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File: 265 KB, 451x335, Pepsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5477157 No.5477157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Personally I am a huge fan of Pepsi.


>> No.5477174

I don't drink sodas

>> No.5477178


>> No.5477180

Dr Pepper

>> No.5477185

then why are you guys posting in a soft drinks thread?
what are you doing with your life?

>> No.5477198

>what are you doing with your life

Not drinking soda

>> No.5477200

My parents didn't rear me on the carbonated Jew because they were educated, health-conscious, and responsible.

As a result, I don't drink any of that garbage. mmmm sugar-water goes great with any meal! Also, great on a hot day - so refreshing! I can feel the sugar hydrating me lol

>> No.5477326

so I guessing you guys only drink water?

>> No.5477335

drinking carbonated water master race

>> No.5477339


>> No.5477340

I drink water, carbonated water, beer, and wine for the most part. I never drink soda.

>> No.5477344


>Carbonated jew
>drinks beer


>> No.5477349

part of what makes soda bad for you is the carbonated water.

>> No.5477351



>> No.5477363

lol nope

>> No.5477386

live healthy, die healthy. I hope your life atleast exciting.

>> No.5477400

I never understood adults drinking soda regularly. It makes them look childish, like eating lollipops, skipping or playing ski ball.

But once in a while it's fun to be childish. My top three sodas would be:

Gokuri grapefruit
Jarritos toronja
S. Pellegrino limonata

>> No.5478010

Because beer and wine are healthy...

>> No.5478025
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>> No.5478029

I almost never drink soda because I usually stick to black coffee, any kind of tea and plain water but if im in the mood for a soda i usually go for

1. cola (the german cola named Fritz-Kola usually)
2. lemonade but the more sour kind
3. tonic water because sometimes i enjoy the bitterness

>> No.5478068

Beer and wine are good for in moderation.

>> No.5478172

I believe that is largely a myth created by academics who like to drink.

A by product produced by microorganisms with little if any true science to justify health benefits. Unless of course you are living in an area where the water quality is so poor alcohol e.g. Beer is probably a safer bet.

>> No.5478194

Go to soda? Dr. Pepper
Special occasion feeling good type of mode? Ski

>> No.5478199


This is funny. Who knew you were right.

>> No.5478200

>A by product produced by microorganisms with little if any true science to justify health benefits
Are you trying to suggest microbial fermentation is inherently unhealthy or are you really unfamiliar with the literature unequivocally showing drinking in moderation promotes health?

>> No.5478215

lol not even once

>> No.5478227

yahoo's just a portal you retard. the article comes from Reuters and has good info.

>> No.5478229

I guess drinking is so healthy that doctors promote it to pregnant mothers in order to ensure healthy development of their child....

>> No.5478231

Yeah, because a developing fetus is the same as an adult.

Are you actually this stupid or are you just grasping at anything?

>> No.5478239

Except for the fact that the article concerns academic fraud by a researcher looking at one compound in red wine.

"HEALTH BENEFITS OF RED WINE EXAGGERATED" is the gotcha headline for retards like you who can't critically examine what they are reading.

>> No.5478242

>picks eccentrically titled drinks
You really have some conflictions with your inner child there.
*pic related of some humorous image of Freud*

>> No.5478246

But in moderation should this healthy substance not be perfect for development?

>> No.5478250

>i critically examined what i was reading by actually fucking reading it, seeing legitimate sources and reported by Reuters.

you're the one that sees an exaggerated headline (hint: they're ALL exaggerated) and then just jumps to conclusions without using yoru fucking brain.

Do you hate Justin bieber? Why? He makes music for little girls. Or is it because you're sick of hearing Justin bieber justin bieber justin bieber everywhere you go?

You're a fucking idiot. And you got attention deficit.

>> No.5478251

I guess we shouldn't eat solid foods because babies can't.

>> No.5478254

Explain how all research concerning the benefits of red wine are negated because of that Reuters article.

>> No.5478264

it's explained right in the fucking article:
> A 60,000-page report -- the summary of which is available at -- resulted, outlining 145 counts of fabrication and falsification of data. Other members of Das' laboratory may have been involved, and are being investigated, the report continues.
> Other scientists have taken notice of Das' work, citing 30 of his papers more than 100 times each, according to Thomson Scientific's Web of Knowledge. Last year, he won an award from the International Association of Cardiologists.

He bamboozled the whole scientific community and was one of the leaders of the fucking 'drink a glass a day' thing.

It's like finding out that Thomas Edison was a fucking criminal and thief that stole half his patents. Oh wait...

>> No.5478265

Perhaps everyone should just chill and have a nice cold Pepsi ;D

>> No.5478271

He was looking at one compound, resveratrol. Red wine contains more than resveratrol.

But hey, if Reuters told you...

>> No.5478278

Well, ill go ahead and take Reuter's and 60,000 page report's advice over yours... especially since you keep Poisoning the Well and not actually providing a rebuttle.

You lose by forfeit.

But hey, some Anon told me...

>> No.5478360

Usually don't drink soda, but Sprite's pretty great

>> No.5478489

This paper largely discounted the purported benefits of resveratrol with respect to the benefits seen in red wine consumption:


Even if that one researcher's work on RESVERATROL was wrong, that doesn't mean all the research on red wine is wrong.

Are you dense? Maybe you shouldn't trust an unnamed Reuters writer to summarize research for you in the most headline-friendly manner.

>> No.5479820

This. But when I do (or when I'm sick) Vernor's Ginger ale all the fucking way.

>> No.5481646

Foxon Park. I drink it very rarely.

This thread was literally destroyed by retards.

>> No.5483497
File: 15 KB, 330x330, 1365034293220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he likes pepsi
Look who fell for the pepsi energy fields and golden pepsi ratio!

>> No.5483507
File: 36 KB, 400x298, B-MALTA7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5483512

>Jarritos toronja
I like their tamarind soda. All of the others taste "fake", their mango one is bad.

>> No.5483566

Oh God.

I have a friend with a fine arts degree that has done pretty much everything possible to distance herself from art. I always found that strange, but now I understand. Now I understand.

>> No.5483584

Well when you can get paid millions to make a pdf like that, you gotta be doing something right.

>> No.5483604

The ad agency got paid $1,000,000 for the logo and ridiculous document.

>> No.5483614

They got paid a ridiculous amount of money for what essentially amounted to like 2 minutes of tweaking the previous logo.

They made a ludicrous jargon-filled document to justify their payday. It's awesome. The business guys were probably impressed because it used words they were unaware of and seemed intelligent.

I lol'd.

>> No.5483663

When you can just add a curve and tilt the old logo then spend the rest of your day making up shit like the gravitational pull of pepsi while holding in all of your laughter and throwing money at hookers and cocaine you know you've made it in life.

>> No.5483674

It's called pop, not "soda"

>> No.5483677
File: 36 KB, 531x198, DewFlavorsinCooler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5484477

>S. Pellegrino limonata
>other "specialty" foreign sodas
well aren't you better than everyone else?

>> No.5484480

diet pepsi

>> No.5484668

Currently, I'm enjoying Polar's Lime Seltzer Water. It's pretty much a lemon lime soda, but without the junk

>> No.5484724
File: 18 KB, 480x360, da best softdrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da best

>> No.5484924

Nothing beats a Pepsi Max in my opinion. Though cannot go wrong with diet either.

Always preferred Pepsi to Coke myself.