making chicken salad

>> No.5487514
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>> No.5487515
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A plate of nothing with a glass of air.

>> No.5487516

Any Irishman drinking wine is a faggot, is he actually a faggot though?

>> No.5487540

what the fuck

>> No.5487544

When I first went to University I stayed in a dorm. To avoid going down into the kitchen and actually having to be around people I used to fill the sink in my room with boiling water and put cans of soup in there to heat it up. We weren't allowed to have anything but a kettle in the room.

Also used to piss in that sink. Fuck I'm glad I'm out of there.

>> No.5487558

Well I have been eating 2 cans of a baked beans per day for the last 3 weeks.

Before that I posted a picture of my meal here on /ck/. It was beans and rice with drained bean cum.

Mixed with ramen noodle powder from a Mi Gorang packet.

>> No.5487559

look at the pimples on that fat little fuckers chin

>> No.5487605


My heart can't handle Henry's Kitchen because I'm scared of ending up like this

>> No.5487615


Are you sure that's wine?

>> No.5487647

A tub of Philadelphia cheese.

With nothing else.

>> No.5487680

I visited my parents once and got a bunch of cherry tomatoes for free 'cause they were on their way out, so I boiled them up with some onion, garlic, and some homebrewed mead, and boiled some split peas and penne in another pot. wasn't too bad.

>> No.5487692

I love lettuce sandwiches. Not even poor.

>> No.5487700

Feels good mang
I think I may have some sort of nutritional defifiency.

>bite and eat my fingernails and dead skin
>clip toenails really close and eat the nails
>sometimes i bleed or get infections
>slice off my huge callouses and eat those
>if I get large blisters on my soles I peel and eat those too

I am a keratin fiend.

>> No.5487703

>poverty meals
pasta and butter

>> No.5487713

I learned to cook out of necessity back when I was a starving artist. I got really good at making delicious meals for very low food costs. Decades later money is absolutely not an issue for me, but I still make a kind of game out of putting a great meal together for absurdly low ingredient costs. My day to day meals are almost always under $3 a serving, and usually under $1. (The money I save now goes into the wine budget, and I drink good wine).

A common "impoverished" meal I make would be vegetable mei fun with curry powder and tofu. Food cost per serving is less than 75 cents, and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.5487724

salted oatmeal

arry day

>> No.5487765

I didn't make it, but my mom did one time.
Ketchup soup.
Big pot of water, ketchup, 2 cans of green beans, 1 package of frozen broccoli.

The green beans and broccoli by themselves would've been delicious meals on their own, but she had to ruin them by combining them with ketchup and a fuck ton of water.
WTF? Why did you ruin the only food left in the house??!

>> No.5487771

Are you still an artist?

>> No.5487775

>Why did you ruin the only food left in the house??!

Because she got it into her head to make "soup" when instead the veggies could have been boiled or steamed or roasted or prepared in any number of other ways

>> No.5487779

>starbucks is $4.79 alone for the smallest cup of coffee

but that's not true. It's less than $2.

>> No.5487782
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>with a name like Prem, i expect no less

Prem OP here. Yeah, it's kinda like those disturbingly cheap cans you see at the $1 store that advertise things like "Made with REAL MEAT!!"


>> No.5487786

Half a cup of rice and beans. The worst I've ever seen was mentos in a pot of water. Guy was trying to make mint soup I guess?

>> No.5487800

I used to eat the ketchup packets and cream cheese in school because I had no food to bring home from school or money to buy lunch.

One call to child services and we still didn't have food, but I got free lunch at school and every friday they would give me a bag of food to bring home. This was like 3rd grade but it was still embarrassing as fuck.

>> No.5487916

>using a screwdriver over your hands

Are you a fucking moron or were you just High as fuck?

>> No.5487921

Musician. Got older and moved into being a producer. Less hassle, better money (generally). Now just play mostly for fun, but make a few bucks here and there guesting on friends' records.

I have friends who got rich in this business. I did not, but I'm sure as hell not starving.

>> No.5487937

> My day to day meals are almost always under $3 a serving

That's not really impressive, to be honest. Or do you live in New York or some other place where food is incredibly expensive?

>> No.5487942

My girlfriend's roommate recently moved out and left the contents of her side of the pantry to me.
Yesterday, I opened a can of corned beef (holy shit it smelled like a homeless shelter), broke it up, and fried it. I diced half an onion and threw it in with a mix of garlic powder, pepper, and smoked paprika. I then crushed up a handful of cheez-it's also left in the pantry and used it as a kind of breadcrumb - binder thing. Finished it off with a splash of Frank's red hot, and served on crackers. It was actually, surprisingly, halfway decent.

>> No.5487946

Once, I cooked a mixture of flour, garlic powder, sugar, salt, and pepper in a little bit of leftover bacon grease.

I liked it.

Finals week is hardcore mode for cooking.

>> No.5487977

Anon said that they are usually under 1$. That's pretty reasonable to me.
The 3$ meals probably use expensive ingredients like salmon, steak, etc.

>> No.5488341

you made gravy

>> No.5488345
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>> No.5489257
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Bread and icing sugar

>> No.5489364

One time I decided to get out a tortilla, put some kind of relatively decent spaghetti sauce (don't remember the brand, but it was like Bartolli or something but a bit better), put cheddar cheese on it, and then pan fry it with pepperoni because I was desperately craving something that vaguely resembled a pizza even though I knew it wouldn't work.
Needless to say, it was disgusting. I put too much shit on the inside, so it got all disgusting and goopy on the inside. The cheese and sauce goop.. it was like something that wasn't fully cooked. I don't know how to properly describe how poor it was.
It didn't even reach the kind of fast-food shit tier I was aiming for, except for the crispy edge where the cheese spilled out.

>> No.5489372

Oh no wait that's right; I couldn't find pepperoni. I thought we had some but we didn't, so it was cheese, tortilla, and spaghetti sauce.

>> No.5489596

peanut butter jelly tortillas

>> No.5489620

ketchup and cheese sandwhich

>> No.5489635

Haad to stop watching when he cut the tomatos. Just..... just....

>> No.5489644

Cold cheese sandwich

>> No.5489719

cold can of crushed tomatos

>> No.5489770

One looks like tuna...
Explain your mysterious, open-faced sandwiches.

>> No.5489774

Onion and rosemary broth.
Cost 45c
Serves 2.

1 onion, diced into fairly small pieces
1 table spoon of olive oil
1 sprig of rosemary
(From own garden, community garden or neighbour's garden)

Fry onion in oil until clear, add water and rosemary. Allow to simmer for at least 1/2 hour.

Strain before serving if you want to use a mug to drink it.

>> No.5489782

Don't be embarrassed.

That's cool you got free lunch and some provisions.

>> No.5489788

What the fuck
What are food stamps for if not for feeding families with small children?

>> No.5489791

i usualy go to the market and buy things that ae under a doller and make something out of that... if i knew how to make corn chips that had the right texture i could easily cut 3 dollers from my budget spent

>> No.5489824

some families are too proud to take food stamps. Its good cause children learn not to rely on a government dole but it sucks cause the kid has no food.

>> No.5489834


Or in my circumstances, my mom (single-parent) household made too much money to qualify. Hell even if we did, she probably would not have gone on county.

>> No.5490106

>its good cause children learn not to rely on government dole
Piss off fucking redneck piece of shit.
Like anyone wants to.
Also, what the hell does that have to do with small children you cock?

>> No.5490113

>what the hell does that have to do with small children
I should clarify that. A small child doesn't know shit about what their parents do with money

>> No.5490117

>like anyone wants to
are you serious, what is entitlement?

>> No.5490129

Tell us more about welfare.

>> No.5490220

I had a roommate once. Because I wasn't pulling in enough income to be on the lease yet, I paid for and cooked all the food around the place, and also handled our budget and shit.

He had some trouble at work that made it so he had to pay for it out of his checks, so we were hurting for a few months. Since I wasn't on the lease, I told him to go get food stamps so we could afford to eat. He told me he didn't want to do that shit because he didn't want to rely on other people for money and stuff.

So I did what any reasonable person would do and told him I was going to go get foodstamps with the homeless shelter's address, since I was still legally homeless until I got on the lease. He kicked me out before I could finish the paperwork.

And that's why I live with my family again.

Moral of the story: Don't be a cunt. Suck up your pride and get the fucking food stamps.

>> No.5490634

He drinks nothing but wine.

>> No.5490703

A wish sandwich...two pieces of bread...and you wish you had some meat. bow bow bow.

>> No.5491598

>bow bow bow
Nice way to suddenly make your otherwise normal post strange and vaguely confusing; Just start barking at the end..

>> No.5491819

PB&J sandwich in a hot dog bun

>> No.5492324

I ate nothing but popcorn and donuts stolen from a dumpster for nearly 6 months once.
>true story